The First & Last Lines of 60 Harry Potter Characters

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with seven harry potter books there are so many great characters both good and bad and today we're going to look at the first and last line of 60 different characters so for this video the rule is not the first time they're mentioned but the first time they speak their first line of dialogue and the same for their last line of dialogue as well but if the character died i'm gonna go over their final words before death as well as their final dialogue in the series obviously because we're talking about character deaths they're going to be spoilers so there's your warning now let's get the video started harry potter responding to his aunt petunia asking if he's up harry's first line is nearly and his last line is i know he will responding to his wife ginny who said that albus would be all right as he headed off to his first year of hogwarts hermione granger her first line while on the hogwarts express was has anyone seen a toad neville's lost one and her last lion was her talking to ron after ron told their kids to beat draco's son scorpius at everything ron for heaven's sake don't try to turn them against each other before they've even started school ron weasley when his mother tried to rub dirt off his nose he said mom you're off and his last line was responding to harry's son albus when he asked why everyone was staring and ron jokingly said it's me i'm extremely famous jenny weasley her first line was responding to her mother when she asked what number the platform was and the 10 year old jenny yelled out nine and three quarters although i don't know why mrs weasley didn't know the number nine and three quarters she had gone to hogwarts herself and at this point she had been taking her kids there for nine years and the number nine and three quarters never changed but anyway jenny's last line was he'll be alright saying this to her husband harry as they watch their son albus go off to hogwarts for the first time draco malfoy when he met harry for the first time in diagon alley both being fitted for the robes malfoy said his first line hello hogwarts too starting off his and harry's relationship sort of friendly which might shock some people although he did go on to be a jerk as the conversation continued but his last line was him pleading with a death eater during the battle of hogwarts saying i'm draco malfoy i'm draco i'm on your side neville longbottom neville's first and last lines are some of my favorite in this video because they really show his transformation his first line was on the hogwarts express and he stuck his head out the window talking to his grandmother who was on the platform saying grin i've lost my toad again classic forgetful and pathetic neville but his last line shows how strong he became during the battle of hogwarts when talking to voldemort he said i'll join you when hell freezes over dumbledore's army and this got the crowd of good guys to roar with excitement luna lovegood her first line was responding to ginny after jenny asked how her summer went and as luna's eyes fell on harry for the first time she said yes yes it was quite enjoyable you know hear harry potter and her last line was after the battle of hogwarts ended to distract everyone so that harry could slip away she pointed out the window and said to the crowd oh look a blibbering humdinger sirius black his first line was actually a spell that he used in the shrieking shack as he disarmed harry and hermione using ron's wand he yelled expel the armist and for his last line i'm actually going to go over two of them the first line was his last line while living while fighting his cousin belichick's lestrange he laughed and egged around saying come on you can do better than that and seconds later bellatrix hit him in the chest and he died as he fell through the veil the laughter at his final line still visible on his face then two years later harry brought sirius back using the resurrection stone and when harry asked his ghostly form at voldemort and the death theaters would be able to see him along with lupin and harry's parents lily and james sirius said we are part of you invisible to anyone else albus dumbledore dumbledore's first line was on privet drive while waiting for hagrid to bring baby harry to his aunt and uncles and when he saw the cat who he knew to be his animagious friend he said fancy seeing you here professor mcgonagall and like sirius i'm gonna go over multiple final lines three to be exact the first was his final living line when he was faced with snape he said please right before snape killed him i've always wondered if dumbledore thought about this line beforehand and practiced it because he was straight up acting he was trying to sell that snape was a death eater not working for him and all things considered i think his acting was pretty good and now his final line in the afterlife after harry was hit with a killing curse in the forbidden forest and went to see dumbledore harry asked if all of this was real or if it was just happening inside his head and dumbledore replied saying of course it is happening inside your head harry but why on earth should that mean that it is not real and then we have one final line for dumbledore this time from his portrait which some people might count and others might not but i'm gonna put it in just so people don't get mad at me in the comments when harry told dumbledore's portrait that he was going to keep ignored peverell's gift meaning his invisibility cloak dumbledore's portrait said but of course harry it is yours forever until you pass it on severus snape for his first line he was taking role on harry's first day and when he got to harry's name he paused and said ah yes harry potter our new celebrity and we're