Interpreting Spiritual Dreams!

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and to jesus be the praise and the glory and the honor and dominion and majesty now and for ever more and god's people said amen and amen where would life be without the lord i don't even want to think about it you know it would be better to have not been born than to live without jesus i'm telling you right now because he is our life i'm so glad today you've joined me thank you for being my wonderful friend and partner god's wonderful beloved people and today i'm going to continue teaching on dreams because the lord has been speaking to me lately in dreams in fact i had a vision a few days ago and i'm believing god is going to be speaking to all of us in dreams and visions often and that's why i'm teaching on this because i believe that i as i minister the word your faith is going to rise for that and you're going to start calling on the lord for that because i think god really wants to speak to all of us today and remember whenever the holy spirit moves dreams and vision become the norm the norm so precious lord we come today in jesus holy name wonderful heavenly father we pray lord today that you'll minister your work to us in a wonderful way lord that faith arise in your people's hearts lord and yes lord begin to speak to all of us regularly and clearly for your glory and honor how we love you and how we need you to hear your voice ah man and a man especially in these days we need to hear the lord's voice continually remember what it says in in acts 2 it shall come to pass in the last days i will pour out my spread upon all flesh your sons and your daughters will prophesy your young man will see visions your old man will dream dreams but i also showed you how abraham in genesis had a vision and then a dream so you know god sometimes will speak to all of us through both visions and dreams but mostly through dreams because visions reveal god like in genesis you know where he came to abraham and he said i'm the lord i'm your exceeding and great reward i'm your shield but he came to me in a vision but then he came later and showed him his plan in a dream so visions reveal god and his nature dreams reveal god's plans and its purpose for your life and today more than ever we all need to know what is god's plan for my life and that's why i believe the lord's gonna speak to all of us in dreams so let's look at genesis 37 and i'm going to show you some things from the bible you know like symbols that are biblical not some invention of somebody out there you know so genesis 37 beginning at verse five and joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brethren and they hated him yet the more and he said unto them here i pray you this dream which i have dreamed and behold we were binding sheaves in the field and lo my sheaf arose and also stood upright and behold your chief stood round about and made obeisance or they bowed to my sheep and his brethren said to him shall thou indeed reign over us they immediately interpreted the sheaf to be them the family so here we see chiefs are always symbolic biblically speaking symbolic of families why would they have said that because they said shall you indeed reign over us will you indeed have dominion over us well he didn't say you know i saw you bowing he said i saw chief i i was in the field and there were chiefs but your chiefs bowed to me behold your sheaves stood around about and made obeisance to me to my sheaf so they interpreted that to mean them so we know from this that anytime you see sheaf after they have plowed the land it speaks of individuals mostly families and then it says this and they hated him yet the more for his dreams and for his words watch now in verse 9 and he dreamed yet another dream and told that his brethren and said behold i have dreamed a dream more now what does a dream he says the sun the moon the stars made obeisance to me they bowed to me and he told it to his father and his brethren his father rebuked him and said to him what is this the what is this dream that thou has dreamed shall i and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to the to the earth now here we have another interpretation joseph never never said i saw you dad and i saw my mother and i saw you brothers bow down instead he said he said i saw the sun i saw the moon and eleven stars so we know from from this that the sun represents israel the sun represents the nation of israel because jacob said will you bow to me and do you remember in the book of revelation you see the woman with the sun and the stars and so on that's israel so the sun in the heaven represents israel the moon represents who also israel but then it says because leah rachel are in israel the stars represent the children of israel in this case so whenever we see dreams to do with stars it speaks of the jewish people whatever you see the sun the nation of israel wherever you see the moon nation of israel so how amazing just from this we see that chiefs speak of families sun the nation of israel moon same stars jewish people how amazing and there's a difference between the nation of israel and the jewish people because there's many jews who are not living in israel today they live throughout the world so that to me is quite remarkable because it's all from the bible so i don't have to invent something i don't have to go read something you know like people do sometimes sadly but this is scripture and it's so beautiful and so clear and it says his brethren verse 11 envied him but his father observed the saying how amazing now in genesis 40 because a lot of us you know sometimes have dreams and we don't really understand them i think the first thing we have to do is look first at the bible what does the bible say what does the bible say that's what we're going to do today and i'm going to continue again with you