Getting Ready for the Days Ahead!

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hello hello to all my wonderful partners and friends today i want to just talk to you from my heart and i have a lot to tell you in fact chad is over here he wants to ask me some questions too that he thinks would help you and i'm going to be very open with what i want to say of what the lord has put in my heart to talk to you about but lord we come first and lord i pray that you will give me the words to say to say them just right let this be for your glory and only your glory bless your people speak to each one of them lord god i pray let this be a blessed intimate time today that the holy spirit will use to bless many hearts and lives in jesus wonderful name amen amen please make sure to share this with your friends because chad and i were talking earlier about the things that may be coming our way the next while and how do we prepare for them because i'm hearing a lot from people like my son-in-law michael whom i was with today and from pastors on what's happening today inside the church i said and i've been saying it for the last two years that i have believed and i still do that persecution is coming globally to the whole church now we know uh over 300 million christians are under persecution today every day i pray for them and i want you to join me please to pray for our wonderful brothers and sisters in the lord that are suffering in many countries but now i think we're going to see it expand globally not only into the west but into areas of the world we have not seen or heard of persecution in the past and so what are we going to do as believer is when it hits hard now i have been saying it for two years or more and today i was talking to my wonderful son-in-law michael and he said you know bobby said you've been telling us it's coming he said i can tell you it's begun it's really here you're right on what you said pastor benny what would you say to the young generation in these days that we're seeing so many different things um like your son-in-law pastor michael and you are talking about there's persecution happening even in the west what would you say to a young christian just starting in the relationship with the lord how to say strong especially when they don't see as far in the spirit yet or see things prophetically like someone like you would who is far in the spirit well first of all i'm glad you brought it up because it is the younger generation that i'm concerned about i told my dear son-in-law today i said i'm concerned about you and jesse and my children and my grandchildren and i think you all feel the same and you know the the persecution we're beginning to see in the west hasn't yet really hit hard i think it's just the beginning of it from what i'm hearing from different people and what they're going through so i think it just started so maybe it's not as recognizable as it will be in the future number one number two i i think it's really important to understand that what the lord wants of us is exactly what paul said to timothy what he said that a soldier of jesus christ cannot be entangled in the affairs of this life and remember that the bible says that the lord came to save us from this present evil world in the book of acts when peter was speaking to the crowd he said that so i think it's very important that we obey what the bible has to say today to us about living the christian life cleaving unto the lord getting hold of life eternal and just living a holy life and not allow the pollution of the world or the problems of the world to affect us so i want to talk really freely with you parents and you young people now you parents that have children it's and especially if they're young like my grandkids today i have you know one five-year-old one seven-year-old and then some older now my you know sweet lily just had a little baby judah is only a month and a half and i think about them so i i remember uh people like bill gaither you know he did years ago he did a beautiful album where there's a song on it that talks about how you should train your children at a very early age prepare them at a very at a very early age and and also the grown-up ones be open with them be honest with them about what the bible really has to say about the coming days and i think it's time we all study in a real clear way two books daniel and revelation and here's why i say that because we are about to see the prophecies of these two books and ezekiel's vision of the war uh mentioned in ezekiel 38 they're going to happen but i think we are to start you know really studying these books to prepare our hearts for the coming days yeah okay you know i've had maybe more time than some of you young people to read the bible to study the bible but when when i was young you know the world was very different very innocent uh we grew up in israel in a very innocent way we didn't have internet we didn't have what they have today and when i got saved same thing later when i got in the ministry not much different everything changed everything changed only a few years ago and now all of us have to readjust our thinking to the present world but but more than ever today more than ever we cannot be a part of the affairs of this life you know back in in the 70s america was different you had um preachers on prime time like billy graham and oral and rex hambard sunday morning from the cathedral of tomorrow and all of these men and kathryn kuhlman and others were on secular tv there was no such thing as a preacher on christian tv because christian tv began in 73. so and even when when christian tv began for a long time none of these wonderful servants of god were on christians you know channels tbn began in 73 and it didn't really take off till about 77 78 when things began to change so think about uh someone like in today's daily shows the oprah winfreys of the day and the others would have preachers minister not only the gospel but minister to the sick i remember when on phil donahue many of you probably haven't even heard the name or mike douglas another one who was a daily program in the day he had oral roberts mike douglas did preach the fourth man on his show secular tv and phil donahue had oral had billy had miss kuhlman and someone else uh johnny carson had billy graham kathryn kuhlman katherine