Everything GREAT About Spider-Man!

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I can't be the only one that's immediately transported back to 2002 with this amazing Danny Elfman score that belongs to the best superhero film to date right some spider-man style opening credits for sure Willem Dafoe is always win also how similar-looking are these two james DeFranco you know I'm something of a scientist myself dude was born to play a spider-man villain so you again hope to impale you and my god or someday most advanced electron microscope on Eastern barn eastern seaboard blessings has the ability to jump to catch its prey and is trained to jump on command Phillips Teddy day Jenna's crook leukemia spins and man these girls are almost as easy to entertain as me but that's a totally realistic reaction from giggly teenaged girls would you believe that flash Brad bros brunch Thompson is one year younger than Tobey Maguire yeah neither but he was 26 and Toby was 27 Toby could play Peter Parker into his 60s some spiders change colors to blend into their environment spider-man shadowing I mean that's what it is a lot of this movie is like an early 2000s cliche checklist and vitus's but amongst the I really stuff there are multiple story and world building things going on we're getting to know Peter and Harry's friendship establishing a stereotypical bad guy jocks setting up heaters photography skills slash nerdiness slash love for MJ and foreshadowing three of spider-man's main powers strong webs crazy jumps and spidey sense don't make me look ugly that's impossible huh compliments also gwen stacy is an in this film but her outfit colors are I mean no but also worth it cuz fighter man I get what the blue and red rung pairs are for but does he have some green goblin in there too why yes he is this explains a lot George must have lost his job after a miraculous thrown through plate-glass accident recovery and now works in Pawnee local government I'm sorry I can't this is just on my brain works actors are only the characters from whatever I like them and most remember this guy Leslie's moms that are up on a date yeah Ford a soft roll on lots of it in another decade or so when LED bulbs are all that's available we'll look back to this scene at a historical record of the energy wasting incandescent bulbs you're the most responsible man I've ever known and you know what they say with great responsibility comes great job opportunities you won't ever buy no thanks had a bike book back when it was okay to have your hero spun it up goes to show before you understand how movies are actually made and realized there's no way the filmmakers told Toby to lose so much weight as to look malnourished for one scene when the rest of the movie is so physically demanding you just sort of take it for granted that this was real point is it's pretty believable CGI good bye boring human DNA hello spy DNA factor formula factor formula a will often never forget I would say Willem Dafoe doesn't even care but does he ever and how poetic is it the villain and hero were created on the same night I mean he's no cap and I do remember thinking he looked way more ripped the first time I saw this but Toby requires workout routine I also love his math go with the flow response okay ha never notice his bite mark with the blood poisoning track mark still there the next day great attention to detail great reflect reflex I mean what she said also that was 156 practical takes impressive just get context appropriate reaction I can remember that feeling in high school when your whole world revolves around a crush and you can't even put a thank-you together Toby nailed it so the organic web-slinger's are gross and not comic accurate interestingly just like Wolverines original claws were part of his gloves I get why both were made organic parts two characters for the movies one less thing to explain and honestly it makes them more special and man does it lead to one of the best scenes Peters first fight using spidey sense Nathan I love that slow-mo dodge I want to fight you flash I wouldn't want to fight me and need it all so honesty when I was younger it annoyed me that we didn't get a typical 80s teen reaction to Pete winning some people cheer but not MJ as an adult I understand and appreciate the need for PETA to learn restraint nmj slightly freaked out Luke is probably more realistic than had she started immediately making out with Peter for freeing her from her tyrannical boyfriend barb shouting yeah wait the barbs are facing the wrong direction haha Brazil again making this a practical set pulls you right in in the horn accentuating each of his movements [Music] Peter's responses to his newfound powers is exactly how every high school kid would react not as cool and suave as Iron Man yeah I can fly but this would be me for sure what for me for you you're gonna line up Broadway a sincere moment between Peter and MJ that makes you see her through his eyes while also telling us through the look on her face that he's the first person to ever say such encouraging things to her you telling me I hunch and I love all these changes to Peter that are only because of his confidence boost he's probably not actually taller you can't just steal Stingray's costume his superpowers he doesn't always think everything through this article is about exactly what it says it is but who's really surprised when J jonah Jameson is running it and he did literally sacrifice um with great power comes great responsibility it's a line that has to be in there but cliff robertson delivers it expertly beautiful beard went on Macho Man Randy Savage ah your name what's your name kid the human spider human spider that's it that's the best you got goes to show when Ash gives you a name you stick with it what are the main things that makes this movie so fun is Peters genuine joy in finding his way spider-man totally relatable as wish fulfillment some scenes just stick with you I don't know if it's the relatively decent 2002 CGI or the heightened revenge excitement or the absolute desperation you can feel and Peter's exertion and jarring camera movements or how he throws caution to the wind with his first successful web slinging but Peter chasing down his uncle's killer with such a personal ramification is just a classic and memorable moment and this really is fantastic totally captures