Every Time Someone Saved Harry Potter (101 TIMES)

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harry potter is an amazing hero but he had a lot of help along the way his friends his family and even some of his enemies saved harry loads of times throughout the series i went through all seven books to find every example of this and i recorded a whopping 101 saves so what count is a save on this list well the person has to either save harry from death mortal danger that might not be death but is close save him from voldemort specifically or save him from a terrible fate like going to azkaban or being locked up before we start i want to make it very clear this video is based on the books not the movies there is a big difference that being said though i will be using clips from the movies just to make the video more visually pleasing for you guys now let's get the video started we'll start with the saves that took place before the events of the first book first we have snape saving harry's life by asking dumbledore to hide the potter family hide her hide them all i pick him snape of course knew voldemort was coming after them and he ensured dumbledore would protect them then we have albus dumbledore who piggybacked onto snapesave as he followed snape's advice to hide and protect the potters next we have sirius black who suggested the fidelious charm to hide harry and his parents this meant no one knew of their location unless told by the secret keeper unfortunately lily and james chose the wrong secret keeper and wormtail gave them up to voldemort perhaps the biggest save on this list was lily potter's as she refused to step aside for voldemort this put a love protection on harry meaning the killing curse that voldemort cast bounced back and hit him instead next we have the combined efforts of dumbledore hagrid and sirius to get harry safely out of the blown-up house dumbledore gave the order for hagrid to go hagrid went to retrieve harry and sirius gave hagrid the flying motorbike to get away before the house was swarmed after that we have dumbledore saving harry again which he did by extending lily's love protection as long as harry called petunia's houses home he would be safe because she shared the same blood as her sister lily and that brings me to my next save which was petunia agreeing to this arrangement and taking in the one-year-old harry by doing this she protected him for the next 16 years we've now made it to when the series takes place starting with the first book the philosophers or for american sorcerer stone first hagrid saved harry from the dursleys who were basically holding him captive and not allowing him to go to hogwarts after that ron saved tarry from the troll as he took the club out of the beast's hand right before he hit harry with it next we have snape stopping quirrell's jinx that would have knocked harry off his broom during the quidditch match at that same time we have hermione who set snape's robes on fire breaking quirrell's eye contact in focus a few months later friends the centaur saved harry from voldemort in the forbidden forest after that we have hermione saving harry from the devil snare with a little help from ron 2 as he reminded hermione that she was a witch and did not need wood to start a fire next we have ron's expert chest skills and eventual sacrifice without which they would not have been able to get through this obstacle and furthermore would not have been able to stop voldemort from returning wreaking havoc on not just harry but the whole world following that we have hermione figuring out the next obstacle they had to decode a riddle and choose which of the seven potions to drink some were poisonous and some would let you continue on and later escape harry would not have been able to figure this out without hermione and probably would have poisoned himself then lily saved terry again as her protection was what helped him defeat quirrell and voldemort any touch from harry burned quirrell's skin and these burns eventually killed him this act almost killed harry 2 though which brings us to the next save dumbledore ran in just in time pulling harry off of quirrell seconds before harry would have died now we get to the stage that took place in the second book the chamber of secrets first we have the twins and ron rescuing harry from the dursleys in the flying car where the dursleys had him locked up malnourished and basically held him prisoner later we see hagrid save harry from nocturnale and all of the creepy people down there come with us we'll help you find your way back no please harry hat what do you think you're doing down here next we do not have ron pulling harry back up into the car that was just in the movie and as i said this is based on the books so that doesn't count the actual next save was the flying car saving harry along with ron from the acromantula in the forbidden forest after that we have hermione realizing what the beast in the chamber was which saved pretty much everybody in the school not just harry following that we have ron's wand which saved the two boys from getting their memories wiped we saw how devastating the spell would have been as lockhart had to spend the rest of his life in the spell damage ward at st mungo's hospital never getting his memory back next we have dumbledore sending help to harry and the chamber by sending fox and the sorting hat so this is what dumbledore sends his great defender a songbird and an old hat fox then saved harry twice first by blinding the basilisk and then by healing the basilisk bite that was seconds away from taking harry's life after that dobby saved harry from lucius malfoy after being freed now we get to the saves that took place in the third book the prisoner of azkaban first we have remus lupin casting a patronus charm to save harry from the dementors on the train then we have dumbledore catching harry before he hit the ground during the quidditch match after that we have lupin saving harry from all future dementor attacks by teaching him the patronus charm then we have sirius saving harry and the others from werewolf lupine also i feel i have to say snape did not save them here that was only in the movie and again this video is based on the books not the film so that doesn't count next we have dumbledore suggesting that harry