My Nintendo Switch Game Collection

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that's a lot of red and I am colorblind so that's not a lot of red I just kind of felt like talking about my Nintendo switch game collection here not necessarily because it's it's wildly impressed I mean there's a lot of games here uh but I haven't really sought out to collect a bunch of Nintendo switch games more so I just have a lot of them and I just felt like talking about why I own Fitness Boxing too because who else is gonna do that so I'm recording this in January of 2023 so obviously there will probably be some games that come out after this where I'm gonna own them so that's why some games are going to be missing here and of course some games may be missing in general because I have standards but yeah I've bought a lot since the Nintendo switch launched in 2017. it's a really fun console to get games for however like not at the same time like I love how all the games nearly all the games follow this red spine aesthetic uh but it's really annoying at the same time because it's really hard to see from a distance like oh what I have instantly what I don't have instantly um so I can kind of forget sometimes because I have bought some games digitally uh in some games physically only so it may be kind of hard to remember sometimes but back in 2017 I remembered when it was really special when the Nintendo switch game got a physical release a lot of those indie games like Binding of Isaac and it'll do too uh getting physical releases was like oh my God this is crazy and I was like what like the switch has its own like chicken shoot wow it takes a lot to be a Nintendo switch game and we're halfway there we exist but I'll just go through uh all these games I haven't played all of them but I have played most of them a lot of the ones that I haven't played yet uh I just bought so I'm gonna get to them eventually I'm in kind of a break mode right now uh you know I've been playing a couple games here and there so I'll definitely get to a couple of these but I'll mention uh if I haven't played them yet and if I do plan on playing them so without further Ado let's talk about the first game on the Shelf which is damn it one two switch uh the first switch game that I I own the first game on my shelf alphabetically yeah so this one gets a lot of hate uh mainly because uh it's bad I have a lot of tolerance for Nintendo's casual efforts in fact I like a fair amount of them uh this one though yeah it has some good ideas uh it's mainly focused on the idea of oh let's do a multiplayer game where the screen is very much subdued it's kind of in the background it's mainly focused on what you and the other player are doing looking at each other and you're kind of doing video gamey things without looking at the video portion most of the time I want to say most of the time that's kind of one of the problems with one two switch I don't really know if that's actually the main theme considering maybe like half the games in here you are looking at the screen like is it a tech demo for the switch like not really kinda like there are some games that are really Tech demo-y uh you know like the one that everybody talks about which is the game where you move the joy-con around and the HD Rumble makes you feel like oh there are marbles in this joy-con or something like the Eating Contest minigame where you hold the joy-con up and you make eating motions in front of the IR camera uh but but outside of that like there's not a lot of other Tech demo e games there's a lot of stupid stupid games like like whatever uh the walking down the the showroom floor and and pretending to be a model oh my God what are we doing there if there's a video portion of that sure like like actually make that a game but it's not so it's kind of hard to understand like how do you how do you win at that would you move your hips more do you have to do more exaggerate motion what do you do and then in addition like yeah there's uh what like 28 games in this whole entire collection and each of them are incredibly shallow like you're only gonna play them like once or twice with a specific group of people I will maintain one two switch is pretty fun that first time you play with with a new group of people um but after that I don't know man like I remember it was 2017. uh it was my first year of college my second semester my first year of college and uh I decided you know what I'm gonna be that guy I'm gonna bring my Nintendo handheld to school I brought my switch like it was the launch month I was still excited about it and I thought like uh you know me and my friends uh would uh usually get lunch together uh at the Student Union where you know they have a lot of tables to sit at in a lot of different areas that are a little quieter than others blah blah blah blah we sit down and I'm just like hey you guys want to try one two switch so we sit down we try it and it's a lot of fun that first time and then I tried bringing it the second time and we're all just kind of like okay you know we've already done this there's some good ideas in here but they just do not come together it's it's a very shallow package there's not a lot of replay value there's not a lot of coolness to it like there's a couple games that are kind of cool but man like it it does deserve a lot of the hate it got uh I I do have a little bit more of an appreciation for it than I think a lot of other people do but I'm not gonna act I'm not gonna act high and mighty because of that I know I'm a idiot it is like a solid like four out of ten maybe five out of ten uh but I'm lean a little more towards four next up we have Animal Crossing New Horizons which uh this is one of the physical games that I have that doesn't get a lot of play because I did buy a New Horizons digitally I buy a couple of my switch games digitally it's mainly like if I'm really excited on playing it uh that is the best way to play a game like at midnight if you want to be there at the day one hour one minute one just buy it digitally but of course if you want the insurance plan that the physical version brings you which is the fact that you know I own this and of course you have to wait you know everything in life has a pro and con uh I decide to go for both pros and cons and by both the digital and physical versions I usually buy the physical version later on if I find it for a good price uh that is for games that I buy digitally um but yeah Animal Crossing New Horizons uh I love this game of course I I loved it back when it first came out a month later so I haven't really played it much since but I did get like 100 plus hours out of it uh so I did get my money's worth out of this game uh it was a lot of fun I think New Horizons really did help show a lot of people like what the fun in Animal Crossing is uh however I feel like other games in the series were more fun so I've played all the Animal Crossing games uh but I didn't get into them like I did New Horizons and I feel like a lot of people uh have a similar uh history like I do uh where you know hey there are millions and millions of Animal Crossing fans but there's a lot of people that tried Animal Crossing but just never really got into it appreciated it and thought like hey this is good this is a fun time but I'm not getting hooked into it but then New Horizons came out and that was like yeah this is this is awesome this is incredibly addicting the problem is New Horizons very light in terms of uh reasons to keep going past that first month I think all animal crossing games have this issue to some extent I remember a lot of people talking about New Leaf and city Folk as in like man like there's just nothing to do and you know you ask him it's just like okay well how long have you been playing and they're like five months and it's just like most games last you 10 hours like it it's pretty crazy this game lasted you five months but I think the main thing that frustrates me along with a lot of other people is that you can see how they could design the game to just stay fresh for a very long time without having to add so much content you know there are certain tweaks you could do and there are certain just additions they could have made or different just resources they could have allocated in different places uh to make this game a lot more replayable and a lot more playable after those that first hundred hours because Animal Crossing is a game that's meant to be played forever it's a game that's meant to stay fresh for a very long time a game that you're meant to check in like every day or every couple days whatever and considering how this game lacked a lot of the features that new Leaf had uh city Folk had Wild World ad the game key version had uh you know I don't