the thrilled screen from buildings that's so creepy so it's like ed-209 mixed with a crappy Iron Man suit where's Justin Hammer is he watching this demonstration via Skype I know this has been a difficult time for you yeah thanks for reminding me my uncle's dead what are you some kind of villain whatever well he's not totally wrong have you seen Alcide why does a door after high school you gotta love these cliche robbers and black beans and classic comic robber attire yeah I would ate ham stop you would think that Xena wait what the heck that really is Lucy Lawless and of course the people slowly learning about spider-man through news media coverage and eyewitness account things montage is the fastest way to get a new super high-tech suit jameson is painting wrong we have a page-one problem shut up allow me to introduce you to the most accurate best casting of any character in a comic book ever period at least until we see Miz Gordon JK Simmons is always a win they sold out for printings sold out and bearing the lead on the sold out papers to give us more time with Jay Jonah as a definite win is there a really important life they can't wait they're about to seriously probably as we don't have a decent picture Eddie's been on it for weeks yeah well that's because he's not venom yet I was late for work and dr. Connors fired me this makes me sad they were setting up dr. Connors to become the lizard in the first movie Toby there's still time for spider-man for your back will heal I'm in a few our buddy a I'm in if you are I was thinking of something in photography photography I think you're missing your calling as a comic artist Elizabeth thanks am I the only one who remembers this character being played by Parker Posey or Evangeline Lilly please what do you mean how I got away because so good I didn't recognize her she made me think she was somebody else why not Parker Posey is great I'm not sure what dates this film or Macy Gray singular heyy centauri whiskey for relaxing times make it Suntory time oh boy family cameo ever even if the kids internal organs were all unfortunately left behind to be crushed by the balloons spider-man still saved him see that's how you save someone without killing them all about the bounce [Applause] [Music] ya hear that the sound of his footsteps in the windows details performance enhancers bingo to be fair to foe doesn't need performance enhancers Sunna mean about not caring how about this Jekyll and Hyde personalities which are green goblin you like that this game is ended up myself these weirdos all gonna have a name now see that Jay jonah Jameson takes the advent of superheroes and villains in stride that's slander it is not I resent that slander is spoken and printed its libel OCAD lessens the fact that they used a stunt double here which I'm totally cool with don't hurt a hair on JK's head alerts me to the fact that this is a practical explosion props for that hey pictures of spider-man I don't know who he is this stuff comes in the mayor lying I swear discretion we get a little depth beyond the money-grubbing Jay Jonah you think of you the type to sell his own grandmother for a headline but he sticks up for feeder so if goblin kills Peter no more pictures of spider-man well we could destroy caused the deaths of countless innocent and selfish battle again and again and again until web of dead compelling argument really I like to Norman's manipulative genius is still in there no amount of knowing that Toby couldn't breathe and Kirsten just about froze to death and could barely keep her eyes open from splashing water could ruin such an iconic cinema moment Oh sand letting your jump-scare roots show like a moth to the flame or like a fight amount to a flames this slow motion scene is probably the most beautiful scene in the film the vibrant orange and yellows of fire contrasts with the red and blue spider-man suit amazingly absolutely jaw-dropping like a video game come to life and shine light or quiz murder picked up and now the creepy Goblin personality is starting to emerge and take Norman over completely lowly I mean it's weird to slap an adult's hand it's weird to stick your fingers in the food it's all weird but I believe goblins and abyssion would be different from Norman's so what's right in mine Creek is my father all right if I'm lucky I'll become half of what he is you will and your face will also be half of what it was so lucky I guess the coming warrior attacks neither body nor my heart Osbourne eloquence sunsoo went got nothing on green goblin he she asked me what I thought about you for a geeky Peter this is a pretty big spin on the typical cliche usually the alter ego to report what the hero said and then immediately regret making him look so good instead he goes for it there's no one's Peter kiss for me and that's why it's so messed up for me to date her no I will say it's perfectly in line with Harry's personality and issues he has with his father he's been watching his father fawn over Peter since he met him so of course he's going to try to take back some semblance of control even if it's the thing that matters most to Peter all this time with me you're not Superman you know well he thought he might be a bumpin away web I mean he even tries to fly love his choice is reflected in his eyes [Music] saving everybody multiple times this eating is really brutal and sort of comes out of nowhere but it's great to show the spider-man is not invincible and gives his victory that much more punch MJ and I we're gonna have a hell of a time wouldn't be a comic book movie without a monologuing villain threatening the heroes loved ones to spike in adrenaline rush you've all heard the mother lifting the car off her baby and she was just a human against a car Dillon Oh even in death Willem Dafoe wins the day Oh makes me feel like I'm more than I ever thought I could be what a great love story that actually has built this relationship up over the course the movie Peter did actually believe in her on multiple occasions and shows her how much he cares and I really love that MJ falls for Peter and not spider-man I will always be your friend I remember being so upset by this but it is totally the right move no question about it teenage me just couldn't handle the idea of them not being together [Music] and one more amazing showcase of how well they capture the feeling of