Parks and Rec but it's just Ron contemplating life | Parks and Recreation

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Mr Swanson I presume lot 48 thoughts yes no me working late what is on your foot sir my trusty sandals believe a man's feet should remain uncaged same goes for all chickens well uh Eagleton Ron we hear in Pony value loyalty above all else so would you be opposed to signing an official loyalty pledge to our new town as long as that new town were open to the ideals of communal living everyone pitches in towards a common good what a bell we should order and then we can talk shop what are you going to have I'm thinking something raw and cucumber based a cucumber lesie Ron doesn't want to break up with me what Ron wants to do is leave here right now go to the sleaziest motel in town and wrap himself around me like a coiled snake no he doesn't I'm pretty sure he does nothing good will come wait she's here isn't she RI RI RI R son John rafio that's me I didn't realize you were a part of this of course he is he's my business partner clean business partner now and forever h up Forever 21 21 gun salute Salute Your Shorts kab I just free Associated all over the mustach that's just one of many skills he brings to this Business Partnership what the shm ah okay rethink that move son Ron you're picked so Webster's Dictionary describes a pork as a no it's par Park I'm sorry Jas okay so you know what can we start over here let's just let's go from the first thing I said pork which by the way they have a great pork sandwich in the cafeteria today goodbye an I have enjoyed parts of our time together oh God Ron Hey Ron thanks for coming man of course this bowling alley has my favorite restaurant in Pony yeah we did a trade I gave his wife new enamels he gave my wife new Yos who's that gentleman Jeremy Jam city councilman you don't know him never met him he looks like he could use a swift punch in the face though Diane suggested we tag along to London for a honeymoon I agreed because my love for her trumps my hatred for Europe then she hit a phase of morning sickness that knocked her for a loop and decided to stay home but she insisted I go and take pictures for her all of this could have been avoided if we'd followed my plan for a honeymoon I'm a simple man I like pretty dark-haired women and breakfast food but this stock photo I bought at a framing store isn't real today I got the real thing a naked Tammy made me breakfast this morning oh I should have taken a picture of it there's only one thing I hate more than lying skim milk which is water that's lying about being milk I ask you is this too revealing for a public pool kindly get your groin off my desk so my body makes you uncomfortable too talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me talk to me it is rough in here is it always like this wouldn't no don't like strip clubs smells like a wet mop in here and I get the feeling that every one of these women is running a lowgrade fever you're one of the good ones Ron wait a minute hello [Music] beautiful strippers do nothing for me I like a strong salt of the earth self-possessed woman at the top of her field your Stephy graphs your Cheryl swoops is but I will take a free breakfast buffet anytime any place it's been a real gift making Sonic love to you tonight if you want more of the Duke both my albums are for sale here smooth as silver and High ho Duke and look for my new CD next month memories of now so come see me come talk to me come love with me and maybe we can walk through fire together thank you good night Duke huge fan trip trip one word and this is over and I'll have the number eight that's a party platter serves 12 people I know what I'm about son hey you want to see me yes yes just hang on one second I'm doing my official portrait for the IUD Awards dinner program I ow so typhoon what do you like to do for fun I'm writing an electronic Opera about Britney Murphy and I do the chandelier design for my friend's drag puppet show no further questions all I really want to do is dance except lately all the good Warehouse Raves are filled with Euro trash Euro trash I like that it is indeed a garbage continent yes oh my God I had the worst time in Berlin last May everyone was on their stupid bikes I was like ew please talk more about how you hate Europe in bicycles I'm only going to ask you this once what is going on with my birthday oh my God Ron it's your birthday happy birthday shut your damn mouth this a fun conversation just tell me what Leslie is planning honestly I I don't know I haven't heard anything why don't you tell me what she did for your last birthday oh well that was intense she totally surprised me she kidnapped me from work and then she took me to that place Senor Vegas you know where the mariachi band comes out they put a big Sombrero on you and then everybody sings Happy Birthday damn it and then we went back to my house and she invited basically everyone I knew and she had this great guy doing face painting and I had my face painted like a fairy tiger also she did it like a week before my birthday which is genius cuz I had no idea it was coming and then there was a bouncy castle did you know they made those for adults mhm I think wood is stupid and so is everybody else you guys Ron loves plastic how we doing pretty good I may have promised a new Aquatic Center to somebody is that a problem I diagnosed two melanomas they're both benign how many more meetings 20 April was supposed to be the moat that kept the the citizen barbarians away from Swanson Castle instead she blew up the castle and stabbed me in the face I hired you to do one thing just one I don't care that you text all day and sleep at your desk in fact I encourage it but only because you were doing that one thing keeping this crap off my desk give me 5 minutes before the next one which of these objects most repr presents women for this portrait a pot or this deputy director Barbie there an adorable she's got a little briefcase her cell phone I'm going to help my boss win an award my neighbor dog had a litter they're looking for people to adopt I love him I wish he had tiny puppy shoes I would totally shine his little shoes for free a I do say the cutest stuff look I love a good dog as much as the next guy but this building doesn't allow animals Andy take him outside and shoot him no just keep him outside oh come on Ron I'm just a little puppy I ain't done nothing wrong I'm just a puppy I like your mustache I wish I could have one but I can't cuz I need a little puppy okay take them out and shoot himan arato excuse me there's a at ramps at Park that says do not drink the sprinkler water so I made sun tea with it and now I have an infection sir sir are are are are you listening to me sir sir I'm talking to you sir sir are you aware that there is waste in your water system and I'm going to sing along and I'm going to maintain eye contact the whole time and guess what I don't know the words Harry Truman was the guy America red China all the countries other people Everyone is fun Joe mon Elling I have to buy new toaster this is awesome you're so stupid jumping up and down oh I got it on repeat come on Kyle parked his car in my spot again now that is the fourth time this month hello I'm sorry everybody makes mistakes he looks at me he thinks he's things go for you
Channel: Parks and Recreation
Views: 41,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Parks and Recreation, parks and rec funny moments, parks and recreation funny moments, parks and recreation bloopers, parks and recreation theme, parks and recreation kim kardashian, parks and recreation ron, parks and rec, ron swanson, april ludgate, leslie knope, patton oswalt star wars filibuster, cones of dunshire, chris pratt, amy poehler, aubrey plaza, andy dwyer, chris pratt bloopers, leslie and ben, nick offerman, parks and rec compilation, nbc parks and recreation
Id: dvWvTftWfqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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