Everything GREAT About The Amazing Spider-Man 2!

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this video has been brought to you by curiosity stream [Music] [Applause] [Music] no offense james horner but this is precisely what I expect from Hans Zimmer improving upon and zeroing in someone else's score that's well that's Gwen Stacy death shadowing in Bravo for making it the opening shot can feel star trek into darkness is Dan Mindell behind the camera with the number of sliding Dutch tilts we get but in a fast-paced flashback cold-open prologue tilting the camera askew consciously or subconsciously alert to your brain to something important in this case that briefcase from the first movie if that ain't a motif for this movie more on that later Peter's dad knew Carol pree action-packed and engaging opening for just a prologue san Spidey Wow moment of realizing she's gone so there's nothing left to save except the upload also parallels of Richard losing the love of his life with Peter and Gwen especially when this movie is really about the sins of the fathers between Norman and Richard another little brain nudge to keep you thinking about bell towers yep slick spider logo transition to one of the coolest setups for web slinging and then still upping the web slinging game this time not first person but Snorri cam attached at a low angle to this brand new and improved suit it's kind of him to announce his name to no one they can hear him look him hot fall Giamatti doesn't even care I'll never be able to complain about it saving your future of a short-lived faux new comic accurate Spidey eyepieces allow more of Max's facing affliction his spidey sense do that he needed a ride I know we all think that we're immortal what makes it precious is that it ends so you know I don't like anyone dying ever really but they weren't about to let anyone be too caught off guard so there's your first win go die and I know the clock gear thing but she dies falling off a bridge in the comics so no one really knew at the bell tower man unfortunately Peter can essentially freeze time now it's not a knock it's an exaggerated look at spidey sense he's moving in real time his reaction time is just superhuman and these slow-mo scenes are some of the best set pieces to come out of this series even a little midair kneeling Rhino boxers on Rhino while Spidey whistles his own theme only Jim parsh had moved to LA Parker would had a few more seconds Stanley is always a win even when he's playing coy with graduation attendees we know he knows everybody this was a pretty deep cut but Spidey was sick the night when died so it's a reference it goes up on the board or the thingy Peter sticks to everything sometimes inadvertently pretty much always lands I'm cool with the way they build up Electro's fall during the bodega robbery you can actually hear him calling into a radio station claiming sort of became best friends and now knowing he's all serial killer newspaper headlines let her cut out slash nurse Betty slash Brooke Shields from that one episode of Friends cinema wins where we don't give you just one measly reference we throw Majah but knowing that sets up his turn plus electricity you know no one ever upset it had to be subtle also the typical superhero voice that max hears in his head adding to the pedestal that he's put spider-man on that's not what Peter sounds like even when he's trying to hide his voice from Harry later on you like that Spidey a cake and in my suit colors with lightning bolts and everything should call you the amazing spider-man also yeah the idea is that max is a little off but you'd all be lying if you claimed that you didn't have these two side conversations in your head you naming superheroes they know you're not real apparently Peter forgot the eggs again since there are only lettuce sandwiches for breakfast show you who you really are character actor feels like a dirty word sometimes and I'll keep shouting out william fichtner solo movie but Chris Cooper is one of the ones you just recognized Conklin from the Bourne series the homophobic dad from American Beauty that guy the Patriot I just I know him you know I got the feeling he walked on set this day and nailed it in one take see he told you you still forgetting the eggs also good luck reading these Jay Jonah subjects in a voice that isn't JK Simmons because you're special Smythe I mean mr. smight feels like Marc Webb really just wanted to sneak Ryan the wunderkind into his movie with little to no reason and so he did and I'm pretty good with that so do these catwalks move themselves or the painting ghosts do it get it cuz he's about to be reborn even bursting out of a container of liquid to graphic Instagram I'll have the evolution of Max's theme so subtle and unassuming in the streets and then more orchestral for his birthday tried to turn everyone in New York City in the giant lizard yeah was a weird plan but he turned it all around by the end there's nothing to distract fool you yeah well didn't stop him from dumping saralyn even harry is confused there's just a weird dude names Gwen Gwen Stacy another doctor tilts on Gwen's full name since Peter would live to regret giving Harry that information I don't know you're rather here for the dubstep where you aren't I think I'm going with here for it it's unique to electro and it just works sometimes I think people just got the wrong impression it's not Raimi's trilogy that was thick deep-seated Camp eNOS but it's also not knowing Batman we're still having fun here I'll pick the mirror no not everyone's a huge fan of electro but I feel like this is as close to an infamous movies will ever get so I have a soft spot for him track my enemy from Hans Zimmer Johnny Marr and Pharrell Williams the lyrics are right from Electro's mind paste exactly