Benny Hinn LIVE Monday Night Service - February 11, 2019

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[Music] [Music] of singing with me listen my slaw Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with hands uplifted again this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] only welcome all of you watching us throughout the world on love world on uplift on Benny ministries website and much more join us tonight as we worship our wonderful Redeemer Jesus father we come today lift your hands and let's love Him we come today in Jesus may we come knowing we don't deserve your goodness and mercy and grace you loved us before we knew you Lord you chose us before the foundation of the world Lord and adopted us into your family thank you for your love and grace heavenly father o God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we come tonight in the name of Jesus we ask you to touch our lives quicken our hearts and minds and bodies to serve you in these last days glorify your name in our life Lord in Jesus name we pray come on Saints lift your hands glorify your name and all the earth everything in this will come on Oh [Music] we fire [Applause] [Music] the wheel of of you we bless you we are glorify [Music] sweetest Jesus we love you we praise you we go or you come glorify your name [Music] notifier in our life I pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessed holy spirit we love you we praise you Iago [Music] glorify your name involve you [Music] [Applause] [Music] come holy fire [Music] touch our lives tonight I pray with a fresh anointing breathe upon me breath of God breathe upon me spirit as I leave to my hands and ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] company [Music] more [Music] sweet Jesus [Music] the deer panteth for the water so [Music] desire to [Music] I see to you [Music] let me speed to another heart I play tonight [Music] the [Music] [Music] all the honor of Jesus seed of God's right hand this very second it's a blessed Son of God wonderful wonderful Jesus mana mana came to the faith y'all walk in tomorrow lift your hands and love him Saints you deserve the glory and the Lord we lift our hands in worship and we bless your Holy Name you deserve [Music] Lord we lift our hands in worship and we bless your Holy Name [Music] because there is no like you there is no for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is no [Music] [Applause] [Music] like here for your a funny walk [Music] [Applause] [Music] with ice closed for a minute please see him at God's right hand clarified forever magnified whose eyes are like fire whose hair is like wool as white as snow was brighter than the Sun itself just one more time you deserve the glory and the honor [Music] then we bless you you deserve all the glory boy all the Arnold law we lift our hands in worship and we bless your home your great Lord [Music] touch us afresh tonight anoint us up a new I pray that you will be done in Jesus your name Amen you may be seated serve a wonderful Lord and tonight I will be praying for the sick later on and this precious lady is that a lady or a gentleman here it's a gentleman what are you believing for what are you believing for that's just that's your father who is your friend you're crying here you are feeling hot we're gonna believe God for you tonight that it cancer will die how old how old is a 57 years old well the Lord is able okay god bless you there's a lady here I think Pam was telling me that was healed or saved healed somewhere here I know who she is Pam I saw him earlier but how many how many have been healed here the last few weeks oh you're the one you're the one she sees from what were you from pardon oh you're the people who came you are not Christians you were now your Christians Wow you are you were were you Sikhs you were you were six and this is your mom and she had to remind me share what she had something in her head something what stitching stitching but what was wrong with her physically your brain what huh and you were and there was like three weeks ago four weeks ago you guys came here and the Lord healed you and now you're saved you know you look different too can we give the Lord a bless at hand Wow tell me one I want to give you a heart come here you you come with her what what church what shows are you going to now oh she's crying and bless her little heart come here darling you know the Lord is so good you know well the brain problem is gone now thank God no need for no more than a brain problem okay thank the Lord what is your name sook what's your mom's name now Rinda Narinder okay I'm so clever Lord you darling you can sit down now rejoice come on thank you Jesus somebody say praise on board now listen in about a few minutes I'm going to introduce pastor Clarence McClendon he's going to take about half hour and then I'm gonna minister on heaven so thank you guys and and and all of you watching in your homes I want you to call a friend and tell him because nearly everyone I think here tonight and probably a lot of you in your home have someone in heaven and who's with the Lord and sometimes we just need need to know what the Bible says about our loved ones because we miss them you know but we have to understand they are not dead they're alive more alive than you would ever know you see the Bible says clearly since Jesus rose from the dead they will rise from the dead is the first fruit of the resurrection what a blessed Redeemer we have say hallelujah so tonight I'm actually teaching on heaven you you're gonna you're gonna find things you probably never even know we're in the Bible I'm gonna show you scriptures very clear scriptures about heaven being a real planet in heaven is not a cloud with people playing Jewish harps on it you know there's some people think you know it's a it's a some cloud you know with people playing oh no no no no heaven is a real place remember what it says on the in the Bible in the beginning God created what the heavens and the earth so he created more than one planet the heavens and the earth day and so Paul talks about going to the third heaven he went to a planet in heaven as animals and I showed you from the Bible imagine is fiery horses I don't see any on earth like that do you horses made out of fire every one of you has a as a father chariot waiting for you in your parking lot did you hear what I said you all have a fiery chariot waiting for you outside your mansion right now it's the transportation in glory heaven is a real place I'm gonna show you in the Bible so much about heaven you'll never question ever again about heaven because it's in the Bible see we believe this book this is our life if if you did not have the promises of God where would you be you know you have a Bible once you kiss it it's the Word of God I get very offended when people would put the Bible on the floor I said come on pick it up that's God's Word I saw a guy one time he said I'm standing on the word and he put the Bible on the floor and stood i rebuked him so how dare you do that what I'm standing on the world I saw well that's not the way you do it friend that's God's holy word you know today in China the church that's under persecution shares the Bible by giving each other a page of it imagine that and here we have this precious book and we don't even read it it's time you all read the Bible I kind of would hate to do this but I think I will you won't like this but I think I will I like to know how many of you have read the whole Bible whoa that's good now the others that did not live there hands it's time you start you know I was talking to a pastor's wife that's a Clarence you come and take your mic can I give him a microphone let's let's we're gonna use this blue one here okay yeah okay I was talking to a pastor's wife is this the right one there there I was talking to a pastors what by the way let's give him a bigger bless I'll give you a high-five anyways I was talking to a pastor's wife yes and I you know I was in a conference with pastors and I said how many have not read the Bible and to my shock those preachers about over 20% of preachers preachers put that ends up hadn't read the whole Bible no I was quite in shock so I went up to one of them and I said why did you not do it why haven't you read the Bible and he said well I'm you know trying to understand and that his wife says are you telling me that I should read all the stuff I don't understand I said once you come to the back I want to talk to you both because I didn't want to tell him publicly right what I wanted to really tell him not to kind of embarrass them so I took him to the back afterwards I said yeah you need to read every part of the Bible well she said how can I read parts I don't understand I said you will understand eventually you may not understand right away it's good but eventually you will understand what God and the Word of God really is very very very simple I don't know if I'm have time but I'll kind of give you a little quick glimpse here it's all about the seed if you follow the seed Jesus you'll never not enjoy the Bible yeah that's good because you have to follow his story throughout the world you you start with Genesis go right through looking for him then the Bible comes alive because it's no longer about Adam Eve Cain and Abel it's not not anymore about you know no other arc because we've known that since we're kids right now you see Jesus in every story and the whole thing comes alive so it's time you read the biblia and the people of God said amen because in it it contains life people tell me you know I've had this Bible for a long time you have no idea how many times I've had to put it back together it's fallen apart it's full of tapes the tapes are holding it I said hey I'm gonna tell you something when my Bible is falling apart it means I'm not a man you read the word and now we can read the word on our iPad you know yes and you can get to really get you by touching the most wonderful app you you guys need to download the app called Strong's the Strong's Bible yeah because you can just touch one word will tell you everything about the meaning of the word Hebrew and Greek fantastic anyways you an administer the Word of God to us tonight you look very elegant may I say like you just came out of a magazine those those glasses are superb I knew I was coming to hang out with oh yeah I tell you brother you look like something else okay by the way just quickly your church tell them about your church because now you have a building in Los Angeles we just we just moved into a brand-new building the place of grace Stockholm 24 25 25 43 Manchester Boulevard in Los Angeles California pastor God worked such a miracle well you know you came in pray you know I went over there and claimed the building for him yeah we agreed sanctuary and God as you had some challenges but that's all gone we had challenges well they weren't really challenges with us they were challenges with people trying to challenge us but God overcame them yeah and a lot of great location tell them about the historical it is policy it's a magnificent location it was a historical old Baptist Church traditionally now of course I was raised Baptist and then I got filled with the Holy Spirit at 19 so I'm Baptist 'el you know but but it was an old Baptist Church that tried you know a lot of tradition that King Cole went there Ray Charles went to this particular church and pastor it's right down the street from the new stadium that's being built there in Los Angeles where the Rams God bless the Rams where the Rams where the rooms were could it be playing so it's a magnificent location we've just been in there three weeks and pastor the power of God is moving so tell me when I come there watching you 20 here look look at the camera teller I need 20 25 43 Manchester Boulevard Los Angeles California what is it called it's called the place of grace a place where whoever can be healed there's whatever all right yeah let's give the Lord Almighty Hannah praise as he ministers that's all yours darling me much all right thank you pastor thank you pastor Benny god bless you look at your neighbor and tell them you're very blessed now talk to him with a little more strength in that tell him you're very blessed to be anywhere near me tonight Jenna bet now look at them gentlemen God's anointed and anything good can happen around me do you believe that all of God's people are anointed do you do you believe that I said do you believe that if you believe that then you know that anything good can happen when you around the people of God and something good is going to happen tonight in your life if you believe it clap your hands and give Jesus a praise pastor Benny we so appreciate you and love you we thank God for you and your ministry and when Pastor called me just on Saturday night said Bishop McClendon I'm gonna be on live can you come down and be a part and I said yes sir because when the man