The 13 Districts of Panem Explained | The Hunger Games Explained

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ah the capital the place to be well except if you're an avox or snow and Tigress during the dark days or any of the participants in The Hunger Games or if the capital is located right here right in the center of all of this according to the Hunger Games Adventures the official Facebook game this is what Olive panm looks like and who would have thought that a map used from the now defunct Facebook game that hasn't been updated since September 27th 2012 would be the official map of panm as it was used in the adaptation of the ballot of song birds and snakes you can see it right here when self-proclaimed amateur magician decent weatherman and potential relative of Caesar flickerman lucretius lucky flickerman takes a break from The Hunger Games to give you an update on the weather so I guess this is the most accurate representation of panm we got and it looks like the State of Florida was just taken completely out of the equation panm is made up of 13 districts and one Capital the capital is a place of excess and more excess and just a whole heck of a lot of excess everyone is incredibly judgment mental of everybody else and it's a society where new is always better back in the day Cory linaa snow had to defend himself for renewing his father's clothing that he wore to certain events so it's incredibly materialistic the capital treats everyone from the districts as garbage and they look at the victors as celebrities meaning they're going to treat them as not people the point that I'm trying to make here is that if you're of the ages of 12 through 18 uh the capital is the place to be but if you're not well tough luck cuz you're poor and you have potential of going into the hunger gate but wait a second what are the districts of panm like if only someone could make a really toasty video talking about all of the districts of panm before we get into this dystopian World sometimes it can be difficult being a person in our own dystopia but luckily today's sponsor better Al is 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live sessions when it's convenient for you I want to say hypothetically you're like my therapist is pretty cool but I'm feeling like they're not the right fit not a problem because you can switch to a new therapist at no additional charge with better help you're getting the same professionalism and quality that you would get from an office therapy but with a therapist that's custom picked for you and with more Flex ability and at an affordable price if that all sounds pretty rad you can get 10% off your first month by clicking on this link in the description below anyway what were we talking about oh yeah let's start with district one the district that is the most buddy buddy with the capital as they reside right above it if we just like take the map of panm and put it over the map of the United States it looks like District 1 takes up the territory of Montana Idaho Utah and Wyoming one has a close relationship with the capital because they pollute the entire Capital with their Lux ious Goods in The Hunger Games tribute guide It's said that the excellent taste and craftsmanship from the wers is what keeps the capital bewigged and bedazzled a lot of people in the capital wear wigs apparently district one over here is doing a really good job for the capital and and a massive disservice for Humanity in this District they produce the tacky Furniture the dye that makes their hairs different color or their dogs pink the glass bowls we put lifethreatening berries in the crowns the tacky clothing the beauty products that they use on the tributes in the remix Center and and when reflecting on Effie's incoherent rant about how she can turn Cole into pearls cnis claims that District 1 has a machine that can turn graphite into diamonds thanks to their hard work it sustains this really overindulgent mess filled with snobs and narcissists dressing up in really over-the-top outfits which are really just nonsensical outfits to void of any profound sense of meaning or identity so basically like every single person at the mechala canace aine thinks that the kids in District 1 received ridiculous names as they do have really materialistic names like gloss Vine Marvel cashmir and so on so naturally district one is going to be the most wealth stricken out of the litter though don't get me wrong citizens of district one still go hungry as a small portion of the population still relies on tessora with the citizens of district one a little happier with the Capital One is one of the districts to produce career tributes but you can also call them careers just in case you want to abbreviate it and save time that way you don't have to say career tributes you could just say career uh and then save yourself the headache and the hassle of not saying career tribute career tributes are typically from districts 1 2 and four why did they skip three who knows the careers are well trained and wellfed their entire life just for this one event and the careers are often going to volunteer on their own free will seeing it as an honor to compete is something that a lot of the other tributes from the districts do not agree with in the movie adaptation of the first Hunger Games there's this moment where KO really shows us how much pressure the career tributes go through there's this Moment of clarity where K realizes that his entire life was leading up to him dying pointlessly in the arena it's technically against the rules for tributes to train before they reach the capital but this rule doesn't apply to uh one two not you and four District's one tributes are going to have the best odds when it comes to plac and Bets so subsequently District 1 is going to be receiving more sponsors and on top of that coming from the wealthiest District if they're like cool with people in their Hometown guess what those people have a better chance of pooling their money together so that they can send a gift to their tribute in the arena you know what it's almost as if uh The Hunger Games was rigged from the start I don't know let's put it this way during the 75th Hunger Games when they brought back the victors for round two the pool of Victors from District 1 was the largest in comparison to any other District all right so we know by now that district one careers are definitely going to win but they often lose to a little thing called hubris earlier Hunger Games tributes like faet and veline didn't do so well during the 10th hunger Gam these two were shot down by peacekeepers after trying to escape from the capital the reason district one tributes weren't at their best during this time was because this was the time of the 10th Hunger Games when no one cared about The Hunger Games so no tributes had the training or any real Advantage actually the only advantage that one really had was that they were better fed than the other tributes actually that probably wasn't an advantage because they didn't really know how to fast properly plus the capitals propaganda wasn't on point yet so there was much less of a diluted sense of pride in District 1 But as time went on and people like Cory Elena snow kept improving the games District 1 tributes would go on to just completely decimate the playing field there was this website named Capital Couture which is now defunct but it was created to promote the Hunger Games films back in 2015 on the site were tour photos of Augustus Braun the victor of the 76 Hunger Games Braun was considered to be the Cavalier career as the capital duly sung his Praises as he tore the dist bringing with him a message of prosperity and Reconciliation to the people due to District one's loyalty to the capital Katniss andedo were instructed not to trust anyone from that District when making alliances especially during the 75th Hunger Games don't trust one and two even though they weren't with the resistance gloss and Kashmir were actually pretty nice to Katniss well in the third quarter quell Training Center they invited her over to the hammock making station so that they could all make hammocks together because that's where people learn how to make hammock granted they were probably focused on making her an ally because they saw her do this boss won the 63rd games and his sister Kashmir who he mentored won the year after him in the book Catching Fire it's said or written in the 50th Hunger Games The Golden fluffy Carnivor squirrels claim the third remaining tribute leaving only himage and a district one career out of the 48 tributes that year it was just the two of them to VI for the crown I love that cins used the word vi right