Everything GREAT About: Bocchi the Rock!

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[Music] well if that isn't super relatable I have no idea what is how about you stop pulling examples from my past and move on yeah in all seriousness though stop putting my childhood in the big old part of my adulthood on screen you know how you can help me feel better and the process help yourself subscribe to join a big old Club ring the bell to be active in said club and like the video and leave a comment to leave a part of yourself in that same Club patreon is also down below four dollars enters you into the big boy slash Girl Club where you can vote in what I cover join up what a clever and poignant way to bring the band Element into Focus for the first time in the story we just went to the video but seeing a dad in an anime that looks young is very different just remind you that not all of my dads are in their late 40s or early 50s pretty impressive in how every string was plugged in that animation well if the last one was impressive that was gosh darn impressive which let me tell you there's a whole other level of impressive I think my favorite part of that op was the song it literally sounded like they did a live performance for just me you can't tell me that something wasn't done to make that sound that high quality over the norm it was like the drums were in my face great song excellent visuals both equaled two Max wins when combined don't think I didn't notice or not appreciate the lyrical melody imbued in that sentence right there a continuation of the hurt Melody and an unexpected art style change very nice Nick I tell you a lot of this hits close to home for different years of my life but needless to say the YouTube years since 2017 have been kind of lonely as doing this full time well you never go out and meet people so yeah it's certainly an interesting comparison from the get-go for me how come it's sometimes incredibly relatable though in spite of the streets not having anyone on them due to the time I'd guess they're very heavily detailed and crisp [Music] I can understand this to a smaller degree as well although doesn't massively apply to me but I still get it but 90 of the win is for yet another art style change I love stuff like that it shows true creative Spirit to me next attack [Music] Middle East from 86 [Music] oh man I love humor like that she hadn't even said a word yet pretty unique to ucgi are walking like this it's kind of hard to tell unless you're really looking too good use of it always a fan of realistic conversations in anime where people speak over each other or at the same time in the same room rather than one convo at a time [Music] a lot of sweetness here the first time she replies calmly to a question instead of panic likely fueled by the non-threatening personality she's come across or been introduced to taking the sting out of their initial Impressions upon her and then blushing a little excited by what's to come that's awesome [Music] not sure why they picked it the game boy type music yes I'm really old foreign the simple explanation of how she's port at the band's level not on an individual level [Music] oh please keep it up with jokes like that that really Butters my toast that art style change to be noticed though [Music] oh now that is freaking great bro you never really see that unique as anything [Music] I'm also a lover of jokes like this where they don't put a foot into the water for the Giggle and then back to your regular scheduled programming instead she makes a joke about bonking a Boeing crowd with her base she then follows up with does a base make that guide the sound went bonking and then her mate says Bloodshed is pretty rock and roll two follow-ups to a joke absolutely this is the name now I get it I like that from norigami straight up a win for their first show expect wins for great animation during their playing things like this are notoriously difficult to animate which is why you barely ever see it in anime and when you do it's often not actual playing but instead close-up shots to ease the workload so even this was impressive to be honest putting a quite frankly absurd amount of frames into this the ring style approach the internal set design for this room is off the charts insanely good so much detail oh voice actress is awesome really great for these freak out moments a really by the Numbers decent Ed good song as to be expected from the op I suppose being his incredibly high quality as it was and the visuals were super relaxing and chilly as such what you didn't expect from an ed an anime phone screen that actually looks like a real phone screen foreign [Music] this is quite literally getting away purely for reminding me of the insanely cute time Puck did disagree zero what SpongeBob [Music] foreign goodness me they really take these moments to the awesomely extreme showing the difference between their personalities and such a fun and unique way for me historically I've always found it risky introducing real world visuals into anime it can be done very poorly but in the case of baka monogatari it was done excellently and so it's good to see it used well here early on too the voice actor is insanely cute trying to bring her back down to earth with the eye I love stuff like that I liked this Snappy little explanation of how the gigs work how they get them by selling a minimum number of tickets and then you can actually start making money gives a real set of building blocks to the story [Laughter] my God these moments are just brutally well done [Music] she got the death penalty for creeping out customers that's a kind of a side win I must admit I'm enjoying how social anxiety is dealt with in this one versus Comey can't communicate which I've covered as well by the bike it's more realistic here I'd say as a whole Ohio the fact that she was so desperate to blow off work and get out of it somehow and yet now is faced for the first time with actual friends who want to encourage her [Music] that face foreign [Music] there's some lovely smooth and Vivid looking animation on display in this scene I like the art direction as well it's very Madoka magica-ish [Music] oh my word these little after thoughts coming from her are destroying me she's like the primary source of comedy in this one so far stuff like that oh yeah do you see what I mean that transition hey I really like the setup in this one how it's not just about music that was a clever choice for overall popularity instead their working day interacting with people and music is a secondary Focus I like it oh my God I'm not being funny you can go back to either an old animations video or wins and I swear I've done that to me it sounded funny because I thought it sounds like a chainsaw I can't believe that that's a win unless you stole it from me in which case I found you hahaha yeah also pretty worthy here is how well the sound is handled considering they're talking in the background on the mic and can be heard throughout and it's not as simple as turning down their volume it wouldn't sound right then foreign a few wins here firstly it was a good song in the background genuinely nice secondly I enjoyed the personal growth on display wanting to give the crowd the best experience alongside her Newfound friends and bandmates thirdly going first person like it's no big deal I tell you these visual representations of her inner thoughts are brilliant I can't recall the last time I saw something like that very small win but I went all the same I really enjoy how the clock is often on display and always accurate too foreign s are incredible like that [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] where if it continues any real competition between this one as to which has the most unique and creative little segments like this how can you justify so very much creativity though it's not your traditional Zoom through shot but it certainly still was one looked great [Music] another one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but so hot she tried to play along [Applause] [Music] not whizzing behind the spot [Music] oh yeah that's a freaking great use of that there they're using it so well and it fits really nicely most of the win is for her being brave enough to actually get out all of the info about wanting her in the band but also goodness me the art in the background is so unique I love it I can't just keep on laughing and dropping a win but I can't really help with bruh the reactions and animation combos are nailing it [Music] these are very real chance that there could legit be more art style changes than this one than mob psycho 100 and I never thought I'd see the day questions okay I get it there's something genuinely really special about this one and you get hit with it quite early on I absolutely cannot justify mixing this scene with the previous one for one single win it's far too good not to get its own eyes [Music] have a win here purely for the fact that I'm really enjoying the story The fleshing out of the characters and how they're introduced so well those two things are fundamental to me foreign [Music] [Music] these moments are fast becoming a favorite of mine like scarily quick ly [Music] [Music] a nice bit of well-played character building here for her in this part of the story really bringing her down to earth and out of her zone of Prior confidence making her more on a level with booty actually what's up oh no that's like the West um [Music] and in a lovely little twist of fate that very same embarrassing incident actually ended up bringing them all closer together as a result foreign [Music] music and teaching it really do show an entirely different side to her she seems so relaxed during them it's lovely to see foreign [Music] if there's one thing I think I'll take away from this anime it's a greater appreciation for music I'll be honest in my life I listen to probably 20 normal music 40 anime music and 40 video game music so this has been a bit of an eye-opener for me such as never really thinking about what singers do when there's no singing to be done katora [Music] the biggest of giant massively oversized props for having her continue her engine throughout this entire scene oh man I just adore human like this people rarely touch on subjects like that but she's pretty spawned [Music] oh my God the visual representation of searching for info and panicking at the lack of it in her mind is so apt it's unreal an ungodly amount of frames in this [Music] I swear the intrigues of her mind will never stop being entertaining to me whoever came up with this is an absolute genius good to speak the fact that I genuinely can tell if the people in the background were CGI or not as a massive win I don't think they are actually you look very animated which is another win so as mentioned animating multiple people moving within one scene also take one here for the fact that this sign wasn't just a joke that then disappeared from existence once the joke was over with it stuck around like a real sign would uh [Music] the way she acts sometimes has such a cute vibe to it foreign that right there was the most unexpected art style change yet because they went for a normal more realistic anime style suddenly there are too many changes I can't handle them all let's go hey hey I truly can't believe someone thought all of this up it's like some of the most new and unique kinds of jokes I've seen in Forever it's odd to say but it feels different to anything I've watched in recent memory even though it's brief I still appreciate seeing how the band was formed in the first place she's such an outgoing personality too I kinda would love to be like that if I could one day I really enjoy how the tone of the music changes from scene to scene you definitely can't pin the whole official soundtrack to happy go lucky it's nice of life for example some of it is upbeat some of it is 8-bit and then a tune like this kind of melancholy um [Music] as funny as the very end was the main part of this win is for how sweet I find the notion that she