Albus Dumbledore's COMPLETE Life Story | Harry Potter Film Theory

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this show was sponsored by betterhelp what's something you know makes you feel better that you aren't doing enough of maybe it's going on a morning walk or reading a book or calling a friend or maybe it's going to therapy better help offers affordable online therapy on your schedule visit super to give it a try Hey Brother well you guys it is a sad day for all Potter heads out there because in case you haven't heard Michael Gambon who portrayed Albus Dumbledore in the final six Harry Potter films has sadly passed away so today we thought it might be a fun tribute to delve into the life adventures and enduring wisdom of Albus Dumbledore a character who has transcended the pages of Harry Potter to become so much more he's a symbol of Hope courage and love we mostly know him as Harry's Headmaster but Dumbledore lived a long and complicated life which he mostly dedicated to teaching and defeating the dark arts but if you've just read the story it can be hard to get a full scope lots of the information comes out of order and a lot of it is delivered with an obvious slant thank you Rita Skeeter not to mention tons of additional information has come out as well via just posts on Wizarding World or in the Fantastic Beast movies so without any further Ado let us dive into the life and loves of Albus Dumbledore first up lemon drops foreign [Music] guys before we begin today I want to give you a big announcement that this Sunday Ben and I's brand new podcast through the Gryffindor a chapter by chapter read through of the entire Harry Potter series we'll be launching you can get it wherever pods are cast you can watch it right here on YouTube there's a link in the description on Sunday the first three episodes that's the first three chapters of the Philosopher's Stone are going to launch simultaneously and then every week we'll do another chapter after that I am so excited for it and I hope you'll give it a listen thanks Albus Percival wolfrick Brian Dumbledore was born in the August of 1881 at mold on the walled England to parents Percival and Kendra he was the eldest of three children in his family followed by his brother aberforth and then his youngest sister Ariana and while not much is known about Dumbledore's Early Childhood we can assume it was mostly normal until the year of 1891 when his then six-year-old sister Ariana was attacked by muggle boys who caught her doing magic and this attack would prove not to just be a turning point in the life of Albus Dumbledore but also in many ways the entire Wizarding World partially because the attack traumatized the young Ariana Dumbledore who became too afraid to ever use her magic again and begin repressing it as much as she could which led her to develop an obscurus a magical cancer of sorts that looks like a black cloud and acts as a parasite that eventually kills its host the attack also LED albus's father Percival to track down the Mughal boys who attacked his daughter and attacked them back in a fit of rage which ultimately landed him a lifetime sentence in Azkaban prison this left pork hundred Dumbledore with no one to help raise the kids an Infamous husband who was now incarcerated in a very dangerous daughter dangerous because her magic would explode out of her in dangerous ways not because she was malicious in any way but the end result was Kendra Dumbledore decided to move the family from mold on the walled to The Wizarding town of godrics hollow to begin a new life a life of secrecy because once they arrived in godrics Hollow Kendra hid Ariana away not just because she was afraid that her magic might hurt somebody but she was afraid if the greater Wizarding World discovered her condition she would be permanently moved to Saint mungo's and so ended the childhood of Albus Dumbledore who would arrive at Hogwarts A year later now under the infamous mantle of his apparently criminal father it was a lot to deal with as many of the students in South air believed that Albus himself was a muggle hater as well just like his dad right however Albus would quickly leave that Legacy behind him as he almost immediately proved to be one of the most brilliant students to ever enter the castle he was sorted into a Gryffindor House where he befriended alphius Doge who would remained a lifelong friend and according to Doge that even by the end of albus's first year he was already known as nothing less than the most brilliant student ever seen at the school I mean that's pretty impressive for a first year you have to imagine that means Dumbledore made the Quidditch team and I know what you're thinking well no but Harry was the youngest Seeker in a century but also if you do the math this is exactly 100 years before Harry gets there so a century my Dumbledore's fifth year he had become a school prefect by his seventh year he was head boy he was even in contact with