50 Mind-Blowing Harry Potter Theories (MEGA COMPILATION)

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to a special installment of Harry Potter Theory today we're going to be going back and taking a look at 50 theories discussed on the channel over the last few years from incredibly convincing and captivating all the way to complete absurdity this list has it all as this is a compilation Style video Please be aware of some varied audio levels and inconsistent numbering without further Ado let's dive in five aada kadar's true purpose if you're any sort of Harry Potter fan at all then you should be privy to Avada kadavra one of the unforgivable curses and one of the most powerful spells in The Wizarding World the three unforgivable curses are tools of the dark arts and generally only used by the darkest and most sadistic witches and wizards aad kadavra also known as the killing curse serves a simple purpose it puts an end to the victim's life if you want to kill your victim then this is the spell to use and it's known to produce a blindingly intense green bolt of light right before the victim simply drops dead the biological reason for how the victim dies is not clear but there are two existing theories the first claiming that the victim's internal organs cease to function after being struck and the second claiming that the soul of the victim is magically ripped from their body there was a flash of blinding green light and a rushing sound as though a vast invisible something was soaring through the air instantaneously the spider rolled over onto its back unmarked but unmistakably dead but with that introduction out of the way I want to introduce you to one popular fan Theory which suggests that Avada kadavra was originally created for a totally different purpose now it shouldn't come as any sort of a surprise to you that avad kadavra closely resembles the stereotypical magical words Abracadabra which we often hear magicians declare when they do things like pull bunnies out of hats JK Rowling even admitted herself that this similarity was intentional the theory in question suggests that avadaakadavra derived from Abracadabra was a spell originally created to heal and not to kill the words Abracadabra in the Aramaic language the language spoken by the ancient amaran roughly translates to let the thing be destroyed theorists have suggested that the spell was originally created to kill viruses and bacteria not people but that once wizard kind discovered its capabilities its true path of death and destruction began for hedrick's death we we all know Hedwig as Harry Potter's lovable snowy owl companion given to Harry's an 11th birthday gift from Hagrid introduced to us right near the beginning hedwick stays by Harry's side for most of the books that is until her tragic death in the Deathly Hallows specifically the battle of the seven Potters from our perspective edwick was simply killed by an unnamed heartless Death Eater but what one popular fan Theory suggests is that there is more to hedwig's death the theory in question suggests two things one that her death had to happen and two that her death symbolized a loss of innocence in Harry Potter if we think back to the battle of the seven Potters then you should remember that everyone had taken poly juice potion in order to impersonate Harry making it impossible for Death Eaters to identify who the real Harry was however there was one big overlooked hole in this plan Hedwig you see Hedwig ever loyal to Harry with would always remain by the true Harry's side which meant that during the battle the real Harry wouldn't be too hard to find the theory in question suggest that Snape who was in company with the death heaters at that particular moment killed hedwick on purpose with the best intentions possible he did so in order to make sure that it would be difficult to identify the real Harry three trone's Prejudice cibil Patricia trone was born on the 9th of March sometime before the year 1963 three to a muggle mother and wizard father she was a halfblood witch and descendant of famous sea Cassandra trone after Cassandra no one possessed the famous Second Sight or ability to see visions that is until trone she wore thick glasses that magnified her eyes and she spoke in a sort of soft passive voice that could quickly change if she became upset she was a very unusual and eccentric woman that conducted herself in an almost theatric iCal way given that trone is one of the good guys and not fighting for the side of Voldemort in the ongoing Wizarding World takeover pushing for blood Purity it should come as a surprise to most of you that she was rather prejudiced let me explain after being dismissed by Umbridge from her position in the Order of the Phoenix it was on Dumbledore to hire a replacement divination Professor eventually filling the role with known Centaur forenz when Umbridge left Hogwarts tro was reinstated but given that Dumbledore wanted to keep forenz on they ended up having to share the role this deeply angered trone now I can understand trone's frustration with not wanting to share her job but she was fired and foren had nothing to do with it all he did was get hired show up and do his job sharing her position would mean that she would direct a considerable amount of hatred towards foren hatred that almost made her seem prejudiced she called him names like Dobbin and the nag or Dobbin as I prefer to think of him you would have thought would you not that now I'm returned to the school Professor Dumbledore might have got rid of the horse but no we share classes it's an insult frankly an insult she talks about foren with disdain in her voice which is surprising given that she is a good guy and one of the key themes in Harry Potter is discrimination what do you think two the or of crook Shanks before being adopted by herione Granger crook Shanks the half nasel ginger cat was just a cat in a pet store that apparently nobody wanted we know that in 1993 he's purchased from magical Menagerie by herione going on to win her heart as well as the hearts of many others but have you ever wondered who Kook Shanks belong to before Hermione one popular fan Theory suggested K Shanks our favorite squished faed cat once belonged to none other than the Potter family supporting arguments are that he had been at magical Menagerie for ages he knew exactly who serus and wormtail were in their animus forms suggesting prior knowledge that he was maybe mentioned in a letter Harry found addressed to Serious from his mom Harry apparently almost killed the cat on his toy broomstick this theory is a bit of a stretch as there isn't much to support it but it sure is an interesting one and could technically work one Snape speaks in code to Harry this Theory centers on sever Snape Harry Potter and one of their first Encounters in Snape's firste potions class more specifically it involves a secret message that Snape may have relate to Harry when they first met snap makes it very clear right away that he does not like Harry mocking him as hogwart's new celebrity right before quizzing him on the spot about different magical herbs there will be no foolish W waving or silly incantations in this class as such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle signs and exact art that is potion making however for those select few who possess the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ens snare the senses I can tell you how to bottle Fame Brew glory and even put a stopper in death then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention Mr Potter our new celebrity tell me what would I get if I added pounded root of Asphodel to an infusion of wormwood you don't know well let's try again where Mr Potter would you look if I ask you to find me a bizor and what is the difference between monkhood and wolfbane pity clearly Fame isn't everything is it Mr Potter at first glance all this dialogue shows us is that Snape wants to bully Harry a bit he's purposely asking Harry questions to which he does not know the answer however the theory that I want to discuss suggests that Snape's questions are actually relaying a secret message to Harry however it's not a message that he ever expected Harry to understand Snape is a complex individual and the message in question was simply for himself let's dissect snap's secret message his first question to