Everyone Is Wrong About Redstone

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you have to Define what is a redstone thing right this is a redstone thing this is a redstone thing these are all redstone things right not talking about Redstone itself he's talking about how people treat RedZone on a high pedestal which I disagree by the way I'm gonna do a triple me on my construction all right so we're reacting to some hot Redstone takes let us know in the comments if you agree or disagree or have something else to say piston duel is all too fleshy full 99 of bases just put a normal double door down it's as effective and way easier to build it's like a thing that's like saying oh here's my giant flat screen TV it's too flashy I'll just have a CRT instead they do the same thing it's decorational Redstone like yeah it makes your looks it makes your base look cool but it's not necessarily useful but that doesn't mean you shouldn't build it this indoors they are flashy that is the point they're supposed to look cool frostwalker boots are the most overpowered Redstone component perfect for login detection and essential for single player Wireless Redstone system that is so Niche and situational like there are far better ways to like detect players there's better ways to do all of these Redstone builds no I'm made of mostly non-redstone things we have to Define what is a redstone thing right this is a redstone thing this is a redstone thing these are all redstone things right are rails a redstone thing [Music] are these redstone things uh yes yes it's a hitbox that changes when it's powered this is a chest a redstone component they're saying it's not a redstone compound there's a furnace a redstone component they interact with comparators no I guess no yeah okay it's comparata can read it but it doesn't directly interact with the Redstone itself like it's not powering anything and now now I bring in the Jukebox pre 1.20 is a jukebox pre 1.28 Redstone component no not really and now after that would you say it's a redstone component yes absolutely so purple according to you what defines something as being a redstone component if it either changes another Redstone component or Powers it changes a redstone component these all these containers interact with comparators they change it this is turned into what is a redstone component now so you're saying characters reading containers that's not a property of a container that's a property of a comparator meaning that containers are not Redstone components according to logic purple yes what do you think of that you use containers in like all your computational stuff absolutely I mean because there's will not it's not their job to Output Redstone to do anything with redstone it's the comparison's drop so yeah absolutely yeah guys in the comments debate what is considered a redstone component right so let's reached a level where you have to be a programmer slash electrician to strive in the content space I think what they're saying is though you can only be good in Redstone YouTube if you're very good at things related to Redstone or just be very good at Redstone already it can be a really bad red star and have a good audience if you're funny and stuff like that yeah never mind obviously there is a certain level of skill requirement but like you don't need to be the most amazing redstoneer to make good Redstone content exactly bro you need to be good content creator very good red so God said oh you need to be good at content not just Redstone like there are plenty of amazing rest owners out there who aren't that great at making content and so they're not that big the smaller stores in volume are never actually the smallest a two-way door will never lose out to a one-wide door with a much bigger silhouette which ends up being harder to cram into a build are basically the exact same size but I think this cube is easier to put into places I guess oh disagree then because like what one might doors are so much easier to fit into actual like bases and stuff in survival a lot of the time you want the wall to be flat against it so there's not like a long Corridor but would you rather have a long Corridor or a really large wall to cover up the Redstone uh large wall because like you have you have lots of vertical space to work with if you're actually building above ground in like a house and stuff one white door is going to be way easier to fit between two walls I think it's it's all like used dependent uh like if you're making this or like a sort of like mansion and you want a 4x4 in it it's gonna be way harder to cover up like a one white four by four building a secret secret base in a single player world is very useful um what is it secret from yeah I mean you said use he said useful not fun it is it's definitely fun to make a secret base in single player but useful I who are you secreting against opening beauty of doors so I guess the animation of the opening and closing is better than opening speed of Thor yeah every time when someone shows me a door I'm like uh I'm I'm like keep going keep going keep going anyway I'm pressed uh I don't I don't care if it's fast or if it's beautiful or if it's both it could be both I could be both it's so cool wow this is door positivity all doors are faster and beautiful no no no no I said it's cool when it is I used to only play Bedrock Edition before switching to drive around two years ago and I gotta say better at Western isn't that that is wrong boy oh boy [Music] Redstone may be random across space so Bedrock Redstone is random across time if we're gonna talk about like Java's locationality and stuff it's better to just move a