expect every version to to come forward to every single entry but man there was a lot of like features that should have been there since day one in New Horizons and they were added eventually but they were added as free updates as if it was supposed to really keep you invested in the game old and then in addition just the fact that they stopped developing the game like this feels like it could have been Nintendo's Sims how EA just keeps making expansion packs for Sims 4 and they made a billion for The Sims 3 and Sims 2 and Sims one uh yeah I mean I mean kudos to them for for saying like we're done when we're done uh and they did only one little expansion pack uh The Happy Home paradise and uh that was cool I never played it but I did see a lot of it uh being played and uh it seemed like a cool media Edition it was pretty neat that they turned like a spin-off game which was a happy home designer for the 3DS into like just up a part of the you know New Horizons the new Mainline entry that was pretty cool um but it just always felt like New Horizons just missing that that extra bit of meat to really make it like like really really worthy of just replaying constantly the only reason why I really want to replay this is if I you know I started over all over again like you look at new leaf and playing with others uh online uh there was just so much more to do there was these little mini games you could do and in New Horizons it's a lot more of like well at least you all have your health there's even stuff they added in like the the new Leaf update the welcome amiibo update where you could play uh desert island escape from amiibo festival and puzzle league in the game uh that was cool uh but it feels like a New Horizons a lot of the fun you kind of have to make yourself especially playing in multiplayer online multiplayer with everybody you kind of have to come up with games yourself because there's just there's nothing to do and at night time there's barely anything to do you can go to the roost but it's also like that what's there to gain from the head I know I love the variety that New Horizons brought to the Animal Crossing series I felt like the concept in this game was really fun really interesting uh you know being on your own desert island and having more customization than ever before it all added up to a really great experience that just didn't last as long as I wanted it to it's lacking in a lot of features that previous games had at launch uh but overall I got a hundred plus hours out of the game it's hard to complain too much but I just hope that the next entry uh they they kind of combine a lot of the cool stuff that New Horizons introduced with a lot of the Mainstay Animal Crossing features that they may have introduced later on Via updates and New Horizons or uh just didn't even return and I think this would be like an amazing game but right now it's it's a fantastic game that I think everybody should at least give a try but it definitely has some weak points to it and considering how long we waited for this game after New Leaf I think it was fair to expect a bit more from it next up on the list is arms oh I don't know so this came out uh in June of 2017 only a couple months after the switch launch which is why it did so well and sold millions of copies that's the only reason it did so well is because everybody who owned a switch at the time was just like yeah sure that just goes to show it's really worth it to be there at the the launch of the system uh because I saw how Ubisoft was uh underwhelmed by the the sales of Mario plus rabbits Sparks of Hope in 2022 compared to Mario plus rabbit's Kingdom battle in 2017. I feel like a reason why maybe Sparks have hoped didn't sell as well was just because like uh yeah you know people were more willing to just say yeah kit not that either Mario plus Rapids games are bad games but uh you know like people are more willing to take a chance on on a game that you know they just they're not really sure about back in you know during the launch here of a system and arms was definitely the case this is not a bad game this has a lot of love poured into it I can tell however it kind of feels like Nintendo developed this game more so uh with the intention of just replicating the success of Splatoon rather than like them having like a really amazing idea that just all came together and they were like no we're really passionate and it has to be this way in this way and that way yeah this just kind of felt like Nintendo was trying to do another Splatoon in a different genre and uh it just ended up being a little confused I felt using the motion control uh worked but the you know the fact is it wasn't necessary you could use a standard controller Nintendo kind of wanted it to be a bit of an Esports fighting game not like super into it but they held like tournaments and all of that and the modes in the game just just feel a lot more like they wanted this to be taken seriously as like an actual competitive fighting game and it just really wasn't that I felt like arms was really boring to watch now to play it could be a decent amount of fun uh but the problem is like I felt like it wasn't deep enough to be a competitive fighting game and it wasn't silly and stupid enough to be just a fun party game I feel like it just didn't satisfy both camps there wasn't a lot of like items to play around with uh the the stadiums you would play in didn't have like a ton of wacky fun gimmicks uh you know Smash Brothers has wackier funnier gimmicks uh the characters were were all well designed they were all cool but uh you know they're attributes the the things that made them special I felt like didn't make them like special enough to really be like that much like oh this is my character they all play differently it wasn't like they were like Mario Kart characters where it's just like oh this one's a little heavier now they had different moves and all that but uh you know like like ribbon girls thing was like oh she can she can double jump and then a lot of the funky side modes in the game just felt more like minigame games like like break the targets and Smash Brothers that's genuinely a mode in uh in arms it's just like oh yeah break the targets and and uh yeah it feels more like a mini game yeah that's also a mode in Smash Brothers uh but Smash Brothers has all this other stuff and uh arms felt very very lacking in content at launch and they did add to it over time they added even like that badge system which gave you incentive to just actually keep playing through the game which is something that I felt like was a problem with the game uh it felt like they didn't put a lot of content in the game because they had online multiplayer and the online multiplayer oh you're gonna play endlessly because it's online multiplayer and it's a fighting game do the math but I felt like the replay value in the game kind of depended on uh the player which is me uh desperately wanting to be the best of the best in arms really learn the game inside and out when I just want to play a damn video game yes I'm willing to learn how to play the game properly and how to play to the best of my ability but I'm not interested in playing competitively and a lot of the modes and arms like a lot of the replay value in arms felt like it really depended on you wanting to train and train and train to be a good competitive player and if that wasn't the case I didn't see it because there just wasn't enough content in the game and pretty much all the content just depended on that and it kind of felt like the world and the characters and all that felt like they really wanted this to be Splatoon in the sense that like oh it has its own language oh like here's a little bit of lore here and there but it just didn't really feel as organic as it was Splatoon uh arms just kind of felt like they wanted to follow the same steps down to the content release method uh just the fact that oh here's a game that has a little bit of single player but you're really going to want to play it for the multiplayer and I don't think this is a bad game but I just didn't think uh it was deep enough for me personally I know a lot of other people disagree and I don't disagree with them it's more so based on like how I wanted to play arms and uh what I want when I pop this game in uh it just didn't really deliver that but it's fine I think graphically it looks fantastic I think uh the music is great I think presentation wise they knocked it out of the park with this one it's fantastic but I just hope if they do a sequel that they kind of learn from the mistakes of arms one and uh they they just kind of make it a little more of a fully fleshed out game I'd love to see more party game elements thrown in as well as some competitive