Fortnite GUESS WHO VS Johnny!

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today we're going to be playing Guess Who in fortnite have you guys ever played guess who before uh no I've played it so many times I'm going to win goopy how have you never played guess who before uh cuz sometimes I would just eat the pieces so I couldn't play anymore okay so basically what's going to happen is is there's going to be a whole bunch of different faces on the board and you have to pick one and that's going to be your person and then the person you're playing against is trying to guess that person and you have to give them Clues exactly but Gooby since you're kind of really poop I think we're going to do 2v2 so me and Gooby vers my daddy and Daisy yeah be best yeah we're totally going to win because your daddy's old and wise um I don't think so I think he's old and stupid no definitely what Daisy said I'm very wise all right guys let's get into the first game here we go yeah all right guys here we go hey Daddy I see you over there hey what oh god I do see you all right so Gooby you're on my team so me and you are going to be able to make decisions together all right yeah okay all right so it's our turn look Gooby look look look there's our person person Daisy o that person's cool it's co yeah I love the banana oh Gooby no no no shut up don't don't trick them here we go all right Gooby so we could ask some questions does your character contain yellow or orange red pink we can ask them any of these but all character doesn't contain yellow oh we're asking them the questions okay oh they have yellow no no we definitely have yellow Daddy okay oh my goodness is this considered orange Daisy I think so dang it yes yes they character does have orange in it so that's a clue what do we do now um I don't know you have to shut down all of the cards that don't have orange on them I'm shutting down cards what she said you have one second hold on I got to make sure no orange no okay it's your guys turn we got to ask a question let's see let's see I don't like the color ones H oh wait this is all we could ask is colors yeah cuz it's the first round oh wait no there's D should we do like a hat yeah I think Hat's a good question our character definitely doesn't have a hat don't ask that oh God all right Gooby is our character wearing a hat helmet count um yes I think we should say no do that we can't lie we have to say yes a this is so annoying okay fine our character's a hat question we got the yes and they got the yes he goes down put orange one down I mean not orange yeah yeah yeah yeah not orange ones go down that's not a hat that's not a hat that's not a hat got something on them you guys done your turn let's go no hat no hat no hat has a hat has a hat I don't think that's a hat no no man we got a lot that was a good question that's not fair look half of theirs are down Gooby they're going to guess it no that's cheating that is cheating no okay before we go let's put down all the ones that don't have orange all right yeah uh there's orange uh okay no that's yellow no orange no orange okay I think that's that's pretty much good all these have orange in it right yeah what what about the one yeah that one right there that one ooh this one too that's just that's just shadowing where what lady the bottom uh does that look like orange I don't know maybe okay I gu okay let's just keep it okay let's ask a question what do we got um ooh ooh category accessories let's ask them if they have a hat that's boring do something different no does your character have a hat daddy oh yes it does does a tomato count as a hat wait uh Gooby so they do have a hat so uh that's got no hat that's got no hat no hat no hat okay those have hats guys we're down to four people yes we're going to win we're going to win all right your turn daddy guess oh Mar what do we ask them should we ask if it's like a person or not is that even the question I don't know I'm just trying to look at you know the options that we got here well let's look at our questions and see what we can ask okay necklace hat tie scarf hair mask glasses helmet species oh we can ask if it's a human ask that that's a good question we're waiting H Gooby would this be considered a human I don't know that's kind of hard I don't I don't really know uh I think I mean it kind of does look like a human yeah kind of does I'm going to say yes okay so it is a human so this guy can go he can go you can go he can go y they're human human okay this is it this is what we got all right daddy end your turn seven more all right Gooby should we do a final guess or we not ready for it uh oh so we have four people left um top one look like oh guys is your character Rex tell you we should ask the same thing we should ask if it's a human or not what's a brat can you guys stop copying our questions Let's see we got is your character an animal is your character food H okay yeah human would be really good human would be really good okay let's ask that well the answer is no oh okay we're really close we're really close so we could put down the humans that's definitely a human and that's obviously a human in a costume yep we got two more we got a fish and we got a hot dog that better be one of yours Daddy are you the fish or the hot dog I'm not saying anything I'm trying to figure out my next question guys never going so close they asked if it was re and if theirs was Rex they wouldn't ask us that because we can't have the same ones so put down Rex what hey that's cheating okay so it's not Rex it's not Rex wait I'm I'm confused I'm actually confused we can't have the same person how do you know that because I know how this