there no one uses the word vi anymore anyway this District one tribute was huge and she also had the Speed it's like she harnessed the power of a bear he Mitch and the bear they beat the life out of each other this fight ended when hch felt the need to run away with the career tribute chasing him hch ran all the way to this Cliff a cliff that he was playing with earlier that day he threw himself off the cliff but because it's the boundary of the Arena he got tossed right back up when hech arrived at the cliff the career threw an axe at him but then she missed and the axe went right off the edge little did she know the the boundary of the arena is going to toss that axe right back up at her with the axe impaling her head situation it ruined her chances of winning the second quarter Quil this resulted in an uncommon loss for a career and a very rare win for District 12 like I said hubus the next time A District 12 tribute would take out her career from District 1 was when Katniss sent the tracker jackers on glimmer and when she shot an arrow through Marvel's chest oh well come to think of it kis takes out ol of District 1 in the 74th during the 7 fth Games Katniss went round two when it came to shooting an arrow through a district one career tributes chest because she initially shot Marvel in the chest with an arrow and then she would go on to shoot gloss in the chest with an arrow and Joanna Mason took out Kashmir with an axe which is fitting because of the whole axe throwing incident during the 50th Hunger Games the year cat has entered the games an unnamed career tribute from District 1 won the games by using the good old cave the tributes headen with a brick method if you were a Victor from district one it didn't really secure your likeliness to survive in the arena but it also didn't secure your safety during the second Rebellion as the victors were targeted from both sides the capital killed Victors they suspected to be Rebels and the rebels killed those who they suspected to be allied with the capital BD claims that that's the price of being a celebrity by the end of the second Rebellion none of the victors out of District 1 survived the whole Affair somebody in the comments the other day asked the question do you think KO would be a rebel or do you think he would be a peacekeeper and the way that I interpreted that question was that do you think Kato would be a rebel like Katniss or do you think he would play the role of someone like Peta K's mini breakdown towards the end of the 74th led me to believe that he is aware of how twisted the games are and what they've made him become I think that if given the opportunity KO would most likely jump to the side of the second Rebellion but there wouldn't be a second Rebellion if he didn't die in the most horrible and painful way possible on that note let's move over to District 2 masonry they are famous for their impeccable ston workor and according to the tribute guide It's citizens are also known individually for their strength they are responsible for building this and this and all of this and because the amount of work that needs to be done in this District it's the largest District in terms of population like district one District 2 is resting right up against the capital and I'm going to tell you why I find this District to be one of the most interesting districts of the districts during the time of the dark days the capital decimated 13 and we're like well we did that but now we need someone to step up and produce a bunch of weapons and military equipment for us that job was given to District 2 Flynn's father seized an incredibly rare but not impossible opportunity that gave the plint a life in the district as he was a weapon manufacturer who sided with the president of Panet that's how sanis plint father ended up making bank plint father seized an incredibly rare but not impossible opportunity that gave the plint a life in the district it was however unprecedented for somebody like sanis to attend the academy that snow was attending the only reason they made an exception for him was due to his father making a pretty large donation due to the whole school needing postwar reconstruction thing District 2 was composed of a series of villages spread across mountains as each Village would neighbor a Mining facility So within the mountains you would have these massive Stone quaries when District 13 left the chat for 75 years the capital relocated the military aka the peacekeepers to District 2 and then they constructed the nut which is a massive quy that was turned into an impenetrable Fortress located in the center of this mountain right here This was meant to replace District 13's underground stronghold the nut houses the heart of the capital's military and the mountain Fortress received its nickname The Nut because plut Tark Heavens be claimed it was a tough nut to crack as getting into it was almost impossible plut tar later regretted calling this Fortress the nut because the implication that it was a tough nut to crack discouraged Rebel leaders and lowered morale which is the opposite of what he intended to do well the nut was replacing 13 stronghold it wasn't as impenetrable as 13 underground structure as it was made out of old mines that were renovated so inside the structure were cavernous spaces with slabs of stone that had been cut out and taken to the capital 13's bunker was being fortified for centuries while the nut was sort of a makeshift uh thing it was a mediocre attempt at creating Perfection it's like trying to recreate Michelangelo's David but just not being able to do it but you got some more clothes which is nice surrounding the capital are nuclear missiles aircrafts and troops but the most significant chunk of their power resides here it's filled with computer Banks meeting rooms which are very dangerous barracks and arsenals the only entrances and exits they have are a hanger for one hovercraft and narrow heavily fortified tunnels this is the most important structure the capital had during the war so taking the nut was the most essential thing for the rebels to do District 2 still had all the benefits of District 1 as it would produce stuff like uh career tributes if you're a citizen of District 2 you get like two career options you can either work in the Cor as a mine worker or you become educated and work at the nut actually there's always the option of becoming a peacekeeper and getting relocated to any of the other districts for that reason District 2 seemed to be the most divided District during the second Rebellion some citizens were loyal to the capital well others didn't hesitate to join the rebels it was really the Mind workers who became the resistance in District 2 during the events of mocking jay Katniss makes note that the district 2 Rebels were babied by the capital A lot of them were decently fed and car for throughout their childhood which ended up making them way more susceptible to the capital's propaganda Commander lime was a previous Victor of District 2 no one mentioned what Hunger Games she participated in so we don't know a lot about her other than the fact that she's middle-aged meaning she competed in the Hunger Games a generation ago she most likely competed anywhere between the 43rd Hunger Games and the 49th Hunger Games definitely before hitch's second quarter quell come to think of it lime could have been KO and cloves Mentor during the 74th Hunger Games or she could have been Ena Baria and brutus's Mentor during the 75th anyway you can see Commander lime right here strategizing to take down the nut during this meeting gaale being fueled by his hatred by by his blind hatred for the capital had the idea of not capturing the nut but starting an uncontrollable Avalanche to block the entrances every district has their struggles but District 2 really does suffer from floods mudslides and most dangerous of all Avalanches if the rebels could create an avalanche it would completely trap the Enemy Inside and cut off all their resources and the Avalanche would eventually wipe out everyone inside because the ventilation system was subpar in comparison to the one in District 13 so they really wouldn't have fresh air for long with the majority of workers in the nut being citizens from District 2 lime wanted to give them a chance to surrender Bey helping orchestrate this entire plan agreed with lime because he was a very logical person but then they went ahead and and did it we don't know exactly what happened to Commander lime during the war as she's not present during coin's meeting with the previous Victor so it's safe to assume that lime did not survive the second Rebellion during the 10th Hunger Games the tributes from