The Brilliance of the Harry Potter Movies: A Love Letter to the Films (Video Essay)

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the harry potter films will hold a place in cinema for years to come and they are some of the best film adaptations ever made my journey with the film started when i was just 5 years old and now 21 years later i decided to make my love letter to this incredible movie series i've watched and gone through these movies too many times to count especially since making this channel and with repeated viewings i've noticed many details that are almost poetic george lucas said it best something like this is like poetry the eight films rhyme again it's like poetry so if they rhyme every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one i don't know if all of this was done on purpose but i've noticed small details here and there that connect each movie in a beautiful way now i know i normally focus my videos on the books and not the films but for this video i'm looking at just the movies because a lot of what i'm going to say has nothing to do with the novels these decisions were made solely by the filmmakers also i will not be talking about the fantastic beast films i'm sticking just to the 8 movies so without further ado let's get into it if you look at just the first film it's great it's the perfect opening to a film franchise however when you mix the first movie with the seven other films it all of a sudden becomes more than great it becomes fantastic this is due in large part to the filmmakers flawlessly connecting each movie with the other for example in the first movie we see harry playing with these knights in the cupboard under the stairs which is a great scene but the filmmakers made it mean so much more with this scene in deathly hallows part 1. it sends a wave of nostalgia to both harry and the audience as he revisits his old toys from before he even started his wizarding journey and they don't just stop there while he's looking at these nights in both movies he all of a sudden hears a noise and he sticks his head out of the cupboard to see what it is they made these scenes rhyme in a beautiful way making both have so much more meaning as we start our journey director chris columbus set the stage for how this universe would look and the directors that followed perfectly blended their own vision with chris for example it became a tradition to show the outside of the hogwarts express in each movie that's something we always see even when harry himself wasn't on it in the deathly hallows it also became a staple to reveal hogwarts in a certain way and with the exception of the fifth film there's always something leading us to the first side of the school in each film in the first film it was the boats and the second it was the car in the third it was the carriages in the fourth it was the train in the sixth it was the flying death eaters and in the last film it was the flying dementors welcome home interestingly i noticed that for the first four films they showed less and less of their journey to hogwarts the first film started by showing all of king's cross what are you looking at the second started at the entrance of platform nine and three quarters the third didn't show any of king's cross but went right to platform nine and three quarters and the fourth film didn't show any of that but cut right to the train skipping everything with the platform and king's cross while we're talking about the beginning another interesting observation of firsts in the movies is dumbledore's first reveal in each film when harry sees him for the first time in each film his entrances always show him as this powerful figure whether he's silencing the great hoe in the first third fourth and fifth films or taking command of the situation in the second film as it is they are not and even making this almost mind-blowing appearance out of nowhere in the sixth film however his final appearance is much more simple and there's nothing powerful or spectacular about it he just calmly walks up and this shows how the dynamic between himself and harry has changed in the first six films harry saw him as this all-powerful man which was represented in his introductions but now harry isn't a kid anymore he's older which puts the two of them on equal footing and on top of that they met in this place because both did the unthinkable and willingly faced and embraced their deaths knowing it was coming with this new dynamic they're equals there's no longer a need for this powerful dumbledore entrance like all the other films had to have harry you wonderful boy you brave brave man these movies excel to portraying harry's parents and parent figures in this very rhythmical way there's this wonderful element of seeing all of these father figures putting their hands on harry's shoulders we saw sirius do it in the third and fifth film we saw arthur weasley do it in the third film and we saw dumbledore do it in the fourth and sixth films then in the final film when harry's all grown up he takes what all of his father figures did for him and he puts his hand on his son's shoulder it comes full circle there's also this beautiful element with harry and sirius at the end of the third film sirius says the ones that love us never really leave us and you can always find in here he touches harry's heart telling him that his deceased loved ones like his parents would never leave them then sirius himself of course died and came back in the final film where he said and notice he said we now referring to