fighting game elements I think that's what makes Smash Brothers so popular is the fact that both people can play and the fact that this game just doesn't really have enough to satiate either audience shows that it either needs to pick a lane or needs to needs to cater to both a little better all right next up we have I might as well just do these both at the same time it's the Assassin's Creed games on switch Assassin's Creed 3 remastered in the rebel collection which is Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag and Assassin's Creed Rogue uh yeah there's not much to say about this one Assassin's Creed Three I remember uh not running well on Nintendo switch or at least or at least I I think I remember uh the trailer that they showed in a Nintendo Direct of Assassin's Creed 3 looked horrible I don't know what was going on there because it's just like this is Assassin's Creed 3. it's not like you're porting like Assassin's Creed uh Unity from the PS4 or something no this is like why oh yeah it was cool to see uh Ubisoft bring over uh some of the older Assassin's Creed games not only to a Nintendo switch but they also took this as an opportunity to bring over Assassin's Creed 3 to uh PS4 and Xbox one which I always think is really cool uh mainly because uh these are the kind of games that you don't see them do that that much with kind of like those yearly annual games from the Xbox 360 era uh which I really liked seeing them do that with even like the Lego games some of the Call of Duties too uh it's just good to have some of those games available on on more modern platforms because they're all full-fledged games like there's no reason not to play like a game like Assassin's Creed 3 or set screen 4 in this day and age you know but just the release method kind of makes it seem like oh the new one replaces the old one just like man I disagree uh a lame thing about these two releases is how uh since they both include like another game which I find it also weird how Assassin's Creed 3 remastered includes assassin Assassin's Creed Liberation but it's just called Assassin's Creed 3 remastered but Assassin's Creed 4 includes Assassin's Creed Rogue as well that's called a collection but you have to download the extra games here and they are very very large but either way uh We've definitely come a long way since the old school Assassin's Creed portable games uh like Assassin's Creed games on the DS Assassin's Creed on the PSP and uh Liberation on the Vita Liberation on the Vita actually got pretty close to like oh man this is a Home console quality but it was still a little crunchy uh but uh yeah then we have just full-blown ass Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed 4 which is a lot of people's favorite uh on a portable which is pretty cool uh I for one have never been the biggest Assassin's Creed guy uh maybe one day I'll give him more of a chance but uh every time I play it it just it doesn't really hook me but maybe I just haven't given it enough of a shot so maybe some day but for now next up we have astral chain uh which is Nintendo published Platinum Games title I didn't play too much of this one I played for about an hour uh I I played it thinking I'm like uh yeah I just don't think I'm much of a platinum games guy but uh I I have since popped in banana 2 uh on the Wii U version of All Things mainly because I was I wanted to get like footage of all the Wii U releases um and I was like all right I need to sit down and actually play more of like Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U so I did that and I actually started to get really into it I feel like a lot of platinum games hack and slashes at least for me uh it took a while for me to just them to kind of click with me but ever since like yeah like I've been playing bandana 3 which I'll talk about in a bit um but yeah it just takes uh it just took a little bit for me to fully uh click with Platinum games like hack and slashes which is is really embarrassing because like it's not that they're like really that complicated uh but yeah like I said this didn't really click for me at first but I'm sure like if I play through it now uh I'll actually be like oh man this is actually pretty good so yeah initially my opinion was like it's fine just not for me uh now I'm definitely interested in giving it another go and seeing what I think about it next up is a game that I recently bought so I haven't really gone into yet this is one that I really want to try out because uh whenever I've seen uh trailers of this and and ever since it came out I saw a lot of people talk about it and it sounds incredible it's the Atari 50 uh well just Atari 50 the anniversary celebration uh which Atari compilations are always a dime a dozen uh it's really hard to get excited for them these days uh I think it's nice to have access to uh these old school games on Modern platforms all the time I think it's fantastic the Atari Flashback Classics on switch has so many games in it but you know just because they have like over a hundred Atari games or something along those lines uh who gives a but Atari 50 aims to celebrate a lot more than just uh the standard stuff that you always see like re-release like the Atari 2600 games and a couple of the 5200 games uh this one has pretty much most of atari's like console history uh represented on here with numerous games from numerous consoles uh playable uh most notably the Atari jaguar and they also have a decent amount of Atari Jaguar games on here uh it is pretty impressive because Atari Jaguar is very hard to emulate and this was done by digital eclipse and uh this is like a really really impressive collection from what I've seen uh from also what I've seen this is uh supposed to be kind of experienced more of like an interactive like Museum kind of a with documentary aspects and whatnot it's not like any other collection though you can still play it as one but there's a reason why they call it the anniversary celebration because it's supposed to be like a historical celebration of everything Atari and that's really cool like they include Jaguar Atari Links a lot of atari's computer uh games like Atari St I believe they even have some new experiences in here uh it says on the back that they completed uh sword Quest air World which if you're not aware of like sword quests on Atari it was kind of this uh four game uh lineup of these these mythical quests where uh you you'd find players would find like specific Clues they they'd have to like write in uh to Atari when they when they find like all the clues and all that and answer the riddles uh and you know they would then compete uh you know the ones that found the reals would compete and and you know like they they would win prizes and all that it was kind of like this big it was supposed to be this big Quest kind of thing uh but air world the fourth game in that lineup was never was never released never finished so apparently uh they did it here that was pretty cool I'm very interested in trying this one out so yeah Atari 50. uh very happy to own this even more excited to try it out next up I got Azure Striker gunvold Striker pack this was an older release that I picked up uh as in like I played it a while ago um and yeah these are two quality uh games that are kind of spiritual successors to the Mega Man Zero series uh you know they're made by the same people and they originally made for the 3DS I didn't play a ton of these however uh from what I remember uh it was it was a it was a decent amount of fun and I really like the HD Rumble uh the HD Rumble in in these games was pretty wild because it did feel like electricity was flowing through going through my little thumbs but yeah that's just kind of a simple you know re-release of 3DS games on the switch so that's pretty good next up uh I have a blonde Wonder World uh because you know I'm I'm a masochist yeah so this game isn't very good I think we've all kind of uh accepted that uh it's very interesting that uh they even released it it's not that it's like broken or anything like that it's just very low quality it doesn't look quality it doesn't play quality it isn't quality it's just very bad and some people will uh you know defend this game I don't get them but hey you do you and a little bit will talk about Big Brain Academy brain versus brain so who's the true idiot but yeah uh this is a very poor game uh and this is the poorest version of them on the switch uh so maybe I should probably play it on the PS5 maybe that helps things and next up I'll get through all these uh all in one these are all the Bayonetta games uh I have uh Bayonetta one uh which I have two copies of this one's sealed because I'm really cool uh the first Bayonetta was re-released uh via like a physical copy