gonna go over two of his final lines first we have the one seconds before he died and he said to harry which was snape basically seeing the eyes of the woman he loved who harry had inherited his green eyes from the film later added the line you have your mother's eyes which they sort of had to because the book describes how harry's green eyes found snape's black eyes and there's no good way of showing that besides having snape come out and say it that being said i actually prefer the movie's final line to the book then we have his actual final line in the series which was actually in a flashback dumbledore's portrait had told him to give the sword of gryffindor to harry and he recommended not to be seen and snape said don't worry dumbledore i have a plan fred weasley fred's first line was him messing with his mother making her think she mixed himself and his twin up saying i'm not fred i'm george honestly woman you call yourself our mother and his final line was during the battle of hogwarts after he had just made up with his brother percy after being at odds for the last few years percy made a joke and fred said you're joking purse you actually are joking purse i don't think i've heard you joke since you were and just then the wall next to them exploded killing fred instantly george weasley his first line was on platform nine and three quarters and seeing harry struggling with his trunk he said one a hand and his final line was right before the battle of hogwarts where he said now let's get upstairs and fight or all the good death eaters will be taken percy weasley percy's first line was also on platform nine and three quarters and he said can't stay long mother i'm up front the prefix have two compartments to themselves and his last line occurred right after the death of his brother fred he saw the death eater responsible for the explosion that killed fred and he yelled rook wood as he pursued the death eater molly weasley her first line was in king's cross station and as she led her kids to platform nine and three quarters she yelled out packed with muggles of course and her final line was right before she killed bellatrix you will never touch our children again arthur weasley his first line was returning from work what a night nine raids nine and his last line was a worried mr weasley during the battle of hogwarts harry had asked him where ron and hermione were and he said haven't you found but he was cut off by kingsley thankfully mr weasley later found out that his son and hermione were all right charlie weasley his first line was in the fourth book when he met harry for the first time how are you doing harry and his last line was actually him singing while at his brother bill's wedding alongside hagrid and another old wizard oh no the hero bill weasley bill's first line was making fun of his brother percy's worthless work after percy told his siblings to keep it down he sarcastically said sorry purse how were the cauldron bottoms coming on and his last line was right before the battle of hogwarts when his younger sister wanted to help in the fight mom's right ginny you can't do this everyone underage will have to leave it's only right ruby is hagrid his first line was responding to dumbledore after he asked where he got the flying motorbike borrowed it professor dumbledore sir young sirius black lent it to me and his final line was during the battle of hogwarts in the book there was a slightly different order of events after neville made a speech this is when he killed nagini and once he did harry did not reveal himself like he did in the film but rather got up and put on the invisibility cloak and this is when hagrid uttered his final line in the series harry harry where's harry peter pettigrew his first line was in the shrieking shack after he was revealed to be scabbers so serious remus my old friends and his final line was seconds before his magical hand killed him when he entered the cell where harry and ron were he said stand back stand away from the door i am coming in fleur de la cour her first line was during the feast the night her school arrived to hogwarts and she went over to the gryffindor table and said excuse me are you wanting z booyah bass i'm sorry if i butchered that pronunciation i really tried and her last line which was directed toward lupin about his and tonks's newborn baby who does he look like referring to whether teddy lupin looked more like lupin or tonks minerva mcgonagall her first line was actually responding to dumbledore's first line after he identified her in her cat form and she said to him how did you know it was me and her final line which might be one of the most simple yet most powerful lines on this list when she saw the supposedly dead harry and hagrid's arm she screamed no and harry thought to himself that this scream was terrible because he never dreamed mcgonagall could make such a sound voldemort tom riddle his first line was when he was on the back of quarrel's head and he gave pearl an order when trying to get the stone saying use the boy and his final line was havana kadavra as he waved his wand for the last time when dueling harry at the end of the battle of hogwarts bellatrix lestrange her first line was during a trial for torturing alice and frank longbottom and after being sentenced to life in azkaban she screamed at the man who gave her that punishment saying the dark lord will rise again crouch and her final line was during your fight with molly weasley what will happen to your children when i've killed you when mommy's gone the same way as remus lupin his first line was when the dementors boarded the hogwarts express and as harry and company were talking in the dark lupin yelled quiet and his final line was when harry brought him back using the resurrection stone when harry said he was sorry he