Everything is Possible with God - A special sermon from Benny Hinn

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[Music] look dark precious Jesus today who say heals delivers and blesses this is your day [Music] Oh people of God worship here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we declare his majesty we proclaim his name is exalted close your eyes and lift arranged to heaven Saints this Brittany sings to the Lord and then we join or later [Music] we proclaim your name using so that your name you reign magnificent [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] one more time Brittany we proclaim your name is exalted [Music] sigit widow right now come on we declare we proclaim your name is exalted [Music] you're a magnificent [Music] is known through and we ate [Music] lift up your neck [Music] Oh [Applause] yeah we bow before [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] you victorious yah he's known throughout [Music] [Applause] and we explain [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we propane that's Joe [Music] for you [Music] [Music] that's who I'm I lift up your hand lift up your name for your horny see it again we [Music] pastor this young lady had to deteriorating desk number 4 and number 5 and the sciatic has been painful for many years you know I've got to do something all of you lift your hands to heaven there's a lady over there with a tumor and the Lord will not let me off this and I got to do it and when I do you're gonna feel a warmth go through your body nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God Jim quickly come here stand next to me nothing is impossible hearken to the voice I see the lady put your trust you blond hair I think you have glasses I'm not sure if you have a glass yeah you you just turn around come here you see nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God that's that you're bringing a real Joan Joan tell them about this one again to deteriorated I saw a problem with your stomach I don't know what I was seeing but you've had troubles with your stomach how long come here come here the Lord just healed you anyways oh well I had colon cancer and they could have fund any other cancer on my body and then recently I began singing for you did you feel something throw there what happened to her - deteriorated disc four and five and the sciatic on the right all the pain is gone pasture all of you lived two hands-free in the split a second - you're the Lord that he loved me or the Lord my healer you feel that don't you darling you're in the ministry yes sir well you go back the Lord's gonna use your great lady she is 32 years old and the doctors believe for 10 years they really did not know what was wrong with her but the last year they found liver cancer and it got worse and worse until she was Stage four and terminals the treatments have only a few left but if the male not being able to stand up straight not being able to walk right not being able to run she cut coupons tickets to a miracle service and the family said let's go this is the fam Bish's our whole family and the pain left you lady come no pain I want to see this you go down the stairs here to walk by yourself [Music] Oh presents [Applause] thank you can testify to the fact she was really ill how bad was she my stomach my liver my bag everything that Oscar said in my liver was pushing on all the organs around it I couldn't sleep you could not do anything you better give the Lord a mighty hand a face for this people worth it all that man there [Music] me [Music] I am so amazed by this now you're the grandma or who are you darling oh you're the one who's we pray for them that's the reason why God healed you because of this dear sweet mama grandma mom that's your grandma pardoned on it I just knew that God was gonna kill her because God hear me of colon cancer years ago I'm still people I'm having such a great time I gotta come back to Dallas one more time thank God for healing you thank God for no pain if this whole event was for this it's worth it lift your hand say praise the Lord you guys go down you just go down and go and live your life to the full go eat and be blessed and ride your bicycle somebody say hallelujah it's wonderful by yourself she could not run she could not stoop without paying No look at her she's walking completely normal oh pretty ride she is running look at that give her a big God bless you come on people she could not eat things because her teeth were so bad all the pain left she could not eat because of the pain in her mouth and her jaws from the teeth she's over one year I couldn't buy my food or eat anything unless his socks but when I come here yesterday you begin to pray I begin to feel the power that is here but good on you so I begin to have healing of my teeth the retina is not shaken and last night when I left here I need me to have it along so I said Lord if I continue be like this I was terrified everybody that God is good keep on working keep on believing he will do whatever he said yeah that's the way to do it I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever you know that he loves you with everything inside of his heart if you only knew the love of Jesus you would just give him everything right now surrender is the greatest thing you can do to receive healing a fresh in feeling of the Holy Spirit to be touched and quicken in your life and body I want to believe God with you today is your day for miracles your day for deliverance because whom the Sun sets free is free indeed you just saw the part of God and I I'm believing God with you today that's what ever need is in your life will be met so let's believe right now you stretch your hands towards me I'm stretching my hands towards you we've been together for years and the God we serve has not failed us so let's believe that whatever is happening in your life God will touch you right now father in the name of your son Jesus I pray that the Holy Spirit will move mightily on that blessed soul I pray that the Holy Spirit will move mightily upon your child son and daughter Lord meet that need in their life in Jesus mighty and glorious name and I rebuke that sickness I see a lady with a tumor on your right arm right under your shoulder you're feeling warmth all over your body that God of heaven is healing your body right now dear lady stomach ulcers are being healed I give you praise asthma I rebuke it in the name of the Lord a lady with a severe pain in your inner in your chest especially your bones I don't know what's wrong with you all I know is God is healing you right now somebody with a very severe problem in your neck I rebuke that in the name of Jesus Lord heal every one calling upon your name there's a child keeps coughing Andy Andy I the Lord says there's a there's a little boy named Andrew Andy there's been a some infection in the in the lungs or something is going on with him Lord in Jesus name we rebuke this infection in Andrew for your glory and honor the mother is sitting watching me saying is this my son yeah you're you're wearing a yellowish top all I can see you've got glasses a blonde is brownish hair short you're the you're the mummy your son Andrew will be healed by morning the Lord is taking care of it into Jesus be all the glory the greatest miracle is salvation if you do not know the Lord just say dear Jesus