two Marcus and Sabin they faced a similar if not worse fate than the tributes from District 1 as those District 2 tributes also tried to escape one of them died but the other one was uh publicly displayed in the arena in not the most uh beneficial way to their health after this sanis plinth former District 2 Resident snuck into the arena he went up to Marcus the dead tribute that he mentored and continu a tradition they have in two that after someone you love or respect dies you sprinkle breadcrumbs over their body this is so you could give them food on their journey to back wherever they came from why bread it's the Hunger Games there's always going to be bread involved somehow during the 75th Hunger Games the male Victor from two Brutus looked like he was in his mid-40s meaning he probably competed around the same time as Commander lime and apparently he couldn't wait to get back into the arena the female Victor from two enobaria specialized in stuff like hand-to-hand combat but she's best known for ripping out another tribute throat using uh just her teeth after becoming famous for this not chill thing she had her teeth cosmetically altered into fangs as well as had them inlaid with gold but in the movie version hamage claims that she filed her teeth in a Fang so that she could rip people's throats out implying that she did it before she entered the arena of her initial games not after the fact and by the end of the second rebellion enobaria was the last remaining Victor of for district in District 3 we have technology this is where panm this place gets all of their technological inventions they make less military Tech and more of stuff like gadgets like TV remotes uh TVs and even stuff like the drones or the parachute packages that they send into the Arenas children in the schools of 12 learn how to do stuff like audio editing so that they can develop and work on these techniques of editing and manipulating somebody's real voice to make it sound like somebody else's loved one screaming out in pain this technique was used in the Clock of Doom Arena during the 75th games specifically in the 4 to 5:00 Zone that was filled with jabberjays playing fake recordings of catniss and finix loved ones screaming out for help oh something I love about how nerdy this district is is the fact that they don't eat bread in the form of loaf no instead they prefer having a pile of bite-sized square piece rolls because I guess they found this method way more efficient though these tributes are not the best warriors they can still win the games using their intellect and Ingenuity something that they very much need because they're sure as heck not going to get any sponsors for their Charisma the quarter Crow were written into law by men certainly it can be Unwritten they're kind of socially awkward as they spend most of their time uh working on gadgets or just being in front of their computer in the book version of song birds and snakes during the 10th gam cir and tesle immediately started ripping into some Fallen drones Circ was removing a rectangular battery and tesley was seen reattaching some wires by the way cir is an abbreviated for the word circuit like a circuit board and Tesla is a more feminine play on the name Tesla like Nicola Tesla the futurist responsible for revolutionizing how we generate electricity how we transmit that electricity and contributed heavily to our modern-day alternating current electricity Supply system way later in the games tesley showed up with an altered drone she had a cable that was hanging off of it and it was connected to her wrist tesley launched the Drone back up into the air and using this method she somehow found a way to hack incoming drones controlling them to attack her fellow tribute mizen a delivery drone came into the arena to drop something off to mizen but then as the Drone was leaving it just comes back with its claws out and then it began looping around him two more drones arrived and then they dropped the water and cheese they were carrying to join the other drone that was menacingly circling around mizen Witnesses say that it was like watching bees in a Honeypot then the drones began to hit mizen causing him to lose his balance and fall off the structure that he was standing on needless to say mizen did not win Bey won the games by electrocuting six tributes at once and wus was the one to figure out that the tropical Arena was just one big clock but intellect can only take you so far because after tesley took out mizen she immediately received an axe to the face and wus uh got her throat cut and cir was taken out by the snakes but if you watch the movies he receives a Tron into the chest all thanks to Coral The District 3 tributes in the 74th Hunger Games weren't given names so tribute boy was killed by KO and tribute girl was dunzo in the blood bath during the second Rebellion Victors from three as well as 4 7 8 and 11 were working with plutar heavens be to get Katniss and Peta out of the Arena starting with Victors like bey bey was one of the people to redesign the underground Network that transmits all the programming through penm which played a huge role and streaming District 13's propaganda or propos to all of the defeated districts after BD and 13 were able to stream the capital destroying the hospital in eight that was filled with defenseless civilians you remember the whole if we burn you burn with us the Rebels who were barely maintaining a foothold in several districts rallied after seeing this broadcast and the rebels were able to take over District 3 with wus be's District partner losing her life to gloss in the 75th Bey was the only surviving Victor from District 3 Let's swim over to District 4 where they do all the swimming and then the fishing if you like shrimp and crab meat this is the place to be District 4 is the Midway point between the wealthy districts and the non-wealthy districts and it's the last District to produce careers even back during the 10th games when snow is waiting to find out which tribute he was going to be assigned to he mentions that District 4 were contenders with one and two mainly due to their work ethic as they spend all day every day fishing which can be a physically demanding job plus District 4 citizens start working at a very young age that's why tributes like Finnick or Coral are highly skilled at using their Trident and mizen is skilled at using his net but Coral's Trident skills and Miz's sick net skills could only get them so far Miz fell to his death uh because of the hack Thrones in the books and then if you're watching the movies he fell to his death and then was consumed by the snakes and coral was also consumed by Dr girl snakes the whole being raised in the art of fishing most certainly did not help the iconic tribute boy and tribute girl while in the Forest Arena in the 74th Hunger Games as girl was taken out by the tracker jackers and boy didn't even make it that far as he was taken out during the blood bath like I said it didn't help that they were in unfamiliar territory I guess you could say they were Fish Out of Water but the Aquatic skill set really did come through for these three Victors standing next to Finnick during the third quarter qu reaping and it also helped anny crusta and Megs Flanigan survive in the arena Ms is an OG Victor who won the 11th gam she was 80 years old one year younger than Lucy gray Barrett it's interesting to think that Lucy gray would have been around Meg's age at the time of the 75th Megs is accent and garbled speech are due to a possible stroke she had but that didn't stop her from hand gesturing that she wants to volunteer as tribute to take Annie crust's place with the understanding that she was definitely going to be doomed in the Clock of Doom Arena as Megs needed a cane to walk on stage during the reaping ceremony and in the books fin how to take a branch and quickly fashion a cane out of it for her in the tropical Arena but in the movies she seems more capable of walking on her own and when they need to run away Finnick carries her on his back since mags won the 11th Hunger Games the Year Snow implemented the whole Victor's Village concept Megs was the first Victor to receive a Victor's Village and she was the first Victor to go on a victory tour back before the website for Capitol Couture was erased from the internet here's some of the promotional images that they had for the victory tour migs was highly skilled at using Fish Hooks and canice claimed that her Fish Hooks were probably the best chance of getting a meal in the tropical Arena cuz honestly Megs could make a decent fish hook out of anything a thorn a wishbone an earring my crushed and Broken Dreams Etc but she's