Harry is what would I get if I added pounded root of Asphodel to an infusion of wormwood and what's curious about this is that according to the Victorian flower language Asphodel is actually a type of Lily this Lily means my regrets follow you to the grave and the second part of Snape's question wormwood means absence which is symbolized by sorrow combined this could be interpreted as I bitterly regret Lily's death and this is of course significant because Lily is Harry's mother the only woman that Snape ever loved deep right to add to this even further Snape's question even contains an illusion to his own death as Asphodel was once believed to be a cure for snake bites which of course Snape eventually dies from one Harry's children's names in the epilog we see Harry sending his children off to Hogwarts in a familiar scene at platform n and 3/4 at this stage of Harry and jinny's relationship they now have three children James Sirius Lily Luna and alus seus however what stuck out to some fans were the choices that Harry had made for his children's names he named his kids after people that were important to him but there was a distinct absence of names of other notable figures in Harry's life people like Arthur Hagrid and most related to this Theory Remis the theory on the internet was that Harry didn't name his son after Remis because he thought that Teddy Lupin reis's son might like to use the name for his own kids down the line it turns out this was exactly right and was actually confirmed by rolling on Twitter two Dudley derley Dudley dley was the pain of Harry's existence tormenting him for a large portion of his childhood even when he would return home to little wiing solely for the summer holidays however however on one visit in the summer of 1995 Dudley would have quite a wakeup call after bullying Harry with his group of friends the pair began walking home and it's at this stage that they're brutally attacked by dementes Dudley is of course a target of the attack and afterwards the book poses the following dementes caused a person to relive the worst moments of their life what would spoiled pampered bullying Dudley have been forced to hear this caused much specul ation among fans but the prevailing Theory actually ended up being the right one as it was confirmed in an interview with Rowling in 2004 my feeling is that he saw himself exactly for what he was and for a boy that spoiled it would be terrifying three magical schools Hogwarts is the most famous Wizarding School in the Harry Potter story I don't think you could argue that it's the school with the Sorting Hat the Hogwarts Express and The wuming Willow however Jacob rolling at one point revealed to fans that other schools existed in the Wizarding World with fans immediately jumping to all kinds of conclusions about where these other schools might be just before the release of the Fantastic Beast film roling took to Poore to reveal that there are 11 unique schools for Witchcraft and Wizardry across the world these schools include ILY North America kov tet Russia mahut cororo Japan baton France Hogwarts UK Castello Bru South America durmstrang Eastern Europe and ugu Africa as well as a few others that have yet to be named for Humes and Morena encounter in the Half Blood Prince Horus Lorn takes over as potions master and it's not long after he accepts the position that he begins to expose students to all sorts of powerful potions the potion in question here however is am morenia and morenia is the most powerful love potion in the world it is distinctive for its mother of pearl Sheen and steam rises from the potion in Spirals and Morena smells different to each person according to what attracts them in the half Bud Prince herione herself takes a whiff of the oture smelling freshly moan grass new parchment and one last thing which wasn't explicitly stated fans however strongly theorized that the missing smell the one that tomione wouldn't reveal was in fact the smell of Ron Weasley's hair this turned out to be true and the reason it wasn't revealed was because it would have spoiled the buildup of their mutual attraction five the Death Eaters are based on the Nazis blood status is one of the most controversial aspects of The Wizarding World a concept in which Wizarding families can be distinguished by the level of magically endowed family members generally speaking people are slaughtered into one of the following categories pure blood heart blood or muggle and the different classifications of blood Purity in The Wizarding World actually act in a very similar fashion to race in the real world which obviously leaves the door open for things like Prejudice for this reason many fans were quick to recognize similarities between Voldemort and the Death Eaters with a certain German leader and his own followers these similarities as it turned out were not an accident as the depressingly realistic depiction of comparable regimes was later conf confirmed by Rolling I wanted Harry to leave our world and find exactly the same problems in the Wizarding World so you have the intent to impose a hierarchy you have bigotry and this notion of Purity which is this great fallacy but it crops up all over the world people like to think themselves Superior and that if they can Pride themselves in nothing else they can Pride themselves on perceived Purity so yeah that follows a parallel to Nazism six the baby in limbo when Harry travels to the The Forbidden Forest in the Deathly Hallows it's not long before he's struck down by Voldemort the next thing we know Harry's beginning to regain Consciousness from here he quickly realizes that he's no longer in the Forbidden Forest in fact entirely disoriented he didn't know where he was all he knew was that it was unlike any other place that he had been before this place as it turned out was a sort of limbo one of the most interesting aspects of Harry's visit to limbo was the ominous presence of a sort of baby I use that term loosely lying on the ground it's never actually explained properly what this thing was which obviously caused fans to speculate and theorize the prevailing theory was that this thing was Voldemort and fans turned out to be correct I've been asked this a lot it is the last piece of Soul Voldemort possesses when Voldemort attacks Harry they both fall temporarily unconscious and both their souls Harry's under damaged and healthy Voldemort stunted and maimed appear in the limbo where Harry meet stumbled door seven Flying Without a broom in The Wizarding World we're basically taught to believe that flight is only capable with the use of a broomstick however in the seventh book fans were thrown off as Voldemort was suddenly described as being able to fly through the sky this caused many fans to speculate and theorize as to why and how this was possible the prevailing theory was that using a br room is just like using a wand not always entirely necessary as we know using a wand allows a witch or wizard to channel their magic however if the witch or wizard is powerful enough they don't always have a need for a wand this is called wandless Magic I can only imagine that flying follows the same principles with most witches Wizards requiring a broom to channel flight JK rolling later states that all wizards have the power of flight innately but that the vast vast majority need a broom to achieve it eight Voldemort made even more Haw rxes than we knew of a Haw rux is an object in which a dark witch or wizard has imbued part of their soul the ultimate purpose of creating a Haw rux is to achieve immortality there are only two known Wizards who have created a Haw rux the first being herpo the foul and the second being Voldemort who produced numerous Voldemort is widely known to have created seven H cers Tom Riddle diary Mar ga's ring Salazar sarin's locket Helga hufflepuff's cup Rowena ravenclaw's diam nikini and lastly Harry Potter however what many fans have speculated over the years is that Voldemort made even more Haw ruxers than we and Dumbledore were aware of this theory was later confirmed on Poore where it was revealed that Professor quirell was in fact a temporary hwr and that Voldemort's presence in his body was corrupting him from the inside out out nine magic is genetic very little is revealed in the Harry Potter story about the origins of magic it's an enigmatic presence that