So I Taught My Friends Redstone...

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i've been doing redstone on youtube for like two years now grinding away making doors mini games logic redstone freaking minecraft in minecraft but you know almost all the redstone on my channel is mine and if it's not mine it's probably from some other person on synergy but like what the heck that's boring what's the fun in having some experienced redstoner do all the redstone for you so in today's video we're gonna do the complete opposite and i'm 99 sure this will flop in the algorithm but who cares i challenged myself to teach my friends some redstone with the end goal of being them to make their own 3x3 door in one hour none of this is fake they genuinely don't know anything about redstone i'm the michael reeves of redstone and let's segue into this somehow i'm just again let me make the designated play area can you like shut up oh shut up i'll make sure you see that epic play i mean i wasn't making the designated you're not the boss of me though you can put mushrooms outside the designated play area who are you building i'm so confused it's hamud who is hammoud once the designated play area is done the redstone lessons are starting children is this the play area for both of us i don't want to share it with you no i'll share it i'll split it in half if you feel uncomfortable being with a boy i understand i'm uncomfortable he's looking at me weird with his face i'm not even looking at you well anyways designated play area we're gonna start learning redstone gang our goal today is are you recording i am i recorded like okay i started like a minute ago for the record i was not looking at the girl i was planting mushrooms you wanna know why i wasn't looking because she has cooties and if i looked at her i'd instantly be infected so i'm in the play area but i want my separation square i'll share you later yes you want to see my really good tnt skills god amy please turn tnt explodes off oh my god amy turned it off so we're gonna make a few basic redstone circuits okay not noise machines bad we're gonna start with something i'm planting give me a second this will be your benchmark for you too okay okay you're gonna build me a two by two pistol what is she doing two by two piston door right now i need to i need to see no no no going into the other person's designated play area writing bad words you can't pay for me you can't write bad words how would you know it's a bad one you're not the one spelling it i'll get demonetized guys make a 2x2 piston door right now okay okay whoever whoever makes it first we'll get a gold star i'm gonna get a gold star oh my god i wanna wait i gotta do it like the colors that you always use with the cyan wool yes i never use iron but okay yes you do wait oh shoot i thought he was iron this you don't you can't you don't even study the crafty mastermind lore i'm disappointed sorry i'm sorry crafty son hold on ian kian if you don't make a two by two piston door he will make a you'll you won't get a gold star i'm working on it daniel you're pressuring me and i don't appreciate that stupid she can't even make one bro amy's made a video she's like watch out she's building in quartz ooh god i hate women i mean people who building courts i'm actually kind of scared because normally you build it in the sky and i don't know if i should be building in the sky oh my god i don't care just build a door oh my god i broke it oh wait i have like what do you mean by two but oh wait no i can just do it like that two by two door yeah that's so easy you have the bottom blocks now how you gonna get the top you gotta get the top somehow you gotta get the top out of the way you need two more pistons kian do not you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna help you because you need it no shut up daniel shut up no i can do this after after you make your doors i will show you how how it done amy has made her door okay first of all let's okay keon this is a learning experience a learning wait wait what how did oh oh i don't even need this okay this is no let me finish my contraption okay let's go to kian and see i'm not supposed to be on this oh okay keon's almost there okay you can actually put brightside on the back of pistons in the newest update so good using that to your advantage okay now you need to use one lever key and not three you can do it i believe in you one lever you can also use a repeater to make the signal go further if it runs out i know how that works daniel i just don't think i need it right now you definitely need it right now i'm good at this okay i just need time i'm a little slow you know i was going for the advanced technique unlike amy who okay for the new normie style c i see are you calling a crafty senpai's style noob okay you're gonna get a gold star right now because you did it first that's your gold star kian i think you've done it flick the lever test your door yo first because we're gonna go daniel blocks are you gonna use crafty masterman blocks we're gonna see how we can improve these two doors okay i don't care shut up so amy you could have made this boom so this is your first lesson kids you see this piston right okay if you touch the piston uh amy kick them from the server okay so basically okay you can activate it from all of these sides right right but stop it guys do you know about piston budding advance no i have no clue what you're talking about okay so please enlighten this this piston here right it can be something called butted so if i power it here but then i place a block just like that oh boy it stays extended and oh boy look at that and i'm confused so if you have your lever either one block above like this or diagonal like this you quote unquote bud the piston therefore this is only going to activate if you give it a block update you understand yeah i think so hold on okay so wait wait so like when the lever is here and this is did the redstone signal um oh boy is doing a thing up there and so it updates the thingy you're on to something you just need the right words for it there are certain blocks in the game that can instantly update the piston so like what you are doing right there there are certain blocks that do what you placing a block does like a slime block no like another piston you see where this is going basically when you flick this this here lever the bottom piston is getting butted but this top piston is updating the bottom piston so that bottom one extends i've learned at such a young age okay you messed it up let's optimize kian's door together okay so basically right if we got one of these doohickeys what kian can do no shut up can stop sorry okay what you can i just don't feel comfortable with that guy over there looking at me what you can do is ready ready put redstone here ready boom you got those two pistons no no it's impossible because if a torch is powered it turns off it's like a knock kian you know not you're a big brain right yes i know what a knock gate is