himself as one of harry's fallen loved ones which was not the case when he said that line initially it's such an amazing detail that shows how much can change but at the same time can stay exactly the same another representation of children left without parents are mirrors the first time harry saw his parents after their death was of course in the mirror of erised that in itself is very compelling but the fifth film added so much more to this mirror and parent dynamic as they showed neville looking at a picture of his parents in the mirror in the room of requirement he too stands in front of his own reflection and sees the parents he lost in his case though his parents didn't die but lost their minds which might actually be worse but notice how harry was there to give neville comfort something he didn't have in his own mirror experience when he saw his parents we're gonna make them proud neville that's a promise the mirror of aeroset scene is also one of my favorite scenes in this film franchise and one thing that makes it so tragic is harry reaching out to touch his mother but then realizing he couldn't this devastating realization was then replicated in the final film as he had his mother standing right in front of him but again when he reached out he realized he couldn't touch her it's yet another example that shows just how much can change from the first to the last film but again at the same time nothing has changed at all another pair of poetic scenes i want to talk about is in the third and fifth movie in both harry storms into his room and angrily punches or kicks something however the focus of the scene quickly shifts from harry's anger to the photograph on his bedside table the same exact picture of his parents in both movies which immediately calms him down the same parallel can be said about the scenes with the patronuses while in the woods harry sees a patronus from afar one of a stag which represents his father and one of a doe which represents his mother [Music] relationships in the harry potter films are so perfectly done the job they did with the trio was one of my favorite parts of this film franchise just looking at the simple things you can draw so many scene parallels like them walking through the courtyard or sitting on the train the three of them laughing together the three of them running down to hagrids and the list just goes on and on these movies have made an abundance of scenes that could be matched up simply telling the story and showing the growth of the trio's friendship and it's honestly magical looking deeper i noticed a number of things that strengthened our bond specifically with rescues we see every combination possible in the first movie we see ron and harry run in to rescue hermione in the third film we see harry and hermione run into rescue ron you're okay and in the fifth film we see ron and hermione run in to help save harry which they of course do just by being there you have a weak one and you'll never know love or friendship and how could we forget about the trio in mcgonagall's office and half blood prince which is a callback to them being there in the very first film and mcgonagall's line is just the icing on the cake for this scene why is it when something happens it is always you three believe me professor i've been asking myself the same question for six years there is a great parallel at the end of the first and eighth movie it's the last look we get of them at hogwarts for both and in the first one as they stand together hermione looks off in the distance then in the final film it's the same thing but ron is the one to look off in the distance one of my favorite trio parallels again takes place at the end of the first and last movie harry walks up to see ron and hermione and in both ron and hermione look up at him smiling and in the last shot harry smiles right back at them and in the final film it's him being happy for them finally being together there's also the hugging scenes between harry and hermione in the chamber of secrets she hugs him saying hello i missed you and then in the final film hermione hugs him goodbye saying i will miss you as she lets harry go off to his death the same can be said about harry and hagrid we see things come full circle as they perfectly parallel their hugging scene at the end of the second and last movie it shows that hagrid is and always will be there for harry no matter what we can also look at a much darker harry and hagrid moment like hagrid carrying baby harry versus hagrid carrying the supposedly dead grown up harry it's also poetic that the first time harry went to the dursleys hagrid brought him there in his motorbike and when he leaves the dursleys for the last time it was again hagrid taking him on the exact same motorbike i brought you here 16 years ago when you were no bigger than a bowtruckle seems only right that i should be the one to take you away now another small thing i loved was harry running into the crowd in the first film as he's embraced and cheered on and then seven years later a crowd again forms around harry but in a much different circumstance as this time they're crowding around him to protect him there are also just small moments that play off one another from film to film like hermione always fixing harry's glasses or father figures cheersing to harry the movies also excelled at adding scenes to make ron and hermione's journey feel more complete than they did in the book some were small parallels like ron wiping something off hermione's face or run holding hermione when she