here in North America uh a little bit before being at a three release a lot of people are like oh you better get on that it's good it's gonna be rare someday that probably means it won't be but I thought it was pretty cheap so I just thought like you know what I'll buy both I'll buy two copies why not it's kind of fun to own it's a novelty uh because Bayonetta one already released on the switch just uh here in North America it was digital only um so I don't know it's just kind of cool to own and then we also have Bayonetta 2 which released in uh 2018 uh early 2018 like February or so and yeah it comes with a full game download for the original Bayonetta and then beta 3 which finally released in 2022 it's still very surreal that this game finally uh came out I I feel like it just kind of shows how a lot of people online will beg and beg and beg for something to come out and then when it comes out they just kind of take it for granted like they didn't wait that long who cares like I don't really care or like it just kind of feels like people will say like I want this when they don't really want it I want a new f-zero you have shown no reason for me to believe you but yeah I'll grab all the Bayonetta games together uh mainly because uh it's not that they're all the same more so that Bayonetta is one of the most consistent series of all time in the sense that it really does feel like a three-parter like it really does feel like uh these are just one big game with like banana one being Act One Bayonetta 2 being act two and uh also don't really mean that I mean they feel like complete games in themselves it's not like oh man this ends and it's just like what happens next uh it's more so like when you play bandana one then you play Banana tune banana 2 is more like just more of the same from Bayonetta one but just better and then Bane at a three I don't know if it's better than Bayonetta too but it's also it's again it's just it's more Bayonetta but it's also not that I feel like calling these games more Bayonetta is kind of a disservice to them but that's just always what it feels to me uh the Bayonetta Series has like a very strict traditions in terms of like each game starts in a very similar way and they always have these same things that happen uh but they're they're still different it's not like oh we're doing this again kind of thing like no it's it's always interesting to see like okay what does this game do now but what I'm trying to say is all these games are very similar of course they're gonna be because you know it's part of the same series well each of them have defining aspects to them uh you can kind of pick up any game and play it who cares if you want to start with Bayonetta three you can start with Bane at a three if you want to start with two you can start with two if you want to start with one you one uh the story is there but it really doesn't matter a lot of times stuff just happens and I'm just like okay I got to the part in three banana just rips your heart out and does something with I don't know he was kind of cool it was interesting I'll give it that I'm not calling the story stupid it's just very silly sometimes and it's uh it's definitely not necessary to enjoy uh the band of the series and that's coming from somebody who didn't really uh play it at first I remember trying Bayonetta two on the Wii U on a on a snow day in January 2015. I was like you know what I'm gonna try Bayonetta too so I tried bayonet too and I just I didn't get into it and every time I tried Bane in a sense I just did not get into it and then randomly like a year ago I tried Bayonetta two on the Wii U and I actually like got into it I was like wow this this is really good and I think a lot of the enjoyment from Bayonetta kind of comes from the fact that not only is it a very very uh good action hack and slash game it feels like some of the less interesting action sequences in Bayonetta are some of other games most interesting action-based cut scenes the amount of crazy stuff that you see in these games off oftentimes are are played by you and the amount of stuff going on the amount of crazy manipulation of the environment a lot of times the environment's swirling around you and you're playing through it it's not like oh wow this is some kind of cut scene you're playing through it and you're seeing the environment just rip away and you're just seeing like the shards in the environment just fling all around in these crazy looking monsters just appear in every little bit about them is moving and detailed and all of that it is very impressive to watch even if it's on unimpressive Hardware uh the the animation and attention to detail in the Bayonetta games are amazing but I feel like that's why Bayonetta 2 was kind of lauded as much as it was especially compared to Bayonetta three which which got very very good reviews but uh it wasn't as critically acclaimed as being at a two I feel like it's just because of the time of the release Bay 92 came out in 2014 and that was around the time where Xbox Box 360 and PS3 we're still being supported pretty frequently and that kind of meant that a lot of the games coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 were also uh PS4 and Xbox One games there were multi-plats so a lot of the stuff coming to PS4 and Xbox One uh more so felt like Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 games that looked a lot better but we're still kind of 316 PS3 games at their core uh which is why Bayonetta 2 still felt really impressive at the time because even though it was on the Wii U games were still hovering around that visual Fidelity so uh you know a couple the amazing action sequences and animation and attention to detail with the fact that yeah that was around the presentation we were expecting from games around that time and yeah of course people were like oh my God uh with bayonet at three uh it's been you know nearly 10 years since being in the two already and Bayonet at three is still on Hardware that's very comparable to a Bayonetta 2 so while yes the animation and intention of detail is incredible in Bayonetta three uh it's a lot more noticeable that the hardware is is much less powerful than you know what we're used to with the PS5 and Xbox series X so I I think that definitely makes Bayonetta 3 less impressive now the main edit 2 was in 2014 but still they're all fantastic games you can't really go wrong with any of them and you can kind of start with whichever one you want I'm sorry for the ramble about it and I'm sorry if I got a lot of stuff wrong this is just coming from somebody who's played about four hours a bit into three so far uh about four hours of Bayonetta two so far and about two hours of being in a one so you combine all of that experience and I've played basically one Bayonetta game next up is Big Brain Academy brain versus brain oh yeah this one disappointed me I love Big Brain Academy we'd agree on the Wii that one had uh one of my favorite multiplayer and it's like a multiplayer mode that's like shocking how fun it is because it's goddamn brain teasers but it's fun it's like oh man who's smarter obviously it's just like you think about like how much people like want to kill each other during a game of Mario party and you add like who's smarter to the bunch and nobody wants to be the idiot of the group so it's just like yeah Big Brain Academy multiplayer is amazing this game though feels very very lacking uh it kind of feels in line with a lot of Nintendo's uh casual efforts on switch where it does feel like a lot of it lacks in content and it's like weird how they lack in content uh brain training on switch I haven't played brain training on switch but uh that one I've heard lacks a lot of content Nintendo switch Sports something a lot of people complain about with that one is the lack of content uh Big Brain Academy has content but most of it's just recycled from the DS game and the Wii game and well when this one was released like 14 years or so after the last big print Academy game and this is all they could do now to be fair uh I I think they expect a lot of the replay value to come from online multiplayer yeah it's one of my least favorite things about a lot of like Nintendo releases these days is how uh they kind of expect the online multiplayer to be uh the main reason why you replay the game I'm like we'll put content in it and online multiplayer and we're talking but now it's just a bunch of old exercises basically the multiplayer is incredibly disappointing in this one uh it is incredibly short it's like a five minute round like you're playing for like five maybe ten minutes and then it's over and then that's it and it's not it I I just like I'm like this is this is lame the Wii game had just just more of a fun