game works ooh she got you Daddy just asked us a stupid question so they there's three here with masks and they were asking when we asked them if it was human they were trying to decide if their person was human or not so it makes me think it's an alien so it's got to be one of these two should I ask if it's purple well they're both purple well I knowbody would cancel all these out no we need to figure out if it's a boy or a girl uh-oh okay okay so you think that that's the main question we got to ask I think it is okay it might be a dumb question but I'll go with you guys got 20 seconds come on come on ask a question uh oh we don't have that question oh 10 seconds you guys are so stupid uhoh just pick the purple ask the purple question great uhoh uh 4 3 2 you guys just wasted around what are you doing no I didn't no I didn't no I don't know I don't count that you you ex it after daddy you ex it after oh come on Daisy yep that doesn't count okay Gooby we got to lock in what do we ask they're very similar yes uh can we just ask one and then if we get it wrong we can just ask the other one um I don't think that's how this works wait hold on I have a good question is your character weigh chain mail no wait did I ask that I don't know wait what what kind of question no no no no no no no no no the game cheated I hit next twice if you hit next too quick it it goes to it wait you have you ask two questions wa what no no no let me go again say I don't know I don't know telling you many question you alled to ask it around no no that was a mistake look look look if you hit next I didn't know but it put my mouse in the middle Daddy I didn't know I I actually had no clue this is stupid ask um ask if it's of food this one right here this one this one okay now answer that one that's a real question you allowed to ask three questions no two count didn't count this is the dumbest question ever because theirs is a fish and a hot dog that's both food so it's both Foods no it's not no it's not is a fish you can eat a fish not this fish no you could eat this fish if you cooked it you could eat it guys come on answer it oh I didn't answer it what cheating you want Cheetos are you three questions that's cheating no all right so oh my goodness you know what is your character purle I don't know Daddy I you know I I don't know I'm feeling a little color blind today Mary I think we take a guess I think we guess right now it's our only option no we can ask for a helmet no we take a guess we already asked helmet you guys got a lot of cards up there it's going to be it's going to be kind of hard to guess I don't know making a final guess all right go for it guess so they said alien right a hat on right they said we we asked if it had a hat on it's a girl it's a girl think it's her no it's not it's definitely not a girl so I don't oh my gosh fail that's not fail she cheated she's a cheet she cheated she actually cheated my gosh are you kidding me and you guys were the hot dog yeah oh we were so close Gooby we should have just guessed yeah that's what I wanted you well you know what they they cheated and and the game glitched yeah I'm pretty sure they cheated okay let's go again but this time I think we're going to do YouTubers o yes Mr Beast pick Mr Beast wait these are like famous people I think like ninja and Travis Scott and marshmallow this is going to be so sick o it's our turn what kind of question should we add this is kind of difficult maybe I don't know hold on let's see the questions oh oh should we do YouTuber yeah ask if it's a YouTuber good question good question wait who is this person Gooby uhoh uh I don't know Daddy I actually don't know what person we have right now person either I guess you just say I don't know wait let me just search it up real quick um okay mhm um okay um daddy I'm going to have to say yes is okay so I can get rid of these guys so he can go he can go all right daddy our person has almost 5 million subscribers 5 mil Subs 5 mil Subs I don't know this person I don't know this person oh gosh our person is famous our first guy if you guys know who that is you should comment what that person is yeah you should comment looks like a wrestler so I'm on guys hry up 6 seconds our turn all right you're up okay here we go ooh Pro Gamer a streamer athlete which one do we want to ask uh uh maybe the colors yeah let's do the colors H or the hats let's do the hats yeah do the hats okay here we go all right do you guys is your character wearing a hat no no no hat okay so that means everyone with a hat we can take off like Mr Beast okay um this person's wearing a hat person's wearing a hat this was good this was good this's like a mask I'm going to put that down King James that's a hat is this person no LeBron oh LeBron James yep that's a hat got a clown that's counts as a hat that was good Gooby that was good we got we knocked down a lot of people yes all right your turn see what we got question see is there anything that a lot of these people got in common don't have in comment if it was a boy or a girl that' be easier let's see some questions is that a question let's see let's see singer actor we know it's a YouTube okay next one so we got colors tell me that's it smiling shirt something musical should we do a hat or glasses good luck hair color ask if black hair wait hold on I got to see that's actually a good question I think I'm going to do that for the next one yeah we can we even see hair stealing that so there's blue hair there's black hair see how many people got brown hry up guys 30 seconds brown brown character have brown hair boom Gooby would you say yes uh yes yeah that sucks for you cuz most people have brown