Every Super Smash Bros. Reveal, Explained

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super smash brothers what can you say about it for 20 years it's brought together characters and worlds into one collective experience let's be real most of you don't even play smash anymore now i can safely say the thing people care about most with smash bros are the character reveals the monumental occasions when a new character is revealed and the anticipation is enamoring all of us it's amazing but that hype won't happen anymore because the game super smash bros ultimate it's completed however we can always look back and relive all of those hype moments so today we're going back we're gonna look at every character reveal from smash 64 all the way to cat i tried running the numbers and they started giving me sass oh what a travesty as a compromise for taking on this hellish task i'm giving myself a free skip i don't know who yet but it's like a gut feeling i'll know when i see him so let's begin [Music] [Applause] you don't have to yell i'm right here hi the roster that started it all okay yeah they technically didn't have reveals at this point but it wouldn't feel right not to cover everybody i mean how did these characters get revealed box art promotional material they did appear at e3 but the game had already been out in japan for already half a year so players they got to see the intro as well as whatever promotional materials there were for it so who's this guy i mean come on it's mario i refuse to talk about his influence again do you see how he dresses i think we've seen enough of mario's rigatoni ass feet but him and donkey kong being the first two characters besides them being the two top platforming series on the snes donkey kong and super mario bros were sort of nintendo's first main claim to fame donkey kong's arms look like drumsticks number three is link zelda was also very synonymous with nintendo at this point as well as throughout all its history and i mean the series at this point already had an abundance of games and uh maybe surprising to many the character who won a decade without a new game oh sorry sorry i didn't mean to oh sorry i can see myself out at this point metroid had three games and was respected in its genre but also link and samus share a birth year actually these three characters all share very similar dna and in smash they make up the three different archetypes the brawler sword fighter and gunner just popped into my head i don't know where that came from the top row is nintendo in the 80s where the next row are the series from the 90s yoshi debuted in 1990 and he had his own games at this point but he was mostly known for his appearances in mario's spin-offs and come on he's a fan favorite kirby debuted in 1992 and just like his games he had an easier play style also nepotism isn't that a planet kirby is a series is a simpler arena of platformer but he had his home on the original game boy believing there could be games on this thing that were fun that is always impressive to me have you seen shrek fairytale freakdown this is the worst thing i've ever perceived fox debuted in 1993 with star fox a fan favorite series and child of miyamoto he was doing a lot better in the 90s his unreal shooter was a remnant of those ages of oh wowzer look at a free d and all you got with the experience was an extra d so then i think this obscure series pokemon just came out so they just threw it into this game no way that's gonna take off and starting out this really paints a picture of what nintendo looked like in 1999 it's sort of cool and not only that but this would be a template for how they would decide future characters but there's also the unlockables arguably the first reveals for a smash game on the title screen they're blacked out you have to unlock them to discover who they are so really this is the first appearance for many of these luigi appears in the how to play thanks for coming out luigi now get back in your cell the best from the mother series was even at that time an obscure choice mother was by no means a big series even in japan but i guess he provided a unique enough moveset due to his abilities that it would be an interesting character choice the super nintendo was nintendo's newest console in the 90s and they wanted to compete with the genesis get a mature audience involved so they created a new mascot someone tough strong cool no guys that's mario again yeah they ditched that whole idea but captain falcon very much represents [Applause] he's from the racing game f-zero the perfect letter and number to culminate how fans feel about the series and his inclusion in smash while he is a nintendo character may come from the similarities he has with the prototype characters of smash 64. i mean come on you know these guys homeowner anthony bill mannequin neo dr bill and last but not least literally just a kirby clone the pokemon gen one was extremely popular and uh this was the joke character of this game no way they would appear in the next one you know from how the first characters were chosen to the characters added due to convenience this roster gave us an idea of what future smash games would do for newcomers right down to the joke characters it's definitely not as exciting but this would base how we expected characters to come in future games they'd have to be important to nintendo's brand or popular characters from the same series but we did get reveals for the next game in melee this would be where we had our first e3 reveal trailer we basically only have footage because someone took a camera and recorded it otherwise this was only for the people in the e3 conference they got to see a young bill trennan and miyamoto in a beige suit beiji and if you like live reactions well this was one of the first [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah who's gonna tell them so first we have 64 fighters and then in order of new appearances we have princess peach and bowser i mean these guys go together like pb and jay and the bread look at those ankles my head cannon is he actually tastes like spicy salami these are the characters that make the mario games mario games but they also established hey oh hey side characters oh yeah they're gonna be in this game and the second most popular franchise also got the same treatment next up we'd see zelda and ganondorf's hand is your hand in melee but we would get one of the first left field newcomers here [Music] oh my god it's so sweet that someone actually knew who they were everyday really though for that one the ice climbers debuted on the nintendo vs arcade cabinet in 1984. this was before super mario bros came out and if you actually take a close look at these games they share some assets but also the lead programmer kazuaki morita he worked on this game as a warm-up for super mario bros also ice climbers showed that it wasn't so much the character's popularity that got them into smash more so it could be history as well as unique mechanics that