tomorrow what does the bible show us now there are things from experience we know and from scripture that backs it up it's got to back it up you know otherwise it can go wild you know but anyways let's look at genesis 40. let's look at verse 5 and it says this now this is about when when joseph was the the keeper of the prison it's well let's just begin reading at verse one it came to pass after these things that the butler of the king of egypt his baker had offended their lord the king of egypt and pharaoh was wrath against two of his officers against the chief of the butlers against the chief of the bakers and he put them in ward or in prison in the house of the captain of the guard into the prison the place where joseph was bound and the captain of the guard charged joseph with them and he served them and they continued the season in ward we're not told how often how long they were there but it says and they dreamed the dream both of them each man his dream in one night each man according to the interpretation of his dream the butler and the baker of the king of egypt which were bound in the prison now it's interesting that god speaks both to the righteous and to the wicked in dreams remember what what i said yesterday and i'll say it again and i think i just said it earlier visions revealed god and visions belong only to the righteous only to the righteous while dreams reveal god's plans god's purpose and that god will use in speaking also to the sinner not just the righteous you recall what it says in job yesterday i share that with you that how how god will come sometimes to poop to you know pull people back from going down into the pit he's trying to save them from their sin and transgression so he'll give him a dream and often they ignore that rip sally and are punished but now here god comes to these two egyptians who are not you know from his people yet he speaks to them so they dreamed a dream both of them each man in his dream in one night verse five each man according to the interpretation of his dream the butler and the baker of the king of egypt which were bound in the prison and joseph came in unto them in in the morning and looked upon them and behold they were sad he asked them he said he said now why look he's so sad today why are you so sad they said to him we have dreamed a dream and there's no interpreter so i'm sure they looked for the inter for the interpretation and nobody was able to interpret it for them and joseph said unto them do not interpretations belong to god how amazing people usually look for others to interpret dreams but here we hear only god interprets dreams only god can do that be careful today be careful don't go online looking for dream interpretations because most of it is demonic and from you know the horoscope or this or that and that is demonic so be careful with that but here it says do not interpretations belong to god not to me joseph i'm not the interpreter of dreams not to somebody else god and i think often we make a mistake when we go to people and say what do you think my dream means i think we need to pray first and so lord please reveal that dream to me and god usually will send someone like a joseph to tell you what it what it it means who has that gift from the lord so we go to the lord so he says now tell me them i pray you so he made two tremendous statements here number one interpretations belong to god but secondly god will use a man to bring the meaning because he said tell me them i will be the vessel to tell you what god says and the chief butler told his dream to joseph and said to him so pray for two things first let me just because you know i mean i don't want to miss saying this talk to the lord about it if you have a dream that you you don't understand just say lord reveal it to me he may reveal it to you without someone but in most cases someone will come along when you pray someone will come along to tell you who has that gift this is what it means because god will reveal it so and the chief butler told his dream to joseph and said to him in my dream behold a vine was before me whenever you see a vine it is always a good sign it means a blessing a blessing behold a vine was before me something good and the vine and in the vine were three branches and it was as though it budded and a blossom shot forth and the clusters there are brought forth ripe grapes grapes vines are always uh you know there's good meanings in him it's it's not a bad thing when you dream about grapes about a vine because the vine always speaks of the church and israel too by the way but mostly the church jesus said i'm i'm the one you're the you're the branches so whenever you have dreams of grapes it speaks of abundance speaks of blessings peace of prosperity speaks of a good future and pharaoh's cup was in my hand and i took the grapes i pressed them into pharaoh's cup and i gave the cup to pharaoh's hand and joseph said this is the interpretation of it three branches are three days within three days shall pharaoh lift up your head and restore the into your place and you will deliver or you'll give pharaoh's cup into his hand after the former the former manner so here we see very clearly vine grapes clusters all that is a great blessing prosperity great future great abundance and so much more so if you've had dreams like that rejoice and of course you know he sees three branches and he sees them as three days and often god will show that to you too now and by the way numbers have a lot to do you may you may see certain things with numbers in them or how many times they're repeated and we'll talk about that tomorrow by the way because you know i don't have today to talk with this because the numbers in the dream like if a dream happens so many so many times it means that many times it will happen to you okay so let's just keep keep keep keep going here and and now oh this