needed to be held or even just adding small moments like hermione reaching for ron's hand when she was scared visually though i think the best addition to their relationship was the piano scene as ron just loses himself while looking at hermione but going past visuals they also added lines that enhance and develop their relationship just as much as the visuals she looked over here so you study me would you expect her to get up and leave i really really want i know what i'm doing did you hear what she was saying back at the pub about me and her i also loved the added ron and harry scenes i'd like to point out all the times the two were laughing next to each other because it just really highlights the lighter side of the friendship i also love the small detail of the two boys desperately running to class in the first movie and then in the sixth film they're just taking their sweet old time to get to class there are also small moments the two share but not together and what i mean by that is they have very similar experiences for instance they both dominate on the quidditch pitch and there's a 360 shot that goes around them as the crowd cheers their name there's also the parallel of both of them being celebrated in the gryffindor common room but my favorite part of their friendship in the films was ron always being the one to talk sense into harry but in a way that shows he's there for him you may be the chosen one mate this is a whole lot bigger than that it's always been bigger than that though it's not your typical relationship harry and voldemort did have a strong one in the series it's a theme throughout the films that he and harry are very similar we see this in almost every film you see so i i couldn't help but notice certain things and certain similarities between tom riddle and me perhaps the most significant part of their interesting relationship was when voldemort took over harry's body which in my opinion is probably the best change from book to movie throughout all eight films it's just so powerful it isn't how you wanna like it's how you are normal but that's an obvious detail that almost everyone notices what i want to talk about is a much smaller detail we see this dream sequence and in it voldemort does this little neck twitch to the side and this then becomes the visual representation of voldemort being in harry's head every time harry can feel voldemort he does that same neck twitch first after he felt a spark of anger and yelled at ron then right before he said his famous look at me line look at me he also does it when he senses voldemort coming to the ministry and we see it in another dream sequence as harry's face becomes voldemort look at me and this even carries into the half blood prince as well he does that same neck twitch when the ring horcrux gets near him it's a small detail but it carries a lot of weight visually in the films another amazing relationship in the films is harry and dumbledore's one thing i noticed is that dumbledore is almost always on the left side of harry when they talk there are so many examples of this i was shocked at how well this observation panned out however there is one exception because in the goblet of fire he's always on harry's right side after thinking about it though this makes perfect sense because this film is the turning point in the series the war has begun and nothing will be the same hermione said it best everything's going to change now isn't it yes so dumbledore being on the right side in this film makes perfect sense because just like the story everything changes with the visuals as well i noticed the same thing for jenny too every time she and harry hug her kiss harry is always on the right and ginny is always on the left side now i don't know if these things were done on purpose but it's still cool to point them out brilliant adapting a book to the big screen is no easy task and for the most part they did a great job the thing that really makes these movies stand out was the filmmakers understanding how they could mold the story utilizing the medium of film so basically things that the books could not do one of my favorite examples of this is how they use cameras they use these camera flashes in a variety of ways mainly for transitions one example is using just one single flash to jump from round in bed to the photo shoot with rita skeeter it's simple but very effective they also use cameras at the beginning of both the sixth and seventh films both scenes actually taking place in the exact same room and here they use flashes in a very similar way but instead of changing the entire scene each flash simply changes the shot it goes from dumbledore's arm around harry to the photographers to harry and dumbledore's back and then to the title of the movie again simple but very effective in the seventh movie did the same thing going from scrimser's face to a close-up of his back and then to a wide shot of the entire ministry another cool transition used in the movies which is incredibly cinematic is the use of glass if you go through it it could start a scene end a scene show something crucial and sometimes can just be there to look cool i think the best example of this was done by alfonso carone with the mirror in the wards robe a shot i actually studied in one of my classes in film school another technique that could only be done on film is the wind effect when magic is used they only use it a handful of times but it's used in one of the most famous scenes in the whole series when harry gets his wand it was also used in the