Everything GREAT About The Amazing Spider-Man! (2012)

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today's long-awaited video has been sponsored by Skillshare first 500 people to sign up with a link at the top of the description we'll get two months free well no that can't be right that's way too good of a deal nope that is what it says Wow [Music] [Applause] this movie exists because Raimi was all but checked out after the studio is meddling on three and Tobey Maguire's back couldn't handle another romp in the suit okay elephant in the room this is an important movie for the zeitgeist so expect some subtle and not-so-subtle responses as salty and wet blanket either you can handle nothing like Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt on screen together to let you know we're in the past did you know Murray the dogs real name was Maui you do now one key thing that separates the amazing spider-man from oh geez the parents mystery and maybe it's not what we're used to but they set up and mostly teased their story in this one and then ran through two two so kudos for that The Shins Row is a win are you busy Friday night can you see pictures of my boyfriend's car it's almost a cliche at this point to say Maguire understood Parker Garfield understood Spidey but Garfield was too cool for Parker and I'm not seeing that more on that later apparently not amazing I know your name I don't know if you know your name flirting if you can't use a cake stand style what's the point water for the condenser stray or that heat exchange tubing the spider verse gave us Peter B Parker amazing gave us Peter be smart the setup for this continuities Peter Parker is pretty solid pretty much everything you need to know about him is established in under 10 minutes his parents are gone he's less of an athletic type more academic he gets bullied by a giant over-exaggerated walking cliche named Eugene he at least recognizes that Glenn is a decent person and cares for as well being Andy's wicked smart about some technical stuff we did nothing about lap dances came on also I can't not mention this that is a very distinct kickball sound [Music] that's an Arya Stark level astute observation for a movie that gets to righted for being an unnecessary pile of garbage shots like this let me know that the creators did care and were invested in how it came out which is why it was my teaser frame and John wick to that first time and a lot of you recognized it immediately without Peter or anything spider-man related just the briefcase which I like I think means something you know truly found that out recently looks like a plumber lesson in a general repair contractor lesson guy work with you Dan I guess why that Zen Afilias Lovegood how could you not recognize him people who are ruining this reference by not appearing in Harry Potter guy who looks like serious black nailed it high school kid has a rear window poster kind of like the 400 blows poster I had because cinephiles are sometimes born young and don't really understand the word pretentious yet also to be fair had a really cool french language teacher who must have also been a cinephile now that I think about it thanks Mrs Murphy sorry madam her gym musubi and the two also while being a petty nitpicker Peter is a photographer so the idea that he respects Alfred Hitchcock the man who invented the dolly zoom not that far fetched and if you've ever seen rear window you know it's about voyeurism and watching people something Peter would potentially connect with but also a set dressing for a character it's perfect Hey look Uncle Ben is fiddling with the Rubik's Cube that must be why it's messed up when he puts it back down Curt Connors something of a cliche dodge easy way to get some manufactured attention but Uncle Ben comes clean right away because that's more the relationship they have splice of life even experimental geneticist earn above some good wordplay webpage to live action transition nice are you having trouble finding yourself you could say he hasn't even begun to scratch this surface yeah that's bees not spiders he hasn't even begun to bite this skin and yes in case you're wondering I'm a southpaw one is looking at this kid which is actually believable because a bunch of high schoolers would probably be slightly uncomfortable with dr. Connors drawing attention to his arm see the implications that Gwen is first in the class ie why she'd definitely be head intern of a group of 24 and also while we're talking about dumb things to call her his love interest at this point isn't really paying attention Peter isn't suave enough to feign not knowing her name he really wasn't sure this is one of the things that add to his love for her almost like real life best IRL version of Rhino I know of look at ya two button taps and two finger slides it would take some kind of genius to replicate that all right I'm gonna chill a little but come on it's two perpendicular swipes to the same location that's a hard nope ah still a note some of you might be thinking where did that skateboard come from well he