Why There Was a Different Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Every Year: Harry Potter Explained

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there are many reoccurring plot points in the Harry Potter series from the rule of seven to the power of love o is conquering the running theme of bad parents and of course the thing that we're going to talk about in this video how there's a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher every year but why is that is it just the coincidence or was there somebody behind this in this video I'm going to answer all of those questions and explain everything that you need to know about the Defense Against the Dark Arts job before we start I just wanted to say that I'm going to stop using the YouTube community tab as much as I have been and start using other platforms more so that the movie flame brand extends past just YouTube just in case the worst happened and I lost the channel or something so make sure you follow me on twitter which is the most important because that will sort of replace the YouTube community tab I'll be posting the most updates there and that's linked down below you can also follow us on Facebook and if you want you can follow my personal Instagram as well which is full of cute dogs behind the scenes movie flames stuff and just some fun posts both of those are linked down below as well now let's get started miRNA squirrel Gilderoy Lockhart Remus Lupin mad-eye moody or Barty Crouch jr. Dolores Umbridge Severus Snape and amicus Caro these are the names of all of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers over the seven years that the books took place and none of them made it longer than one year and a lot of them ended up getting a fate that was pretty horrible Harry this is Professor Quirrell he'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher many believe that Quirrell had been a teacher at Hogwarts for a few years before Harry arrived but this is incorrect he was actually new to Hogwarts and it spent the previous year of his life studying abroad in Albania where he of course met Voldemort or at least what was left of Voldemort after he tried to kill Harry 10 years before this Quirrell was manipulated by the Dark Lord just like so many before him and Voldemort convinced him to attach what was left of his body to him before he went to teach at Hogwarts he wore a turban to cover Voldemort's face and he pretended to have a stutter making him look innocent when he came to school well at school he attempted to steal the Philosopher's Stone to give it to Voldemort so he could get a real body but he paid for this with his life so the fate of the first da-da teacher in a brutal and painful from magical fourth degree burns let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher the second da da teacher was Gilderoy Lockhart a celebrity who was a complete and utter fraud taking credit for other Wizards accomplishments Dumbledore of course saw right through him but he hired him anyway because he was the only one who showed interest in the job position Hagrid told the trio and I quote getting very difficult to find anyone for the dark arts job people aren't too keen to take it on see they're starting to think it's jinxed no one's lasted long for a while now all the other teachers knew that he was a fraud and to get rid of him and to slightly make fun of him they sent him on his way to save Jenny from the Beast and the Chamber of Secrets Harry and Ron forced him to follow through with this and wall down there Lockhart tried to wipe Harry and Ron smeiis but he did it with a broken wand that shot back at him and he wiped his own memory after this he became a permanent resident at st. Mungo's Hospital after they tried very hard to restore his memory but with no luck in his time there he got no visitors but he did get fan mail occasionally but he had no idea what these fans were writing to him about so the 2nd da da teachers faked permanent memory loss and spending the rest of his life in st. Mungo's permanent spell damage Ward having no clue of who he was after this there were rumors of the job being jinxed and there had been for years but the fate of the last two teachers really made people scared to take on the job luckily Dumbledore found a good replacement then speak incantation expecto patronum expecto patronum the 3rd da da teacher was Remus Lupin and he was without a doubt the best of the seven during the Potter series after the first few weeks of classes defence against the dark guards quickly became everybody's favorite subject thanks to Lupin and the students were actually learning something in the class for the first time in a while even Madame Pomfrey was impressed when she learned that he had given the kids chocolate on the Hogwarts Express after a Dementor attack saying that they finally had a da da teacher who knew his remedies Severus Snape however fought against his appointment from the start not wanting one of his schoolboy rivals back at Hogwarts Snape tried to sabotage him by teaching about werewolves when he took over lupins lessons while he was sick hoping that someone put together that Lupin himself was a werewolf her money