only they could have so it's a simplistic game but there's a lot under the hood yeah back to the trailer from here it has a beta intro not too dissimilar from the final version and [Applause] [Music] it's funny that officially she comes before zelda only because of that one second gap before zelda appears very big on the older twin energy anyways similar to mario baboom we have a leading lady that appeared in ocarina of time this would become a trend of spoiling key plot elements within a smash character wario's a non-binary icon and i guess you could say there were other reveals here like pichu and believe it or not that is your starting roster all accounted for they leaned a little heavy on the zelda in mario for sure the rest of the characters wouldn't be known until you unlocked them me ah the unlock screen so blue so ominous anyways um i mean there's technically an order of the characters in the code as to when they were included in this game but for most players the order in which you unlock characters can be very different so we're just gonna go out of order dr mario seemed dumb but then you realize he was on the nintendo vs arcade cabinets as well so that's a hard pill to swallow there's not much to say apparently he's a doctor and that's not the amount of certainty i'd like to have with someone prescribing me medication that's sort of this whole section on clones so for a little bit i'm gonna go out of order just so i can explain it because it feels like the order of these characters just depends on the faces of the moon anyways [Music] what the [ __ ] falco was a main state of the star fox series and even though they don't have canonical abilities he was the next obvious choice young link was also a pretty good choice because most of link's portrayals up until this point were when he was a child he doesn't really offer anything different beyond that but still a nice choice nonetheless most clones are easy to understand they look the same and they're from the same series so smack them together same character but what if it's a bada bop we've never trained for this i thought this was the dude from wave race oh how you doing buddy yeah just hurts a little michael pillaged it off that old ganon at this point had been in most entries of the zelda series as a villain not ganondorf ganondorf was only in ocarina of time and time is of the essence why am i telling you this clearly because they never even planned for him to be in this game when nintendo was showcasing the gamecube off at e3 there was this animation of link fighting ganondorf and everyone was so impressed and then they realized they weren't even making that into a game but oh man we me we spent all this time making this model why don't we [ __ ] use it i had my hopes up that ganondorf in ocarina of time was actually beating the [ __ ] out of link imagine how i felt when i realized his fight is just plain ping pong and as you can see the character choices with clones the techniques used in smash 64 were a hint that we'd have no shortage of them in the future but we did have some hidden newcomers in the unlocks [Music] would you fault me if i thought this had to do with yuisha as a kid marth is the beginning of a story that many future smash characters would share fire emblem since its first entry on the famicom it was a japan only series so for the entirety of the 90s nobody knew what fire emblem was until fire emblem on the game boy which really wasn't that or him oh hey that looks like no it was released as an attempt to sort of get the game overseas and introduce that audience to this series it didn't work and the inclusion of marth and there were a way to try and expose north america to this game it didn't work [Music] someone's not a fire emblem fan anyways marth was the first protagonist of the fire emblem series all the way in that first game and in future games he sort of became a legend of the series so picking him was a great choice then i actually love gen one pokemon and i love mewtwo i mean how couldn't you but by this point pokemon blew the hell up so gen one and two were perfect to represent in smash it would also create a trend of movie pokemon joining then i'll talk to you get get out you taken werehog sonic and the last fighter would be one i still smile at [Music] i remember first seeing this and thinking it was a joke like actually as a kid sitting there and laughing because this character i'm fighting is flat all of these awesome well animated 3d characters at a time when this was my first 3d game and the character i unlocked last is this even reading the unlock message it brought a smile across my face i didn't even know how to read game watch was really one of the first characters to prove how zany smash could become with characters that moving away in a different art style and while i didn't think there was any possible way that this character had history with nintendo as a kid the game and watch line of games were really what we have to thank for many of the portable nintendo consoles and while gaming watch wasn't like a main character for the game watch series he represents all the most popular games from those line of toys and just seeing it in smash you know that is incredible that nintendo has come so far but yes compared to 64 melee definitely created the groundwork for how characters would be chosen but reveals well that would all change with brawl with brawl now smash has its third entry it would cement smashes not just this one-off series but a trilogy a trilogy that could sell consoles and introduce characters from different franchises into one game welcome to e3 2006. grandparents tell their grandkids about walking to school uphill both ways this is what i'm gonna tell mine the orchestral arrangement the iconic smash logo smash bros it had all the makings for a hype showcase and i think it really just needed the internet to become this sort of cultural icon and this trailer was really the start of it they also didn't show all the veterans immediately they established that mario pikachu link and kirby were sort of the mains poor [ __ ] samus but for the new characters we'd be introduced to the ancestor of the vine sound the splash screen with the character's name this is the first character that had it and i think meta knight was the perfect character to mark this new era it was from a series we already knew but didn't have a new character in it and i mean look at how he moves in the trailer he made us all so hyped for what the gameplay was gonna be like i knew meta knight from a few things in kirby air ride he was the swag pick but also he appeared in kirby right back at you basically kirby kinda got ignored in melee so finally he has some more characters from his series and following up the ice climber pick of this game was well his name matched how i felt okay so nobody knew who the hell this guy was even less so than ice climbers it feels like kid icarus was sort of a sister series to metroid and zelda releasing in the same year and