hair not really yes they do that's not brown that's not brown that's brown wasn't that was red I would consider it brown it's red oh don't make a mistake you might have just shut down our card yeah put that one down oh zero seconds our turn let's see what questions we could ask hoodie smiling um gosh Gooby I don't actually know the H the hell ask about the hell let's see there there's different categor million subscribers look look I names o that's really good question we can't look up the names that's cheating hey guys answer that question you found the female question is it a yes or a no yes oh my God oh my God bye bye bye bye many that's actually so many see you later see you later see you later see you later see you later oh my God okay okay we just going to win we're going to win we're down to two people Marty we need to put down Mr Beast because they didn't know who it was and they know who Mr Beast wait hold on you're right this person no no no Daisy said she didn't know who it was so it's this person Final Answer final yep yep here we go you can't Final Answer yeah hair listen everyone knows who Ariana de Grande is so I knew it was the other person wait a second your person didn't have brown hair yes she did yes she did red hair I thought it was brown hair too brown hair daddy it was brown hair what you talking about doesn't matter we still won daddy yeah well guess what we're going to do these these holiday ones with a nutcracker no we're not next we're going to do is guns a let's do the anime character no we're going to do guns oh yeah it's our turn Gooby it's our turn it's going to be really hard no it's not this is going to be easy what what is your character female I didn't ask that that's a glitch that was a glitch that was a glitch no it's glitching guys guys guys it's glitching ask me a question keep saying my character's a female gun is not a female maybe just pass it on okay just just end the just end the turn right you guys get to go Force we let you have that that's okay all right I already know the right question asked what is it daddy that's your gun shoot bullets no you idiot that's every single one Gooby see that would be a good question I get put them all down ask if it's an epic uh oh oh my gosh Gooby this is not good an epic uh what that me yes it is an epic no no no yes guess it Gooby that means they could put down every other one besides epics oh no that's not fail gosh Gooby this is actually actually really not good we can just see that too yeah but if it's not epic then it's going to take longer here we got six left if it's a legendary ask that all right daddy pass the pass the turn no I'm going to keep it come on really 30 second I'm s I'm sending it okay here we go um card Rarity do we do this one could be really good The Uncommon common rare legendary epic which one do you want to pick Gooby legendary all right guess we're going with legendary nope f with that you didn't hit it on the head now we can put down all the legendaries all day gone look look how many more we still have left can Daddy can I ask another question no oh my goodness not fair question like fine one that we could ask now maybe the type of ammo that it uses that could be a good question two of these use the same one uh-oh let's see if I can exit Oran doesn't use ammo it uses bullets yeah Daddy you dummy wait you guys I can't take you I can't take you guys bar overheat special abilities where is the am oh here we go I think it's light ammo yeah uses light ammo definitely not that one daddy nope not light sorry Daddy than you good two went down oh you could have got a lot more if you got it right though Daddy what are you talking about all right just pass your turn I think you're really dumb and don't understand what's actually happening oh no John I think we'll so far behind we need to get something crazy uh we need to guess their Rarity they got so lucky uh let's see have a scope a silencer um we need to get something really lucky here Gooby uh maybe uh we X ammo we could wait Gooby gooby we got we got to play we got to play a little risky right now let's ask if it has a scope cuz then if it is a scope then we know it's it's like a a sniper yeah yeah yeah okay yes all right guys does it have a does it have a scope technically I think so I think it does wait really yes yes oh my God oh my God oh my God okay everything is down everything is down everything is that wait uhoh is that is that a scope no no no no not a scope oh that might be a scope that's a little scope on it oh maybe see that scope okay that's a scope that's a scope that's not a scope oh is there a scope on this no nope no wow we so many oh yeah no oh my gosh okay all these have SC wow you guys are back in the game I think it's this one I think it's this one yes because look how small it is we can ask if it's a sniper or something you only get one question send it over okay okay Gooby if they get really close right now we're guessing this okay okay okay all right let's go guys I think we go back to ammo I think we need to ask if it has heavy ammo then another question is this gun right here is an automatic these are not these are not autom these are single shot so what if we ask that know which one it is that's the same question as if we were asking heavy ammo because that's the only one that takes heavy ammo come on guys hurry up we don't have all day wait no isn't that heavy ammo right there in that one that's it no that's sniper then what is this hurry up H up so they're all individual up yes so you want heavy ammo heavy ammo all right fine uhoh maybe you should ask something oh what heavy ammo even look like not this Gooby got him yes oh you