Everything GREAT About Ant-Man and The Wasp!

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thanks to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video so here's a weird win de-aging effects have come so far the lack of uncanny valley is actually creeping me out more than the uncanny valley would my brain knows michelle pfeiffer doesn't look like that anymore but she looks totally normal cold open that makes a scene we've already seen even more interesting and for the record it's the exact same scene just dubbed over and expanded but they didn't rework shots just added more keeping that MCU continuity read even asked to have the eyes look like Pfeiffer in the first one since she was his dream cast for the role even Michael Douglas's the aging has improved he has a few more wrinkles than Michelle so I wondered if they were keeping him in the dark on purpose but it's definitely been refined also hugging you could your mother still be alive first since she's Michelle Pfeiffer I think she'll be alright but second we saw her in there so yeah worrying we're definitely close you ready back to a life of crime expectations of version tell me you brought the contact lens playtime gets a new spin when your dad's ant-man you get to cosplay as orb you can't walk and if it swam up on shore and it battled a hawk who's gonna win sound debating skills coolest dad ever this must all seem like a bunch of a confusing grown-up stuff to you huh and that was a violation of article 16 paragraph 3 of the sokovia accords I totally expected the gag to be condescending fed talks down to in the no young girl who already knows all this stuff instead they went for this in violation of set of chords or any related statutes okay sweetie comedic lis complicated exposition wow you're really great with kids Thanks I'm also a youth pastor but that's what you get when you cast Lewis Wong is you're fed he can hang how long with Paul Rudd you need a warrant actually they don't really Wow that's treason for you also Judy Greer I always win divorce sucks but this big happy family kind of warms your heart you know also hugging something tells me Paul Rudd legitimately learned close-up magic I'm not saying Tom Sawyer wouldn't have been more Paul Rudd ish but the Partridge Family theme will do just fine a great man did once say Neil stands alone I think that's it John more than even having your own movie made your name and work is now permanently in the MC you know when you leaned out the door I thought well he kept up his workout for the last movie and then yeah Paul Rudd's workout routine there she is I love that they again used the actual scene from ant-man no trickery children this pert was planned ready Paul Rudd was in wanderlust with Jennifer Aniston who was in Horrible Bosses with Donald Sutherland spooky is a good song to be playing for waking up somewhere strange after passing out fruit loops hoarding aunt that is all cat needed helps its that's what we call him if you're a friend friendship okay giant clothes Ben that's a bread clip thingy that's a giant double a Duracell or maybe a triple a it's hard to tell all kinds of small things enlarge that just blend in until you notice the giant Duracell logo can you all masks weigh in on this that can't be stable so there's no denying how cool having dog sized worker ants help build your tech is but you might be thinking why not shrink everything down and work at their size it's been alluded that the more shrinks you do the crazier you get so you can cycle through ants pretty quickly even in large from sugar cubes for them subtle but I like that he puts the van right behind the SUV now we don't need to guess how far away from the curb it needs to be so it doesn't crack the sidewalk or pop a tire when you enlarge it pretty easy nitpicky questions so they're just like shrink the building and enlarge the car out in the open like this the clear insinuation is that this is an abandoned part of the city they found an empty parking lot and most likely design the building to fit in it anyone who sees it shrink from afar is number one used to seeing weird things since they live in the MCU and number two probably just assumed they imagined it but either way you roll it it's awesome is this a Chekhov's gun if you don't know it's a gun and yes to Planet the full product so your feelings about coal mining have changed then Boyd I'm afraid your money's gonna have to remain listen Sonny this is gonna be so much easier on everybody if you just give me that component hey she gave him every chance when she could have just taken it all yep finally someone who knows how to use the tech priorities though hey the camera seems to have trouble keeping wasp in focus and then she almost completely disappears during the rack focus such a great way of making her feel real and present like she's actually being filmed now that's assault yep also Blade Runner 2018 - it's a mistake just continue that yep on this entire sequence where even though the laws of physics are a little iffy for the mini heroes they seem to take as much as make sense into account for wasps but things like having her skid across the salt - pleasure doing business with you Sonny and she still leaves the payment let's just give them a round of applause for adapting a villain that has a totally different set of powers than the ant fam but they sort of manifest similarly like inventive ways to dodge punches and ingenious body slams [Music] ant-man to the rescue a brutal like I think I feel like that's brutal what because of hats and sunglasses it's not a disguise Hank we look like ourselves at a baseball game thank you lamp