had a standing ovation on the johnny carson show billy graham the applause was so wonderful from the crowd when billy walked on it was a different different world a different america i remember i remember the day on a secular uh tv show a healing evangelist showed up and the host said go pray for the sick and there were healings happening in the in the in the studio well you know these days were wonderful days i remember the days of you know ptl when when jim and tammy baker had more people watching them than people on secular tv the largest i think audience ever was when ted koppel interviewed jim and tammy at the time when things were not going well at you know ptl but you know that's all history now so the day was the day was when america was having real revival churches were growing ministries everywhere healing ministries all over america and so many people were praying for the sick back in the early 70s i remember oh my goodness in canada in the u.s healing evangelists like myself and others were everywhere today how many healing evangelists do you know that are that have any impact little so it's a different world and it needs a different answer so if you asked me that question back then i would have given you a whole different answer to say go to church read your bible and pray today what i would say is not only go to church and read your bible and pray but also be alert more than ever make sure you study the scriptures especially portions that talk about today and there's a lot in the bible talking about today so we we really need to hear the voice of god through his word more than ever and i think a lot of a lot of scriptures today apply in a growth in a greater way uh in a stronger way for us than they did then in the 70s for example nobody thought then about persecution nobody thought about difficulties like we're seeing arising today so it's imperative it's imperative we know the prophets and it's imperative we read the whole word of god not just parts of the bible i think the biggest danger is when people don't know the whole bible and eighty percent today of young people in the church have not read the whole bible 80 percent and i've read that in studies and so on in addition 40 of preachers have not read the whole bible so what can you know how can you defend yourself when you don't know the word when you only read parts that you understand and ignore parts you say well maybe i shouldn't read that because i don't understand no no the entire council the entire word of god must be understood and read even parts we don't understand because within parts that maybe you don't understand now not my case today i you know i understand every part and i'm not boasting goodness i better understand every part of after 40 something years 47 8 years in ministry no you i read the word today three times every year right through every four months i really because i want to finish strong i want to finish well and i think the only way i can as a minister and as a christian is i want to know the book i want to know the bible in a way that maybe i didn't know it in the past and i'm already changing the way i see life and i see the faith in a whole different way having read and re-read and read and re-read the word so at night i i i don't watch tv i think i told you that i've i've stopped watching tv i think almost five years ago now and what i do at night is i again read my hebrew bible or i read christian material dealing with the history of the church or i do enjoy certain writers old writers that work mighty men of god great men of god and because there's so much rich material in the old books christian books i'm talking about but that's about all i really do and i'm telling you my life has been so enriched as i've done that i'm not asking you to quit watching tv let let god tell you that i'm not asking you to cancel this and cancel that i just feel if you really really want to be strong in the lord and be ready for the future it's time to do exactly what jesus said deny self die to self and the world care of the cross and follow the lord with all your heart and the cross is death the cross doesn't speak life it speaks of course it it is a symbol of death and it imparts life to us of course it imparts life to us but the symbol of the cross is death and what jesus was saying is we are to die to ourselves our desires and the world don't let the world pollute your life and one of the most important things i ever heard from the greats of the past is how easy our minds can become polluted again you know the bible talks about i'm hoping you know i'm not taking too long and actually one question but but i remember when the lord showed me the first time how demons operate from matthew chapter 12. demons don't like losing people all of us at one time all of us at one time were under the control of satan all of us at one time were uh influenced and harassed by demons then we got saved and were free from the part of darkness those demons are territorial they come back looking for vacancy the lord said and once they find it they go and get more devils more weaker than they and come back and the condition of that person who is not living the life becomes worse because more demons now are in their life but what are they looking for are they looking for the gifts of the spirit these demons when they come no a lot of people that have gifts and are forgiven oppressed by devils they're looking for the word of god only the word of god keeps the devils out not gifts and not forgive me for being blunt not even the anointing people who are anointed are not protected without the word the word is more important than anything in our life god's holy word the bible because the bible reveals jesus and god has magnified his word and it's those who love the word that cannot be touched by the enemy great peace have they not loved thy law nothing nothing will touch and offend them nothing so the bible has got to be studied the bible has got to be known more than ever so that's the only way i know to protect yourself and the word of god in you will produce a life of prayer will produce a life of holiness the word is what changes us you know paul talked about you know looking into the mirror of the world and through that we are changed from glory to glory into his image so yes prayer is important yes fasting