Everything GREAT About Captain America: Civil War!

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ah now the hairstyle makes sense you know other than to make us all swoon I mean the the fangirls swim wherefore the shin yool erosion spider-man shadowing still totally in love with Jackman's Winter Soldier theme so happy they brought it back to tie us in to cap to Super Soldier Serum misdirection starting right here this entire film has a linear path towards some kind of final showdown between the other hydra super soldiers and some avengers only for the final twist of what's actually important about this scene to be revealed later love these giant location title cards as far as the film goes they make perfect sense this movie jumps around a lot and very rarely to the same time or location so each giant title card is like a reset signal to us that something new is about to begin like a new chapter it's also a huge payoff later on to anyone who knows the hometown of a particular superhero we're a small marker at the bottom may have been overlooked ha one of the few times we've been on the receiving end of a cap jump and I didn't notice the first time but Falcon is the one who drops him off cap hasn't stopped finding new and brutal ways to punish faceless goons and now even Falcon is joined in the bucketing fun by adding a little extra panache to his repertoire teamwork I can't be the only one still totally impressed by cap shield skills right but man no one ever misses an opportunity to kick someone across the room I'll be honest I used to think Falcon was a little lacking in the universe where Iron Man and war machine exists but shield wings and thermal digital targeting are starting through a demon in addition to new bucketing moves black widow has also upgraded her parkour skills well hey there this cute little guy won my HOH now he's begun people man cap is the best he may take some beatings that slow him down and he can be bested a few times but eventually he adapts and starts winning he's such a satisfying character maybe it's sort of Avengers two and a half but it's still a cap movie making crossbones a super villain essentially created by Captain Wynter soldiers a great setup to nail home that this is cap 3 but also another perfect way to start the main discussion of civil war saving your print she's going people one of the things that makes this such a great film is that it's almost entirely character driven as opposed to plot driven there were plenty of ways to set up a perceived need for governmental oversight but this explosion is also something that has a lasting effect on Wanda a testament to the quality of this script is how insanely obvious it is to us what the final conflict will be on multiple viewings but it's hidden inside fun stark tech and more importantly more character development with pepper not being around immediately throwing Tony off-kilter and giving solid reasoning for all his motivations in this film as in all of your projects have just been approved and funded gilt philanthropy Gil Anthropy his name was Charlie Spencer you murdered him try to save as many people as we can sometimes it doesn't mean everybody but if it can't find a way to live with that next time and there are your two opposing ideologies Stark has no words and feels the full weight of his part played and cap can still see the good being done and all the worst that would happen without the Avengers intervention and what word would you use mr. secretary how about dangerous I'd be upset if the Hulk dated my daughter to perspective shift win with the Hulk presumably killing whoever took this footage with falling debris nation report December 16 1991 Zemo has been changed quite a bit from the comics but we're so far removed from world war two at this point it definitely makes more sense to have recent events be the reason for the cap Avengers hatred in the 8 years since mrs. doc announced himself as Iron Man the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate while visions equation is a common enough threat among superheroes it follows very logical chain of events in this universe crossbones for example is ready to die by suicide bomb just to take cap with him if that's not an escalation of villainy our very strength invites challenge challenge incites conflict conflict breeds catastrophe anyone else love the way vision is dressed like he's just trying to fit in and be human he doesn't wear real clothes so he must have fabricated those with his powers and now we have both of our leaders not in their right minds the life that cap yearns for since he went into the ice has now officially been buried with Peggy even if the whole world is telling you to move it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree look them in the eye and say no you move whether Steve would have found himself on this side of the Civil War or not those call to action words or inaction as it were from Peggy would definitely push him towards that side especially given that she played dry as one of his most famous speeches from the comics I didn't want you to be alone one of the best emotional moments in this film building off the relationship they solidified in Winter Soldier Hawkeye was our surrogate in age of Ultron but this time the Tasha is the one with feet in both worlds as a next villain who is constantly questioning if she's on the right side of history she can empathize with both sides and her conflict makes perfect sense no matter her allegiances and even if they fall on opposite sides she still loves cap also hugging since Robert Downey jr. was cast as Iron Man there has not been a better cast than chadwick boseman for T'Challa well of his