seems to sort of choose some and not others however despite the lack of information on the topic fans began to theorize what makes someone magical could it be genetic as it turns out that's actually true and it was confirmed by Rolling people who can practice magic have a magical Gene however that certain doesn't mean that the magical Gene is restricted to those who already have it in their bloodline as it can suddenly appear in both squibs and Muggles 10 the cost of Hogwarts for centuries the children of the magical world have been receiving their Hogwart acceptance letters the moment they come vage they can expect a letter at their door and the letter is symbolic in that it represents a new chapter in their lives this letter in essence means that they will be able to attend Hogwart School of Witchcraft often Wizardry the world's finest Wizarding School however after the series ended many fans were still scratching their heads and wondering how much does Hogwarts cost there were many fan theories about this ranging from scholarships to secret donors but one of the prevailing theories was that the school was in fact free this Theory as it turns out was later confirmed by roling who tweeted the following there's no tuition fee the ministry of magic covers the cost of all magical education 10 herione and Ron were character foils for Lily and James Potter to get things started the first fan theory that I'd like to discuss is the idea that herione and Ron were character foils for Lily and James Potter what exactly does this mean well I'm so glad you asked let's start with the backgrounds of Harry's parents Lily and James Potter Lily was a muggleborn Wich who from what we know about her relationship with seever SNAP was compassionate and kind she was also rather Brave and intelligent as supported by her replacement in Gryffindor House at Hogwarts not to say anything of how she sacrificed her own life in her effort to protect her infant son from Lord Voldemort's killing curse James on the other hand was a pure blood wizard descended from a long line of magical ancestors he was known to be somewhat hot-tempered and not always the kindest in his youth again these are things we've picked up from from how he interacted with or rather how he bullied SRA Snape but James was also incredibly Brave and loyal to his friends the Marauders so what's the theory well it doesn't take much to see the glaring similarities between Lily and tomione Granger the muggleborn extremely compassionate remember her Society for the promotion of elfish welfare and fiercely intelligent wied and best friend to Harry there are also many similarities between James and Ron as you may know Mr Weasley also came from a long line of pure Bloods lost his temper quite easily and was one of the most loyal people Harry had ever met are these similarities merely coincidences perhaps but I think it's more likely that JK Rowling saw them as character fors for Harry's parents and used them to guide Harry through his years at Hogwarts in ways that his late Mom and Dad were never able to do nine AB forth and his thing for goats next up Abba forth and his thing for goats now before the release of fantastic Beast the secrets of Dumbledore it had been mentioned that ABBA forth albus's much gruffer younger brother had been charged with performing inappropriate charms on goats theories and speculations ran rampant on what exactly this meant how inappropriate were these charms does that mean what we think it means couldn't be could it well it has in fact been confirmed by JK Rowling that these inappropriate charms which got abber forth arrested were exactly what we thought they were what's more abber forth's odd obsession with the creatures is further supported by what we see of him in the secrets of Dumbledore surely you noticed his Keen interest in the chilling eight Snape's opening lines to Harry are a coded statement about Lily Potter there's been some debate back and forth between fans for years on this topic so it's hardly a new Theory but it's just so bloody brilliant that I had to at least acknowledge it here there was a fan Tom hles whose theory blew up in many Publications back in 2016 around the same time is the death of Alan Rickman the actor who famously played seever Snape in the Harry Potter films Tom H's theory is as follows the first thing Snape asks Harry is Potter what would I get if I added powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of wormwood according to Victorian flower language Asphodel is a type of lily meaning my regrets follow you to the Brave and wormwood means absence and also typically symbolized bitter sorrow if you combine that it meant I bitterly regret Lily's death however I've also come across the following argument that challenges the interpretation of snap's first words to Harry Reddit user by the name of Ted The Geek atheos claims Asphodel is a type of Lily which was associated with death and graves in ancient Greece wormwood is also called Artesia AB synthium which was commonly burned as a protective offering by the Greeks to their gods what he was saying was on L's grave I promise to protect you I go into this theory in more depth in my video on the topic of five sever Snape theories good and bad I recommend you check it out if you'd like to learn more seven asaman was a way to contain prisoners and the Dementors after the introduction of dementes in the prison of aaban many fans ruminated on the idea that the magical jailhouse was as much a prison for the Dementors as it was for the criminals being held there Dementors Were Meant To Be asban guards however it seemed like the perfect setup to keep these soul sucking beings from breaking havoc on the Wizarding World well JK Rowling has indeed confirmed this Theory as being true six the Dementors were more interested in Harry than other Wizards on the topic of Dementors did it ever seem strange to you that these creepy ghoul likee creatures appeared to be a heck of a lot more interested in Harry Potter than any other witch or wizard well the theory here is that that's because they were more interested in him as a Haw Crux Harry actually had more than just his One Soul inside his body he had his soul plus a piece of Voldemort of course this would mean that any dementor who got to suck out his soul would get more than it bargained for and it's likely that the mentors could sense this five Ariana Dumbledore was an obsc curial as you may remember earlier in 2022 I speculated that Ariana Dumbledore albus's ill-fated sister was an obscurial in my video who killed Dumbledore's sister Ariana what happened to her this Theory cropped up as a result of what we had come to learn about Credence barebone the wizard turned obscurial in the Fantastic bees series it was extremely exciting to have this Theory confirmed in the secrets of Dumbledore film which came out just a short while later four Dumbledore had more than one hidden agenda it's well known that Dumbledore was a wizard of many Secrets One in particular that nobody was very happy to learn about was that alus had been hiding his agenda of raising Harry up all those years only to have him confront Voldemort and die even Snape was Furious but the real question is what else was he hiding were there other plots and strategies that he was secretly masterminding behind the scenes what else was Alba Dumbledore doing in the shadows in the name of the greater good well there are a couple theories that touch on this the first one is that dumbledor knew that a life with the derley might make Harry become an obscurial of course because albus's sister Ariana had been one he would have known all too well that this would have been a possibility the theory goes that he took the risk figuring that if it were to occur at the very least Harry would have been able to take on Voldemort with more intensity of power there's also the idea that Dumbledore had secretly put a prot detective spell on Hogwarts so none of the students would die while he was Headmaster so many perilous dangers came to Hogwarts during the series and yet Dumbledore never seemed particularly worried what's more none of the students that I can think of actually died while he was Headmaster the final Theory within this theory is that Dumbledore intended for Harry to fail in his oceny lessons with Snape in order to provoke Voldemort into