walked in with it and then checked his board and bag with security as buildings like this often require hope hats just the coolest little detail few frames of his eventual emblem spidey sense weirdest editing choices but still fun spidey sense complaints about this movie aside you've got to admit that his movements are well they're their spidery this whole sequence is kind of a goofy explanation of how weird it is that Spiderman never really learns to fight you know he doesn't he doesn't really have to because his senses are so heightened that normal humans are just non threats to him just imagine it to you in this subway book would like really 12 2 year-olds coming after a few steps too quickly to one side they may not be sure you even exist anymore spider-man flies spiders like flies compliments I don't know like it's more of us know what he really likes meatloaf type situation but good for been coming clean after all these years I said nope it's a bunny montage of Peter realizing he has powers but it plays so well into what some of us were just talking about on Twitter I just feel like the likelihood of Peter not accidentally killing someone namely Flash is just about impossible also a breaking all your crap montage is the fastest way to flood the entire house seriously Peter putting a towel over that does not stop the water from flowing [Music] the startling nature of his heightened senses from spidey-sense is captured expertly it's not climbing the walls and dating redheads or blondes who can Kiba gonna change the lives of millions just want to point out that Connors initial goal was changing the world and helping people like him so his plan in the end isn't totally out of left field Oh Nigel the leg gruff I see those loan sharks finally got to you no but I should have you better watch your back and to be honest I think we were all hoping for a little accidental oops you're dead now flash maybe Garfield is a teensy bit too cool for Peter this is still satisfying always have to dig it just a little too far what that's actually a word or okay Maya from 22 Jump Street spider-man movies have a knack for finding talented extras I just outed myself for watching great gorilla your computer discretion he's got your honest computer and helpfulness but now I'm gonna bring it back to him being too cool for school he's not with Gwen just because it works doesn't mean he had anything to do with it she likes him so he can literally say nothing and still get a date that's the point or we could do something else or we could got some too full visual storytelling here Peter is flying high after a positive interaction with when Andy's finally got a chance to mess around and test his powers Coldplay and while nothing is ever going to touch Toby's first time trying out his powers they went in a very different direction and it works he sort of extends his skills he has his a skateboarder and then accidentally finds out how his powers work no I don't think I've really put that together I get that swinging on webs is what spiders do but to see it visually and to turn it into inspiration for him I'm into it here a pony on an afternoon well if the device were loaded with the toxin what if you wanted to whap down Connors even gets the problems with it honestly the biggest failure may have been separating the two personas more distinctly no one in comics stays dead except Uncle Ben and I know that anyone unfamiliar with the comics was thinking wait so not only are we getting an origin reboot ten years later it's a exactly the same right down to a low-level criminal that Peter could have stopped killing uncle been granted Lowell was retconned into doing it by the end but this is that poignant moment right from Spidey's first comic origin that cements the famous line that if you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation to do those and I actually appreciate that the grade is taken out of this iteration that means we're all on the hook shown by a man with no great power doing what he can even if it causes his death also something that isn't present in every film or even in the entirety of this film but I just want to point out some cause and effect storytelling that's fully fleshed out leading to this point and no matter how you shake it this is Peter's fault Peter was reckless with his power which forced Uncle Ben to leave work meaning Peter had to pick up on may however those instructions were given to Peter right before Ben embarrassed Timnath dad and then he got a date which would be distracting then he tries out his powers also distracting and goes to see his mentor the only real connection to his father's work who he assists in growing a limb back on a mouse so Peter forgets about May gets into an argument with his uncle and after an annoying interchange with a disgruntled employee does nothing when he could have done something that directly leads to Uncle Ben's death but this outcome was set in motion the moment he exploited his power in arguably a way every teenager would I wouldn't plan on breaking the backboard also what's