Songbirds and Snakes - Let Me Explain (A Hunger Games Ballad)

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listen welcome to the capital so 64 years before the first movie there was a boy named Cory Elena snow who went from being a heartthrob to a dictator as I usually do and considering that I think the Hunger Games is one of the better franchises out there I actually thought it was a pretty decent prequel for the series let me explain give me a drink give me a drink right now so the movie begins with a young snow back in the day when he was a kid in what they called the dark days years before the first Hunger Games where him and his cousin were out looking for food but instead found a guy who was uh chopping up bodies to take a PE years later they're still so poor that they're eating starch and ironing with it as Coro and tigers live with their grandmas and she lost her parents and Snow's mom and sister died during childbirth dude is also living in his daddy's Shadow since he was a general who was murdered by some District Rebels so after being killed by 12 he decides to become 12 coro's been working in the capital hoping to win the plinth prize which is pretty much a scholarship that'll allow him to go to university and they're announcing who's going to get it on reaping day when they pick the tributes for The Hunger Games and it's also their graduation so while the district kids are getting capped the capital kids are getting gowns you made it to the reaping for once and you made it to graduation buce we're both shocked at school they're all dressed like it's 1984 which really helps Coro since none of his friends know that he's poor there's clamy his clout chasing classmate who always tries to take credit Felix the president's kid who's always eating and Arachne Kane who is just the meanest of the girls she's also related to senica from the first movie who was designing the game so I guess being sick and sadistic runs in her family what is that dress she's some sort of clown then there's s Janes who they all make fun because he actually came up from the districts his dad is the one who's given up the plin prize since he got Filthy Rich selling weapons for the military no one here actually likes him but they do love his money you know what that's like don't you Arachne we then meet Dean Casa High bottom B he's the creator of the games who drinks more than he Mitch does and he was actually best friends with Snow's dad before things went sour right I see like your father he and I were best friends so now he's sabotaging snow Junior's chances of getting the award cuz honestly all he does is diss him look at you your makeshift shirt and your two tight shoes when I know the Snows don't have a pop to piss in you hear that boy it's the sound of snow falling this man really said how are you going to fit in when you don't even fit in your clothes because the games are getting less views in the WNBA they decide to change the rules for the 10th Annual by having the 24 students who are up for the prize have to Mentor the tributes in order to win it and this man says they don't even need to be survivors they just need to make them spectacles I am here to tell you that there has been a change this year one final assignment to prove your worth this is the first time that we see the draft picks version of the lottery where all the rich kids are watching the live stream to see who they're going to get assigned since districts 1 and two Supply the capital with goods and soldiers they always tend to be the winners since they're always trained and fed better and that's why sanus ends up with Marcus since his father single-handedly picked out the strongest tribute for him to win the selfless benefactor strabo plinth Pam is grateful for the weapons you supply us sir well our enemies in the districts probably don't feel the same way about that but isn't at the point what's nasty though is that he doesn't even need the plin prize since you know he he's a plinth his daddy just chose Marcus since he knew that that was his friend when they were in the district and he knows that allowing his friend to get killed will separate his son's past life you're monsters all of you in the book The District 3 tributes are the techwiz kids who are able to hack and control the drones that they sent into the arena but we don't really get to see them cuz they couldn't hack until the Final Cut of the film District 4 has coral and Bizen who end up being the biggest threats because they're the ones who are gathering allies hey Lumberjack no no just you after 5 and six district 7 gets the most scen time with Treach and lamina who come from the lumber District district a has a mentor named Heavens be meaning that they should be a relative of Plutarch who we end up seeing in the Original Series played by Philip Seymour Hoffman but their tributes are bobin and wovi who should not be there it's not fair it's not right F you after districts 9 and 10 we see the most from 11 who has Dill already dying of tuberculosis before they even draft her and Reaper who's already killed a peacekeeper going in but it's the final District that has coro's tribute who High bottom even nicknames the song bird from District 12 Lucy gray bear Snow then goes white when he sees that his tribute is walking up on reaping day in an Etsy outfit and the first thing this girl does when all eyes are on her is drop a snake in another girl's dress sing your way out of this one Lucy gray it turns out that Lucy did this to the mayor's daughter who was cheating on her man so she literally had daddy set it up so that Lucy would be chosen especially because Lucy's not even from here she's a singer who's a part of a traveling crew known as the kovi and has a country twang like dolly when she speaks and also loves playing with snakes so she's pretty much