the way he'd be experiencing them you must have seen Harry I mean and read you that on TV come on mid air sticks to the cop car and then catches it while landing Spidey genève his own Olympic sport this look from spider-man acknowledging the metal running up the grates to the handrail showing that he already knew these people were all in danger that that guy just named max what are you so angry the Hat - yup [Music] hate this movie as much as you need to but I dare you to hate this sequence also the Spidey hero theme from the last movie is way more pronounced here and it just makes you want to stand up it salute dubstep destruction gotta be rubberized Spidey suit that that's why I didn't get electrocuted oh reference to but not the same physics kids from Peters High School in the first movie unless they aged really quickly in two years and one changed ethnicity a piecing things together montage sets you just divide weirdest song choices the fastest way to well mostly accomplished very lil and get distracted by the girl you loved desk a display cube thing is a convenient win but a sweet tech win nonetheless ha this movie is now a direct tie-in to the Jared Leto living vampire movie coming out next year I can't believe the guy with two subs could afford an mindell to shoot his video and attempting to insulate your web shooters montage set super sue of happiness is the fastest way to remind us of Project X remember project X the movie that made the Footloose remake a true story since miles teller is a great dancer and also introduced us all the miles teller because no one saw Footloose anyway Steve Aoki's remix of pursuit of happiness is always a win come on just try not to get hype you can do everything else I know Dane DeHaan isn't most people's favorite but the man can act you tried delivering that line look I don't think this is rude because Dane is clearly a good-looking dude but do you ever wonder if they cast him simply because of his ears I mean he has a lot of green goblin stuff going on just there his jeans Emma Stone's audition for lala land this is exactly what I would use spidey-sense for perfect slapstick divergent timing here's a thought decrease that closing pressure on your elevator doors they are a scorp I'm dubbed a cop of course you are I never tire of the crazy scientist whether played by Martin so cos or John Glover or Kathryn Hahn or Michael Sheen you could say they all get this dubstep in classical music seems like it'd be a problem but when it's an auditory representation of a battle between two characters you get a win gotta give it up for dive AB and interestingly not from Peters Queens but from caps Brooklyn these two still stand out above the rest for these emotional moments it's almost like a competition of who's more sincere Peter's feeling off-kilter so the camera goes off kilter even they're trying to be awkward the chemistry is tangible like you would feel uncomfortable to be around them in public which is believable yeah go home Felicia see you tomorrow Felicia the bone we Felicia fine I know what you want to hear bye black cat you're going to die like your father the difference is no one is going to miss you you know I'm not sure I've ever wanted future green goblin to kill anyone more that is the cadence of a win survey says gently fired don't worry he does it just happens to be in a deleted scene that I'm not going to show apparently the Parkers business life didn't account for their love life the human DNA the spiders was my home I know the coincidence factor is off the charts but come on that's a pretty cool reason for Peter to become Spidey obviously there's some plot important ish info but I sort of enjoy that the main purpose of this scene was letting Peter know that he was loved by his father who was making a sacrifice for the greater good the only thing max really wanted and it's a sad heartbreaking jobs dip combo punch Matthew Modine hear me out electro was in any given Sunday with dr. Martin perenna from stranger things who was in too big to fail with dr. Manhattan who was taught the Rima T realization trick by Brenner who had taught electro a decade earlier and then also time travel nailed it also yeah also come up and you have to move now why well starters I have this hole in my chest these are some stunning visual effects the way electro seems to burn in through thin air you recalcitrant recalcitrant get out of here with your little electric finger I also love that his music follows him out the door as if it's diegetic now that's an insane password the characters change every time he touches the screen stuff the future we're just not gonna be in charge of it this one's gonna be animated in a woman this is some body horror stuff also love the implication that if he didn't make it to the suit he'd be dead and I can't lie the iron Goblin suit is pretty sick good shitty Dodge hey Gwen Gwen yeah that's great why don't you throw that green coat and purple skirt into the East River just a thought it's title it'll carry our sorrows out to sea Oh cook she put on a blue one also let's give them a little New York City respect there on top of the Manhattan Bridge the bridge that is been actuality right next to the Brooklyn no geographical cheating here is such a sting to it as if it's all inevitable there's no outcome where she doesn't die because she can't escape him actually Peter sound terrible there's something sort of poetic about Gwen and Peter's last truly happy moment alone together where they tell each other how they really feel is that the spot she dies in the comics depending on whether you only look at pictures and comic books are actually read the captions England I'm just gonna follow you everywhere I can't believe we never got the amazing spider-man three far from home Jack the Ripper the amazing