seen wearing a wedding ring her experience with being married and probably having a happy life with somebody who may passed by that point is what gave her the willpower to volunteer for any crusta and a contributing factor to her volunteering is the fact that she used to Mentor finck Odair and she probably thought Finnick had a good chance of surviving the arena so in her mind she's like I'm going to give these two love birds a chance oh yeah fin goair okay so fin Odair was crowned during the 65th Hunger Games at the age of 14 making him the youngest Victor in all of the history of The Hunger Games being from District 4 Finnick has incredible swimming capabilities which is how he ends up being able to reach the tropical Cornucopia just as fast as someone like Katniss and spending all that time in swimming culture is how he new CPR which was actually really useful because he used it to save peta's life one of the two people he swore to protect honestly someone like finck Odair was the perfect Ally to have in the tropical Arena Finnick the guy that I was just talking about did eventually get married to another Victor from the same district can you guess who it is it's Annie Cresta the entire time it was Annie Cresta he married Annie Cresta by the way the wedding ceremonies in their District have these nets woven from long grass that will cover the couple during their vows then the couple's going to touch each other's lips with salt water and they have someone in the background play the ancient wedding song this is part of the whole comparing marriage to a sea Voyage or something Annie crusto was the winner of the 70th Hunger Games she allegedly went mad uh when her District partner got beheaded so she ran off and head somewhere while an earthquake broke a dam in the arena because the arena apparently had a dam and this caused the entirety of the Arena to be flooded wiping out all of the tributes except for Annie because she was from District 4 and she was the best swimmer there before the victors entered the third quarter quell it said that the capital was trying to cover up a seafood shortage that was going on for weeks claiming it wasn't due to a revolution taking place no it was due to some bad weather going on for weeks across four different states Annie crusta was the only remaining Victor from District 4 by the end of the second Rebellion somebody who stood by by the morals and ideals that she shared with her deceased husband Finnick and she voted no to rebooting The Hunger Games Miss everine along with a bunch of other medical people from District 13 were working on developing a new hospital in District 4 District 5 the Electric solar and Nuclear Power District during the first Rebellion or failed Rebellion the capital surveillance system depended heavily on a thing called electricity like most other technology at the time specifically they needed electricity from the capital grid but the capital's power and the grid were surging constantly it kept flickering on and off due to District 5 Rebels constantly interfering with this so the sirens in the capital became unreliable meaning no one really knew when to seek shelter District 5 would play another essential role in the second Rebellion as it was District 5 who got inspired by Katniss sing in the Hanging Tree and then went over to the hydroelectric Dam as we all do in times of rebellion uh to then blow it up for a moment there the grid of the capital shut down completely allowing District 13 soldiers and gaale to enter the capital and rescue the rest of the victors like Annie Cresta or Peter malar in the 10th game's High suffered from asthma the night before the games began you know before they started taking care of the tributes causing him to lose before the games even began but in the movie version hi got to see the arena on on the on the worst day possible but then he was killed in the bloodbath by mizen Soul took a tried into the throat by coral and and it really looks like Coral is the KO of the 10th in the 38th Hunger Games District 5's Porter milicent trip received a severe spinal injury during the final showdown and was given this big neck brace or how the capital likes to refer to it as a fashionable Halo during the 74th games the unnamed uh boy tribute died in the bloodbath so that's pretty uneventful but the female tribute Foxface saw Peta collecting all these berries and then she's like you know what if peta's collecting the berries they must be safe to eat they were not that's nightlock Peta during the 75th Hunger Games the victor from District 5 was unived by Fino's Trident and the District 5 female Victor was killed in that massive seawave the one in the 10 to 11:00 Zone which is why we do not go in the 10 to 11:00 Zone during the time of 10 to 11 I guess that's all the information I know about District 5 district 6 is the land of Transportation the citizens of district 6 they make the motor vehicles the trains that go into the capital the freaking hovercrafts and you know who can't use them this citizens of district 6 The Hunger Games tribute guide claims that the citizens from here have little love for travel which is a fancy way of saying you can make all the fun toys but you don't get to play with them we do district 6 were the ones to create special trains and vehicles to get the slabs the stone out of District 2 and into the capital when Peta was all like I'm Peta and snow is using tracker Jacker Venom on me as well as other torture methods so I have to say whatever the capital wants Peta claims that there was a derailed train with a pool of toxic waste spilling from one of the cars I'm assuming he was referring to district 6 doing these acts of rebellion you know we don't know too much about six other than the history of their tributes and Victors during the 10th Hunger Games Otto and jinny were kind of knocked out of the competition when the arena got destroyed two of many tributes to be acts before the games even started in the movies Otto actually does make it into the arena but he was taken out of the games offscreen at some point which is not that exciting oto's name kind of sounds like automobile and jinny is an anagram of engine and the fun doesn't stop there uh Titus another Greek name here's the most accurate representation of Titus that I could give you just cuz we've never seen his face in the movies so a few years before the 74th Hunger Games Titus entered the playing field and he stole the hearts of thousands I'm kidding he didn't instead he Disturbed the hearts of thousands because this guy this goober he was a cannibal at one point during the games they kept having to send peacekeepers into the arena so that they could stun Titus with electrical guns as the PE Keepers went to collect the bodies of the tributes he defeated because if they didn't do this then Titus was going to start eating their bodies I mean it's not technically against the rules to do what Titus was doing but something about the whole Savage cannibalism unfolding live on television it just didn't sit well with the capital audience so in that moment the game makers were like okay let's just airlift the bodies out from now on and remove them as quickly as possible to prevent another Titus from happening but if Titus was so Savage and so Unstoppable what happened to him shouldn't he be a Victor like why haven't we heard about him well Katniss and basically everyone who exists suspected that the game makers activated a trap in this case an avalanche to take Titus out of the competition you'll have to forgive them for this for some reason they didn't want this tribute gobler out in the capital after the games ended because he was most likely going to be the victor of that year and just when he thought it couldn't get any more on eventful during the 74th Hunger Games the unnamed male and female tribute were taken out in the bloodb B the victors in the 75th games were morphling addicts which is what gave them the name morphlings meet the morphlings these two consume a lot of morphling like almost as much as someone like Dean he the kite bottom I can't believe they didn't say that nickname in the movie both of them were bone thin and looking like emo kids in their 30s they are both masters of camouflage as they won by hiding from everyone else until everyone else was dead which is basically how I play every single Battle Royale game by the way people say that the morphlings are representative of a large drug problem in district 6 and I'm just honestly going to say you're wrong cuz most Victors in any of the districts struggle with drinking or morphling problems or just like any way to cope with the aftermath of the games we like the morphlings because even