third film when harry blew up his anne and in the second film when he was pulled out of the diary it adds this physical presence of magic which i think was done fabulously and i honestly wish they used this effect more the use of certain locations is another example of utilizing the medium you're given the movies created the bridge location which wasn't in the book and it's used quite often in many different ways it can be used for deep conversations where they stay in one place excited conversations as they walk across and of course the place for the battle that would end in its destruction you're actually giving us permission to do this that is correct long bottom boom boom and speaking of the bridge i also loved how the filmmakers created this running gag of sheamus always blowing things up no that's all i need you to set my bloody kneecaps on fire i don't appreciate the insinuation long problem besides if anyone cares to notice my eyebrows have completely grown back it's a gag that continues throughout the movie series and ultimately it led to the bridge's destruction and perhaps neville's most badass moment in the movies neville's character was handled so well in the films and that has a lot to do with what the filmmakers decided to add to his character that was not in the books on top of the bridge scene they also added him standing up to the death eaters on the train and of course the bellatrix how's mom and dad better now they're about to be avenged my favorite little added moment though are two scenes that correspond so well in the first and fifth movie in both neville does something good and all of a sudden everyone starts clapping for him while he's just dumbfounded then with everyone cheering around him he gives this proud little smile i also have to applaud the filmmakers on some of their foreshadowing when it comes to dialogue they plant a line earlier in the film is there something you wish to tell me no sir and then have it pay off later in the movie is there something you wish to tell me no sir there are tons of examples of this almost none of which appeared in the novels my favorite is probably sirius's last words in a flashback he says nice one and then his last nine seconds before he died it's the exact same thing there's also the i must not tell lies line as sumbridge tells harry to write this with a special pen that cuts his hand i want you to write i must not tell lies and then later harry says it right back to her when the centaurs have her tell them i'm sorry professor i must not tell lies and this gets even deeper when harry actually says this again in the deathly hallows part one you're lying dolores and one mustn't tell lies another example is when we hear bellatrix mock harry after she killed sirius [Laughter] and we see this again in the next film as bellatrix says the exact same line as harry chases here the filmmakers also had snape's famous line of always be said by lily as well which puts a nice bow on their story arc together always always there are also a few of these that were said in the book like ron and hermione's cute tag line why is it such a surprise always a total surprise but the films did change how that line was said there was also ollivander's famous line in the first and last movie the one chooses the wizard mr potter the one chooses the wizard mr potter and of course dumbledore's famous line that was set in the second and last film which he also changed a little bit in the last movie which i always loved you will find that help will always be given at hogwarts to those who ask for us help will always be given at hogwarts harry to those who ask for it but i would in this case amend my original statement to this help will always be given at hogwarts to those who deserve it these films used very visual things to lighten the mood or to add comic relief i already mentioned sheamus with the explosions but there's also a theme of using smacking to have comic relief as well okay sorry um kidding dancing is another thing that these films latched onto normally the light and the mood it could show love for one another it could be choreographed and organized random and fun awkward and hilarious and even used to mock someone else's dancing never gonna let him forget this are you never one thing interesting to look at is the final shot of each movie i noticed that each ending can be matched up with another ending in the series and each one has a pair out of the eight movies the first and fifth films both go from hogsmeade station to moving the camera up to a shot of hogwarts the second and third films both cut from people clapping to a far away shot of hogwarts the fourth and seventh films both end looking out at the great lake and finally the sixth and eighth films both end on a shot of the trio each ending shot also perfectly captures the essence of said movie and besides the last one none of them have the same ending as the book which is just a prime example of how well they utilize the medium of film making it their own [Music] these films have a wealth of visual techniques that just flow so well from movie to movie for example every time we're introduced to a new place we view it from behind the main character's backs as it either pans sideways or tilts vertically there are also many amazing shots of characters with their backs silhouetted in the frame and it makes for very powerful and ominous visuals they use this to show loneliness companionship intensity and even the end of the film and going off of that i noticed a ton of similar shots that all