of God calls I just come amen I love him I've traveled the nations of the earth with him and I've been in the Crusades and I love to be around the miracle anointing God has blessed us in so many ways and I believe I believe with all of my heart that God desires to work miracles in lives tonight I believe not only physical miracles but financial miracles circumstantial miracles situational miracles how many of you believe that God can work a miracle in any area of your life if you dare to believe him how many of you do believe that well listen I want you to look at something with me in the Word of God go to the Gospel as John records it chapter six very quickly and I will not take a very long time but the man of God asked me to come so I'm here by invitation he asked me to come and he asked me to do something very specific as relates to you and I in our experience of worshiping God tonight and those of you that are watching us wherever you're watching us from I want you if you've got a Bible get it because I believe that the Spirit of the Lord wants to do something significant even in preparing us to receive the Word of God and preparing us to receive what it is that the spirit of grace would pour out on us tonight John chapter six if you're there I am and the Word of God reads like this I'm gonna begin at verse number one it says after these things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee which is the sea of Tiberias and then a great multitude followed him because they saw the signs everybody say they saw the signs they saw the signs which he performed on those who were diseased and Jesus went up on the mountain and there he sat with his disciples now the Passover the Feast of the Jews was near then Jesus lifted up his eyes and seeing a great multitude coming toward him he said to Philip now pay attention to the question he said to Philip where everybody shout out loud where say it twice more okay he says to Philip where shall we buy bread that these may eat but jesus said this to test him for he himself knew what he would do so I want you to get this Jesus is going to work a miracle here he's going to do something supernatural but he's taking occasion to instruct his disciples his followers because he knows something that you and I have learned and it is this that if you walk with God and especially if you're doing the will of God if you're wanting to follow Jesus you are always going to be coming in and out of a place where you need something did you hear what I just said I'll never forget dr. Oral Roberts said this once he said there's no shame in having a need God knows that you and I have need and he said what you're going to find is you're always going to either be coming in to a situation of me or you're gonna be coming out of a place where you just got a need Matt did you hear what I just said so how many of you have a need tonight that you need God to me let me see your hand don't be ashamed don't be there's nothing shameful about having a need Jesus understood that his disciples these followers of his were going to have me after his ministry was over and the ministry was going to be committed into their care and into their trust Jesus understood that they would have me so not only is he going to work a miracle here he's going to instruct them how did he would be neat so he looks at one of his followers Philip and he says where everybody say it again where where shall we buy bread that these may eat but look at verse six he said he did this to test him because Jesus knew exactly what he was going to do so he's not asking for help he's asking because he wants to see where his followers are in relation to this knee notice Philips response not your neighbors they pay attention to the boy he'll be done in a minute I said not your neighbors they pay attention to the boy pay attention he'll be done in a minute but I'm here to help somebody tonight watch this he said this to test him because he knew what he would do look at verse number seven Philip answered him two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may have a little now I want you to stop right here because I was reading this pastor Biddy some time ago in the spirit of the Lord said to me said said I want you to pay attention to something because I am asking Philip a question about where we're going to get the resource for this need to be met and Philips response to me is not about where but it's about how much he needs you didn't hear what I just said I'm gonna say it again he said I'm asking him where are we going to get what we need and Philip is concerned not with where but with how much he need and the Spirit of Lord said to me he said son this is where most of my people are when they have a need they are more concerned with how much they need then from where the source of that need is going to be met did you hear what I just said I said did you hear what I just said and what Jesus is attempting to do is he attempting to get philip he's attempting to get his disciples eyes off of how much they need and back on the source of all their need because God is the source of all our need being supply if you believe that shout hallelujah lift up both of your hands and say he is Jehovah Jireh he is the Lord my provider so watch watch what watch what the challenge always is the enemy wants you and I to constantly look at how much you need I need this I need that I need this I need that and if he can get you and I focus on what we need rather than who our source is he can keep us in the bondage of less I don't know who I'm talking to tonight but somebody is about to break out of a place of lack into a place of supernatural supply I have come to release a miracle of provision on somebody's life by the anointing lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on your sister and tell them it's the anointing that's going to get this done no you are not talking strong enough and I am an audience participation preacher lay your hand on somebody and say it is the anointing that's going to get this done now I want you to see this I want you to see this because because what God is trying to what Jesus is trying to do is get fit up to look to where his source is instead of how much he needs and the Bible says get it are you listening to me and the Bible says this what I love passive Jesus knew exactly what he was going to do he oh you didn't hear what I said he knew how he was gonna get this done may I say to you that there are people in this room who from tonight no matter what the need is you're going to know exactly what you're going to do every time you have a need watch it now watch it it's so it's so majestic when you actually see it and may I say to you that this particular miracle of providing for a multitude Jesus performed this miracle two separate times in Scripture once he did with five thousand which is what we're talking about here another time you remember he did it with four thousand that right one time he had five loaves and a few fish the other time it says they had just a few loaves didn't say how many and some fish but he did it twice everybody go like this twice now this is very important why does Jesus perform this miracle twice in two different places at two different times because anytime you see a thing occur twice in Scripture it is because God is establishing something that he wants you to know beyond the shadow of any doubt that he does the Bible says by the mouth of two or three witnesses which literally means evidences let every word be established so let me announce to you that with the feeding of the four thousand and with the feeding of the five thousand God was making an announcement I am the God who supplies my people supernaturally know which it all would you grab your neighbors hand and tell them no matter what it is no you're not talking strong enough look at your neighborhood say no matter what it is no matter how much you need Oh God and supply your knee now listen listen I'm almost finished I really am somebody said I don't believe it but I really am cuz that's to me who's got to go so so pay attention so so pay attention so so he says and he says well well where are we gonna get it Philip is occupied with how much he needs watch this look at verse 8 it sits in one of his disciples simon Peters brother said to him oh how about you I want you to put yourself in this story because it's magnificent when you watch the Jesus work but watch it says this it's one of his disciples Andrew simon simon Peters brother said to him there's a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish but what are they among so many look at the very next verse Ben Jesus said make the people sit down no you know you don't get it yeah he knew exactly what he was going to do he so when he says he's just that's a guy here he doesn't help much there's a guy here with five loaves and two fishes and Jews like cool let's get it all make the people sit down cuz there's a miracle that's about to happen here now what what was it that Jesus saw that Philip didn't jesus saw this and if you're gonna take notes write this down you may not write down anything else I said but if you're gonna take notes write this down Jesus understood that when it came to provision in the earth it was never his responsibility to get his need met it was only his responsibility to get his sea I met you didn't hear what I just said I'm gonna say it again look at your neighbor and say it is never your responsibility boy you're not talking strongly enough I'm gonna try this side look at your neighbor and say it is never your responsibility to get your need met it is only your responsibility to get your seed met and see when they come to Jesus and says there's a boy here with five loaves and two fish he says we're gonna get this done because now I have a seat all I needed was a seat all I needed was a seat now I got a seed the need is as good as met I need you to listen to me and here I need you to listen god never intended for you to meet your own need let me go just a little deeper God never intended for your job to meet your need that's why you can have five jobs and never have your need met because there is nowhere in the Bible where you will ever read the words job Jireh it's not there leave your name sake it's not there it's Java Jireh now some of you are looking at me like I just spoke Greek to you go real quickly to Ephesians 4 in verse 28 just go fast and I just gotta get right back here cuz I'm gonna help somebody tonight get in position to receive a miracle a provision from God and as surely as I am standing here someone under the sound of my voice in this room and watching me by television is going to see a miracle of Sue for natural provision in the next seven days in the next ten days in the next twenty days God is gonna move on your behalf watch this Ephesians 4 and verse 28 it says this watch this it says let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor so that he may have something to live on no that's not what it says so maybe he may have something to my Bible readers I got somewhere so that he may have something to to share or something to give so watch this he's God says now that you're in the kingdom of God your job is not for your living your job is for your giving write this down I am I didn't say say it I said write it down write this down I am all right if you don't have something to write with him you can say I'm almost done say this out loud if you don't have something to light with if you do have something to write with write this down I am to give off of the fruit of my labor and live off of the fruit of my giving say it again I am to give off the fruit of my labor in other words my job is so I can have seed not so I can have my needs met and then I am to live off the fruit of my giving lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on your sister and say in the kingdom of God there is no such thing as a fixed-income no no no no no no no no little sister say it again in the kingdom of God there is no such thing as a fixed-income a man can fix your paycheck but he cannot fix your income because if you are a sower you will always be getting a harvest coming back to you and you will always have almost done with this watch this now I'm almost done I really am what watch it I'm almost done Jesus in verse 10 says make the people sit down now there was much grass in the place so the man's the men sat down and numbered about 5,000 and Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks everybody say he gave thanks for what he had it wasn't enough but he gave thanks for what he had when he had given thanks he distributed to the disciples and the disciples to those sitting down likewise of the fish as much as they wanted so when they were filled he said to the disciple go gather up the fragments that are left now watch this I'm done and I'm gonna lead you into an act of worship the Bible says that Jesus knew what he