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Who's Nebula again?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PapaSays πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So happy this film was covered, I really love it. Here’s hoping Unbreakable too will also be covered soon and hopefully Glass is good as well

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/David-Rapace πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
everything great about split is sponsored by Wix look I'm not saying Blum House didn't have anything this good before split but some of their best films started with split so when for being part of this and right out of the gate you already know you're in for Oh G Shyamalan I really feel like there was the sigh of relief during the opening shot slowest dolly zoom that pulls the already isolated Casey even farther away from the group can't invite everyone in my art class except for one person without social networking evidence inflicting more pain on that person I mean I hate that our current culture allows social media to have such a huge impact on people's formative years but her response is pretty great whether you want to call it a pity invite or not she was trying to save Casey's feelings around that she just kept running away from home so just every line yeah every line okay so the entire twist the entire crux of the film is set up right here explaining why Casey is the way she is this is writing acuity and visual acuity as Casey tries to hide in the shot reverse shot this is very likely the Steadicam operator with some crew approaching but I like to think of it as Kevin Hedwig Patricia and Dennis all being represented just the smooth pan side-to-side revealing different things at different times Dennis is so detail-oriented he almost doesn't notice Casey until she tries to open the doors since she initially wasn't trying to escape or antagonize him a nerving Score unnerves me advice that makes sense coming from someone who's been sexually abused her entire life okay optimism so after seeing the movie all the way through a little smile on the happy girl is heart-wrenching compared to what she's like now also note that her uncle is introduced before her father and he's telling her the story I can't even win that one of the students welcome ding ding King of Prussia there's your first real hint if you've seen unbreakable as many times as I have you might remember it takes place in Philly which is like half an hour from King of Prussia Mall shut up there's this double duty going on where we know Casey's dad taught slash trained her and what we can assume is survival at least so the first thing this does is set her apart in that regard straight put your gloves on after you finish your feet and your hands get cold first out there but once you know she's an abuse survivor there's also an undertone of being realistic about the direness of the situation as in she's been here before and knows to be calm and think everything through you don't even know what this is yes and then the survival side is nailed home with her dad teaching her about hunting yes drinking and hunting do you go together don't at me it's a thing but when you start to consider that her uncle is always handing her dad a beer look I hate that I may keep pointing out things that made me cry inside it's great writing but it feels wrong to win it actually let's do this start another wind counter for really gross awful things that happen to be evidence of good writing okay if this applies to I think it's most interesting that we actually only see Barry very briefly in the end but dennis is so good at pretending to be Barry even dr. Fletcher was tricked if not for all is meticulous straightening around her office I need to buy that oh good well at least now we know you're the best judge of these kinds of things don't worry worry Oh reveal and let's just throw some wins at McAvoy for not going full Doubtfire and being a believable serene British female also since this is the first win that really deals with the ID I can add a win for what I'm gonna call di D accuracy I was actually lucky enough to have a dialogue and get some notes from some people very knowledgeable about di D and they confirm that most of this is realistic including different accents and two alters conversing they mention the outfits were probably a stretch but I think that's more for the audience's sake so I'll be adding in some di D accuracy winds occasionally that will be coming from nebula you tweaked over them like they're super naturally gifted like like they have power something funny you should say that that you are sacred food maybe he has a dog or something I think he's gonna feed us to his dogs cuz that's better is that that's not better I love the child's drawing being shown coming out of Hedwig's file leading right into his introduction and he'll do awful things to you I have blue thoughts to always get me they don't tell me much I just had a hot dog don't know how they think no they don't they don't tell me much I really like that rather than explaining di D to KC for the purposes of the audience and one could argue her question was meant to probe the rules of di D but since alters wouldn't know what the others think he responds exactly like a nine-year-old would and confirmed by nebula for accuracy since the identities are different people 9 also love the way he sits up tall when she asks that the sincerest of