though half the time they're mentally on another planet they still had the sense and the courage to be part of the secret alliance with District 13 to protect Peta and ctis the morphlings being on 13 side is another reason why haage communicates to Katniss and Peta that they are not a thve in fact the the female morphling was willing to sacrifice herself to those big scary large carnivorous monkeys in order to save Peta so six is actually pretty cool well besides Titus Titus needs to chill oh well I guess he already did chill because the whole Avalanche but um district 7 is Lumber so the capital and other districts I guess can have things like tables and and uh paper district 7 may not have the fancy training of districts 1 2 and 4 but the district 7 tributes are known for their strength because they're spend every single day like 24/7 chopping wood becoming very familiar with tools like axes or saws this is why District 7's Victor Joanna Mason or tributes like trech are incredibly proficient with an axe like Ru in District 11 or Fini and District 4 Joanna and trech had been working in their fields since they were toddlers during the third quarter Quil it was rumored that district 7 was one of the districts that already started the uprising and that rumor was proven to be true because even when Katniss woke up after the whole pew pew and claims that the communications were down in 7 meaning the uprising was happening in 7 by the time Katniss was lifted out of the arena in the book mocking J it's implied that district 7 the lumber people were the ones to destroy the dam but I can understand why in the movies they chose to make District 5 the Electric solar nuclear and non- lumber Power District to be the ones to take out the hydroelectric Dam that was powering the capital the only time we really got to see district 7 in the movies was when the workers sing Roose for no run and then they Ed their log powers to start logging up those trees as loggers do and then they detonate a bunch of landmines below in order to explode a bunch of pepers below during the 10th Hunger Games Treach which I'm assuming is a play on the word tree was absolutely demolished by Lucy gray after she repeated what she did to Mayfair lip and put one of those Vivid psychedelic snakes down a shirt but in the movies Lucy gray ends up sprinkling some of that rap poison through the vents and uh Treach who is inconveniently standing below the vents he inhales it and this was like the most over-the-top rap poison I think I've ever seen in any single movie so when Treach inhaled it he made like a tree and died District 7's female tribute was lamina and look at this another person get taken out of the competition by Coral as Coral stabbed lamina in the stomach placing her 10th in the books but ninth in the movies so progress during the 74th Games district 7's tributes following the tradition of not having any names as well as following in the tradition of getting defeated in the blood bath during the 75th Gam District Seven Victors were involved in plut tark's plan of protecting Peta and Katniss the female Victor was Joanna Mason the happiest person on Earth everybody she won the 71st games at the age of 17 and for that reason on top of like the long list of reasons uh she was one of the victors to vote Yes to Hunger Games 2.0 the capitals children Edition blight Joanna's District partner was on the side of the second Rebellion unfortunately we didn't really get to see a a lot of him after the 75th cuz he kind of died during the 75th which is a really good excuse for not being seen after the 75th when in the arena he stumbled into the 1 to 2:00 Zone also known as The Zone that has the thick hot blood rain and when trying to evade the rain blight pulled the peta peta no and then ran into the forest fields surrounding the arena by the end of the second Rebellion Joanna was the only remaining Victor of seven district a is textiles they make stuff like the fabrics and these beautiful brocades that are typically favored in the capital during CIS and peta's victory tour this District was the opposite of the definition of c heck they had an uprising before the quarter quot was even announced at the beginning of the book Catching Fire we learned some info about District 8 through Katniss's encounter with Bonnie and twill Katniss runs into these two while out hunting beyond the fence twill was in her mid-30s and Bonnie was just a teenager the two of them managed to escape District 8 and were working on their way to get to District 13 they explained to cat nip that District dat had a little Uprising and that it happened during Peta and Katniss's proposal as the proposal was a mandatory viewing for everyone in panm so District 8 used this opportunity to have more people out in the streets after dark and at 8:00 because their District 8 the uprising took place they had teams of people ready to take the Justice building or the Peacekeeper headquarters or the Communication Center in the Square the crowd easily overran the peacekeepers and everything was going according to plan but then more people peacekeepers arrived in fact they arrived by the thousands and then hovercrafts came in and then a bunch of bombs came in and then they destroyed District 8's main city it's suspected that somebody ratted on the district 8 Rebels and that's how the capital got there so quick the fied Uprising took out twills husband and Bonnie's entire family when the residents were being put under lockdown Bonnie and tll stole some peacekeepers uniforms and booked it because they were from the factory hellscape that is District a a place where you couldn't find a single blade of grass the two of them had absolutely no idea how to survive in the wild which is why during the 74th Hunger Games the female tribute from District 8 was very ignorant when it came to surviving in nature so she started a fire at night which subsequently attracted the career pack but I mean at least she made it further than District 's male tribute who lost his chance at the title in the bloodbath a lot of people go in the bloodbath during the 10th games the male tribute bobin was uh destroyed by Cory Elena snow somebody who wasn't even participating in the games he was wasn't even in it and then Snow's the reason wovie died because he broke more rules as wovie was poisoned uh by the r poison that snow gave to Lucy gray but if we learned anything from the 74th Hunger Games rules don't matter apparently but you know it's better if you're watching the movies because wovie wasn't killed by Snow's WRA poison instead she was taken out by the snakes an ocean of snakes over in the edible insect station of the third quarter Quil Training Center katnis learned about the district 8 Victors Cecilia and wolf Cecilia had three three kids at home and and that's pretty much everything we know about her she was also really nice too which is really unfortunate cuz inaria uh did her signature move on Cecilia which as you know by now is inaria ripping Cecilia's throat out using just her teeth as we all do from time to time canice actually grieved for Cecilia's death especially after the whole she had three kids back home thing wolf was really old and heart of hearing he had absolutely no idea what was going on because when they were in the edible insect station wolf was trying to shove poisonous insects into his mouth during the second Rebellion one of District State's hospitals was visited by the mocking jay before the hospital was you know this is where Katniss and her dream team filmed this very effective propo and if we burn you burn with us a propo that really kicked the Rebellion back into gear so I always found it fitting that commander palor of District 8 went from a textile factory worker to a rebel leader and then became the next president of panm after snow is very politely asked to leave office and Inter and president coin graciously step down from her position District 9 also known as The Ninth District when going on a train that was just uh chugging on through District 9 future president of panm Cory Elena snow observed the buildings the atmosphere the culture and he thought to himself wow what an ugly Place something about the dystopian concrete buildings the flaking paint to be honest I don't know what didn't sell him on the district for some reason there's not a lot going on in District 9 oh right okay so they're the district that produces grain so they're known as panm spread bll in the tribute guide it said that District 99's amber waves of grain are an inspiration to assault during the 10th Hunger Games the female District Niner Chief lost her chance at the title when a failed attempt at a second Rebellion collapse