was the only one to realize however and she liked Lupin so much that she kept it a secret the fate of the third da da teacher was mild compared to the first two he was exposed for being a werewolf to the entire wizarding world by Snape before Lupin could hide what he was but now it was published all over that Dumbledore had hired Remus Lupin unknown werewolf and Lupin had no choice but to resign because the world now knew what he was it made it almost impossible for Lupin to find a new job but comparing his faith to the two professors before him I think he got off easy I'm here because Dumbledore asked me end of story goodbye the end the forth Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was a bit different than the others because mad-eye moody had no intention of staying just one year he was coming on as a favor to Dumbledore as he could not find a replacement for Lupin but the main reason why I got the job was because Dumbledore knew that former Death Eater Igor Karkaroff would be at Hogwarts all year for the try Buster tournament and he wanted mad-eye moody perhaps the best order or a Dark Wizard catcher to ever live to be there Dumbledore got some hate for this however and in one article rita skeeter wrote Dumbledore has never been afraid to make controversial staff appointments in September of this year he hired Alastor mad-eye moody the notoriously jinx happy xorg to teach defense against the dark arts a decision that caused many raised eyebrows at the Ministry of Magic given Moody's well-known habit of attacking anybody who makes a sudden movement in his presence little did anybody know our Stern moody did not teach a single class as he was abducted the night before he left for Hogwarts by party Crouch jr. and Wormtail and they locked moody up in his own chest while Barty Crouch jr. used Polyjuice potion and assumed Moody's identity so the fate of the fourth da-da teacher was being locked out for nine months only seeing light when Barty Crouch jr. took his head for the Polyjuice potion or to update his imperious curse on moody to make him do his bidding his fate wasn't as bad as the first two because he made a full recovery but it was definitely a good deal worse than lupins fate the Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witch isn't to be of vital importance this year Cornelius fudge our corrupt and idiotic Minister who thought the Dumbledore was after his job wanted to infiltrate Hogwarts from the inside and he passed the law that said if Dumbledore could not find a teacher he himself could choose for him and he had his most trusted advisor Dolores Umbridge take up the job fudges main reason for sending her was because he thought that Dumbledore was using his students to create an army to overthrow him and by having umbrage there he not only had a rat but she also ensured that the da-da classes would not train the students in combat and she stuck strictly to textbook learning ignoring all practical spell work it could also be argued that Harry was sort of a da da teacher that year as well as he told a good chunk of students real defense against the dark arts in secret with the group Dumbledore's Army and once again he only lasted one year in the position just like all of the other da da teachers as never again that he run Dumbledore's armies lessons after that year the fate of the fifth da da teacher was being hauled away by a herd of centaurs they kept her bound and helpless and were going to kill her eventually luckily for Umbridge Dumbledore went into the forest to rescue her before they got the chance to kill her Umbridge had terrible PTSD however it was so bad that when Ron made click-clacking noises in the hospital wing she said both upright terrified like moody however she made a full recovery you applied first for defense against the dark arts post is that correct [Music] but you were unsuccessful abuse the six da da teacher was severus snape it was common knowledge that statement wanted a job for years and most thought that Dumbledore never allowed him to have it because he didn't want his love for the dark guards to trigger his old Death Eater ways this made heavy question why Dumbledore was allowing steam to do it now because nothing had really changed he still could be triggered by the job Harry even noted that the Snape spoke in his first class Snape not only respected the dark arts as a dangerous enemy but he spoke of them with a loving passion in his voice however Snape's appointment had a lot of meaning behind it and a lot of planning Dumbledore actually gave Snape disposition to force him to complete a task that he had given him before we get into that however let's go back a few decades and focus on one person that many might not pair with the Defense Against the Dark Arts job Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort when Voldemort finished school he asked the den headmaster professor Dippet for the defence against the dark arts job wanting to replace galti Mary thought who had been at that post for nearly 50 years depend however told Tom that he was too young and said to reapply in a few years so Voldemort did just that and came back a few years later to the now headmaster Albus