Romanoff I'll kill him myself his silent stoicism exudes years of warrior lineage and built in genetic wisdom he plays it so confidently it's barely even surprising when he starts competing physically with cap and Bucky buck on Rosa LaVon Zemo is an intelligence operative but he isn't a super genius or enhanced in any way this shot of him learning the Russian trigger word shows that he's just a guy out for revenge with lots of patience picking up where the Winter Soldier left off Bucky is still running learning about his past and obviously not staying in any one place for very long stopping bullets with your hand bet we'll never see that again come on saving your sort sort of enemies the claustrophobia of this stairwell fight scene brings me right back to the elevator and it actually ends with the target jumping down a long distance that catches a win hmm everything about Black Panthers especially his appropriately feline movements as he stalks up on [ __ ] yep he's bulletproof cats always land on their paws it's so evident how planned out Bucky's escape route is everything he does is so meticulous and he seems to have contingencies for his contingencies right down to going into the tunnel to evade the helicopters this chase could have come off really goofy but they nailed it exciting tense and about as believable as humans running faster than cars can be man did they do black panther right somehow that's not CGI so that's five yips Tom and Jerry reference if I had a nickel for every time cap runs away from or is some way near flipping cars I'd have a number of nickels still awesome something I love about the MCU is that we're at a point now where secret identities just don't really matter Oh another enhanced dude whatever you know I don't know what this is one day who knows I may even control it yeah they also probably have something to say about that sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth Airport shadowing don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction give me a break can we just give these two guys Oscars already the book comes out and the Winter Soldier theme comes right back stopping a bullet with your hand that will never see that again nothing ever works in the Winter Soldier last time he caught cap shield and broke Falcons wings this time he's barely slowed down by Iron Man's pulse blast the second movie in a row is never ever taken down by Black Widows scissor head move loved its inchaallah still lands like a panther even without a suit was I saying about swooning yeah I mean yep returning the favor everyone I get Black Widow for amazing fighting in parkour in large part actually goes to this woman super soldier number three aka Heidi moneymaker she's the stunt double that makes some of this choreography look so amazing as well as Jackson spinel caps double and Erin Toni who does stunts for Falcon and Black Manta and the misdirection continues a super soldier that can best Bucky these guys have to be our final battle right beautiful beard win where's yours all the comic readers cheered this is the payoff for giant location title cards amen let me get my emails right both of them sending signals such a perfect intro for bumbling awkward Peter Parker Oh hard for me to believe that she's someone's am yeah well we come in all shapes and sizes you know true just usually in this case less Marissa Tomei more Angela Lansbury I'm gonna sit here so you move the leg that line Tom Holland for God is blocking where he's supposed to be and move in the scene and so completely in character Robert Downey jr. asked him to move his legs so he can sit down funny moment of the nervous actor Tom and the nervous character Peter melding together because that's Robert Downey jr. and Tony Stark and Iron Man guess I should've not what are you doing here fair question two reasons he owes Quicksilver his life therefore will always feel responsible for Wanda and also he's the one that gave her that speech I wind in age of Ultron that encouraged her to start tearing Ultron bots in half [Music] Oh vision you indestructible being you this might look like she's just pushing him through the floor but if you watch closely she actually decreases his density or in some way spreads his molecules so that Hawkeye can slip through then she increases his density to the point where he's so heavy the Earth's gravity starts sucking him downward fun little details also flirting can you move your see them no is this creepy or sweet creepy or sweet creepy you're sweet I guess it's sweet plus don't you know you can never trust emily Thorne bro approval I'm sitting your hand too long here's another real-world crossover for Scott Lang Paul Rudd this is like the best-case scenario of worlds colliding my buddy ant-man whose backstory I know and my other buddy Steve Rogers who I've known since the 1940s finally meeting and getting along also how about that little jab at the difficult formulaic Marvel ending there something about some psycho assassins because who really cares another insert villain here type bad guy Scott Lang is always the man for the meta job Captain America I know you too you're great also compliments captain your highness everyone's always so polite to Black Panther [Music] spider-man oh yes spider-man catching Bucky's metal arm you have a metal arm this is a spider-man full of life and excited in a tree by everything so there's the sokovia accords for preventing human casualty but what about preventing property damage Honda Accords anyone huh too bad there are only Audi's in the MCU missed opportunity Oh God spidey-sense couldn't have done that earlier I hate you honesty this is that scene where your inner child should be welling