died right after having a son lupin said i am sorry too sorry i will never know him but he will know why i died and i hope he will understand i was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life nymphadora tonks her first line was when she was part of the advance guard to pick up harry when they entered the dursleys right before she lit her wand for light she said why are we all standing in the dark and her last line was during the battle of hogwarts she desperately asked have you seen remus when she was told he was dueling dolohov she ran after him and as we know that was the fight that took lupin's life and not long after that bellatrix took nymphadora's life cho chang her first line was in the third book during a quidditch match just as harry was about to catch the snitch she saw what she thought were three dementors coming their way and she screamed and pointed saying oh it turned out to be draco and a few slytherins though and her final line was when they were discussing the lost diadem before the final battle started and she said if you'd like to see what the diadem supposed to look like i could take you up to our common room and show you harry ravenclaw's wearing it in her statue dudley dursley his first line was on his birthday referring to the number of his presence 36 that's two less than last year and his final line was right before he left and right after he thanked harry for saving his life saying see you harry vernon dursley he said his first line after a one-year-old dudley had a temper tantrum and after dudley threw a cereal at the wall vernon laughed saying little tyke and his last line was right before he left with two wizards who were protecting him are we going or not i thought we were on a tight schedule petunia dursley her first line was a response to her husband vernon after he asked if she had talked to her sister lately and petunia said angrily no why and her last line was to harry before she left for the final time well goodbye oliver wood his first line was a response to mcgonagall saying that she had found him a seeker and harry are you serious professor and his final line was during the final battle as he and neville were carrying a dead column crevia to the great hall with the other fallen warriors oliver said you know what i can manage him alone neville very sad and disturbing line if you really think about it gellert grindelwald so for this one we're going to start with the fantastic beast films because though the eight movies are not canon the fantastic beast films actually are as there is no prior source material it is the source material it gets very confusing but moving on his first line was when he was disguised as graves after the president said that the recent attack was done by grindelwald who she didn't know was right in front of her grindelwald said i was there this is a beast no human could do what this thing is capable of madam president his final line was seconds before his death voldemort had come to him asking where he could find the elder wand and grindelwald refused to tell him saying kill me then you will not win you cannot win the wand will never ever be yours and those turned out to be his final lines before voldemort killed him dobby dobby's first line was harry potter and interestingly his final line was the same thing as he died he said harry potter lucius malfoy his first line was to his son draco when they entered borgen and berk and he said touch nothing draco and his final line was a terrified lucious in front of voldemort when voldemort asked him to fetch snape he said snape my lord lucius's first and last lines really show his transformation but it's the opposite of neville we see him start out confident and cocky and then we see this desperate and pathetic man terrified of the situation that he put himself in narcissa malfoy her first line was when she was being chased by her sister bellatrix as narcissa was on her way to get help from snape and on the way she said go back bella and her final line was uttered right after she realized harry wasn't dead she however lied to voldemort so she could get back to her son draco and said he is dead lily potter lily's first line in the series was right after she came out of voldemort's wand in the fourth book and she looked at harry and said your father's coming hold on for your father it will be all right hold on and for her final line we're gonna go over two of them first her actual final words before voldemort killed her not harry please have mercy have mercy not harry not harry please i'll do anything [Music] and years later when harry revived her with the resurrection stone her final line was directed at her son and she said you've been so brave this is the perfect final line but the movie added another line on top of this making her final line be always which i always loved because it matched snape's famous line when asked about his love for lily james potter james's first line of dialogue was him saving harry after he came out of voldemort's wand and seconds before saving his son he said when the connection is broken we will linger for only moments but we will give you time you must get to the port key it will return you to hogwarts do you understand harry and like lily we're gonna go over two of his final lines first are his final words before voldemort ended his life lily take harry and go it's him go run i'll hold him off and his final words in the afterlife when harry asked his father if he would stay with him james responded saying until the very end alistair maddie moody moody actually didn't have a single line of dialogue in the goblet of fire as most of the time it was barty crouch jr disguised as moody the film actually did have a line for the real moody at the end i'm sorry but in the book he was too weak to say anything and basically