John Wick (2014) MOVIE REACTION!!

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hey guys crew blown right back I'm Calvin Rick J and we are back with movie reactions this week John wick chapter one wait it's one wick rain someone else huh do you guys saw that we did the my hero academia movie and we snuck in there never doing movie reactions every week now this week John wick obi-wan Wicker Man [ __ ] now who all has seen John wick of the crew I have seen it I think I have I don't know anything about scene that I haven't seen any of it reckoning of it I know I feel like I know the ending is I've seen one behind scenes shooting and no well I might not have seen it I don't know within 10 minutes John wick is the kind of movie where it came out around the time we started blaring wave and I was like movie stuff they're not watch that and that is employed for years and people mocks me for it but I was like I'm doing it I'm doing it for this for today I am so glad they could have been saving yourself for today again I'm very excited for this movie I'm excited - I'm excited to see on this time even from what I know about it I expect a lot of this reaction it's good to go away [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] cool but I love that yeah cool yeah me too I'm should be should be good for you yeah you should you might like these we should have popcorn please except we should [ __ ] if you guys want to vote and what we react to next bill these commentaries as well you can do that over a slash turbine wave and what can they vote for there's gonna be a poll with if this is live on YouTube Savan le access is already another poll for a commentary on YouTube though there'll be a new reaction poll you guys could vote on a future reaction that's gonna become heaven huh okay so make sure you guys go over slash blind wait you can vote in that poll and then enjoy that and hopefully your choice wins yeah and just like we did my hero we're gonna try as hard as we can to keep this reaction here on youtube but don't be surprised if you have to click the link down in description watch the reaction there come back here okay and this is also a tough edit to get down I'm sure I know how that movie is but it's hard to get 40 minutes shows down to 10 minutes you're trying to get a gun you're getting it to our movie cut down so do the fair use we you know we had to do that we can't just show the whole movie here yep however is there is bullying available it has no reference footage or any of that kind of stuff so you can check your own copy you can go check out full-length available over at patreon slash our website mmm yes indeed okay I think we're ready yeah let's see some John wet I'm excited neo or he embarrass himself and he can't stop they got that yeah Oh was that what happened just collapsed mrs. Jenner on that's not notice sucks so she knew she was gonna die damn Oh does such a cute doggy look at that puppy you order puppies in the mail go to wives look at her puppies puppy days I sleep on bed I sleep on dad when your face like a oh hey puppy breath oh really love it I mean okay I love it disgust we got wouldn't use it as breath the spray bottle where do you damned one see what they do kyon oh damn Reese what's his job good job ste on graduate yeah yep yep I'm seam in the back yeah I sleep on pay what what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what's this anything has a price these Russian [ __ ] won the car car just go by car you kill anything else children old people I'm fine with that puppies no no jobless car sir what is okay see you crime done wicked badass [ __ ] who the hell John wick is talking about people talk about me it's written by the thing that guy talked about in a van you would know scene Russian which boogeyman yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh what the [ __ ] that's five guys [Music] man it really knows how to shoot again like what happens man chao-li's don't be like [ __ ] it nice circular oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that was [ __ ] awesome I don't have enough men [Music] oh I love the shots man cuz they don't have to hide it it's Keanu Reeves doing the show I'm like a [ __ ] black button anyways in our life hey those be just under that oh this is mostly judo Oh takedown switch hands you caught it better be the last one or you better hurry I look so real he knows the cops they know him okay regrets what are these coins just gold I think alright maybe the other guy had the same thing you did it's Krugerrands what the hell is that it's gold coins it's a currency and yeah it's an African currency okay so these are these coins for like missions like a certain currency just for people that do this [ __ ] I always think about like how our future lives and just go back and watch us yeah it's weird we still watched I say sometimes clearly not that much like you guys what if he knows he's the bait hi Shane that Kevin Nash I would not be surprised that was Kevin Nash right there that [ __ ] that looks like Kevin Mack that is Kevin match is yours are we I just think of this shredder yeah yep [Music] wasn't even jeans too protective oh you kill his dog [ __ ] look at his eyes that's what I would do I like to see the life leave their eyes I don't like it stab somebody I don't exactly depends to how motivator was like I'm yeah got a dog person why how am I I couldn't just do it down the street so you got a dog person I have a dog not a person he might