with the traveling Peter feeling so many emotions angry obviously and then someone you're always angry with it shows pity on you it hurts but it also makes you want to sob uncontrollably and flashes genuine condolences get you in the soft spot hugging again Peter constantly throws his legs up which is so reminiscent of those early comics in the spire-like movements I'm not saying Toby didn't have them but they're exaggerated into his parkour here he knows what he has to do now complete facial reconstruction surgery it's the only way we get a more stretched out dark origin for Spidey this time he's beating up criminals sure but not out of any sense of altruism it's about revenge cut censoring but it sounds like he was gonna say Hubbard good stuff I sort of missed Toby's gross body horror web shooters but reintroducing the mechanical shooters allows Peters genius to be a little more deliberate and comic accurate [Music] finally some Spidey action even if he hasn't worked out all the bugs and when you don't know what he's swinging from just assume there's a helicopter as a former screen printer I resent the idea that anyone could get the code thickness of that emulsion or exposure time correct or even have the right intensity where all my screen printers that okay fine maybe Peter Parker could handle it after all he did go online and order webbing for his web-shooters joking aside giving us our first real POV Spidey woman this is pretty spectacular [Music] haha the swelling score of a superhero cut short by the reminder that he's still just a kid eggs organic got it pretty easy to assume the Peter snuck in the car when the robber turned around there he'd obviously been following him he offers this bit of advice don't dress like a car thief also as much speed are still goofing around and messing with this robber this scene is presented more like horror with Spidey as the villain he's almost a bully or worse Dustin Hoffman quote aside Peters first real swinging scene is done live action which obviously makes this scene feel real since it is these character moments always elevate this movie I hope we can all agree that Andrew Garfield is a heck of an actor and Sally Field will [Music] Rhys Ifans is really overqualified for this role anyway but then you get him selling this phantom limb scene Oh apparently he tied one arm behind his back for weeks to prepare for this role and James Horner's score really captures Connors internal conflict with the hope that it's gonna all turn out alright do like branzino well is it fresh it's really all that matters also is the implication that flash was like dissing Glenn's mom's meal thank you for having me I'm sorry if you in tension you're welcome I don't know if it's his previous roles or if denis leary just exudes terror in a very condescending way but he the only girl friend's dad that out does captain stacy is obviously Keaton's vulture I've been pinning his relationship might be built on misunderstandings but they're just sweet together again so glad she goes on to live a long and happy life with a Peter Parker I wish I could just I can't it's hard to say again I feel like maybe we all got duped by a few loud people saying Peter is some Casanova cool kid including myself goodness he can't help that he's good-looking but he consistently fumbles over his words like a goofball I don't think I mean is this charming this wouldn't be charming for most people only really in a pitiful way like oh look at the three legged puppy that was spider-man not Peter nice way of revealing your secret did she just name him someone's got to do it might as well be somebody loves Kahn's driver Alfred who was bizarrely credited as Alfie is the carjacker from og spider-man apparently the fall wasn't that big a deal and mass Ronnie immediately went to work for engine since he was never heard from or seen again in the spider-man universe better to remind Peter he should stay golden and finally choose saving someone over avenging someone Peter risked his identity to help a kid not be terrified and then also encourages the kid to use that mask to embolden him as well yup - that shot saving jack one more time and how poignant is it that because of the decision he makes between going after the bad guy or protecting the innocent Peter gets to save a proxy of himself only to be reminded that he never had that relationship with his father they react to sudden changes in temperatures liquid nitrogen chattering oh nothing is ever gonna rival will meet again spider-man but I love that the camp eNOS hasn't been completely dropped even if this is a slightly darker take on Spidey I know who it is and as a spider-man who started out just beating up long-haired crooks this is a sign that Peter is learning and even took in what captain Stacy said at dinner as well as what Gwen said on the bleachers maybe realizing he doesn't know everything and going to the cops as the right move was beautiful when I read it I cried the most unbelievable thing in a movie about giant lizards and spiders is Tommy Gavin admitting to crying just a classic