creepy excitement love that even though Hedwig was having a hard time opening the door Denis pushes right through the girls since your perception is your reality two teenage girls are generally going to be stronger than a nine-year-old boy the constant long take aesthetic ramps the tension and it always makes you uneasy sharp high-pitched abrupt music with the jump-scare cliched dodged barely even call it a jump-scare taking notes in different handwriting's about separate things at the same time I remember learning in a psych class in college about different things that happen to people if the connection between the hemispheres of the brain were severed so I never totally doubt things like this though nothing to back it up if it's real is this where our sense of the supernatural comes from yeah kinda at least in the Shyamalan verse going full Barre would be tough for Denis at this point after the unpleasantness at the zoo and you can see it on his face it's not every action that you could do a long take close up for this long but with McAvoy you can see him trying to sell Dennis impersonating Barry please believe me I'm Barry that subtle irritation but held back just enough so that it could be Barry just getting agitated is it weird that the writer feels the need to make his characters call him out for being chubby good shot I've had that Asian people's music aids digestion definitely that's why our meals are always accompanied by good for you it's crooked at least one thing that Dennis and Patricia have in common which lends itself to them being aligned in their beliefs Tyga's I mean that 18 that's 12 listen I'll be the judge of what are fun facts for instance in addition to that zoology lesson Patricia also offers this one that creeped us cooler right means they travel around during dusk and dawn which are perfectly fun fact someone working at a zoo would acquire the chair doesn't shatter into a million pieces as is the movie chair cliche another stressful escape long take knew the Beast he's coming for you it's at this point that's what's beast has reminded me of infamous one and two and how gosh darn good those games are that's right let's get the win for similar imagery and sharing a name another hint what's actually going on with cacey combination of being a survivor and probably wanting to hide her scars she said I could be with them actually sort of crazy that Dennis says this declare earlier you shouldn't treat children when you realize that Patricia and Dennis are just using Hedwig to subdue the rest of the alters no can I kiss you so you want to I mean I don't know much about kissing though yeah no I can't even make the joke you know because usually when people kiss I just say love but nah pretty sure consent doesn't apply when it's for your kidnapper how not to kiss or treat other humans lessons even if you're nine how's that you might be pregnant now reproduction lessons also I get into trouble on purpose so I can get sent to detention to get away from everyone so that I can be alone well that's just straight-up heartbreaking especially after hearing her classmates opinions of her in the beginning how this beast can crawl on walls using the slightest friction and imperfections to hold his body I have to love the ridiculousness of how the beast is described almost like a double red herring where you think oh they're just making it sound dumb so I'll think it's real and then it end up not being real or did I just get involved in a land war in Asia ma'am facial switch where you can really see a new person sitting there which is another di D accuracy confirmed alters often have to pretend to fit into certain situations because he resides in the train yard as the story goes because Kevin's dad left on the train here's your second tie and unbreakable he's real ones I'm Exhibit I might be reading a little too much into this but I think Casey is napping on the floor because the last time she fell asleep on the cot she woke up with Hedwig spooning her she's probably assuming he couldn't sneak up on her as easily if she's on the ground also as a survivor not wanting to spend any more time on that cot makes sense James Matt Component he could care although his moves are pretty sweet also surprised this shot wasn't used for the trailer it'll break the smile no self-confidence more little background clues he's a kid so drawings of animals stuffed animals and figurines but it's because he lives at a zoo and probably steals from the gift shop represents the highest form of humans evolution he believes the time of ordinary humanity is over you know the last time you went up against a guy who believes stuff like that you were telling Jean Grey to let go and unleash your power so what happened next nope not the last time she'll have to face down a dark figure with a shotgun it's actually crazy more of us didn't figure out it was a zoo not that it really matters that much but once he had all the pieces together it seems so obvious her optical nerves regenerated because of her beliefs so this is interesting but probably not based entirely in reality as far as di D accuracy goes to paraphrase nebulas insights it's kind of like another case of your perception as your reality if one altar believes they've broken a bone and another doesn't the bone is most likely not physically broken however that doesn't change the experience of the altar who believes the bone is broken healing bones or blindness through di D is