misguided action he was obviously quite aware of the tension and history between seus and Harry which makes it hard for me to believe that he thought putting these two together for these lessons was a sensible idea but the notion that he may have done this on purpose fits much better into what we know about Dumbledore and his willingness to put Harry and others In Harm's Way in the name of the greater good three Credence is a Dumbledore and a prince the heritage of credence barebone has been a topic of discussion since the release of the first fantastic Beast movie with the answer of who his father was released in the latest film the question of his mother's identity Still Remains a mystery well it is my belief that Credence could be a relation of none other than sever Snape for he could have been Eileen Prince Snape's mother's father's cousin or put more plainly a secret son of one of Eileen's grandfather's sisters I explored this theory in more depth in my video who is credence's Mother you should definitely check it out if you'd like to learn more two why Voldemort looks half human this is one of the more gruesome theories on the list but it's one that makes complete sense to me the theory goes at Voldemort had to give up pieces of his own body in order to bind his soul to each physical hrx as he created more HW cruxes and gave up more pieces of his body his looks deteriorated as you may recall upon his rebirth he had no nose red slits for eyes and pale gray skin who knows what else he was missing one Harry was the master of of death our final theory of today and my top pick for the best theory of the list is that Harry was the unnamed master of death many fans were completely outraged when Harry simply snapped the Elder Wand in half in the final movie This was meant to be the greatest weapon in the Wizarding World he shouldn't have been able to just break it with his hands like that but Harry had Mastery of the Elder ones and the invisibility cloak and the resurrection Stone the three items named in the Fable of the three brothers that when held by one witch or wizard would make that person the master of death it's actually pretty straightforward if you think about it an interesting note to make from this Revelation is the idea that Harry may have only been able to return to the land of the living after vort hit him with the killing curse because he was the master of death this challenges the idea that he was able to return because Voldemort's curse only killed the Haw rugs inside him which I always took issue with number one Voldemort possessed a fetus this theory is certainly a crude one and it essentially states that Voldemort's baby or rudimentary form that we see Petru carrying around is the result of fetus possession let me explain first of all JK Rowling has been quoted as saying that the rough draft of the Goblet of Fire made her editor sick to her stomach if this is the case then this rather gruesome theory is likely the cause it starts with both Dawkins who was a witch and Ministry of magic employee she was a few years ahead of James Potter Sirius Black Remis Lupin and Peter patru when she attended Hogwarts in 1994 Bertha jorkins made the unfortunate decision to take a trip to Albania as we know Voldemort and Petru were in Albania at this exact same time Petru a former peer of jorkins convinced her to take a stroll with him into the woods it was here that Voldemort who was hiding in Albania at the time tortured and murdered berther as we know in order to create a hawk rux murder is necessary so in killing Bera Voldemort was able to turn his snake nagini into a hawk rux this is where the dark and twisted Theory comes into play the theory is that when Petru killed Bera she was actually pregnant and that Petru took the fetus from her corpse and it was the same fetus that Voldemort possessed and Petru dumped into The Cauldron to produce the regeneration potion this of course means that the body that we see Petru carrying around is nothing more than a possessed fetus and The Unborn Child of Bertha jins possession is one of the darkest forms of magic and we know that Voldemort has mastered it so it might just be a possibility two Harry's grandparents James and Lily Potter were murdered by Voldemort at the very young age of 21 so if James and Lily were only 21 it should be very safe to assume that some of Harry's grandparents would still be alive JK Rowling has stated and we've seen that witches and wizards can live for a very long time much longer than a normal human so it always seems unusual that Harry wouldn't have a single grandparent after all he should have four this Theory however discusses Harry's lineage on his mom's side the books have stated that both of Lily's parents died normal muggle deaths without going into any detail we know that they both died sometime between 1971 and 19 81 because in 1971 they saw Lily after to Hogwarts at Platform 9 in three quarters and in 1981 Lily was murdered we know them to be dead at this point it's unusual that they would have died in this time frame and I'm really not sure what constitutes a normal muggle death they weren't even old what's a normal death cancer heart attack it's really hard to say provided that all of the information we have on their deaths groups them together that they were so young I suspect some foul play play Lily and James Potter were both very outgoing witches and wizards joining the Order of the Phoenix and actively participating in the fight against evil this meant that they were very much on the radar of the Death Eaters in the Harry Potter films we've seen many instances of Death Eaters tyrannizing muggle London and attacking Muggles so why would Lily's parents be an exception the theory is that because Lily was so prominent in the fight against evil having defied Voldemort three times she made her family a Target but because her parents were both Muggles they would have had no means of Defending themselves and the Death Eaters could have visited them and ended their lives instantly in a deleted scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry approaches petunia and says the following in reference to the Death Eaters they'll torture you if they think for a moment that you know where I'm going they'll stop at nothing to which he responds you think I don't know what they're capable of to me this implies that petunia knows more about the Wizarding World than previously implied she's in initially painted as a little bit ignorant towards everything going on but really I think that she knows exactly what's happening because she's experienced it before with not only Lily but her parents as well three jinny's Love Potion ah jinny and Harry two peas in a pod a truly beautiful couple right well wait until you hear this Theory the theory put quite succinctly is this jinny Weasley gave Harry Potter a love potion the theory also suggests that Harry and jinny only end up together for that reason and for that reason alone there are a few reasonably credible Arguments for why this could in fact be the case most of which I have rebuttal to but for those you'll have to watch my full video on this theory in the description one of the main bases for the theory is that Harry seemingly fell for jinny quite suddenly up until the point at which they fell in love they weren't particularly close nor were there any direct indicators that they would or should end up together one moment Harry's with Cho Chang in another moment film Harry is flirting with a waitress at Sweets Cafe and the next minute he's married to jinny with babies so how could Harry have become so quickly infatuated with jinny the answer a love potion the main supporting argument for this theory is that love potions have been historically used by the Weasley Clan maybe not for this purpose but used in G and in other less serious circumstances the bottom line is that love potions have been used by them and they certainly know how to make them Jenny's own mother Molly admitted to using them in her Youth and Fred and George sold them so their perspective on these types of potions can hardly be too severe the love potion in question is called amortentia a powerful love potion that causes extreme infatuation or Obsession from the Drinker not quite as romantic as we initially thought four Dumbledore let Sirus rot in aaban as we know Sirius