a Swifty dress up I'm not hungry you think I can't hear your stomach growling just up D and look I know that they have this girl fighting harder than the Hunger Games when it comes to the Press tour and I to have had some critiques on the acting that I think is getting better but when it comes to the singing like you just got to separate the art from the artist and taking my P they had her singing live on sat and I think she absolutely kills every scene that she's in to the point that they were like giving her more verses and they were giving her lines and Lucy is such a theater kid too like this girl just got chosen to be killed in front of a live studio audience and she's still broke into a musical number cuz you saw the cameras were rolling really went from a Hunger Games to 12 Side Story take my Capital says keep rolling nothing you can take eventually they meet when they bring in the tributes and snow just Towers over her like they really give her a bunch of shots from down low so that it looks like we're always looking up to her you know giving her the Bruno Mars angles you seem like a good man Cora snow right away Snow's trying to get on his slave's good side in order to win the games to the point that he even brings her flowers which Lucy eats like she dor he a dinosaur but he's so desperate that he even jumped on the truck that shipping them to the zoo since they literally locked them up like animals while all of these families and TV Crews come to watch them any reports of rabies cases within the capital walls is complete fabrication spread by by treasonous Outlaws intent on destroying our way of life sounds like my in-laws besides the rabies that Lucy's partner Jessup gets there's also a rachne who keeps tormenting or tribute by dangling food in her face which leads Brandy from District 10 to snatch that bottle and gash her throat killing her but then also getting shot by the Super Troopers on site what are the Hunger Games for Dr volumia GA is the game maker who also teaches at the University and she's played by Viola Davis who got the role because the director saw a horror fan art of her from the help and they pretty much played off that the director said that he based the character off Wily Wonka while Viola focused heavy on her being an evil scientist who has like 4 hours of makeup on her she has different colored eyes which was her idea and even a blood red coat that looks like she's hiding the aftermath of all of the experiments that she's done and she does a lot like forget Che in the scene this lady was chomping how tantalizing to see all your shining young faces on this auspicious day I am Dr volumia GA your humble head game maker in charge of the war department and all its Affiliated concerns ma'am they know Ju Just say good morning snow then gets in trouble for breaking the rules that don't exist about going to the zoo but that's what gets G interested in him and even hears out his idea on placing bets on the tributes so that people have Stakes when it comes to the games and actually get invested and if it helps with the ratings they're listening persuade them to perform for the camera he enters G's office full of creatures and pokes at everything like he's Darla except the snakes because GA actually uses them to weed out Liars like clamy because CLM decides to take credit for Snow's proposal Gaul sets a test where she needs to pull out the paper from her snake pit and unless they recognize your sense or don't sense you sweating like a liar they're going to bite and while the book has her coming back later after the bite with a bunch of scales we never really see her again in the movie so it was kind of hard when snow asked go if she's going to be okay and this lady's response was we'll find out through science I thought I told you to make better friends in order to strategize with their tributes they take them on a field trip to the arena where they're all going to get murdered but before they can even come up with a game plan a group of rebels pulls up from above and blows up the place killing four tributes so before the games even start it looked like they were going to have half of them gone I'm lucky flickerman first ever host of The Hunger Games after helping Coro from the rubble you see these two start to bond a lot more as snow gets her an instrument so that she can sing with blood drops on her guitar for the live show that they do in order to get more sponsors that's where Jason schwarzman kills it as lucky flickerman who's technically a relative of two cheese flickerman who ends up leveling up the entire stick in the future movies but for right now lucky doesn't know if he wants to be a host a weatherman or a magician but he is the one who comes up with the iconic line that we know from the first movie I don't love your odds but may they be ever in your favor May the odds be ever in your favor Lucy then goes on their version of PanAm Idol and breaks a record of donations with over 2,000 and if that wasn't enough snow even gives Lucy some rat poison and a Covergirl compact you know just in case please gus please don't let me die on here [Music] tomorrow once we get to the games it's a complete opposite of what we saw in the original movies because none of that has been invented yet when it comes to the elaborate domes this is really just a Coliseum full of gladiator kids where they're all slaying each other in the first 10 minutes they've got body splattering on the ground they're doing these crazy long takes as they're getting chased and I think one of the things that makes it more brutal is that they're not wearing outfits or suited up like the other movies they still got these kids in their Street close because of the bombing it's also all Rubble so Lucy and Jessup dropped down into the sewers to hide out while Marcus who tried to run away after