getting more into comic book territory I mean you said you saw this situation was extraordinary look so I know the connections to unbreakable should be obvious to anyone that's seen the glass trailer but extraordinary was Elijah prices word could be a coincidence could just be Shimon tying the two together thematically or mr. glass has been grooming the Beast we were extraordinary where else would the beast get that idea Denis had never even heard Fletcher's say it before tonight monstrous it would be easy to be critical of dr. Fletcher at this point for not seeing the writing on the wall and trying to plead with someone who's currently keeping girls captive in their underwear but a few things as much as she has therapy sessions with Kevin something else that nebula and I agreed on was that she seems more concerned with research than actually helping Kevin him so sacrificing her work by just leaving and calling the cops would be a tough decision and if you don't like that cynical approach she sort of sacrifices herself for them and the only way she can think of by blocking the strike box visually I love these blackout cuts back and forth between Dennis and Patricia and nebula confirm that it would be like this almost like teleporting for each alter pretty solid clue that Kevin's father didn't leave but died on that train affirming the connection to Easter Ellen 77 another dolly zoom this time bringing it all in making the Beast to fill up the train car which obviously train car of course his father leaving on one would make it significant to him this piece of music building towards the reveal of the beast whoo seems like these are like anti wife wins she audibly murmurs at unrelenting situations like this which is the intended effect sorry sweetie anti wife win James McAvoy's workout routine bah Gupta had a brutal these satisfying moments are one thing that Shyamalan has always succeeded at just a simple pan around reveal Keanu brutal to be fair there are a lot of imperfections on that plaster wall so like no it's just awesome that we're showing the beast doing the one thing doctor Fletcher mentioned as tinfoil hat worthy good stuff I swear I was on a bus I don't remember anything after that this moment of reprieve from the terror it's like taking a breath for the first time in ten minutes [Music] Kevin Wendell crumb is by far my favorite piece of music in the film a soothing gloom that almost massages your brain into relaxation until it starts to dawn on Kevin what is actually going on and you get notes from meeting the others where the Beast was coming into the light almost warning our subconscious of his return kill me and most importantly a glimmer of sympathy for Kevin a victim of abuse who's lost control of his own mind also the fact that this is the reason his full name snaps him back into the light got rich here's an interesting continuity thing when kevin is cycling through all his alters there's no blood in his face but once Hedwig steals the light for the Horde the blood from eating me on pure returns I know we cross into fantasy with the Beast but you could look at the veins filling with excess blood as extra adrenaline which would make him temporarily stronger like the lady left in the car off the baby affect her leg I'm going to take what you can't take new shotgun shells to the body [Music] never dealt with abuse I've never dealt with self-harm so I don't know what if anything this makes people who have feel all I can say is that this scene makes me tear up and I sincerely hope that it's not exploitative but cathartic I'll say that I don't think it's a superficial ploy using these two very real very prevalent afflictions I think the way the film in Casey hold on to her trauma so close once it's revealed that just breaks me it's really all I can say broken are the more evil so if he spares her because she's broken how do you think he'll feel about someone who's unbreakable hmmmm it's not really a twist but the fact that the Beast picked up traits from the different animals where he lives does add another level to that identity he's found a catwalk yeah you don't screw it up Vince might as well keep those orange headphones now Vince she said earlier that her patients are her family your uncle's here slightly ambiguous but to me this means she's definitely gonna say something this time mr. glass obviously this is amazing I don't even know if you'd call this a twist but either way Shyamalan pulled the rug out from under us again I also love the name tag I'm not joking here guys it's really him I want to start with something that I think is important especially coming from the positive movie guy Hollywood has a bad habit of taking mental conditions and making them evil simply put not all people with D ID are hiding a secret evil identity probably and hopefully goes without saying but it has to be really annoying to see yourself represented one way so often to the point that people completely misunderstand the disorder nebula confirmed that while there are some there aren't a ton of great options for realistic portrayals I'm not saying I need Shyamalan to throw disclaimers in all of his movies and it's just unfortunate I guess I will say that tying the film into a comic book universe is really the only recontextualization that sort of excuses some of these issues Kevin isn't really suffering from dsm-5 D ID he's a comic book villain that's all and going back through the movie does an okay