plastered their one and only but also very first band photo together all over the place no doubt hoping to replace duplicates over time in this song [Music] very small but still a genuine start of episode plot twist of confusion oh let's jump it's okay they totally found the wind's vein and they'd be mining at it in this analogy they found the vein moved in miners their families are perched outside and the newly built makeshift town and their mining wins day and night to provide for their loving family I've probably played too many games in my life I built these mental scenarios devastatingly fast foreign as funny as this was in all honesty I was more impressed with the detail added here to it actually being a wig and how it was done I thought they'd just changed scene and be back to their normal styles [Music] you see why I met before when I mentioned the music this scene is just excellent for showing that deep personal story that she's telling right now about growing as a person it's such a unique piece of tunage not walking on the spot when they totally didn't have to animate that [Music] I've seen so many TV shows in anime and whatnot pretending they're using YouTube and it's never even close half the time this anime has got serious attention to detail on what to me is fairly obvious stuff but seemingly to everyone else is the fine details of life foreign first of all a lovely bit of smooth animation on that scene made it look extra gorgeous secondly this mystery being slowly built up in a kind of serious way as well it's tough to factor in any real character growth in an anime whose style is this but they managed it I gotta say [Music] what's a fantastic use of CGI in this anime because as I mentioned before doing everything by hand when it comes to music would be an absolute Nightmare and we'd be waiting years to get the thing also though the song genuinely sounds great as does she and the lyrics just really popped immediately struck me that did [Music] super easy billion inconvenience Max 2 wins the dish out there shout out pitch meeting firstly great song from start to finish secondly the sound itself sounded great thirdly tons of unique angles and shots like posing as a camera at the end of her guitar and fourthly lip syncing was Perfection like I said billion inconvenience two wins foreign what a fantastic way to do the whole herb being 16 um foreign excellent voice actor this wouldn't be half as funny but that shocked screen was perfect for that moment plus I get it I used to be like that when people were staring when I was a kid I I have no words I'm so impressed by that and whoever came up with that I just gotta drop to Max wins I mean look at that it's like a third anime third real life and third video game foreign [Music] are you mad I like this one pretty much as much as the first as well in fact the song might even be better but the visual slightly more my style than the first one but hats off to him for doing two either way [Music] [Music] probably the single greatest recap in all of anime history for me and why because it was done in such an over-the-top explosion kind of style filled with events that didn't actually go down as they say they did in the recap making it all the more funny and epic looking it's incredibly clever actually and they can have two wins for it [Music] I love the realism too I never thought that she wouldn't be able to bring both the sister and now I think about it the dog as well yeah it's officially got more than mob cycle 100 season 3 at the very least probably steamrolling towards season two and I gotta admit I think season one was chock full but this is insane and it's a personal Love of Mine Kawaii yay [Music] I don't even rightly know why this made me laugh so much it's not even the most funny joke they've made it first of all I just loved the she's very demanding comment going from wanting water to food at a freshly made bed secondly though Tres from JoJo's part five some of the backgrounds are so heavily detailed they almost look like real life shots Plastering Goodness Me The Confident stream of initial garbage slowly going off the tracks towards the end as her face begins to melt Ed in the same episode we got the single best recap ever and then they followed up with the best single quick recap of person you just met your current situation of all time together foreign [Music] just the kind of person that she really needed to run into at this Crossroads Point again on her difficult personal path stunningly well done rotating shot there as they actually rotated the entire surroundings at the same time flawlessly [Music] this would be half as entertaining if it wasn't genuinely good music but also the creative angles that they used they're all over the place and that's truly something new for me where music is involved in anime oh also she felt confident enough to open her eye whilst playing that's huge and it's all because of her advice earlier and some cheering from a nice person in the crowd Ed her face glitching out melting during a compliment or being shocked well basically all of her reactions are just the best oh ah who even thinks up stuff like this [Music] the background Reflections and effects are way better in this one than one would think for this type of anime this anime wouldn't be anywhere near as positive or as funny as it is without The Talented voice actors becoming the characters and matching them so well on screen in fact take a win here for their performances as a whole everyone seems really nicely cast and all have done a great job I remained such a huge fan of how the animators chose to handle backgrounds in this one so full of life and yet I can't express why it's different to normal I guess it's more colorful maybe like actual photos made into anime or something I'm not sure [Music] not gonna lie I straight up felt extreme secondhand embarrassment of this one foreign oh my God I can't believe they mentioned the whole possessed thing again from when she was acting weird and they saw her doing it that's