MUSIC DIRECTOR REACTS | Baldur's Gate 3 - Raphael's Final Act

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hello and welcome in my name is drummer Tony I'm a streamer on Twitch musician and music teacher living in Seattle we're finally getting back to some music from balers Gate 3 this is Raphael's theme I'm excited let's go all Mortal lives expire Soul go to their d in flame forever more okay what an in what a Melody bodl oh my God man we're doing things here it's the intervals in the beginning for [Music] meal that is so powerful there's you it there's nothing else to listen to It's solo voice voice that is an amazing way to grab your [Music] attentional and then expire programmatic there's staccato Legato expire I don't I'm not a lyrics guy I always like to listen down to what's underneath but when it's so exposed like this you kind of can't help it but what a phrase there there's just so much to pull you in I love the the the key the tonal Center of where we're at this is very it's almost haunting but then that one little difference of B bom short long it just does everything for [Music] meal expire souls go to their [Music] D and then we arrive at a climactic and a little vibr on the end there man it's so it's such tasty writing it's such tasting performance uh like again souls to their Dooms souls to their tombs I'm not totally sure but you get the meaning though it's it's hitting you in the chest it's very programmatic there is no question and the fact that it's solo voice then with organ accompaniment it makes it very kind of uh Cathedral likee and just a little bit more you don't really know where this is going okay let's keep going o oh I like that okay so we come back in we have the same uh The Motif this big powerful Melody at the beginning but now we doubl it well it's not doubled it's actually just featured in the oran and then we have our backgrounds with a chorus a choir there that's it's great writing let's keep going hell hell hell has its laws hell hell effect in the cause curtain Falls but hold your abl squirm squirm for now down here come the claws oh my God [Music] I got so many chills right there who is Raphael oh my god dude okay I've only played balers gate a tiny bit I talked about that in the previous videos I did here fun fact about me these types of games it it'll be a week and I get no work done so I'm waiting I I think probably wait till December when may there's a big break and I can just jump jump into this otherwise I won't do anything but okay who is Raphael what we neutral evil this does not sound like a a great character I mean I think he's great so far but you know what I mean though like this does not sound like a hero it sounds like adversity hell hell hell has its laws hell hell effect in the core listen to that hell hell you hear those intervals remember at the beginning should we rewind and and check it out we're bringing that theme back or like little ornamentations from that theme this is so good H hell has its laws hell hell effect in the cause very very clever use of w at least sounds like wooden's right there and we got some nice low and base strings digging in there to just kind of set the uh the foundations this is so ah this is so freaking good hell hell has its laws hell hell effect in the cause cut and Falls but hold your abor s a for now down here come the claws listen to that [Music] ah and the crescendo of The Descendant there at the beginning obviously the biggest part is the the dynamic shift right there and we get some other percussion instruments to come in but man this is just ridiculous in a great way back about 7 seconds and let me just take this in and see where we [Music] go all Mortal lives expire souls go to their D oh God In Forever More fools fools how hard you have fought oh dude my whole body is has chills right now um you know what sucks about video I'm here I'm just going to I'm going to just detach for a god I'm I'm chilled out right now it's you know what's crazy to me I'm old man I'm 45 man it like it was you were nerdy if you played games back in the day like this is crazy this is music for a video game I'm I'm praising this right now don't I just can't believe how good this is D the way this theme is coming back and the it's it's really about the composer though because we you know it's how you put it on the score you take you take the ideas you create a motif you create a Melody you create a theme and then you have theme and development we're getting such great theme and development here did you hear how in tune those chords were oh my God not anyone can do this this is this takes a lot of individual talent and skill sets and proficiency developments and just great musicianship this is 145 I'm going back significantly I need this whole segment again sorry I'm just kind of it's just a weird thing um my my point is like go doing my undergraded masters in music you don't understand how many times from like people above like video game music was the scene as bad like you know like you were just so forced to study the you know four main areas of you know music and then like the main composers within those areas and that was that was the focus and if you liked other it was like ah God this is like straight