presentation with the multiplayer that just lasted longer it felt like you would sit down for like 30 minutes or something with a friend and you'd you know battle through it and that was long enough to the point where it's just like that one game is satisfying you can come back in for another and it's like you know like it just it just felt right it just felt like a meaty enough mode to really keep you coming back the multiplayer and Big Brain Academy brain versus brain is just it's just so shallow there's just nothing to it the online stuff is pretty nice uh it's mostly just playing ghosts so uh you know you play and you upload your your gameplay to the internet and then your friends and other people from around the world can play your time and and you know try to beat you uh that's good that's a fun you know addition to the series uh but that feels like it's the only addition here uh it's not a bad game it's okay and it was only like 30 bucks so like it's not that bad but it's just feels like the kind of game where this shouldn't be lacking content that this feels like a game that should be fairly easy to just have a lot of stuff to do in it uh without it being like a huge uh effort on Nintendo's part on the developers part or uh you know take too much of a budget or take too much time to put together uh you know you could compile like all the stuff from like the Wii game in the DS game or something uh and the DS game was still a little lacking in content in and of itself and the Wii game you know overall if you combine all the the modes and all of the mini games like yeah it's probably fairly comparable but I just want to see like Evolution and improvements in these games in series rather than like well it's how it's always been so it's acceptable I feel like a lot of Nintendo's games these days uh just kind of have a problem with like presentation of content and I don't mean like Graphics or anything more so like how they present the content sent to you and how they can just tweak some things here and there to just make them uh just easily more replayable without breaking the bank on development time and budget like damn just just take like a character from Mario Strikers just just take one of those characters and make them unlockable just take a couple more uh fields and make those unlockables and just uh have more stuff you unlock via the coins or something I don't know or like add Metals where it's just like oh you you kicked the ball 12 times here's a medal or something I don't know just stuff where it's just like this is easy to implement this will keep people playing for some God forsaken reason I don't know I'll move on The Binding of Isaac after birth Plus uh yeah this is one of the first Nintendo switch games that released uh after the launch it was in March of 2017 and uh this was a big deal because I remember uh they said like oh man it's only gonna have this cover for a little limited time and then we're switching over to something else and uh yeah the the new covers is uh a little less Grim it's blue uh and uh it thankfully doesn't have this uh horrible spine uh that is true to the games logo uh but it clashes with the rest of the Nintendo switches library but yeah Binding of Isaac is is a great game uh I remember I I tried playing it back when it first came out for the switch I didn't like it because it's it is a darker game uh I remember saying that and a lot of people are like you gotta you gotta be kidding me dude like like finding Isaac is just funny how how dark it is I'm just like dude there's everywhere like I'm a naked child running away from my from my mother who's trying to sacrifice me I don't think I'm out of line by saying you gotta be in the mood to play it but there's a ton to this game it's randomly generated in terms of layout and level design so that means like you know you just you play it you go on a run see how far you go and it can be very addicting I recently played it uh for some footage um and uh yeah I definitely got into it a lot more than I did the first time uh it's not 100 my type of game but uh I I had I had fun with it so you know if you want if you want a good quality uh you know Dungeon Crawler uh you can't do much better than this these days next up we have a blood-stained ritual of the night uh this was very unfortunate because this came out uh a little after I believe the the PS4 and Xbox One versions maybe I can correct myself if I'm wrong around here but uh yeah well either way it didn't run as well doesn't be expected but still it was unfortunate mainly because you know it's this is uh a spiritual successor if you will to the Castlevania series namely uh you know the games post Symphony of the Night and those are probably gonna do best on Nintendo platforms Symphony tonight came out on the PlayStation so you know obviously a lot of PlayStation users uh will you know enjoy a game like this but uh a lot of those style Castlevania games came out for Game Boy Advance Nintendo DS and of course Castlevania originally started as a Nintendo Series so it's just it's a very Nintendo Centric series and when you have a Nintendo Centric series that does not have a great version on the Nintendo platform that's just always unfortunate uh but I believe they did kind of fix this game up and uh yeah it's a good quality uh Castlevania Style game I remember it just didn't look very good for a very long time and and they actually listened to Fan feedback and ended up tweaking a couple things that just made a huge difference in the end I remember they had that trailer where they had the game's director Koji ikarashi uh pretty much sitting there as like YouTube comments kind of appeared saying how the game looked like ass and he got frustrated and then it uh it showed the uh just the side by side of like how the game was back then and how the game is now and uh the game uses like 3D uh like a 2.5 D kind of setup where it's 3D models uh you know on a 2d plane and uh it looks it looks fine it looks fine uh but obviously I think a lot of people would have loved 2D art but I believe they said the reason because of that was like 3D models are just budgetarily better like they're not as expensive to produce you know handcrafted uh 3D Sprites and that's fair overall the game turned out to be pretty good I think actually the side game curse of the Moon they had a side game came out before called bloodstain curse of the Moon which was in the style of the NES castlevanias and that got a sequel so it almost seems like the side game ended up being a little more popular uh but uh hey I mean bloodstain ritual of the night I don't hear many people talk about this game much anymore but it's a solid time next up we have Bravely Default two I don't give a damn yeah so I can't really uh criticize this game much because I only really played the demo it just ain't for me it just ain't for me it is an RPG of RPGs and uh it's something we're not even like the style and story can really appeal to me because it's like it's a sequel to Bravely Default and uh you know the graphical Style Just doesn't look that great to me it doesn't look bad but it's just not appealing to anybody outside of like the existing Bravely Default fan base in my opinion yeah this one just did not it's not do it for me this kind of continues the relationship Square Enix and Nintendo have when it comes to their RPGs on Nintendo switch uh where they've been producing a lot of like exclusives or at the very least timed exclusives for the Nintendo switch with octopath traveler and project uh well not project triangle strategy just triangle strategy and of course Bravely Default two and uh at the very least octopath and triangle strategy and live alive they all have the art style um which you know we'll talk about when we get to those games which at the very least kind of makes them a little more interesting uh this one doesn't look bad but it's also like it doesn't stand out to me at all it's a good game for what it is but uh I I think it's really meant for fans of the series I don't really see many people who have not already been into Bravely Default or are not already into very old school RPGs uh really getting into this one and we have Burnout Paradise remastered I love Burnout Paradise uh it's it's probably not the best burnout game because they dropped crash mode which was the fun thing in Burnout where the entire point was to crash uh and uh it's still fun to crash your cars in this in this game but it's not like it's not its own separate arcadey mode um but overall this game is just so much fun to just drive around and just just drive for like 10 minutes if you just have time to spare you just want to just wanna just wanna play something and just want to kind of zone out burn out Burnout Paradise