Benny Hinn - Price for God's POWER & FIRE (1)

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when I knew that God called me I knew by the Spirit of God that I am to take this word and study it I did not go to Bible School I had no time to go to Bible School I wished I had gone to Bible School but the Lord called me like that and I had to move fast so I would take this Bible and I began to study it when I did not even understand some of the words in my own Bible so I got a dictionary and began to see what those words meant this was 1972 we had just come from Israel in 6 to 8 I spoke no English in 6 to 8 I did not speak hardly a word of English so think about how hard it was for me to study the King James when I hardly knew even how to speak English so I had to take this Bible and I had to see what it meant before I could see what God said so day after day all I would do is read this book and read and reread and reread and reread and reread and look at the dictionaries and reread and reread and reread now God's words young people must fill your life and God will not do that part for you if you think that God Almighty will do this for you your own it's my job and your job to enter into his word there is no such prayer as fill me with your words no no you take the word and you read the word and God will reveal his words it's your job to get in it's his job to reveal his word when you get in the entrance of thy word when I enter Lord when I myself begin the entrance of thy words give it light it giveth understanding unto the simple and surely I was quite simple I didn't know what I was reading but I had to enter I had to study I had to learn I had to sweat I had to forsake other things so the Word of God can get into my life I had to pay a price you want God to use you right right you must pay the price called study you can't expect God to use you if you don't study Timothy said study to show thyself approved unto God God will reject you if you're not disciplined so you must be disciplined that's what a disciple is so now we are the ones who choose to enter say I choose now you can choose to read books watch videos watch movies go go to ball games and all this that's your choice but what will those things give you nothing really if you watch a movie you can watch that thing 20 times what does it do for you entertain you what what does it add to your life real substance I mean now what does it give you that's from heaven if you watch a Christian movie ok it's different if you watch a Bible movie fine but there is no substitute for the word no substitute for the Bible so you can watch videos movies read books magazines do all can play games at the end you have to look back and say what have I gained that spiritually now what have I gained whatever have I gained for God if you've gained nothing you've just wasted your time don't let your days be wasted with zeros don't let your days be wasted with cheap zeros make your day make your day count for God now please hear this you know how God chooses people he looks for those who want to be used and says him him/her he's looking his eyes are going to and fro it says to show himself strong on behalf of those who fear Him you have got to show God proof to God you're worthy God doesn't choose you just because your mom and your dad are godly people God will not choose you just because your nice guy and nice lady nice girl no God doesn't even choose you here this God doesn't even choose you just because you're a preacher's kid he will choose you if you show yourself if you make yourself available Kathryn Kuhlman a lady that I was touched by our ministry in a powerful way said one one thing that grabbed my soul one on I was younger I heard her say this before God began to use me I heard her say this now listen she said God is not looking for golden vessels he's not looking for silver vessels he's looking for yielded ves and my heart cried Here I am God is not looking for golden vessels silver vessels he's looking for yielded surrendered vessels I was so moved one time when I heard her say I had no talent I had no gifts I had nothing and she looked up and said Jesus if you can use nothing here it is he is not God is not looking for brilliant people highly educated people smart people he's just looking for people anybody who says here in line use me Lord God says okay but you gotta understand he is looking for young people that will make the lives available if you will say Lord Here I am available Lord fix me change me turn me upside down shake everything out I don't care what you do to me just use me now that's what I did when I heard Kathryn Kuhlman say that she gave God on nothing I said good that's what I got nothing I looked up and I said to God I said lord I can't talk I can't preach I can't sing there's nothing I can do Lord but if you want me here goes take me and God looked at and said I accept you that simple but then I had to do what is right I had to take this Bible and learn the Bible because I thought how can God use me if I don't know his word I can't just stand tech you know stand and just say nothing I got to say something and when I began to preach I preached what I had learned by myself yeah I could have gone to school Bible School whatever just didn't happen that way now key number one fill your life with the word and you must give up give up everything that means nothing you cannot feed upon this if you have twenty things at the
Channel: Voice of Healing
Views: 374,127
Rating: 4.8694816 out of 5
Keywords: Benny, Hinn, Price, for, God's, Power, and, Fire, anointing, Holy, Spirit, virtue, presence, young, youth, people, kids, children, conference, death, to, self, will, study, bible, Jesus, Christ, yielded, vessel, kathryn, kuhlman, miracles, signs, wonders, school, of, ministry, dallas, texas, high, calling
Id: x-L-_PGzZto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 27 2009
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