Everything GREAT About Dark Phoenix!

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today's everything great about video was sponsored by Skillshare more on that later ah memories memories of all the exes holding out for a few frames that we'll never see again this time a little Phoenix force fire or can we evolve become something more Mearing charles is opening two x-men films Jean hints at becoming Phoenix but really it's more about what she overcomes and how she becomes her own person at the end there has always been unease about genes power level and establishing that even at a young age she can't control it sets up her future really well that's brutal and clearly practical making it even more unnerving force field effect is tight and plays out automatically in a very satisfying way later on already a little Phoenix II yes his face can be read as how do you tell a child terrible news but also am I really gonna lie to this child about her dad and also mess with her memory yeah yeah I'm gonna do it take it it's a gift ha get it you can either bend a few trees or disintegrate people [Music] look say what you got to say about this movie hans zimmer killed with this score it's beautiful but always foreboding always something under the surfaces the notes slide together slightly off-key and this main theme is used throughout there's barely a moment of levity if you break something anything I can fix it Raven kebab shank that's cold script I think you can fix me too no because you are not broken nuggets of simple yet profound encouragement classic yellow Grant Morrison like X suits doing space missions now cool cool headedness technically didn't get us there let's go whoopsie teh laws between scene dialog made it into the movie the real travesty is the money wasted on basketballs over the next eight years one thing I'll say for this time jump is that we rarely get to see a world that loves the help of the x-men throughout any of this franchise and that's fulfilling again the score has picked up now but that melody line is still there tapping you on the shoulder reminding you that all is not right even if it's loud and filled in enough to exude a little bit of triumph and so many of the x-men movies are about building an often pseudo team it's nice to see them formed with Raven and charge and each knowing their role in contributing no Raven no we're not leaving anyone behind altruism or Optics follow-through isn't perfect but they started dancing with some real moral dilemmas she's pulling it away from the ship and towards herself self-sacrifice the undusted makes me uncomfortable but it's also pretty cool love some good fiery eyes it's just a means to an end Raven what end is that keeping us safe keeping the peace by risking our people to save there yes yes I actually believe him they pushed the envelope here the sort of spoken subtext is that a few mutants are worth sacrificing for the greater mutant good thankfully 90s fashion is back or at least our fixed version of it is made wardrobes easy yeah Jessica's dress has an ex neckline she never had a chance [Music] some Dazzler stands are sad that this is all we got some are happy we got this but she's got party tricks what do you think the X and I expense dance for every children's book we own says xylophone so that's my best guess oh it's Xavier he must have felt a disturbance in the Phoenix force okay right here the Dark Phoenix saga Chris Claremont dude to win you know people are always letting their loved ones just collapse on the floor with no concern for their noggins gene is nice about it gently setting people down throughout this movie say goodbye I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to your mother Oh holding back on that one bad dad Award I'm sorry Jean but my whole world died that day you got an arrow from you got a nerve him I'm mostly wondering about the logistics of this I get what they're saying but it would make less sense if we were shown this tumble from his perspective just stop moving that fast his momentum never otherwise seems to matter me cool idea anyway we get this first person point of view with Raven looking right into camera as if we're genes showing the background fading out and slipping away really putting us inside jeans head also the sometimes subtle sometimes over visual indication of the Phoenix force with her hair looking like it's in zero-g a man who can act more with his face than most can with their entire bodies well I'll get ya and makes it clear no one is safe me it's all over anyway so we're on edge now you still can't see what you did wrong we don't usually get we know Charles is wrong Hank is finally willing to admit it after sticking by his side no matter what I hope the breathing on me five minutes after I put my first assistant in the grave is med you shouldn't about and to have Charles instead internalize the pain gives us a strange feeling mr. grey it's creepier that I believe she actually pities the helpless little creature like a human talking to an ape yet she still decides to torture him and with the atomic purple nurple the most controversial interrogation tactic tricky and it's brutal you see that Genosha is an island safe to assume they don't have a crane and then you see metal shipping containers stacked up and at the top of trees wonder who lives here not to mention a ship and the idea that these could just be shipping containers that fell off of barges that's an entrance historically even situationally it seems weird that gene would go to Eric she killed accidentally but not only that she not really know Eric's whole story where else she gonna go show me what love that they won with cracks were the Phoenix force is if her facade is cracking it's a nice touch that it's there after she threatens him with Hulk smash even if it seems like she was in control and there's her Harrigan signaling the Phoenix force sliding into control and the choppers really being there in this scene sands rotors makes the entire thing feel real because it is real there's some teamwork in there I think I really don't hate how she just lifts off like that now like space steady Michael Fassbender is still indeed top five actors to be a part of this franchise which is saying something if you're an unimaginably powerful cosmic horse I might get some flack for this but it seems deliberate that the Phoenix force is just called a force which allows continuity with apocalypse I just don't get tired of themes building around Magneto and even when he's doing evil can't help but get hyped up also the subtle well it's it's not a subtle cut but the implication that Charles knows that because he can no longer read Erik's mind eric is prepared to fight like a telepathic round chambering we're like putting on body armor now let's go