many of the most notable Wizarding names of the day including without a bagshot Nicholas Flamel and adelbert waffling actually fun fact in Harry's first year he's required to have a textbook theory of Magic by adelbert waffling heck Dumbledore even won the Barnabas finkley prize for exceptional spell casting he became the British youth representative for the wisdom of God and received the gold medal for groundbreaking contribution to the International alchemical Conference in Cairo but he doesn't talk about personally I'd love to know what ground he broke for Alchemy because Alchemy as an entire field of study the point of it is to make the Philosopher's Stone which by all accounts had already been done like 500 years ago by Nicholas Flamel so like what what more did he do I don't know but he must have done something because that's part of what he's known for on the chocolate frog card so the point is upon graduating Hogwarts Dumbledore seemed ready to take on the world and pursue any ambition his heart desired but it was not meant to be on the very Eve he and LPS those who were meant to start their grand World Tour apparently a tradition for wizards to take after they graduated school albus's sister Ariana had a horrible Outburst of magic that ended up killing his mother Kendra and this stranded Albus in godric's Hollow to arrange his mother's funeral and to take over care of his sister and although Dumbledore loved his sister very much it must be said that he did resent this sudden turn of events in his life and it wasn't the only turn his life was about to take because little did he know yet another brilliant magical mind was about to arrive in godrics Hollow that summer Gellert Grindelwald turns out 1899 was to be the summer of love for both of the Dumbledore boys both Albus and aberforth Albus finally had a magical equal in Grindelwald and the two boys spent all day every day each other discussing different ideas and planning their takeover of well the world their plan involved discovering the Deathly Hallows and then using them to lead the Wizards out of hiding and to rule over the Muggles for their own good of course as he said in the letter one night to Grindelwald your point about wizard dominance being for the Muggles own good this I think is the crucial point we seize control for the greater good and from this it follows that where we meet resistance we must use only the force that is necessary and no more and the two are so dedicated to not only each other but the plan that one night they even make a blood pack where they agree to never fight each other and this is not just like an agreement it's like a literal magical thing there's like a vial of blood unsurprising to you at home though I'm sure turns out Geller Grindelwald not a really nice guy kind of a super dark wizard not good choice for significant other and he would eventually flee godrics Hollow in pursuit of the Hallows leaving Albus with a weird mixture of Shame and heartbreak but why did he flee well it turns out aberforth who also found love that summer with a girl in godrick's Hollow there were rumors of a baby I'm sure that will come up again did not like Grindelwald as Albus and Grindelwald were about to leave to you know take over the world Amber 4th confronted them even though August far to draw his wand against the two which was foolish at best Grindelwald immediately countered by casting the cruciatus curse on him thus revealing his true nature this caused Albus to step in which started A3 way duel spells were flying everywhere and although none of them would ever know exactly who did it it ended in Ariana's death I always think it's worth noting here that the blood pack should have stopped Albus and Grindelwald from fighting so it's possible Albus was just playing like defense on behalf of both sides in this duel or that he was actually trying to break the pact in the moment and that's what ended up killing Ariana but honestly we may never know what we do know is that after the duel Grindelwald fled godrics Hollow and then later at the funeral of Ariana aberforth punched Albus in the nose and broke it to Mal accounts Dumbledore seems to have done nothing to magically fix his nose which he definitely could have done but it remains crooked for the rest of his life and I think he did that on purpose it's because he feels guilty for the entire situation and in this way his guilt is literally right in front of his eyes for the rest of his life but the experience does teach Albus something power was my weakness and Temptation I was safer at Hogwarts I think I was good teacher and so Dumbledore abandoned his quest for World dominance and instead left godric's Hollow to meet up with his old and I mean old acquaintance Nicholas Flamel it'll look day over 375. but it was also that in this period where Dumbledore discovered four or depending on who you ask up to 12 uses of dragon's blood something that was also quite notable and these