shading or not hats and sunglasses or the ponytails and glasses hot girl transformation of the disguise world that stability becomes chaos unpredictable beautiful you sound like a guy who might enjoy someone who does things like this do you guys just put the word quantum in front of everything ooh-la-la that's a ridiculous assertion but I was thinking you should probably check on the Microverse battery perfect comedic science there's a very Tinker Bell thing going on here and I don't hate it though I really like that wasps wings aren't organic man Christophe Beck you didn't think you could slip the ant-man main theme essentially MIDI if I'd to reflect Scott's current science past me did you also by just simply love this dragon of course this was done practically oh man that's good stuff I doubt Hank has ever mentioned my father Elias Starr no egghead in the MCU I guess well now you're just showing off even if it is his son Langston that's still a lot of effects they weaponized me oh I was surprisingly prude 'el I think it's actually a glitch in the sound that makes it sound like bones exploding Chekhov's ants she's a completely different person my god George Washington lightening the mood some would call it levity I'd probably call it brevity [Music] here last time more see this time although it makes sense for this to be Louis's ringtone when you consider this oh my would lead to how to do power to the restaurant yeah only play more see the undercarriage wash that's for cleaning off road salt who are you and why you know so much about car wash protocol question there's a little continuity story being told with Avis phasing that you might not have noticed in this scene she's in the home with her chamber and fairly calm therefore she only slightly phases in and out compare that to the first time we see her getting into the chamber after fighting Ant Man and wasp and how she's almost shattering apart same for when everyone wakes up tied to the chairs she's pretty held together until they escape after a little scuffle just some great continuity I want them to do what you look at my hairdo I'm on business oh I was hoping Reed would use this montage style storytelling again with Lewis at the helm not disappointed by Evangeline Lilly pretending to be Louise pretending to be a female version of himself I mean just the time and effort I'm sure I took to get the timing and lip-syncing right [Music] I think that's optimism the best thing about how impressed everyone is by Scotts close-up magic is that he's ant-man Paxton in a presumably ex SHIELD agent we've seen him shrink and grow but card tricks are what everyone is impressed by how did you do it Scott the card trick seriously it's almost as if Scott saw something approaching and then she just took over his body and Paul Rudd pertaining to be possessed by Michelle Pfeiffer does not disappoint adding to the list of volume knob and a paper clip and some other type of Dobb and let her go where's she a raptor actually with this t-rex pigeon outside the window I'm starting to think someone's a Jurassic Park fan like I hate the way that you look at this washer pasti either you in there is this recognizable as mere woods did you know that all the names films I've seen is in the mir woods out of the mouths of babes gotta give epi forests and all the credit in the world for this scene everything across when Paul Rudd would be tough though I expect he's also great at making people feel at ease I mean do you think you stature stinger stature a stinger I know stature comes first but you never know what moniker will be chosen that's my girl what's that plan to shrink that one looks low 20 agents on the floor roughly five times that in the building at large not great odds she'd be so proud of you such a nice father-daughter moment were there on the ball coming up with a plan and the fly will also admitting they're probably doomed at the same time like years of training and relationship-building all expressed in one conversation of mutual respect something Hank didn't really give her in the first movie what about the old ugly girl disguise with a side of bert macklin all right I'll admit that this throws my minimal population justification out the window but dire situations call for risk-taking and again these people have all seen some crazy stuff what's like half of them are gonna be dust soon anyway yeah totally buy that just get them to watch where it goes from above and then lead you back forget I'll just get bug arrow bugs see you know that's a joke that can't ever go out of style you know cool crap like this is so common now we take it for granted how awesome ghost actually is if you watch her other versions of her are always doing something slightly different not just trailing a header behind even here one version is gritting her teeth vintage ant-man suit really this guy again lampshade did spider-man 3 problem but when it's laughter from American ultra-right you forgot Walton wasn't that didn't you [Music] and another killer track I wouldn't say it was a huge Chris Beck fan I mean he was the composer for frozen not like let go but the score the background musics that's saying something but a lot of the time filmmakers want the score to sort of blend in while still guiding the emotions of scenes but sort of not be noticed unless you're in like an Edgar Ryder James Gunn movie but Christoph is so talented this is the second time his score is stolen the scene and all of a sudden I'm watching a danny boyle movie [Music] but I'm also sort of waiting for Steve McQueen to whip around a corner in a Mustang bigger problems good stuff oh good stuff that's a