it had a pretty exhaustive development period the entire trope of spending a month sleeping in the office using cardboard boxes as blankets just to meet a deadline that was only for one game it didn't really succeed past this point but anyways pitt he was a retro classic and was one of the first characters that made me realize just how deep nintendo was as a company and how many franchises it had within it wait the metroid's a woman [Music] it was confirmed that samus really wears the [ __ ] out of blue and with metroid it's a series with very few characters it's the whole idea of samus's isolation and zero suit only really appeared in metroid zero mission a remake of the first game with an added section at the end where you can play as zero suit samus with none of the power suit abilities stealthing through a space pirate ship this is all to say it was just a really weird choice because there was definitely another character they could have picked and choosing another version of samus was questionable but i'm sure the internet didn't mind and to end it off mom says we have wario at home you ever run into your teacher at the grocery store what is this wario after hours wait is it wario on the clock anyways wire had been in so many games up until this point not even just the mario spin-offs super mario land wario world war land wario where where's wario now huh and i guess warioware had a presence in the early 2000s so that's where his design is mainly based off of and that's it super smash bros brawl the first trailer yep nobody else could appear now a rated m character from a stealth-based story hailing on sony consoles made his way to smash in a legendary of events this really came down to the fact that kojima and sakurai they had a good relationship and kojima himself asked if snake could be in melee but zachariah said no and then ultimately he was added in brawl as a kid who only played nintendo consoles i really had to see what other people thought because the actual gravity of a character like this joining smash can't be understated i mean he's from a rated m game and the themes of the game are definitely not a kirby game one is a game about taking down huge beasts that pose a threat to the planet and the other's metal gear for nintendo fans that didn't know him he seemed so distant from smash's other characters because he looks like a real man a military soldier and for playstation fans he just seemed out of place me i thought he was from splinter cell call of duty the closest thing i played to a shooter at this point was yoshi's story so after this e3 there was a website up for promotion with a few details and screenshots snake even had an old render when they're together it looks like they're dancing i know gamers freak out about anything in print media but trust me these ones are good we have smash bros very funny [ __ ] now let me in this was the first nintendo power after e3 2006. this is how i got my 15 minutes of fame on the playground i told people samus was a woman they didn't believe me bam it would be a whole year before we got more information on new characters but it would be a steady stream at first we only really had this retro ass dojo with snake stop dancing then came another e3 and surprisingly no matter which form of football you prefer ea sports is in the game [Applause] no not that if you've been following the updates on the smash brothers dojo website it's a pretty good bet that you can't wait to battle with giga bowser oh yeah i forgot when that was important and we got a sneak peek of deke a leak a day early he looks well i can announce today that smash brothers brawl will launch in the americas on december 3rd the dojo at this point was receiving updates every weekday meaning every day i had something to be disappointed at potassium and the dojo would be where the rest of the characters in brawl would be revealed sort of but after would be the drip feed of additional veterans and the intoxicating newcomer banner here is where the reveals really start i feel like i keep saying that so who did we get first [Music] it's cloud no off but how many series ike representing some of the priciest fire emblem games well do the curtains match the drapes did they catch on fire [Music] being one of the first 3d fire emblems on console ike really made the case for his inclusion i mean marth was just a legacy pick but ike was actually developed with plans for a worldwide release and this would begin a trend of new characters from a series replacing the older ones as those new games came out more on that later i remember everyone calling him ash when i was a kid and hey i know these pokemon thank god i feel like gen 1 starters were actually one of the most perfect picks for a character and the trainer in hindsight was brilliant everyone knows them they're popular and sore alright yes another common thread with brawl newcomers would be they'd represent new entries of a series or sidekicks from that respective series and i mean technically this is three beloved pokemon that deserves some recognition next up is diddy kong being the next best choice for the dk series but for some reason he inspires arson did he join dk right around the time dk became dk because he wasn't that dk anymore he was diddy is like luigi if he was a monkey and abhorrent so he's nothing like luigi lucas wow surprisingly they decided to represent the new and japan only mother 3 the japan only mother 3. i'm kind of stumped because mother 3 like just came out around the time of brawl but it wasn't like super popular or anything and even today it hasn't been brought overseas so perhaps this was their attempt at pulling a fire emblem it didn't work and following suit with meta knight completing the trifecta of the most important kirby characters ddd was the bowser of the kirby series and everyone was getting a villain so why not kirby and last but not least well you know this is actually a very welcome surprise pikmin was an incredibly new ip at the time and olimar is an incredibly unique character [Music] oh that's weird i think dinner's gonna be late [Music] and olimar had a unique moveset to boot it was garbage at times but so was the content of his game yup this set of newcomers certainly shocked us compared to melees wait what what do you mean there's something missing why does it sound like a helicopter sonic's the name speeds my game well i [ __ ] talk about stunting my maturity we just spent 20 minutes on characters what do you mean just started with reveals the first individual specifically made character trailer would be snake on october 2nd but he already had his reveal so it doesn't really matter no october 10th every kid was lifted out of bed by the enchanting sounds of live and learn sonic had his reveal on the dojo through a trailer and the internet stood still even news sites couldn't keep it together i've said it before i'll say it again maybe even a third time but not a fourth time [ __ ] q4 there was no character i wanted more than