the arena for some reason the concrete falling from the sky injured her and she eventually succumbed to these injuries but in the movies she was killed in the blood bath which isn't any better during the same year the maale district Niner pllow was also toast due to the explosive activity happening at the arena and he would later succumb to his injuries but in the movies he actually made it into the arena which is better however he was the first tribute to get taken out during the 74th games the unnamed female tribute got taken out in the blood bath and the male tribute was taken out by cloves throwing knives but when she was just throwing knives everywhere so his presence gave Katniss a moment to escape clove and the rest of the blood bath and during the 75th games the male and female District 9 tributes they died in the blood bath solidifying District 9 as the most uneventful District the only thing we really heard about District 9 during the second rebellion was that there was a Grainery collapsing due to a fire and I could be lying I mean it's not even confirmed that those were District 9 Rebels I'm just assuming it's District 9 because of the greeneries and panm bread bll even District 8 has greeneries Bonnie and T even mentioned that the district a Rebels secured their greeneries during the marriage proposal Uprising on top of that I'm pretty sure that District 11 has greeneries yeah these are greeneries I think the point that I'm trying to make here is that District 9 you're not special or unique you're mid district 10 is livestock imagine one big slaughter house filled with cattle and Hogs Arachne Crane's family the same family as head game maker senica crane developed a plethora of luxury hotels and vacation destinations across district 10 I don't really know too much beyond that because it's just a little bit of information we get from Arachne crane in in a throwaway line as the rachne was just going off about random stuff at that point well district 10 was not part of the initial Uprising during the second Rebellion 10 would eventually go on to supply District 13 with a whole bunch of meat for those who don't know uh when greasy say this person right here was running her store in the hob she would take wild dog meat chop it up and then put it into a large kettle and then she had the audacious nature to go on and sell that soup to people claiming that the meat was beef but when greasy was relocated to District 13 she worked in the kitchen and all thanks to district 10 greasy was finally able to make stew with real beef and no one noticed the one thing I liked about any infinix wedding in 13 was that doton the cattle guy from 10 was able to conduct the ceremony for the two because District 4's traditional wedding ceremony was similar to the one they conduct in 10 during the 10th Games district 10's tribute Brandy um she pulled the move of all moves she sort of slit the throat of her Mentor Iraq and Ukraine causing a bunch of peacekeepers to gun her down before the games could even begin you know I'm just going to say it here's the 10th games here's a mess I can't tell the difference the male tribute from 10 Tanner he was Mor T but he went good night due to a whole stab Fest that was brought on by coral trient and Miz's net during the 74th games the unnamed female tribute from 10 was bloodbathed in the bloodbath the canis assumed that it was done by KO and Friends during the 75th games the unnamed female tribute was killed in you guessed it the blood bath the male tribute from 10 was brought into a new kind of slaughterhouse known as the 6 to 7:00 Zone we've never visually seen what's in this Zone but we do know that during the time of 6 to 7:00 a massive mutation that's like the size of Bigfoot or something decided to pick the male tribute up and and rip him apart imagine a place that's filled with beautiful Orchards fruit trees and forced labor you've arrived at District 11 the District of egri culture upon Katniss's first visit to 11 Katniss grew weary of the vastness of it all how the Orchards seemed to be endless and everything was really spread out 11 is a neighboring District to 12 so naturally and logically they share the same kind of climate and ecosystem like Katniss and her family ruin other citizens of her District also know about the plant life and herbs surrounding them mainly because that's where they have to work through this work we learned about certain healing methods like how to treat someone like Katniss with with these leaves after they get stung by tracker jackers here's the thing about these puppies the capital left up a bunch of tracker Jacker nests around the districts after the first Rebellion leaving them in really inconvenient places like I don't know places where people work since 11 was one of the uh districts not to shy away from child labor tributes from 11 were contenders with the wealthier districts because of their work being very labor intensive like District 4 District 11 tributes are normally jacked due to how much the capital overworks them during these very hazardous conditions Ru and her fellow workers would sing throughout the day alongside the Mocking Jays this is why Rue actually really liked Katniss's mocking jpen claiming that seeing the mocking jpen on her Arena wear is what made Rue trust Katniss in the first place which is the easiest way anyone's ever gained somebody else's trust rub became well acquainted with the mocking jads after spending a lot of time in the Treeline because there's no OSHA in District 11 the capital would send kids around Rus size high up into the trees like to the highest point you could possibly go when Ru was this High she was singing Back and Forth with the song birds for hours the kids that would be sent to the top of the trees would would be the first ones to see the red flag that signals its quitting time so in ru's case she would sing a special song a little forn note run letting everyone know that it's time to just stop what you're doing and go home a song that was later used by her district and other districts during the second Rebellion I know what you may be thinking why was it that Rue being a 12-year-old I was working when she should have been in school during a conversation between Ru and Katniss Rue states that they all get a break from school so they can work during the Harvest this was the first time catniss learned about life in another District as the capital prevented any of the districts from communicating with each other 11 was the first known District to sponsor another District in The Hunger Games when District ones Marvel took out Ru with the whole classic I'm going to throw a spear through your stomach move ganis becomes the ultimate bro and sings deep in the meadow too as well as a very kind gesture of laying out a bunch of flowers surrounding ru's body it was basically telling the capital to go themselves and that they can right with and all the way to the gates of bahala everybody District 11 was also the first district to sign the Treaty of treason so I find it very poetic that they were the first ones to ride out of the districts during the second Rebellion the further out from the capital you are the less anyone's going to care about you and I think the lack of interest is represented really well with their Town Square as their Justice building has a huge Marvel structure that would have been a thing of beauty in the past but you know time took a toll on it as now the roof is sagging in and the ivory is taking over the crumbling facade and the square itself is ringed with rundown storefronts most of which are abandoned District 11 was already Uprising during the third quarter Quil but sometime after the 75th games were interrupted the rebels weren't doing well that was until the whole burn inspired the rebels in 11 to finally take the district which is huge because cutting off the food supply for the capital is as important as taking out something like the nut in Hunger Games 10 the female tribute from 11 Dill uh she died of tuberculosis and that's kind of hard to show a cinematic medium so in the movie adaptation of song birds and snakes they had her drink some water that was poisoned by Lucy gray and that year the male tribute from 10 was Reaper it's no question why on panm would somebody name their kid Reaper but he clearly didn't get the memo that the names are emblematic of the industry of their District because Reaper isn't referring to the Grim Reaper but the act of reaping as in cutting and harvesting grain see it's not that threatening of a name unless you're in the arena with him in a scythe if so the definition can change pretty quickly in the books Reaper was poisoned by Lucy gray