J scene seriously they took the chase scene to a whole new level here in inner space level terrifying well the 60s were fun but now I'm paying for it posthumously making me laugh which i think is exactly what Stan would want I don't even know what to say you're responsible for all of this I'm glad you got to see your work loved by millions of people and that your legacy will live on and each and every one of these films rest in peace Stan Lee and let's be honest Stan Lee is always a win does anyone else hear Deadpool arguing with wasp in their head I just don't see how throwing a big PEZ dispenser at motorcyclists would be very cinematic ooh little twinning action there and so okay I know that just having the same powers as the twins there would be some overlap but I was also gonna make a neo restarting Trinity's heart joke here you know gonna reach into my chest and crush my heart are you so Jurassic Park and matrix fan mr. Reed again just examples of such different powers with similar useful outcomes that's a brutal punch played for laughs watch this cool even the bad guys aren't so bad that they just run wasp over everyone so nice in this movie we all take jabs at the coffee shop authors but they're so prolific someone has to be offended who do you guys get that it's like a meme at this point I personally can't imagine choosing to work in public but I wouldn't knock anyone for it though I laugh at them being so consumed with their next billion dollar Twilight fan fiction machine that they miss a giant tearing up the pavement outside their window but again just par for the course in the MCU there she is again it's like her silhouette is forever imprinted on the edge of the quantum realm oh really gets you to feel that probable nausea from the sensory cutoff yeah man look if everyone's just gonna start calling everyone badass I just Louise do you want to do this job badass good girl let's just give the continuity checker some credit here for Birch's windshield still being smashed from when wasp landed on it [Music] yep hugging and loved and all the nice feelings that come with being reunited after decades also stopping your husband from going completely insane adaptation is part of it but some of it is evolution this kind of evolution giant man named her height because she can just walk through the walls of the middle no-risk dirt love also hope to the rescue team work you know ant-man in the wasp like aw root beer [Music] ingenuity and great instincts from Scott so we apprehended them but you you're welcome generosity I yes built it word you're looking for is misdirection I've heard people you haven't go please even when the bad guys have a heartfelt moment it gets you also hugging so here's the thing maybe the most optimistic movie guy on the Internet has a little bit of a bias everyone take notes we don't need familial conflict in addition to narrative conflict will be okay with everyone just being happy and loving each other characters don't need to hit rock bottom and every story I can't believe I wrote this much text to yell like this yeah seriously it's a cliche dodge and a welcome one to not have that moment when something goes wrong and his daughter and his ex-wife have to give him a sad I'm disappointed speech as they leave the room also more hugging hey it's hopes childhood home another inventive credit sequence with important scenes modeled out all diorama style look I'm not saying that I really predicted anything specific but I had not seen this movie when I said ant-man was gonna have to do something from the quantum realm in order to fix the snap I realized this is a bit of a tragic ending but guys Captain Marvel is coming also and don't get sucked into a time vortex time vortexes feeling good half here the screenplay for Avengers 4 which I'm going to read to you cut a kid read props for pretending to give Avengers for secrets away in his commentary well at least we know the MCU is busiest music insect aunt honey Fant a no survived the snap right you did not just question mark teaser us oh that's quality trolling I feel like I'm constantly saying so-and-so is the best cast for such-and-such so often about comic book movies but Paul Rudd man he's such an and I actually coined this before talking about Poe from kung fu panda for those wondering where they've heard this before but he's an unhear oh not an antihero just like he's a guy who wants to hang out with his kid and stay out of trouble his greatest power coming into these films was his burglary quick thinking which was top-notch don't get me wrong but that was all a setup anyway so he just stumbled into this superhero life I mean the whole setup for this film is just poking fun at how he's on house arrest after Civil War cap was in Wakanda and the other real heroes were trapped in a metal Island prison he's such an everyman and where would the doofus be without his more a female counterpart I'm just gonna go to sleep now for five minutes and that's not a dig it's not played like that at all Scott isn't a bumbling idiot in this film he has plenty of awesome moments but wasp has had years more training and experience and I think the best thing they did for the sequel is give us what was merely teased in the first Scott learns how to fight and use the suit and he's fairly proficient by the end but when you see hope do it as the wasp it's a whole other level she executes every maneuver perfectly it's like she knows every edge size changes offer and she uses them constantly to her advantage and it's almost never reactive it feels instinctual their fight scenes always lead to a ton of fun visuals they all use their powers