spider-man three webbing up Jack the Ripper far from home ooh little electro step off in the distance I'm sorry I know not everyone likes it but their internally consistent with its usage Spidey's sensory overload apparently that was a genuine mistake made by a man it just worked hard yep wait is this force perspective or is electro super-tiny here I'm going with tiny which is fantastic who said he had to say pool size not until you put your true colors on Spidey logo yeah electro vomit all right now the dubstep steps it uh look wouldn't you be totally distracted if your opponent was making music as misdirection to sneak up and punch you nobody makes my decisions for me alright nobody this is my choice again I appreciate that they're going out of their way to give Gwen agency in her own death there's just this a little part of me that's hearing and seeing Julia Roberts yelling - Patrick Bergen that she needs to be punished for the Tau misalignment what happens if you overcharge a battery even the accidents in our experiments gonna be used for good this isn't comeuppance you just wanted a friend and clearly had some mental deficiencies it's a pseudo death regardless I have to imagine there's like a heading or altitude change that's specific to every pilot so that in the event of a communication blackout no two planes whatever collide and if not there should be less of a win more of a shower thought give me money FAA I guess whatever the Green Goblin designed for Harry is terrible in a good way they went gross campy when you said spider-man sang no you mate no that's that's just bad you can try to twist it so it makes sense but that's clearly from another version of that scene where Peter delivered Spidey's message instead of spider-man in person Peter only said this it doesn't make sense I assume they ran out of time to fix it with ADR which like they could have dubbed this he has a mask on I'll go talk to Peter he'll get back to you give Gwen props for not even showing an ounce of fear there's a reason she's spider going in other universes I hate it I truly hate it I hate that she died furious I hate that a new villain to the universe is responsible rather than a longtime foe I hate that it feels unearned and slightly undeserved but thematically we've been leading here allmovie everyone just needs more time Richard Parker Norman Osborn Harry Osborn time for revenge electro Gwen even understood something about it that no one else did time is luck even Peter just need more time who spends the movie almost controlling time like a clock stopper with his spidey sense always having just enough to succeed and in the end the end of Gwen's life Peter tries so hard to gain just a little more time he tries to even stop time it breaks it in the process he breaks the clock and he breaks Gwen it's not some super hidden or subtle theme but it's a through-line that starts right in the opening shot I said it wasn't subtle but I don't know hand reaching out baguette eeeh you can feel the desperation from Peter so much that his machine becomes an extension of his grasp also that's an insanely brutal and one more nod to the comic the amazing spider-man 121 the night Gwen Stacy died with the time of the clock at the very least this is way up there as one of the best and most painful examples of the sacrifices spider-man has to make to be spider-man it's really just this scene that was trying to set up more movies sadly movies will never see but I really see this as tasteful teasing you must promise me that you will hold on to hope Gwen being the catalyst to Rhian spire hope in the guy who's supposed to give everybody else hope is such a satisfying ending to her story even if it's at best bittersweet I think that kid may actually be spider-man the way he slipped through the cops didn't remember he is the windmill kid that Spidey inspired earlier with you guessed it no place like home I get it he'd even alleviated my sad feelings obviously they had to do it for the kiddos awesome awesome shot but stupid stupid hunting especially as the teaser from the trailer let's call it a draw to end on originally I had this lined up for the release of far from home but things got shuffled around and I know a lot of you been clamoring for this one so I didn't want this point I think those of you who love it might be surprised to know that you're not alone I honestly don't remember my reaction the first time I saw other than to Gwen's death which upset me big surprise but ultimately I do think this movie gets a way worse wrapping it deserves it's got issues I biggest complaint is that it's both rushed and drawn out of times the finale is extra long but it's because they dragged a bunch of B plots into the power outage like the plains and not Mays nursing school where she's in charge for some reason I think at least one of them should have been left on the cutting room floor hairy turns into Green Goblin quick right after electro is dispatched and then immediately kills Gwen which leaves a strange unearned a moment taste in the mouth but here's the thing Gwen's death isn't about the villain it's about Peter so that in and of itself is okay but Gwen's death is also bizarrely rushed even though it's technically the climax in the movie I'm not saying they weren't clearly building towards it just that she dies and that's it who doesn't want to be Spidey for a minute and then he watches her speech about hope and he's good to go I'm not sure if it was a wheeeeel expand on sad Peter next movie type situation let's end on a high note or just a total lack of ideas on how to kill Gwen inand the movie at the same time bit of both I assume the biggest faux pas was the Rhino teaser shot from the trailer staying a teaser shot in the movie it's a little offensive even if it was just the trailer houses