sonic the goddamn hedgehog i'm a sonic fan i love the games it explains a lot but yes i love the sonic franchise sonic was the bar for what was impossible at this point and i mean the entire 90s was nintendo and sega pitted against one another his existence is because of that and here they really milked it they knew how special it was and the shot of him and mario posing it was so cool i could kiss you so as far as having dicey chances go sonic being placed in smash was at its time the biggest franchise crossover in gaming so naturally let's put them in the [ __ ] olympics of course sonic pretty much marks really the beginning of the sort of crazy wild character reveals at least for me this was one of the biggest ones of all time but sonic really proved that third-party characters were on the table and no matter how impossible they seemed it could be considered but we paid the ultimate price what did it cost [Music] everything oh hey brawl's out oh hey brawls out yeah so the rest of the characters and subspace emissary were sort of revealed on the website but japanese players sort of posted everything online first everything this would be the reason future games showed the whole roster before the game came out it made it so there was no possibility of stuff leaking and everyone could at least have a moment where they were surprised by a new character [Music] so uh thanks lucario yep another pokemon movie pokemon in the movies actually it replaced the cooler one because this happened only once we considered this a trend i suppose i'm kind of biased here i was really online a lot at the time but if you weren't you would have experienced all these characters through subspace emissary and that in its own right is pretty cool especially how do we all feel that rob is technically a smash bros character because he is the ancient minister but uh rob follows suit as a similar choice to game watch because in 1983 there was this teensy tiny crash of the gaming market so nintendo tried to sneak into the homes of parents by marketing their games as toys they also changed his color in north america hey can you recolor these robs gray do it hello and even more secret were the three characters you had to unlock through some special secret doors in subspace emissary and that would be where the last two characters had their reveals toon link a much loved choice replacing young link but representing wind waker which actually kind of spun off into its own series and toon link played a lot differently from regular links so he was a welcome choice but an unexpected choice was wolf from star fox [Music] honestly these two were some awesome last surprises that made sense as supporting cast members and that's sort of how things went with brawl we had a lot of supporting characters that supported their main franchises a focus on new series and a few sneaky secrets and a lot of cuts oh my god we only just got through brawl and to think this is before nintendo really had an online presence oh no that would begin in 2011 with the first ever nintendo direct we've come very far from them holding bananas now nintendo could host their game announcements all in one place without relying on e3 once a year and the first time we'd see them do this would be in their digital direct in 2013. people were upset that they didn't show off games on stage are you sure so it looks like the uh the calibration is slightly off and well you know what happens next [Music] [Music] [Music] it was an electrifying opening so much excitement so much beauty and the first newcomer for smash bros for 3ds and wii u would be a mouthful of a title jesus christ [Applause] villager was the first character reveal and he showed us they had no shortage of ideas for new characters and were breaking the mold of what kind of series they would consider animal crossing had been a staple of nintendo consoles since the gamecube just with that kind of gameplay it was hard to imagine them fighting i honestly forgot there was a time he wasn't in smash because he just kind of belongs here but we didn't have long to be excited by just him [Music] [Applause] if sonic broke the dam of impossible characters then mega man drove a pickup truck right through the rest of it it was a hot pick everyone had on their mind and deservedly he got one of the most iconic newcomer trailers ever the music the cgi this is what we came to know before this point mega man seemed next up as an icon of retro gaming but unlike sonic mega man had his home on the nes and alongside mario's samus link he was known as a nintendo character by proxy so giving him his classic look retaining what his games meant in their heyday and including him here with characters he used to appear with set in stone mega man truly belonged here this also solidified that smash 4 would be including third party characters we could only go up from there oh cool and do we fit [Music] yes really how the hell would you attack with yoga moves it would just be like sakurai and bill trennan came on the e3 show floor and showed off live wii fit trainer's reveal trailer then went into actual gameplay of the character now the way it was just casually they walked on and like oh we're just gonna show you something it's the funniest coolest and one of the most unexpected characters uh ever and honestly this wasn't in a presentation so those on the show floor they were the first in the world to experience this and we fit being a choice not only showed where they'd pull for characters but honestly just how creative they got we fit sold incredibly well that's not a debate but it represents this era of nintendo's blue ocean strategy the wii era i would have preferred dr kawashima and we'd have to wait a little bit before we got kirby and mario kart better [Music] how is that better at least it wasn't daisy i do not really think anyone anticipated rosalina i mean rosalina we had no shortage of other characters they could have picked and people were definitely upset about that but gusty gardens here i've yet to mention it but i mean good times any smash for we ds and 3u had some design documents we can look at to get a sense as to where their heads are at when designing characters and here it's all about the unique themes and playstyles that these newcomers can provide hers was being a puppet fighter utilizing her lumas to attack from afar as well as heralding a zero-gravity playstyle she was also op rosa come on can't break a mouse in half oh wow you did scary you really earn your rep [Applause] [Music] i think little mac was one of the characters we all really expected right around brawl he was an assist trophy so we were kind of worried he'd never come but here he is little mac debuted as you may have known in punch out but not the nes one there was an arcade cabinet in 1984 and it was one of the top performing arcade cabinets of that year i think the thing holding him back for a while was the fact that he seemed basic but funnily enough this basic limitation became the defining