okay oh boy look at this right we have some redstone here and that amy doesn't know where they're not gate we can run it into this piston look we have three out of the four pistons all right i don't get it i don't get it yeah so basically you're powering this and then basically turning off the power here and kind of like bringing it over there so it can also power that basically bringing the top to the bottom just in a very stupid way from the bottom okay so now boy we got one more piston so we can use the same on the other side uh no you can do it smaller way ish so yeah what are you exploring something we can take this down everyone knows that and look at this four out of four pistons right there look at that this is the second part of the lesson we're gonna design a something that is called a piston layout how to make piston layouts right hey get out of the get back get out of the way get back in the play hear me get back in come back in the designated play area students can spit out their blocks you wanna know how how if you give it a one tick pulse there are multiple ways you can do this so here's like one of the most common ways you have a redstone block and you have redstone torch and it turns off so fast that oh boy it spits its block out like mine didn't spit it out i thought you meant like also observers also give one tick pulses by default so there we go got a one tick pulse a block over here if you want to make a piston layout let's say we want to make a piston layout for two by two okay actually i'll just do two by one so if you want to simulate one tick in a very easy way you can put a lever on the piston like this anywhere except the back because then the back is not going to work anywhere on the sides and if you flick it it gives a zero tick pulse which is faster than one tick but it's basically a one tick in your case so wow look at that so fancy right so you wanna try and make all of these blocks uh get out of the way and be able to close up okay again can do that can't go on your side is this like our actual test now no no no this is just the layout we'll get on to more advanced circuitry later oh i know what to do oh boy she has an idea oh okay keon's on the right track oh boy he's got the sides down are you stupid or something amy i always i'm on the right okay so you can use redstone blocks to like retract each of the pistons so you know how much you've done so far what if i took two with one and one with the other exactly oh he is on to something he sort of knows how piston doors work oh boy in in piston doors kian just asked the question how do you retract two blocks at once where did you go right here okay how do you retract two blocks at once so there's something called block storage where you store the blocks in other parts of the door to use later so if we just look at a three by three door this is what it would look like if it was open right where did kian go we lost the child oh there it is aha keon's done it he's made a piston next oh there we go and boom i win this is opening right you do this you do this and then you do your double piston extender yo okay i get a gold sir yes oh wait i have to give you a gold star you got a gold star thank you i'm so proud of you i'm so proud of you get a gold star yes okay so now amy you're free to copy this layout because this is basically the layout i want you people to work so this is let's say you could copy off my homework okay lesson number three we're gonna learn briefly about double piston extenders right lesson number three we're gonna learn about piston extenders this is gonna be very helpful for your opening your double piston extensions you're already confused okay so double piston extender literally all it means you have two pistons it pushes block two blocks so that's adult oh my god can we make the mumbo jumbo uh walking house no no not with this knowledge okay so basically the way you make double piston eight eight attention attention attention okay you gotta activate the back and then the front but then you have to reverse the order you gotta deactivate the front then the back and then you have to power this and then unpower this okay but i'm gonna show you a very clever way of doing this right you can activate the front first like this right because nothing is there there's no pistons there right so if you just activate front and then back oh boy look at that if you do front and back and then look look oh no no look look look look okay no no no no guys come back come back to the lesson come back to lesson we are doing something i'm doing something oh my god we're in the middle of a lesson later or in the middle of a lesson and if you're what yeah exactly what you're thinking yeah get over here come over here all right i'm really proud of myself okay so so so okay come over here come over here okay you're now stupid so this is how you retract it so stop it so i know so to extend it we do front and then back okay and then to retract it guess what we can do front and then back and then boom it's just oh yo but but here's here's the here's the even better part you can do it the both things at the exact same time on on and off ready you can do front back and then middle but there's nothing to power in the middle because they're both extended so look wow nothing and then front back middle do you wanna try and build one of these or do you want me to show you one i'm gonna build one of these i want to build it okay build it wow and get into your designated play area repeaters repeaters they give off different amounts of delay i'm just telling you that now let it come oh nevermind okay look what did you just call this a commander oh if i hear all of you okay so look look if you said this is kian no no bling around okay dance party okay so you both just discovered at the same time that you can make this very easy but you both did it too so if you do it front back and then middle and then you just deactivate them in that order so that works you can do that with repeaters look uh this is one tick so one redstone tick this is two redstone ticks i almost got it uh both of you you're both very close i'm just saying you you might want to separate the timings like a little bit more so they're not one tick apart no no okay i don't get it teach your health who cares at one point you had this okay you had this right all you had to do no all you have to do is ski and stop flicking it all you have to do is that all you have to do is that replace that repeater with a dust oh that's all you that's weird we're gonna learn vertical oh no because that's what you need for your three by three so we got to be on the test well yes of course the evaluation is you building the three by three i'm just giving you steps google forms you know okay so you should here so here is a here's your upwards extender so here's the problem with upwards right if you're dealing now that you're dealing with upwards you have to deal with budding do you remember pisting budding from like five minutes yes