Black is imprisoned in asaman after he's framed for Peter petre's crime crimes Sirius ended up spending 12 years in the island Fortress before escaping but one question that fans have always asked is why was he kept there for so long why wasn't he bailed out why didn't Dumbledore bail him out the theory here is that Dumbledore didn't want to Dumbledore is portrayed in the books and films as being a skilled legilimens which means that he's essentially able to read people's minds he was also the chief warlock of the wizzing gamut which gave him access to aaban inmates so my question is couldn't he have easily just gone to asaman and found out the truth Dumbledore's word was enough to have snap's name cleared so surely if he had found out the truth he could have done something for Sirius didn't he owe that to him I think that the potential morbid reality of this situation is that Dumbledore knew that Sirius was innocent all along but allowed him to be imprisoned in aaban because he felt that his imprisonment would be better for the Wizarding World as a whole here's why Sirus Black was Harry's Godfather and being so close to The Potters would have likely taken young Harry under his wing after the death of his parents if he were given a trial I think that it's highly likely that Sirius would have claimed guardianship over Harry I also think that it's particularly interesting that Sirius never got a trial at all particularly as other Death Eaters did it seems almost too convenient that he never got a chance to speak his case as though one of his had persuaded the ministry that he was sure of Black's guilt Dumbledore but Dumbledore never wanted Sirus to rot in aaban for no reason he had a purpose and this purpose came down to Baby Harry and what Harry would need to achieve over the course of his lifetime if Sirus had taken guardianship of Harry he would have never lived with the dley and though they were awful to Harry it may have actually kept him alive because Aunt Petunia was Harry's blood relative it was believed that Lily's Act of sacrificial protection would continue on and be transmitted through petunia keeping Harry safe though Harry would have been happier with Sirus he could never have been as safe Dumbledore didn't dislike Sirius it was just that in his eyes his imprisonment was essential to secure the fate of The Wizarding World five Harry's imagination brace yourself because this one has been floating around the internet for a long time and is a bit heartbreaking I am of course talking about the theory that Hogwarts witches wizards magic ones and Broomsticks are purely a figment of Harry's imagination this theory is based around the idea that Harry a downtrodden young boy had to imagine and create his own reality a world that he could escape to when his own world became too much to handle if we go by this Theory the only real aspects of the Harry Potter Universe are that Harry lives with the dley and that Harry's parents are in fact dead however if the magical world never never actually existed then it would of course mean that Harry's parents weren't killed by the powerful Lord Voldemort they really did just die in a car crash as the derley always told him one thing is for certain in both realities the derley are awful to Harry and according to the theory it's their nature that pushes him to the point of creating his own imaginary world in the Harry Potter books and films Harry is only left with the dersley Because by staying with them it meant that he was safe from Voldemort the result of Lily's loving sacrifice the only logical explanation for Harry staying with them in this other circumstance is that Harry simply didn't have other family he had nowhere else to go orphaned by a horrible car crash that claimed the lives of both of its parents Harry was forced to go and live with Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon oh and we can't forget the awful Dudley the dys were truly awful to Harry and I have no doubt in my mind that their behavior could push a young man who had already lost his parents to the point of well Insanity to the point of creating his own reality the following passage from the book confirms that a Harry had no other family and that b he dreamed and dreamed of his life changing for the better when he had been younger Harry had dreamed and dreamed of some unknown relation coming to take him away but it had never happened the dys were his only family now that's a dark theory if you ask me herione is Harry sister let's begin with a theory which I personally feel has very little Merit that is the theory that herione is actually Harry's sister as I mentioned in my video five herione Granger fan theories ranked worst to best this theory is almost entirely based on fans feelings absurd right that's not a theory my friends that's just well a feeling this theory is also almost completely debunked by the fact that JK Rowling has commented in the past on how she thought Harry and herione should have ended up together I don't quite think Rowling would have made that comment should she have secretly made the two of them related H's parents were abusive another totally weird theory that revolves around Miss Hae Granger is one to do with her relationship with her parents now you may recall that I've discussed the idea that Hermione was possibly homeless for a certain point in time during the latter half of the series but this Theory further expands on that idea claiming that tomman purposefully erased her parents' memories in an effort to free herself from their abuse that's right this Theory suggests that Mr and Mrs Granger were physically abusive towards herione as the theory goes this would apparently account for the large amounts of time that she spent with either Harry or Ron and the rest of the Weasley family throughout the holidays and breaks from Hogwarts points against this oddly dark Theory include the fact that hermane went above and beyond to protect her parents in the seventh book she never showed any signs of abuse and that when we meet her parents in Dagon Al in the second installment of this series there's nothing notably wrong with them obviously the two Lasser of those three points are a little on the weaker side since abusive parents can hide their nature from the outside world however I think the first point is strong enough to disprove this Theory especially in combination with the other two Hogwarts and Magic it was all a dream another theory that I have little love for is the one that I'll admit has been around for a while but it's just so bad that I had to mention it it's the theory that the entire series was all a dream that took place in Harry's head this idea comes with serious flaws to start with the Epic Saga that is the Harry Potter series lasts seven whole years of course I suppose it could be argued that a dream can span great lengths of time so why not years however it's pretty difficult to argue with the fact that the wizard world has expanded to other characters including different protagonists like famous magic zoologist NES Commander so how would a dream transfer from one person to another with complete histories of the same universe intact simply put it would not the dersley and Harry another theory that has cropped up a few times here and there is the idea that the dersley were only terrible to Harry because he was a Haw Rox that is in the same way that Salazar thein's lockit made whomever was wearing it while it housed a piece of Voldemort's Soul feel absolutely horrid being around Harry made the desley behave badly this theory has so many flaws first of all if this was true why was no one else in Harry's life impacted by the fact that he was a hrug for example wouldn't all of his friends Ron herione Hagrid have all also been totally rude to him if this was a real effect of Harry being a hawk Rox second of all the deries were incredibly rude and terrible people to others not just Harry so pretty much this theory is a bust the dys were just bad people Draco Maloy son of Snape and a werewolf there's also been a couple odd theories that have come to light about Draco Malfoy one that I've come across recently was that some fans believe that Draco may have been snap's illegitimate son I've literally seen zero proof to support this not to mention the fact that Draco is the spitting image of his father Lucius