was going to do everybody else is wondering how am I gonna get this demon how we gonna feed these people how I gonna is and see some of you are looking at me because you know five loaves and two barley five loaves and I'm five five loaves and two fish to feed 5,000 people doesn't make a lot of sense to you cuz you've never had to feed 5,000 people but let me put it to you like this way five into it's what seven how about seven dollars and five thousand dollars worth of bills how about that how many how many we can understand that let me see let me see let me see oh now I got your attention okay okay so watch this the Bible says Jesus knew what he was going to do he knew the moment he got a seed he was gonna take that seed he was gonna lift it up to God and then he was going to look to God to meet the need of that crowd the children of God watch this because it is magnificent when you see it the Bible says that what Jesus did once he released the seed is he gave it to his disciples and then his disciples gave it to the multitude so watch what Jesus did he turned everyone in the crowd into a sower no no you no no no you missed it you missed it give me give me give me give me a cup give me give me the cab I don't have a bucket I don't have a do I have an offering bucket do I have one anywhere give me give me something yeah just give me an offering bucket offering bucket no give me the big one yeah yeah just just yeah that's good so so so this this is the five loaves and the fish Jesus lifts it up he bless it God I thank you for this then the Bible says he gives it to his disciples so you take that take some take some out take some out give it to him no no give him the bucket give him the bucket take some out get take some out take some out take some out take some out take some out take some out now watch this he turned to everyone in the crowd into a giver now what happens when you give whatever you sow is multiplied so every time somebody gave it kept multiplied and multiplied and multiplied and multiplied and multiplied because he turned everyone in the house into a sower I want every hand in this room lifted I want you watching me live streaming watching me on television wherever you are I want you to lift up your hands lift them lift them lift them up high because I am Telling You tonight there's a global miracle of provision that's going to be released from the hand of the Father I am speaking to you tonight there are people under the sound of my voice who will so in this offering under the anointing of the Spirit of God and supernaturally in the next 24 hours in the next 48 hours somebody's going to come to you and say God told me to release this to you God told me to help you why why because God is your source but men are God's delivery system we're gonna give to God but God's gonna cause somebody to bless you lift up your hands all over the roof lift up your hands whatever you're watching me come on lift them lift them lift them lift them if you pray in the Holy Spirit would you do that just about 30 seconds right now just lift your hands and pray in the spirit just do it right now that's right that's right that's right larren that's right just lift your hands watching me whatever you're watching me just lift your hands in the name of Jesus of Nazareth because no matter what you have no matter what it looks like to you if you turn it into a seat tonight God says it's not your job to get your need met I'm your provider it's just your child to get your seat man to get something and take it and look to me because I am where your help is coming from I am your source and I will cause men to give into your bosom lift those hands and worship you are worthy Jesus you are worthy you you're worthy to be praised you're Wonder the TV plays we give you all the glory and the harbor in the majesty we give you all we give it all to you that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it we worship You Jesus you are our source and God we get our eyes off of our need and we get eyes on you your hands are lifted your hands are lifted your hands are lifted your hands are lifted your hands are lifted your hands are lifted keep praying keep praying keep praying people of God your hands are lifted [Music] yeah now listen I want you in your homes thank you you pick up the phone and call the number on the screen right now and sow a seed and here let's quickly pass yes you all have an envelope right yes if you don't have one get an envelope quickly quickly quickly because faith is here that's right the anointing is hot in here yeah the anointing is strong this is the time to give please please there are step there are at least 17 people some of them are in this room here others are watching there's at least 17 people that the Spirit of God is witnessing to so a $1,000 each that's not everyone but there are 17 I was in prayer this afternoon and the Spirit Lord said make sure you speak this so there are there are some of you in this room tonight your seed level tonight it's not everybody it's $1,000 seed there's something supernatural but God has on the other side of you're believing and I'm gonna say this to you there are a couple of you the Holy Spirit already witnessed to you that that was your seed level there are at least 17 of you some of you are in this room others of you are watching by television pastor there are miracles of provision that God is releasing to his people it's useful in just Hathor weather BAM pray right now over there I will I will please we'll listen generous right where you are as you're preparing your gift I'm gonna pray over you because the Lord anointed me today with this word for his people father in the name of Jesus I pray over every sower I pray over every Giver I pray over every man woman boy and girl whose faith is rising to release a sea and lord I decree in the name of Jesus but as they look to you and lift their see that you cause men to favor them to give in to their bosom I declare in favor in finance in things being added to them that provision flows in your direction gives the name of Jesus of Nazareth it is a man a man a man well get ready listen you just obey the Lord where you are in your homes you were the Lord right here in this audience and you make a checks payable here to Bennion ministries you in your homes it's right there for you on the TV and you saw that see them believe God this is this is a beautiful message you just heard believe God tonight for your miracle believe God and Linda's on a cabinet minister in song while we're giving to the Lord's work so you go ahead and sew that seed right now while she's ministering in song lindy I'm so glad you guys came from why Wham I'm gonna have you back here are from why Wham oh there you are I love it okay and you just saw your seat and we'll be passing the offering buckets in just a moment give them time please give them time and you in your home's you call the number on the screen right now and so your seed while Lindy is ministering the song come on dear Lindy it's all yours there [Music] worthy to be senior often Omega and you are Oh and all men in a way worship you our Lord focus you worthy to be praised we get we [Music] because you are worthy to evil we [Music] [Music] you kiss you [Music] luckily the ward please Lindy seeks my so my Savior God [Music] two boys and sing with the Saints [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold it sings myself [Music] everyone's standing please every was staying on the balcony stand as you see edge to continue giving no no he can no no dear keep him seated right there he needs to sit down father I thank you for what you've done tonight people can we just lift our hands and begin praying out loud in the Holy Ghost out loud come on [Music] [Music] leatherby glory and honor and praising our nerd [Applause] all the glow oh we are Gloria to here now let's worship with me come on let there be glow [Music] Oh all the glue of your [Music] all that glow me [Music] bless the Lord I that's the ward or and all that is within bless me bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless he's for me and so we come tonight again wonderful Jesus thank you for the word we heard from your servant now touch our hearts and strengthen them that your word will penetrate deep in our hearts be comforted be strengthened in the Holy Ghost malbok Kunta elf APL bacon tamaño lift your hands and voices and press him praise Him and the Holy Ghost come on [Music] just for in the spirit for just a few moments that's all holy holy Lord God [Music] before you of our love Oh [Music] Oh [Music] mr. hands let's love it holy home Oh [Music] our hearts before you as her talking [Music] you're holy so holy holy are you Lord sweet Jesus holy holy holy are you Lord we give you all the glory [Music] so home [Music] you know thank you for our salvation [Music] thank you for coming to this earth becoming one of us thank you for loving us and still love us us even to this moment thank you for your love Lord thanks thanks for showing yourself so real in our life thank you for that reality we have even tonight even today by the spirit what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man you should visit you to you be the glory to you be all the praise I ask you tonight for a wonderful favor near Jesus detach us from the world and a touch attach us to you there are affections be set on things about were so tired of this world we want nothing to do with it you are our life and life without you has no meaning it would have better been law that had we not match it with a better been that we've never been born to live without you it would have been better to have not been born you give us reason for living to you with a praise all the price cause us to love you deeply caused us to love you intensely that our love will not be just words our love would be real but we would love you so deeply and so powerfully and so intensely that our love would count in heaven in Jesus name because you know you love us we know we know you love us and we know your love for us is so eternal and so real and Lord our love is so cheap it comes and goes we don't want it to ever come and go again we want our love to stay and grow if we would love you more than life more than family more than anything in the world but you will be priority always priority in our hearts and thank you for the promise of heaven tonight give you people comfort and strength with this in Jesus name Amen you may be seated the longer I live the more I love him I want you to turn with me to first Thessalonians 4 and I'm going to talk to you sweet people that have a loved one in glory if you don't you will and just know your life is really short and I want you all to contend for the faith we have you all listen to me now here we are in a war right now our faith is under attack and like Jude says to us contend for the faith the lie out there is spreading the Jesus is one way to heaven no no he is the way to heaven there is no one way he is the only way now when when Judah wrote those words the church was under attack then two thousand years ago by a heresy that people were teaching that Jesus was not the Son of God and they were teaching also that he did not come in the flesh that's the reason Judah was written that's the reason the Epistle of John was written if you should read it quite clearly and he states he said but the the anointing which you've received of him that anointing will tell you the truth that Jesus is God's Son and Jesus did come in the flesh and so Jude who was the Lord's brother you know this is very very touching about Jude because he said a bondservant of Jesus the brother of James yet he himself was a brother of the Lord think about that Jude would not call himself the brother of Jesus while he was he called himself bondservant and they were fighting in those days for the faith they were under attack like we're and that was 2000 years ago and today were under attack let me tell you something we're gonna be a real raw here ok I was watching whether you like Trump or not I really don't care I was watching his State of the Union and so many of you probably were it was a very revealing night about America because the faces of some of those Democrats told the story especially when he talked about the killing of babies in New York how many paid attention did I put identified those faces were just staring at him now I am not pro Trump I'm not anti Trump I'm not involved in politics nor do I have any desire to be I am worried about America when I hear that babies are getting killed fully grown in the womb and you see the faces of those people staring first time ever in my life now I've watched Bush and others before him and even Obama I don't ever remember seeing demons in people's eyes but I did this time did you people or was I the only one who saw it you saw the hate and some not all some if your spiritual your eyes were open if you're not you're blind