Benny Hinn Holy Spirit & Communion Miracle Service - December 31, 2018

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[Music] mocchi Oh [Music] [Music] hard enforce a happy side in do fine on tier prizes to treat and to strike for two days [Music] but there seems all my 10,000 delay [Music] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] and everyone now in your homes around the world join us please and live to voices come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you are Jesus [Music] beautiful Savior beautiful Singh Gloria slaw [Music] Vanessa me [Music] beautiful save [Music] Gloria slaw you are a man with politically the [Music] my clothes his name is Jesus name above all names [Music] beautiful glorious [Music] [Music] one more time with hands uplifted Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] we thank you for what you're about to do tonight praise your holy name wonderful master give me the phrase just begin to praise Him and the Holy Ghost by now everyone for in the Holy Ghost sentence ever around the world [Music] [Music] you [Music] Oh Lord [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] he [Music] so [Music] you're worthy [Music] you deserve the glory and the honor everything lives woman's now please lift up that fire come on Bruce come on brother Joel on the piano [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory and the Lord we lift our hands in worship and we bless your home [Music] [Music] [Music] every hand uplifted he could including your kids on the side there close your eyes both of you you deserve the glory and the honor [Music] [Music] and the [Music] [Music] you are great [Music] [Music] [Music] like you in heaven above no one liking the earth beneath you're the King of Kings the king of glory the great I am the lamb of heaven come to worship at your feet tonight we've come to glorify your Holy Name none is holy but you none is righteous but you none is like your Lord that is like we cannot sit on his holy like you because there's not like you you only you stand alone you stand alone only you are holy only you are right it's only you're perfect none can compare to you none like you and so this beautiful New Year's Eve service for your sweet dear presence will be rich but we might know you and know your dear presence and substance and I pray that we'll begin the new year knowing you even more and deeper knowing you greater love you so much more than ever before to be loyal to you faithful to you I'm to death and I mean unto death no turning back master no turning back to whom shall we go you have the word of life to you be the praise for everyone in this studio and everyone around the world keep us as the apple of the eye hide us under the shed of your wings don't let the wicked oppress don't let our enemies triumph do not give us to the will of the wicked may we always be counted among the righteous in Jesus name inflame our hearts with love for you let your love take over our life let your love take over our life lift your hands say let your love take over my life inflame my heart with love for you dedication to you faithfulness loyalty always to you wonderful Jesus I love you with all my heart increase my love inflame my heart to love you always above all else all others above my life to love you Lord always increasing love intensify love eternal love out of two hands place them on the Holy Ghost come on make man instrument an instrument of warship I lift up my hands to thy name make me an instrument an instrument of worship I lift up my hands in my name all glory and honor to Jesus forever I lift up my hands in line all the glory all the honor to Jesus forever I lift up my hands in your name now sing with me so prayer in my life Lord be if I tell him sense Hey No Lord be glorified today [Music] [Music] sweet lord [Music] God's people said amen amen and amen and lift her hands and thank him that he will give you the power to endure the coming days to give you that flame that love in your heart that all of us need so badly today but without him we can do nothing ask him to touch your life with fresh love fresh love for the son of God asking the Holy Spirit tonight today what are we watching fresh love for Jesus that will never die ever-increasing love for his glory God said amen hey y'all look at me in your home's it's the only thing that will keep us it's the only thing that will cause us to be victorious I have read a letter today on open doors website I would recommend you all read the same letter from a a Chinese pastor to his congregation this pastor was imprisoned for his faith and you see the love of Jesus coming through the the words on the letter and I'm just I was stunned reading the letter what precious words he wrote to his people and I thought about the great Saints that suffered Richard ROM branch Corrie ten Boom so many others and they won by loving Jesus they could not be defeated by their enemies because nobody can kill their love they can kill other things but never his love and only his love will keep us only his love will keep us strong yeah I'm gonna tell you something tonight that I was planning on telling you later but might as well do it now there is no doubt in my mind and heart that persecution is coming to America when Trump leaves the White House I know by the spirit persecution will come to this country when Trump president Trump leaves the White House a lot of us know that now a lot of people's sense that I've told that to preachers they've all said yeah I was with Morris Cerullo three days ago and he just was cheeky said I wouldn't Nestor that because we all sense it we all sense it retaliation will come against us from the left the liberal crowds those that hate the name of Jesus I'm gonna attack the church we see now they can't because it's not time God won't let it happen it's coming but what's gonna keep you loving Jesus the only thing what will cause you to forgive them the love of Jesus what will cause you to say Lord forgive them I mean think think about the love of God in the heart of the son of God to say Lord forgive them they don't know what they're doing or Steven I mean how can a man like Steven that asks God to forgive his killers how can those people in Iraq the Christians of Iraq you know they they they were about to behead the Christians to cut their heads off and those men said they actually said to their killers we forgive you we forgive you just before they chop their heads off they said we forgive you we love you and while they were saying we love you their hands were coming off what power is that yeah the love of God that would keep those people from hating their enemies because how can we love our enemies come on let's be real how can you love enemies in your own strength never only the love of God can give you that love for an enemy do good to them that despitefully use you and abuse you forgive them that hates you how can he do that as a Christian he gives you his love and now you can do it so easy we don't have that yet in America we haven't seen that grace in our life but we will because God will give us the grace when we need the grace you know Corrie ten Boom as for father one day she said when persecution comes will I be able to endure and the answer one question he said Cory when you go on a train ride when do I give you that ticket just before I bought the Train she said Papa just before I bought the Train he said so will God give you grace just before persecution comes when I give you the ticket he loved her dad said when when I give you that ticket I give it to you right before you bought the Train so God gives you grace right when you need it he'll give us grace no doubt it's his love so before you take your seats lift your hands and ask him to pour is a love through you the poorest love on you so that you would love enemies you'd love those that persecute you you'd love those that will damage your life physically mentally they can never damage you spiritually they can never touch your heart they may yea hurt pain even kill you like they do today all throughout the world but your spirit is strong hallelujah the Holy Spirit in you is alive greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world it's his love we're gonna need that love more and more as the days as those days approach in this country and around the world take your seats god bless you and I wanna I want to just say a few things to you before I begin ministry in the world because I'm on a minister a very strong word tonight that I believe all of you must take heed to and begin to practice what I'm going to talk about and I want to in fact if they'll bring the table out now maybe Tim you and and and Maurice can bring the table put it right here and I wanna I want to minister in just a moment and can you can you carry the entire table gentlemen okay why don't you help him come on Tim help the gentleman yeah no no why'd you let the guys do it yeah let them do it you you do your job as floor director thank you okay just put the table here next to me and and have it have it like this turn around all the way around right there there we go okay can we put the candle on the side and put the cup mm-hmm yes yes please take it out and light the candle for me tonight I'm going to teach on the Lord's Supper and I'm gonna call this the covenant meal and I want you all to put to practice what I'm gonna do tonight and I want you to do it in your home okay you may want just work with the wick a little bit okay yeah I believe we're coming into a time when communion will become the norm in our life and this is a been fought over for centuries by different Christian communities on even the name they disagree on the name but III think we need to give it a name tonight that is biblical we've we call we call it communion the Lord's Supper the Catholics called the Eucharist the mass and other names the Bible calls this the Covenant meal say it the Covenant means because this meal activates the Covenant thank you Bruce it activates the Covenant we have with God and I wanna I want to tell you why you're gonna need to put this to practice because you see the Lord did not say think this he said do this do this in remembrance of me so to do this requires that you understand how to do this so it's not something to remember it's something to do so do this in remembrance of me do this not think this the Lord never said think this he said do this and I won't everyone we right now to lift arrange 7 if as I want to pray for you that God will give you that truth tonight that will sink deep in your heart so father I ask you to take the lid off their minds to to help the people in this studio and throughout the world understand this covenant we have in Christ Jesus your son I pray Lord that you give us a clear-cut vision clear her understanding crystallize our hearts - - to receive and understand the truth of your word in a mighty an awesome name of Jesus I pray and God's people said amen now now I want you to to pay attention that the early church received amazing power because of this and we lack it today in the church even under great persecution they didn't cease to do what were about to talk about that's what give them power you see the Covenant meal activates every promise of God so before I show you scriptures about that because I'm gonna I'm gonna show you different times when when God had dinner with men both all the New Testament by the way but but I I want to talk about first the mystery of God the mystery of God because this is a mystery that bread and and wine or grape juice in this case but it really is wine is what they drank that in it we see the doorway into heaven this is a door here this is a connection this is what connects the earth with heaven this is the entry into a blessed world that many of us have missed we've missed so it's it's called the mystery of God in them and the mystery of God and and father I pray you you'll just help him understand this in Jesus name say Amen the mystery of God has come to take residence in us and and in Jesus we have become a part a part of true eternal reality so there is reality here that we we cannot see in the visible realm we cannot see the reality that God promises in the in the bread or or the wine because to us we just bought that at the store we we eat bread every day some of us drink wine here and there or grape juice most of us but we don't realize the power when that bread is no longer bread and that cup