Dumbledore Tom had changed over the years mostly in appearance his features that were once handsome now looked burned and blurred his face was waxy and oddly distorted and the whites of his eyes now had a permanently bloody look based on Tom's appearance and Dumbledore just numbing all he knew that Tom had dug deep into the darkest of magic and he had heard rumors of the horrors that Voldemort had committed over the past few years not wanting to expose your students to a man like this Dumbledore refused to give him the job he had seen the real Tom Riddle when he went to see him at the orphanage as on that day Tom revealed more than he should have of a psychopathic way of thinking something that he had hid from everyone else from then on knowing that he had shown Dumbledore too much of his dark side Dumbledore refused to call him Voldemort calling him Tom instead which greatly annoyed him and Dumbledore called him out naming thinks that Voldemort had done over the years things that Voldemort did not expect Dumbledore to know about after Voldemort was shut down and flat-out rejected for the job he stood up and stormed out before leaving however fool d'amour did two things one he placed one of his Horcruxes to be more specific Ravenclaw's diadem in the Room of Requirement and two I'll explain what the quote from the book Harry oz Dumbledore was he after the defence against the dark arts shop again sir he didn't say oh he definitely wanted the defence against the dark arts job the aftermath of our little meeting proved that you see we have never been able to keep a defence against the Dark Arts teacher for longer than a year since I refused the post to Lord Voldemort so this means that after being rejected for the more jinxed a job making it so every year something would happen or it would be planned from the start that anyone who got the job would only last one year it turns out that the rumors of the job being jinxed were actually true but I'm sure that no one could have guessed who was responsible for it going back to Snape this jinx is the real reason my tumble door did not allow him to have to dat a job because he knew that if he gave it to Snape Snape would be forced out of the position so when he finally did give it to him and for Snape to finish the mission that he had promised Dumbledore he would fulfill to keep Harry alive until he had to die by forcing him into this job it made it so Snape could not continue to teach defence against the dark arts the following year or take on his old possession of potions master as Dumbledore had replaced him with Horace Slughorn and therefore this would force name to kill dumbledore as he promised he would before the start of the school year you must be the one to kill me his helpers it is the only way only then with the Dark Lord trust you completely have you ever considered that you asked too much that you take too much for granted has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore whether it has or hasn't is irrelevant you agreed nothing more to discover the fate of the six da da teacher to kill a dear friend and to risk his life being a double agent under Voldemort snows Snape would of course go on to be headmaster after Dumbledore died and Voldemort took over and a Magus camera would take on the role of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor he too would only last one year and the fate of the seventh da-da teacher was to spend the rest of his life in Azkaban prison after Voldemort died in the Battle of Hogwarts the jinx was lifted the jinx lasted from the start of the 1965 school year and ended at the end of the 1997 school year as the Battle of Hogwarts took place in 1998 so because of Voldemort's jinx there were 33 defence against the dark arts teachers who only lasted a year then once we know about where galaxy Mary thought who presumably lost her job after Voldemort made the jinx we're in a squirrel who died Gilderoy Lockhart who lost his memory and spent the rest of his life in st. Mungo's Remus Lupin who was exposed as a werewolf to the world mad-eye moody who was locked in a trunk for nine months Dolores Umbridge who was taken by a herd of centaurs and almost killed Severus Snape who was forced to kill Dumbledore and flee with the Death Eaters risking his life being a double agent under Lord Voldemort's nose and amicus caro who spent the rest of his life in Azkaban it's safe to say that most would not want to take on this job after all of that thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media to see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for movie's flame updates and I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured in the next video plus get a bunch of other awards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 3,305,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, Quirinus, Quirrell, gilderoy, lockhart, remus, lupin, mad-eye, mad eye, madeye, moody, alastor, barty, crouch junior, crouch jr, barty crouch, dolores, umbridge, severus snape, amycus carrow, carrow, amycus, carrow brother, carrow sister, DADA
Id: upDHz-r-mmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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