and they played a game of c and mouse until Reaper was really exhausted and then he died but this was back in the day before they had the trackers in their arms the game makers had no way of telling if he stopped breathing or not so they waited like a half hour to make sure Reaper was gone it wasn't until Lucy gray came out of hiding to check his pulse herself in the movies Reaper was just consumed by the rainbow snakes I don't really prefer his death in the movies over his death in the books but I do like that they essentially made him the catniss everine of the 10th games him removing the the capital flag and covering the Fallen tributes with it had the same exact energy as Katniss laying the flowers around rof we haven't really talked about thresh much in my videos uh so let's talk about thresh in the books thresh is like 6 and 1/2 ft tall and built like an ox but in the tribute guide he's 6 feet thresh is apparently built like an ox to the point where half the sponsors were considering him Katniss would even bet on him herself when Katniss sees thrush in the arena she claims that thresh seems more massive and more powerful than shiku Rec call if anything he actually gained waight in the arena and I think this is just the shock and adrenaline speaking of seeing thresh for the first time and watching him beat the life out of clove needless to say thresh went straight for the cornicopia even the careers wanted to team up with Thresh from the beginning but he wouldn't do it instead he became this ominous presence that everyone feared in the arena in the 74th arena there was a field of grass as high as peta's shoulders but the other career tributes avoided it like how I avoid calls about my car's extended warranty mainly because no one wanted wanted to track down thresh in the grass this was thresh's home field advantage right here which gave a Sinister feeling to this entire field plus there were snakes and rabbit animals in there uh and quicksand unlike our childhoods it turns out the children of panm should have actually grown up fearing quicksand you know what I don't know I may be 27 years old but I'm still anticipating that attack from quicksand the tribute guide says that thresh's weapon of choice is rock and I think that's Perfection as it's referring to this rock that was around the size of a loaf of bread the same rock that he used to en clove after her villain rant to Lake Reaper thresh's real weapon of choice would be a reaping Scythe a tool that he would have had so much practice with while harvesting grain after the reaping thresh wouldn't talk to anyone during his interview with Caesar flickerman he actually topped Bey in the most awkward interview contest as thrush ignored all of Caesar's charismatic banter and anytime thrush answered a question he would reply in an Abrupt yes or no or just remain silent and I think that definitely explains why Katniss thought her and thresh would be friends friends if thrush lived in district 12 the only time thrush was really talkative was during his encounter with clove and catniss and that was just because he needed to confirm what happened to Ru it's been a decade and there's one thing that I still haven't gotten over yet and now that I finally have an audience of two people I feel like I now earn the right to complain about a really insignificant detail that no one cares about which is that in the books thresh was killed by KO right like we're on the same page about that well in the movies it's implied that those really inconvenient mutated tributes that were turned into hounds were the things that took thresh out of the equation but in mocking J part two Katniss tells the guy from District 2 whatever his name is in their very relaxing conversation Katniss claims this that's why I killed K and he killed trash in the logic of the books it makes sense that she would be saying that but in the logic of the movies and the history of the movies it just doesn't make sense I don't know unwatchable moving on District 12 the coal miners they're located all the way over here they don't have vehicles they don't have dreams they don't have food but at least they have the hob which is an abandoned warehouse that once stored coal until the transportation district introduced a more efficient way to get coal from the mines to the capital so the hob was renovated from this warehouse and turn into a place where people trade illegally poached animals or other Contraband and back in the day it was a place where people like Lucy gray and her cvy would perform music the hob is essentially the black market of District 12 the only reason they allow the hob to exist is because peacekeepers like snow participate in the tray well that was until Romulus thread took over as had Peacekeeper of 12 and then burned the hob down really an emblematic gesture of his non nonsense policy 12 has a town square with bakeries Apothecary shops and wealthier snobby people and they also have this seam a place where once lived katus Primrose prim's goat lady Miss ever and Gail Gail's entire family and this cat District 12 is a poor District in fact it's like the poorest of the districts but the seam is is said to be the poorest part of the district meaning Katniss was living in the worst place to live in all of panm on the bright side people in this District are named after stuff like herbs and plant life surrounding the seam for example Primrose Katniss the cat that survived the second Rebellion named Buttercup after Lucy gray finds out that snow had sanis plin killed Lucy gay abandoned him in the forest leaving a snake to bite him and a bunch of Mocking Jays to mock him and believe it or not snow didn't take it well he claimed that Lucy could have fly around District 12 all she liked but she and her mocking JS could never harm him again the animosity that snow is harboring for 12 is probably why snow in the capital transformed it into the worst District in The Hunger Games tribute guide it said that District 12 is a crucial one it said that the Brave and Hearty workers descend deep into the Earth to mine the goal that keeps our nation running but I think Katniss's description of 12 is a little bit more accurate of District 12 where you can starve to death in safety in whatever kind of video this is we discussed that districts like District 5 are producing electrical solar and nuclear power it's even written in the books that district 7 had dams you know and those dams may be producing electricity too it's not to say that coal wasn't used to power the districts as well as the capital but panm sure as heck didn't rely on coal as much as they used to as this one dam was supplying the capital with all the power they needed by the time of the 74th games all non-career districts still stood a chance against the careers it's District 12 that never had any Victors because they were stuck in school unable to learn any special skills katnis was the exception in 12 because she deviated from the typical Teenage life of a 12 most people in Katniss's home District know nothing about the Flora surrounding them yet Rue had an advanced knowledge of the plants inhabiting her District plus Joanna Mason of district 7 was tossing around axes since she could toddle similar to finck and his Trident or Bey and his computer watching these tributes SL Victors is what made catnip realize how disadvantaged the District 12 tributes have been over the years especially with the whole not being placed in the coal mines until they were 18 there are things you do in a mine that could come in handy in the games for example wielding a pick in order to gain some muscle from wielding said pick as well as working with explosives so that they can blow things up but the 12ers are going to learn these skills too late because they're no longer eligible for the games after they're eligible for the mines you know I'm starting to think that President Snow may have had such a grudge against District 12 that he didn't want any of the tributes to have any skills going into the games so that the district would keep losing year after year so how did the tributes and Victors do throughout the years most of the tributes ended up probably dying in the bloodbath but during the 10th games Lucy gray and Jessup Diggs were picked from the raffle actually that's not true the odds were never in Lucy's favor because it was rigged against her Lucy's odds weren't in her favor because it was never left up to chance mayor lip a father of everyone's favorite human being Mayfair lip made it so Lucy Gay's name would get selected why would he do this you ask well because Mayfair was into Billy tilp and but Billy tilp was dating Lucy gray it was the whole thing Lucy ended