hit me wavy goes terrible she just throwing coins everywhere yeah oh oh he doesn't want to just shoot you know he wants to terrify him yep Nexxus bakery oh Jesus look at that it's a big man a speedo and a big gun it's got a compensator [ __ ] Oh oh [ __ ] oh good stunt geez damn I should with captain people even diet and diet yeah I think about it more than twelve twelve at least doubled twelve change maybe combo decided well he did kill they ban top no okay that guy wasn't the Victor was the guy in the sink yeah okay while the guys at stole star how does he keep track of them all Victor did that killed Vic the I did kill Victor Victor's dead I think ladies he gonna kill him in Switzerland or he's gonna kill the guy that's gonna come to kill him or the club was Swiss - that is the hotel hello towers a part of the club I think it's all one thing like if you're here this is Switzerland it's the continent that was a he could have hit it yeah oh no your throat these Peaks around the corner of day all of his money burn all this money up white phosphorus yeah how much that is a lot more than you can imagine I can imagine quite a bit that's the one guy pretty well yeah you're opening boys vest on oh right Marcus you're right seen these kind of moves it's kind of what an exclusive he's like [ __ ] that Gigi the shotgun [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hit mate or to keep him from the statement other people's to skate exactly never had it in assassin Jesus oh my god that's so good you were the dog [Music] you're gonna do that don't give up your son just die yeah you might as well [Music] you know up with the assassins code I love like this world that they felt yeah it seems so real you know [Music] should call him after he lives you know but why do I do that neither could you forget to jump major passenger space intrusion these five guns to the cardfight I knew he'd come oh you push from the doors yeah yes and they're smoking came to pieces soon oh yeah this guy's side of his own I don't know what his job is there's nothing what is his job it's not this it's like it yeah he's number one yeah what the hell that's it no I look at the full at all my guess [Music] Oh [Music] a great place for a fight right and to believe the weapon under lit no bullets anything about knives see the pencil [Music] see there's something directed where it went the list of my organs took this damn so you could stab him jeez and the budget laying there bleeding jeana's fighting hell yeah careful chopper hastily you can't take the off its storm if I decide to fight fascist you get another Belk furniture takes a mess in itself up some someone's leaning back you're gonna get a dog from the dogs [Music] dogs just start to count become solid snake move to Alaska dogsled team got tossed a dog shows hey this is where as white oh yeah yeah all right don't [ __ ] with that dog good okay Donal wick and I can see the hype yeah yeah terms of the action I'm glad I have not seen this movie did not know the ending I'm really glad good yeah yeah the quarantine his fights were amazing it was I mean they were so amazing I thought that the the last hand end was a little lackluster compared to how amazing the the gun yeah I was sight I mean I love this me under well by the final boss there was no come well it felt like just a realistic brawl yeah fight you know like it's like there's that one guy like spacing um and stuff and then they're fighting they're struggling like it didn't seem like it was like a here's a crazy kung fu maker if I just felt like here's a real fight yeah by the time don't work is incredibly tired beat up he's been stabbed and I think it was kind of like well like he was holding himself back a little bit so you didn't have like a fist fight sure yeah I mean yeah it's hard for me to see calories dripping wet heavy rain seen them do all this stunts seeing him yeah do this does when he actually performed in his words 90% of the stunts yes I believe this I don't think pretty much all the driving was him did he the driving took is the driving is the one thing that they may never let you do it past the first specific movie they did all that and then the one that does that they didn't let me do anything well all the driving where you see his face he did sure okay is he do he is like a professional drivers was trained to do it they had to have like certain certifications for the movie insurance to I'm gonna allow you to do that kind of defensive driving that's the world's looking for and subtracting the base of Julia no no there's that there's class you can take that train you for like defensive driving again either a bad traffic condition like well these take it and stuff yeah yeah I did a thing on that in college hmm it's like a weekend trip thing there are a lot of revenge movies out there yeah but I think this one stands out it probably more its yeah for just its level of choreography and thought process yeah and the I mean the December taco fee the lighting like everything serves all of those shots the guy made it like an art film yeah with actually certain type of lighting and this producer and director they actually co-produced and co-directed even though regulations on the movie wouldn't allow them to hold or be credited for it but you Chad aheh Leske and David Leitch both produced and directed and directed the interesting thing about Chad he was actually Keano stunt double in matrix really yeah well that's moved up and see their influence