is no longer juice or wine so in the mystery the bread becomes the body of the Son of God and the wine becomes the blood of the Son of God now that's a mystery that's why I said earlier this there's a door here this like a connection between the world imean and the world God is in and and and God wants us to experience his world not our own he came into our world as a man but he told us about his world and invited us to come in all how do we come in through the door this is the door that's the only way to come in into that world you cannot come into that world well God is without going through communion did you did you did you hear that communion is the doorway on this side there's disease on that side of the door there's healing on this side there's death on the other side there's life are you listening on this side there's sin on that side there's righteousness so if if I know how to get in I will no longer be bound to sin or disease so Paul they have also said we haven't discerned you haven't discerned the body that's why you're dying before your time you haven't discerned the body and the blood and the cross that's why you're sick which means people are not getting it how do we get in and get healed how to get in and get free from demons because on the other side of the door there's no Devils are you people listening demons exist in this round they don't exist in God's realm so I'm just getting you ready here to understand where we're going tonight so I've prayed and I pray again God will lift up the the scales of your eyes he'll take off what's holding you back from getting this the early church got it and had great power and amazingly none of the Apostles not one of them died with disease there's no mention that cancer hate Peter or John or any of the Apostles now some will say Paul was sick but it doesn't say so in the Bible he was frail because of his age well age his age we know that but but we see that when Israel took communion before Egypt they all were healed they knew what was on the other side of the door even though under the law it even worked under the law the symbol alone brought them healing we have more than the symbol we have the substance the shadow brought them healing their God I always say if the shadow can heal think what the substance can do they walked in shadows they walked with symbolism the lamb symbolic of Jesus the blood of an animal symbolic of his blood and so forth the the flesh of the animal symbolic of his body so here they eat the lamb they apply the blood they get healed and many people when they go to church they don't see this as the body they see this bread tonight I pray God will change that with you no no say Amen at when you touch that bread it will no longer be bread in spirit it will become the body of the Son of God let's so let's talk a little more about the mystery the mystery now the mystery is the real reality in the mystery we become a part of the eternal love of God literally think about what I just said some of you missed it we become a part of the love of Jesus that his love unites us to him we become a part of the mystery called communion how is it possible that bread can heal my body well it does if if I no longer call it bread I no longer see it as bread and I no longer see this as juice or wine then I begin to enter into a new world at the end of the other of the evening tonight just before midnight we will we're gonna enter through the door all of us in enter through the door and so you and your homes get the elements ready okay in about two hours and 18 minutes maybe before that we'll we'll get in together so I'm preparing all of you now okay preparing always so you in your homes now you you go get the juice or the all the wine yeah Jesus drank wine didn't drink juice I promise you it were the only reason we serve juices so people don't get drunk what in the flesh you know they're flash people but but let's just focus on the mystery we are his people we are found we are forgiven made new by the Spirit of God we we give thanks by the Spirit of God we we do we are established in the Spirit of God we do the things he moves us to do we live in that reality and and the center of all we do and who we are is this you got to hear what I just said so I'm forgiven I have a new life in Jesus I I'm filled with the spirit I move as he moves me I talk as he moves me I do as he moves me but at the center of all my Christian experience is dinner without dinner none of this will happen I pray you're gonna get this many Christians because they ignore this they have not received the fullness of the Christian life they're still sick they still battle the same old Devils they used to battle before they got saved they have not known the joy of forgiveness Liberty from Devil's that demons can still have as their mind my brother my sister don't you get it once you go through the door no devil can get in he prepares a table before me in the presence of enemies meaning the the enemies can see me do it but they cannot get in there and touch me he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies the enemies can watch and only watch they can get in there and mess it up for me every time communion is reenacted and it is reenacted that's what do means Jesus didn't say think it he said do it do it means relive relive it every time communion is relived the demons about every single time they can't move that's why it says he prepares a table and the enemies can move they are there but they can't move somebody say hallelujah now I want to keep talking about this because this is where we meet God this is where we partake of his death conquering life this is where we meet him this is the door remember I said that it's the door this is the meeting place with Jesus when have you met him last when have you had an appointment last time without that there are no appointments without that there are no meetings he always reveals himself at the table he opens our eyes at the table remember on the road to Emmaus as he broke the bread their eyes opened hallelujah how many want your eyes to be opened always at the table say at the table yeah the table is the place of vision your eyes open and see Jesus at the table there is union with Jesus at the table communion is Union see we've we have lost the mystery I said to a pastor and so do you believe Communion is symbolic he said yes I said that's why you're powerless Jesus didn't say this is symbolic of my body he said this is my body he said he didn't say this symbolic of my blood this my blood in spirit it becomes the body and the blood and none is perfect but the Lord you can understand that we we are all imperfect human beings we say things we do things we think things aren't right but at the table everything becomes her we have forgiveness at the table healing at the table restoration at the table life at the table and so much more will receive of his life at the table now I'm going to do something there's a little gross a little gross very gross now put put put your wrist out like that now if undo your button now watch this what's this that's what's this this this happens in the demonic yeah now if I should cut your wrists and suck your blood as they do those Devils do that what are they sucking life you got it it's not blood it's life life every time you do this you predict his life it's his life it's no longer juice now the devil's know that we lost it because this is demonic stuff this is filthy stuff this is they see demons have messed up the pure so in those horrible places including in San Francisco they drink blood we're not drinking blood we're partaking of his life so it explains John chapter 6 but it's spirit he said to us he said the words that I speak our spirit their life and spirit I'm not asking you he said to drink my real physical blood I'm asking you in spirit to receive it so when and this is what he meant in John 6 he was talking about communion he said you must partake eat my body eat my body and you have to drink my blood to be a part of me and they said who can handle this remember that and they all walked away he said who who can who can you know understand that one but he he was trying to explain to them communion in spirit that's what we do Melba caught up a little Fame Iain taking to ROM Oh somebody say hallelujah so this this covenant meal it's like a battleground for centuries has been that in the in the in many churches but but let's begin to understand what has been misunderstood and let's not ignore what God really gave us so let's begin to look at the scripture now Jim you're gonna help me there and I want you to take that microphone and you and we're gonna look at the Old Testament for I'm gonna show some headline scriptures about the meal that triggers covenants every time a covenant was made in the new in the Old and New Testament it required a meal to trigger the promises so in a covenant in a covenant people make promises to each other well the promises are not triggered they they don't come into being without dinner so where were we see it first is in Genesis 26 because in Genesis 26 verse 28 and 31 we see a covenant meal between Abimelech and Isaac so they came to an agreement called a covenant better than because agreements can be broken so let's not use that word so the Covenant they come to an understanding and in the Covenant they say God is witness they bring God into it and the second they bring God into it the matter is settled but then they have to have a meal to begin living the cabinet so Jim if you don't mind verse 28 you you you know read for me Genesis 26 28 through 31 and they said we saw certainly that the Lord was with thee and we said let there be now an oath betwixt us and earth meaning an agreement a covenant let there be an oath between us so we don't have a fight about whatever were firing about alright keep going even between even betwixt us and thee and let us make a covenant with thee that's it that thou will do us know heard that you'll not hurt us we will not hurt you so let's let's agree in the covenant okay keep going as we have not touched thee and as we have done unto thee nothing but good and have sent thee away in peace thou art now the blessed of the Lord and he made them a feast wait stop now I want to explain something so when you when you go and buy a house you have to sign some some paper right and they actually call it a covenant often when you go to a lawyer a lawyer sits there and you have to sign and you're bound the second you sign you're stuck with it for the rest of your life you you cannot get out of once you sign you're in that's the signature right here is the signature in all days they didn't sign a paper the meal was the paper to sign are you are you listening nobody had a pen nobody had a paper the agreement on paper that we signed today was finalized when they ate eating was the paper eating was the signature in Genesis 26 so one more time they agreed the terms agreed you don't know to me I don't hurt you make promises to each other and then what happened and he made them a feast ah stop making them a feast is like a lawyer writing all the thing on paper putting it all in writing so you guys agree to pay so much for the house or whatever thing you're dealing in and then a lawyer has to say okay now here's what I understood you to agree and he has you sign on the other people sign well the meal the meal is the agreement on paper with God are you hearing me the meal is what you sign the second you chew you're signing and after you chew if you break it you did because you ate eating is signing so he prepares him a meal why because that's how they sign paper in ancient times they still do today in many parts of the world a covenant isn't made with the Lord sitting there saying here's what you guys agreed on a priest sign and anybody who breaks it pays they serve a meal there's no lawyer it's done between them both that's the covenant meal it's called what every time you have communion you sign again and he signs again and releases his power malabo cartel farm young talented it's like coming together again in a powerful how many God that put your hands up high that's why we have to have this often as often wow it really agreement it reignites the promises the next time you see that is Genesis 30:1 44 and 46 44 through 46 were Laban and Jacob came to the place where they had the meal so they made the agreement called the Covenant and then they said let's sign by eating see maybe