factor of his playstyle a concept that morphed into an extremely unbalanced ground-dominant aerial buffoon that has made little mac a favorite of all smash fans too bad he sucks oh would you look at the time it's time for the first ever smash direct are you ready to have a youtube channel oh i couldn't that's way too cringy sakurai showed off many of the veterans that would appear in super smash bros for 3ds and wii u but wait shouldn't there be a pokemon no one asked for no not him grin ninja in the development of smash 4 sakurai had to decide which of the pokemon appearing in x and y would make for the next smash character and he quickly decided on greninja but suffice to say having none of the game to reference from he did very well he's got the speed he's got the moves and he's got the hip hop a hippie to the hippie to the hip hop papa you don't stop them stop but charizard uh he kind of got rid of his trainer turtle and the turd he just said i don't want him anymore [Music] and with a very sad ending we move on to e3 2014 continuing the trend of colossal three character character debuts smash introduced organizing your trash [Music] and as far as reveals go i mean how many companies get their presidents to do an epic anime-inspired battle all for a character reveal the answer is none there really is not much to explain here i mean this was smash finally allowing custom avatars to join the fight you could design your own character put yourself into the game and me's at this point i mean that's what they were since their conception and it was just really odd that they didn't appear in brawl but you know better late than never the me's were sort of like global warming inevitable but denied by men who had their own interests in mind but we also got mommy mommy oh oh it's a series now cool volatina had a role in the original nes game and especially in the 3ds one and here it was just to represent that series more really here she has many of the abilities she granted pitt from that game with her um design focus being a customizable moveset that wouldn't be obsoleted wait there's someone back there is it ridley and similar to the wii fit trainer in a private presentation another character was shown a circle it's pac-man it's [ __ ] pac-man guys it's pac-man you look at retro games you think there's like what's a retro game [ __ ] pac-man he came with all of these references from his iconic game and what it's just a fire hydrant oh my goodness i really thought you'd get me god damn if there's another derivative newcomer that starts with luc i'm going to [Music] is that 21e or [Music] wait something's amiss and i don't mean an unmarried woman robin and lucina make sense remember we were talking about fire emblem being only in japan and then was ow i came along and he's like don't switch on me i got big bands now fire emblem's a thing except it wasn't i wasn't doing well we come to the 3ds and awakening is their last chance the climax a do or die going all out it could have been the last game and then they said lol just kidding that has to be the hardest hitting just kidding i've ever felt and revitalized this series and the tactician robin would make the perfect new fire emblem character as that's the character players would play as in those games and it also broke through the common misconception that all of fire emblem was just sword wielders and then they added lucina and now here we are the final reveal before the 3ds's games launch i'm really feeling it is the story of a game that seemed trapped forever in japan being the game after the commercial failure of the xenogear games nintendo didn't seem so keen on supporting it overseas however fans of japan only game started operation rainfall a campaign to get localization for xenoblade chronicles pandora's tower and the last story nintendo even acknowledged this campaign and in 2012 they revealed plans to bring this game over to north america though they denied that this was the main reason i only come to say this because what the [ __ ] is going on in this series no no no i don't even want to [ __ ] know but honestly good for them and the fans this series could have been for naught and shulk may not have had a chance luckily xenoblade is on a much better track now and shaw serving as this thanks for coming see ya what a fantastic reveal that was sort of ruined by a teensy tiny fudge-coated photoshop little mac leek no way this is real that's the costume from brawl [Music] [Applause] okay but really he didn't even get a reveal trailer he's the only character in this game that didn't get one i conclude that he's actually just a costume [Music] hold on can we go back to that can i see that five more times accurate well surprisingly bowser jr would make an appearance with the theme of his clown car oh i thought you hated him alex oh i hate him after the main mario cast bowser jr with his um no no no no exuberant supporters was the next logical choice in representing the mario franchise and well at least it wasn't daisy right but the last character would be a character that really brought nintendo back to its roots the tree from kirby being three characters the duck the dog and the zapper makes this the strongest canonical character according to someone i saw on twitter duck hunt has a similar legacy as rob but also represents nintendo and there are many peripherals over the years for every one of those well you can route it back to the nes zapper as well as the game sheriff but you know who's that guy and there it is smash for wii u and 3ds at this point honestly i had expectations about this game and this was pretty much it saved for a dark pit and yoga character but fans online they had many notions that we were still kind of holding on to like oh only one fire emblem only one pokemon if there's a third party character there's only going to be two of them and cut characters well they're never gonna return well the damn was vaporized before when the game was done that was it but now it's a different time the internet exists and nintendo is sort of learning how to use it meaning dlc the roster could be added upon and new considerations could happen at the end of development meaning characters like mewtwo would be able to return and lucas and roy and ree oh now this was a surprise if it wasn't leaked but still a surprise the hit fighting game franchise street fighter now in a non-fighting game well street fighter is the game that propelled fighting games to what they are now sort of all of them having this core dna that was adopted after this game's introduction and ryu being here he was an icon of this different genre of fighting and hey look they listened they added real fighting game mechanics to smash do you want my face to stay like this is that that funny but that wasn't all because we also had the fighters ballot introduced today we've come to know the results a little bit more specifically but the idea was the most voted pick would be the one that made it into the game and this led