is fantastic for that remember when Burnout Paradise remastered was announced I was really disappointed at the lack of a Nintendo switch version uh it came out around March of 2018. I remember because I picked it up alongside uh Kirby star allies on the switch and uh yeah I played that a lot on PS4 or love Burnout Paradise and this finally came out for Nintendo switch and uh in the summer of 2020 and uh yeah it's a great version of the game but it is one of those things where it's like a version that just came out too late if it came out alongside the other versions I would have played it endlessly now like I played it for a couple hours I'm like that's good I'm happy and I didn't really play much more of it uh that just shows it's just like I really wish these versions would come out like quicker alongside the other versions or uh you know they wouldn't come out until it's too late because I feel like a game like Persona 5 Royal uh that was like something where people were were begging like years ago they were like come on like why isn't that on Nintendo switch and now it's on Nintendo switch and I I didn't even see anybody talk about it so I don't know that just shows it's just like you you can't wait too long on that kind of stuff it's just it's gonna bite you in the ass next we have the physical version of cadence of Hyrule uh the Crypt of the necro dancer uh Legend of Zelda crossover title uh what an interesting release I wish they would do this more often this is one of Nintendo's like only Indie uh collaborations like very heavy Indie collaborations I mean they've collaborated with Indie developers before but this is like this is giving an indie developer the entire Legend of Zelda license which is unheard of and I think this is awesome it's a little strange that that they let them just do a straight up crossover between Crypt of the necrodancer and Zelda I I I can't speak for everybody here but I do feel like a lot of people heard of Crypt of the necrodancer for the first time via this crossover title which is fantastic that just shows how how good of an idea this was not only for the Indie Studio but Nintendo because it gives a lot of people a new Zelda game but it also gives this Indie studio with their IP a lot more a lot more of a spotlight but it's also like I wonder why Nintendo just didn't ask the developer like hey do you want to make your own want to make your own Zelda title just make this fall about Zelda but that probably makes it like super Canon and I think Nintendo just wants to be like ah this is just a funny little this is just a funny little game who cares just it's a crossover game doesn't count whatever I think making it a crossover means that you know they didn't have to be as Hands-On with it it could just be like a fun little fun little thing uh but yeah this physical release came out like a year or so after the initial one really awesome time title I didn't play it too much but uh it is something that I definitely want to get more into it's one of those games where you can either beat it in like 10 minutes or it might take you five hours it just depends on what what the game what the game throws at you because this is another like procedurally generated random random generated kind of kind of dealio and uh yeah I think it is a wonderful idea for a rhythm game I'd actually you know put more eyes on Crypt of the necrodancer and it's a really cool uh entry in the Zelda series on switch as well all right Capcom fighting collection another one I haven't uh played yet still in the rap there uh bought it but I'm gonna play it very very soon uh Capcom has been doing a lot of these collections where it just kind of feels like it's just just a bunch of random I can just like the Capcom fighting collection okay you know like uh you get a hyper Street Fighter 2. why wasn't that in the street fighter Anniversary Collection super puzzle fighter 2. that's a stretch I mean I'll give you the fact that it's a puzzle game fighting game hybrid kind of thing but it it feels like that was just included because they were like I mean we could include that this feels like mostly an excuse to put out kind of a dark stalkers collection uh without calling it a dark stalker's collection because how much popularity does the dark stalker's name have these days so this is kind of a way to include this alongside like some Street Fighter stuff and some other Capcom stuff just kind of making an all-in-one Capcom fighting collection but uh capcom's collections just get a little confusing because a lot of them have like overlap with each other like Capcom has their whole like arcade collection uh on on the eShop I believe it's like Capcom arcade stadium and then there's a second one of that and uh Street Fighter there they got they got a bunch of street fighters in there uh which are also in the street fighter Anniversary Collection and Street Fighter Anniversary Collection includes most of the street fighter games uh except for hyper Street Fighter 2 and puzzle fighter 2. and then you have the Capcom beat em up bundle which includes games like final fight uh but doesn't include uh the other final fight games uh so yeah I I feel like uh Capcom uh I'll give them this I'm happy they're they're doing their re-releases and their compilations uh but a lot of times uh their compilations miss a couple key titles and a lot of times those key titles or other games are included in other Collections and it's it's just it gets confusing it gets confusing as to like which games have which titles and also like why some games are emitted and why some games aren't are are included uh it's always weird but uh this is still a cool release uh Capcom fighting collection uh definitely interested in giving it a try and I can't wait until uh cam com fighting collection Volume 2 which will include uh Resident Evil Outbreak all right Captain Toad treasure Tracker uh this started out as uh definitely worse in my opinion than the Wii U version I find it strange so this one features new courses based on Super Mario Odyssey that was kind of this game's big selling point with uh the new Nintendo switch version and also the 3DS version which I thought was way cooler of an idea the fact that this game came to the 3DS uh because it's it it feels like it all came full circle uh the captain Toad stages felt like they were they were kind of designed for for the 3DS's screen uh so uh to kind of see them make a 3DS version all those years later which is very cool but yeah the only real addition they had to Captain Toad on switch was the inclusion of a couple new stages based on worlds from Super Mario Odyssey but those replaced content in the Wii U version the Wii U game had levels based on Super Mario 3D World now these weren't incredible Levels by any means they were pretty much just the exact same levels from Super Mario 3D World but now uh with like some ladders and some some things removed so then Captain Toad could could play in them because Captain Toad can't jump that's his whole gimmick and those stages were only ever supposed to be like fun little bonuses that you get for for either having Mario 3D World save data or beating the game uh they weren't any they they were never meant to be anything special it wasn't like oh my god did you hear clear my calendar super Bell Hills and Captain Toad but the fact they removed them was just kind of lame I just found that to be lame they also changed the ending of this game originally in the Wii U version it was meant to be a prequel to Super Mario 3D World but the switch and 3DS versions turn it into a prequel to Super Mario Odyssey which is way more of a stretch and all they did was to change the the end credits a little bit uh I don't know it's just not as cool uh and in my opinion this version uh just plays in a much more clunky way there's a cursor on screen at all times that you cannot disable you can't get rid of and that's supposed to be like your touch screen if you're not playing in handheld mode you have to have that that damn pointer on screen at all times and it's blinking it blinks it's unbelievably annoying and you can't get rid of it it doesn't even fade away during levels where it's just like you know I really need it here it's still perfectly playable but there's enough segments in Captain Toad that really relied on the Wii U gamepad in non-essential ways but it was more so the game was designed around hey touch the touchscreen right now and there's ways to work around that and if they really put some some time and thought into kind of reworking some of those elements of the game to work without a touch screen it could work perfectly fine the problem is the game was originally designed like that and they didn't want to rebuild elements of the game too much so