and hermione go back in time which sets harry up to cast the patronus charm which then brings me to my next point harry saves himself from the dementors which is probably the most unique save on this list now we get to the saves that took place in the fourth book the goblet of fire first hermione saved him at the quidditch world cup as she stopped them from jumping out of the box seats they were in during the vela performance then we have arthur weasley saving harry ron and hermione from the ministry workers who thought they had cast the dark mark that's my son the next save was the combination of hagrid and moody aka barty crouch jr they warned harry about the dragons in the first task as barty jr put it in hagrid's head to show them to harry and hagrid did just that barty jr also helped save harry from the dragon by giving him the idea to summon his broom and going off of that hermione also helped save him from the dragon as she helped him master the summoning charm before the first task cedric helped save harry by giving him the hint about the egg which unlocked vital information that harry had to know dobby also helped save herring in the second task by giving him the gillyweed this was done by neville in the film but again we're going by the books not the film so dobby gave it to him for the third task ron and hermione helped save harry by training endlessly with him learning all sorts of spells defenses and anything else they could think of lupin teaching harry about boggertz a year before also saved him in the third task as he faced that very creature and used what lupin had taught him in the graveyard while dueling voldemort lily james cedric frank and bertha jorkins all saved harry by swarming voldemort which gave harry just enough time to get back to the port key and escape dumbledore snape and mcgonagall saved harry from bardi crouch jr just before he was about to kill him a little later falk saved harry by healing his broken leg and bites a stained wall in the maze snape saved and protected harry for the next few years as he returned to voldemort claiming to be loyal to him while really being loyal to dumbledore now we get to the saves that took place in the fifth book the order of the phoenix first we have dumbledore and petunia who stopped vernon from throwing harry out of the house thus keeping lily's protection on harry alive petunia was reluctant but after receiving a howler from dumbledore she let harry stay next dumbledore amelia bones and mrs figg all saved harry by ensuring he had a fair trial harry was cleared of all charges and got out of possibly going to azkaban after that we have dumbledore saving harry from expulsion and possibly being locked up as he took the heat for the da when fudge and umbridge found out about it most noble of you harry to shield me but as has been pointed out the parchment clearly says dumbledore's army i instructed harry to form this organization and i and i alone i'm responsible for its activity later hermione saved harry from umbridge and the cruciatus curse not long after that grump saved harry and hermione from the centaurs in the forbidden forest which also saved them from umbridge as well ron hermione ginny luna and neville all saved harry by insisting they go with him to the ministry of magic snape saved harry by deciphering his code he's got padfoot he's got padfoot at the place where it's hidden after this he alerted the other order members which in turn saved all of the kids during the battle of the department of mysteries neville saved harry from being choked by walden mcnair he could not cast a spell due to his broken nose so instead he jammed a wand into mcnair's eye the order of the phoenix saved harry and the other kids when they showed up to face the death eaters get away from my concern after sirius's death where he fell through the veil lupin saved harry's life by grabbing him before he too went through the veil trying to get his godfather back next dumbledore saved harry when he animated the statues in the ministry who then jumped in front of harry to block voldemort's killing curse during harry and dumbledore's very important conversation harry expressed suicidal thoughts saying he wanted to end it all but dumbledore saved him by talking him out of this now we get to the saves that took place in the sixth book the half-blood prince then we have dumbledore saving harry through their private lessons over the course of that year he taught harry about voldemort's past introduced voldemort's horcruxes and gave harry a fighting chance later ron inadvertently saved harry by drinking the poison mead before he did luckily harry returned this by saving ron's life with the bizor seconds later going off of that we have horus slughorn saving harry by giving him his memory thus giving harry key information on how to finish voldemort off the next one we don't find out about until the deathly hallows but it takes place during the events of the half-blood prince and that is dumbledore saving harry by giving snape information which in turn lets harry know he has to die to win after that dumbledore saved harry by using fire on the infrared when they got back to hogwarts dumbledore saved harry again this time from the death eaters he made harry go under his invisibility cloak and magically pinned him to the wall so harry could not interfere which in turn ensured his safety dumbledore again saved harry by staging his own murder making voldemort fully trust snape you must be the one to kill me silvers only then will the dark lord trust you completely moments later snape saved harry from the other death eaters by calling them off he belongs to the dark lord and now we get to the saves that took place in the seventh and final book the deathly hallows first we have the order of the phoenix saving harry during the battle of seven potters each member putting their life on the line to ensure harry safety i feel i have to mention that while hedwig did save harry in the movie this did not happen in the book she actually just got hit by the killing curse ball in her cage at harry's feed so that one doesn't count though i have to say i far prefer her death in the movies rather than the books it was just so much more meaningful after that harry's wand saved him as it acted of its own accord when it sends