Everybody Hates Gabe | The Office U.S. | Comedy Bites

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as minority executive i think it's my responsibility to let you know that gabe is gross happy birthday to cave oh get out skeleton man ta-da okay it's two giant dogs with two giant palm trees on a regular-sized island oh i got one yeah yes okay i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to shut this down unless we can all agree to some ground rules it's either that or i can fax this to joe and let her decide how to proceed gabe tell us your stupid rules so we can start the game number one and this should be obvious no captions that insult the company we work for irony is such a critical one number two no pop culture references seriously well i think we can all agree they tend to alienate those who don't get the reference making them feel like the other wrap it up gabe okay final thing and this is a fun one instead of writing the caption directly under the picture let's all try using sticky quips right new from dunder mifflin saver sticker clips are fun they are safe they are handy i like to use sticky clips as regular post-it notes put them in a fun mood not every day go get them start quipping pam i think i'm gonna send you an i am oh okay send me one too yeah yeah put me on that cece so these are your cheeses your hams your sausages your herbs and your vegetables here's what's been done start creating sometimes it helps to think of a part of the world and you can make okay okay okay gabe likes to entertain a lot and he cooks in an oven and all that jazz i just have a different lifestyle they have these bags of vegetables that steam right inside their own bag so i'll get a glass of sangria sit down in front of tv a bag of vegetables before you know it i'm ready for bed okay you don't really toss the dough try to destroy the old ways gabe i will not let you so what no one's even gonna try guess not oh come on my rules could not possibly have been that oppressive you crushed our spirits gabe congrats you're big man huh takes a lot to destroy the creativity of a whole group of people hey click the x i'm clicking in the box i am clicking woman you've had a computer phyllis it's too late oh and i am chat very clever i'll just print that out come on guys grow up i don't want to be your babysitter excuse me ms bennett may have a word okay uh can it be in private don't worry it's not about you as minority executive i think it's my responsibility to let you know that gabe is gross i don't think it's professional that he was sleeping with a receptionist and then when aaron dumped him so that she could be with andy he became a total crazy stalker psycho gotta catch a plane oh hey gabe i'm sorry we we didn't get you a cake or anything we're gonna miss you oh well i'm still the corporate liaison to the branch you are not leaving not giving me a hug okay you know what you don't need to make that sound i'm sorry you were just a lot bonier than i thought you were gonna be there were plenty of people who love touching me i'm a terrific hugger i've been with a bunch of girls where that's basically all they want to do i was thinking um maybe while we read through this uh you could give us awesome coffee my treat it's a hundred dollar bill should cover it i think don't bring me any of that caramel soy latte crab okay i want a decaf frappuccino val actually val why don't you come with i'll need the extra hands to carry the mac yeah sure okay caramel soy not a decaf crab got it darn it bob i told you not to buy a saber brand lifeboat nice no not nice terrible doesn't even include the fact that they're dogs do the next one wake up fred the power cord on your saber printer shocked you into a coma and you're dreaming you're a dog on a desert island dreaming he's a dog on an island excuse me excuse me how does the speaker know what the guy in the coma is dreaming well if you think it's so easy gabe why don't you try it um you don't have to sniff my rear end anymore bob i'm the only one here that's tasteless gabe tasteless tasteless more tasteless than this is that a palm tree or do gabe get skinnier either way let's pee on it and gentlemen i think we have a winner yes well done whose is it who wrote that yeah please it was easy once i decided i wanted the dog to piss on gabe and do you like being alone with me right now no this is horrifying no i don't like being alone with me either this is the first award i've ever won in my entire life people were right about the dundies they are magical but i don't feel it and i think that's because i'm not with the right person gabe what we should break up what i'm not attracted to you i just i cringe when you talk i have to be honest right right pam thank you for hearing me okay well this is embarrassing um obviously really angry at erin here comes that quarter life crisis everyone's talking about all right i'm gonna go look who i found yeah well i was very hard to find let's go ahead and wash your hands is this the same dough that you used for the pizza crust yeah waste not right so these are pizza dogs these aren't pigs in a blanket per se michael knows everything there is to know about snacks well gabe was born in 1982. he was the longest baby in the hospital he's the longest baby in this room what's the longest thing you've ever seen for me it was the tail from a jet erin you don't have to yeah you know what eren you do after michael you were making this harder than it has to be that's what she said two o'clock should probably be okay i can either take your number or i'm sorry this can't wait he's just gonna call back erin i'm in love with you i don't believe in munch okay i don't believe in horoscopes i don't believe in christmas uh uh i sure as hell don't believe in god or maybe there's a god i don't i don't know i mean it's just not a guy with a long white beard or it could be i mean it's possible that that is exactly what what god is but for for all of the disbelief i believe in us i believe in love you have made me believe that for all of the hokum out there uh do we not have voicemail dwight doesn't trust robots to give us our messages well it just it messes up my rhythm i'm taking a break from dating gabe was a great guy with so many wonderful qualities but it was a challenge being touched by him can you stop talking because every word out of your mouth is like the squawk of an ugly pelican i got a tattoo for you when our warehouse workers make deliveries they're going to be encouraged to offer clients extra products and then they will split those commissions with sales wait so drivers are going to be able to sell paper on their own that's correct has anyone started calling you gabe wod yet not here no gabe wad maybe that's not the best one keep reading uh it was maybe it wasn't oh thank god i had a horrible nightmare that i was stuck in america with gabe [Music] no that's not the one i was thinking of keep going i know what it smells like but i didn't roll in anything it's from listening to all of gabe's bulls isn't this the perfect romantic getaway aaron sitting on a desert island in dog costumes i'm gabe and i'm a weirdo mom hmm gabe's mom wait tall woman looks like gabe yeah i banged her yeah there we go pam i have a loaded gun my desk at work if i ever start acting like that weenie gabe i want you to take that gun and i want you to shoot me like a hundred times on the groin until i'm dead okay you have a gun in your desk somewhere i told him that there was this one cool move where she powers down like a robot okay okay but i i i'm so sorry that i didn't tell you first well don't let it happen again you think that i would let this happen again no way jose i'm q gabe you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 1,733,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 Rock, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Comedic relief moments, Comedic timing, Comedy Bites, Comedy Hub Channel, Dunder Mifflin, Dwight Schrute antics, Greg Daniels, Hilarious coworkers, Jim Halpert, John Krasinski, John Krasinski pranks, Office dynamics, Office pranks, Pam Beesly, Quirky characters, Scranton branch, Sitcom humor, TV mockumentary, Workplace shenanigans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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