the gun thing you're always sorry Charles and there's always a speech but nobody cares anymore hey I care guys I care Disney can't take these away from me not from my heart man Eric still a badass bad guy I hope that they felt the need to be like no his hair is serious it cuts through metal be afraid I'll say for a movie with not a ton of action up until now this fight is fun everyone uses their powers intelligently it's not just energy blast against energy blast who genes eyes glowing in the dark with that Phoenix fire everyone else is still fighting Eric's theme slowly takes over since he's eclipsing the fight with the train car another practical effects where I swear the first time I saw this I thought to myself that rubble absolutely just hit Michael Fassbender's leg and I was right dude so stoic he didn't even react when the train stopped 6 feet later than it was supposed to that's a pretty insane showcase of power so got nothing on Tom Cruise but hey we can't all be Tom Cruise loved the idea that her power just radiates out around her affecting even the molecular integrity of the wall behind her good way to establish your badness to use the symbol of the main series villain against them while destroying said symbol in the process resourcefulness cuts you all right no honesty what about you well that little stutter as Charles realizes he can't read her mind and that she's not even human [Music] please gene that's just about the most unsettling thing in this movie also one of the few lines gene crosses that's genuinely jerk [Music] Jeanne's score has also disappeared during the street battle but is now slipping back in reminding us to stop relaxing as long as there's someone to care for who believes and there's still hope family defined right there comes up later too soon Jim let go last time he was telling her to let go it was to unleash her inner Phoenix let's take it back to the rescue I'm not saying healing factors are the most unique things in comic book movies but the x-men did start with one as its first whoa moment lilies for me we have come a long way friends I even had the rights of it Jean was never a villain I was I was wrong admitting when you're wrong soon my friend soon okay well maybe not you specifically so many people complained about this scene smaller rounds minorly inconvenienced the d'bari larger rounds inconvenience than more it's that simple okay the fast-paced camerawork with the normal appearance of the aliens but faster than normal movements makes for a fun set piece [Music] alright now I'm eating my words possibly words you haven't heard yet but this same melody line now has triumph behind it with the mutant standing between the aliens of the humans [Music] yikes Erik you forget you're in a pg-13 movie here oh I also feel like we've never really gotten beasts going to town like this he always fights but even for pg-13 I finally feel like he's a dangerous force I mean it really is only room for one well two telepaths brutal and for those slightly confused Curt vowed to not kill anyone but it seems like the Charlie problem has come for him and he's made his choice you know variation there's more brutality sometimes bad sometimes good guy and a badass bad girl and look Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard are not related but Ron Howard has confused them so I get to make a joke about doing unbelievable things in heels wait forgot to make a drip just to protect you and give you even an admittedly rushed emotional moment still gets me family and no amount of Russian can stop that line and showcase of pure power from giving me chills you know the type of power that doesn't take effort just disintegrating metal on a whim I like both types Erik moving that satellite way back when Jeanne mad amazing stuff and now reminded of the first time Jean used these force fields she's still the one causing the vehicle to spin and crash but this time she's protecting her family rather than just herself sue Hooper into the way Sophie plays this moment almost dead I'd is if the Phoenix force is completely taken over at this point but now she's in control of it like a pen for writing rather than I got and maybe we have a Superman problem but for a quick final battle back I love it sometimes it's fun to watch someone neo their way through all threats I mean who needs an Infinity Gauntlet when you have Phoenix force and the frenetic camera movement is new for x-men and puts you on the edge of your seat I feel like Mauro Fiore the DP is channeling George Richmond and Matthew Vaughn's Kingsman camera movements I mean who needs a time stone when you have a feat super fun 360 spin around them where perspectives shift with the camera angle Luke initially seems like she's stealing the power but then you realize that jean has complete control of the force now and it's actually showboating a little step back idiot I mean whoa once you get touched by the power I imagine you're sort of stuck there more importantly the thematic reason it happens to remind Jean that there are always consequences for how you use your gifts but this time she can take them all in herself my emotions make me strong her humanity her emotions making her feel the need to save her family it's funny that book points out twice that Jean isn't a little girl she's not your little girl anymore and should be making her own decisions but all the while is manipulating Jean for her own purposes the same way Charles at least ended up doing it isn't until this moment of self-sacrifice where she chooses her family over everything else that Jean finally becomes her own person and ending back where we began talking about evolution from human to mutant and now mutant to freaking energy bird there's comic precedent for this even if you've just reminded me that Wolverine isn't here this is not the end of me or the x-men look it's not so I don't hate it one bit Fox's version of these characters ends here but Jean Grey will live on literally in our Fox fan fictions but also in the pages and under a new monopoly to do my French may be rusty but that says the old friends which you know and to see an old friend I'm just really glad that John Luke got to return to his native land I'll go easy on and then your lunch I love this ending the score is melancholy because this is the end of us seeing these actors in these roles but hopeful because it's not the end for them Charles picks the white piece whether he used his power or not doesn't really matter he's destined to be across the chessboard from Eric forever no and that's the street of peace and even Jean checks in on her family now and then also if you want to be a continuity buff and want to know why Jean is in the end of Days of Future past haven't you heard of backwards compatibility if you can fly through