you've never heard that in old covering days chewing is signing say chewing is signing that's it aren't you glad you came just to hear that see it's the Covenant it's the Covenant okay Jim Genesis 30:1 Genesis 31 you're gonna read verse 44 45 and 46 now therefore come thou let us make a covenant I and thou and let it be for a witness between me and thee and Jacob took a stone and set it for up for a pillar and Jacob said unto his brethren gather stones and they took stones and made in heap and they did eat there upon the heap so he prepared a table of stone and they got the meal on so what was he doing again he was signing the contract he was signing the agreement the Covenant but why did he do it because it's required in ancient times you're in now you're stuck think about the power of that piece of paper you sign when you sign a paper to this day you hide that paper somewhere safe right yeah you make sure your lawyer has a copy so nobody can mess up with the agreement I have news for you God is watching that thing real close when you eat with him he'll fulfill his part of the Covenant every single time but when you eat it triggers every promise he made to you so when are you gonna eat again tonight are you ready for tonight's are you ready to sign again and remember what what we sign are the blessings all the blessings all the promises all what God will do for us and he asks of us to do one thing follow just agree with him agree with him what a God now I wanna I want to bring something to your attention so Genesis 12 God Almighty gives Abraham promises Genesis 13 14 15 16 17 wait a minute that's a long time between Genesis 12 and Genesis 17 because when God gave him the promise he was only 75 years old now he's almost a hundred so 24 years pass that's a long time boys and girls 24 years and God comes one day and has Abraham do one thing he had never done before with God found in Genesis 18 because see the Covenant wasn't signed in Chapter 12 13 14 15 16 and 17 for for 24 years nobody signed a piece of paper God never brought Abraham a piece of paper to sign and you know what the piece of paper is right right here say say say this is it one more time say what so in chapter 18 God comes and says now let's have dinner right and while they're eating together God says now I'm gonna fulfill the promise it triggered the promise that's been on for 24 years nothing happened for 24 years till dinner when dinner was served God said Isaac will come next year the time of life now they ate dinner and nine months later Isaac is born while God promised Isaac 24 years early or earlier so it took 25 years for Isaac to show up 25 years and for 24 years nothing happened until he came to the table are you getting this so it says Jim it says in Genesis 18 verse 6 7 and 8 Genesis 18 4 6 7 and 8 and I want you to look at now what happens and and what God says right away okay Jim Yuliya and Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah and said make ready quickly three measures of fine meal knead it and make cakes upon the hearth and Abram ran unto the herd and and a fetch a half a calf tender and good and gave it unto a young man and he haste haste me to eat meat calf calf is meat anybody who tells you not to eat meat is not biblical he ate meat guys not fish not chicken he ate meat did you hear what I said he killed a calf that's good old-fashioned organic meat so all those doctors that you don't eat meat have him read this portion here say well God ate meat why should I even if God enjoyed a piece of meat 1 and and they ate lamb lamb in Egypt remember that they didn't eat did not eat chicken you know the meal of Christians there is chicken everywhere you go they serve your chicken you almost think chickens are all Christians but they ate lamb and they ate calf so so it's ok that's just a side note so but look look look please one more time Jim go ahead and just finish it and he took butter and milk and butter is not bad for you it's mentioned in the bible not margarine butter margarine that's it but butter is all right keep going it's a butter and milk and oh and milk to it they tell you today don't drink milk milk is bad for you well boys I don't know about you but it says in the Bible they drank milk so we drink milk to keep going and the calf which he had dressed and said it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they did eat now this is something marvelous watch what happened as they're eating first then he said I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and loss Sarah thy wife shall have a son but when did God say it at dinner dinners trigger promises say that say it again now in my part of the world the wedding doesn't happen or doesn't it's it's not finalized when the couple says I do it's finalized when they have dinner without the dinner the wedding means another as they say in Spain y'all in many cultures they have to have dinner that's where the idea of receptions came say dinners ignite the covenant of marriage without dinner that the thing then will happen now all of you that didn't have dinner don't go back and we do it all over again that's okay I'm just telling you the way it's done in the east the way in the east is you get married and then you have dinner and it's the dinner that says the marriage is real so dinners with God is powerful it ignites every promise of the Covenant so God gave him a covenant chapter 12 13 14 15 16 17 in 18 they eat and now so God says now I'll do it now why because we had dinner so when you read verse 9 to verse 14 what an amazing promise God made to Abraham now and Isaac comes the following year now what did what triggered what triggered Israel's deliverance from Egypt dinner they had the promises of God nobody got out remember something I mean God uses Moses the Nile turns into blood the frogs the with all the all the judgment comes and nothing happens to Israel they're still stuck Pharaoh says no I won't let you go till dinner when they had dinner they ran out they were going out while eating the dinner even cooking the dinner they were still cooking the dinner when you have dinner God moves real fast to fulfill his promise dinner moves the hand of God fast for you that's why communion is so important in our life how many of you want God to move fast for you put your hands up I have what have what what is what is what is the dinner called the Covenant meal say the game now in 2019 I'm going to ask you to have dinner once a week you have dinner with God once a week and you'll see your Christian life come alive you will see the part of God invade your home you're going to see miracles you've never seen before no devil will come into your house anymore sickness will be driven out of your house completely are you people listening to me no more disease in your house if you have dinner once a week how many times it says as often as you do so you can have it more than once a week but at least once a week watch what God will do in your house how many will do it once a week among all right now you watch you you start doing it in your house this week say this week we start here tonight but think what will happen when you do it in your house and serve your children and your wife and your loved ones if nobody's home do it alone Jesus will always show up now I want to say something about God himself the covenant he made at Sinai with his people Israel recorded in Exodus 24 so God gave the Covenant the Mosaic Covenant and from verse 1 to verse 11 a long portion there we read about the people of God but I'm gonna I'm gonna read just portions of it to you portions of it and I want you to notice just a few portions here that are so powerful so now here they are God Almighty gives the Covenant but nothing happens the promises are not activated so first one Moses goes up the mountain he goes alone Moses comes in verse 3 tells the people of God told them Moses writes everything in a book then young people go out and apply blood everywhere and then something happens now Moses goes up again and takes with him all the elders 70 of them in verse 9 then goes up Moses now watch this the covenant is made from verse 1 to verse 8 are you listening look at me all of you from verse 1 to verse 8 God gives him the law he's up by himself and he's writing everything down comes down blood is applied but nothing is activated nothing happens the part of God doesn't show up God says now you can back up now and you bring the elders with you that represent the nation and when they come up they are in for a shock of their life they're in for a shock of their life watch this and they saw the God verse 10 and they saw the God of Israel there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a safar stone as it were the body of heaven in his clearness and upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand now watch this also they saw God and did eat and drink wait hold it now who prepared the table who put the table together for them to eat and drink up on that mountain seventy elders and Moses and Aaron 72 men having dinner with God who set the table I think they angels possibly but why to activate what God gave him verse 1 to verse 8 to activate the covenant without that meal nothing could have happened this was the establishment of the Old Testament the next thing we read the next verse that we read is something so amazing he says now you come up verse 12 he says you come up Moses and I'm gonna give you the tables of a law and the next thing God says to him now go and build me a tabernacle now that I've eaten with you you don't have to come up anymore I'm coming down build me a tabernacle wherein I may dwell that's awesome stuff guys the dinner changed God's location change this address Moses have been coming up down up down up down up down up down God says now we've had dinner build me a 10 so I can come and live in it you don't have to come up ever again I'm gonna come and live with you if you want God to live with you have dinner with him are you people ready to see God change his address if you are say yes I am he'll change his address from his location to your location so the minute they had dinner he said now build me a tabernacle so I can dwell with you which means dinner changes addresses mock or a tale of can we have a praise break please just lift your hands and praise Him on the Holy Ghost come on Bo come on I want to hear that so far brother come on you got that so far back there blow it hallelujah are you praising the Lord yes or no now that that is that is the word of God I just gave you the Old Covenant is full of dinners with God now let me talk about the New Testament quickly before I I proceed here hallelujah somebody say hallelujah in Luke 22 Jim quickly first 19 and 20 we see the New Covenant ratified in the blood of Jesus validated in the blood of Jesus that meal that declared that the Covenant with all its promises was now coming into being so he said Luke 22 verse 19 and 20 pleased and gave thanks and brake it and gave unto them saying this is my body this is my body now the minute he blessed it it was no longer bread how did he bless it here's how I blessed it would you read that verse again for me 19 and he took bread and gave thanks and brake it and gave unto them snow now when he gave thanks he spoke the blessing and he spoke the words barakatuh dude I know he knew blessed are Thou O Lord our God and would say let him in ari's who has founded bread from the earth these are the words spoken in Hebrew you have founded bread in the earth the minute he spoke those words it was no longer bread when you bless the Lord you bless the Lord he'll turn that bread in spirit he'll become his body you have to bless the Lord are you listening he gave thanks and blessed God he didn't bless the bread he blessed God Baruch ATA Adonai blessed are you O Lord our God hallelujah is right and now he said this is my body he could have said bread buddy but he didn't he said this is my body finish it Jim this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me we'll talk about what it means do okay now you want to finish verse 20 likewise also the cup after supper saying the cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you but behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table that's amazing amazing that he would say do this do this in remembrance what does it mean to do well it sounds strange to our ears to be commanded to eat bread and drink wine in order to remember the Lord well