to two of the most monumental reveals of their time so before third parties were actually a realistic consideration there was always a couple of characters people wanted sonic mega man and him happening at any point seemed impossible this was only because of square enix notoriously they are very protective of their ips even so far as the exclusivity of final fantasy and how that's represented final fantasy vii is hailed as one of the best jrpgs of all time full stop it established so many of the tropes that you've come to know from the series and finally having cloud here seemed like impossible picks were starting to not become impossible corin i'm using it and the last character would be a surprise to everyone [Music] the winner of the fighter ballot was bayonetta actually she was the top choice in europe and the top five choice in north america and she was also the most realizable also she's the number one choice apparently everyone wanted her apparently man it is sort of a 3d beat em up and i'm not gonna lie to you and say it's one of the best performing games of all time but it certainly has an avid fan base while considering the good relationship with sega bandit was probably a much easier character to add than any of those red tape characters which was sort of the story for many of them no maybe they'd need a console that outsold any previous console before it and maybe they just needed to have a game that wasn't on a wii u things seemed so simple at the beginning dk's arms are drumsticks mario's a [ __ ] now did i just spend an hour doing smash for 3ds and wii u established the new format for reveals but by no measure were those reveals as crazy as they were about to get there always felt like there was some asterisk to how they decided characters that there were ideas but they had rules for how they chose super smash bros ultimate first an untitled smash game was teased to us in april 2018. and splatoon in its own right yeah was on the wii u but it was one of the first new and highly successful smash ips in a long time and that only got better with splatoon 2 on the switch so the inklings snugly fit onto the game's roster like the feet on their shoes i'm sorry and with an upcoming smash game this is when everything began the fake leaks the chairs the grinch apparently it was a wild ride all sort of perfectly starting with the perfect psycho so we were out to the races a new smash game announced the same year it's coming out unless you're gonna tell me minecraft's in it we got more smash news at e3 2018 and this smash game was interesting because it was coming sooner than expected and they could focus exclusively on it rather than splitting it between two versions so when sakurai came on screen what happened next really made time stand still okay here we go here we go yo i love it it's fresh yo he's fresh he's got the cape and it was around his neck samus [Music] she looks the same oh but look at that that was clean kirby cute [Music] bowser okay so it's heavily smashed for recording yes baby yes yes yes he's looking like that yo dkyo they almost look clay-like but i love it i love it fox yup and falco they got falco mars my boy my boy martha what oh my gosh she's beautiful she's beautiful she's beautiful yo what guys you gotta chill you gotta chill they're all here they're all here sonic looks the exact guy dancing but still whoa whoa whoa okay hold on i need to breathe you need to give me a second here toad toad just hit pikachu wow you're showing pikachu now yes they're back yes yes they are back baby they're back yes yes yo okay all right you can't just show me this and yo okay do you swim through the gank swim through it swim falcon css wii fit trainer they're all okay they're all you just you can't just bring them back like that [Music] everyone's back oh my god sakura you mad man you absolute fiend you feet yo oh my god guys i called it i was like they're gonna just bring everyone he chews back roy is back oh my god they have everyone oh my god he did exactly what i thought he was gonna do at the start he's naming every character that's been in lucina robin bail oh my god game and watch oh my that was cool that was cool that was cute dr mario rob duck hunt pit dark [ __ ] palutena oh my god everyone's back yes yes yes they're all back four side is back did you not see four side there [Music] they brought back young they brought back the young boy wario oh my god do you see his face [Music] they're all back everybody they're all back nobody got the food nobody got the food everyone's goddamn back snapcrate does not rap holy [ __ ] he's amazing oh my god [Music] every single character in the [ __ ] this was to me a sign of a new smash era the mantra of the game was everyone is here the expectations and rules they used to follow out the window anything goes now ganondorf has his sword it was like they were doing everything that we wanted and the success of the switch i think this allowed the stars to align because now nintendo held a few more chips to negotiate third party characters and i love chips dill pickle especially everyone made an appearance in this video inkling the updated veterans it was unlike any prior reveal because so much was shown all at once it was colossal but not more colossal than a storyline throughout the history of smash is the metroid villain ridley and how his size prevented him from joining the fight but he always did get close so that's always worth recognition ridley's first smash debut was in 64. you see him back there me neither he was in melee's intro he was a boss in brawl twice and he was a stage hazard on a god-awful stage with a god-awful model so for many fans this was the nail in the coffin we really were hoping for him and it just seemed like they were not gonna do it his inclusion had been sought after for as long as the character of ridley had been seeking metroids he's on super metroid's cover for pete sake but the one prevailing reason every time for him not to be included was his size luckily they realized oh wait nobody [ __ ] cares but more seriously it was a statement to me they're going above and beyond against their previous choices breaking the boundaries of what's possible all to make fans happy welcome to echo fighters it's funny how a little label makes something seem more special than it is like starbucks drink sizes with this new label characters once considered too unimportant for a main slot were considered as echo fighters they were next to their main counterpart on the roster and weren't considered a new character but still it made a lot of people happy for daisy uh um her cult anywho we move to august the pettiest of months we're back with more character reveals in a nintendo direct beginning with [Music] kicking off the 8 8 direct luigi's dead yes but simon belmont he was a classic nes character remember like way back at the start of all of this when i mentioned those iconic 80s nintendo characters well if in 64 they would have added other company characters you