you could see it on some of them I worry about my children I worry about my grandchildren we have a magnificent nation I don't know whether you've ever read the Constitution I have I became a citizen of this country in the late 70s requiring a required reading I was tested twice when I became a citizen of this country I lived in Canada and I had to apply to become a citizen of this country and I was tested twice I failed the first one I had to read the Constitution twice I was tested on my knowledge of the Constitution I wept reading it I wept reading it and I thought to myself only God can put such a document together only God could cause a man to say the words written in that Constitution I don't want to see anything go wrong with this nation I moved here because I love America there is no greater nation still on earth today I've been around the world I just came from Africa I've just been to South Africa only days ago and the UK I froze to death and run over so cold and you and you come to this country and you can breathe freely the air of freedom you can go as high as you want the sky's the limit in America but we have enemies today that don't want that for us and our faith is under attack everybody wants to go to heaven well let me tell you who's going to heaven from what the Bible says today there's a there's a very dangerous heresy going around teaching universalism everybody is saved they just don't know it well that's a lie that's a lie the Bible says as many as received him you have to receive him as many as received him to them gave he power okay Jesus died for all of course but as many as received him you have to receive him you have to love him and follow him and the Bible says since he died for us we have to die in the flesh for him we have to surrender and give him our life the Christian life has a very high price your life you have to give him your life that's what salvation is all about that's why I love you kids from Y Wayne because lawn Cunningham the first message I ever heard anybody preached was Lord Cunningham I was 19 years of age I just got saved that week you say wow yeah and and I told Lorne that years ago the first message I ever heard ever please by any man was alone Cunningham I was 19 years old sitting on the floor at st. Paul's Cathedral in Canada and that man of God preached on surrender death to self and he was weeping talking about the ship that that why I am just bought and how the ship became more important to him than Jesus and how he had a dream and saw Jesus in the dream I saw the ship and Jesus was this the ship was becoming more visible and he began to weep how the ship kind of took the place of the Lord and I was sitting there listening to that man talk about surrender and I was weeping myself listening to him and that same Monday I got saved in high school February 14 7:15 in the morning 1972 while ORN is preaching that Thursday does this the same kids some of your reminder of these kids there well anyways some of these kids witness to me and I thought they were all crazy of course told me Jesus loves me I thought how do they know who's telling them that I grew up in Israel after I do the Lord and I thought they were all nuts because some of them were hippies it was the Jesus Movement you know they were getting saved people on drugs you know they were cool looking some of them long-haired kids with long hair and you name it they had it and they were in school with me in my own class they would not leave me alone jesus loves you Ben I said leave me alone you're nuts walking with them I went to a prayer meeting just to get rid of them I went to a prayer meeting with them just so they would leave me alone and they began praying in tongues and I freaked out when they won those kids became brother I said man I'm out of here I never heard people pray in tongues it scared me and I got saved that morning in that in that primary and that Thursday the same Thursday so this was February 14 Monday morning 72 Thursday night lon Cunningham is preaching at Saint Paul's Cathedral and those kids took me to hear him and were sitting in this massive Cathedral is still there on Broad Street I changed my life and I heard a voice say go down the Allison know I'm saved already and I heard the voice say go down firm and I went down scared to death I never heard the voice of God like that and I go down and Lord Cunningham led me in the sinner's prayer and you kids you you you're blessed but the thing is I have been walking with the Lord ever since that day and before that in Israel it was required reading when it came to the Bible those Catholic nuns would have whipped me to death and I not read the Bible like they told me to I was brought up by Franciscan nuns you know what Franciscan nuns are like tough like nails some some of them look like men they weren't prettier at all to look at they were tough rough I'm gonna never were brought up by Catholics put your hands up high but I was brought up by Catholics in Israel we had to we had to kneel guys kneel every morning on Rock Jerusalem Rock and say the Lord's Prayer and the Creed and Hail Mary every morning and you were the the pain on your knees was killing you while those monks or nuns before them would walk around with sticks in their hand and if you weren't praying you gonna you got it we prayed out of fear not because we knew the Lord we just were scared of those nuns yeah and they taught us the Bible we had to know the Bible I was I learned the Bible in Hebrew when I was just a kid because those nuns made us do it all that came alive yeah hallelujah when I was saved my dad got saved right before he passed he was 58 years old I'm 67 my dad was 58 he smoked all of his life cancer lung cancer took him and my mom wanted me to preach the service now you sweet people don't understand we are Greek Orthodox I grew up Greek Orthodox now the Greek Orthodox think that the only people going to heaven we're all going to hell the Greek Orthodox is the church I grew up in so the greek orthodox church in toronto down on Yonge Street is of the biggest Greek Orthodox Church in in Toronto and my parents attended the church the priest hated me that priest thought I was out he just won't have nothing to do with me because I left for him I left the church like you leave the church you're out so now my mom tells this priest I wish you guys were there you loved it my mom tells this priest I am preaching the service and he was very upset because he wanted to preach the service my daddy was a member of that church my mom and my dad got saved they still went to that church Greek Orthodox not the Greek Orthodox you know he realized some key realized on courier life so you know they pray that the old Greek hymns they they they they're into all those pictures of theirs and into the Gregorian chant you know how many know what I mean by the Gregorian chants if you don't it's okay you've missed nothing he's sitting there he looks like Abraham Lincoln beard black everywhere with a hat with a big cap on him and three crosses across his chest now he is so angry with me because he wanted to do the first part of the service now this that church is packed you know everybody who came to honor my dad's memory and he just passed he was young 58 so all the friends came all the family I have 250 cousins today and second cousins in Toronto in the end the end up growing and they're all rich millionaires never gave me a cent my cousin's other some of the richest people in Canada and they're all tight like you know what they hate preachers they think all preachers are Devils they they they but they said but we like you I said well I'm a preacher too those are all you preacher all the preachers are in after money or all that I did it as well I'm one of them oh no no you're different that's a war different I'm one of those britches well anyway so they're not all sitting there ever is crying everybody's crying in that service that breeze that poor guy felt so bad for him he's going around the casket doing his deal with the sensor and and my mom said now after he's done you get up and preach I imagine preaching to a bunch of deadbeats not one of them are saved not one of them are saved the only people saved were just one our family that's it that's it that's it and I've had a time you read and Roy hardened to come and be there for support to preach the skin that's all and 750 people sat in front of me dead like death itself and you know they the women they were what do you call that like they cover their face with a scarf scarf and they'll they look miserably terrible those those poor poor ladies and their husband just said that like that I said I'll say like this these women looked like they were about to die themselves there were no makeup you know we're all morning you know everybody came dressed in black it was just a scene to behold brother all the women dressed in black with a scarf on their face no makeup looked like they were all about to drop dead and all the men look like you know and they don't shave these men because this morning you know they came to mourn nobody shame so imagine all the guys with a whatever they because they they have to mourn for the dead and all these women look like they were just about to drop and here's me I mean so it's what I did I said I got to shake him up somehow I went down and I pounded the casket pow and they all woke up that priest behind me was sleeping you guys should have been that it was a scene to behold that guy was sleeping behind me he did his scary illusion Pomodoro and he went in said that and actually slept behind me he was sitting on the chair sleeping with his three crosses on he looked like a dead Abraham Lincoln sitting behind me and I'm thinking man I gotta I gonna shake him up so I went and there's the casket by itself ever it's on the platform the priest and some of the other guys and the whole place is just sitting there all crying and I said okay I'm gonna get him I went Wow I hid the casket and I shook it that thing almost fell off the wheels it was on the wheels I said my daddy is not in the box POW and they all just thought man he's nuts I preached the gospel to them that poor priest whoa woke up real fast he was going on he was he was he was dying on me when I hit that casket I wish we had taped that thing we didn't have cameras back then I hid the casket I'm shaking it I said my daddy is not in this box because Jesus came into his heart pow and then the whole place came alive nobody was crying no more I preached the gospel to them the whole time I'm planning the casket I'm working on the casket my daddies are in there pow man just they were like say why this this guy's nuts and then and then I called my mom up my brother's up my two sisters up Tongariro harden and we sang How Great Thou art with all of them watching us we stood around the casket then shakes no musicians no Bruce nobody there they didn't have music back then Dover and we were singing then sings my soul my said and my cousins I you know this was the moment I'll never forget the whole crowd is just staring nobody's singing they're all staring the only ones singing just us about ten of us maybe twelve I don't know I had to open my eyes I had to open my eyes and look at them because I'm thinking like what are they doing cuz we all have our eyes closed hallelujah you know and and their poor priests behind me he was losing it cuz he just lost his pulpit you know what I mean Hugh Greek Orthodox sure Russian Orthodox they're all the same that all deadbeats over there so now I open my eyes and I see my cousin's crying they were actually crying one of them named Eddie he's he came up to me said how do this he said we had two grown up together he said well where'd you get this baldness I said Jesus he said I want to know this Jesus like this some of my cousin's got saved and they're still safe because we don't believe in death hey hey my daddy's in heaven he got saved he's in heaven my mom is in heaven so when I talk about heaven I have two precious people in heaven right now I don't ever go to my mom and dad's grave to just cry what they're not even there they're not there so you don't put flowers for what you it's it's it's a shell in there they were never in the casket people they were never are you listening they've never been in the casket they're in heaven hello okay now the Bible says that he shot or not say sorrow not even as others which have no hope and here's what I love this verse 13 it says this oh yeah here we go I would not this is worst Thessalonians 4:13 I would not have you ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep see there they're not dead it's asleep don't ever say they're dead because the Bible doesn't that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope I saw a whole lot of people that day that had no hope crying for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus sleep in Jesus will God bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord it means it has authority that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent to them we will not go ahead of them which are asleep because the Lord Himself hallelujah shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God that dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord and verse 18 says comfort one another that's what I'm doing tonight the Word of God tells me something fantastic Oh in second Corinthians second Corinthians you only to turn with me chapter five verse one for we know that if our earthly house this body this is second Corinthians 5:1 one of these days this will happen to you okay for we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were the song would we have a building of God and house not watch this not made with hands eternal in the heavens I'm here to tell you every one of you one day you're gonna put off this body that it's called your tent say this is my tent come on help yourself say this is my tent this is not me it's my tent ah I am NOT my tent this is my cover yeah I see that you are a spirit you're not a body say with me I'm not a body I'm a spirit I'm not a soul I'm a spirit say I'm a spirit I have a soul and I live in a body that's what it is you're just living in it this is your house called the tabernacle that tent are red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight it's the tenth hour and only the tent has color only the cover has color the Spirit is light light light no such thing as black white brown spirits they're all lighter on the inside wall we all look the same we're all lit up hello all right you heard that one so we know that our earthly house meaning our body this tabernacle will be dissolved and once it is we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens your heavenly body is already in heaven it's already built for you did you hear me looks just like your body now accept glorified God already has built your body it's already there it says so it says away yeah we already have watch this come on watch watch what we have a building of God he didn't say we will have we already have the minute God saves your soul he builds a new body for your glory that's waiting for you hallelujah I already asked I put my order in I want blue eyes on one here I don't know the girl granted but who knows then he said this for this for industry groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which with that's our body which is from heaven if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked meaning without a body you will have a body in glory like you have a body down on earth except you'll be heavenly never die never get sick never feel pain if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked for we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burdened not for that we would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up in life I had a I had a friend named Steve oh I wish you all met Steve he was a twenty year old with a body of a little baby he died when he was touring 22 he was one of the wittiest smartest kid I ever met in my life but he never grew up we carried him to Kathryn Kuhlman took him on the bus he was one of the sweetest kids I ever met in my life but he his legs weren't about this this much like that his head was like this his body was a little tiny thing he never grew up the only part that guru was his head and he was really the first time the first time I met him he played a joke on me he was really quite funny his father was born in Warren Bernie warn't one of the greatest preachers that ever lived in Canada he in his wife Darla and they had three children one of them was Steve the firstborn who never grew up so Steve said to me when he said would you take me to see Kathryn Kuhlman maybe God would heal me so okay let's go we carried him it's just a little kid he was 20 years old we cared went to Kathryn he's sitting next to me he's crying it's a big face crying mr. Coomer talks about heaven mr. Coomer talks about how we're gonna get a brand-new body and he looks at me with tears he said it's worth it to get saved I'm waiting for my new body Benny I'm worried and he died a year later he said I'm waiting for my new body Wow I'll never forget that moment and every time I read it I think about Steve we grown in ourselves to be clothed with our new house for we that are in this verse for for we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burdened not that we would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life and he that hath brought us for the self same thing is God he put the desire in us who has also given us the earnest of the Spirit therefore we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body were absent from the Lord and we walk by faith not by sight so as long as the way in the body we don't see the Lord but we're also confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord Wow now I want you all to pay attention to Philippians chapter 1 this is the most powerful portion in the Bible that makes it very clear our loved ones know everything going on with us are you people interested in this yeah I see you that don't have love of loved ones in heaven well you're not as interested as those of us that do but the day will come you will have someone in heaven your love and someday you'll be there yourself so you better know what you're coming into Paul is making an amazing decision in Philippians 1:21 he says this for me to live as Christ to die again now he's in prison you gotta understand the background Paul the Apostle is in a prison in Rome and he doesn't know when he's gonna die Nero beheaded him later by the way and he says this amazing statement to us and I won't be long but this is important he says this if I live in the flesh in other words if I continue to live that is the fruit of my labor yet what I shall choose I don't know I don't know what I want to live or die he's saying Here I am in a strait betwixt betwixt or between two decisions having a desire to depart or die to be with the Lord to be with Christ which is far far better for me nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you so he says look in verse 23 he says I'm between two two decisions I want to go home be with Jesus better for me I'd rather stay better for you then he makes this amazing statement nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you and I have this confidence I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith that your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you in the flesh but like this only let your conversation at your life be as it becometh the gospel of Christ that whether I come meaning whether I come and see you in the flesh or else be absent meaning what the Lord I may hear of your affairs that's powerful he says whether I come and see you in the flesh or whether I go to heaven and be absent I will know of your affairs did you see that so verse 27 tells me that the Saints know what's going on down here he says I would rather come see you I'd rather come be with you but in case I don't come and see you I will still know of your affairs which means there are reporters in heaven telling the Saints what's going on down here I don't understand some things after my daddy passed away my mom would have dreams and my father would come and say Benny is going through abcdefg and she'd call him and say are you going through this this I said how you know your father came told me that I said what whoa whoa whoa stop stop what she said I had a dream and your daddy told me that you're going through this I think man god this is like weird they're not dead they're not dead it's amazing how many of us have had experiences with loved ones some of you have put your hands up high it's like we don't understand some stuff okay we can't even back it up with Scripture which we don't know where to go in the in the Bible to say where is it you know but it's real it's real we do know from this verse they know what's going on did you read this verse Philippians what Philippians 1:27 it says so clear now let's understand that our loved ones are in heaven it says in Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and in isaiah 42:5 it's it says the same that god created the heavens and the earth at the same time so heaven is a planet now the Bible tells me very clearly that heaven is a country listen to what Abraham was looking for Hebrews 11 are you enjoying this already I am okay Hebrews 11 verse 8 says this watch this is awesome this is awesome by faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whether he went by faith he sojourned in the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in Tabernacles or tents with Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise for he looked what for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God so the city of Jerusalem has been built already since Abraham's day it's already ready it's in glory now it goes on to say through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised therefore sprang there even of one and him as good as dead so many as the stars of the sky and multitude as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable watch this these all died in faith not having received the promise were persuaded of them embrace them confess them while there were strangers and pilgrims for why they for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and truly if they had been mindful of that country that they came out of they would have stayed there he said but now verse 16 they desire a better country that is a heavenly country wherefore God is not ashamed to call the Brethren because he hath prepared for them a city the Bible speaks of heaven in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 through 4 Paul the Apostle talked about going to the third heaven now please understand something about heaven heaven today is a planet called the third heaven it's a planet because in 2nd Corinthians 12 Paul talks about going to the third heaven and he saw things he could not even talk about so he went to the planet called heaven he said it's not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago whether in the body I don't know rather the body I don't know God knows but I know such a man verse three whether in the barabara I don't know but he said that he was caught verse four how he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which is not lawful for a man to utter so he went to the third heaven he was in a place of absolute glory that he could not even describe so heaven today is the capital of the universe and New Jerusalem New Jerusalem is a city already built from Hebrews 11 that God already has constructed because Abraham saw the city whose maker and builder is God he saw it already the Saints saw it already by faith and the Bible declares that this amazing city will descend on earth in the after the Millennium now listen carefully the Bible tells us in Revelation 21 Oh hallelujah in Revelation 21 that John was taken to a very high mountain and and they showed him the city imagine that he had to go to a very high mountain to see it because it was very high in size I mean so when you look at at chapter 21 and you look at this amazing oh this is marvelous verse 9 there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues talked with me saying come here to come with me I will show you the bride the Lambs wife he called the city the bride and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God now the Bible tells us very clearly that heaven is in the North of the universe and I give you scriptures Isaiah 14:12 2:14 Satan said I will ascend into heaven I will go to the sides of the north he wanted to invade heaven and he knew its location that's Isaiah 14:12 2:14 because the devil who was thrown out of heaven wanted to invade heaven and he knew exactly that the location of heaven is in the northern part of the universe and the Bible tells us that and there are more than one scripture that actually say this so Isaiah 14:12 it says this now this is the devil talking by the way he said I will ascend into heaven I would exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north in Psalm 48 David declared great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God in the matters of his holiness beautiful for situation the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion on the side of the north is the city of the great king remember the old song great is the Lord how many of you all remember that song maybe you don't okay that's an oldie great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God in the mountains of His Holiness beautiful for a situation the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion on the side of the North the city of the Great King so we know it's in the north the Bible tells us also something quite amazing quite amazing in job 26 verse 7 it says he stretches out the north over the