but but but we have to understand what meals signify in ancient days and I just told you already but I want to say a few more things the Lord ate at the wedding of Cana eight when he fed the five thousand eight in the house of the kiyose why why did he eat at the wedding why did he eat when he fed the five thousand House of the kids because you have to understand the significance of igniting the promise do you know on the Lord eight it was at that moment of the blessing the bread began to multiply in the hands of the disciples when he touched it when he blessed it and he ate with them even though doesn't mention that but he had to to ignite the multiplication power the day is gonna come while you have communion in your house food will show up in your fridge while the stores are running out of food the days are gonna come in this country it's already happened in other parts of the world believe me while shops will be closed because of the troubles on earth that are coming that while you have communion God will fill your fridge multiply your bread multiply your food because in communion there's multiplication I haven't dealt with that tonight and I'm not gonna have tempted to deal with it show us cultures it's quite powerful it's quite powerful that when God shows up and participates in meals what happens so the wedding at Cana what happened the water turns to wine miracles began happening with people food and drink with the five thousand he feeds the multitudes in the house of Zacchaeus the promises are released on that child of Abraham I can't keep keep going but but I wanna I want to notice I want you to notice something in acts 1041 it says Peter is speaking he says would you read that for us that when Jesus after he rose from the dead he ate and drank with them more than once but why why would the Lord eat and drink with them after he rose from the dead I believe Gimli that first before I say what I want to say not to all the people but to witnesses chosen before of God even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead now here's what I believe Jesus ate before the cross to release the promises of salvation and ate after the cross on the road to Emmaus and the first thing he did in the upper room when he came remember when he rose from the dead he came and said you have food before anything else he said where's food but why would Jesus eat after he rose from the dead to activate Pentecost there would have been no Pentecost without that meal because when after he ate he said he shall receive power how could you people sit so quiet the meal before the cross activates salvation the meal after the cross activates Pentecost and then he kept having meals with them throughout the time he was here on earth it doesn't say what happened afterwards but we know that every time the Lord it was someone something happened now I want to focus on do this the bread and the wine is the door between two worlds is the point of contact with the world of the holy spirit the meal is the point where we meet God I've said all those and I want to repeat that because it's vitally important you understand where this table stands is the door so how can you remember mentally or think about an event reconstruct it in your mind if you were not there so it cannot mean mental so Jesus now said do this and remember me pay attention this is very important well I cannot remember if I was in there I cannot reconstruct mentally if I wasn't there so what did he mean by remember me well remember to us is a mental activity it's a recall of an event with the mind it's to think about a past event but that's not what I meant to to the Jewish mind this is very important you get this because you gotta get this Lord help him get it it's the activity of the whole person spirit soul and body I become a part by reliving by reliving what happened and I relive it through a meal the Jewish people today at Passover we live coming out of Egypt but they did not come out of Egypt their forefathers did they weren't there the coming out of each it was thousands and thousands of years ago so how can a Jewish man in New York or Tel Aviv or Jerusalem or anywhere in the world or Los Angeles celebrate Passover if he wasn't there by eating the foods that reactivate the moment food is a great igniter of moments with God so they prepare that the Seder they prepare the table at Passover in every Jewish home and everything they eat speaks of an experience their forefathers had they begin to relive so in the meal we reenact we employ rituals we employ symbols we identify we participate in all the event of the original event it's not just identifying it's not just participating in rituals and symbols but even the very taste of it brings me into it even when I taste it I become a part because now I'm no longer see the Jewish people become a part of the suffering of Israel when they eat the special foods they prepare that remind them of suffering the Passover I think it'll be wonderful this coming Good Friday this coming year 2019 to have a rabbi come here and go through the Seder with us what a powerful moment will be for us to see that Jewish rabbi do what we're trying to do with communion relive the moment I want to say a few more things that are vitally important you gotta hear that's what Jesus said what Jesus said so important it's an active participation of a historical reality it's the real acting of that reality and in so doing it the power of that moment is released into the present it's the re-enacting the finished work of the cross brought into the now into the present Jesus with all his glory now is present in the right and the act of communion is present and that moment that past moment is no longer past it's a present moment I entered into I enter into first Corinthians 10:16 okay you gotta read the force I enter into that moment where suddenly I am no longer taking bread eating bread I'm no longer drinking a cup I I want I want to Jim come stand next to me a second hold the mic for me will you and-and-and-and read first Corinthians 10:16 for me while no with with with with my microphone while I pour the wine the cup of blessing which we bless is it is it not the communion of the blood of Christ one more time we read that the cup of blessing which we bless I'm out I'm pouring out the juice not to offend you I said get some grape juice but if you want to do it right it's wine the couple will read that for me which we bless we bless but rule Adonai is it not the communion of the blood of Christ wait the communion of what the blood of Christ the commune of the blood of Christ now the minute I bless it is the blood and if it's the blood it's his life lifter hands and thank you for there now now borrow hurt adonai eloheinu melech ha-olam blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who has founded the fruit of the vine that's how they bless and he said is it not the cup we bless is it not the communion of the blood of Christ and the bread which we break away Jim hold my mind watch go ahead the bread which we breathe which we break is it not the communion of the body of Christ now how amazing he says we bless the cup and break the bread is it not the communion off of the body of Christ I didn't break bread I'm talking about the broken body read the whole verse the cup of the blessing which we bless baruch adonai eloheinu is it not marahau Allah blessed are you O Lord our God King of heaven and the universe who has founded the fruit of the is it not the communion of the blood of Christ now in my blessing that they did in the Old Covenant we don't know the blessing of the New Testament but I believe it has to be the same there we bless God I'm not blessing a cop I'm not blessing the fruit of the vine I'm blessing the Lord for his work at Calvary lift your hands and bless him with me I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary to view the cross who Jesus died for me come on plate for me Bruce everything in their instrument [Music] Jesus died and so well when she wrote that song she was blessing the Lord for his work of Calvary and you can bless the Lord in your own way lift your hands and bless him I shall forever live mine eyes to Calvary to view the cause Jesus died for me [Music] grace that my he looked beyond my Falls and so my knee and we bless him when we sing for it reaches to the highest mountain it flows to the lowest Valley come on sing it for II to regions it's to the Lord [Music] that gives me strange from Jane to it will [Applause] I'll never forget the experience I had in New Mexico a group of Catholic nuns Deuteronomy and prepare the communion and sang we give thanks with a grateful heart we give thanks to the Holy One we give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ his son we give thanks [Music] blast hole we give your head because you've given Jesus Christ you're blessed sir fifty boys and we say [Music] because otherwise [Music] Louise Oh [Music] [Music] the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the body of Christ the bread which we break is another communion of the body of Christ for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread behold Israel after the flesh are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar that's us partakers of the outdoor when Israel partook of those sacrifices they became a part of the very altar of sacrifice wait wait wait wait you're missing it one I partied what does he mean by partakers of the altar don't read that I came to you for a 17 we being many are one bread one body were all partakers of that bread behold Israel after the flesh or not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar what's our own what is our after the cross when I eat I become a part of the work of Calvary I partake of the work of Calvary now he uses something that they understood what say I then that the idol is anything or that which is offered in sacrifice to all those to idols is anything but I say that the thing which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to devils not to God for I would not that you should have fellowship with Devils he cannot drink of the cup of Lord the cup of devils you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table and the table of devils now when I read that something jumps out of those verses that the heathens when they eat food offered to idols have fellowship with demons fellowship with demons and here he says to us I would not that you have fellowship with Devils by eating what is offered to idols therefore when I eat what's offered to God I fellowship with him that's awesome that I'm having fellowship with the Lord I'm having fellowship with the Lord look at this Cup I'm having fellowship is it not the communion of the blood is another communion of the life of Jesus so now watch this I'm having fellowship I'm every white stop I'm having what not make you feel there knowing just me saying that I'm having what fellowship now you're having light weight you're having what fellowship you're his wife you can't drink from the same cup you're having what huh fellowship fellowship with who Jesus yeah you're having what never again have communion without fellowship lifter as I'm thinking for fellowship Marie bring me a communion set fellowship bring me another glass bring me another glass you're having what you're having one fellowship when do you have it when you do it you having fellowship you're having fellowship with him this is no longer Brad this is his flesh yes party you feel their holy don't you so now when you eat the bread it's no longer bread is it not the fellowship of the Lord lifter hasn't asked him for fellowship Jim you're having fellowship pastor you're having you're having young man you're having you you're breaking his body you you you you're breaking his his body you're breaking his his body you're breaking his his body you're breaking his you're breaking his body now you're having fellowship this is the Fellowship of the Son of God the communion of his blood the communion of his body the communion of his blood in class Joel go stand with your wife the Lord's gonna heal on now at the cross and the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away come here Joe bring your wife with you it was there by faith I receive my sight come stand with me and I am happy all the day so now the Bible tells us in this amazing portion it says the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of Christ the bread which you break is it