is lovely all right let's just read the second dream now and after this he said think well on me and so on now the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good he said to joseph i also had had a dream and behold i had three white baskets on my head and in the uppermost basket there was all manner of big meats for pharaoh and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head now birds in dreams are always something bad so if you have birds if you see birds in your dreams you better pray that god will stop whatever the the enemy is planning because birds are symbolic sometimes in the bible of the of of the demonic like it says in job 28 you know the birds and the vultures don't know the path of the righteous so birds often are symbolic of something that's not good and then so i'm telling you i've had my own experience with that and i'll tell you about that just you know just a little bit here so let me just read it in the uppermost basket verse 17 there was all matter of baked meats for pharaoh and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head and joseph answered and said this is the interpretation thereof the three baskets are three days yet within three days shall pharaoh lift up your head from off thee will hang you on a tree and the birds will eat your flesh from off of you now why did joseph understand that birds were an evil sign because god showed that to him and that is what the bible says so we can't go outside the bible years ago you know sue and i my sweet wife we went through a three-year divorce but then we came back together but right before that divorce i would have birds come to my window and do this on the glass and it freaked me out every day they would come and and hit the glass with their peak what they called peak with their mouth every day and i'm thinking what what's going on why these birds are doing that and i tried to shush them away and every day they would come in and i'm thinking this is not something you know i i'm and i felt bad i'm thinking something bad is coming i didn't know to pray against it you know this is back 2 209. and then the lord showed me from the word from this and other portions that birds exactly are not a good sign and i should have prayed against it but i did not sadly and what what was planned by the enemy actually happened but thank god was only for three years and then god restored us and we're we're happy and thank thank you jesus for it but then and i learned a lot you know for those three years during those three years i think i'll learn more about the the anointing that i could have learned in any school because it showed me how the anointing you know in my heart cannot can be affected by when things happen but not on my office there's a big difference between the anointing in you and the one on you the one on you goes on the one in you can be affected that's what another time i'll talk about in fact i just wrote a book called the mysteries of the inno net will be out next year by charisma you're gonna love it i'll tell you more about that later but here it's amazing so we we see a number of of things here in back to verse 17. he said in the uppermost basket there was all manner of big meats for pharaoh and the birds ate them out and then he says upon my head so birds and head told joseph he's gonna hang him so and that's exactly what happened because birds and the head doesn't add up to something good anyways now let's let's let's let let's go to genesis 41 and we're going to read verse 32. okay i'm going to make sure i give you all this and more today because i want to show you some other scriptures from ecclesiastes because sometimes dreams it says in the word come because we desire them not because god is talking to us and i'm sure that you too because dreams sometimes are created by our own desires that are not to you know they're these are to be ignored by the way if they're created by your own desire ignore them but i will show you how in just a second and maybe i'll continue tomorrow on this but first uh chapter 41 of genesis and verse 32 and for that the dream was double unto pharaoh twice it is because the thing is established by god so when when a dream is repeated more than once then we know we are to really pay attention to it okay now let's go quickly to uh chapter 41 and it came to pass verse one it came to pass at the end of two full years that pharaoh dreamed himself behold he stood by the river and beholder came up out of the river seven well-favored kind or cows and fat fleshed and they fed in the meadow and behold seven other kind came up after them out of the river ill-favored and leaned fleshed and stood by the other can upon the blink of the river and we all know the story how the ill-favored and lean fleshed ate the ones who were fat and so on and the dream was repeated and then he saw seven thin ears blasted with the east wind and so forth and he saw them before he he he saw they were you know they were uh blessed they were full and so on when he the dream of seven you know ears of corn came up upon one stock rank so good and bad so cows and then corn but what does it speak of well let me just read that to you so now joseph comes up and he says i love this and joseph this is in verse 15 and pharaoh said to joseph i have dreamed the dream and there is none that can interpret it i've heard say of the of of you you can interpret it and so joseph and joseph answered and said god is the interpreter he'll he'll give you peace and then he said behold i stood upon the bank of the river this is verse 17 beholder came up out of the river seven kind fat fleshed well favored they fed in the meadow behold seven other kind came up after them poor and very ill favored lean flesh such as i never saw another land of egypt for badness and the lean and the ill-favored favorite kind did eat up the first fat kind and when