passed out so he never spoke his first actual line of dialogue was in the fifth book when he was at the dursleys picking up harry harry called him professor and he said i don't know so much about professor never got round to much teaching did i and his final line was right before the battle of sevenpotters where we all know moody lost his life he said good luck everyone see you all in about an hour at the borough on the count of three one two three modungus fletcher his first line was in the fifth book after he had gone off guard duty for harry and allowed dementors to attack him he apparated in and said to mrs figg stop figgy what happened to staying undercover something that obviously infuriated mrs figg and his final line in the book series was actually in a flashback after getting confunded by snape snape told him to pitch the seven potter plan as his own and mandunka said i understand kingsley shacklebolts his first line was the first time he met harry and he said yeah i see what you mean remus he looks exactly like james and his final line was when he was taking charge before the battle of hogwarts started alright leaders up here and will divide up the troops argus filch filter's first line was to his cat mrs norris when looking for harry and ron after draco had set them up for the midnight duel sniff around my sweet they might be lurking in a corner and his final line was right before the battle of hogwarts when mcgonagall told him the fetch peeves the poltergeist his long time enemy felt responded saying put peeves the lord is on bridge her first line was during harry's hearing and she said i'm sure i must have misunderstood you professor dumbledore so silly of me but it sounded for a teensy moment as though you were suggesting that the ministry had ordered an attack on this boy and her last line of the series was her lying about slytherin's locket the s stands for selwyn i am related to the selwyns indeed there are a few pureblood families to whom i am not related a pity that the same cannot be said for you parent's profession green grocers lavender brown lavender played a part in the first two books but she didn't have an actual line of dialogue until the third book when standing up for trelawny who was her favorite teacher she pointed out how one of her predictions had come true saying but what about neville's cup which trelawny had correctly predicted would break like the early books lavender played a part in the seventh book but again she did not have any lines her final line was actually in the sixth book when she saw ron and hermione emerging from the boy's dormitory she said jealously what are you doing up there with her sybil trelawny her first line was her greeting harry's class on the first day and she said welcome how nice to see you in the physical world at last and her final line was during the final fight after seeing the werewolf greyback go after one of her favorite students lavender she dropped the crystal ball on his head and said i have more more for any who want them here and she sent more crystal balls flying winky her first line was in response to harry thinking she was dobby and she said did sarge just call me dobby and her final line was hysterical screaming as barty crouch jr revealed that he killed his father and winky who was loyal to the crouch family for her whole life screamed no master barty master party what is you saying creature his first line was him muttering to himself and number 12 grimled place about molly weasley and the order smells like a drain and a criminal to boot but she's no better nasty old blood traitor with her brats messing up my mistress's house oh my poor mistress if she knew if she knew the scum they've let in her house what would she say to old creature oh the shame of it mud bloods werewolves traitors and thieves poor old creature what can he do creatures final line perfectly shows the transformation that the house elf makes during the battle of hogwarts he led the house elves from the hogwarts kitchens into battle and screamed fight for my master defender of house elves fight the dark lord in the name of brave regulus fight body crouch his first line was in response to ludo bagman telling him to lighten up at the quidditch world cup and crouch responded saying no thank you ludo his final line before he was killed by a barney crouch jr was set in madness as he was fighting the imperius curse he grabbed harry and said don't leave me i escaped must warn must tell see dumbledore my fault oh my fault bertha dead all my faults my son my faults tell dumbledore harry potter the dark lord stronger harry potter crouch junior his first line was actually when he was disguised as mad eye moody at hogwarts after malfoy tried to hit harry with his back turned moody turned him into a ferret and said oh no you don't lady and his last line before getting the dementor's kiss was my master's plan worked he has returned to power and i will be honored by him beyond the dreams of wizards cedric diggory cedric's first line was uttered when he was introduced to harry hermione mr weasley and the youngest of the weasley family and he simply said hi before he died he did not have time to say anything though in the film they did have him ask pedigree who he was and what he wanted but that never happened in the book his last line was actually uttered after he had been killed when he came out of voldemort's wand during the duel between harry and voldemort he spoke to harry saying harry take my body back will you take my body back to my parents dean thomas dean's first line of dialogue was during a quidditch match after marcus flint knocked into harry on purpose dean yelled send him off ref red card showing his muggle upbringing and love for soccer very clearly his last line was right before the final battle as everyone