not the communion the power of Christ for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you but the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks barakaatuh Don Hilario milhollin would say let him inherits give thanks give thanks we're given thanks you break it and he said they break it he said take eat this is my body broken for you this do in remembrance of me now after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me and then it says as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do proclaim the Lord's death till he come now ladies and gentlemen how do I do I say father I thank you that Jesus your son took upon him my sins and Lord Jesus I thank you for dying for me on the cross of Calvary and Lord I remember when you stood before Caiaphas and they beat your precious face fulfilling Isaiah chapter 50 and I thank you Lord for taking my pain as they placed that crown of thorns upon your head and I remember Lord as you stood before Pilate and they whipped your bag and mocked you and I remember Lord as they spit upon you now remember as you carry your cross to Golgotha zeal and I remember as they crucified you nailing both your hands your feet to that cruel cross now remember as they lifted the cross placing it in place and for six hours you hung on that cross feeling the pain my pain and the pain of humanity and I remember how you cried my God my god wise how forsaken me now remember the soldier piercing your side and you give up the goes thank you lord that's how we remember we relive it will relive it by speaking it by repeating it to the Lord and then we eat his broken body as we're told and then we take the cup and we say father I remember when the blood of Jesus was shed for me in Gethsemane to heal my soul I remember Lord when the blood was shed again in the house of Caiaphas and the blood poured out of his precious face now remember Lord how the blood poured from his precious forehead as they placed the crown of thorns Lord I remember how the blood flowed as they whipped his back and as the blood flowed through his hands and his feet and his side I remember and we tell God what happened but the blood was shed seven times the first time gets cemani second times house of caiaphas when they bit his face third time when they put his crown on his head number four they whipped his back number five bust his hands number six his feet number seven his side was pierced and will will remind God and then we drink it and then we serve it to our wife well no we we we serve it and and we say now remember now remember the blood the blood of Jesus of Jesus you shed for you seven times seven times his blood was shed in Gethsemane in the house of Caiaphas before Pilate and on the cross your healing for your healing now your to lift your hands will receive your healing now it's that simple now lift your hands and pray and the Holy Ghost for them oh the blood of Jesus oh the blood of [Music] Jesus oh the blood washes white as snow once again heavenly oh the blood the Lord healed this couple I lay my hands and faith believing for that healing of the womb that starting now a miracle Witek place in the womb of this young lady Jesus name complete healing completely a complete healing of her body Jesus oh Jesus [Music] Jesus that's right I see with young ladies on you Jesus Jesus bring out here the young lady alone you feel it only don't you that's the part of God just the people singing Jim Jesus [Music] yes there it is in the name of the Lord lift your hands and thank him that's the communion quickly pass the communion elements to the people Jesus come with me James don't touch the couple Lord Jesus oh gee Jesus [Music] he's here right now he's here right now we don't need to wait we don't need too bad he's passing out gifts for you to receive he's healed right now to meet your needs now I want to Joel Tim pick up Joel but not his wife and you can go over there and I want you to play now glory to the land and a part of that is flowing through her I want someone to pick her up gently come on Maurice come on come on ever sit right there on the chair take take take the notes often Jim come please now Jim I'm pouring this for you this is the communion of the blood of Christ Jesus I'm pouring this for me this is the communion of the blood of Christ Jesus Jim this is the communion the body of the Lord Jesus I break it lift your hands to heaven I break it that you all might see his precious broken body you're worthy to be praised and impress your the land [Music] join me as we praise and thank him glory and if the voices Saints your homes join us [Music] prepare the communion in your arms [Music] [Applause] for your glory these to me you Oh to you we lift our [Music] yah everyone's standing everything in the instruments for you [Music] just a gentle whisper glory now bless his name it's what you play as your blessing and worshiping him [Music] glory to the Lamb of God always glory glory to the Lamb of God [Music] for your glorious mortise for you [Music] come to you we lived avoid sweet [Music] now very heavenly music there you are loan our holy now lifted bread give me a close shot I want you all to say after me blessed Jesus I thank you for your body broken for me I remember Lord when you stood before Caiaphas and they beat your precious face and they whipped your head with the Reed now remember Lord as the soldiers in pilots Hall place the crown of thorns upon your lovely head and spit up on you I remember law when they whipped you back mocking you I remember Lord makes you carry your cross to Calvary for me and I remember Lord as they crucified you nailing your hands and your feet to a cruel cross now remember Lord as you cried my God my God why have you forsaken me now remember Lord as you give up the ghost for me and now I partake your broken body that my body might be made whole will receive by faith now in Jesus name [Music] you see this cup here there's no longer juice it's the blood of Jesus Christ in spirit is it not the communion a lot of Christ now lift up the cup to him dearest Jesus I thank you I love you thank you Lord for dying for me I thank you Lord for shedding your blood seven times for me in Gethsemane I thank your Lord as you said your blood in the house of caiaphas from your face your forehead I thank your Lord is used to before Pilate you said your blood from your back I thank your Lord uncle garthe's Hill you said your blood as they nailed your hands to the cross you shed your blood as they nailed your feet to the cross you shed your blood again as they pierced your side and I thank your Lord that you took your blood with you to heaven pouring it before the throne of God according to Hebrews 9:12 I thank you lord even now you'll cleanse me sanctify me and purify me with your blood it is the blood that makes an atonement for my soul receive it now by faith in Jesus name drinkie all of it the scripture says drinking all of it I lift her hands and praise Him come on in the Holy Ghost praise Him in the Holy Ghost praise it look to voices and praise there's miracles happening already in this but in this studio that's worship now [Music] somebody's bones were healed during community someone to my right had something wrong with your bones [Music] pain that it's gone down receive that healing in Jesus mighty name it's in the neck area it's in the neck area just felted go through there [Music] Oh the blood diseases has been healing you be praised [Music] cancel if you get in the name of Jesus [Music] I rebuke that cancer in the name of Lord Jesus [Music] somebody with a glaucoma is being healed glycome right now is being healed in the studio [Music] you feel the fighting and awning on your body that's the part of God Masum I've just been healed I'll if you get in Jesus [Music] and gum disease it has been he'll also here somebody's guns you feel that heat that's the part of God you feel that electricity that's the part of God you feel that amazing overwhelming sensation that's the power of God if the anointing is touching enough for healing get out of your seats come stand after my left [Music] if the Lord is healing you and you know it get out of where you are come stand over here to the left don't wake otherwise you can lose that Ealing else will receive it now somebody's knees somebody's knees have just been healed how you be prayed [Music] just softly whisper now those sick in body place your hands on your sickness now I command that disease to go in Jesus by the name I command that sickness to leave you now whether you're here in the studio or in your home around the world I'll rebuke that sickness in you in your life and body in the name of Jesus be made whole now keep worshiping keep worshiping [Music] be made whole in Jesus name now [Music] those in this studio that feel the part of God on your body whether it's heat you feel whether another sensation you feel whether like that woman would they show blood that just knew she was healed get out of your seat come stand on the left over here and claim your healing everyone else keep worshiping keep worshiping I ever don't begin praying begin praying the Holy Ghost want pray pray pray pray in the Holy Ghost playing the one who goes holy holy holy are you Lord that's right pray pray pray in this pit right now all of you if God is healing you get out of your seat come stand over here quickly that anointing is flowing on the people here pick up the key pick up the key pick up the key pick up the cable Tim um and uh and and Maurice come take this quick very very very carefully [Music] take take the cups take the cuffs off so they don't fall and break take take the cups out first comes out he pranky planky brain [Music] Lilly Dean [Music] holy holy holy are you Lord because the key again holy Hall Jim can you help me over here on this side holy just let me know one by one Jim are you lord what are you gonna hear with you what happened Jiang lot of pain in the shoulder as she's worshiping it's gone pain is Jesus I worship you Jesus I give you the praise take your seats take your seats take your seats we we have about 40-something minutes before it's midnight here in California and before I I close I have a prophetic word about 2019 so I need the time and don't leave me don't leave if you're watching by television around loved world and and the social media platforms she injured her stomach by taking too much medicine she felt the heat of the Lord all over her body every better than those in Jesus name pick it up thank you lord be good Jesus you feel that blessed anointing on your girl and you and you and you one more time what what actually happened a few weeks ago I took a lot of medicine and for what a five-mile jog and I just had so much pain because of the fibromyalgia you took extra medication and it had a negative effect on you but tonight you you you if you felt the bottom of my chest and you just went down to my stomach thank God for healing father stretch your hands and say no more fibromyalgia say we the church will rebuke this disease in the name of Jesus that part of the song have already you know that old hymn used to sing there's healing in the name of Jesus just play it for me there's healing in the name of Jesus she had pain down her right leg from her hip down for three months it left completely tonight sing that for me Jim there's healing in of Jesus healing and the touch of joy in the touch of Jesus one touch of his hand will make you hear your body mind and so what if on you don't believe me him for his power can you praise him for his mercies toward you thank him for his love he longs to make you fully just one touch of the master's hand just one word he has full commanders have been so crazy for he wants to do into there's healing in the name jeez [Music] we'll leave you body mind and soul believe him for this I can free you crazy for his East Ward you thank him for his love belongs to my somebody say praise the Lord what happened Jim she had a terrific pain in her hip the pain is completely gone her right hip for you are the God that he left me you better thank him girl my he but I thank him I'm telling that anointing is still on you you feel it on you and he your disease you didn't have a baby I know you have a baby [Music] somebody say praise the Lord he said I am the God that healeth II he said I am the Lord your healer and he said I sent my world to heal every disease he said I am the Lord your healer and what happened Tory came from Uganda her