on the stunts yes doesn't work on stuff like that well I like them like actually quite a Baptist that team from the matrix yeah came to here I imagine that kind of person wanting to make this type of movie too is kind of cool thing to think about yeah yes he gained Keanu back every stunt said they had nothing felt like it was unbelievable it was like a very grounded news grounded where it wasn't like yeah how the hell is he gonna do that and live yeah more of like damn metals get hurt look like it looks like human ability yes like cuz he was like P round a corner and then like in that second there's six guys in there baby babe I've killed three of them now I go back you know boy and it feels great feels like you know shootings people but he's reloading like you see the whole sequence he's also like protecting himself in these fights as well I guess setting up like that you just do that it does seem like sets up a thing that he knows it once he rolls over I got the guy in our bar yeah whenever he shot the one guy and then jumped on him and then shot the cab next guy like in front him later on so that he had like a shield and then he took as he shot that guy named Greg this guy took me down the ground you know yeah this is all so fluid yeah yeah he he spent four months for eight hours a day practicing martial arts and shooting now I've seen like a video of him like running a course yeah I've seen James it's [ __ ] awesome credible yeah I mean it's the movie like yeah there's no so the technique that he uses is called access relock stance okay okay so when he says it's the very like because he yeah even pull fire like he'll fire from back here like it's yeah as far as like a shooting platform it's it's actually more safety too though can't use the sight line as much it's not where he is oh yeah well his gun actually has a custom-built suppressor combo so it does quieten it a little bit those other guys shooting his face and [ __ ] okay how bad that's only I like to was the all the gunplay and all the fight and everything seemed fairly a realistic just seen it you know like I was like you watch stuff and it's like people like this thing go like this there's no no recoil if there's no everything seems like it's all it's all CGI after they had it in every there and they're just holding the gun yeah everything seemed like they were actually moving with a real gun shooting a real gun fighting me I love some of the like gun Phooey you know like whenever you have it they punch you guys at Perot dude and then he ran out of bullets then he reloaded with the guys yeah I mean I'm still just an old geezer but I can't get over CG blood no I get you especially I mean you know they're not invited notice I notice a couple times it is around the time you said everything yeah there was a couple of times when I go that's us yeah that's quick yeah a couple of times where it's like it's so fast yeah yeah it sounds look great like when he had that guy on the table and he shot the head yeah like I'm not sure if that was it did it effect but looked at me like I squint I mean yeah epic two strips can look great yeah yeah other time it was like a that's just short CG it doesn't bother me as much it's interesting too because they put the recoil that Aaron was talking about in the muzzle flash no looks in cameras look so again you know after Bruce Lee's son died you know in the grow yeah they weren't into production they people don't want to do that kind of thing anymore especially right here ya know maybe if you're off camera whether you're shooting that so they can be safe but we have whatever's taking a point blank blank yeah the face you gotta be careful that's true that that specific type of blank is no longer to use done yeah because you use the paper what to build a pressure and that's actually what hit him this sucks a slit right Brandon Lee Brandon legitimately is somebody my name is Errol but yeah they use a different kind of like that kind of stuff yeah I like what Shane was saying to the about like the the universe the world that the world is interest it's less grounded than the fighting yeah the hotel is like this Switzerland kind of place I love I believed it though I love that I need the reservation you know I sure like I love that there's like everything around it it all seems very real well grounded yeah there's like a weird assassin economy yeah yeah its own rules and laws reminds me a lot of like Ocean's eleven for thieves yeah like there's this world there's this terminology there's this core group of people where everyone knows everyone in business but this is like that for assassins yeah and you pay with the special coins yeah like when we talk about pooling like you know they give it a nickname there's no nicknames like a name to them for a good job well we did it this like yeah the one - yeah right but well yeah what is that what is that you know I mean personally yeah yeah yeah yeah so like I'm always AK what the hell is that everyone see I thought that the female assassin was gonna survive because I was trying to think like what's John what - gonna be yeah me too you know like that's the marathon no one survived yeah of the bad guys he gives new dog beyond great joy now that that was actually based on a true event a Navy SEAL actually finished his tour and came back home and his teammates gave him a labrador puppy mm-hmm and he woke up one night to a gunshot and see four men running away and his dog Daisy was dead in his front