four directors used most notably the use of what's called tilting or going up and down in a vertical motion my favorite example of this are the two shots on the bridge they just line up so perfectly they also use the tilting motion to show something in the sky to show a person's full body to show the chaos in the final shot of the scene to make a nice transition to the next scene or even to show how vast a certain area is like the ministry or the maze in the triwester tournament what i really want to highlight though are certain scenes that match up flawlessly from film to film most notably the gringotts scene it starts with the wide shot of the bank as it follows the back of the two characters walking in it then cuts to a shot of their feet walking as they approach the front after that it pans over the goblins at their desk and notice how both shots are moving to the left they match up so well it then shows the goblin at the front desk looking up then a shot of the goblin's point of view looking down at the heroes the two scenes rhyme like poetry so perfectly just as george lucas said again it's like poetry so if they rhyme another example of this is the forest scene in the first and last film the scene starts with voldemort or the face that holds voldemort turning toward harry it then shows harry's reaction to this and notice how in the first film he backs away but in the last film he actually walks toward voldemort accepting his destiny it perfectly highlights how far he has come on this journey we then see voldemort square up to harry and again we see harry's reaction to this he's terrified in the first movie but doesn't even flinch in the last one after that we see a shot that shows voldemort on the far side and harry's full body in front of him then this is where the action starts as in the first film he's saved by ferenz while in the last film he's killed because no one's there to protect him this time another amazing visual detail is that of remus lupin and nymphadora tonks the last time we see them they're reaching for each other's hands but they never connect then the next time we see them it's after they've been killed and their hands are just as we had left them right next to each other but not touching another thing i noticed in the final film was something to do with harry voldemort and neville during the final battle we have a shot of voldemort's eye on the left side and a side of harry's eye on the right then we see both of neville's eyes in the middle showing that he's the bridge that will decide their fate which ultimately he is as the even the playing field by killing voldemort's last horcrux it's a powerful visual representation of how their fates are all intertwined i also noticed a ton of examples of dramatic head turns there are friendly head turns scared head turns curious head turns suspenseful head turns intimidating ones evil ones upset ones and so on these head turns are almost tradition and they're used in just about every way imaginable throughout the series i also found an interesting pattern with doors in the series opening doors can represent power and authority while closing doors can represent secrecy and deception also when the only two films that feature all of the order of the phoenix both films had their introduction be them walking through a doorway both the third and fifth films used the same playground to visualize what harry was feeling in the third film they used the playground to build suspense which also represented harry's fear then in the fifth film they again used the playground but this time to show harry's loneliness also at the beginning of both of these films they used flickering lights to alert harry that danger was coming one of the most intriguing shots that i've never heard anyone talk about is when voldemort glided his fingers over his forearm which is where the dark mark would go it shows that though his death eaters worked for him there was a huge gap between himself and his followers it's an interesting character moment that i think adds a lot to his overall story and is something that was never really in the books severus snape is one of the most complex characters in the series no one can really get a read on him not even voldemort and they represent this perfectly in two beautiful shots as both bellatrix and the dark lord walk around severus trying to figure him out there are also these two scenes that feature snape and it's easy to see just how much these two scenes parallel one another both involve snape looking out on the courtyard by himself and they both show a close-up of his face which just has a world of emotions from alan rickman the scene in the eighth movie also houses another interesting parallel as we see dementors hovering outside of hogwarts which is very similar to another shot that we saw on the third movie when looking at dumbledore's speech in the third and sixth films the kim resumes in on him as he speaks and in the third film dumbledore is addressing harry while in the sixth film he addresses draco by what he says give them no reason to harm you it is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving in the end their greatest weapon is you so what they did perfectly was have the camera zoom in on whichever boy the speech would resonate with the most and while we're talking about different shots let's discuss the use of the point of view shot two different directors and two different movies used this technique to perfection first in the fourth film mike newell used this technique to make the audience