right hip terrific pain all of its gone never never never never never never and the lady she had a neck injury from a car accident a couple of years ago she's had stiffness or pain tonight it left she can in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord every better with Goku's he sent his word I like that guy is that he was sitting back here with you guys what happened to him he had an injury to his knee and tonight the pain is gone his stiffness is gone Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus you are the God that healeth me pick him up you are the Lord he can't stand up a guy my healer Lord you sent your word and healed my disease be healed in the mighty name of Jesus stretch arrange verses camera yeah pray in the Holy Ghost among us in Jesus name be healed be healed in Africa be healed in Europe in the UK be healed in the u.s. be healed in Canada be healed in South Africa be healed all over the world right now in Jesus name be healed [Music] 20:19 will be your year of miracles divine health in 2019 divine prosperity in 2019 divine restoration in 2019 say mighty amen come on let me hear you hey man one more big one you are the God can we pick him up now that healeth thee you are the Lord can can someone pick up that girl there you sent your world don't touch her that that arrived is still on and pick up this lady's yeah James she had an accident about a year and a half ago and her whole leg was kind of out of alignment okay she had pain she feels it's in alignment name of Jesus it goes yeah help help her up I feel the winds are shifting so I'm almost running out of time I got to talk to you before you leave okay Jim they can bring your quick just has been healed bring that kid with the hat back there that kid with the hat I see that that that anointing on him I I don't know what happened to her ESMA I can make you know what's going on with you huh my necks been hurting for a couple months and it feels all better Jesus Jesus Jesus oh there's a call on that keep that kids live pick him up you know there's a call on your life kiddo why do you know because God named me before I was created and my parents know it and I know it's you are your parents here they're not what's your name my name is Nathaniel Nathaniel I can tell you there's a strong future for you and a great tomorrow plan for your life how old are you just turned 25 get ready when you're about 27 28 you you you you you and we so far DUP you're gonna fire people everywhere the earth God is an anointing on that kiddo you feel that hey guys come here come here with the long hair that are you are you are you together you're wither well come here come this way Tawana she was like something happened to her like there's nothing brain whatever it is nothing is impossible with God nothing is impossible with Jesus yeah receive a darling receive it Jesus committed O Lord touch them in Jesus name are you Christian you'll seek you're not Christians yet oh you want to receive Jesus now both both of you yeah are you ready to become a Christian come here come on come on go now come come come and kneel here come on you guys this lady she seek and he seek and she's from Iran are you ready to let the Lord touch your life huh oh she's crying it's okay so here I come here join hands with your mummy and you join hands with yourself and all of us a close close your eyes and say Jesus I love you and I want to know you I give you my life open my heart Lord to receive you wash me now with your blood come into my heart I accept you now as my savior oh oh she's feeling that she is feeling that anointed pick up that girl from Iran look what she's happened to her my goodness one more time all they lujah one more time come on lift her hands damn now Lord she's your vessel leave her down that's the power of God flowing through [Music] lift your hands our worship pick up that kiddo take her to her seat and you guys pick up that young man give him back his hat Lord switch racialism we give you Nathaniel's life we give you death annuals future use him Lord use him mightily in Jesus name mightily morena Holy Ghost come on I just saw my grandbaby what happened - what happened - I want you to lift your hands and claim your grandkids for the Lord come on your children and grandchildren belong to Jesus your children and grandchildren belong to Jesus hallelujah for you are great you do miracles so great now I'm going to tell you help-help these two up I'm only have like 30 minutes so I don't want to waste any more time I gotta talk to you come come come Danny bring a bringer that's my adorable gorgeous Abigail she's my beautiful grandbaby so stretch your hands towards her and Lord I dedicate Abby and Nathaniel to you I dedicate a fresh Sophia and little penny and Theo and all our children and grandchildren belong to you Jesus use them for your glory let me hear an amen Danny love you guys now she is in a different realm she went from one world to the next and she doesn't know what hit her now pick up that kid Oh put him back here some what I want to talk to him later and pick up the hat because there's a strong call on him you know so when when when there's a call on him put him back here well where were you sitting who was with you oh that girl with the amazing hair like she's a Christmas tree almost you look like a Christmas tree girl I love it don't change it don't change anything about you the Lord loves you just the way you are and and you come back and see me with with your friend Nathaniel back there okay I'd love to see you guys now I I don't want to leave her on the floor that poor thing so with someone pick her up and but but I like her to sit close by here see maybe can you give her your seat David don't leave your wife she's a little drunk that girl yeah this is this is what you call new wine know why I would advise you not to drive for a good hour yeah she can she can go sit down that lady now now listen listen um before we say goodbye I wanna I want to talk to you I I really feel this very very strong and I want to talk to everyone watching love world ever and everyone watching our ministry on on Facebook and social media because we we have two audiences tonight we have the love world audience on all the level networks and we have people watching us on the BHM social media platforms too but I want to talk to you about these two things that I know are coming I have not felt and I think the word felt is a very weak word it's something that I just know like everything in me knows we're gonna see two things happen we're gonna see when Trump leaves the White House we're gonna see it especially then first persecution is coming and that's not bad news so don't think of persecution is bad news persecution is the best thing that can happen to us because with persecution will come revival see now but here's here's here's what the Lord's been putting on me I'm a heart big big big big I want you to start claiming like really claiming mark 10 verse 29 and 30 and Luke 18 verse 30 or jesus said if we give up things now we've all given up things now don't wait wait wait don't don't read that that person until I talk to you just listen to me and you know hear me out I could have I I could have had a a job had I had had the Lord not called me I would have been in travel and I was standing at a bus stop about to go pay for my college in Canada I could have made a lot of money because I wanted to be in the travel business because that was what I thought was was God's plan for me but it wasn't so I'm standing at a bus stop and with with money in my hand about to go pay for my course at Seneca College Canada and I heard a voice that said go home and I thought I had gone crazy and the voice said go home and I saw the bus come on Shepherd and Dawn mills in Toronto and I couldn't even get on the bus and people got on they went on and I was still at the bus stop just staring and I went home and my mom said back so soon I said I'm not going she got very upset with mommy you're not going in a week later God touched my life at Kathryn Kuhlman's what had I gone on that bus what would have happened to me had I gone to college I would have not have been able to be in Catherine's service and be touched in God look what he's done in my life you see so I gave up being in some business do you know how many times I've had offers while in the ministry I was offered God knows and Jim knows a Hollywood director producer a big-shot guy from Hollywood flew to Orlando would take us on his yacht and offered me a job in Hollywood and told me he'd make me a big movie star and I said no and he cussed me out with every foul word you can imagine and I said I'm not interested in your Hollywood and I walked away and he cussed me like foul like foul in his big suite by Disney World said I'm not interested in your stupid shows and I walked out now I could have very easily said yes but never because the call of God is greater than anything the world can offer you but but one day I'm looking at this verse recently and it hit me if any man has given up anything he'll receive in this life a hundredfold if you give up families a hundredfold you're gonna get families many of us have walked away please finish the wait okay so how do with that help me I don't do that just just back up a little bit so we we've got to understand how important what God said to us you can't push you can't push yourself on God my dear wait for the right time when we're done take her to the back yeah that's two - yeah yeah please come on that's everything be done the Bible says in order and I'm really big on order now hear this you've given up things we've all given up things that we must claim the promise of Mark chapter 10 verse 30 that will receive a hundredfold in this life say one hundredfold this is the only time in the Bible Jesus is specific with the hundredfold prior ISA 3,600 in this one he said hundreds it's in the Bible in Luke 18 it says manifold manifold means no limit so when Jesus says one hundredfold he was saying the sky's the limit people so you are to believe now you're to believe four houses and lands see houses say again now now a preacher told me in this in this studio a few days ago well I don't need a house I said your future needs it God wants to secure your tomorrow David my daughter Tasha her bank account was hacked twice at Chase Bank hacked twice so I went to see them the manager I said how can it be possible that twice in a row within weeks of each other my daughter's account was hacked and the manager said because it's happening all the time now I said how do we protect ourselves then from you know people hacking our account she said really there's no way she said any checking account can be hacked but she said if you really want to protect yourself keep your checking account very low and put your money in a savings account it's safer in a saving account and she said it's really safer if you let us move the money for you rather than you doing it yourself so I you know I didn't hear that before she said well it's much safer if we do it because then it's more protected so okay but then I thought to myself you know what is safe anymore out there and I began talking to smart people out there and guess what they've all said to me property they cannot steal your property they can steal your money jesus never promised you silver and gold he said property never one time they did did he say will will will receive gold and silver one hundredfold he said will receive houses and land never mentioned silver never mentioned gold never mention oil you know why it's all in the property it's already in the land the land has it all I said the land has it all so God wants you to start believing four houses say houses and lands you know why because in the future God's gonna ask you to sell those properties like he did in the book of Acts and give it to the body of Christ so the church can go on and see revival and you'll have left over a whole lot more that's why he wants you to believe for more than one house see what did they give up in the book of Acts land why cuz they had it and then it says none lacked among them meaning they had more land because if you give up all your land you're gonna have lack but it says none lacked among them meaning god bless them again now everyone in here everyone in in this audience and everyone in your house you stop believing for little stop believing for a cup full when the ocean is yours don't limit God the ocean