yard and he grabbed his two beretta pistols and chased them through four counties until they were eventually arrested [ __ ] yeah and he said I didn't the only reason I didn't kill them is because I've killed enough people already thank God he didn't end up yeah yeah I know he was in Texas the judgment yeah guys name was marcus luttrell and he actually Marcus authored a book called a lone survivor about Operation Red Line alone school library and read what red wings wings 2005 Oh if you said red ring you said Marcus my home Marcus was the assassin you said red red ring and I go red ring wasn't at the bridge whistle first book for a book club I heard on the way can William Dafoe about the same age and they just hit complete different fanatical honorees he's got be like thank you late sixties right could John he's I believed in this he's late 50s piano is early to mid 40s he's never looked good like I love him but the temptation of Christ this is the first movie in which Willem Dafoe and ken Reeves have had an acting scene together yeah they've been in two other films speed and speed whoo yes which they never interacted on film speed yeah yeah of course I don't know reaction Bullock yeah yeah I never saw speed too I don't recommend it another interesting fact the the nightclub scene and Keanu Reeves actually learned and memorized that the day of the shoot really yeah the choreography all of it yeah the whole thing front to back that day that they shot it so interesting that's awesome pretty damn yeah dude that's I you know usually in a movie or a TV show I want to be able to feel the dread of a character and not be told that I should you read this character yeah but here and this they're like who John Wick's card comes dog and there everybody just like heard you struck my son why would you do that he stole John Wick's car and killed his dog let me say like I usually don't like that so here it was done so well sir one especially because my boy he's a nice guy he's lost his wife and this you got a car accident in this dog you know and you're like what's what's your what you do I said to him like I've never seen him do any job yeah house get this money just drives a car eat the dog it'll it felt like whenever it's contrasted by like the things about him then we're not scared of you know and then they say you just [ __ ] up yeah oh no well as opposed to like sometimes you have like this bro big bad guy come out and just be intimidating it's like you have no idea what I'm about to do you know well in the central metaphor of the stories like the Baba Yaga it's like he's the boogie man yeah I love John Louie whatever his name is Charma guees mo yeah maybe he'll be a single Luigi yeah luigi name see you like everyone else is he was up for doctor stranger heard yeah no he would have been an interesting doctors pamphlet you know what's interesting about him is like his range as an actor like I haven't seen him in a lot of different things but he's perfect for certain things thank God movies [ __ ] what a walk in the clouds usually this mess yeah door saw it and he's also there's also a cabin okay okay damn what's a click a love starter I'm cynical look Catherine the Lakers like that oh yeah I've been up from yeah a red box and 2006 Sandra Bullock and carry the believe okay yeah a love story there's also a series I think it's on Netflix where he is a therapist and he plays that part excellent just keep him out of jacket yeah he's not bringing me drag he's amazing but like kinda like other people like cuz Tom Cruise like I love him but he doesn't seem to have like a type of like a huge range of how he acts yeah sure just [ __ ] yeah we do it he's been some like crazy roles yeah I mean like what he's gonna do before like Tropic Thunder Cosmo yeah people love than that I was thinking more of J McGuire you know you know I mean like he's committed to the class so much were you just like he learns all these skills kind of Keanu Reeves he learns all these extra things much respect to that ya know I think he was he was Kara was great in this role just because he's at a point where he's not I mean he killed me but he's not Pete John wick I just like I don't want to know what was John wick like was the words he'll kill his thing with forests where yeah like what was he what he act like you could really you know John John wick of old yes you're the same as you've ever been yeah maybe this is the thing I like to like talking about like you say about like telling how scary is and all that stuff like you get that with the Baba Yaga but even after they invade his house in the police officers show up yeah I was like hey John hey Jimmy yeah what's that about like how's it going you working again I wonder if like wants to get in this economy well the Russian guy was like you know you got rid of my influence my power my blackmail so maybe he had the cops in his pocket and so since John worked with him before I sensed it more of John like you know yeah but it could be that but the nice thing about doing that early in a film is in like every time later on you could say well I having the cops showed up as a go was because I mean like the cops know it says guys yeah so the cops won't just came to a church or a shooting no one cares you know yeah yeah I'm it's one of those things I feel like if they got a phone call with okay oh you know that could be you know John John wick one there yeah I mean so leave it alone - right Devin - that's great yes I'm saying like