accomplishments then led to a job offer back at Hogwarts where he took up the post of a defense against the dark arts Professor somewhere in the early 1900s we don't know the exact start date but Dumbledore did not forget about Grindelwald and his plans for World dominance and it seems like he began forming a group of people who might be able to resist him sort of the Forerunner stood the Order of the Phoenix although they were never called that but we do see Nicholas Flamel flip through a book of contacts which includes ulele Hicks from ilvermorny across the sea this group is then called into action in 1927 when Grindelwald calls a rally at the Lestrange mausoleum in perilous an event during which newt scamanders Hitler is able to recover the blood pact from Grindelwald and return it to Dumbledore then moving forward to 1932 Dumbledore makes a move against Grindelwald when he realizes that Grindelwald is planning to use a Chillin to rig the election for Supreme mugwump and name himself Supreme mugwomp he's sort of like the leader of the international Confederation of wizards sort of like being wizard King you know and this event reveals some cool things about Dumbledore a Chillin if you don't know is a small horse slash dragon-esque creature that can look into a person's soul and determine whether or not their heart is pure Grindelwald has corrupted a Chillin so that it will choose him and make him look like he would be an amazing leader but Dumbledore exposes the truth and produces his own children which then goes on to acknowledge Him as being pure of heart Dumbledore refuses the position of supreme mugwump but having been defeated Grindelwald goes to attack Credence bare bound who it turns out was the love out of a before Dumbledore we mentioned earlier he did come back again Grindelwald aims to kill Albus aims to protect and neighborfore throws a spell in there as well but the spells all Collide and somehow the blood pact is broken meaning Dumbledore and Grindelwald are now allowed to fight and so they do the two immediately launch into a duel which ultimately ends in a stalemate and Grindelwald escaping and sadly that's probably as much as we're ever going to know about the Fantastic Beasts Saga side of things is I don't feel like they're going to make fourth movie but what we do know is that somewhere between 1932 and 42 Albus resumes teaching at Hogwarts now as the Transfiguration professor in 1938 Dumbledore visits wool's orphanage to recruit a new student to Hogwarts a young boy by the name of Tom Riddle who I believe the clinical term for is yes a total butt head but hey he's a wizard so he's allowed to come to Hogwarts I'm sure he's not going to be a problem psych he's almost immediately a problem fast forward to 19 1942 and Dumbledore suspects the young Tom Riddle of opening the Chamber of Secrets attacking several students and ultimately killing Myrtle Warren who I'm told also responds to uh Moaning Myrtle and then also overly attached girlfriend ghost unfortunately Dumbledore is unable to prove his suspicions and a boy named Rubeus Hagrid is expelled instead but Dumbledore is able to convince the then Headmaster Armando dip it to keep him on as gamekeeper listen Armando I know you think he killed someone but hear me out how about we hire him to work here at the school and this is where it gets good we give him keys to every building I shouldn't have told you that I guess it was credit this does work out so Molly Weasley also eventually tells us that when she went to school the Game Keeper was someone named OGG so maybe Hagar is really like training under Aug or something bad I digress and guys that would need to be a quick pause to thank today's sponsor better help I don't know about you but I can safely say there have been many times in my life where racing thoughts in my brain have kept me up at night or stopped me from enjoying anything but that's normal it's pretty common for us humans to have our brains immediately start talking to us the second we try and lie down and go to sleep even if what they're saying isn't 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better help super for 10 off your first month link is in the description down below three years after the chamber was opened however leads us to a fateful date in Dumbledore's history 1945 when he had his enormous legendary duel with Geller Grindelwald what this duel looked like though is Up For Debate some say it was a duel for the ages but according to Rita Skeeter she at least teases that the duel might have been nothing more than Grindelwald summoning the white flag and I mean at least Tara credit she does get a lot of other things right in her book so the important part though is that Grindelwald is defeated and possibly more importantly mastership of the Elder Wand is transferred from Grindelwald to Dumbledore Grindelwald is not dead though he is instead imprisoned in nuremengaard a prison he built to house his own enemies look