the bombing is cot and hung up on a piece of concrete leading the girl from district 7 to head on over and give him a mercy kill since that's how you show love in the games smile it's why we have teeth now when it comes to the control room they said that they had already filmed all the arena scenes first so all the screens are actually playing footage meaning they were pretty much watching The Hunger Games and that's where the mentors are able to send in drones to deliver stuff but because they're old drones from the war they pretty much end up crashing harder than a Tesla because Marcus was his friend so Janus breaks in at night to do a ritual for him causing them to shut down the live feed which leads Gaul to force snow in there so that he can snatch up his buddy by promising him a piece of the prize but she just knew that him going in there would mean that he's going to face one of the tributes which leads to his first kill and even though he got gash on the way out that sense of blood had him feeling powerful it's not just about winning everything is about winning the next day everyone's questioning who cut the feeds and why there's a dead tribute in a place that's full of dead tributes but before they can ask questions Lucy has to deal with jessup's rabies that have him turning into a zombie they then send in water cuz I guess it's a known fact that rabies causes Hydrophobia which means the infected is going to spazz out if they come in contact with H2O and then none of that really matters because he just gets knocked out by the Drone she then runs back up to the top where they surround her so snow Cheats by sending in more drones than Obama causing them to scramble all about Lucy then swaps Out The Bottles with a rat poisoned water while the group goes to kill the district 7 tribute and even one of their own and it ends up being Dill the girl with tuberculosis who ends up drinking the water killing her faster that's when Reaper who's from her District gathers all the bodies and wraps them in the PanAm flag taking off viewers to the point that they have to cut to breaking news we end up finding out that Felix the president's son had died because of the injuries from the bombing so Gaul is ready to cancel the games and let them all die as punishment I want my enemies to see a rainbow of Destruction it's all right then one woman's opinion who's next snow visits the lab again for more stitches but also to slip in that handkerchief that Lucy wiped her tears with and to slip it into the snake pit so that they can recognize your scent and somehow nobody sees him that's also the scene where Gaul explains the squabble birds that were used during the war because they're able to mimic what people are saying they're known as jabber Jays which eventually made it with mocking birds which created a new species I've never seen those birds before Mocking Jays we call them Lucy then falls into the van's poisoning Treach and running up the debris as G unleashes the snakes into the arena taking out wovie from District 8 Reaper gets Medusa Ginger gets snapped and they think nothing is happening to Lucy because she's singing to the snakes when it turns out it was actually her vocal cords that were more danger than her life every time she sings in the movie she sings Live the only time that we had to limit the amount of singing she did was when she sings that song with the snakes and it's because the climax of that song hits um in such an intense way that it was actually could be damaging to her to her voice and her vocal cords and it was the only time that we really strained her voice now go sat on letting her die in there until all the students start chanting to let her out so by default Lucy gray does get announced as the winner but snow gets caught cheating because not only does high bottom recognize his mom's compact but the handkerchief he slipped in had his dad's initials and this is the guy who's going to be president High bot him then gets the honor of exiling this boy for 20 years leading him to go from this welcome to the capital to that look at this they're holding hand and I want them [Music] Dead Snow then gets sent to District a in order to become a soldier but because he slips him like a panm dub he gets redirected to 12 where sanus joins him so now they're out there kind of like the two tribute from the capital being put on patrol getting their head shaved so he's not looking like snow Shady cor I'm so sorry whatever you've done I swear I will keep you safe once they go on leave he ends up finding Lucy singing on her AAS tour since the capital letter returned back to District 12 but they also mentioned that they liked her singing so much you never know you know they might invite her back for the Hunger halftime [Music] show after duking it out with her ex and even getting his own song on the soundtrack we hear Lucy sing that song that Katniss ends up using in the mocking J movies that fuels the revolution so knowing that it's a folk song that gets passed down through districts it makes sense why it hits so hard for snow when almost half a century later another brunette from the exact same place is singing that to get at him what a lovely pin thank you it's from my district they must be very proud of you honestly it does add a lot to why snow took it so personally because you know he was pretty much seeing his ex in the mocking jay and the idea of her the idea of the mocking jay and while I really like the Press description of Lucy being the performer who has to fight while Katniss was the fighter who had to perform the imagas that they do especially like with the csy they kind of feel like they're taken away from what made Katniss original and then giving the origin to someone else so unless they're related and it runs in the blood and that's why they did the same thing I don't