Everyone Reacting to Licking the Spider | Baldurs Gate 3

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well chewed spider carcass oozes on the ground the meat tastes of rot and sour milk your stomach lurches but your loins tingle was that arousal why are you looking at that dead spider CSH Le honestly what did you think was going to happen you develop a taste for it the me tastes of rot and sour milk rotten meat that's what gets you going well do each their own your guts cramp your stomach churns and your nerves burn with a pain that would almost be pleasurable were it not so Savage well that's what you get for being greedy the meat tastes of rot and sour milk your stomach lurches Ren cheeks wild eyes I know that look and you best keep this little problem to yourself once that Poison's worn off remind me to tell you that you had it coming if what is happening is what I think is happening and it's because you licked a dead spider the time might just have come when you and I should spit ways stop making the damn thing do I smell beef all right there mate yeah you're all right my my is it me or do I see a bit of flush in those cheeks bad luck Chief let's call this a learning moment
Channel: Gaming Squad
Views: 2,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b73ppJZzTCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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