Malfoy I've also stumbled upon the theory that Draco became a werewolf later in the series while there is some speculated evidence for this Theory I'm pretty quick to discount it some fans have said that he may have been bitten by greyback who seemed to be living at Malfoy Mana near the end of the series so I guess the bite could have accounted for the mark on draco's arm rather than it being the dark mark of Voldemort sta eaters as Maloy himself claims however that all seems rather circumstantial and there's just not enough there to support it in my opinion Snape was Harry's real father now I just mentioned the idea that some fans have speculated that Snape was Draco malo's true biological father for some reason theorizing that the perennial Bachelor SRA Snape was secretly having illegitimate children all over the UK is a rather popular one which brings us to claims that Snape was actually Harry's real father now as you may recall in the past I've done a video on on what if Snape had been Harry's father but in all honesty that was more a theory on how the relationship would have impacted the two characters for I truly don't believe Lily would have been interested in an affair with seus his choice to become a Death Eater was just too traumatizing and unforgivable to her but if we forget all that for just a moment the most convincing piece of evidence that disproves this theory is Harry's physical resemblance to his father James sure there have been some fans out there who suggest that Lily could have done some magical plastic surgery on Harry after he was born but that just seems totally Bonkers to me Snape was to be Godfather of Lily's unborn child along the same lines is yet another theory about Snape and his connection with Lily and her child or in this case unborn child the theory revolves around the idea that Lily was pregnant at the time of her death and if you've guessed that Snape was the father of this child you would actually be incorrect in your assumption for this very vanilla fan Theory claims that Snape was to be the Godfather of James and Lily's unborn child a rather boring thing to theorize about if you ask me but hey what the heck let's review what we know this is as unlikely a theory as any since there is absolutely no proof or evidence to substantiate that Lily was even pregnant at the time of her death furthermore as just mentioned there's no indication that Lily had reconciled childood Snape at this point in her life never mind recovered a relationship to the point in which she would consider him a close and important enough figure to have him be the Godfather to one of her children not to mention the historical tension between seus and James so even if Lily had forgiven Snape to the point that she was willing to invite him into her children's lives in such an important and intimate way it's terribly unlikely that James would have been okay with this decision marip was Credence barbon's biological mother which brings us to the final bad theory of 2022 that maror Voldemort's biological mother was also the mother of credence barebone as you may remember I discussed this Theory right after the release of Fantastic Beasts the secrets of Dumbledore as I mentioned then this Theory while incredibly entertaining is simply not possible since marpie was born 6 years after Credence of course this would have made it pretty difficult for her to be his mother not to mention that the gaunt family also resided in little hangleton not godrick Hollow where ABA for Dumbledore credence's biological father was living preceding credence's birth five herione is Harry's sister Yes you heard that correctly this popular Harry Potter fan Theory suggests that the boy who lived Harry Potter is in fact related to herione Gene Granger I think we can blame George Lucas and the relation between Luke and Leia for this one this is a messed up theory for many reasons and it's completely logical but Let Me Entertain You with just a few of the main arguments for why and how these two may be related the original theorist kicks things off by pointing out that H's Behavior with Harry is very sister-like and that there is something unique about their friendship in an unromantic way this Point seems far too vague and provides zero evidence that the pair are related having a feeling that there is something unique about a relationship isn't supporting evidence for a theory the next Point made is that Hermione knew a lot about Harry before arriving at Hogwarts again this piece of evidence isn't really significant at all Harry was famous his name was everywhere and tomione is the type of person to read up on things of course she knew about Harry everyone did next the point is made that JK Rowling has a tendency to describe physical resemblances between relatives in Harry Potter but that herione was never described as resembling her family this is one of the weakest Arguments for this Theory so far there are many other arguments more or less on the same level as the ones noted above that support I use that very Loosely here this Theory however it seems as though the main supporting claim this theory boasts is that Lily and James may have had a secret child that they put up for adoption Hermione this is one of the worst theories I've heard particularly as JK Rowling has admitted that she felt as though Harry and Hermione should have ended up together four herione was homeless in the Trio's last few years of school the threat that was Voldemort in the Death Eaters seemed to be getting nearer and nearer closer to home each and every day the Wizarding World was on edge and people were beginning to prepare for the worst a fully-fledged return of Voldemort and a takeover of The Wizarding World however Voldemort's return didn't just mean bad news for the Wizarding Community it also unbeknownst to them posed a significant threat to Muggles and the Muggle World q hmane and her parents knowing that the danger would eventually stretched beyond the confines of The Wizarding World herione Granger knew that she would have to make a difficult Choice she would have to decide whether or not she would wipe her parents' memories given that herione was a prominent figure in the fight against Voldemort it made her a Target and by extension her parents this prompted her to take action with Hermione eventually erasing her parents' memories after wiping their memories herione didn't return home until the threat that was Voldemort had been eliminated which meant that close to a year went by before she eventually returned home she was home homeless one dark Potter theory suggest that herione was actually homeless for a lot longer than one year wiping her parents memories several years before 1997 this theory is supported by the fact that amione was always with either Harry or Ron during vacations she spent her entire summers at either grimmel place or the burrow not spending any time with her parents at all after seeing writing on the wall that Voldemort was coming back herione freaked out out and hoping to keep our parents as safe as possible wiped their memories years before we had previously thought hermane is a smart girl so acting in advance like this does make sense but I'm not sure I totally buy it three H's academic Excellence now it should come as no surprise when I tell you that haanii is highly intelligent in fact in one of my videos where I rank the 10 most intelligent characters I put herione at number two while studying herane Granger was one of the most talented witches of her entire year and the entire school for that matter in fact herione may have been one of the most studious and brightest witches to have ever graced Hogwarts she began attending Hogwarts at the same time as Harry Ron and given her affinity for Learning and knowledge it's no surprise that she became a talented witch she had a thirst for knowledge and through her dangerous adventures with Harry and Ron became ready for for anything and everything that came her way she was well-rounded competent and a quick thinker able to think critically under all kinds of pressure Not only was she studious she was just naturally very intelligent things came easily to her and her inquisitive nature only meant that she stockpiled all manners of information okay so herione is smart what's the theory the theory in question suggest that Hermione's Excellence