Spidey moment and then Peter uses the web just like a spider does waiting for vibrations yeah I doubt he planned on being underwater trying to use his web-shooters pasti to live in a chocolate house that's impractical nutrition lessons ice creams ah the universal dad deterrent lady troubles but I will say that her dad's response isn't so over-the-top plus he was offering her hot chocolate another sign of their strong relationship cocoa Howard's making some cocoa Andrew Garfield's workout routine apparently dr. Connors is something of a scientist himself this is the action set piece that always stands out in everyone's minds and for good reason it's an excellent showcase of each of their combat styles and plays into how a lizard would attack using its tail while Peter is always clinging to things like a spider when Stacy spine was never the same again still glad Peter learned his lesson see the watcher informant knew Spidey would save him otherwise he would have ducked Stanley is always a wind Gwen is Peters guy in the chair I like it it's my gift to you it actually makes sense to leave the video explaining why you did what you did for whoever finds your lair in case you die I mean it's literally a message to all the people he's about to infect explaining himself this wasn't Peter getting stupid lucky Connors left this on purpose it's just a brutal turn to meet me in spider-man I'm gonna get everybody like he doesn't even know there's a dimension with spider Glenn she's capable bro I have to say I'm not sure if it's Raimi's influence or what but Marc Webb who was really a music video turned indie director cut a lot of horror beats done well [Music] apparently a bullet to the leg is Spiderman's kryptonite in my first spider-man video for the 2002 copyright claim I didn't even know it anyway anyway something I missed but a lot of you picked up on was that ending scene where all the New Yorkers are standing up for spider-man and how it was such a powerful moment because it was 2002 one year after 9/11 so seeing New Yorkers come together to fight evil was satisfying and probably cathartic for a lot of people ironically that was a pretty small-scale threat at the time and goblin was really just going after Peter even if a few bus loads of kids got caught the crossfire right we got was a gondola anyway this time it's an attack on the entire city and even if they don't know it spider-man's heroic act of saving Ponyboy son Jack had a ripple effect of New York again sticking up for and helping out spider-man it's just a simple but beautiful display of paying it forward and I don't know maybe he hasn't quite earned this in the hearts of the people but gosh dang it is this a chills emotional build-up moment I will get the amazing series of slight edge over Amy's and fast paced stressful action scenes in addition to adding to Peter's intellect and engineering prowess it gives him another weakness when his web-shooters can be disabled pool pizza cocky Curtis Connors what oh now see that that's the hand he got back soon now you've made him matter almost a blue beam to space but it comes back down for a finale it's thrilling full of some solid CG ends on a redemptive note for Connors as well as Captain Stacy's death hitting you hard while also giving you the warm fuzzies because he came to accept and appreciate the importance of spider-man in the end and with his last breath looks to protect his daughter and a mostly silent yell to bring it all home one of the things that Gwen confided in him that she was scared of it now he can't even be there for her because of his promise literally behind bars with the WindowBlinds Peter she said organic eggs organic and cage-free are not the same well cage free are treated better there's still time for random acts and that's been your egg buying less than a week but also if I'm being honest it's a glimpse into a relationship with her father that she'd expect that from him and makes it sting all a little more not to mention Emma Stone crushing us with those disney eyes you see that's an extension ladder usually when you paint things you like to start at the top and work your way down so once you're done the ladder would be either at its lowest or just lower than needed so it's more stable and closer to the wall subtle hint that Peters going so far out of his way to stay away from Gwen he won't even walk near her on the way to class making him late even if he undoes it in five seconds don't make promises you can't keep as a burger high schoolers man [Music] yep I'm telling you visually specifically shot composition and set piece creation this movie stepped up its game and web-slinging is as fun as it ever was in these scenes holy cow didn't even know this movie had a post-credits scene it appears to be teasing electro but I don't know what Jamie Foxx so I poked a little extra hard this week something I don't like to do a lot because I want this channel to be a place to talk about the good side of everything this being the movie that launched a thousand channels I remembered it more lighthearted and