up with tears from so much excitement just making sure we're all on the same page we fight [Music] and this is when your eyes get as big as dinner plates and you can't wipe that dumb grin off your face Scarlet Witch gets the saving your friends gold medal in this fight that thing does not obey the laws of physics at all says the guy who can climb straight up walls buckled in yeah no I'm good I'm good arrow guy nickname win also amazing comic reference and any scenes involving ant-man are some of the most stunning it's your conscience we don't talk a lot these days all right fine I'll win a man and I passed out self-confidence Johnny man so this was when I took out of my Winter Soldier video because I didn't want to spoil civil war but remember this it was down to me to save your life would you trust me to do it I would now just in case anyone thought that was uncharacteristic of Black Widow you never see that really open my strikes back wait what everyone has seen Empire Tom Hall and actually hasn't seen it I don't I don't I don't know what to do here Tom Holland loses a win until he sees it but it was a funny line but still at at reference said I'd help you find him not catch him there's a difference good thing Vulcans embrace technicality win provisions first real human moment he's a supercomputer that should have calculated all the variables or even more importantly should have been up there with them still in this fight instead he was tending to Wanda who he's falling for brutal right up onto the last second you think they might catch him but the ground that comes into frame as he hits it good watch back this guy Jan she's gonna break it low blow Hawkeye low blow dark who are you ooh burn cuz you have to go mark fuhrman Ouma hey at least they're sticking with the 90s theme yep right yes well-executed surprising emotionally relevant twists win anti stormtrooper aim an alternate subtitle for this movie could have been Captain America falling down harder than Hank Anthony oh that's a layered reference this isn't gonna change what happened I don't care he'd kill him and after everything that's been happening with Tony losing pepper feeling guilt over sokovia and now learning what he believed about his parents death was a lie all along this response is totally believable as much as it pains me to say teamwork and this might be the most beautiful showdown the MCU has ever offered the directors DP gaffer location scout man just everyone involved in this looking like this we all get a win even in all this chaos where you wouldn't be surprised that Bucky was trying to kill Tony since Ironman is trying to kill him cap and Bucky are just trying to disable a suit and end the fight wouldn't be a Russo MCU film without someone losing an arm Star Wars style never has a comic cover or panel come to life like this just epic now this voicemail message takes on a new meaning and really humanizes emo and the Avengers it went home we'll talk about zimos plan a bit later but I've got to give Daniel Bruhl a--when for his performance throughout who can't sympathize with his motivations engines consume do is consuming them don't letting it consume me taking the high road stopping a bullet with your hand that will never see that again how'd he do this holiday callback another emotional closing to a Captain America story as much as he loves Bucky you know it hurts to see Tony in so much pain and the idea of losing him can't be easy raise your voice Zapp touch the glass Zapp I wouldn't mess with him he talks to dragons are you Tony stank you wouldn't think Stanley would be willing to deliver anything for cap after he stole that uniform on Winter Soldier or maybe you got in this job limit when one of the few complaints lobbed at this movie is that marble refuses to ever follow through on the stakes they set up that everything is peachy by the end because it caps note to Tony but cap wasn't the one with the problem cap wasn't asking for change he wanted things to say the same should have been no surprise that cap wrote this letter and we don't to get tony's response for me it's pretty open-ended obviously I expect them to reconcile before the huge conflict of infinity war or more likely thin OSes arrival we'll have the UN begging for capital heed the Avengers again but that doesn't eliminate the lasting effects this film had on Stephen Tony's relationship oh please hold keeping a promise you can call me anytime I'll put you on hold I like to watch the line blink poor EP Lois Lois Esposito gets a Hydra shadow and the closing credits are not peachy-keen everything's back to normal there are still forming and lasting cracks don't come through let them try black panther hope you got a few good licks in and aunt Mae that encourages Peter to fight is it possible to avoid the great power great responsibility speech yeah also spider-man Civil War the movie that no one expected to compete with Batman V Superman ended up beating it at the box office and in critic ratings it's not to say it's perfect but it's pretty dang close captivating characters that have been built up over 832 MCU movies and ending that no one saw coming that subverted the expectations of a typical escalation giant Big Bad finale except for the few people that notice this little Easter Egg in Winter Soldier and some emotional conflict that ends up superseding the political one one of the easiest parts of this movie to pick apart is emos plan I understand some dark nights Joker level pieces falling perfectly into place happen but the way I look at it he eventually would have been able to get that tape to start to start this fight anyway so why not now I'll first say that while I usually give villains