can be attributed to the addition of her mugle education prior to attending Hogwarts in one of my older videos I discussed all of the subjects taught at Hogwarts 21 to be exact and one thing that you may or may not know is that many basic foundational skills taught in muggle School are excluded herione however went to muggle school and learned these excluded topics prior to her attending Hogwarts yes some other students received a muggle education as well but the theory boasts that H's innate intelligence paired with Rich foundational knowledge of core subjects gave her the edge needed to become the brightest Witch of her age compare that to Ron who can't spell for toffee and this totally reasonable Theory completely checks out two Hermione's true bloodline as far as we know herione Granger was a muggleborn witch born in 1979 to muggle parents Mr and Mrs Granger according to Canon hermane didn't realize that she was in fact a witch until she received her Hogwarts letter at the age of 11 furthermore hermane was the first magical person in her family and went on to have two halfblood children with Ron Weasley blood status is one of the most controversial aspects of The Wizarding World a concept in which wisting families can be distinguished by the level of magically endowed family members generally speaking people are slotted into one of the following categories pure blood half blood or muggle with the special term muggleborn referring to a witch or wizard with two non-magical parents herione is a muggle through and through this Theory however is about to bust that wide open in the Sith Harry Potter professor Horus slug horn asks herione if she is related to a certain Hector dagworth Granger to which she responds that she doesn't think so because she is a muggleborn so who was Hector dagworth Granger why a wizard of course a British one that founded the most extraordinary Society of poers this leaves one big question is it just a coincidence that he shared a name with herione is it impossible for them to be related the theory in question suggest that Hector was one of Hermione's ancestors and that there have been a long line of squibs non-magical wizards born to at least one magical parent in the Granger family tree this would explain Hermione's parents visiting Diagon Alle and might also explain the connection to Hector dagworth Granger an intellectually impressive ancestor does seem about right for Hermione this one's a bit of a stretch but the theory is sound and I do quite enjoy it one her's time crunch before we get into this one let me explain time Turners time Turners are magical devices manufactured by the department of mysteries used for time travel a typical time Turner is operated by turning an hourglass which directly corresponds to the number of hours that you can travel back in time traditional time Turners are limited in that you are only able to travel back a maximum of 5 hours in the 1993 school year mcgonagal gifts the time Turner to herione so that she's able to attend additional classes her's immense workload finally seemed to be getting to her every night without fail herione was to be seen in the corner of the common room several tables spread with books arithmancy charts Rune dictionary diagrams of Muggles lifting heavy objects and file upon file of extensive notes she barely spoke to anybody and snapped when she was interrupted but did mcgonagal really gift Mane The Time Turner or was it acquired another way this Theory challenges that though not particularly developed this theory is quite an interesting one and entirely plausible at that it suggests that rather than being given a Time Turner by mcgonagal herione stole the time Turner from the Department of mysteries with Dumbledore's help the main support behind this theory is that in the Order of the Phoenix when the trio visit the department of mysteries hanani seemed to already know certain things about the department things that would require being there before this might also better explain why a student was entrusted with a temporal manipulation device number five George Weasley is Willie Wonker this extremely weird weird Theory connects the Harry Potter Universe written by JK Rowling with the universe of wily Wonka and the Chocolate Factory another fictional tale written by R doll however this audacious Theory certainly doesn't just Loosely connect the Two Worlds it actually suggests that George Weasley is Willie woner the theory put quite succinctly suggests that George Weasley after suffering the loss of his brother Fred uses a Time Turner to travel back to a different era making a new life for himself as we know George and Fred were the close assist of Brothers spending every waking moment with one another however when Fred tragically passed away George was at a bit of a loss for what to do next Rowling even addressed the issue herself tragically remarking that George would never get over losing Fred with his business Acumen having successfully run Weasley's Wizarding wheezes and vast knowledge of sweets George travels back in time and starts a new life in the land of the Muggles opening Wily Wonka's chocolate factory sharing his wacky inventions and tasting sweets with the Muggle world to add to all of this George even appears to resemble Willy Wonka somewhat this theory is a stretch and I'm not convinced but it's definitely a fun idea and a weird one at that for Mrs Norris is filch's wife this Theory discusses arus filch hogwart's caretaker and Resident squib as well as his trusty feline and companion Mrs Norris now in the Harry Potter story it's made quite clear that arus filch doesn't love a lot of things makes the lives of the student body miserable and exacts what little power he has at every opportunity however if there's one thing he does love it's certainly his cat Mrs Norris a dust colored feline with piercing yellow eyes the two are never apart except for when they've temporarily decided to scout out different areas of the school and they seem to have an almost quasi telepathic connection as they're able to communicate in spite of the fact that they are just well squib and Cat when Mrs Norris encounters students misbehaving filch seems to show up right away and vice versa so what could be the explanation for their complicated relationship in 1992 when Mrs Norris was petrified by Salazar sutherin basilisk filch first blamed Harry Potter who was spotted right at the scene of the crime filch is visibly more upset than we've ever seen him before and says in front of everyone you killed my cat I'll kill you I'll kill you while filch is bitter and a bit hard to deal with sometimes he's not usually so violent in nature and this passion that he's exhibiting to me suggests that perhaps he knows Mrs Norris on a deeper level perhaps he knows something about her that the rest of us don't the theory suggests this Mrs Norris is filch's wife but how could a cat be his wife well the simple answer to that is that she's a maledictus that is the sufferer of a blood curse which caused her to gradually and eventually turn in to a cat this would of course mean that Mrs Norris was once a woman and not just any woman fil's wife again this theory is a bit of a stretch and a weird one but it certainly caught my attention three Ron is Dumbledore yep you heard that right the basis for this Harry Potter fan theory is that Ron Weasley Harry's best friend is in fact a time traveling version of Hogwarts Headmaster alus Dumbledore the primary Arguments for this Theory and there are quite a few are that Dumbledore seems to know everything that Harry and Ron did are about to do Ron and Dumbledore purportedly share some physical similarities both being described as tall thin possessing a long nose that has been broken a few times and large hands Dumbledore also had red hair as a boy which we know because of Tom Riddle's memory Dumbledore has a scar above his left knee and Ron received an injury to his left leg possibly knee area both men are obsessed with sweets and introductions to both characters involve sweets Dumbledore sees himself holding socks in the mirror arised which relates to Ron Weasley not appreciating Mrs Weasley's Christmas socks and however one of the main drivers behind the theory relates to the philosopher stone particularly the chess match that Ron participates in in order to allow Harry to