up musical theater man like but also mixed with other stuff this is so good again feel like I'm on a pit gig right here and Raphael is like this awesome character you know Liv all moral lives expire do we oh God that cord right there is so good baa so we do not have expire like we did before this is a little bit of difference in the delivery here but it matches what's being written underneath God damn this is so lives all Mortal lives expire different rythm too souls go do their [Music] dos in the forever more so put it this way you you want to think about oh my God this is so ridiculous um if you just listen to the beginning everything you just got the huge climactic Point sit there without well you can't because you've heard it but if you were just to hear that Melody and be like okay what what's the voice leading for these chords going to be where are we going to take this and score this out try and do that on your own and see if you come up with something even remotely you just you won't though that's the thing you have to have his brain you have to have his ears oh my god dude sorry right we're going to I just need to hear this is 141 we're going to go back to 121 it's the way we resolve into these chords and how we just build up that already previously great Dynamic that clim climactic point but it's even more we're only at 121 I imagine we have to go the Contour must go down I don't know that's going to be my guess but I just need this one more time in context sorry that I'm kind of like freaking out and just being Tangen te but this one just feels a little bit different so I don't know I'm just ner now right now EXP souls go to their [Music] Dooms in Jesus dude forever more and the things that really add for me it's when you listen down to the Baseline you hear the involvement of the tany and you hear the involvement of the Tubular Bells orchestral Chimes that adds such a credential just climactic delivery point it just hits a little bit different I I promise we'll go on this time just listen down to the low end and just the way all those things also work with the brass that we're [Music] getting go to their [Music] dos in the L forever more fools fools hard you have fought brave brave but it's all been for n true Souls that couldn't be bought doomed detected and CA okay all [Music] right no more deals it's oh my God that was killer man I loved hearing the horn part there I thought it was a drone for a while but it had some movement and then into the uh the the moving almost fug like organ stuff going on God damn dude this is so good this is so freaking [Music] good no more deals it's over the Final Act you're Doom no no more Grace it's over this house of [Music] home oh [Music] way up [Music] there that's the best thing I've listened to in a long time oh my God I haven't gotten chills it's pretty normal for me to get chills here and there in music but not consistent ones and also usually when I I get it once and then if I rewinded immediately I just had it so I'm not normally going to get it again I've gotten it every time I rewound on this oh my god dude I don't know what to say I know I rewound a million times but I do need to hear the ending one more time I apologize but uh just bear with me because there was so much great stuff going on here and I just need this okay this is the last 35 here we [Music] go no more deals it's over the Final Act your doom no more Grace it's over this house of man the no more deals it's over and the ascending horn line and then the eventual entrance of the crescend boom boom the string stuff going on that's just genius man that is freaking genius again no more Grace it's over this house of Stratosphere she's so far up [Music] there yeah I can comfortably say uh this is the best piece of video game music I've heard in a long time it's short it's only 2 minutes and 35 seconds we turned that into a 13-minute video but whatever uh and I'm going to go back many more times and listen to it on my own let me know what your favorite piece of music from balers gate is is it this is it something else what else should we be doing on the Channel with balers gate music all right thank you so much my name is drum R Tony catch you when I'm live on Twitch link for all the socials down in the video description below YouTube thinks you should watch this video next if you like this video thumbs up if you did not like this video thumbs down but you should definitely subscribe and help me hit that goal of 200,000 subscribers on the channel have a great day thank you so much for being here I appreciate you take it easy bye-bye
Channel: DrumRollTony Reacts
Views: 47,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 ost reaction, bg3 reaction, react to baldurs gate 3 music, baldurs gate 3 music reaction, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 ost, baldurs gate 3 mods, baldur's gate 3 raphael theme reaction, raphael, baldurs gate, drum roll tony baldurs gate, drum roll tony, drumrolltony reacts, music analysis, borislav slavov reaction, borislav slavov, bg3 music, bg3 music reaction, reaction, reaction video, drum roll tony reacts
Id: -_43IYyrbic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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