can put your one card Down Loser is the heavy ammo no it's the other one you guys freaking suck that one we got them so good I think we need to take a guess here and I think that we need to guess either the top one or the bottom right wait why are you guys going to guess we're going to ask another question so I'm afraid of you guess we're not going to guess just come on Daddy pass it I'm guessing no no Daddy don't guess that's not fair oh the time ran out oh man yes Gooby gooby okay we have to guess I think it's this because look how small it is are you we have to guess yes we need to guess oh wait I think we could ask a question first and then guess yeah we should ask one more maybe if it's silencer cuz then we'll know yeah that a silencer how many of them has silencer though okay okay fine let's X I don't the sniper has it oh God no I said it oh it's definitely definitely a sniper Daddy good one light let's ask light ammo how many of those do use the light ammo wait let's see um oh God like none of them do it's literally just this one what's the other one with the three bu I got an idea Rarity Rarity Rarity Rarity oh yeah which one ask hold on hold on I got it I got it we need to ask if it's 30 seconds come on uh we need to ask if it's rare rare is blue right guys yeah all right is it blue is it blue wait what it is oh it's blue it's blue oh my God we would have got it wrong okay so we can put this down we can put this down I think it's this one now okay yeah get that okay this is the most obvious one oh we got to get get it white please please please please I was going to guess that too I was going to guess that we all actually best let's freaking go me and Gooby are coming in clutch you guys had the best beginning of that round yeah you really mess that up you messed that up I knew it was the supposed to mess it up you guys messed it up daddy you ran out of time so going to ask that question and choose the pump I was okay guys what should we do for this next round let's do the special stuff like the grenade ooh we could also go back to characters too and do like Star Wars o Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars I do Star [Music] Wars we got a really good Council look it's Chewbacca haha wa this easy question that's a good Council Johnny that's really good that's really good oh no oh is the Whaley you got to give it to us that's why not Whaley I have such a good question okay wait actually what question do we ask here uh maybe if they're like wearing a helmet or not come on I was going to ask that yeah that's going to like take out all of them yeah it seems really good um where is that question is your character sensitive to the force how is even supposed to know that well do they have the force or not I don't know you ever watch Star Wars where is this question does your character have a unique Helmet or headgear um let's X that yeah okay that counts if they're wearing a helmet no it doesn't no no helmet oh my gosh oh my gosh bye see you later bye bye bye um bye bye oh my we're getting so many good ones oh they're definitely not this person bye this is not looking good for us oh my gosh wait what about R2D2 it's probably a no for him too right yeah no okay Gooby does this look good or did I miss someone it still could be rcd2 maybe if he if they don't count as a helmet that's not a helmet let me undo that okay yep I think this is good we got so many these people in the front look at that no that's not a helmet okay everyone looks good hear that at all I don't think they heard it they didn't hear it at all they just totally I'm keeping them up I'm keeping them up I don't know I I'm not putting them down yet we have to ask the same question all right let's see it oh no that could be bad but what if it is what if we ask if it's a female or M the issue is we don't know because a lot of these people have headgear on that's true got it's got to be this question does your character have unique helmet uh Gooby do I need to say yes yeah I guess so dang it they have they have a helmet FL head GE and that's like half the people that have helmets daddy so that's still a lot of people you have to try to guess is this count of his headgear um wave it up for now what about this guy nothing no put him down bye goou a pame him that's not headgear okay bye bye I no headgear on this guy right n bye bye he don't got head gear all right yeah put him down get him out of here see let's see and now okay what about her we're going to leave it up to be safe I think I think we should ask if they have white on them I oh no Gooby or do we ask if it's female or male because look how many people we have wait is R2 detail a girl or boy okay here we go I think I ex this here we go come on come on come on come on come on come on come on please be yes nope no we needed a yes you need a hold to the no no no there's more boys than girls here so okay bye bye oh that was really bad oh wait that's a girl okay so it's one of these people Gooby okay that's not too bad can we make a final guess no no not tooly it's too old wait what about chewbaca he's got a lot of hair and girls have a lot of hair nope nope that's not a goal he has a mustache oh you're right is that your turn I'm conspiracizing in my head I'm thinking it's the Mandalorian Princess Leia or Darth Vader only because they said that they had a good character Oh Daddy it's none of those don't listen to her yeah stop being a conspiracy so we got Mando and these guys yeah I don't know I think you guys should just make a final guess and pick someone ask question ooh maybe you could ask if they have any cybernetic enhancement what the heck does that mean I don't know if you