is important he has gone to church important but the bible is more important than all that because without knowing the word going to church it's not going to change your life like the word will change your life and a lot of pastors sadly to say maybe i shouldn't say a lot but some of them are not really teaching the bible they're giving people hope they're giving people some talk and if i can get really honest they've many of them have become so political that the gospel has been kind of lost from their preaching they attack the government they attack people in authority the bible doesn't tell us to attack anyone except pray for them it says pray for those in authority because that's so important i mean come on let's just listen here let's just you know be really blunt when paul the apostle wrote those words the romans were in authority and i can tell you right now the romans were really bad okay nero was a mad man he was killing christians pure corruption in the roman empire at that time yet he said pray for them he didn't say fight them he didn't say attack them he said pray for pray for them today you got preachers in america attacking the government of the united states stop it it's not in the bible we pray for our president we pray for those in authority yes i do pray for biden i'm sure some of you don't like even hearing me say that he is the president we have to pray for him pray for those around him some say well you know you shouldn't say that no the bible says pray for those in authority in in you know never says only if you like them just pray for them we have to pray for them and i think it's time to stop becoming so political jesus never told us to be involved in politics to get all tangled up in politics or whatever else the world is involved in love them pray for them that's our job as christians as christians did i answer your question absolutely fine what else how can how can we love them how can we pray for them well i mean how how does the bible tell us to pray for them you take them before the throne of god think about what can happen well let me just say this first let me just say this first you know paul the apostle was not a nice man before he became paul he was soul of tortoises somebody prayed for him and somebody gave him the wording you know who that somebody was stephen we know that he stood there and consented and approved and supported stephen's death stephen preached the gospel to all of them and saul heard it but somebody probably prayed also for saul and i think one of them was stephen who said lord forgive them remember that so who prayed for saul at that time stephen who said forgive them lord don't hold this against them lord and i think that probably touched saul of tarsus deeply when he heard that young man pray that prayer so the bible tells us to pray for them not to hate them and attack them he could have said you know think about this stephen could have could have said judge them no he didn't say that at all what did jesus say on the cross forgive them they know not what they do no it's time we pray according to the word and let our example let our light shine let our example win them by loving them by doing the things we need to do to show our christianity by helping the poor blessing the poor being kind and loving even our enemies jesus said love your enemies do good to them that despitefully use you let your light so shine among men god is kind it says the lord says god is kind to the wicked and the righteous he's kind we have to be like our heavenly father show them the love of jesus and use wisdom in how we approach them in the way we answer the questions they ask us no people in general are not evil people just don't understand the love of god they don't understand what the bible teaches let's show it to them let's show it to them you know i preached to a lot of people when i was in india a very elegant and well-known actor his wife came to see me they were not christians and they wanted to know more about the lord and as i began to talk about the lord the lady said who are you talking about i said jesus oh forgive me she said who is that she had never heard his name never heard his name and then and then i had to go to the beginning and go right through from the start which is very hard when we talk to people who at least have heard the name you at least can start with something but when someone hasn't heard the name of the lord then you have to go to the very beginning explaining the christian faith and when i came to the to the spot to say he arose from the dead she stood up and she said can go can can we go meet him now oh i said ma'am he's alive but he's in heaven now he ascended to heaven she would not even wait for me to say that part the second i said he's alive she said let's go meet him and that precious woman and her husband gave their heart to the lord that night and they both looked at me and said it's a miracle what you told us is i said yes it's it's it is a miracle when you when you discover the love of god and i've had other people question me but not one of them was nasty to me they just came and asked i used to get invited you you just listen to me i used to get invited often years ago to the hollywood parties in california and i in many ways became the pastor to many of them and i would go to these events big events and the first time i went the host came and said we want you to pray that's what i will and his name was arthur as an author i always pray in jesus name oh he said fine with us do you know when i got up with 3 000 people at the century plaza hotel all the movie actors all the many producers and directors people you would know and recognize when i said in the name of jesus at the end they began to applaud i was in shock i got i was in shock when mr bijan who was a very famous man in rodeo there's a big store called bison on rodeo drive and he was a friend to me and i will never forget when they invited me to speak at his funeral and all those people sat in front of me and then i was asked to speak at his memorial at ucla and i preached the gospel to those people they clapped and i people from iran come up to me and say we want to run your program on our tv for free they were so touched humanity just needs to see the love of god people if we show them the love of god we can win them we can win them