empty place and hang if the earth are nothing god stretched out the north over the empty place and hangs the earth on nothing he's building the northern part of the universe hallelujah in Psalm 75 just write this down quickly Psalm 75 verse 6 and 7 it says Promotions come not from the east or the west or the south but from the Lord it never mentions the North never mention the north Promotions write this down so we don't have to read every scripture psalm seventy five six and seven Promotions come not from the east or the west of the south but from the Lord who's in the north so now the Bible tells me that heaven is inhabited in first Kings 2219 the prophet saw heaven full the hosts of heaven stood for the throne of God it's inhabited inhabited by angels by Seraphim cherubim living creatures ark angels angels and a multitude of saints according to revelation 7 verse 9 it says innumerable numbers of saints in Revelation stood before the throne you could not even count them from every tribe every nation every color every thing you can imagine on on the earth stood before these are nations that stood before the Lord oh this is marvelous revelation 7 verse 9 it says this I beheld lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations Kindred's people tongues stood before the throne before the lamb clothed with white robes and palm prints and the rest which means there's palm trees worshiping God crying with a loud voice salvation to our God who sits on the throne and unto the lamb hallelujah and the angels stood around the crowd what of God tells me there are horses in heaven 2nd Kings 2:11 and 12 says that Elijah was caught up with what a fiery chariot and fiery horses fiery horses horses made out of fire nuts in 2nd Kings 2:11 and 12 second Kings chapter 6 verse 13 through 17 Elisha saw the whole mountains full of fiery chariots and fiery horses to surround him to protect him these are our transportations in glory just so think about animals in heaven people ask when other dogs I don't know I have not seen any in the Bible but I do know there's horses if there's horses there's other kind of animals we don't know about not only all their fiery horses Zechariah chapter 1 verse 8 through 11 tells me there's red horses speckled horses white horses with riders on them I've never seen red horses on earth have you heaven has red horses heaven has speckled horses Zechariah 1 verse 8 and he saw the horses in glory now there's so much in heaven we don't know about so I many amazing creatures we can't even describe like the four living beings in Revelation with eyes over him and wings with eyes on them can you imagine these these living beings and glory called sheriff's watch this watch this horses for faces man lion Eagle Ark's massive bodies covered with eyes their wings covered with eyes little hands on the wings covered with eyes cry holy holy holy holy to see such angels on earth not yet but the Bible tells us that heaven has angels seraphim's cherubims living and now don't forget don't forget there are five different kind of angels not just one we don't realize that the Bible speaks about five different types of angels there are the sheriff's of Isaiah 6 there have six wings there's the sheriff's of Ezekiel 1 there are 4 wings and four faces each then you have the living creatures of Revelation 4 with one head and each one looking different one has the face of a man one has the face of a lion one has the face of an eagle and so forth and then you have the Archangels of glory warriors Michael Gabriel zone then you have common angels you have five different angelic hosts in heaven we've only seen the one kind Ezekiel saw cherubs Isaiah saw sheriff's John saw living creatures we haven't seen them Paul probably saw that don't talk about it but the ones we will see are like young men that have no wings it says mainly have seen angels unaware well how can you know that it's an angel because he has no wings most angels have no wings they look like young people seen in the older New Testament yet these angelic hosts are amazing each one has a different job the Seraph of Isaiah six declare the glory holy holy holy they cry while the sherab protects the glory while the living creatures are angels of judgment they say come and see and judgment falls on the planet and then the Archangels are warring angels Michael Gabriel and so forth and the angels that fight in glory like Michael need the help of saints while the others don't did you not know that every time you declare the word you strengthen angel Psalm 103 20 it says they excel in strength harkening to the voice of God's words we are preaching every time you declare the Bible angels get strong so be careful what you say angels are listening to you are you people listening the Bible tells us in second rise 6 oh this just so marvelous you know I want to just read jacker I won it because I think it's so marvelous here's what it says watch watch watch I saw by night and behold a man riding upon a red horse he stood upon the myrtle trees that we that were in the bottom and behind him were their red horses speckled and white now here we see these heavenly horses showing up in different colors and then something amazing in Zechariah 6 and the Bible gives them a name here that I think is so so remarkable zechariah 6 verse 1 says this Aeterna lifted up my eyes and I looked behold there came four chariots at four between two mountains look like brass the first chair it was full of red horses the second black horses the third white horses the fourth glistened grisilde and Bey horses and I answered and said to the angel that talked with me what are these horses the angel said watch this these are the four spirits of the heavens that go forth all of this from standing before the Lord of the whole earth that God has in front of his throne horses in an amazing and they are spirit horses that go and declare to God what they see on earth so they talk they are report horses they come and tell God what they saw on the earth now you never heard that before it said the Bible read the Bible why should I tell you everything revelation 19 verse 11 through 14 and I saw heaven open and behold he saw the Word of God coming on a horse vesture dipped in blood his name the Word of God and the armies of heaven followed him riding on white horses not fiery just plain white some of these most likely that we read about in Zechariah in those chariots this is one of the most amazing portions of Revelation I saw verse 11 I saw heaven opened behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no man knew but he himself he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood his name the Word of God now the Bible tells me something fantastic real quickly before I say good night to those watching by TV in heaven just gentle on the music there's a temple revelation 7:15 tells me there's a temple but I wanted to look at revelation 11 because people who are looking for the ark should stop looking for the Ark as it's in heaven revelation 11 it says in verse 19 the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the Ark of his covenant they're looking for than in Ethiopia stop looking it's in glory but there's a temple there are mentions in glory John for Tina go to prepare a mansion for you John 14 one through three there are rivers in heaven an amazing rivers revelation 22 this is verse 1 2 and 3 tells me something marvelous about what he saw and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb in the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there a tree of life you see the tree of life was on both sides of the river which bare twelve manner of fruits and yielded her fruit every month every month a different fruit the leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations Wow the Bible tells me not only other temples and mansions and rivers there's also mountains Revelation 21 verse 10 he showed the order he took him to a high mountain there are fountains the Bible tells me in Revelation chapter 7 everybody walking in in glory you have fountains you're going to be living with fountains all around you Oh marvelous Revelation chapter 7 verse 17 for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters Wow fountains everywhere in heaven no one will ever go thirsty in glory but fountains of living water you have no such water on earth imagine waters that are alive waters alive living fountains living fountains not only other fountains in heaven this food in heaven because the Bible tells me in Exodus 16 verse 4 that God said to Moses I'm gonna I'm gonna pour on you heaven heavenly food I'm gonna send you food from heaven is what it says then said the Lord unto me behold I will rain bread from heaven for you you know there's bread in heaven you know that the Bible tells me in Psalm 78 25 that's what the Angels eat Psalm 105 40 tells me about the bread from heaven that is man I had called manna so there's food in heaven Exodus 16 for Psalm 70 I can give you many many scriptures tonight and I need to have you write it down because that's what you're going you ought to look forward to that moment I am I don't want to stay here on earth the sick place who wants it Psalm 7 I'm serious I'm serious who wants to watch six CNN all day long who wants to watch Fox News and get sick that's watching the news who wants to watch these preachers that spit on horns and nothing to you I'd rather be with Jesus come on people there's nothing on this earth what do we have here it shall soon pass away sorry about the breaches I think some of them just are wasting God's time in their time Psalm 78 25 see anyone who doesn't preach the cross is a time waster are you listening it's all self-help stuff self-help self-help we don't need self-help we just need Jesus right now it's not about you and you can make it just give it to him and he'll fix it psalm 78 25 says something marvelous it says this it says man did eat angels food some and so then the the angels also eat they have their own type of bread Wow Psalm 105 verse 40 tells me the same thing about heaven having food the people asked and he brought quails and satisfied them with the bread of heaven revelation 2:7 the tree of life they ate of the tree of life because God said to this is this is really quite powerful that I would like you to read this with me revelations 2:7 he that hath ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the church to him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life it is fruits on it that God will allow you to eat the fruit Adam almost did but refused it there's a sea of glass in heaven revelation 4:6 he saw God sitting with a sea of glass in front of him and revelation 15 says that this sea of glass is mingled with fire one of these days you understand on a sea of glass with fire under it and I saw it at war a sea of glass mingled with fire them that had gotten the victory over the Beast and over his image and over his mark or the number of his name stand on the sea of glass having harps in their hands so now we see there's instruments in heaven people will play music in glory Wow get ready get your practice done down here revelation 5:8 it says this watch this this is all in the Bible and when he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them what harps harps and golden vials of order the prayers of saints Revelation 14 tells me that there was also amazing music in glory because it says this and I love this portion I looked and lo a lamb stood on the mountain Mount Zion with him a hundred and forty-four thousand his father's name written on the forehead I heard what says I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters as the voice of a great thunder then I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps there had to be millions of people playing harps that he heard as it was like thunder it was like like a like like like waters imagine so many harps it sounded like waves coming at him when I read that again I heard the voice a voice from heaven verse two as the voice of many what waters as the voice of a great thunder and what did I hear the voice of harpers harping with their harps I never heard so many harps and my love that sounded like thunder we had a harpist here one time was a nice played her harp but imagine millions of people playing harps that the sound is like so don't worry about your mother she's being entertained right now in heaven by Harper's playing music once you lift her hands and thank god you're gonna be with them one day to listen to this beautiful music in heaven and heaven has clothing nobody's naked because a revelation 6 verse 9 says that the Saints were given white robes ah this is marvelous and when he had opened the fifth seal now this is a revelation 6:9 to 11 it says I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God for the testimony of which they had held and they cried with a loud voice saying how long Lord holy and true will you