for really fun moments throughout a lot involving shrinking in the hyper real macro lens photography style all the remote control car footage it's played for Laughs intercut with the actually exhilarating sequences the visuals in the quantum realm that are always in flux ever changing and morphing and Reed even talks about how they tried to create the footage as if they had a real camera having a hard time focusing because everything is so small rather than a full CG environment and when you cast Paul Rudd you're gonna have hilarious moments this seems right Randall Park was just icing on the cake getting to see them play off each other did you want to grab dinner I mean some free scene worse things than vomit yes Michael Pena is like an unstoppable force even if he isn't telling jokes everything he says just makes you chuckle they even gave Michael Douglas moments here and there I get jammed how was school today actually for that matter Evangeline Lilly even broke her stoic all-business facade to mess with Scott occasionally if only captain's you-now hilarious something I've got to give Reed and the writers credit for is letting barely a single thing not be paid off we talked about the close-up magic and misdirection you Slater misdirection the Altoid tin but even Cassie not having her soccer shoes to set up in the beginning what's the emergency it's such a well-constructed story that said ant-man and the wasp moves the actual plot forward barely one step in the first 45 minutes of the film but you don't notice because of what else is going on it's basically three gather side quest missions but all are important parts of the movie because of the character development and introduction wasp goes to get the MacGuffin from birch which turns into a big fight where we get to see how formidable she is then after go steals the lab they have to go on a multi-part fetch quest before they even begin moving the platform but they learn about ghosts and Bill's connection and it's a great part of the narrative they do an exceptionally good job of keeping us interested without moving the story forward that much I can't say for sure so this is venturing into theory territory but like I said I thought the infinity war solution would involve the quantum realm in some respect it doesn't take a genius to think that but whether parts of this were planned right from the beginning not likely or Feige the Russos and Peyton Reed just pulled this all together is so impressive the quantum realm was set up in the first movie Janet was shown there and then they focused this entire movie around it ending with Scott trapped there potentially being shielded from the snapper just lucky he's the only non OG Avenger left standing so it's something either way probably involving time travel I'll just never get over how this universe has entangled itself oh never sacrificing story in the process you'll notice I'm ignoring all the stuff about set photos and casting for Avengers 4 because honestly I wish it didn't exist or that I could opt out of knowing I hate that it's so difficult to go into movies blind these days the internet was a mistake now I'm good but if you're wary of potential spoilers be careful down in the comments I'll ask that people throw spoilers tags on stuff but that mostly eggs the trolls on put ridiculous spoilers and all caps with no warning anyway I can only moderate so much I already pointed out that Hank and hopes relationship is one of my favorite parts of the film especially after being at each other's throats in the last film you can see that Hank Caesar as an equal partner and it's finally let go of some of that fear father/daughter relationships in general are kind of a solid through line between Hank and hope Scot and caste and even Bill and Ava and each gets to be played out all the way each a good example of how families don't give up on each other they forgive each other they stick by each other all good messages are really powerful and intelligent families in the ant-man world I mean even Cassie goes on to be a hero of her own whoa literally every single one oh gee ant-man oh gee wasp new ant-man new wasp stature black Alaia and ghost must be nice to be surrounded by geniuses who know how to do a whole bunch of technical and engineering physics based stuff just cuz well good thing for the rest of us there are classes we can take to learn all kinds of things ironically enough today's sponsor Skillshare has everything you need to learn a new skill in fact Skillshare has an online learning community of over 20,000 classes from all that stuff but also business design you can even learn a new language I didn't even know that the courses that I end up spending the most time with are the ones under film production you can learn everything from how to improve iPhone photography to video editing to cinematography in general I'm currently doing a cinematography from jail McManus I know a lot of you love when I talk about the technical filmmaking side of movies so I'm always looking to expand my knowledge base and this is of course I think you'd be interested in especially you budding vloggers and filmmakers I know I have in my 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Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 2,102,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ant-Man 2, Ant-Man and The Wasp, Antman 2, EWW Antman and Wasp, Everything Wrong With Ant-Man 2, EWW Ant-Man, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Film Wins, everything great about
Id: oQzVogzEOIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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