feel as judged as harry felt in that moment and then in the fifth film david yates used the same technique to make the audience feel how much hatred was brought upon harry one cool detail i noticed which is scattered throughout all eight films is the use of windows to express harry's emotions the coolest example was harry looking out of the dursley's window in the first and last film as he moves the exact same curtain in both these two shots line up perfectly while these two shots convey harry's curiosity others like this show harry's nervousness for his first day of wizarding school his anger at the dursleys his mixed emotions after hearing his mother's voice on the train and his mischievous planning to break the rules and go into hogsmeade when he wasn't supposed to they use fire in a similar way again to show harry's emotions we see his disappointment as he watches as hogwarts let her burn we see him staring into the fire wishing he could have his parents back after seeing them in the mirror of airset for the first time we see his anger manifest about sirius black he was right there he was close enough to touch i could have killed him we see how shaken up he is about crouch's death he was murdered this is a big deal we see his disappointment after being turned down by cho we see his loneliness in the fifth film and we see how worried he is later in the same movie they use windows and fireplaces to great use and it really helps convey the emotion harry's feeling in each scene one of the most difficult things to do was to transition from one part of your movie to another and amazingly all four directors of these films used a bird to do so at one point chris columbus used hedwig to transition from winter to spring alfonso coron did the opposite using hedwig to transition from fall to winter mike newell used hedwig to transition from the beginning of the train ride to the end and david yates used to crow to transition from real life to the deathly hallows animation it's clear just how much these directors worked off one another as they were able to keep the same styles staples and techniques while also adding their own flair to each film and as i keep saying it makes all these films rhyme together like poetry but perhaps the most powerful visuals in the series were the ones to do with death after almost every death the filmmakers made sure that there was somebody being held in this vulnerable moment we saw harry lying on cedric's body and later albus holding both harry and amas when sirius died we saw lupin holding a grieving harry when dumbledore died we saw ginny holding harry when lily died we saw snape holding her when dobby died we saw harry holding dobby when fred died we saw ron and molly holding fred and later we saw hermione holding ron and this is even true for harry's death we saw him being held by hagrid every one of these shots made each death so much more heartbreaking and it shows just how much a visual representation can affect the story and the audience in such a powerful way throughout these eight movies there's a theme of dominance a really interesting example of this is in the first film vernon has complete dominance over harry he grabs him by his hair and harry is helpless fast forward two years though and in the exact same hallway harry is the dominant one now while vernon feels helpless the rules were completely reversed something similar happens with voldemort throughout the eight movies voldemort is almost always above looking down at harry we saw this when he was a baby when they faced each other in the first film the second film the fourth film and the fifth film however in the last movie the rules are again reversed as harry is looking down at what is left of voldemort he is now the dominant one the same technique is used for magonico and umbridge the two of a power struggle as they take turns going up one step to gain the higher ground and so mcgonagall realizes she doesn't want to stoop to umbrage's level which then allows umbridge to take the upper hand i also love the theme of the floating voldemort heads which we saw in the first film the fifth film the seventh film in the eighth film it adds this very intimidating aspect of voldemort's character which i think the films did brilliantly and going off of that another huge form of dominance in the movies are things in the clouds we see the grimm stare down at harry and we see the dark marks several times in the clouds which was an interesting choice given the fact that in the books they're described as green light not a cloud formation but i think having it in the clouds makes it even more ominous and intimidating creatures cast a huge light of dominance in the series as well notice that whenever there's a scene with dementors they are always above their victims they are the definition of dominance in these films then we also see how important and dominant they are when they save the heroes in almost every movie we sold for ren save harry in the first film folks blind the basilisk and take them out of the chamber in a second so buckbeak save harry and hermione from lupin's werewolf form in the third so fox rescued dumbledore in the fifth soldaby rescue harry and company and deathly hallows part one and the dragon saved the trio from gringotts in the eighth [Music] like everything else in the series a lot of the action scenes rhyme from movie to movie let's look at some examples the escape from the hall of prophecies and the escape from the ministry is a prime example of this the shots line up so perfectly