think Katniss went to a library and found the recordings from the 10th Hunger Games so that she could know what to do especially since they mentioned that they were all scrubbed she's one of the first people to stand up to the capital but she's a charmer she's a musician she's a performer she's kind of the anti catness in between assisting with assassinations snow hangs out with Lucy and the kovi meaning as people's heads getting dunked in the morning while he dips with his girl in the evening but you do get to see a little bit more of a world even if it's not as much as you got to see in the book they don't really have anything so everything she would put on herself had to come from somewhere so I would create backstories for how did this get here and why would this color be on her so we had like you know Rosy lips and cheeks were from raspberries and then one of the hob scenes she had a really like iridescent bluish green eye shadow that we said she crushed up beetles and put those on her eyes like every it became kind of a game with us like where did this come from so that was fun um Cole with the um for eyeliner or or mascara um so so we kind of started playing that game snow eventually gets called in by a superior who was played by this gu you just know he's evil but he gets told that he's getting a promotion to go train as an officer in District 2 which is a place that they're illegally funding in order to create more solders that's when he facetimes with his cousin who was in the movie way less than I expected and it turns out that they had to move because they were evicted they also cut out a lot of the scenes dealing with her backstory from the book especially when it came to you know what she had to do to survive but rewatching mocking J part two you actually see her make an appearance as someone who helped take down her cousin and someone who transitioned into a tiger so you like an underdog Everyone likes an underdog I don't we end up learning about s janus's plan who's been plotting with the people from District 12 to start a rebellion so snow records him talking about it and sends it out to Gaul with those birds who also mimic and eventually sanus realizes how naive he is because he thought giving the people money was going to be used for good but snow catches them dealing guns during one of the shows that's what leads him to killing the mayor's daughter who he thought was about to snitch then they killed the scummy boyfriend so obviously the mayor sends out a raid to find the guns and goons that did it and that leads to them hanging three including sanus because of Snow's recording and speaking of sanus crying out to his ma for help before dying and then having the birds repeat it was a crazy shot almost as crazy as finding out that Rachel was dating the actor who played him since they met on Westside Story and now he's onside seeing his girl get blizzard by the Snowman but in Rachel you know she was the first person who Francis met with um but she was doing Snow White she felt that she couldn't go back to back to back and go straight into another production so far from home and so we had to imagine doing it without her but then ultimately after we cast Josh we got a unexpected call back from her agent saying is it too late you've just cast her boyfriend now he'll be gone and she wants you to consider her again she even got her sister in a shop and he was like why don't you call up your sister she could be an extra and you actually see her face before you see mine yeah they then literally meet at the Hanging Tree where they murdered three and they escape together just not at midnight while they're in the woods snow slips up and mentions that he's murdered three and Lucy gets all up on him because one was okay two gets a pass but three it really is a matter of balance in this world though because you know the first person that he killed was a tribute and that was kind of for the capital it was what they wanted in the games but then when he killed the mayor's daughter he thought he was doing it for Lucy or the rebels but the third is him killing his own buddy or really how he puts it killing a part of himself I think there's a natural goodness born into us all no really they then go to a hidden Cabin in the Woods where snow is Led straight to the guns that are hidden under the floorboards that would connect them to the murders so he kind of feels like Lucy's kind of snitch and that's something that they covered way more in the book where she's also kind of playing him and I talked a lot about Lucy as a character and the many facets of her and how she's charismatic and she's a performer and she knows how to sort of use her sexuality um to maybe manipulate so in order to scadaddle as fast as she can Lucy dips out in the rain to pick this catness plan that she knows is completely out of season and I like that the line is it's a little early yet it's like cat is it's not cat this time yet he then goes out to look for her and finds her cloth with a snake underneath that bites him and if they're both supposed to be a mixture of song birds and snakes this is where one takes over for him cuz dude goes crazy and still there were girls at the screen and going I think I can fix him it wasn't horny I mean I wasn't horny let's see you use that famous snow charm now to me this is why I feel that it should have been a miniseries because they have three distinct parts and I think they kind of rushed the the third and most major part because of you know how tight they needed to make the story for a movie I think that a miniseries would have been great because we would have seen a lot of the visits that he made to the zoo that were cut out that really builds up their relationship with the zoo also being a place that his mama took them before she passed we could have also seen the