swinging around the city you can almost feel at your stomach Marvel Studios MCU was still a twinkle in Kevin Feige eyes I and Marvel the comic book company was still selling its soul to Fox and Sony so this was a time before huge cinematic universes I know spider-man 2 will probably go down as the best of the trilogy possibly the best spider-man movie ever depending on homecoming I really love this film I may eat my words in I do too but I'm just a sucker for an origin story and this one formed the mold in a lot of ways up until this time superhero slash comic book movies sort of plopped you in the middle of the story Keaton bat was already batmanning Stallone was judging and Snipes was already plating even the origin stories we did get like Superman and x-men were sort of brief I'm sure someone will contest this but for me spider-man was the first origin story that really engaged me and made becoming spider-man seem possible and getting to know Peter Parker is just Peter Parker for almost half the movie goes a long way and endearing up to spider-man I think that in a lot of ways Raimi's for spider-man is the reason we're all at origin story fatigue we showed that we loved it so we keep getting it Spiderman was a cultural phenomenon at the time so much so that all that Vincent chase needed for success was for Aquaman to beat Spidey at the box office opening weekend because Spidey broke the opening weekend record with almost 115 million the only film coming even close to that at the time was the first Harry Potter with 90 million and then it took five years for a comic book movie to break that record and it was spider-man 3 to this day with one exception the top 50 grossing opening weekend films are comic book movies book adaptations or sequels / reboots of existing franchises o main and six out of the top ten are owned by Disney Tyler Durden was wrong it's not going to be playing at Starbucks I'm getting off-track here but you understand what I'm getting at do I understand what I'm getting in yes this is what makes money right now wondering why you can't get your original screenplay Greenland you know the one about an ordinary guy in his thirties dealing with relationship stuff and then moving to Italy or clone sisters uncovering the mystery of their inception or a cult that claims it's not a cult but really it is a colton you want Jesse Pinkman because he's just awesome look no further than box office mojo leaderboards that's why so much of that original amazing content ends up on cable Netflix Hulu and HBO all that to say finally got there spider-man started it it was the first movie to break 100 million dollars opening weekend Sony tapped into a vein in 2002 and we've been basking in superhero cinema glory ever since at some point some of you are maybe there will be cursing Sam Raimi's name for changing the climate for the never-ending onslaught of interconnected comic-book universes but you can't blame him for this masterpiece the underlying metaphor of spider-man being a story about growing up puberty and dealing with changes to your body really comes to life in this film maybe he's too embarrassed to tell me what it is maybe I'm too embarrassed to ask him not so in your face that you roll your eyes but it's there - you're freaking Peter suction every man every kid hero he makes mistakes that cost him and then he learns from those mistakes the forming of Peter into a hero is so impactful in this origin his first real test of his power only comes about because of his uncle's murder and after a successful first outing he's still left with sorrow and regret it's no wonder the great power great responsibility speech sticks with him since he feels as though he failed his first responsibilities we all look back on this trilogy well most of it as a masterpiece which it is but there are some moments rip right from the seediest pages of the comic book Raimi managed to blend that can't be in ridiculous with the captivating and realistic imagine things like a stereotypical criminals and Defoe's over-the-top Goblin and they really are positives because it plants this film in a fantasy world New York City what Raimi still keeps it relatable through characters and a gritty conclusion the action takes a while to get going but it's traded for some great character and relationship building and storytelling the fact that I was upset about Peter denying MJ is a testament to how well his love for her is sold and really the more I think about it it was the perfect arc for Peter he started the movie completely driven by his love for MJ it's the only reason the interest into the wrestling contest in the first place to buy a car we know how that turned out by the end he finally realizes what his responsibility - MJ actually is and right now that's to protect her and use his powers for good and Toby was a large part of that his babyface constant deer-in-the-headlights look makes you feel for him contrast that with snarling mustache twirling Dafoe and you make for such an entertaining dynamic and Dafoe push to get the role Raimi didn't actually want him initially but finally caved and a lot of that comes through in his performance especially given that the majority of the time it's actually Dafoe in the suit because he didn't think a stunt man could convey the correct Menace Kirsten Dunst will probably always be my iconic MJ no matter who gets cast going forward the steps their relationship takes going forward really cemented her I don't think I need to say anything else about JK Simmons he stole every scene he was in this is still one of the best comic book movies ever made and for the most part stand the test of time I don't have a frame for next week because I don't have the blu-ray yet so instead just picture my dog because she's real cute you can guess her way to cook like doesn't want to be famous and I'll make him infamous meat appengine ice bucket christmas meat just like i do get out of here get out of here you [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,735,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man, Spiderman, Homecoming, Everything Wrong With Homecoming, Everything Great About, Everything Right With, EGA, CinemaWins, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins
Id: kf7Pn4aAdtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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