can bet simon and mega man would be in smash 64. he had been requested for a long time and i suppose now he was the front-running retro icon and his representation is wonderful and richter um he's an echo fighter from how expensive and he offered more representation to later entries of the castlevania series and while there yeah are more popular characters he worked as an echo fighter and allowed for a true celebration of castlevania but today there was a little more dark samus again offering more representation to a series that seriously needed it and uh krom he was sort of a mix and match savings deal it's like a variety pack and i guess some of this stuff is good anywho [Music] wow this character held a very similar spot to ridley he was heavily requested as a villain but seemed not possible potentially for other reasons ah it's a tale us all the time microsoft bought rare in 2002 and took with it a lot of the personality donkey kong still had games with k rool in it but he only really appeared in spin-offs and then he sort of stopped appearing altogether even when donkey kong did return he was nowhere to be found so he did have a chance but nintendo didn't really seem like they wanted to do anything with him and a lot of those old era donkey kong characters were gone with rare plus he'd only really have been picked for a small audience but nevertheless his inclusion his music now that he's here i can't picture the game without him he's right at home oh now we're winding down with a few simpler more expected fighters isabelle from animal crossing she sort of represents a new face to the series for my generation we only really had tom nook the villager but in new leaf isabel sort of became a fan favorite and the new face of this series so her as an echo fight oh oh she's she's original all right well she rounds up the animal crossing characters and overall represents the series better and then the final nintendo direct there were boxes there were grinches and i just wanted it all to be over never mind [Music] bring it on i can with ryu being on the roster adding ken as an echo fighter it was a no-brainer and you could make a case for him being just as popular as ryu2 but it was a red herring the real last character to cap off smash ultimate was nice well at least he has a macaroni and cheese skin ah the contractually obligated pokemon i think he made people contract something truth be told though i was already at the point of accepting all of the new fighters we had so many characters we had wanted over the years that sure add a new pokemon who cares at the very least he had a cool and interesting new design playing off of wrestling and that made him come alive but we all knew that wasn't going to be it as there was the potential of dlc infinite new possibilities that would be re okay honestly this is one of the funniest additions ever it's not random because it's obscure but it's random because it's literally a [ __ ] common enemy from the mario series but everybody knows it so actually it's probably a great addition god damn it jesus even still i love that he's here it's so dumb but so good it's time for the moment you've been waiting for did sans from under i gotta learn to shut the [ __ ] up don't i i was a little excited [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh persona 5 is a jrpg that permeated the north america gaming subconscious like never before not the previous two entries put the game on the map but by and large it was still very niche with persona 5 however it became iconic symbolic and was nominated for a game of the year an honor many games like this don't get and maybe if it wasn't going against some of the best games we've had in recent years it would have had a chance besides this atlas didn't really have a representative in smash we all kind of thought shimagami the mainline series was going to get a representative before persona because atlas has a pretty long history with nintendo but coming full circle joker is by and large a recent representative that represents an extremely popular game and this is just my opinion but i don't suspect that persona 5 will fade into obscurity i really think it's going to remain in history as one of the most potent and revolutionary jrpgs of this decade genuinely this was the character for me this was the one that got me out of my seat screaming because i was so happy because i didn't think it could happen and well it did to me now it seemed that anything could happen [Music] once again talking about the nes there were a few series that had their beginnings there mario zelda metroid mega man castlevania metal gear and dragon quest it was the grandfather of every stinkin jrpg you know you see an rpg its design has a lot to think from this series and many expected at least one of the characters from dragon quest to appear how about all of them yeah they decided to bring in the new theol and some of the most iconic dragon quest wait what's in his pocket with their spell select menu in mana they bring us one of the most interesting characters in the series that represent the history of rpgs and i think at this point we are finally realizing that all of the characters were more or less going to be third party we just didn't know the lengths they were gonna go [Music] oh my god i love them i can't believe they're here they're so perfect banjo-kazooie by and large is a remnant of an extinct age of gaming i personally love the games but i understand they're not exactly as influential as some of these other fighters they're largely a pick for a select group of fans but that showed us the direction the fighters pass would go and actually sakurai's last famitsu column details that banjo was actually the second overall pick of that fighters ballot so it was clear they had to make him possible whenever so for them i guess he was probably in line to be chosen as dlc to me it's honestly likely our nintendo characters just they aren't and in my opinion if any character represents the n64 it's them hell they play like a smash 64 character and i'm glad that one of my favorite characters that i wanted is here how did i get so lucky hey come on no i'm good i'm good right here i'm i'm fine no don't worry i'm cool it's cool i can't no i'm no no um well i'm gonna have to be honest with you uh nobody knew who this was everyone was sort of like explaining to you like you should know who jerry gogurt is and i'm like why would i terry is from a series called king of fighters and for being the king of fighters you think it's odd that nobody's heard of him the game was actually extremely popular in south america this is where the neo geo the console was mainly on had a presence and because of the cost of consoles arcades were extremely popular so king of fighters was heavily played there all the same he's a popular character for a specific group of fans and that's what terry and banjo were sort of showing us and i think this is sort of the point where things got a little staler we were having