ask that I probably will say I don't know cuz I don't know what that TR is a Jedi a bounty hunter you're not going to know that bud how are we supposed to know this sensitive to the that would be your question they don't know that either they they can move stuff are they a Jedi or not like are they do they have a lightsaber like can they do stuff okay yeah Daddy you should ask that one then he's going to say no Daddy just ask that question just ask it you have 20 seconds 20 seconds you need relax relax relax we got some time here I might not answer daddy cuz I got to think about it got one out I'm going to be thinking about it a lot um Gooby what do you want to say here uh well they're not very sensitive I don't think Daddy I'm going to be honest I actually don't know you're kidding me you should have went with the question stupid I didn't know Daddy I actually don't know human or not we ask that can we ask that wait is that a human though uh no really dumb question okay okay okay okay this could be good uh is your character human so we're hoping that you guys say no please say no please say no no dang it kooby that's fine that's fine we got we got wi fine that's not a human that's not a human I'm going to say this is not a human right yeah he's got horns that's not a human humans don't have horns Han Solo okay one more round and I think we can do a guess it's either Luke or Han Solo Mar let's ask math I know a lot of them have math but if they say no then we know send it over all right good luck guys what are we going to do I don't know what to ask after this turn if has like hail or something you can't think you can't waste time like this we can ask if he has brown hair or something like that maybe if they're wearing white o that could be good they're all wearing different things we have to keep the question simple because they don't really know maybe if they're wearing black we can ask if they're wearing black ask if they're wearing yeah ask them if they're wearing a certain color white yeah ask white you're giving them ideas Gooby oh no oh no oh man uh my character is definitely wearing white oh good oh this is good you're going to lose wait wait wait hold on that's too many you putting down daddy that is this white no this guy okay that was a pretty good question that was terrible we're going to win we're about to win okay let's look at the questions first and then we'll figure out what we're going to ask him all right o wait primarily why wield a lightsaber do you know what characters have lightsabers uh yeah oh no I don't know I don't know uh think we character been trained by Yoda no no no we can't ask that um ooh I could ask if they're wearing red ooh do we ask this one brown wearing red uh red or black that's him I don't know if this is red or not all right let's ask if he's wearing brown all right guys is your character wearing any brown uhoh oh that's really good okay I don't think that's brown is that brown that's tan that's tan white black two we got two people oh do we just do a guess we have to because then they're going to guess cuz they know that we're going to make it we need a guess just obw just obw is it obw where's this Finn I think Obi-Wan no I knew it I knew it it was fin it was fin oh no it was so close no oh my goodness Gooby you messed it up at the end but Obi-Wan's like my favorite I know he's your favorite but not in this game he's not your favorite oh no man just that's okay well we're still winning yeah what's the score right now I think it's 2 to one no it's 31 wait we're winning 3 to one I'm not playing no more you guys already won W let's go we're the winners you guys suck no we don't you guys cheated a lot like a lot a lot yeah we never cheated yeah we didn't cheat once you ask multiple questions in a turn wait guys the score is 22 what we got the first one right you got the next two and then you just lost that one oh you're right okay we need to do one more and see who the winners are anime no we're not doing anime we're going to do this Foods Foods Foods daddy foods and powerups food food Foods H oh look at all these Foods oh gosh look at this food go wait this is actually an insane food wa that's G oh guys you're never going to guess this okay I got a good I have a good question I have a good question all right it's going to be your turn first okay does your character contain Brown no Gooby there's no characters anymore it's food let's see let's see we can ask maybe if it's a fruit or vegetable ooh that would be a good question let's see wait go back going back ask if it restores health and then if they say yes then we can put down all the stuff that just restores Shield I don't even know what do Shield the thing they don't know how do they not know we play fortnite all the time there's some items here I don't even know SL mushroom makes Shields I think I don't know go I actually don't know Hot Drop what is a hot drops more with this that's that's a good question is the item a candy or sweet treat um it could be a sweet treat uh it's probably not though yeah it's probably not no it's not a candy nope C Hot Drop oh I don't know if that counts uh Jelly Bean put down the guzzle cone he a guzzle oh yeah cone peppermint Gooby that was actually kind of a good question guys we might ask the same question this um I'd keep it yeah we should probably ask that to no no you're allowed to wa put down the Candy Corn where's the candy they say yes Scooby look how many that we could put down all the ones that are up we could put down put where's the Candy Corn right there yeah we do it we do it oh no switch um where is it where is it is the item a candy or sweet treat okay go please say yes