space as a flaming bird you can turn into FACA and who wouldn't want to do that Oh Fox I'm gonna miss the Fox x-men not because all of the movies were the best but end of an era you know I'll say for all its failings it got me feeling things by the end but let's discuss some of the weaknesses I talked a lot about the score it's genuinely one of my favorite x-men scores and it's up there for Zimmer scores but I'll admit that it probably contributed to something that puts some people off we're always on edge waiting for the bad thing to happen it's not something that bothers me personally but in an x-men movie it can be a bit of a slog this is where I admit that I wrote that before realizing how upbeat it becomes in a few scenes all in all though the score is A+ [Music] the pacing however feels rushed we spend no time with any of the characters before they hop into space something they would have spent a movie on between first class and Days of Future past you can feel the urgency to just get through it get to the next plot point we do get moments here and there but a lot of the soul feels stripped out and that might be my biggest complaint McEvoy and Fassbender crush it as usual but Charles and Erik run basically the same arc again Jessica Chastain is also mostly wasted even though her performance is pitch perfect honestly when I saw the trailers I was 90% sure she was a physical embodiment of the Phoenix force that only Jean could see and it would be a fun reveal in the end and me and I might have liked that better it's frustrating to learn that because of Captain Marvel the scroll storyline was dropped and the final act was reshot entirely because well you can see why so clearly there was gonna be way more participate to do in the original script and that's what's really sad to me there's absolutely a good movie in here I think it's just two movies part one of genes story should have taken place during apocalypse or more than the silver than it was half character building especially gene struggle alone gene with Scott and gene with Raven and even keep the space mission where gene gets the Phoenix force the second half of part 1 should have been Jean slowly turning making a bad decision here and there but coming back then end at the let go battle with apocalypse pretty much the same but have her accidentally kill Raven pushing her over the edge and going full-on no holding back dark Phoenix just blues it'd be worse than apocalypse was make Charles have severe consequences for pushing her torch the mansion for all I care oh wait it was already blown up already blown up but apocalypse was a much more plausible reason for Charles to push her anyway they even keep the aliens in Part 1 if you want as vague as they are here just lurking but then for part 2 you develop the aliens in their backstory so we care when Jean destroys them in part to make Jean the bad guy for the majority of the movie make it about her struggle to come back there are a million different messages to be learned from mistakes and forgiveness and love of a family clearly that's first draft stuff you need to tie the aliens into the apocalypse storyline but the biggest mistake they keep making is giving the Dark Phoenix saga only one movie outline it plan it I know it's easier said than done especially with directors switching and Studios being bought out then there's dumb stuff you could get stuck on like 60s magneto being played by a perfectly middle-aged Fassbender and none of the other character is aging in the last two decades what I usually let that stuff go but enough of that I still find this movie really enjoyable even with those issues I actually think I like the movie more than I dislike it there's nothing visually wrong with the film at all it's shot beautifully the effects are all top-notch the train sequence even though it's slightly jarring photographically compared to the rest of the movie is a really great action set piece and the finale is visually stunning I grinned in theatres because it's fun it could have been more earned but I still find myself rooting for Jean Sophie Turner's American accent has improved exponentially it was a primary concern of mine going in because there were a few stray English words in Apocalypse it's funny when I did Apocalypse I made the comment that I thought it was Jennifer Lawrence's best performance as mystique and there was a consensus in the comments that she really phoned it in and after watching the trilogy again I realized that I just don't love her as mystique so when she just sort of relaxed I enjoyed the character more I made the joke and I can feel her let's get this over with attitude but I honestly died don't mind it she was an important character and her death served something of a purpose I mentioned it briefly and I know it's not comic accurate but I like that they leave it vague and never call the reddish purplish firey lightning stuff that goes into Jean the Phoenix force even though it is just a force that way I can continue believing the Phoenix part is just Jean the force just amplified it I know it's how it cuts the Phoenix force off with the knees in a comic sense but it works to allow some final continuity in this series which even if it went out somewhere between a whimper and a roar I'm still sad to see it end but if you thought that some of my script notes for this movie were interesting or you want to know how to create continuity in your own writing today's sponsor Skillshare has a hugely beneficial course all about storytelling daniel jose older a New York Times bestselling author created storytelling 101 character conflict context and craft this is the type of course to get you excited about writing stories whether you've never picked up a pen or have been writing for years he will get you writing he breaks down each of those critical story creation elements in the class title and helps you tackle them to take your writing to the next level it's been useful to me for writing fiction all the way to this type of writing you've been listening to skill share is an online learning community with millions of creators learning already in classes from writing to web development to music and so much more with a premium membership at only $10 a month you can get full access to every single class and if you use my link at the top 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Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 726,313
Rating: 4.9120293 out of 5
Keywords: Dark Phoenix, Everything Wrong With X-Men Dark Phoenix, EWW X-Men Dark Phoenix, X-Men 4, EGA Dark Phoenix, Everything Right With Dark Phoenix, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: CCZLIz7vlLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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