they just kind of did some little workarounds uh like the whole like oh man it's time to turn a crank and in the Wii U version you'd have to turn the touch screen uh if you're playing on the switch uh in uh on the TV you get like a view that looks like this and it's just it's just awkward doesn't feel organic that's my main problem with this version it feels a little shoehorned on the switch in many ways it runs gray it looks great oh that's fine it's just um it's just oddly a Wii U game that we never really thought worked better on Wii U or like really utilize the Wii U to its to its full extent but man when you take that Wii U gamepad away like a lot of things about Captain Toad just don't add up however uh they updated this game quite a bit uh they added like Co-op like full-blown like two-player multiplayer to this version as a free update they released paid DLC which includes a bunch of new levels they included VR support with the Nintendo labo VR headset um So within a year this became the definitive version of Captain Toad it originally launched in a state where I was like I don't know but eventually it got to the point where it was like yeah this is the definitive one it has the most content uh it has it has two player co-op all of that um the DLC I feel like was not played by anybody I don't think anybody played the DLC because it launched at a weird time it was something where it's just like why why I got Catherine full body uh I haven't played this game I have it on PS4 I haven't played that version either I think I got this on like a Black Friday deal so nothing crazy but this was like one of atlas's first games on switch which was which was one of the thing like it feels like it's a tradition with some developers on the switch where the first game was kind of the the game that absolutely nobody asked for not saying Catherine is a bad game more so like everybody was asking for the Persona series on switch and Atlas was like well let's test the waters with Catherine this feels like why why why not test the waters with the game that you hear everybody say they want uh but I digress I've heard Catherine is a very interesting game kind of like a puzzle game uh weirdly enough and uh I'm definitely interested in trying it out uh this version comes with a little keychain right there uh it's very interesting how so many switch games come with like little keychains like that we'll see that uh the The Binding of Isaac I forgot I believe that comes with some stickers and at the very least like a manual again an NES style manual that looks like Zelda yeah Cave Story plus here it's another uh game at least by uh Nicholas or nikalis they publish a lot of the Indie Games in 2017 uh that was kind of like a big thing on the switch was the fact that a lot of indie games got physical releases uh by them specifically and they always come with little goodies I believe Cave Story came with like a mini CD uh which is yeah very very interesting that is that is kind of a cool thing where it's just like hey let's include a soundtrack CD in our Nintendo switch game it's gonna have to be a mini one very cool I I never got into Cave Story that much I played it a little bit but uh it is it is something that uh is is on my uh Wall of Shame uh next up uh something that's also on my wall of Shame uh loving Clubhouse games 51 worldwide Classics this is one of my favorite switch games it's perfect not really but uh it's very good at what it is I think Clubhouse games 51 worldwide Classics is this this great collection of really nice little cardboard game style things not even just that I mean they they have some fun little games like bowling golf Billiards and they're all in kind of like a fun little tabletop form uh you also have like shooting gallery it feels like Clubhouse games is like this really fun uh collection of Wii play style games alongside some card and board games I love it it looks fantastic it sounds great the presentation is just Immaculate in this game and I think the controls were great uh you know bowling's a little weird especially compared to Wii Sports and Nintendo switch sports but I think it works pretty good for what it is and you can also use touch screen if you want so you know they have a couple options uh though I think one of the big problems with this game is the lack of some options I think it's really strange that bowling doesn't support four players where it's like you're taking turns why not have seven players I don't know yeah this is one of my favorite switch releases uh not my favorite but it's definitely in like top 20 top 15. honestly I I really love it I think it exceeds at what it sets out to do that's all you can really ask for for some games collection of Mana uh I wanted to pick this up because it was such a cool release uh it it initially came out for the switch in Japan uh I believe around the launch of the system probably because it was a fairly easy thing for them to do in Japan it was it's just a collection of all three of the Mana games uh you have the first one on Game Boy which was Final Fantasy Adventure over here and then the sequel which a lot of people know about which is Secret of Mana on the Super Nintendo but then there was a third game that was only in Japan uh for the longest time and a lot of people just called it uh Secret of Mana two uh it was a big game in like the reproduction SNES cartridge scene a lot of people would want a secret amount of two with with a fan translation but uh if finally came out it finally came out as Trials of mana and fully localized by square and uh this this was localized around 2019 and it was announced alongside like a full 3D HD remake of Trials of Mana which is insane like they initially announced Trials of Mana the Remake they were like Hey we're bringing this game over and we're also making it like this full-blown remake but we're also localizing the the original two uh that was a huge like one-two punch there that was insane I love seeing this kind of stuff happen secret Amana is a really good action RPG on the Super Nintendo if you're not super into RPG specifically turn based stuff like like I am a lot of the time uh secret Mana is a solid one to check out and especially it's a sequel trial to Mana oh boy colors live I remember playing colors 3D on the 3DS back in 2012. that was an eShop game it was a sequel I believe to to a game that was a big home brew uh art application on the DS which was pretty interesting how like this series started out as like something you you pretty much had to have to hack your DS4 or uh get illegitimately and they upgraded it to like Hey we're doing this legitimately here's colors 3D on the eShop uh and then fully like hey on the Nintendo switch we have an accessory and a full-blown physical release that's really cool I think colors 3D was a really great little art application on the 3DS uh you could make 3D art uh not like 3D as in like you know like three you know like 3D 3D more so stereoscopic you know like wow you were just painting images but you could add different layers of depth I really liked it back in the day however when I played it it was 2012 so I would have been uh you know 14 moving on to 15. uh I had time to do that nowadays I feel like applications like this I really only meant for people who genuinely have nothing else you just have a Nintendo switch that's all you have and you want to make digital art then yeah sure this is for you but for me personally I have an iPad with an apple pencil and that is like a digital artist best friend I'm not calling myself like a digital artist like oh wow more so I draw a lot for like what I do you know a lot of times I'll have to sketch something or take notes or create like an animatic or storyboards for artists and animators to to base their work off of and the iPad is very very useful at that and also sometimes I like to try to get back into art because I was really into art as a kid and the iPad is like the perfect companion tool for that uh colors live is still very limiting for a Nintendo switch art application it's pretty good but like if you only have a Nintendo switch that's kind of the only way I can really recommend this and even then in most instances I would probably just tell you like hey just keep saving up saving up for like an iPad that's probably a better better solution but I really appreciate a lot of the work that went into this it designed an entire accessory that you plug into the headphone jack and it uses like Audio Waves it's called like the sonar pen so you plug the pen into the headphone jack I don't know how it works but it listens for like specific audio cues to kind of allow you to be kind of like pressure sensitive with the pen and also like be able to move the pen kind of on its side for