job of separating the two through dr. Fletcher's research and the fact that the scientific and medical community don't really agree with her anyway onto the movie Shyamalan yeah I'm a llama ding-dong I don't know there's something really satisfying thinking about him sitting there in his room planning this out you know he wanted to make an unbreakable sequel almost immediately after but then he Mis stepped a few times so he's there sitting in the dark rubbing his hands together they'll see not only am I gonna make a comeback with a genuinely solid entertaining and moving thriller but it's also gonna be a secret origin story for the villain in my next movie the long awaited sequel it gives me a lot of joy to say the least especially considering that he was laying it all on the line if split tanked making glass would have been a really tough sell you gotta respect him for doubling down I mean the real twist is that in the annals of history this will be a supervillain origin story not a horror movie that's just so I started this video talking about the cinematography and you might find yourself thinking well great Shyamalan found himself a good TP who knew what he was doing and you're not wrong Mike Geo laka says style is hardwired into the film the creepingly slow zooms you just barely notices if the camera needs to get away from Dennis without Dennis knowing it the uncomfortable close ups during revealing conversations and his general framing throughout scenes is simply beautiful it follows is probably his biggest work where you get to see a lot of his style come through but Shyamalan worked with my man Andrew lesney before stuff just doesn't always work out in some perfect confluence of events he got Shyamalan meshing with a DP that produced story and character driven cinematography where you can feel the purpose of every shot but to be really honest I I have to get into the weeds a little here but it's to illustrate a point that's central to my channels overall message so writer director and DP working well together is important but without someone to edit that vision together you still got nothing Luke sure OTT key tchotchke Church I'm sorry man Luke edited this film as well as the visit and he worked on after earth a movie no one would say isn't edited well and you guessed it the last airbender which was DP'd by andrew lesney if he didn't get that you know this Andrew Leslie but Luke was just an apprentice on Last Airbender the lead editor was Conrad buff the fourth so now you're thinking AHA well there's your problem the editing in that movie is nonsensical times right the guy who edited Titanic t2 Judgment Day and the abyss so what the heck right Shyamalan is a good writer and director laugh all you want but most people don't get lucky even three times if you want to be stingy five or six if you want to be generous and everyone else that worked on things with him that flopped have some degree of pedigree of success but just because the writer director of The Sixth Sense the DP from Rise of the Planet of the Apes the editor of t2 and just for fun the composer from The Dark Knight art director from Pacific Rim and the Avengers and the casting director from the grand Budapest hotel let that one sink in just because they all work together there's still no assurance of anything my point is that this doesn't just happen it's not easy there are no foregone conclusions the stars need to align which is why any amount of success should be celebrated and it may just be as simple as Shyamalan and lesney struggle to communicate well so he doesn't get the shots he needs which leaves buff out in the cold when he goes to cut the thing together and then he and Shyamalan get their wires crossed when they try to fix it you end up with this other times you end up with this both are why I'm here making these videos all right out of the weeds crew consider yourself celebrated which is still only half of the equation and it's not like McAvoy is any guarantee of anything either but when you watch them in something like this you start to realize that any failures in his career are not on him McAvoy just grabs your attention every single time he's on screen his talent shines through every moment from the subtle to the overt it's like he changes this facial structure sometimes to become a different alter and between the creepy but also kind of endearing kid who always has more to say etcetera etcetera and the super extra fashion designer who was actually just the OCD pervert in disguise he created something special one of the criticisms I've seen is that sha Millan D values abuse by basically using the adage what doesn't kill us makes us stronger some people who have dealt with real abuse specifically sexual assault feel like it diminishes the very real trauma and PTSD these survivors have gone and still go through I totally understand that but I also think there's an answer to it within the film there's a bit of darkness to the ending that you might miss Casey doesn't actually beat the Beast you see Casey and Kevin crumb or Casey are two sides of the same coin survivors who took very different paths which side note is such an obvious ingenious tyent unbreakable we should all feel dumb for not guessing the connection before was revealed but Kevin's mind fractured to cope with trauma and created other identities to protect himself whereas Casey who up until the end is not only still trapped in her abuse shrunk inside