is yours say the ocean is mine say the ocean is mine so jesus promised us two things persecution and property it's gonna come together persecution and land houses and land that's property so you're gonna get P and P personal property that's what's coming to you hallelujah say Amen now now you have to you have to hear me because this is important I faced the situation years ago in in in Orlando were the neighbors around OCC the church wanted to take me to court to drive me out of the neighborhood to change the zoning remember those they assume now you come stand next to me bring a microphone Bruce you come with with a microphone so they don't think were lying to them the Lord spoke to me and said go lay hands on every house that's fighting you three blocks neighbors in three blocks wanted me out of the neighborhood and God said you go lay hands on every house that's been fighting you and I'll give you the house and the Lord said claim half price we went out one night New Year's Eve at midnight when those neighbors were knocked out sleepin and we laid hands on every house within 12 months we had three blocks happen or not absolutely true absolutely now we you are with me when we laid hands that's right and we laid hands on how many lots of houses whole block and we got him now you know sir God has a sense of humor across the way it's a little Baptist Church still there that hated me so I wanted to go and lay hands and get it and the Lord said he said all right the anointing is working with you if you go lay hands you'll get it but I'll judge you because the anointing works but it's not my will to give it to you he said cuz they are my people too so I walked away from the church it's still there I'm gonna ask you to do something tonight you've never done in your life I want you to take the the anointing gas on you everyone lift you lift your hand now Lord I release that anointing on this audience and I released their the anointing on everyone in their house in Jesus name and I'm going to ask you to do something I'm gonna ask you to go lay hands on the house you want walk on the land you want if you can't walk on it stretch your hands towards it see cuz maybe they won't let you walk on it cuz that's not yours well then well then you can stretch your hands and claim it you know and I want you to do this to do this in the next three days how many days if I was you I'd go tonight I won't even wait I'll just go in my car drive and lay hands or whatever I'm claiming now you hear this it's gonna work it's gonna spin your head around I said it's gonna work are you ready for this lift your hands and praise God it's gonna happen now I'm not I'm not asking you just to lay hands on something you own to pay for it you know you need to lay hands on something you don't own so you can lease it out and make money see what God wants you to do is be smart is get enough property that they'll tell you rent they'll pay you rent they'll pay you are you listening one thing the Catholic Church believes in they will not agree with you on other things one thing that Greek Orthodox Church believes in and yet they'll fight on other things they all believe the promise of property what do they have the Catholics property what do they have the Greek Orthodox property the dead churches believe the promise of property yet they don't believe in salvation don't believe in healing but they believe property why don't you stop believing for rotted property it's in the Bible you cannot erase it out of the book did Jesus say in mark 10 yes or no he said if you give up you'll get a hundredfold did he say it yes or no why don't you believe in them claim it before the year is over which is like well I guess it'll be over in a few seconds but claim it before the next three days at least let me hear an amen now hear this we're eunha ye you can select time because it's not you know over yet but you have to sow seed to activate the promise now please listen to me I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you something very very powerful when the Jewish people came into the Land of Israel back in 48 in in my city called Jaffa in the town I live in Java 70,000 Arabs fled only four thousand state so all our neighbourhood when I was a kid was empty and the Jews came from Yemen from Iraq and began to live in homes that they did not build the government passed a law back in 48 that anyone who comes into a house that's not his if he sowed seed in the land they'll give it to him does the second they sowed seed natural seed like turned it into alec farm or if you had a little garden you sow seed it's yours the principle works in the spirit all right the second you sow seed you're telling the devil it's mine when you claim it you're telling God it's mine when you sow seed you're telling the devil's of Hell it's mine so easily is important because it's it's a declaration to the kingdom of hell because every time you sow seed Satan knows and is tormented that Psalm 112 verse 9 10 every time you see all of you watching the the offering envelopes but I want you tonight to do something fantastic I want you to claim I want you to put it on the back of the envelopes and claims your father I claim houses and I claim lands now Jim you're gonna believe that for yourself and you don't have to have more and then lease it out write it out my sister mary has three condominiums in florida she paid a hundred thousand for one for one bedroom in clearwater got another one for 150 then got a third one she said to me a few we expect she said they're always busy always busy she's sleeping making money while seed and watch God opened those doors before you somebody say I'm ready say I'm ready do you want to secure your future look at me all of you up there on the balcony if the rapture happens you're going with us you you you're not going first do you do you want property do you believe the Bible and claim it claim it you can't protect your bank accounts they can act that you can protect you you cannot protect other things they'll never take away from you land so come on pass those offering envelopes and do it and father come on stretch your hands in the name of Jesus I declare property will come to them I declare property in 2019 I declare property in houses in 2019 that they'll have enough to rent out Lord that soon they'll have more and more and more increase it continually for them in Jesus name let the seat tonight trigger this amazing me the phone number is on the screen for you do it now do it now do it now now will we're gonna go just a little extra tonight because I want to show you an 8 minute clip before we say goodbye so Jeff will stay on make your checks payable to Benny Hinn ministries you people watching love world will make your checks payable it's a been a platform make it you been in ministry so that's all it's there for you all right now let's believe God they don't have a mobster here kids they need envelopes I want you to claim that the first property will be in your hand this year this year guys this year begin to believe God for property oh no I'm telling you this can happen real fast real fast last week a guy gave and within a day he got property just just with within a day it happened God's gonna do the same for you hallelujah lift your hands and praise the Lord for it people because see when you praise you water the seed when you praise you water the seed and the second you praise the seed starts to work starts to work when they put water on seed in the farm it starts to expand the second the liquid begins to touch it it's expanse so praise is like water on the seed starts to expand many of you need to give $1,000 others can give 500 others can give 200 give what matches your faith give what matches your faith when if you're gonna believe God for a property of a hundred thousand I'd give at least a thousand to get my faith up there you see if you want God to give you like a house that's worth a hundred thousand well you can't give God you know ten bucks cuz that your faith and is not stirred up enough you got to get your faith high get your faith high so you do it you do it and just go for it go that's what we did in OCC I just gave we give God I began giving money away guys - Melanie Keyes ministry and Ronald bunkies ministry we began giving big chunks of money 100,000 years or 50,000 there I gave Jerry Falwell fifty thousand dollars and he said nobody ever gave him fifty thousand I flew to Lynchburg Virginia gave gave Jerry Falwell fifty thousand and I came back to to Orlando and claimed land because when you give you can claim see you know otherwise otherwise you're mocking God see but when you give you say now I have the power to claim every time you give it gives you power to go claim so I would fly and give preachers money I did that all the time in those years I took fifty thousand ago and I'd sow seed in their hands I flew I flew to New York and I I give Mother Teresa remember Mother Teresa fifty thousand I said here's fifty thousand was for the poor people and she said she'd grandmas my hand like this and and she said you did it for him all five fingers you did it for him and I remember that and I give it two thousand I I came back claiming more property in God more property he did every single time I would go gift 50,000 to some ministry all like that there you know Catholic sister there mother Teresa she was in New York flew to New York I met with Mother Teresa put 50,000 in her in her hand she grabbed my finger and Paula I went down to Orlando so lord give me more property that's how we did it that's the way to do it because that's what God will honor he's not gonna honor you if you just say well Lord I'm gonna just claim it he says well wha what what have you done to have power to claim it what gives you power is the seed anybody listening to me here all right pass the offering buckets pan or bags bags bags okay now while we're doing that I'm going to show you a clip I'm going to show you a clip can we do that Jeff it's only eight minute clip eight minutes while we're giving you're gonna watch a clip because I want you listen listenmi you know what let's just wait let's just wait let's just wait a second ah many of you watching I want to say big thank you to Pastor Chris all of you say thank you Pastor Chris and all right to love world and pastor Chris and and and and get ready for another I really want to pray with you it's just not midnight but you know if you were in a party you'd be drinking getting drunk going crazy aren't you glad to be in the house of the Lord instead and I say praise that place will be packed because people are partying right now go and grace out there so don't get mad at me for keeping you another 10 minutes all right so here's what I want you to look at because this gonna really bless you how many one got to use you in ministry in 2019 wave wave it okay then you're gonna need this you're gonna need this okay guys let's let's let's run it watch this I actually did this just for you the Benny Hinn Institute presents foundations for effective ministry a comprehensive teaching series designed to spiritually and practically prepare those called into the Ministry of our Lord Jesus drawing on his 45 years of experience as a world-changing evangelist and pastor many hen provides a detailed roadmap to success as he reveals and examines proven strategies for building ministries and churches how to avoid pitfalls and unnecessary mistakes keys for accelerating growth in your personal spiritual life what can be learned from great leaders of the past how to recognize new opportunities to share the gospel and much much more when you are ministry when you are declaring them into proximity Ian conducts classes on topics which will dynamically affect your private and public life in session number 1 developing your relationship with the Lord and His Word it's hunger for the Lord that produces hunger for his word not the other way around I want to say that again hunger for his presence produces hunger for his sayings session number 2 practicing the me to be just right because it's the presence of God that brought it forth mark did you hear that in still making sure your for yourself that day before you ever walk into that bed if you weak biblical truths that can save your life what I'm giving you session number five guarding your your your the channel your the connection happens you have just gained that crowd so you have to start now building your authority by