not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth and white robes were given to every one of them thinking about how many robes that must be in heaven but who who's the one putting those robes whoa what what who's putting him together who the angels you know that the Angels make clothing as one day they cooked for Elijah there's angels that cook and angels that sew in angels that can build you a beautiful fixture nice robe when you're there hallelujah you know you look at these people honor in their caskets they put them in their best suit or their best dress but the Saints when they get to heaven they are met with a nice robe they put a robe on them when before they enter into heaven's gates oh what a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see I want to lift her hands and thank him of the Holy Ghost for just a minute come on but not only other clothes there's trees in heaven all kinds of trees revelation 20:2 one two and three there's also palm trees revelation 7:9 they were holding what palm branches there's a lot of palm trees in heaven which means dates this palms there's dates walls gates pearls diamonds precious stones golden abundance I want to tell you something revelation 21 I'm gonna take much time but when John saw the city of Jerusalem it was 1,500 miles in every direction and I think think about this think about this 1,500 miles is look from Maine to Florida a thing about a wall all jewelry from Maine to Florida think about a wall from Florida 1,500 miles all across America jewelry just jewels think about that same wall going another 1,500 miles north and 1500 miles east it almost covers the whole United States and goes up into space 1,500 miles you're already into space when you're about a hundred and twenty thousand feet you're on the edge of the universe just at a hundred and twenty thousand feet feet you go up fifteen hundred miles up into space and that wall will be that high that's where you're gonna live I don't believe God will make a city so big and only one floor makes no no sense for God to make a city that will fill the United States of America and go up into space 1,500 miles and have one floor if on every floor if you go one mile up the fourth will be billions of people in it billions and just one city the streets are pure gold the gates are pearls now wait a minute for that gate to look right the Pearl has to be 200 miles the biggest pearl on earth is the size of your fist I can't see a wall so massive and a gate so massive pearly gates how big that girl must be on each side of the gate an angel at every gate with the name of one of the sons of Jacob and we're gonna walk through the gate that has to be at least just to fit right it has to be 200 miles pearl I don't know if any pearl on earth that big 200 miles is from Los Angeles to where where would you go if you go 200 miles from here just think about going 200 miles and seeing a pearl the whole way guys that's from Orlando to Miami about that and you see a pearl all the way in Florida from Orlando to Miami so you see that's just one gate hallelujah am I making you wanting to go you want it to go just think about what you're gonna live just we're gonna live and this one city the Bible tells me that this city has most amazing precious stones I went to a jeweler one time down in Los Angeles and I said show me some of these stones and I was amazed at the different colors God loves color because it says what this the building verse 18 the building of the wall was like jespah that's like crystal gold pure gold like crystal glass the the amazing stones were sapphire and jasper in shelfs edenian emeralds and solder Nixon on and on saw deists and in topaz and the city made out of jewels now revelation 21 21 tells me something powerful and those gates were twelve and they were transparent says the twelve gates were twelve pearls every several pearl was one pearl and the streets of the city was pure gold like glass and the city had no need for sun or moon the glory of God did lighten it up now one quick thing before I close what are we going to do there well the Bible says after we are judged by the Lord in Romans 14 10 through 12 it says we shall be judged they were one of us but scripture says we're going to judge the world and judge angels get rid that your first assignment will be to judge the angels and to judge the nation's all because you're saved God honor give us the authority to judge nation in heaven we don't understand that so Paul the Apostle declared in second Corinthians something powerful in first Corinthians I should say six two and three he said here you take each other to court not realizing you're going to judge the world and judge angels so after we are judged and found worthy we're going to judge the world judge angels that's a mystery what we what will we judge them for but I have news for you those that don't make it what happens to them the Bible says the womb shall forget him job 24 20 says the womb shall forget him he'll be forgotten God will be unjust to let you remember someone who didn't make it but pray that they be saved and they will be there's a lot more but I'm almost out of time but I'll say this to you I have fought a good fight I have kept the faith therefore a crown awaits me and to all those who are waiting for his appearing what a day that will be but everything you do on earth kids everything you do on earth will matter on that day nothing is wasted because if we're faithful with the little he gives us down here would be trusted with morning glory I lift your hands and pray the Holy Ghost and glory glory yeah glory to the land glory glory I just want you all just begin to Brenda in the in the Holy Ghost out loud come on out loud [Music] and worthy to be praised you're the land up on the floor and on two we lift our voice in place you're the laugh the throw glory now let's worship together holy let's all stand and worship or e to the lair if your voice is saying [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the letter Oh [Music] [Applause] you're [Music] fire [Music] to be your the line [Music] ah there are people watching me that have been grieving long for loved ones who are in heaven today I want you to make a decision no more grieving I want to send you my message that I've spoken today and with it I want to send you a book about heaven written by one of the most amazing women that ever lived my dream of heaven I read that book when my father passed I didn't know the Bible back then as well as I do today there was in the early 80s when he passed as I missed having a father I was missing a daddy it was only 58 and an amazing book I want to send you all you have to do is call the number on the screen I'll send you my message in fact I have much longer message I spoke that I preached already that's quite powerful I only gave you today just some tips bets and pieces because of time but this will comfort you to know that heaven is a real place your mom and your dad and your brothers your sisters your little baby is in heaven and you that have had abortions listen to me if you had an abortion before you are saved that babies will the Lord and the baby is growing up now we're not going to be changing diapers and glory babies grow up because they're innocent heaven today is full of children that didn't have a chance to live your baby is waiting for you make sure to be ready for them what a God we serve that the children that are murdered are still alive and are amazing yeah while I was right there are there are there are women here and maybe watching me that have had abortions and I have have been guilty ever since that day your baby is waiting for you in heaven and no one can get to heaven without getting saved so why don't you accept Jesus now as Savior no no you can't get to heaven just because you're a good person the Bible says as many as received him to them gave he power you watching me on on love world or uplift or other platforms this is the first time ever were on DirecTV live this is live this is not taped there are people watching me now on the East Coast or somewhere else the only way is Jesus you cannot get to heaven by going to church or just because your mom or your dad were believers God has no grandchildren God has no grandchildren you have to meet the Lord for yourself and he said to you come unto me all you who labor are heavy laden I'll give you rest so why don't you just pray this prayer after me everyone lift your hands and pray with us come on just say dear Lord Jesus I need you I need you now I'm a sinner forgive my sins come into my heart and save my soul I give you my life right now I surrender I'm sorry for my sin wash me now cleanse me now with your blood make me whole and right now live your life in me give me the victory to live the Christian life and when my day comes and my heart stops beating and I open my eyes I want to see you forever to be with you father in Jesus name let them know that they're your children in the mighty name of the Lord give me the praise there are people out there that needed this message not just because you have a loved ones in glory but because one day you will be with them and you're not going to be with them just because you're a good person you'll be with them because Jesus is in your heart now lift your hands and thank you now father before I say good night to those watching all of you pray in this parami night Lord heal your people watching across America heal your people watching across the nations I rebuke sickness I rebuke disease I rebuke infirmity in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus now be healed be healed be made whole from the top of your head to the soles of your feet be healed in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus we're gonna go out as we're worshipping the Lord here some of you will stay with us some of you will stay with us others have to go come on Saints glory glory lift a voice a school Oh [Music] you're the learn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus there is something masks [Music] Jesus like the fragrance sweet achieve let all Heaven love your [Music] [Applause] and key [Applause] they're strong [Music] Jesus you're the sweetest name I know [Music] and you're just the same your love [Music] that's the reason [Music] you're the sweetest I know [Music] turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the line of his glory [Music] and I need the or I need thee every are I need [Music] Oh my Savior I [Music] the trains to heaven the harm in it spirit of the Living God fall afresh [Music] for fresh [Music] melt [Music] Phil [Music] use [Music] allelujah see him there at God's right hand right now adore him worship such a holy presence in this studio right now just soft in our Dorian ha [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] receive your healing now [Music] about the wireless and that shoulder is just left [Music] and that shoulder just left [Music] so to modify your matchless name [Music] I'll review that sickness I command it to go in Jesus name those sick in body plays shorthand now on that sickness I command it to leave your body and life in Jesus name now be made whole I step into my office father and I think that Authority now you've given me my commander disease to leave in the name of Jesus your son you were wounded for transgressions and bruised for iniquities and chastise for peace and with your stripes we are healed heal your people now I pray for your Lord and honor for your glory to Jesus now people lift your hands receive your healing begin to pray out loud in the spirit just put in the Holy Ghost right now put in the spirit right now pray in the Holy Ghost everyone in this audit in this studio somebody with arthritis to my left yeah the pain just left your shoulder skin cancer had just been healed up there I'll rebuke it in Jesus name somebody came with skin cancer you're up on the balcony somewhere I commanded to leave in Jesus name and neck injury just been healed a number of you feel heat on your body that's the power of Almighty God rushing through your being receive your healing in the name of Jesus someone with a an injury in your right knee pick up that knee you you you you've been struggling as you've been standing there because of the pain you have in your right leg if you'll pick it up you'll find it's gone because you felt God's power go through there like a gentle warmth like a gentle warmth yeah somebody's muscles are being healed like a muscle condition you also felt something warm on your body some of you are feeling that warmth now others just know in your spirit your heal like that woman with this show blood in the Bible she just knew she was healed she she felt it in her body she was healed some of you right now feel it in your body you're healed somebody's eardrum somebody's eardrum was just healed a second ago everyone lift your voices pray in the spirit as healings happening in the studio