objective I guess the truth is the lines between joke real problem with the movie deliberately false and just mistake have always been a little blurry take that for whatever it means for you but it's all just in good fun so let's talk about the movie I think my biggest complaint is the similarities Surry Me's first Spiderman I can sort of excuse a lack of faith in the audience but also the Avengers in The Dark Knight Rises came out in 2012 I feel like we were proving that not only did we like comic book movies we were capable of following along with a broader story at the same time 13 to 20 year olds probably the most significant target demo in 2012 would have been three to ten when Raimi's first origin story was in theaters so maybe it was a disservice to those kids to not get to see PD bit-bit I keep joking with my friends that this would be a much better movie of 2002 didn't exist but still story elements were added and we got these sweet POV Spidey shots I found Gwen to be about as developed as MJ was I do enjoyed that she had more agency that MJ usually did and the chemistry between these two is solid but let's do a little defense of the indefensible shall we because after the amount of dumb stuff I had to address I'm in the mood people have a lot of problems with the story and I'll admit that plot threads at least appear to be dropped and it should have been handled better but the two biggest Brigitte Roth oz character disappearing after the car attack and Peter just abandoning his search for his uncle's killer are both a result of shifting motivations again both stories should have been wrapped up on screen or with some dialogue I think one of them wasn't deleted scene but Connors no longer cares about Osborn or Oscorp or anything and anyone related to either his plan albeit twisted by the lizard brain becomes make everyone equal with the lizard gas and then through captain Stacy's speech Peter realizes he doesn't see the whole picture and that what he thought was a public service really boiled down to being an amateur assaulting civilians in the dead of night that together with Peter's turn on the bridge makes him realize revenge is the path he wants to go down so they're dangling threads but not without reason Marc Webb has touched on the real focal message from this incarnation of Spidey essentially being his effect on people it's sort of an extrapolation of Uncle Ben's influence on Peter Peters lost the beginning of this movie gaining powers really only shines a light on his issues Ben's message to normal unpowered Peter and then Peters defiant refusal to heed it are what caused Ben's death then he continues down a less than heroic path until he's confronted with a choice in that moment his decision inspires Jack to climb out of the car himself specifically because Peter shows Jack he's just a regular guy that spider-man is just a regular guy and then the father of the child he saves is inspired in the end to take what little power he has to stand up to evil by helping Peter out the final example is Connors turn at the end even after being thwarted by Peter he still chooses to save him that's the power of spider-man's influence we're not gonna sit here and tell you that this is a flawless spider-man movie just that its problems don't have anything to do with the Rubik's cubes but if you are still confused by how it's possible that someone could pick up a solved Rubik's Cube play with it and place it back down unsolved I have some good news for you today's sponsor Skillshare has just the course for you I'm actually going through it right now to see if I can get my solved I'm down Mike Boyd fellow youtuber and teacher has a class teaching you exactly how to solve a Rubik's Cube and it's the same method I learned years ago but simplified ways to improve your skill and if you didn't know skill share is an online learning community with over 25,000 classes from Rubik's cubes to business technology just about every creative endeavor you can think of and so much more and an annual unlimited subscription is less than ten dollars a month but like I said earlier the first 500 of my fans to sign up at the link on screen also in the description will get the first two months for free so check out Mike's class or browse around you've got two months to find some stuff you like the link is in the description it's always a help to the channel and I know you'll get a lot out of as well I've been using Skillshare for a few years now and they're always adding new courses to help me better do what I do check it out I like sitting next to you Sean makes me look so tough [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,645,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TASM, Amazing Spider-Man, Everything Wrong With Far From Home, Far From Home, Spider-Man Far From Home, EWW Spiderman, EGA Spider Man, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, everything great about, everything right with, spider-man
Id: pvJif3-c3H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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