when i went to indonesia i went to the house of the president about a year or so before that i'm glad you've asked me those questions about all that and i know i'm still talking but i you know and i'll be done in just a little bit i sat in the house of the president of indonesia a muslim man with his very elegant wife and i said mr president i have not come to indonesia to preach politics i have come to preach the love of god that man stood up he stood up and opened his arms and said welcome to my country and we had a million people come to our crusade in jakarta and and all i said is i'm not coming to preach politics i'm coming here to preach the love of god that's all it took so think about how powerful love is we can win those sweet people out there and many of them are sweet people they just need to see the love of god not the forgive me the legalistic religious spirit some people show there is mockery of of the gospel told mockery jesus is not like that and you see some of these preachers not all of them thank god that they that they you you see clips of them here and there and i'm thinking dear god have they lost their mind that they've become so involved in politics to be screaming on the platform back when trump was president during the election i couldn't believe my ears and eyes when when i was be sent clips on my phone of what some of them were saying so pro-trump it was like where did jesus go well where have they taken my lord you feel like you know mary magdalene where are we taken away by wonderful lord no no we don't focus on people running or not running or for president or no no we focus on the lord jesus and we pray for whosoever is in authority no matter who they are and i just think we win with love not with hate and all the stuff people get involved in any any other questions because you know i want to pray yes and that's the only way to really get ready for the coming days frankly yeah it's you know so because in their peace we will have peace when we pray for our city our nation the bible says in their peace we have peace and so that's what the prophet said jeremiah said that to the jewish people who went to babylon he said pray for the babylonian authorities because in their peace you'll find your your your peace go ahead i'm so powerful certain i i think now more than ever so many more people have voices now because of their own social medias with their family their cousins distant family distant friends are following them what if we all instead of posting about political posts or or other other things that don't really matter what if we allow the love of god to shine through our profiles to shine through each and every one of us the impact that we will win the world if we can show the love of god we will win the world but when we get involved in uh hot subjects on social media and we take sides we lose yeah we just lose so i think taking sides is not smart i think we've all done it we've all said things we shouldn't say and then had to pull back and say no that was not smart i think today there's a lot of things going on out there and we just need to frankly if you really want me to be blanton just say it let's meet jesus people again let's let's let's be on the side of the lord rather than on his side or her side we're on the lord's side and as long as we're on the lord's side we can talk to all of them true christians will win okay but those who get involved in his or her problem or his or her agenda we just can't win yeah so it's about and pray for everyone pray for everyone you know pray for the middle east where i'm from pray for every nation pray for all of them because they're god's people too may i tell you something real quickly and then i'm going to pray there's a lot of precious precious arabs that love the lord a lot of them a lot of them and we need to pray for them so you know let's use wisdom and let's be jesus people just jesus people and we will win i promise you lord i thank you for this time with our wonderful partners your people now bless them use them in the coming days strengthen them mightily don't let anything affect them lord no matter what happens out there let their hearts always be connected to your heart your word declares that your affection be set on things above not on the world that everyone listening to me let everyone lord watching and listening come closer to you than ever bring them closer to you than ever lord than ever that they will know your wonderful presence and wonderful fellowship and hear your precious voice daily in their life and i pray for the young people lord that are listening to me oh lord strengthen them mightily in the holy ghost let them become mighty in your lord let them become mighty in you use them to win their friends and relatives and close loved ones oh sweet as jesus bring peace to their hearts and use them as shining lights in these amazing days in jesus name troubled days will become amazing days if we do what jesus said to all of us all right thanks for joining me today sora took longer than normal but i think was important and now let's give to the lord's work because giving secures our future financially and giving is the command of the lord i mean god did not give us an advice it's a give and give us the commandment so and god said let no man come before me empty the lord we honor him and the lord wants to be honored not only through our worship and service and love and praise but also through our giving but it says honor the lord with your substance not just your worship and you know what is so precious is every time we give our seed goes into our future we don't lose it it comes back multiplied many times over all right thank you for allowing me to spend the time with you today much love and thank you for being my wonderful partner and wonderful friend so let's show the seed right now you see the uh uh information there uh binheen ministries or just do it on the on the platform you are watching me on or simply you can text bhm bhm45777 i think it's all there for you right now so bless you i'll see you again bye you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 39,562
Rating: 4.9255934 out of 5
Id: LcDnV0MrhBA
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Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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