guy who snow met up with in order to get Lucy her guitar since he worked in the black market and that would have been a really cool episode to explore more of this world there are even the tributes that they do for the tributes that show how the districts mourn them because the capital would dangle their bodies out to teach them a lesson or parade them through horses even drag them away if they were the ones who were The Runaways but instead they spent more money making fan cams as promos catness is a much nicer ring don't you nah this is the official company account he's now out there playing his own Hunger Games in the woods which probably inspired some of the future settings but he really does lose it and goes full Call of Duty shooting up the mocking javes who he thinks are mocking him it's only a matter of time though before we get all these think pieces that are going to be about his radicalization cuz yeah like the OG movies it is looking at nature versus nurture and how this guy was raised by an abusive father who was also a general he grew up seeing atrocities like people eating other people his mentors are evil and like the love triangle with Katniss who had to choose between a soldier and a rebel snow is told multiple times that it's either the capital or the girl and after feeling like he's betrayed he goes full king and country that everyone starts off as like an innocent until they're not um yeah I find that interesting I mean you know I have my theories I don't I don't want to give any spoilers I have my theories I think Suzanne has has her theories but you know the the whole idea is the is the mystery of it that she's a mysterious figure um she always was always will be um you know she even sings a song about the sort of mystery of of Lucy gray and and so you know we sort of all just love the that everybody's going to have to come up with their their own idea of where she is now the ending is something that's meant to split everyone on purpose cuz I know a lot of people want to see see alive and they're throwing theories out there on where she's at or who she can become but at first I I really thought him shooting her and leaving the body out was what made him cold like these are the murders that unlock the hunger in him the fact that we never see her again for 60s something years but that she becomes a legend who song and story Carry On To What Katniss ends up becoming I think is what makes it so effective that even though she's gone the ghost of her would literally haunt him for years and Mysteries have a way of driving people M but hey it's Lion's Gate's biggest Series so you never know I like to think that she truly just like the the bird and and Lucy gray in the the poem that she sings that she flies away eventually he ends up packing his bags his degree and three vials and dips but in a six turn of events instead of becoming a soldier for district 2 he gets a full pardon and gets the Janice's parents to fund his studies at the University without ever telling them the truth never let them see you bleed welcome home Mr snow the president renews the games because the ratings end up being some of the highest and snow returns to Gaul who clearly had a master plan in controlling Coro the director even Explains It by using the word grooming where she manipulated him into becoming a soldier and eventually a politician just like a Shakespeare tragedy so pretty much this whole thing was a test by her it's essential to accept what human beings are and what it takes to control them it's just know let me ask you one final time what are the Hunger Games for and now he finally has an answer and it's not that it's punishment for the districts or a warning to the capital but that it's a reminder that the whole world is The Hunger Games the Earth is the arena where he's duking it out with others to survive to also get sponsors and to do anything he needs to to come out on top and control those below why do we have a winner hope it is the only thing stronger than fear we end up finding out that high bottom came up with the idea of The Hunger Games as punishment only cuz he was drunk he was spewing things out there but it was actually Snow's dad who stole the idea and pitched it for them kind of the same way that Clemy stole Coral from earlier but that's why he feels so guilty about it cuz he never really wanted to do it and that's why you never hear him say tributes because he's not really for the games the 10th Annual reaping ceremony in which we choose two children from each district throw into the capital Arena to fight to the death in The Hunger Games since it's a janus's 19th birthday snow gives him his belongings including the vial so that he can return it to his parents pretty much setting him up since in the book he even calls him high as a kite bottom knowing that he chugged those poison vials out of guilt leaving him to die something that he'd become a master of once he's president in the end he's dripped out in his Hogwarts fit he walks out like a Victor and wraps it all up with his catch race that snow always lands on top but once it catches fire it also melts and if we burn you burn with us
Channel: Let Me Explain
Views: 805,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie review, trailer, Clip, Songbirds and snakes explained, the hunger games explained, lucy gray baird, lucy and coriolanus, coriolanus snow explained, katniss, The hunger games timeline, the ballad of songbirds and snakes, songbirds and snakes ending theory, Lucy gray alive, Rachel zegler, Viola davis, hunter schafer, Tom blyth, snow white, Songbirds and snakes song, songbirds and snakes scene, songbirds and snakes clip, hunger games prequel, interviews, movies explained
Id: rqGIoU99lfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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