was making their way to the great hall and as he held luna's hand helping her up the steps he said come on luna shame is finn again sheamus's first line was directed at nearly headless nick and he said nearly headless how can you be nearly headless like this and his final line was directed at his best friend dean who we hadn't seen in some time and when dean returned to hogwarts after not being there all year for the battle sheamus said you haven't got a wand not the best final line of the video but horus slughorn his first line was ouch as dumbledore poked him with his wand while slughorn was in disguise and his final line was right before the final battle mcgonagall told him to get his students who were slytherins as slughorn was the head of slytherin house and mcgonagall told slughorn that if any of his students or even himself show resistance then she and everyone else would duel to kill slughorn's shocked response and final line in the series was minerva andromeda tonks she wasn't in the movies but she was nymphadora tonks's mother her first line was during the battle of seven potters when harry and hagrid crashed at their house on the flying motorbike she saw them and said they've crashed head crashed in the garden and her final line was what happened to her daughter hagrid said you were ambushed where is nymphadora [Music] ted thonks ted tonks who i'm sure you guessed is nymphadora's father had his first line right before andromeda's first line after harry and hagrid crash-landed in their garden he said who's there is it potter are you harry potter and the final line we heard ted say before he was killed by snatchers was in response to a man named dirk who he was on the run with dirk said that there was a good chance the ministry had caught and killed harry and a worried and distressed ted murmured ah don't say that dirk gilderoy lockhart lockhart's first line was during his book signing and when he saw harry he said it can't be harry potter and his final line was in the fifth book after having his own memory charm backfire on him he was in st mungo's hospital in a horrible state with almost no memory harry and company saw him in saint mungos and after pulling their focus away from lockhart lockhart he was struggling to learn how to write his signature said angrily look i didn't learn joined up writing for nothing you know fenrir greyback the vicious werewolves first line was on the astronomy tower moments before dumbledore's death he said pleased to see me dumbledore and his final line was in malfoy manor as he was locking ron and harry up he spoke to ron about hermione saying reckon she'll let me have a bit of the girl when she's finished with her i'd say i get a bite or two wouldn't you ginger cornelius fudge his first lime was when he came to hagrid's cabin to arrest him over the chamber of secrets opening bad business hagrid very bad business and his final line was to the muggle prime minister when the mughal prime minister was told of the dark wizards taking over he said that fudge could stop it because he could do magic and fudge responded with his final line in the series saying the trouble is the other side can do magic too prime minister quirinus quirrell quirrell's first line was when he met harry potter can't tell you how pleased i am to meet you and his final line moments before he died was master i cannot hold him my hands my hands phillius flitwick flipwick's first line was in the first book speaking to harry and draco when he said not arguing i hope boys and his final line was in response to harry asking him if he knew where the lost diadem of ravenclaw was and he said see ned nobody has seen it in living memory long since lost boy colin creevy his first line was alright harry i'm i'm colin creevy and though he was mentioned in the sixth and seventh book his final line of actual dialogue was in the fifth book right after mcgonagall was badly entered in a fight against a few oars under umbridge's command he said they carried her back up to the castle we watched through the dormitory window she didn't look very well and finally griphook his first line was in the first book in response to hagrid asking if they could go more slowly on the card griphook said one speed only and his final line was betraying the trio as he yelled to the other goblins thieves help thieves and there you have it 60 harry potter characters first and last words a lot of these have deeper meaning some are just interesting and others truly show how these characters have transformed and developed dialogue is always fascinating to look at and this is especially true with the harry potter series thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media to see more of my personal life and more of this little dude if you like this video hit that like button and subscribe i want to give a huge shout out to all my patreons listed below if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a bunch of other rewards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching and look out for more great movie flame videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 1,409,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, james, lily, voldemort, tom, riddle, ron, weasley, hermione, granger, ginny, bill, fleur, fred, george, charlie, molly, percy, arthur, neville, longbottom, greyback, fenrir, bellatrix, lestrange, draco, malfoy, lucius, narcissa, lupin, remus, tonks, nymphadora, moody, mad-eye, mad eye, kingsley, shacklebolt, horace, slughorn, quirinus, quirrell, wormtail, pettigrew, sirius, black, prongs, padfoot, moony, marauders, barty, crouch, winky, dobby, kreacher, minerva, mcgonagall, albus, dumbledore, andromeda, ted, flitwick, cedric, diggory
Id: iMH1YShq7Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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