Breaking up with Astarion - all options (Spawn and Ascended Astarion, Baldur's Gate 3, act 3)

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is there something you want to talk about my dear I'm all pointy ears my love I I can hardly blame you I don't exactly have much to offer right now Beyond new burdens to carry would I were it's true you don't deserve this facade any longer from the start I was rather counting the hours until it was going to end midnight Chimes eh I was beginning to believe someone truly wanted me but I shouldn't have deluded myself from the start I was rather counting the hours until it was going to end midnight Chimes eh you gave me precious impossible moments of Comfort I only really wanted a few more from the start I was rather counting the hours until it was going to end midnight [Music] Chimes if there is to be anything between us it must be with his consent and perhaps someday his participation are you sure you wish to end the affair so coldly perhaps if you speak to him he may show you an open mind I I do I want this I want you when the others are sleeping we'll slip away together and we won't get much sleep I have a lot on my [Music] mind is it true you've decided to replace me no don't give me that I can see what this is I just I didn't think well that's it isn't it I I didn't think because if I had for even half a second I would have realized how stupid this was you were a mistake but not one I'll be making again I know it's you it's obviously you I just I didn't think well that's it isn't it I didn't think because if I had for even half a second I would have realized how stupid this was you were a mistake but not one I'll be making again and and nothing I just wanted to know where we stood I I'm not even surprised you were a mistake from the beginning [Music] that's it we're done with the conversation I guess we're done with more than just a conversation you're so adorable when you're thinking what to say all right let's talk who knows when we'll have another chance oh I did I do something wrong why what's changed I may be guilty of a bit of embellishment here and there but I'm no liar when I vowed we'd save you we will save you this little adventure of ours has taught me that we can't let our lives be ruled by fear or else we never really live I'm Not Afraid not of you not of your darkness and not of our future hm Cazador used his tortures to strike Terror into me but I've rarely been more afraid than on the night when I feared B had claimed you for good but I trust you won't kill me and if you do then I've gotten sloppy and probably have it coming I am and beautiful none of people mention that I'm not going anywhere all right let's talk who knows when we'll have another chance oh I did I do something wrong why what's changed if that's what you want then that's where we'll leave it well goodbye then I suppose you brought my dead heart back to life it will keep beating if that's what you want then that's where we'll leave it well goodbye then I suppose you brought my dead heart back to life it will keep beating well what's done is done and there's simply no point in dwelling on the past is there no you have given me a glorious new future and one Wicked turn deserves another so tell me what you desire what can I do for my dearest pet truly and what was I supposed to learn from this please everything is about power sex relationships violence they're all just different forms of control and now you think you can stand there and tell me how to feel because because what because you care your hands are as bloody as mine darling why would you go along with any of this just to pretend you're innocent now it seems I misjudged you I thought we might have a future together even an eternity but perhaps you're not worthy so what's it to be darling is this It a Pity then we could have had something truly special I won't forget what you've done for me I won't leave you to fight this alone you came so far only to slip now Such a Pity truly and what was I supposed to learn from this who to say I don't I'm willing to share all of this with you what's that if not love of course if it's not enough if you need something more perhaps this isn't for you so what's it to be darling is this it there you are the real you shows himself at last we are bound until the end you and I but there will be an end until then you can enjoy my company you can benefit from my power but you will not be in my heart truly and what was I supposed to learn from this don't you ever compare me to him never how dare you stand there and judge me as if you know the first thing your hands are as bloody as mine darling why would you go along with any of this just to pretend you're innocent now it seems I misjudged you I thought we might have a future together even an eternity but perhaps you're not worthy so what's it to be darling is this it of course we can you're the one that I want the one that I love and you could be so much more if you wanted one little bite and you could be mine forever my dark consort my right hand my most beloved spawn oh don't be like that I'd never want to control you I I love you that's what you've been waiting to hear isn't it that's what you want we could be together for eternity ruling this world's side by side we could have it all it seems I misjudged you I thought we might have a future together even an eternity but perhaps you're not worthy so what's it to be darling is this It a Pity then we could have had something truly special I would forget what you've done for me I won't leave you to fight this alone you came so far only to slip now Such a Pity it seems I misjudged you I thought we