redstone build than to add extra delays biggest Redstone innovator of all time is Seth bling wrong most Redstone computers are completely useless because they're too slow to use effectively and too complex and expensive to build in survival oh boy this is slow slow you you take it away uh okay look I mean you guys I'll stare at you yes sir and Bedrock being different is as is a good thing many of you like to fight over nothing Bedrock Redstone isn't bad you're just scared I think the point here we already talked about Bedrock Redstone being I know I know the whole point here is it's two different systems they're being different is bad because it means that when people search up how to learn Redstone or search up a redstone tutorial they have to deliberately search for one that is for their version and not everyone can tell the difference what is unintuitive as opposed to like programming languages it is very easy to know if programming languages are different because they are literally just called two different things whereas Redstone is both called redstone on two platforms and the only difference between the two Minecrafts is like colloquially like a new player isn't gonna know what Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock is redstone is 85 parkour and compact builds yes I am gonna prove how long I spent more cooling I'm gonna do a triple knee on my construction all right he's gonna do it first one [Music] people need to stop putting red stoning on such a high pedestal whole point is that it's only simple complexity only emerges from combining a simple circuits pretending other ways intimidating newcomers I think he's not talking about Redstone itself he's talking about how people treat redstone on a high pedestal which I disagree by the way thing that I've found about Redstone when showing it to non-red stoners it's not that they don't put it on a high pedestal is that they don't actively look for they only praise it when they see like a specific build and even then they're still not going to look for more they're gonna say oh I saw this cool build once Redstone is overrated wrestling is nothing compared to command blocks you can't do anything you can do with redstone without hacks in the command blocks too guys guys I know Redstone is that you can do it in survival two words survival mode it's like saying oh Redstone can make all these farms uh the climax can just do the give command compacting your Redstone build is a waste of time if you're trying to make decorational redstone and fit it inside a base in between the walls then yes compacting does matter a bit I think you should all always try to come back to Redstone obviously not the first try but if you build something and if you're able to make it smaller start figuring out more optimal sometimes smaller is an optimal but different ways to do the same thing and knowing different ways of doing the same thing actually could help I think you should definitely make the same thing over and over and see if you can improve the convection can be really good for like survival because sometimes you actually get to use way less resources yeah resources Minecraft doesn't care about red stunners most people don't get past the stage of reasonable pistons for a door there's no incentive to add a fixed Redstone better satisfy the masses for profit spicy I mean wrestling is a niche part of the game yeah most people do not interact with redstone at all so it's it's kind of crazy though because like if you think of if you know what Minecraft is you do know what Red Sun is but the thing it's still so Niche it's like it's such a weird Paradox Mojang should take notes from create mod its wireless receiver can be only activated by the Block it's on still better than the current skeletons how much Redstone Behavior should Mojang take for months I don't think I would not like merging adding more redstone things in create mod you have a bunch of components that are like very very specific they have like a very specific purpose whereas the Redstone components they just have a simple behavior and you have to make them do what you want them to do the most efficient Farms should consider the amount of effort involved in making them um a lot of them do actually okay like one of the main considerations that people do when designing a bomb is like the build effort they will deliberately reduce the number of different components that it uses so you don't have to constantly swap items in your inventory the way Redstone is being used is beyond what was intended I get it I get it's a symbol oh my God I get it's a Sandbox game but when you make computers with a block that was meant to push something it doesn't feel right that's what makes Redstone so cool all about discovering stuff I think what they're saying is like Redstone has gone too far and I don't know why that's a problem and think about it like in real life like if people were not going Beyond like we would have been stuck with light bulbs for like 200 years I have to say some of these were absolutely terrible takes but some of them are pretty good some of them sparked some interesting conversation like what is a redstone component Redstone is utterly useless yeah uh and like 90 of its uses but just have fun guys so just have fun with the game that's awesome maybe the real Redstone was the friends we made along the way and with that guys like And subscribe get any more subs in purple [Music]
Channel: CraftyMasterman
Views: 45,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mumbo, redstone
Id: Q1BVrPR9hsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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