right now yeah yeah yeah somebody's jaw some of these jars just been healed those that God is healing I don't have to call out the healing because you know you've been healed if God is healing you get out of your seat now and come line up over here to my left quickly I repeat if God is healing you if God is healing you don't wait a minute just get out of your seat and come stand over there on the side quickly yeah yeah don't wait otherwise you could lose that healing you don't want to lose that healing Jesus said to tell them whether I pray for you or not it doesn't matter you've got to stand there so God can see you yeah exactly those that felt that that anointing on your body and you know God is touching you just get out of your seat and come stand over here on the on the on the side come stand on the side everyone else keep praying everyone else keep praying that the chest condition was healed a chest condition was healed some of you felt that heat earlier some of you felt that gentle warmth some in fact I felt like fire on you but the majority of you felt just like a gentle warmth or a gentle heat if you felt it you get out of your seat now and you come stand over here to that to the side do it real quick real real rapidly real quick right now thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord somebody behind me you've you've had trouble with your leg one of your legs you were trouble one of your legs you're right here behind me I don't know you are but sometimes you have a lot of feeling in that leg and sometimes it's not that bad and you felt the part of God come come on you little while ago so you just come out of that seat but everyone that God is healing if God is healing you you get down here quick but everyone just lift your hands and pray in the spirit come on yeah if you feel that anointing you get down here rapidly they're just coming down give them time to get down yeah if God is healing here you get out of that seat and you come over there yeah just bring them one by one to me once they show up over there quick Oh Lord I give you praise [Music] I give you a praise I give you praise I give you praise there's a number of your getting healed you need to get out of your seat and some of you watching me on TV getting healed some of some of you watching on TV getting healed you need to get out of that sickness come out of it in Jesus mighty name and you email me now pastor Benny had been in there org and tell me God is healed you okay what's going on over there bring your bring a bringer the arthritis where was the arthritis come here closer dear what did you feel how this is going my shoulders were all free I could raise my hand and there is no pain in my wrist took really bad stomach ache I was I was healed when I was praying in whom but today when I was over here the pain again it started and it was so bad and I knew God God was touching me and now the pain is all gone I had no pain in my stomach nor try to scream what what caused it how long have you suffered with arthritis for actually it is the form of arthritis and it is called stills disease and it is inflammation all over my body the doctor said you are having high levels of inflammation we have to put you on high dose of prednisone and everything but I today I came with like a bit faith that I knew God will touch me I'll be healed and I'm here I feel the power of God and I can move your question yes sound Christian I'm filled with Holy Spirit you're from India I'm from Pakistan lord I thank you for this thank you for the anointing of God pick her up bring her closer here where were you sitting somebody that was sitting next to you was healed also I don't know where she was saying but somebody up there take your seats people all of you take your seats how long how long how long have you suffered for it's like 80-milligram I have to take daily and now I am 140 I've been suffering from high inflammation all over my body I couldn't move my neck and my shoulders but now I feel all free thank you thank you Lord for your grace thank you Lord for your grace somebody say praise the Lord now listen there's many of you getting healed in your homes and you need to take a step of faith and call the number on the screen or just send me an email you know I feel to do something in a minute but what happened to the girl what happened to and no need to come here dear lady so what was wrong with your knee pardon I was hurting in my knee I had a longtime problem injury like 15 years ago I had a surgery and I've been praying and God has been teaching teaching me how to trust him with pain comes back and I kind of fight that but today I kind of felt like it you know the presence so much stronger so were strong and they felt my sinus and my knee stretch around stores are low people every bit of it goes every better than yours every bit of it in the name of the Lord everybody whit would you all pray in the spirit quick can Pam bring up the prayer shawls quick no no you guys just say what you are doing about Harper up [Music] bring a closer every bit of it in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord now I'm gonna do something in a minute help her up a second I want to do something before we say goodbye when I'm gonna lay my hands while there no knee is on me on some prayer shawls you know we don't often do this but the the anointing is imported no doubt and I'm gonna pray over one especially and give it to that man right there but before we leave tonight I'm gonna lay hands on you and ask God to get the cancer out of you completely so we're not done yet but bring their people quickly one by one and a half Pam get the prayer shawls ready for me it just bring the lady her joy you said come here come here pardon I've been having problems since I was four years old what happened tonight I didn't feel anything any power covered me but that's that's okay because well I do say I do say you know some of you will not yeah see I say some of you like that woman would this show blood she didn't feel anything either she just knew it in her body she was here Lucy so now that the pin is gone that's all that matters every better than the mic in in the Lord as I was 29 so I'd need to be healed from well that's a devil stretch your hands pray in the spirit come on we commend that to go bring her here come on Prentiss both people lord I thank you for healing her but now we command that devil has been causing those oh here goes in Jesus name we command it to go in Jesus name pray in the spirit people come on up come on Joe it's gone now he's gone I just thought they'd leave you will not have seizures again my god just for the beam what what happened to the lady behind her what happened to her come come come what was wrong with you come come come closer you have a bed what now oh skiing accident you you fell the Lord touch it totally gone thank you Lord every bit of it every bit of it every bit of it every bit of it everybody will pick her up please every bit of it every bear a vet every bear of it in Jesus name everybody will goes come here brother come here what happened to you what what happened to you come here no I don't wanna your chest your chest your pen no no she's on the feel Bader on the fair high of the ODA body you were you were you were you from China China you feel hot all over your body and you had what now but what was wrong what was only ha but what was wrong with you what was wrong with you what was wrong with your chest chest well I call the chest that's all I know here's they know any better they give up guys well one those Chinese get it they get it in the name of the Lord well you feel on you shock shock him again Lord he needs it fathers shock I like this shot now now lift him up everyone begin praying in the spirit holy holy holy holy [Music] just to have anyone okay holy holy Lord God your mighty [Music] pray pray all of you pray [Music] you're able to do exceeding abundantly so here it's okay we're able to do exceeding abundant of all the way asked for think nothing is impossible with you [Music] holy holy holy holy oh there it is holy holy Lord God Almighty come here Soloff pick him up guys now you guys pray don't just stand there bring him closer lift your hands all of you pray in the spirit this man needs it [Music] can you hear the sound of heaven can't you hear the sound of man can you hear sheesh can you hear the sound of heaven by the sound of many waters sound of warship coming from the floor [Music] yes men I hope you get easy [Music] holy Paulo [Music] over here quick [Music] just you Dib get back here you have to understand sometimes when they get healed you know I feel like wait that comes in those and sometimes I feel it when someone is not with me I I feel it weakening that's why I have to scream at them because I don't want to lose it I'm not mean I'm just bold big difference [Music] no don't come near me Louise come here run Holly holy holy are you lord [Music] [Music] sometimes it's like a Gentoo the wind like it is now sometimes like a storm I just gotta move with it I command that devil to leave this man in the name of the Lord Jesus I command that spirit of death to leave this man your son his friend [Music] come here boys ah [Music] every pair of it goes every better it goes yep pick him up come on James your help me you and Jim let James do it let James do it [Music] [Music] the pain is leaving him while we're praying so just keep praying lift your hands and pray with me yes let's forget ourselves and pray for him [Music] hold on [Music] only 5% of the pennies left keep praying 95 of the pin is gone out of his body [Music] if you feel heat right here in the middle right here okay [Music] he said right now still in a half percent keep rain just a little longer [Music] home holy holy I want to know something James when you came with Tim that's what it hit when those boys were here it was like in opposition I felt then I feel the heat on my hand you feel that hey friend you feel that heat [Music] [Music] to help him up against come on [Music] yeah pick up his glasses how long have you sold without cancer a one-year start walking with me come on you you've been weak a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just walk a little bit come on let's walk back a little bit see sometimes they get healed in their seat sometimes we just have to believe with them that's all [Music] walk in a man I used to know I knew a lady you were you were using like a walker yeah no no okay come on this aw come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] big of its craft together pick up his friend easy now your body needs a little a little a little food hi Susan hey sue somebody shout hallelujah what in now you take him to the back give him a sandwich in it some food that guy ain't eatin not the poor taste oh say why no food the tolerate no fools or a leak the one I said no more food the doctor said no more food only liquid liquid liquid come now maybe those little like little little see he and he'd been he said fighting that cancer for a year one year you feel good now yeah yeah now listen you people sit down you Pro sit down you over still live we're still live I didn't whistle upon the world okay sorry guys I thought you were gone now you take him to the back and give him something to eat give him a little juice but something to eat and then and then bring him back go go with him hey friend you can use a cookie or a sandwich yourself go go go brother go somebody shout hallelujah [Music] when I was when I was praying for him I could feel the heat on my hand you know and he kept telling me said well it's now 5% pain is now 30 and a half it's not two and a half he was guiding me you know I said okay let's keep praying but sometimes God just does it like that you know Oh somebody say glory to God now I'm gonna I'm gonna let you go in a few minutes and Lord will give you praise come on let us thank you yes come on guys we need some music thank you Jesus we praise the Lord let the earth hear his voice give me the right key come on the Lord let the earth hear his voice raise the Lord hey give me another hockey hockey hockey praise the Lord praise the Lord let the earth hear his voice see it let the people ratio to [Music] keep your seats because I'm not done yet letting you go because because you know what I need to say bye to all of you watching on on love world and social media because I want to say something to them that I don't want it on TV so Shalom you you need to take me out now and put something else on and I want to talk to them about things I don't want on TV you [Music] you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 43,763
Rating: 4.7796612 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, 2/11/9, Monday Night Service
Id: 7iP1YsOKtiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 9sec (11049 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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