might have a future together even an eternity but perhaps you're not worthy so what's it to be darling is this it there you are the real you shows himself at last good luck with the brain darling without me you'll need it oh my sweet there are no vampires like me and there never will be again but if you want the gift of Eternity I can give you that one more bite is all it would take that's what you want isn't it to be mine forever then it's everything you shall receive I will miss this warm flesh mind you shall we have one last night together before you join me in immortality one for the road so to speak not having second thoughts are we it seems I misjudged you I thought we might have a future together even an eternity but perhaps you're not worthy so what's it to be darling is this it there you are the real you shows himself at last we are bound until the end you and I but there will be an end until then you can enjoy my company you can benefit from my power but you will not be in my heart just what I need just so you know I have everything I ever wanted everything lies ahead I can see my path to a weaking Dream from the Crimson Palace I will govern day and night create a city of Spawn who bow before me cast a fog over the world for my children you'll be lonlier than I very soon I will discover how to call my Legions of wolves become a sea of mist run wrongs side up on rofes everything vampires do best you could have two what a waste the language of the night needs learning all in due time it won't be long hear me it won't be long you will regret leaving me more than anything you live to regret you refuse riches beyond belief the world would have knelt before us United very soon I will discover how to call my Legions of wolves become a sea of mist run wrongs side up on rules everything vampires do best you could have two what a waste I can take anything I want I should have made you a spawn just to teach you that you will regret leaving me more than anything you live to regret so much for the better my instincts are already so quick the world seems slow around me everything is moving at a grinding Pace I feel like I will live thousands of hours every day very soon I will discover how to call my Legions of wolves become a sea of mist run wrongs side up on rofes everything vampires do best you could have two what a waste I was pathetic then what do you mean why would you say that you will regret leaving me more than anything you live to [Music] regret I have turned away my former self and all my former attachments now too very soon I will discover how to call my Legions of wolves become a sea of mist run wrongs side up on rofes everything vampires do best you could have two what a waste I was pathetic then what do you mean why would you say that you will regret leaving me more than anything you live to regret on your knees darling but boy yes you're missing the chance of a lifetime you will never have another like me it won't take me until the end of time to find another like you he will always see you as degrading yourself if you continue to be with him but perhaps you wish to degrade yourself and he knows it how dare you TS with you I'm done I hope you rot look at you precious thing you always stare so eagerly yes my treasure what why silence how dare you speak his name I don't have to take this from you you INR [Music] why if you're too stupid to see what you're losing then you never deserve to have it in the first place I don't have to take this from you you in great why if you're too stupid to see what you're losing then you never deserve to have it in the first place I don't have to take this from you you in great why no I thought not let's keep it that way I don't want to hear anything like that from you again my P you know I adore you terribly I know I'm better than he was Stronger finally free of my past I'm who I always wanted to be I have everything I ever wanted if you you're too stupid to see what you're losing then you never deserve to have it in the first place I don't have to take this from you you in great I know I'm better than he was Stronger finally free of my past I'm who I always wanted to be I'm I have everything I ever wanted silence how dare you speak his name I don't have to take this from you you INR I know I'm better than he was stronger finally free of my past I'm who I always wanted to be I have everything I ever wanted if you're too stupid to see what you're losing then you never deserve to have it in the first place I don't have to take this from you you INR no I thought not let's keep it that way I don't want to hear anything like that from you again my pet you know I adore you [Music] terribly what happens next you what now after all this how dare you after all I've done for you after everything I've sacrificed but fine if that's what you want so be it there are thousands of vampires spawn in the under dark just waiting for a leader I'll find them I wish you well out there just don't come knocking on my door I'll have a lot of hungry mouths to feed it is a Pity we were rather good together I'll never forget it goodbye darling and good luck and neither would I together we can do anything The World Is Ours for the taking so what would you like don't be stupid darling you're mine remember the tadpole is gone which means your future is mine to decide how lucky you are that I chose you as my consort chose you to help me take Boulder's Gate then sit by my side as I rule it there's no backing out now we'll be together forever I can promise you that
Channel: Arthurianmaiden
Views: 11,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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