up being the Victor that year but her District partner Jessup Diggs didn't do as well he suffered from a condition called rabies as well as a condition called falling from a really high up point and then breaking all the bones in your body and then no longer breathing moving on to the next ones during the 15th games or second quarter quell hey M ABY M Le Donner an unnamed male tribute and an named female tribute from District 12 were sacrificed to the games it's not reported how the two unnamed tributes died in the arena but M ended up getting stabbed in the neck by Nightmare flamingos and himage won against the career triview that I was talking about earlier in this video in the movies Katniss everine was the first volunteer from District 12 District 12's very first volunteer but in the books it said that District 12 had had a volunteer in a very long time and I kind of prefer the movie version because it makes her volunteering way more intense except for bread boy pea because he was just called to the stage like normal during the 74th games due to a ridiculous last minute change Peta and Katniss became the first ever co- Victors and during the 75th games or third quarter Quil the arena blew up and among the chaos the capital grabbed Peta and District 13 got Katniss so we can just say that the third quarter quell ended in a tie speaking of which the only Victor's Village we saw was in 12 during the second Rebellion 12 was eventually given the district 8 treatment but after the districts finally won the war the bones of 7,000 plus people were buried in this Meadow next to the seam and District 12 was starting to use machines from the capital to break ground on a new Factory that would make medicines to distribute to all of panm District 13 the place that we've been hearing about ever since mayor undes very monotonous and boring speech from the 74th reing he recited the Mantra that the 12 districts were defeated and the 13th obliterated it said that the supposedly destroyed District was working on nuclear energy but really they were focusing on the nuclear nuclear weapons program for the capital they also made all of this developing weapons military equipment vehicles and other kinds of missiles the entire District served as the place for Recruitment and the training of peacekeepers really aiding in making panm the military-industrial complex it was 13 was also out here mining graphite so it looks like 12 and 2 weren't the only Mine Workers out here and it makes sense as to why 13 was mining graphite because graphite plays a very important role When developing nuclear power plants or their nuclear weapons as this material is used for high temperature control rods and nuclear reactors and it's used as a moderator and a reflector in nuclear missiles District 13 sprawling complex was a mere one week's Journey on foot from the Seaman District 12 it's filled with blocks upon blocks of factories research facilities Etc this substantial underground facility was developed over centuries it would serve the purpose of a clandestine refuge for government leaders in the time of war or a last resort for Humanity if the world above became unlivable at the Academy in the capital students are taught that the the first rebellion was incited by the rebels in District 13 and this is actually pretty accurate and not just a piece of madeup propaganda from the capital as they were able to access and disseminate arms to their cohorts around penm during the dark days the rebels in 13 had the idea uh to rebel and then Target all of their nuclear weapons at the capital and then they try to strike up a bargain 1 team proposed that they would play dead in exchange of being left alone by the capitals authoritarian government so you had the nuclear arsenal of District 13 on one side and the capitals nuclear Aral on the other it was the classic mutually assured destruction scenario you know so the capital received this offer and they made the very calm and peaceful decision of nuking 13 the capital thought it was over they demolished any visible remains of the district and completely cut them off from the outside hoping that the ones left in the sprawling complex would die out due to lack of resources the whole area was never visited again and it was often considered unlivable due to the high levels of radiation after that uh 13's entire industry was transferred over to District 2 which is really inconvenient for Snow's family because his family fortune was invested in the Munitions industry in 13 so you could imagine their frustration when the first Rebellion happened and then the entire District went boom with the military manufacturing getting transferred to two it's almost as if Snow's family fortune was transferred over to the plint 13 was just a bunch of people huddled in a chamber below ground with their population absolutely decimated and having no one to turn to for raid they had to quickly learn how to become self-sufficient just like cat or the mocky J or Lucy gray Against All Odds District 13 was resilient against the capital ever since then they were stricted about stuff like sharing resources and thanks to their strenuous discipline and constant vigilance their te successfully turned their citizens into an army and built a new society and their militaristic way of life did not change over the years by the time of the 75th games they still maintain the same frugality waste was practically a criminal activity in 13 well you don't starve or have the Hunger Games in 13 it's still sadly a place that lacks any fun and no one was given special treatment even people like cat everine who are the mocking jay live the same lifestyle as everyone else in the districts as Kat has her mother and her sister bunked in compartment 307 which is located somewhere all the way up here every morning a citizen of 13 has to stick their arm into a Contraption what this contraption ends up doing is writing your entire schedule and pink in on your arm and then you would read that it would be like 7:30 is breakfast 8:30 a.m. you got to be in the education center like room 17 10:00 a.m. is self-loathing 12:00 p.m. lunch you get the point you've seen schedules before for most of the day the ink is indelible until 2200 hours when they schedule you for a bathing by that point the schedule is going to wash away easy in the water and what I'm about to say doesn't apply to you if you work the night shift but bedtime is at 22:30 and yes for those wondering you can go outside for sunlight and exercise but it's at very strict points on your schedule and if you miss an appointment on your schedule you die no I'm just kidding but if you deviate from the schedule the consequences are pretty severe uh so don't do it everyone in district 12 is overly programmed and someone lacking any sense of humor most likely due to their leader here's everything we know about President Alma coin but we can safely assume that coin lived underground her entire life Rose through the ranks and was most likely voted into her position in a democratic way actually you know what in the movie mocking J part one they added a little backstory to coin that wasn't in the books how coin lost her husband and her daughter to the epidemic the same epidemic that killed a bunch of people in District 13 and made a lot of them infertile this did not help their birth rate people still had scars from this pox epidemic and the children were slightly disfigured from it I like that they added this line to the movie because it gives us a better understanding as to why coin is this D serious non-charismatic individual and why her district is the most boring Dreadful place to be on the planet so anyway if you're wanting to relocate to 13 they love getting new people from other districts because they are desperate for uh quote unquote new gen pool to repopulate with so any Refugee is granted automatic citizenship Bonnie and twill The District 8 refugees that we were talking about earlier in this video they weren't that far from their destination but they didn't make it which sucks
Channel: Bryce Edward Brown
Views: 1,117,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hunger Games Explained, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Dean Casca Highbottom, Haymitch Abernathy, The Guide to The Hunger Games, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Dr. Volumnia Gaul, Plutarch Heavensbee, The 13 Districts of Panem, District 12, Katniss Everdeen, hunger games panem, hunger games panem map, hunger games districts, Annie Cresta, Panem, Panem Explained, 12 Districts Explained
Id: QTRyKcjgElQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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