I'm a sinner forgive my sins come into my heart Lord and save my soul I give you my life right now amen and amen you played with me just called was gonna send you little book to help you the big Bible the greatest Bible that has ever been put together every preacher I know has it has the dick Bible it's got everything in it I mean you you say it it's in there every doctrine every Hebrew word every Greek word he nearly goes through every verse of the Bible this is a dictionary commentary syllabus the best Bible on prophecy faith healing prayer there's nothing that is not in this Bible the big Bible is so well known that like I said not only all preachers have it but it's it's really has affected the lives of millions Phinney day it took him 40 years to put this Bible together and today it's the greatest gift you can give any anyone for a gift of 125 you can get a big Bible large print beautiful leather so call the number on the screen and get your own big Bible or get it as a gift for someone you love and support the work of the Lord do it today because the gospel must be preached don't miss tomorrow I'll see you again pastor Benny Hinn's new school of ministry online is an exciting powerful tool designed to help you to grow as a Christian be enriched in your spiritual life and strengthened for service these online classes will enable you to study God's Word with pastor Benny as your teacher regardless of your location time constraints or educational level courses include operating in the anointing how to pray for the sick the names and nature of God Jesus revealed in the tabernacle deliverance from demons the foundations of the doctrine of Scripture God's agenda for the ages a study on prophecy in the book of Revelation and many more with new courses being added on a regular basis using the latest technology which will integrate seamlessly into your busy schedule you'll have immediate access to amazing learning tools such as dozens of free ebooks Pastor Vinny's personal sermon notes thousands of hours of digital content including over 600 videos an extensive resource library virtual study groups and forums for sharing ideas with other students around the world and so many other resources for efficient and effective learning with Pastor Benny as your teacher you'll be thrilled at the way your knowledge of the Scriptures and growth as a Christian will increase exponentially enroll in the Benny Hinn school of ministry online today everything can change in the next four minutes if you become a sustainer what is a sustainer well a sustainer is one that listens to a man of God in the Book of Kings a woman was running out of money running out of food she was cooking her last meal the whole world in the Middle East was an economy crisis but God had spoken to the man of God to say there is a woman in Zarephath who will sustain you God has just spoken to me - come on Benny Hinn's program and to speak directly to you you are a sustainer how do you know I'm a sustainer well number one you're in a crisis number two you're a little skeptical of even me being on this is your day that's all good that's part of what's got to happen for you to have a breakthrough in your life the Bible said the Prophet met the woman in Zarephath we don't know her name he said ma'am could you give me a drink of water she says yes then he said ma'am could you feed me she says I can't do that because I was picking up sticks my boy and I are going to die after this meal in other words we're gonna eat this meal and let starvation set in for the next 10 15 20 days we've already dug our grace so we're in a crisis I'm talking to somebody right now that in the next two minutes that your crisis is going to be over if you will become a sustainer in fact when I read the whole Bible those that are sustainers for the Bible says God said I will have a widow woman to sustain thee that when you become a sustainer the miracle happens the fastest I've ever witnessed in the Bible you take sustaining and faith and it absolutely is mind-boggling what God does you're in a crisis let me tell you something there's something in your future you know nothing about this woman did not know that even if she obeyed God and God would supply her need that in her future her boy was going to die she didn't know that the Prophet probably didn't know that I don't know what's going to happen in your future but the Lord has brought me to say identify the sustainer I will have them in the last few moment Sabine ian's program and Steve you will speak directly to them and the Bible says the Bible says when he said to her man give me your last meal and she says but if I and he said fear not the moment she did it even though she had fear he rebuked the fear I'm talking to somebody right now this is probably going to be the minute in half that's gonna change the rest of your life because the Bible said when she gave her last meal her last dollar immediately an angel was dispatched and filled her barrel up immediately there was prosperity what she didn't know is a few days later her boy would die but she took her request to the Prophet who she sustained she gave two and said I am the sustainer of your ministry and the Bible said the Prophet went to the boy and resurrected her son let me just tell you that the reason why you and I had met this is the word of the Lord and you are not to fear by the way the Bible said she was skeptical through all of this and you read the last verse in that chapter she says now I know you're a man of God right now in the name of Jesus you need to pick up your phone I sense in my spare $300 I don't know why I it may be a hundred and fifty and maybe fifty in a check whatever it is go to the phone the moment you dial the number you are branded as a sustainer to sustain this ministry been in ministry what's going to happen there's going to be a transfer while you call and you give it's gonna come back to you this will be the fastest miracle for the crisis you're in and whatever happens in your future let me just tell you God's gonna do the same thing that he did for this woman fear not I'm telling you fear not get on the phone and say I can't give that three and out but what do I do Wayne maybe 3,000 but the fact is whatever you can do get on the phone now in the name of Jesus 30 seconds is getting ready to change something in your life in the name of Jesus fear not I want you to pick up your phone dial the number if you have a computer I want you to go to the camera even when I go off the air I we're waiting we're standing by and every person that dials that number you are a sustainer you will get a miracle faster than 24 hours in your life not only that but your future will be taken care of God's get ready to change your situation you are a sustained call [Music] you [Music] pastor Benny Hinn invites you to join over three million Facebook users around the world who like Benny Hinn ministries don't miss this opportunity to receive inspiring messages scriptures teachings announcements and pastor Benny's live teachings on Facebook like and follow Benny Hinn ministries today you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 13,882
Rating: 4.8373208 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, 7541, 3/4/19
Id: NdVbPjLQajU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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