you catch something like that - just make him feel more bad yeah there's so many moments of mutual respect to people just like they know who he is like hey Francis yeah how would you take a night off he's like thank you yeah I appreciate Harry's is somebody I already earned a coin it's towards the end pretty sure is Harry okay yeah he's gonna kill them Lucas you sits on this mystery kind of - yeah yeah you go ahead and ready for someone that can break or just get out of that I I love the line you know we said God took your wife but then he unleashed you upon me yeah yeah I mean so it's just like this like clings it clings us and we cannot escape it he was saying it was the just desserts for the life that we've lived yeah it's like it's kind of a good karma kind of guy so there's one of those things were because I kind of thought he was gonna go yeah God took your wife because of this but he also acknowledged he'd be nice an enemy to kill me yeah um my hands are dirty as well yeah said that was awesome I love that line I like the way they handle the subtitles for the Russian speech you know like very big it's very like I really liked it like whenever someone like here comes the boogeyman yeah you know what's like that's huge I'm just trying to think like if I was making this movie and not the you know the his business manager like I'm trying to think why the hell is he in this movie like what does he do yeah sure and maybe it's for that part in the end or like when I like that actor I like him - yeah I was thinking like what the hell's he do why if he wasn't in this movie wouldn't change anything with now there's a couple of cool moves really just talk - well I mean he also could there's some funny provides like as a vehicle to the audience into this Russian gang yeah the Russians he's kind of like not really used to losing English please there's that please stay you know it has a watch mr. B episode yeah it's part money got cut down or something maybe I don't know yeah there was originally a Jim Brody then MEDLINE there was really about 39 minutes of extra footage in this trust a good deal of it was the opening sequence where it's all quiet yes yes walking around okay the director said that most of what is on the cutting room floor is just amazing shots of John wick walking through amazing scenery because it seemed like he had a dark sort of dazed I was like I get like why he's attached here because of his wife but like also he seemed to have it like less than a day I like what he worded it though with like you know my wife died she sent me this dog so I'd have to grieve alone and now your son took that from yeah yeah I thought it might have been a little better though if it was like you know he had it for a few weeks and like meaner about it his wife died six days before this movie yeah and he got that dog like two days ago and she says yes I think it like he is Monica so speak I was so soon the associative dog with the wife even more yeah in like a year like a year later you might just so the dogs being in the comp just to get through his breathing process of his wife and this is a gift from his wife so he's not alone it's not about how much he loves the dog it's still connected to love yet for his wife yeah her caring for him to not be so alone do you think it there might also we don't know exactly how much the wife knew about him in his previous life but do you think there's also a level of like I'm trying to give you something to keep you away yeah heading but she had the line in there too that was like you need something to love you need something to love or you're gonna go back to yeah something I was in the car yeah yeah so like giving him something to hold on to we'll also keep him away from his I think she has some idea inkling at least of his past life well yeah I mean the reason why he got out of that life and settled down was her you know everything that they alluded to in the past and stuff he did to be with her like I said get out of it I gave him an Ethan Hunt mission mission impossible don't we know that is where the bodies he buried that day laid the foundation where we are busy yeah the Husky thing that it built us crazy I did want to see more how did this son not know who he was it happened young not that young because he said like oh while you were away having a wife I had my son is like your son isn't four five years old I think he meant he had a son I think he meant that he brought his foot into the business and stuff and he had him and it was terrible I mean it could be that the kid was 13 14 before they brought him into them yes I mean I wouldn't have my son involved in a criminal intent you know yeah 14 years older in that guys that start out earlier that makes sense I he just looks older on here yeah so maybe like he hit 18 and now he's maybe twenty three or four is my gun here you have somewhere to have that time of bringing like a he's a man now bring him into the criminal pool yeah goddamn for the story of John wick sure yeah the director and producer we're looking for someone with a very hateable face and they met out the alan he was perfect for that yeah even though he's a very likable yeah guy in real life I can see it it's great movie almost lost me in the beginning I can tell from my nose because I wrote dogs so cute and then rounder it says [ __ ] this movie movies don't get me really it's really it's just the old Yeller it's the I mean the companion nature like that wonder is it though