guys I know Grindelwald is the darkest wizard of the age and that we have our own prison with Dementors and everything but hear me out what if we put Grindelwald in a prison he built inside of his own home base I'm just I'm putting it out there I mean I guess it was credited it does end up working out so unfortunately though dark wizard-wise Dumbledore shoved out of the furnace and Into the Fire because shortly after Grindelwald is defeated that total butt head from earlier Tom Riddle really starts becoming quite the nuisance but a few more things happen before that really gets out of control Dumbledore's offered the position of Minister for magic several times but turns them down every time he of course eventually accepts the job as Headmaster at Hogwarts but before that we know that he's actually already looking into the history of Tom Riddle because he collects a memory from a house self named hokey after her master hephzibus smith suddenly dies the ministry believes that hokey did it she even admits to it but Dumbledore finds that the memory proves otherwise moving on to Dumbledore being the Headmaster at Hogwarts though this was sort of a mystery it's not actually clear when he becomes Headmaster we know that at least 10 years after the Hokey memory riddle visits the school to ask for a job himself and at that point Dumbledore is Headmaster Tom Kung hepsiba also marks the end of him working at borgon and Burke the trouble is we just don't know how long he was at borgenbergs I always thought it was all like one or two years but it turns out it might have been closer to like 10. surprisingly the big hint actually comes from Lupine who tells us but then Dumbledore became Headmaster and he was sympathetic he said that as long as we took certain precautions there was no reason I shouldn't come to school okay and so Lupine Was Bitten as a five-year-old in 1965 and it sounds like there was a period of time there when after he was bitten they didn't think he was going to be able to go to Hogwarts but then Dumbledore became Headmaster meaning Dumbledore couldn't have become Headmaster until after 1965 but before 1971 when Lupine would have started school but then based on the interview with Tom and the distance of time from when Tom attacked Hephzibah and he got the memory from Hokie that had to be 10 years ago meaning that Tom had do have been working at Morgan and Burke's until at least 1955 which is then yeah like 10 years after he graduated so wow longer than I thought anyway as Headmaster one of the first big decisions he makes is to not hire Tom Riddle as the defense against the dark arts teacher which is probably a very good decision but then also ends up cursing the position for the next several decades during which time Baltimore truly begins to rise to power and Dumbledore forms the first order of the Phoenix in 1970 and we know that during that time one such member James Potter lends Dumbledore his cloak of invisibility because Dumbledore wants to inspect it suspecting that it might be the true cloak of invisibility one of the Deathly Hallows the war continues throughout the decade with Voldemort gaining more and more ground until 1978 when Dumbledore has another fateful interview this time with Sybil trelawny who is interviewing for the post of divination a subject Dumbledore doesn't even really want at the school he's just sort of taking the meeting as a favor but it turns out it's a super important meeting and yeah divination is really important because at that interview Sybil goes on to make the prophecy about the chosen one who would go on to defeat Voldemort to Dumbledore who then of course hires her to keep her safe and away from the Death Eaters unfortunately though a portion of that prophecy is overheard by Severus Snape who was acting for a spy to Lord Voldemort who then reports what he heard to Voldemort and this is what leads Voldemort to ultimately attack young Harry Potter as a baby obviously the spell doesn't work it backfires on Voldemort and reduces him to a missed like State for the next 14 years after the attack Dumbledore himself leaves the baby Harry Potter at his aunt and uncle's house where he places the bond of blood charm on him protecting him from Voldemort at that location as long as he can call the location number four privet drive his home from there ten years pass and Dumbledore finally meets Harry again when he's old enough to attend Hogwarts and in many ways Harry's return to the Wizarding World is Dumbledore's entering his end game in the war against Voldemort we know Dumbledore has been suspicious of Tom Riddle since the Chamber of Secrets was opened if not from the moment he met him in the orphanage and having been the one who heard the prophecy he's positive that Voldemort will return someday and Harry's return to the Wizarding World is kind of the Catalyst for Voldemort wanting to come back anyway as this is really the first time in the last decade that Harry's ever been