voldemort which ultimately saved harry's life kingsley saved harry with his patronus at the wedding giving harry ron and her mining enough warning to escape and going off of that hermione saved herself harry and ron by disapparating them out of the wedding moments later ron and hermione saved harry by helping him take down the death eaters in the diner ron and hermione also saved harry by going with them to hunt voldemort torkrux is creature saved harry by telling him his story which was of course dubbed creature's tale this allowed harry to find another one of voldemort horcruxes bringing him one step closer to killing him hermione saved the trio when escaping the ministry because when realizing you actually had hold of her when going to grimmeld place she disappeared them to the forest instead leaving actually behind and ensuring their safety hermione's idea to put protective enchantments around their camp also saved the trio from countless dangers and avoided detection and going for three in a row hermione also saved harry from nagini and godric's hollow later snape saved harry by giving him the sword of gryffindor which in turn allowed them to destroy the horcruxes while fetching the sword ron saved harry from the cold lake where he probably would have died had ron not been there ron also helped save harry by destroying the locket horcrux again making him one step closer to killing voldemort later hermione saved harry and ron from the lovegood's house while also brilliantly ensuring luna's safety as she allowed the death eaters to glimpse harry for a second making sure the death eaters knew xenophilius luna's father wasn't lying about having harry there not long after that hermione saved harry again by modifying his face which made the death eaters unsure if it was harry or not because of this they didn't call voldemort right away which opened up more time for them to escape draco saved harry by refusing to identify him in malfoy manor i can't be sure why didn't you tell her bellatrix you knew it was me you didn't say anything worm tail or more accurately worm tail synthetic hand saved harry as it forced him to stop strangling harry instead strangling himself to death aberforth dumbledore saved harry by sending dobby to malfoy manor when they were in trouble help us and going off of that dobby saved harry and the others from malfoy manor which tragically led to his own death bill and fleur saved terry by letting the trio lay low when he'll wall at shell cottage grip look saved harry by helping him break into gringotts without which they could not have gotten the hufflepuff cup horcrux aberforth saved harry ron and hermione again this time from the dementors and death eaters when they were detected in hogsmeade bloody fools what are you thinking coming here aberforth and neville saved harry by giving him access to the hidden passage leading him right into hogwarts if he hadn't been able to enter the school he would not have won the battle and now we get to the battle of hogwarts which led to so many people saving harry i'm gonna end up clumping a bunch of them together because it just makes it easier first we have everyone who refused to hand harry over after voldemort's warning then we have everyone who fought by harry's side against voldemort in his army helen a ravenclaw also saved harry by helping him find the diadem horcrux she helped him more in the movie than in the book but nonetheless she still gave him the push he needed after that hermione saved harry by destroying the hufflepuff cup horcrux again making him one step closer to killing voldemort hermione and ron saved harry from malfoy crabb and goyal in the room of requirement during that sequence draco also saved harry by begging crab not to kill the trio crab's split-second hesitation was all harry needed to disarm him crab catching the room of requirement on fire also saved harry as it destroyed the diadem horcrux when 100 dementors swooped down on harry ron and hermione luna sheamus and ernie mcmillan all stepped up to save them especially harry who was ready to give up between the three of them casting their patronuses and luna encouraging harry to keep going on and cast his own they saved the trio from getting the dementors kiss in the film this was aberforth who did this but again this is based on the books not the films snape saved harry right before he died by giving him his memories which granted harry the information he needed to finish the job voldemort taking harry's blood in the goblet of fire also saved harry's life as it allowed lily's love protection to live on thus allowing harry to stay alive even when hit by the killing curse narcissism malfoy saved harry by saying he was dead when he really wasn't dead neville saved harry by killing nagini who was the final horcrux and finally the elder wand saved harry as it was loyal to him and not voldemort and because of this it refused to kill its true master and there you have it every single time someone saved harry over the course of the seven books thank you so much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on instagram to see more of my personal life like my cute dog loki and some behind the scenes movie flame stuff i also do similar content on tick tock and twitter that i do here on this channel so if you like what i do here check them out all the handles are right below me and links are in the description over here are my wonderful patrons if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a few other perks become a patreon today as always if you liked the video hit that like button and subscribe and look out for more great movie flame videos on the way
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 807,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Marvel, Disney, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, explain, breakdown, break down, hermione, life of, granger, ron, weasley, ginny, hagrid, neville, voldemort, petunia, dursley, vernon, dudley, lily, james, lupin, remus, sirius, dumbledore, timeline, time line, severus, snape, draco, malfoy, tom riddle, luna, lovegood, love, elder wand, chamber of secrets, prisoner of azkaban, goblet of fire, deathly hallows, dobby
Id: AJl-yqNqg0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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