choosing because the key the key to the power of God is ministering to the Lord not for the Lord session number seven siphoning the acts 1:8 has felt do his work so one to be you don't siphon only the one for work you siphon session number eight discovering the purpose of the anointing so if they're open to the Lord God will literally reconstruct the anointing so awesome to actually construct or reconstruct destruction and damage session number nine activating the prophetic anointing the prophetic is the first manifestation of the outpouring of the Spirit tongues isn't the prophetic is and when the prophetic begins to manifest it activates all other rounds all other gifts come to life when the prophetic begins native spirits is activated tongues and on and on but it all begins with the prophetic session number ten integrating family members into your ministry this is going to be key for your success or your failure key to succeed I'm gonna give you the keys to succeed with that say Amen extreme the n-new turns you into Jesus gradually Christ Jesus did you get that to another guy where in the world anytime you choose foundations for effective ministry is pastor Benny Hinn's way to pass on to you what he's learned with a goal of reaching more Souls and changing more lives as you put into action the timeless truths presented don't miss this unique and unprecedented opportunity thank you listen um I wasn't aware that my mic was still live so they probably heard me not sure listen I wanna I want to talk to you and and thank you for watching this and I have Jim next to me so Jim just threw out here there are a few things we need to pray for for 2019 that are really important so I will just hear me out all of you that's right I don't want you leaving this morning I was talking to and I am very concerned about a few things that we must pray for this year four things number one the plans of al Qaeda there are dangerous right now see we have not I make a little extra guys on TV analogy to shoot planes out of there so he said this is a series that brought the attack on 9/11 is now planning to bring down planes to shoot down planes are happening in China we need to pray for the church in China because it's making the enemies of the gospel aggressive the Chinese government the Chinese President the new president is becoming a new dictator and by the West not doing anything you don't hear anything on CNN you know you don't hear much on Fox you don't hear much anywhere about the persecution of Christians now in China especially and other parts of the world so reasoning putting in prison pastors and so forth so that's what is this doing it's empowering other nations that persecute believers so we need to pray for the persecuted Church and I would advise all of you to go on the web how many Christians today are getting killed for their faith right now in the thousands they are getting killed in the thousands two hundred and fifty thousand a year are now under persecution so what am I saying 250 million 250 million Christians are under persecution and a hundred thousand or so a year are getting killed so you have the al-qaeda threat that's coming up now you have the threat of persecution worldwide and then there is something also happening that I must now I'm not you know telling President Trump what to do Russia quite simple this is very because he talked to the world Western governments our own government us will be saying to him please pause and think this through because it's a dangerous move right now for our country to pull out of Syria that's my opinion as one from that part of the world because it's going to empower Russia it's going to make things very difficult for Israel very difficult without the the the American forces in Syria it's going to weaken Israel so we can't allow that so I want you all to stop praying are you listening yeah so I want you to pray number one that that God will spoil and destroy the plans of al Qaeda and all radical forces and the people said I want you to pray for the church around the world that's under prosecution that God will give them strength and rescue them and the people said I want you to pray for Syria that God will speak to our president give him wisdom in decisions he's making now to do with Syria and also pray for that part of the world that they'll come peace it's doubtful it's coming too soon but let's just at least prima leave number four number four I want you to focus focus on praying for Bibi Netanyahu election the new elections called in Israel in April Israel in the eyes of the world because now there's a lot of amazing new things happening such as newest arab-israeli conflict and so it's exciting but at the same time be be continued for a little just a little bit longer to strengthen Israel stand in the world so we need to pray that because if Israel weakens even me January 14 here and I'm gonna invite some key leaders to be with me because we need to get on our knees we're we're gonna have a healing service and a great service I'm gonna minister on powerful young preachers that know how to pray I will be in also inviting Lou Engel I hope he'll be free to come be with us so in just a few days I'll in fact I'm gonna see him this week with Morris sorello I'm speaking in Chattanooga and then in Nashville and a lot of these people will be there and then I'm asking some of the younger preachers to join me let's learn but I'll let you all know by email who's coming to be with us but I think a lot of them will be here because we really need to come into agreement that God will do you remember when we prayed for that problem in South America when Bush was in the White House I remember that with I can't think of his name the gentleman but that down in Salamanca and everything we asked happened in one week because we were we were intense in prayer and the situation was really about to blow up with some of the Communists forces in South America and people we got on our knees a thousand or more people gathered and gee listening so this time we need to pray remember some remember something that the Apostle James was put in prison because the church wasn't praying then he was killed and then when he when when when Herod took Peter they said okay boys we will not allow that they all got to pray and what did God do he delivered Peter and Herod died the the angel killed Herod so prayerlessness I think for likea at least half hour to 45 minutes we can all be an on knees pray how many will join on the fourteenth put your hands up high come on alright now this is going to be a fantastic meeting and let the holy sprit take over and and I want you to take me seriously this is a critical year for the world and the church now to look at the situation and I'm not prophesying I'm just simply talking to you from what I can see anybody with with with two eyes and two ears you know where the brain can see what's coming out you know out there come on let's just be real the United States is losing influence guys in this world losing influence rapidly because of our division in this country so this will not be a good year for the unbelievers I mean it the church is going to flourish you're not responding right I don't know why you're not I said that church is going to flourish because that's his word that's his product search has abundance if look look if God blessed yes or no well we will say his hand this year so we are going to see some frightening events even I travel in enough to see that changes anyone who tells you that climate change is whatever they don't know what they're talking about it's a real threat just look at the world's population today boys and girls look at what's happening in Africa look what's happening around the world look at the famines here and there keep going okay so anyone who says to you that there's no climate change are blind and deaf and don't know what they're talking about it's a real threat up there so we're gonna see some some frightening things on earth but it will not touch the the the ones on their knees it will not touch the believer all is well say it yeah so let's believe God now that God will move and bless you in ways he's never blessed you before all right let's stand and pray come on we're gonna stand and pray now lift your hands to pray in the Holy Ghost come on people pray in the spirit come on everybody hallelujah of course you want to pray so lift your hands and pray come on in your home's pray yeah lift your voices and pray in the spirit from our people come on pray in the spirit right now we're in the Holy Ghost come on all of you bring the Holy Ghost right now I want to ask some of you people especially those kids here young man come here you come here you guys you guys get on your knees and pray in the spirit come on come on pray in the Holy Ghost come on guys come on you that not to pray get get on your knees behind me and pray look at that kid right there Nathaniel come on beau God's holy mighty army of young people let's shake the world once you get on your knees there and pray my brother come on some of you behind me there get a get on your knees up over here come on believe God for revival in this country in in the church believe him for revival believe him for revival in Africa keep pray come on believing for revival in Europe believing for revival in the UK believe him for revival in the u.s. in Canada in the church revival is coming to the church and pray for China come on my dear brother pray for China come here take take the mic over here come on Jim give him the mic let's go go and go out with prayer pray for China my good brother well continue to give strength to the church that we are going to see the miracles that going to happen that we are going to see size and wonder in the mists of the persecution in the mists of the accusation in the mists of the difficulty for the wimps again you will bring the revival upon this nation you begin to bring the revival among the persecuted churches that the persecution will move forward they will go to hang together they to heart together with what measure display the name of the Lord Most High now we are going to see the changes the government will only change see the changing in the atmosphere however they see the change in the live-action we believe like a hands until to protect your people whether we believe and you're going to lead us through your the leaders through and you're going to prepare the table in front we pray that you are going to break every bandages whether the brain the google break every new oneness you're going to remove every three years from the trustee from the leaders and the church and the leader will once again and they will stand up by you the man to Samaria and they will see the power of God they see the power plant is in the hand of God if we get to see the hill it separately we begin to see the size and Waterton place until the point at the CD this great joy in the seed of Samaria by the wind way that they will be great joy in everything every see they appear now by praying that in every city there be the great joy and every corner on this nation in the cross the red cars will be racing on and every corner of this nation rebel to see the people praise and worship lot and landed by your name and begin to say hallelujah because of God is to increment our God is doing power our God is control and in the name of Jesus we pray that the church will arise a shy one again mother the church will arise and shine once again that we are going to become the light of the world we are become the influence on the world where we had the history Mecca we have another change the history a mission in Jesus mighty name earthquake now listen I'm gonna dismiss you but maybe you could stay just another five minutes and pray with this man here brave come come come come over here come on all the young guys all the young ladies come here get on your knees if you can and pray for just five minutes just five minutes thank once again father we pray that you're going to raise up Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego we pray that these people even though they're in the foreign you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 141,009
Rating: 4.8018923 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, 12/31/18
Id: cUsfEkK_lNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 57sec (11817 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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