vulnerable and away from The dursleys Dumbledore is immediately on to him though and has Professor Snape tale Professor Coral the entire year suspecting that he might be aiding Voldemort in some way in trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone at this point Dumbledore still doesn't know how Voldemort survived or how he's going to come back he doesn't know about the horcruxes yet it's not until the end of Harry's second year when the Chamber of Secrets is opened again and the Diaries discovered that Dumbledore begins to get an inkling of how Voldemort has achieved his level of immortality as such though it appears Dumbledore immediately gets to work preparing Harry to face Voldemort in some sort of final showdown he returns the invisibility cloak to Harry and then watches as Harry discovers the mirror of erised back again the soon to be hiding place of the Philosopher's Stone and then as far as I'm concerned Builds an obstacle course specifically does designed for Harry and his friends to try and Tackle if they wanted to that's Wizard's Chest it's chess board I mean the tasks are pretty specific to their exact set of skills and they don't matter anyway because there's no way anyone can defeat the mirror and then afterwards Harry even tells Ron and Hermione he's a funny man Dumbledore I think he sort of wanted to give me a chance I think he knows more or less everything that goes on here you know I reckon he had a pretty good idea we were going to try instead of stopping us he just taught us enough to help I don't think it was an accident here let me find out how the mirror worked it's almost like he thought I had the right to face Voldemort if I could from here we moved to Harry's second year where as we mentioned before Dumbledore gets a huge clue about how to defeat Voldemort in the form of Tom Riddle's Diary then during Harry's third year Dumbledore surprisingly not very active other than worrying about stopping serious from breaking in and killing Harry which it has to be said he's really bad at I mean Sirius makes it all the way up to the Gryffindor boys dormitory like he's not actually trying to kill Harry which is the Saving Grace but if he was he could have that said he does trust Harry at the end that serious is innocent and gives Hermione and Harry the task of saving both Buckbeak and Sirius by using the time Turner which they do moving into their fourth year we know the Dumbledore helped plan the tri-wizard tournament and its triumphant return to Hogwarts but then spends most of the Year worrying about who and how Harry's name got into the goblet of fire at the end of this year he also gets some more welcome news I mean it's obviously bad news that Voldemort has returned but the good news is that Voldemort used Harry's blood as part of his resurrection for a fleeting instant Harry thought he saw a gleam of something like Triumph in Dumbledore's eyes that line right there is Dumbledore realizing that because Voldemort used Harry's blood Harry is now Tethered to life via Lily's sacrifice living on inside of Voldemort and that there's actually going to be a way for the horcrux inside of Harry to be destroyed as long as Voldemort is the one to attack him that will destroy the horcrux inside of him but also Harry would be Tethered to life got it immediately after receiving this news and after he realizes that the ministry doesn't believe that Voldemort's back Dumbledore goes on to form the second order of the Phoenix however it turns out that in addition to combating Voldemort with the Order of the Phoenix Dumbledore also has to deal with the ministry trying to discredit literally everything he says because at this point they think that Dumbledore is just building an army at the school and wants to try and overthrow the ministry in fact at one point the defense Club started by Harry Ron and Hermione labeled Dumbledore's Army is eventually found out by the ministry and they try to arrest Dumbledore because this seemingly confirms their suspicions Dumbledore's got styled but they are no match for him he evades them and then goes into hiding during this year Dumbledore also urges Harry to learn aquamity so that Voldemort is not able to Allure him to the Department of mysteries and reclaim the entire prophecy this does not work however and Harry is lured to the Department of mysteries but then Severus Snape tips off Dumbledore that Harry and friends are there and he arrives in time to rescue Harry and duel Lord Voldemort this duel also ends in a stalemate but Cornelius fudge himself arrives at the ministry just in time to see Voldemort with his own eyes before Voldemort flees he's back and now Dumbledore really gets to work the following summer he is able to track down the home of Voldemort's mother marope gaunt and here he discovers another of Voldemort's horcrux is a god family heirloom that according to Voldemort's grandfather Bears the peverile coat of arms however what it actually Bears