so awesome being nice to animals is always a win excuse me whilst I elegantly wipe away the drool from my keyboard as I write this and enjoy yet another art style trigger that foreign they went back to the very early 2000s in order to get this aspect ratio for this art style change I have no more words they have escaped me right now breaking the fourth wall like it's no big deal whatsoever well this is of course funny it's worthwhile remembering that this is how much she cares about having friends that it takes her literally days of preparing to make it as good as it can be [Applause] probably the most epic looking going from a seated to standing position of 2022. agreed oh [Music] sit back [Music] I made a win early on during episode one about building on a joke but my God that was nothing compared to this they continued this chunk for like two entire minutes the music was also oddly good in a very weird way but I loved that my favorite joke thus far and thus easily getting two wins foreign it feels really good to see her speaking up for herself here to ensure that she gets heard some brilliant visuals and audio weather effects right there felt like the storm was in my living room no a very sweet non-exposition way of letting us know that she was tearing up over their first concert either being canceled or going badly because of the weather showing she obviously does deeply care also take a win here for going without an OP this episode for more of that sweet sweet content [Music] 100 mob psycho style after gaining fans [Music] I know I already wined it but so really is genuinely very catchy take another win but don't tell anyone okay along with expanding my mind on music it also highlights how difficult it really is to even get someone to notice you in a band let alone pay money and come out to hear you perform and how crushing stuff like this would be also bless haha for staying so positive and upbeat and keeping everyone together in the face of such negativity I really thought the performance was great am I just out of whack or something also also I felt like a witness deserved it for starting them off at the bottom of the wrong on the ladder to music success I've talked about this multiple times most recently in chainsaw man but I love when the hero or hero Who start at the bottom and make their way up probably born out of my love for playing video games foreign oh okay I get it now that was Bloody fantastic what a leading by the guitar into that I'm Blown Away [Music] such a stupidly easy Max two wins to issue out yet more creative angles and sounds throughout and great singing brilliant too like really really good any animation on their playing is just absolutely spot on what an awesome and consistent mixture of both animation and CGI to create that well played um also if you were paying attention during chainsaw man and many other videos that have expressed my love multiple times for these kinds of scenes everyone relaxing drinking baby bites wheat and chatting love it super relaxing to me foreign if you thought the voice actor spouted out all of those incredibly incredulous lyrical lines without being granted the grifty Nifty wind you're mad [Music] only this anime would interrupt in order to give us a gritty completely different art style for an entirely different scene I'm pretty sure they just overtook mob psycho 100 season 2 in a fast and furious pace foreign [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] as to why she started the band and why it's such a big deal to her probably the nicest compliment anyone has ever given her born out of pure truth and not just trying to make her feel better about something in the moment also part of this win is because originally I thought they'd make a big deal out of her past and hiding it now she's angry at her but it wasn't like that at all thankfully I liked this because to me it sounded genuine like she had gotten rid of the prior reasons of fame or whatever and purely now wants to hold on to this band of friends pun intended and achieve all of their goals and that's lovely foreign that's the name of the anime a third and likely final different Ed to bless our screens this one visually clearly nothing but nice song relatable Google [Music] it's too relatable though no um she can seriously be such a weirdo making tiny little grapes all day should we give an art style change for this I mean I think it counts go on then why not [Music] look at that gorgeous color palette and style it's like a watercolor or something foreign [Laughter] the closest thing we're gonna get to a scenery shop this wasn't getting its own win until she ran off carrying a deflated boats in there [Laughter] know how they're moving forwards doing that I love it [Music] they went but normally no Studio does this so well probably because it's really time consuming to have to animate a moving background in the scene to make it look realistic normally they just appear and the pick is done [Music] oh that's really adorable doesn't mean so much to her proper scenery shop two wins here firstly how do they do it that looks photo realistic secondly probably the best series shot win yet that must have taken ages to create talking Angry attacking booty Birds foreign see what I mean really wouldn't be anywhere near as funny if not for that supremely talented voice actor knocking it out of the park consistently [Music] just a lovely feel-good way to end their first big trip out together and show how much it meant to her well to all of them really [Music] the same idea as before but this time now with some visuals yeah go and take another win for the nice pleasant visuals I must admit this is also kind of very much Definitely Maybe relatable I'm sure I can't be the only one though right it's not an exaggeration to state that she not to the same degree obviously but close to it carries this anime as a voice actor with performances like this like the voice actor did in summer spider so what foreign [Music] huh [Music] they just overtook motorcycle 100 season