such a grab of different genres of games and if you didn't know all of them at least you'd appreciate it's like coleslaw you know you didn't ask for it but you could take it or leave it but you certainly know you wouldn't survive off it can i get fried isleth was uh let down for many fans but i think it's because many of us thought this was the last character luckily for us and by this point violeth is basically the hump day of characters rather the hump character shut up honestly i really enjoy bileth's inclusion three houses was an awesome game and i think it pushed fire emblem into the gaming space even more so than before although i did prefer the plant [Applause] um i mean i guess people are up in arms about arms until they weren't where's the one two switch rep i'm gonna be honest this one game from the switch's launch still did better than star fox zero and while it was like sort of a flop i guess it represents the switch's unique play style with joy cons it was a fun game it just didn't have the impact maybe they were hoping and i know i thought that an arms rep was gonna be one of the first characters revealed not a dlc maybe min min can become the next honorary my series is dead but i'm great in smash type character well it was a rocky start because at this point we were worried that the rest of the characters would just be first party i would like to make an announcement and say i was right and i'm annoying personally i never thought that steve would be crazy to appear in smash if anything i thought he'd be the perfect character to wrap up this game's roster like whether you like it or not minecraft is a growing game in one of the biggest games ever yeah it is not bound by a certain console and even by a company i mean yeah it's microsoft owned but minecraft appears everywhere and is played by everyone people probably know minecraft more than any other character on this damn roster so him next to mario i love it i love it so much and the way they implemented the gameplay of minecraft into a fighting game character is just so damn cool well i hope you don't like these characters or anything because now they're gonna die remember in smash for pu this series had only two songs i guess with the success of the switch in fighters past one squeenix stopped squeeing about the characters and just said did dumb idiot babies want to go play in sephora i think i'm mistranslating sephiroth is the reason i need to remake this goddamn video but i'm just impressed how spanning final fantasy vii is as a series and how it's come to finally have its day in smash notoriously they were not letting up the reigns with what smash could do with this property so now it's just a nice payoff to finally see both cloud and sephiroth here my only exposure to him was [Music] first mario wears sleeves than this okay one day i will try this game again because i've heard the tutorials are kind of um not good but my brain's basically the rock they removed from charizard's moveset so i don't know oh this is off to a horrible start where was i we already described xena blade and how it's actually having a bit more prominence here with xenoblade 2 so it was only natural that a xenoblade 2 rep was going to happen i just didn't think it happened so late even fans of this series are glad it wasn't rex and truthfully pyro and mithra are the ones that sort of make the game even how they're utilized is similar and sort of a spoiler but who am i to say what i don't know i don't even know what this game's about what tekken was a series many eagle-eyed fans wondered about joining smash especially with their tie-ins on the wii u but also with just how chummy bamko is with nintendo besides there now being four different fighting games in smash tekken was heavily expected and you know what kazia fits i i didn't really want this old fart but wow here we are the end of smash bros at this point we knew they had to let out with a bang but my heart told me they didn't care how many times before this i mean we just saw the honorary last character slot is it going to be a bileth or a corin no no no worse it's gonna be some cinder race oh god not real boom okay who is it oh my god oh my god if this is kingdom hearts i'm gonna like [ __ ] my pants and then also cry what huh oh my god what is this all right folks it's been fun [Music] let's go i cannot deny this character had one of the most astronomically high requests who won the fighter ballot it was [ __ ] sora kingdom hearts has its issues of course but nonetheless it's a series that does what no other can it can be charming absolutely ridiculous and nonsensical but clearly it's something that has bridged kids to be introduced to jrpgs it's close in the hearts of many people who've played it i have never played it but i do like to watch goofy die it's story the release of the games everything about this series is mystifying and confusing but all the same it is one of the most impactful smash appearances look at the bottom of this it says disney so what'd you think buddy how were the character reveals were they up to snuff wow starting this i kind of wanted to just take a look at the smash series as a whole all the way back from 64. and looking through the whole thing now that i have this finished and just being able to watch it re-watch it over damn this this series is actually [ __ ] incredible like it's kind of weird that it even exists and i only believe that it's going to age better because even sakura has remarked what are we going to do after this because like he doesn't know what he could add to the series this one was where everyone comes back they add everything to the current formula possible to make it a fun and fulfilling experience and it is like maybe it's not competitive for everyone but it's still a competitive game it's got every character you could want every possible stage customization to those stages k stage customization a story mode with all the characters in it it's incredible it even exists and the lengths they've went to represent all of the characters i looked at 40 characters around this point looking at their history their move sets and their design and it's just always so incredible the care put into this game and more personally super smash bros for wii u is where i started this channel it's where i started talking to you about games and kind of revisiting everything looking at it all again it really is humbling it's making me very thankful to have been able to do this to be on this journey and to share it with all of you um so thank you that's it i'll see you on the flip side [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: RelaxAlax
Views: 805,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: relaxalax, super smash bros., super smash bros. ultimate, reveals, reactions, hype, roster, sora, kazuya, unlockables, secret
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 31sec (4231 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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