is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows which were created by the peverell brothers and struck by the Curiosity of his own Youth and his former hunt for the Deathly Hallows Dumbledore suspects he might now suddenly and unwittingly be holding the resurrection Stone thus he puts the ring on hoping he may see his family again however this turns out to be quite the Fatal mistake in his fervor who forgot that he was holding a horcrux and upon putting it on it unleashes a powerful deadly curse on him Snape is able to confine the curse to his hand but warns that a curse of this power cannot be held back forever and that eventually it will kill him giving him a year to live at best nonetheless Dumbledore is still able to use the Sword of Gryffindor to destroy the ring horcrux and from there he spends the remaining year of his life giving Harry all the information he can to help him hunt down the rest of the horcruxes and defeat Voldemort he also becomes aware of a plot from Voldemort to have Draco Malfoy try and kill him the plot however ever is mostly punishment for Lucius Malfoy for failing to recover the prophecy the previous year it's really just slow torture for the Malfoy's because Voldemort is promising to kill Draco if Draco can't kill Dumbledore which is you know impossible but knowing he only has a year to live anyway in an effort to save Draco Dumbledore arranges his own death with Severus Snape during the rest of Harry sixth year Dumbledore continues to travel as much as possible trying to hunt down any piece he can of Voldemort's past eventually uncovering a cave he once visited as a child when he was still at the orphanage he allows Harry to accompany him into the cave where he suspects there is another horcrux together they Venture into the cave and uncover an underground lake with a small island at the center which holds a basin after a brief examination Dumbledore determines that the only way to get the horcrux out of the Basin is to drink all of the potion in it but unfortunately for him this potion is the drink of Despair it is a terrible potion that forces the Drinker to live their worst memories over and over and over and horribly weakens Dumbledore but eventually he does drink it all and Harry is able to collect what they believe to be a horcrux from the bottom of the Basin but their Adventure is not over when they arrive back to the school before Dumbledore can heal up at all they see the dark mark of Lord Voldemort over the astronomy Tower the dark mark meaning someone has been killed the race to the tower only to discover that no one is dead but that it is a trap Draco malfo is there waiting for them and disarms Dumbledore immediately however he does not kill him he hesitates until More Death Eaters arrive in the end Dumbledore is able to talk down Draco enough to stop him from committing the ACT himself but once Severus arrives on the scene with Death Eaters watching there is nothing left to do Snape fulfills his end of the bargain [Music] and so ends the life of Albus Dumbledore Dumbledore does go on to experience some amount of post-mortem interaction with the world via the portrait of himself in the headmaster's office and when he talks to Harry in limbo explaining to him all the things that have just happened but as neither of those situations truly represent a living Dumbledore I think this is where our story ends but fret not friends 4 and Dumbledore's own words to the well-organized Mind death is but the next great adventure this is as they say your party guys thanks so much for watching today's video if you'd like to see more videos in this thought if you want to see like the full background of other characters please let us know uh give me suggestions for who you'd like to see this is a style of video we've been considering doing for a while if you want to see more about all the ways in which Dumbledore was pulling the strings on Harry's life I totally recommend this video right here is called Dumbledore's big plan and it's basically all the things he was doing behind the scenes controlling everything that ever happened in Harry's life it's super interesting testing and I think honestly what was really happening throughout the entire story so otherwise uh thanks for watching and until next time Ben I will see you in another life out there
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 195,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, film theory, film theorists, harry potter, harry potter film theory, harry potter theory, michael gambon, dumbledore, dumbledore death, the life and lies of albus dumbledore, full life of dumbledore, life and loves of albus dumbledore, fantastic beasts and where to find them, hogwarts, headmaster, hogwarts legacy, jk rowling, wands up, wizarding world, albus dumbledore biography, dumbledore vs voldemort
Id: 5phMG6e6Ut8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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