yeah this is felt kind of cheap to me like how I'm gonna kill a dog to make the audience care oh yeah okay I feel like it's killing his wife that's how I felt yeah I mean that's the connection that he was killing when he killed a dog yes he killed a little bit of laughs - it was in the world yeah yeah she said it's just that like wasn't like a dog or puppy and adolescent dog like they're just something ingrained and like it's in a set and it loves you immediately you know yeah let's because through artificial selection we killed all the ones who did Nick bridge was saying something and the thing about like was it about like your wife being gone they get terrible thing about oh no [ __ ] Rick yeah yeah yeah yeah but I was like thinking about like I would be terrible but I even thought about like I hope she dies first I didn't good as a pain not having because she would just kill herself so much I would not want her to go through that in that case death would be a release her dying first to be better yeah that sounds like like if you're gonna go you want to take her with her see I like that it was the dog to know the classic all you killed my family now I'm gonna come after you because from like a rational standpoints like it's just a dog you know but that's how like that's how close he is to who we used to be yeah and like he's a low tonight time bit unhinged sure you know and when that happened it's just like well [ __ ] all this I I know what I'm good at and he just goes back to you know yeah the connection with the fire engine out well it's what helped me to go I'm always amazed I explain you know I mean it makes me feel this way more but like all the stuff of what the white my getting really got me going yeah I mean yeah well I see like man like like Keanu Reeves cry gets me going I took very masculine man yeah and played like [ __ ] you know the one basically you know but like and then the build up of him like them talking about who he is well he's like just sledge-hammering this floor and it's like that - like you just see like there's a man of Purefoy literally buried termination areas white and then unthink is old like yeah it's crazy that's yeah the way - so I gotta work in house a good team Pete and played all right love it got nothing else to say one see the second one I'm excited for movie reactions I had a lot of fun with this like you know like I said it before kind of beginning with why I haven't watched John wick yet there's so many things I haven't went to see cuz I think well maybe one day we'll do a match and it's happening everybody that's excited you guys were curious he killed 77 people like commando numbers yeah with a total of 119 people killed through the thing by other Collider people Jason Isaacs was actually up for the part of the owner of the hotel not now and Ian McShane took that he was the guy he ends it with remember she was the motor yeah it's that's the owner and also the building facade for the Continental out front where he goes cars that's the Stock Exchange in the dark night Oh interesting okay that facade was used there the angle reminds me of was a Daily Bugle didn't have like that weird kind of angle like the guy who played Viggo um he actually had an accident with a stuntman well perform one of the stunts and he tore the side of his face off and his ear was actually laying on his shoulder Vexin also yeah you forgot so he had to get half of his face pitch back on with 80 stitches and they had to reshoot some of the final scenes to cover the hell happened who's me go again bingo was it in the final fight scene in the rain and he like I'm not sure where it was it might have been in the fight he was involved in besides that I can't really think of too much like stunty work he would yeah huh I mean he was like punching people sitting in chairs yeah you know but weird Jesus I think I think what happened maybe because I was trying to see where it happened I think in one of the final shots where John wick like pushed him and he slammed into that dumpster I think that's where it happened maybe I can oh god damn you guys can also get on the fun by helping us choose what we're gonna do next over at slash blonde yeah yes and you can look forward to into the spider-verse commentary for next hope which should be very exciting I'm looking forward to that yep great movie I love it you don't want to wait you don't have to yes make sure you check on early access if you here on YouTube makes you guys go over to patreon isn't be a poll at least one point we con either the next reaction to the next commentary yep check that out all right well guys that was John wick I hope you guys all enjoyed this we'll see you next time know what's gonna be waiting oh yeah say dragon heart full we all have seen it thank you so much for watching as you said makes you guys to go check out patreon we even go through the future polls for all the new commentary and movie reactions we're mean coming out every Saturday and then make sure you guys subscribe so you'll miss out or anything new hmm anything else what you doing I got some of my amazing shirt from why we've done that it's still going Eric your beard
Channel: Blind Wave
Views: 1,862,681
Rating: 4.9112287 out of 5
Keywords: john wick, john, wick, volume 1, movie, first, reaction, review, react, reacts, discussion, commentary, best, worst, awesome
Id: oQyIAKXr564
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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