decision I know everyone else was mad about the sinister six setup as well but didn't take anything away from the movie electro was our main baddie while Harry was the supervillain even if he only transformed in the last week there was a time I would have bet money that Marc Webb would have preferred to end the movie with Gwen's death in the studio laughed in his face which is why the Rhino scene feels tacked on and out of place I would have been wrong since he and all the writers felt like they couldn't end they're not saying it would've been a smart move where the people wouldn't have lost their minds but pull this movie out of the larger universe that exists in and I think that's the right call as a standalone story without another movie it makes this an even more tragic duology but still the more appropriate ending my ending would have been no Rhino on screen at all just Peter picking up his mask and walking out of his bedroom door with one last blur out Mendell Dutch tilt and on hope not quips I'll admit that this ending is probably true or to a comics story right down to the cliffhanger it's not a huge deal and like I said it does allow you to walk out not feeling like a puddle of emotions hope one way or another alright enough of what people didn't like Tom Holland is amazing don't get me wrong but there's a confidence that Andrew Garfield has a spider-man that really neither Tom nor Toby had slash out I'll happily eat my words after far from home if I'm wrong and maybe homecoming was just a gaining confidence episode but Garfield in this movie is how I read spider-man in my head I don't even think it's a difference in acting skill level Garfield was allowed to be the man whereas we are constantly eyeing Tom Spidey in some ways both work personality differences mostly I think the other thing I'll defend is the goof factor like I said it's not Raimi's level of camp but Spidey and have fireman's hat lights Mike Evans everything a spider kid they were making Pride and Prejudice unless you had zombies I feel like people critics expected a darker take because we'd already had supreme camp but that wasn't the intention I loved it it works it's funny god save the queen I don't think anyone would complain about the visuals the occasional musical choice maybe but visuals from the occasionally obvious cinematography shot composition and framing to visual effects and super slow-mo it's all super tight even the web slinging is on par with our current Spidey if not even more entertaining in places I know some people have problems with Garfield's Parker still I get it he's still a little too smooth but the chemistry between Emma and Andrew is pretty on point and that was a large part of the reason they got away with jumping to the night Wednesday's he died so quickly their relationship felt real partially because it was so even if the story or history or longevity of either didn't exactly earn it the characters did an obviously Garfield's soul in some ways I'm sad we'll never get to see this Peter Parker on the big screen dealing with the death of his first love at the same time I'm totally cooled I'm not doing that to Holland Parker so how am I going to avoid the comments section of this video he was he far from home before I publish I mentioned that this movie is just a train heading towards her death but it actually started with captain Stacy's warning in the promise that Peter broke I just think that speaks to the vision from Marc Webb and his literal team of writers which again makes me sad we don't get to see where they were going but alas we have a whole new Spidey now and he's pretty much kicking about around the world and if you've seen far from home already you're caught up on all of my spider-man everything great about videos and you just need us tighter fix today's sponsor curiosity stream has a short film all abouts and you can totally learn her ok nope nope you you like spiders you're welcome to hop on that train but you know I can't handle it but look fortunately curiosity stream has a ton of other documentaries and nonfiction titles even other stuff related to spider-man like science and genetics technology even nature like this series called catalyst which what the heck oh let's see now he's a cute spider but it's not just spiders they have over 2,400 titles which you can have unlimited access to for $2.99 a month but my super amazing fans can get 30 days absolutely free if you sign up at my link which is at the top of the description and use promo code cinema wins you can stream from pretty much any platform worldwide I love working with curiosity stream because I get to watch one of their films or shows as work whenever they sponsor me and I don't even have to analyze it just vouch that's good which considerate vouched as confirmed self diagnosed in arachnophobia Cox spider could be my new buddy check out the link in the description it's always a massive help to the channel and you've got nothing to lose for 30 days to see if it's right for you don't be surprised if you find a lot of stuff you're interested in next week something I know a little about what hope to know a lot about by the end of next week [Music] engage by James a pivot from way it was 1961 just don't call me late for dinner and get it [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 1,375,529
Rating: 4.8940802 out of 5
Keywords: Far From Home, Everything Wrong With Far From Home, EWW Spider-Man 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Amazing Spiderman 2, EGA Spiderman, Everything Right With Spider-Man, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, spider-man: into the spider-verse, spider-man far from home, everything great
Id: tSajDVqQfbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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