no pissing butting if we do front and then back and then middle you're gonna see the problem we do front we do back but there's a redstone block here and it's diagonally powering this bottom piston this is basically how you get extension like that but now you have to deal you have to somehow when this lever flicks you have to make the bottom turn off later so you have to basically reverse the order for for vertical i know okay i know can i i'm gonna make i'm gonna make my own i'm gonna okay too bad you two make your own right now go go go go oh keon's on to something except that's not how repeaters work you have to power them from the back not the side uh amy nothing's gonna oh block yeah this is so smart guys it's an invention okay more delay oh boy he compacted it one option left i'm sorry that i'm favoring my students okay okay so you have to power this bottom piston you have to power so then it retracts later so it takes longer to retract you see there's more delay now use a block yes you can use blocks to power things teacher yes keon i'm i'm i'm a wee bit confused here when when amy finishes i will tell you what you two have to do next do you get it you sort of get it yeah okay that's a very unsatisfied yeah i'm gonna tell you how it works okay so gang gang because i don't think he exactly knows how it works either okay and so you power this lever right this bottom piston is instantly gonna go so that means these two are gonna do their extension instantly but now as you can see when you unpower this you still have this repeater and the repeater takes four ticks right so it takes four ticks yeah so when you unflick this this repeater is going to keep this on for longer as you can see like that our last part of our double piston extender is a monostable okay uh what where there's lots of ways in this game to make monostables but i'm going to show you like the three most common ways this is one of the most common ones is a dropper going into a hopper so it's going to turn this comparator on and it's going to turn it off and that is how you can get a kind of a quick pulse yeah but how does it power does hoppers power right no comparators can read any container they can read droppers they can read hoppers chests and all that stuff oh i see i never knew what a comparator was the most common monostable is the observer because it's just so op so basically observer by default will give a one tick pulse like this uh god damn it okay so you can also customize that so you can just put a repeater in front of it and you can make it longer okay so now using your mana stable knowledge you can try and do the last retraction oh i did it okay no amy don't look at him do it do it first and then we'll discuss what you've both made oh my god is she doing big brain moment no back back only the back of the repeater not the side the back no that's not that's still the side no that's the front no amy the one way you didn't yet like that oh boy did amy do it did amy do it [Music] i'm gonna show you the like current smallest design and how it works so right now current smallest design is this that is the current smallest l piston extender and i'm gonna explain how this works i'll just show you it working that's extension that's retraction constant powers this bottom one and then this one ticks like that and then this are tracks and this one ticks okay say it like the overseas or something yeah yeah yeah okay no no no so that's that's how the pistons work i'm gonna explain how what the observer exactly does in this scenario this was the thing that we talked about before a piston property that makes it kind of weird this piston goes no i forgot the name of it but it's getting powered diagonally yes it is getting powered diagonally so this block not only powers the piston when it's up here yeah so when the piston is retracted it is also budding this so this is getting butted and because the observer is giving a block update this piston will extend and retract using that knowledge try and build the bottom part of your three by three okay but does it open no no no key in does it open okay amy's almost there like you're so close okay you're activating it let it let it take its time okay flick it again flick it again i was so close i'm so good at this okay so now let me show you the very small design okay gather around children i'm gonna show you the epic design that was very small okay this is the very this is the smallest design right now and it does the same thing wow i'm gonna tell you how this one works it works the exact same way i'll just show you how it does it differently and that's how it work okay okay i was pretty good okay well i still want you to use yours because i want your thing to be your own three by three so now the the easiest part just make all the other pistons power oh really so now i just kind of have to connect all of them together yes you know now that you're teaching me it means that i'm going to learn redstone that i'm going to make my own redstone channel and be better than you obviously you're creating a monster i know i'm so sad okay i fixed keyans now you're so close you just gotta do the other side and the top yeah so can't i just copy the same design yes you could and you have all of these torches to get a signal from so you can use that because this twist any of these you can use whatever it's your door you can use let's see kian's nearly done he got one more pistol what oh god run go go go go no there's literally nothing you could do that though oh okay yeah that's okay there one more piston amy and you can use that torch to connect the last piston oh my dear lord ki oh god and you've made a three by three oh i did it damn that's a that's a wacky opening though what do you mean congratulations let's see is it seamless you've both made seamless piston doors look at you three by three mine is more seamless and beautiful than amy's look at that seamless but mine looks like crafty masterman that's not uh it's been an hour i have no idea how long the video it is probably like 15 20 minutes but redstoners i'm a redstoner now you're a redstone nerd oh my god it's an amy door amy door amy door amy door amy dog did you try to sabotage me i would never yeah he broke a [Laughter] so repeater yes she did work so hard she was sweating and concentrating see kids look at this you've went from this 2x2 to this beautiful 3x3 omg like a slow-mo recording no there's nothing get over here hold on wait we're gonna take we're gonna take a screen you get an f5 mode screeny time wait i want to record it amy amy get get over here i want to take a screenie fine i'll see i know you love me you know what i'll just end the video and then we can take screenies so guys that was teaching my dumb friends how to do redstone i hope you enjoyed okay goodbye before
Channel: CraftyMasterman
Views: 137,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bpnr-UwzWJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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