credit for having bigger plans higher motives or the best of intentions Zemo is a simple villain with a simple goal revenge for the death of his family and what better way to do that and to put the two leaders of the team you feel is responsible against each other I was going to talk through the entire thing with clips proving that it's not as convoluted as you might think instead you can pause here and read it if you want the one thing I will talk about are the complaints that the whole super soldier subplot was a waste of time just tricking us until the twist but that was a big part is the most plan it's the reason he makes sure the real psychiatrist is discovered he already knows he has at least Stephen Bucky headed to the super soldiers but he was also trying to get Tony there as well it's just a matter of making sure Tony's alerted to the switch he made which would obviously lead him to believe caps original story about the super soldiers it's also important to note that zimos plan has nothing to do with the accords and wouldn't be affected by the Accords in any way and everyone's favorite complaint is that a bunch of people other than Zemo had to do things a certain way for this plan to work except we're actually shown his plan not working he was hoping to get the info about Siberia from the and he didn't so I moved on to plan B 2.3 this is so hard to imagine that he had multiple plans and backups wouldn't it have been boring to watch him constantly pivoting instead of just showing whatever his back-up plan was panning out Zemo is at the very least a new interesting villain did all the cast members we love are back and giving their all the new additions of Tom Holland and Chadwick Boseman were superb choices for their respective roles I'm super excited for both Black Panther and spider-man homecoming because of this film everyone's got a gimmick now the Russo brothers have now firmly proven that they know what they're doing there's not just one narrative thread that leads the civil war it's layers upon layers upon layers of history and conflict Tony resents actually he says jus before Steve was even back in the picture because of his father Howard's love for cap the tension between them has been building since the first Avengers they're both emotionally compromised from personal relationship issues and then you throw the final twist into the mix and their fight is totally believable organic and stands on its own the most interesting thing happening in this film is the initial setup and switch of Tony and Steve the government creation no longer trusts the organization that made him and the self-made genius rebel is now looking for that organization to hold him accountable the Winter Soldier was Steve's real awakening when it came to large organizations shield was supposed to be this incorruptible group of people started by Peggy when he realizes that even they could be compromised by something like Hydra that no people with agendas could really be trusted of course he's going to be against the accords Tony on the other hand has spent film after film making mistakes in the wrong decisions decisions that led time creating Killian creating Ultron the thing leaving him the most raw from this film losing pepper this film is great because it's the culmination of both these men stories their arcs didn't start the beating of this film so really credit to the MCU as a whole other than our leaders every character Avenger otherwise has their own personal reasons for picking the side that they do no one is just on one side of the other by default even though for both war machine and Falcon there really was never a choice they're gonna be with their best friends but vision Wanda and Natasha they'll come to their own conclusions about the accords based on personal experience even though this is another more mature film closer to Winter Soldier than Avengers it still has that Marvel charm and light heartedness we talked about this yes but the duel was open so I assumed and using ant-man and spider-man to deliver most of the comedy throughout the airport fight was well-conceived is their the only to have no stake in this fight gotta say that's awesome I don't know if you've been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talk but every character gets their little comedy moment so you like cats so now the Russos have also proven that they can handle a huge ensemble cast I won't say that I'm not a little worried for infinity war in that respect especially if they're really going to combine everyone from this film with the rest of the missing Avengers and the guardians of the galaxy and the two new characters from this film and possibly introduce Captain Marvel screw it it's gonna be awesome just get Fox to throw in a few X Men the fan for Styx you're guaranteed to make a trillion dollars ah and then we could actually do it jla/avengers team-up Nider Whedon Russo brothers all co-directing what could possibly go wrong what do you mean they already did it oh right it's called the lego movie you know they say sarcasm is a metric for potentially Captain America mr. Wang thanks for thinking of me you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 5,395,864
Rating: 4.9172978 out of 5
Keywords: Captain America Civil War, Civil War, Everything Wrong With Civil War, Everything Wrong With Captain America Civil War, Cap 3, EWW Civil War, Everything Right With Civil War, Everything Great About, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EWW Cap 3, EGA Civil War, Film Wins, Movie Wins, Civil War Wins, Civel War
Id: GvYY4TLaF5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2016
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