move on to the next challenge the argument here is that the chess match is symbolic for the war between good and evil in this series with Theon being representative of the Knight supporting Harry and dumpo acting as king controlling everything Voldemort was able to save his memory in Tom Riddle's Diary was able to come back to the real world through it so why couldn't d achiev something similar I'm not convinced that this theory has much Merit but it's certainly a weird one two rolling is Rita sker Rita sker was a British witch and Infamous journalist in the Harry Potter story who specialized in writing defamation pieces for the daily profit she was known for her poison pen stories which she would base around false information and misreported interviews writing what she believed people would like to read whether it was real information or not this Theory put quite succinctly is simply that Rita ska and JK Rowling are one in the same after being fired from the ministry for being an unregistered animus a beetle ska escapes to the Muggle world where she publishes her stories as fictional Works eventually adopting the pseudonym JK Rowling I like this one number one Dudley and Cho Theory and last but certainly not least the weirdest theory on the list the chudley theory that is the theory that Dudley doley ended up marrying Raven graduate Cho Chang this Theory came about for a couple of reasons but the main driver behind it is that Cho Chang ended up marrying a muggle that's Cannon Cho Chang married a muggle furthermore we also know that Dudley derley ends up getting married himself but the name of his wife is never revealed this is basically the entire basis for the theory an unnamed wife and an unnamed muggle we know deadly derley is a muggle and while it's unusual for witches and wizards to marry Muggles it definitely still happens often when a wichual wizard is cting a potential muggle spouse they fail to mention their magical abilities which causes tension down the line when their kids start performing magic themselves the guilt eventually becomes unbearable and they end up confessing their magical status to their other half however the years of lies are not often entirely understood so in this respect the relationship between Cho and Dudley does sort of make sense if Cho were to have married a regular muggle then she would have no doubt encountered the aforementioned difficulties associated with muggle courtship however if she were to end up with Dudley who is a muggle there is the obvious advantage that she would never have to hide anything from him Dudley was privy to the magical world and there wouldn't have been much that Cho could have said to put him off or surprise him okay now I know what you're thinking Cho and Dudley Dudley was about as awful as a young boy could be however there was a point in Dudley's life at which he hit a bit of a Crossroads the DOR attack though the Dementors weren't able to successfully suck out dadly Soul the attack still had a profound impact on him as it forced him to observe the type of person that he was after the attack Dudley certainly changed for the better and Cho well I can definitely see her vacating The Wizarding World entirely after the death of Cedric wanting an escape from The Madness of it all what do you think is chudley Cannon one Harry's Hallows what if I told you there was a connection between the dley assuming mundane if you count out Harry side of things family living in little wiing s and the fabled Magical Tale of the deathly howow which centers around three artifacts crafted by death himself and the three wizard brothers who received them as gifts because as it turns out if we really dissect Harry Potter LW and dive in deep some may call it stretching there is a connection here the three deathly HS from Legend were the resurrection Stone a stone with the power to resurrect one's loved ones albeit not properly the invisibility cloak a cloak that can turn the wearer invisible and the Elder Wand the most powerful wand in all of existence but while these artifacts sound impressive on their own you'd be hard pressed to find a wizard more powerful than the one who possessed all three at once a true master of death glancing back at the Harry Potter story it's certainly not news that the dys mistreated Harry however as it turns out one particularly cruel Act is noteworthy as it establishes a connection between the Hallows and Harry's Christmas gifts over the course of the novels Harry receives three Christmas presents from the dersy family a 50 P piece a toothpick and a single tissue Harry also got a pair of socks but it's important to note that these socks were a birthday present what this Theory suggests is that the 50 P piece is a representation of the Resurrection Stone the toothpick is a representation of the Elder Wand and the single tissue is a representation of the invisibility cloak what do you think was this Easter egg planned by Rolling or just a huge coincidence two Harry hawr now it's no secret that Harry and the dys Never exactly saw Mya ey and 99% of the time I think that you could argue that this toxic relationship is the fault of the derley however one consideration that I had was that perhaps the dys were influenced by the long exposure to Harry's hrug I don't think that the hrug possesses the ability to completely change them as people but perhaps it exposes and exaggerates their inner darker nature despite openly treating Harry as if he was their lowly servant punishing him in Unthinkable ways they seemed to really love each other and acted quite civil with other members of society this makes me wonder why did Harry inight such such rage in them we don't know a lot about Harry's relationship with the dys before the philosopher stone takes place and we don't know how they treated him as a baby Harry was left on their doorstep at such a young age and they really can't see how instead of mistreating him they wouldn't have just tried to raise him as their own this was a baby who had no preconceptions about anything at all and they would have been able to Mel this baby into someone just like them if they gave it a chance they could have at least tried right Q Hawk ruxers as we know Hawk ruxers can seriously affect people's behavior and makes them behave in a much more negative manner this manner gets progressively worse the more that you exposed to the Haw rux we see the same sort of behavior in Ron when he wears souin locket around his neck in the Deathly Hallows over time he becomes moodier and moodier with each passing minute becoming less and less like himself so perhaps the deries were affected to a lesser extent the same way that Ron was affected however if Harry HW Crux makes people angrier you might argue that it would have had more of an effect on his close friends in series my argument for this is that in the dley household Harry would have had the closest proximity to other people for a longer periods of time at Hogwarts Harry would run around all over the place and had plenty of distance between him and others in his sleeping quarters additionally perhaps the severity of the negative effect that hwr has give off is totally dependent on the person that's exposed to it maybe some aren't affected at all While others are crippled by it the desli are just Muggles so maybe it was just too much for them maybe the hwrs and Harry wasn't enough to affect magical folk and that's it for this video If you enjoyed the content please like the video and subscribe to the channel until next time remember it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
Channel: Harry Potter Theory
Views: 377,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, fantastic beasts, hermione granger, avada kedavra, wizarding world, harry potter theory, harry potter explained, j.k. rowling, slytherin, gryffindor, history of wands, grindelwald, dumbledore, hogwarts, deathly hallows, voldemort, snape, weasley, hidden details, easter egg, theory, folklore, death eaters, spells, behind the scenes, elder wand, sirius black, azkaban, weasleys, pettigrew, plot holes, mistakes, marauders map, thestral, plot, hole, theories, harry, potter, dark theory
Id: z_Y1IV4Rmhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 59sec (4199 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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