we see the thing they'll run from start to fall or escape we see one hero grabbing another as they run we see a front-facing shot of them running we get an overhead shot of the heroes running away from the camera see the threat gaining on them and then see them escape through a door these over-the-shoulder running shots are another staple in the harry potter films we see it over and over again in almost every movie and again the theme of this video these films rhyme like poetry another example of action scenes matching up are the gringotts and department of mystery sequences as hermione catches them all in the exact same way when they fall and the same can be said about the burrow and the lovegood's house it was attacked and knocked down in the same way looking at the battle of seven potters it pays tribute to ron and harry flying the car as the person driving goes upside down there's a shot of harry falling out a wide shot of harry just hanging on from the vehicle a close-up of his face harry getting back in and his reaction to all of this a lot of the duels house similar shots and angles that match up really nicely when comparing all of these scenes same with the water scenes there's almost always a shout of harry rising above the water and it's always framed in the same way in the picture they also perfectly match harry flying over the courtyard to applause the same way fred and george did two movies later not to mention sirius and bellatrix's escape we see both of them in their cell looking out see the explosion that opens it and see a shot of them laughing and free and these parallels aren't always exactly the same for example we have similar moments in the 5th and 7th film as lupin is holding harry in the chaos in the fifth film he tries to keep perry there but in the seventh film he does the opposite and pushes harry away and here's another example in the underground gringotts scenes the first film just has them on a straight path and they go very slowly it complements the feel of this scene there's not much suspense then in the eighth film it's a wild ride which again complements the suspense in that scene they're complete opposites a lot of these action scenes end in a very similar way for instance a lot of these scenes end with harry getting knocked out or lying on the floor we saw this at the end of the climax in the first film after the dementor attack in the third after the death eater rampage in the fourth after voldemort took him over in the fifth and after his fight with snape at the end of the sixth film it's almost like a pattern that each film follows and it makes the series flow together so nicely the amazing thing about the harry potter films is that it adds so much lore to the franchise and sometimes even changes how we see the books for instance luna and neville's relationship that's something that was not in the books but because of the films fans cling onto them as a couple there are actually a lot of things i like better in the films than in the books which i've talked a lot about on this channel but if you haven't seen any of my other work i far prefer sirius's character arc in the fifth film rather than the fifth book because he's made so much nicer and more supportive and much more loving i also far prefer the battle of the department of mysteries in the movie than the book because it keeps the team together and i love that about it it shows unity i also like how they handled the elder one in the last movie instead of putting it back in dumbledore's grave harry destroyed it ensuring that there was no possible way it could fall into someone else's hands these movies have been and always will be among my favorite movies ever made i have a deep connection to the films and so do so many others i hope you guys enjoyed me sharing my thoughts on the movies after making videos with these films for over 12 years between this channel and my first channel i've certainly studied these movies more than most and my hope is that i pointed out at least one thing you didn't notice before let me know in the comments if you have any other thoughts that i didn't discuss i'd love to hear your opinions and ideas for now that's all i have for you though make sure you hit that like button and subscribe button if you enjoyed this breakdown and i'll see you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on instagram to see more of my personal life like my cute dog loki and some behind the scenes movie flame stuff i also do similar content on tick tock and twitter that i do here on this channel so if you like what i do here check them out all the handles are right below me and links are in the description over here are my wonderful patrons if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a few other perks become a patreon today as always if you liked the video hit that like button and subscribe and look out for more great movie flame videos on the way
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 671,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Disney, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, theory, breakdown, poetry, vs, hermione, granger, ron, weasley, albus, dumbledore, fantastic beasts, sorcerers stone, philosopher's stone, philsosophers stone, chamber of secrets, prisoner of azkaban, hogwarts, wizarding world, goblet of fire, order of the phoenix, half-blood prince, half blood, deathly hallows, cinematic, ginny, voldemort
Id: dNOAaPSyf_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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