one this is some crazy and insane all at once well played [Music] prime example right there of how they mix together beautifully the highly detailed static background with their animation of their walking towards us in the same scene [Music] I can't believe that they Then followed it up with doing the same thing indoors and amazingly it's a tiny detailed as their concert venue is [Music] yet another great sounding song and best of all is as always the lips sinking gloriously and how they add in extra effects to Showcase their specific style such as the acid type of vibe in the background [Music] in spite of being such a drunk mess this woman often has the key words that end up meaning a lot to her in life and as others it sounds I liked her finishing a sentence without stuttering just shows how confident she is in that moment such a decent looking first-person shot yeah [Music] she's so incredibly lazy I love it foreign I think what's so great about these real-life shots is that so much effort went into making them as integrated to the anime itself as humanly possible and in that way it just fits and works it's not super relatable to most people but this is to me insofar as I get very confusing comments like hey you're back and I'm like I upload every two weeks or when I say John up to my patreon a vote in everything I make and I get a comment please cover this anime literally replying to my comment like pachika [Music] this awesome representation of how Buchi is far more scared by other people having fun nearby than she is by the actual haunted house [Music] I'm just over here shocked at how wholesome I find it watching her slowly becoming more and more at ease around her friends and in an environment that she truly used to hate so much foreign the stuff they come up with in this one goodness me man everyone looking Kawaii trying on the outfits I love you so much for doing stuff like this all the damn time it's amazing [Music] him being a plain old good dad and of course balancing a dog in your nugget is no small feet either [Music] what is this that weird game where you drive a truck that I know little about since it doesn't interest me jingle cute now if that isn't some character growth go from hiding inside boxes and hiding our online Persona to everyone so now having the confidence to reply like this and I don't know what is [Music] it I'll bless them in their Collective little cotton socks for turning up to support her like this and look how proud he is [Music] [Music] another easy Max 2 wins I won't drone on and on about it you know the drill by now it's the song itself the excellent animation and CGI mixing always consistent since episode one so praise for that and it's got that feel good vibe to it now since it's such a big step forward for her and all of them really [Music] literally never thought it possible that I could feel this much tension from a scene like this this is normally reserved for like my hero Academia or Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen or something not a band performing [Music] oh you do all that juicy animation during a slight rotating scene looked amazing [Music] I haven't a single clue what that meant on a technical level I mean other than making it sound cool obviously but that was insanely sick [Music] just more of the same really excellent songs if one thing has really shocked me in this more than anything it's how much I've enjoyed the music I'm very weird when it comes to music very picky so yeah that's great [Music] oh I have no words that was that was a not really expected by me oh no it's Harmony it's really nice to spend a little bit of time during the final episode to focus on some important growth for someone other than the main character Hispanic reaction to her very formal and sudden apology yeah I just can't let that go by without a win Super Saiyan this kind of Comedy is so far up my alley it basically leads to my bloody house even better was having her head be part of the scene as she leaps onto her own hair that's so funny and creative such a funny scene with another equally funny one right after but how is this not real life made in anime my eyes are playing tricks this reaction [Music] very likely the final time haven't asked for him for another different budgie face [Music] it's like they went and UPS the comedy element 200 for this final episode what is this [Music] definitely have a win here for this lovely end just a great season with a nice Deep dive into a person's life is how it felt to me good to see brochie looking up at life as full of positivity too also another win here for the finally D done differently yet again and with nice passing visuals this is the end of the video too so maybe check out another vid if you fancy it subscribe hit the bell and like and comment are all wonderful tips much like the street performers are very welcome and of course patreon is down below too see you next time [Music] Lefty Corey Bush you're gonna come in water manual Morales Marquez without words Brendan Korea Christopher Willis Emmanuel Gonzalez gate in 2000 Jessica Starks Captain Comfort Kylie W Magnum Sean Sebastian Ramirez Wicked Andy 50 baked potato 38273 soul don't Defender Matt Milo guruguru Israel Caldera you are edvinson you're on a star jaffa6263 Karen Robinson Kevin Nelson Luis Cruz Matthew rancid Nicholas C 1928 Oliver finally react Peter Milligan safe mode 25 sentimento storm 970 the element eight Awards
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 103,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mob pyscho 100, animewins, anime wins, EGA, everything great about, Bocchi the Rock!, everything great about bocchi the rock!, EGA bocchi the rock, bocchi the rock, anime wins bocchi the rock, bocchi the rock anime, bocchi the rock wins, bocchi the rock OP, bocchi the rock ED, bocchi the rock best, bocchi the rock music, bocchi the rock funny, bocchi the rock reaction
Id: RhL8zwbTXQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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