they had eaten them it could not be known that they were even that even they even changed and then he said i had another i had one more dream seven years um anyways he you know finishes his dream and so on and then joseph interprets and he says the dream is one the seven good kind are seven years and the seven good years are seven years so we know from this that cows speak of years corn speaks of years god was showing pharaoh the years of plenty and the years of famine but with what did he use for years what did he show cows speaks of time corn speaks of time so from these we know that okay if i have a dream and i see cows it means time years corn same thing now let's just quickly go before i am out of time ecclesiastes okay the book of ecclesiastes chapter 5 and verse 3 very very quickly for a dream cometh through the multitude of business and a fool's voice is known by a multitude of words so here we see sometimes dreams come because people desire them and the bible says also something in verse 7 in the multitude of dreams and many words there are also diverse vanities so dreams here come because people desire them and the bible calls them vanity so where to ignore them isaiah 29 so not all dreams are to our you know we were to pay attention to because some dreams are not from the lord but when they're from the lord when they're from the lord they are repeated because god wants us to know that they are really from him i was reading this morning how when when peter had the vision when he was in jaffa where i was born and he saw the sheets you know with all the animals it happened what three times why three times because god knew he would question it if he only saw it once and you know he because at that time the jewish people did not know that the gentiles could be saved or that the gospel can can also be preached to them so god had to repeat it to say it's me talking not somebody else not your mind so sometimes when it's the lord he repeats it over and over and over to us he speaks often as it's as in said in in job 33 which i read to you yesterday it says how often god does that with all of us so uh isaiah 29 8 it shall even be as when a hungry man dreams and behold he eats but he awakens and his soul is empty or when a thirsty man dreams and behold he drinks but he awakes and he's still faint and so on i've heard how people sometimes uh like people that are sick let's say in some with some disease will dream that they are healed or someone who's missing a part of their body will dream that they have it you know that they're that they are whole and it's true because i think the desire creates it they they want it so bad it actually turns itself into a dream in we know what we'll go through through much more with you tomorrow because sometimes god uses uh other people to interpret to actually tell you his plan through their dreams which happen in the book of judges but let's just pray right now and tomorrow i'll continue so please join me tomorrow all right thank you jesus hallelujah to the lamb of god the story of gideon you know when when he came and he or interpret a dream had a dream and somebody intimated and god used these soldiers to tell gideon what to do so sometimes god would use people give them dreams for you in fact but we'll talk about that later wonderful lord i thank you for your wonderful word i give you praise and lord i pray you'll bless your people today with dreams and visions and lord give them the interpretations and let them know your voice clearly and lord i pray right now if anyone watching me has already had a dream and needs to know what it means lord let them know if it's you and give them the meaning if it's not you lord then let nothing happen in jesus name thank you lord now remember what what i just said to you if it happens one time it may not be the lord but if it happens more than once pay attention to it so father in jesus name lord let them know let them know when you are speaking and lord give them the interpretation to in jesus name now lord touch your people bless them meet every need in their life spiritually every need emotionally bring healing to their body lord bless their families bring salvation to loved ones and meet every financial need today lord i come into agreement with them that every financial need is met in the dear sweet name of jesus take the burden lord off their life off their back take the word out of their hearts and minds lord give them peace today about this in jesus name amen and amen remember as we give we receive as we sow we reap our duty as believers is to sow seed and god will do the rest if you're facing a need today it's time to sow a seed in faith in faith with high expectation because god has promised in due season you will reap if you faint not every mighty saint in the old and new testament were givers and when they gave god always blessed them what did paul say if we saw if we so sparingly will reap sparingly if we sow bountifully or eat bountifully and god gives seed to the sower and multiplies the seed we sow and will give us bountifully abundantly if we live faithfully so yes it's time to sow today so god can keep blessing you financially and you can sow your seat today benny head ministries right there on the platform you're watching me on or you can go to our website or the simplest you just pick up your phone and text bhm45777 and i thank you for being with me today tell your friends about this teaching and don't forget i'm going to continue tomorrow and i'll probably have somebody with me who is really gifted in this area all right much love bye-bye you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
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Id: f2FkcbSLnxA
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Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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