herself purposely getting into trouble to be alone and always pulling away from potential friends so Shyamalan presents us with both options obviously leading us to believe that Casey would overcome but she can because this isn't our universe no amount of trauma or preparation or being stronger because she wasn't killed made her able to overpower the beast it was only his mythos and recognition of a parallel soul that saved her he let her go when she had no options left and while she does a heck of a job escaping and manipulating to get to this point even pulling the trigger this time in the end it's the Beast strength through trauma that ultimately mattered I honestly think Shaw Milan's point is a tad muddled and more about the comic nature of the universe than a statement about abuse survivors but I think it's interesting nonetheless wow you can't beat your trauma has some truth to it it's still a terrible message in and of itself but but in finally pulling that trigger for better or worse this is a look of someone who's ready to stand up to her abuser and hopefully find a way out this will be a hard opinion of mine to swallow but the beasts line broken the war Evo while may be romanticizing trauma little may also be what sparks Casey's resolve difficult because Dennis is just another abuser while the Beast is more like a force of nature kind of a twisted response to surviving abuse this is another one of those times I heard myself back and realized I wasn't explaining my thoughts well enough just because she had an emotional response doesn't mean the beast is right or justified not every survivor would be triggered the same way real life isn't usually a few poignant moments that change the course of your life for most people it's a daily struggle trauma isn't romantic it mostly just sucks everyone finds their own way to deal with it and hopefully rise above it a little honesty from me because I know this is already the top ten comments below I I don't know what happened unbreakable was legitimately one of the first movies I ever put in my schedule in 2015 genuinely in the first 10 actually I think it was gonna be in place of after earth and at the time I was still sort of figuring out what types of movies I wanted to do and I kept pushing it back anyway long story short I'm glad I didn't do it back then because my approach is a little more in-depth now and I hate to be bad guy but it's been one of my favorite movies since my brother made me watch it in 2001 so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it soon I think I'll find a reason with the way this video is structured it's actually hard to really appreciate how solid and suspenseful this movie is there are a lot of long pauses inside long takes with characters just staring it's in these moments that shaman reminds us he knows how to build tension and direct actors he gets amazing performances out of his cast and is never afraid to bring the camera right in even though glass isn't a critical darling yet I'm still gonna see it and I'm still sincerely excited for it if it tanks I hope it doesn't end Shawn Vaughn's career I guarantee he has a few more solid stories up his sleeve and I'm just genuinely curious to see how he meshes all these characters together and you know if Barry could manage to take the light back from Patricia Dennis and Hedwig he definitely has a promising career ahead of him but for a lot of artists the hardest part is getting your work out there if Barry were to say make a website displaying his town I mean he could even start selling his dresses online but those creative types don't have the time to build and then manage a website I hear you yelling from the back well that's where today's sponsor wicks comes in Wix can help Barry create a professional website where they take care of all the heavy lifting and I'm not just reading copy I literally just redesigned my site in a short amount of time and I was truly amazed at the number of amazing options available from way different themes layouts font options I was actually blown away by how I could integrate other apps like patreon into the site seamlessly and everything is customizable so you get the exact look you want even if you're a nutty perfectionist like me so berry can open an online store Hedwig could start a blog to recount all his anecdotes I have read that Patricia could start a bed-and-breakfast and use Wix bookings to organize and operate the entire business today and more importantly you can create anything you want whether you're a novice a business owner or a professional website builder so check out the URL on screen or click the link in the description to sign up and start building your site for your next project today and just a heads up there won't be a new everything great about next week I was planning to take these two weeks and then I did things got you know whatever but I'll be back the week after next [Music] my name's Hedwig [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 1,142,811
Rating: 4.9456553 out of 5
Keywords: Split, Glass, Everything Wrong With Glass, EWW Split, Split Movie, Glass Movie, EGA Split, Shyamalan Good, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, Everything Right With Shyamalan, Everything Wrong With The Village, everything great about, everything great about split, everything great about unbreakable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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