no no that's okay that's okay we'll TI ti so we could put down all the Sweet Treats yeah okay bye that looks like a sweet treat if it has yellow in it no I was thinking green look at all the green what about the slat Beres the berries all sweet right green than that are berries sweet guys um I think so no not like candy oh my goodness you guys are cheat sweet on it um okay I think this is it right oh wait wait we actually got down a lot really good Gooby at the bottom is there any at the bottom oh hot drops hot drops um birthday cake that's a sweet treat corn sweet Corn's kind of sweet Corn's kind of sweet guys am I putting it down no okay really okay that's SS it's corn Final Answer yep final answer is corn hey you can't guess that okay never mind I guess we just passed on I think we did pretty good Gooby okay yes look at all the stuff that has green in it yeah that's green let's look for Colors oh yeah h o technically um I'm not going to say anything you have to you have to give us an answer I think that's green in it yeah I would say it's green there there is green in it yeah oh nice get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that definitely get rid of that bye all right oh I don't know if that has it is this green keep it uh we should ask if it's a fruit cuz there's a bunch of fruits on here I'll leave it O A Little Piece of green in the pizza yeah guys we have a question is corn or fruit uh no uh what about uh I'm not no I'm not no I'm not answering more questions you have to figure it out yourself okay we're going to ask if it's a fruit is your item a fruit no no no okay I guess that's kind of good get bananas down pepper that Apple of fruit yes yeah um is coconut of fruit yes mhm y y okay okay bellies bellies are fruits yep all this is down wait what about corn we don't even know I'm keeping it up cuz last the last time they were a little suspicious when we said corn yeah what about mushrooms are those fruits no that's a veg okay okay don't on should we do yellow yeah let's do yellow M Gooby what would you say oh it has yellow in it yep it's got yellow this helps us a lot oh no wait is that technically yellow no not keep down keep down down down that has yellow down and then put that other thing down what other thing on the top see no one next to it does lot of yellow in there oh yeah yeah yep yep yep oh my gosh Gooby they have like no cards left oh no oh no okay Gooby we need to ask another question what do we ask uh vegetable is it vegetable maybe uh I don't know we might need to start moving on to Colors maybe we ask if it's blue because look at those two blue or yeah but four those are vegetabl that's maybe hold on hold on hold on maybe there's some other things here uh is your item found in Forest areas would you guys know that I would not know that is the item edible in real life would be interesting question does your item restore health or Shields would you guys know that no all right maybe it does maybe doesn't okay is it a stupid vegetable going to say no see I knew it oh my good well get rid of all the vegetable oh wait cabbage is a vegetable Y what kind of question should we ask it's going to be something like this Gooby it's going to be meat or a pretzel that's what you think yes it's going to be meat or pretzel I just said it right there again should I ask if they not no they're all Health not these two except for two of them it doesn't really do us any favors is it a veggie or not yeah ask or not can't say can't say you could easily say if it's a veggie or not I can't say unless you ask it um Gooby is that a vegetable um I don't yeah you have to no come on okay I'm going to say no I'm going to say no it's clearly not a vegetable I don't even know what vegetables are versus fruits put that one down put the other thing down are you guys about to guess we're not ready to guess yet no blow it put it down what do you mean I think I'm ready to get they're question a lot I think they didn't know whether or not there's a vegetable so it's got to be this no it's the bottom one this yeah they know berries a fruit but I asked if it's a v are fruit they know if this is a v or fruit about it they the think about guys I'm going to be honest with you I think that you put our card down I think it's that one I don't think I don't think you're looking at it Noe nope you're not looking at it I think they put I think they put I think they put the car down guess it I know it's true I just want to let you know that we are very smart and we are over smarting this we smartest yes yes let me guess did you guys put the pizza box down no wait what it was up that whole time yes oh my good areb because you guys were really dumb with the colors we're the best we're the best we're the best we're the best we win best best three out of never again never again hey was this the battle team well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then everyone make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone we won the game woo
Channel: Here's Johnny
Views: 240,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite GUESS WHO VS Johnny, ninja, fortnite battle royale, fortnite, chapter 1, lego fortnite, sypherpk, couragejd, lachlan fortnite, fortnite plane, lego, tmnt, fortnite new update, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, ssundee, johnny minecraft, johnny roblox, johnny and marty, johnny fortnite, fortnite boss challenge, fortnite challenge, fortnite boss, fortnite gameplay, Getting The BEST Weapon in Fortnite Season 2!, fortnite season 2, fortnite season 2 skins
Id: gkYPixbMSfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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