Different Strokes and all that it's really interesting I have no damn use for it Contra row core bad this is genuinely horrible this is not a good game uh I don't know what they were doing with this I feel like with the amount of work that went into this one which it's a very cheap 3D overhead shooter which if you're gonna resurrect Contra why Contra has had 3D overhead Shooters before they weren't good so after no Contra game for like I don't know probably uh roughly eight years at this point why the hell would you bring it back with this I feel like you could have paid an indie Studio or just any other Studio significantly less and they would put out like a pretty decent 2D Contra game uh you know to work with Way Forward into creates I don't know they'd probably make you 10 contras for a fraction of the cost that this cost to make uh but yeah I don't know this is pretty this is pretty rough I have Cooking Mama cook star uh Infamous game that a lot of people uh a lot of word was going around that it was mining Bitcoin on your system it was a front for like I don't know legal gambling and can your wife I don't know there's a lot of rumors about what this game was doing uh and uh most of them were untrue uh but yeah uh it's pretty silly I thought this was pretty silly I think I bought this on eBay for like 40 50 bucks or something just because it was really hard to find uh when it first came out there was this whole thing where it got pulled down from the eShop it went back up it ended up being the problem was uh the publisher of this game uh didn't actually technically have like the rights from from The Cooking Mama Like IP holder uh and they initially didn't want the game to release because they said it didn't meet their quality standards but they released it anyway so like I don't know I might be butchering the story but uh yeah uh overall I didn't think it was that bad it wasn't good but I didn't really see how like this game was like wow this is really bad to me it was just another Cooking Mama game I found the motion controls while like not perfect to work fine enough enough like for for a game like this as in like I didn't go into this game with the best expectations the game met those so like I I don't know what I don't know a lot of people were talking about with this game being like so low quality I mean it wasn't high quality I I would say it's like right below like the level of quality where I'm like yeah it's low quality but it's also like it's it's not a pouring here we got Crash Bandicoot it's about time uh fantastic part of the game uh this is what I played the most uh for crash four and uh crash four is fantastic it's a fantastic game and the Nintendo switch version uh in some weird ways does look a little better than the PS4 version uh just because like it's kind of down to preference in terms of like how the lighting looks uh because like crash looks a little more like I I forget specifically like which one looked like like oh more saturated or whatever but I I believe ps4 version obviously was technically better but the Nintendo switch version popped a little more from what I remember Ellie's with like specific comparisons if you'd make them but under most circumstances if you played this game I don't really think you'd be able to tell you're playing like the watered down Nintendo switch version which is super impressive speaking of Crash I have crash team racing uh I don't have the Crash Bandicoot insane Trilogy uh physically I own that digitally but uh I I have CTR uh Nitro fueled uh this is a fantastic compilation of a bunch of old school crash scene racing stuff as in like you know crash team racing and crash Nitro car it even has some stuff from a crash tag team racing which is really cool uh there is just this is pretty much like the ultimate celebration of crash's cart history it's one of those games that a lot of people say like there's better than Mario Kart me I gotta see the Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed crew knocking on my door every day I don't answer they're now worth my time I'm just kind of always like you know like there's gonna be a lot of Kart Racers that are like yeah this is very good and gives Mario Kart a run for its money but but in my opinion Mario Kart pretty much always always wins all right next up is Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 reunion another one that I recently got so I have not played this one yet but I am very interested to see how it runs on switch I haven't really heard anything about how it runs on switch uh but you know all right we'll say cruising blast this is a Nintendo licensed game as in Nintendo owns the rights to the cruising series but uh raw Thrills and game Mill entertainment published this one uh but yeah this is uh not a looker of a game it it has visuals that get the job done but my God it's a fun little arcade game uh you know like if you just want like a really fun arcade game arcade racer uh cruising blast is really good at what it does uh it's not like Best in Class on any fronts but it's just a fun game it's just a fun racing game so if you ever see it for cheap I I would 100 recommend it just to just to give it a try just have a Fun Arcade racer for your switch Damon ex machina one of the worst arcade Racers I've ever played yeah that's just gonna happen doesn't it yeah this was uh this was talked about all the time by Nintendo and direct uh what it was announced in the 2018 E3 Nintendo Direct and uh like most Nintendo directs afterwards they kept talking about it and talking about it and it came out and nobody gave a I mean it's fine but it's like I felt like it should have been more fun I've had like for being a game about being in a Mech robot and shooting everything uh it wasn't as fun to be a Mech robot and shooting everything it was oddly very boring what it looked fine you controlled fine and I'm sure if you get laid down in the game it might be a little more fun I don't want to get deeper in the game Danganronpa decadence uh which is a compilation of uh the first three Danganronpa games and also like the brand new like s game ultimate summer camp I only played a bit of the first one and uh yeah that was that was a bit of a trip very interesting series honestly I was surprised with how much uh it kind of uh gripped me uh with its story and characters and all that it was pretty interesting I I definitely I definitely think it is worth some people's time maybe not my dad's Dark Souls remastered this is a strange one I believe this this version was delayed numerous months where uh Dark Souls remastered came out for PS4 and Xbox One like when it was supposed to like like in May of 2018 or so and the Nintendo switch version took like months to come out like it was supposed to come out then and it got delay delay delayed until like like October September October something around then and I'm like what what took so long it feels strange because like yeah this is an Xbox 360 game so like how much are you really remastering for the Nintendo switch version uh I guess they did a little bit or like they just had trouble getting something to work I don't know I am interested to know if the the amiibo got delayed this game was supposed to come out alongside uh a Dark Souls amiibo and I'm actually I I forget if that amiibo came out alongside the PS4 and Xbox One versions or I came out uh when the Nintendo switch version finally came out I don't know but uh yeah Dark Souls was something uh similar to the Bayonetta Series where when I tried it I didn't get it I mean I got it but it just wasn't really my cup of tea however um I played a little bit of Elden ring um still didn't get it and weirdly enough I played a little bit of Dark Souls 3 for gameplay footage that's when I got it I don't know what the is wrong with me so yeah I'm interested to try out Alden ring again because I only gave that about like three hours and I was like yeah it's this isn't doing it for me I I understand I see where the fun is here and I see how this is an amazing game but I just don't have the time at this moment to uh just commit to just hating myself not really enough like when I played Dark Souls 3 um I only play that for a little bit but I was just like okay like never mind I get these Souls games now so I definitely want to try these out again and see if uh I can kind of uh learn learn to love them because I feel like I definitely would but uh yeah Dark Souls remastered on the Nintendo switch it'll be pretty cool if they could do like Dark Souls 2 which I know is kind of the black sheep the series but uh you know that was also an Xbox 360 and PS3 games so it is something where I'm kind of like hey you know if you can get it to run on switch why the hell not the sentiment Rings true with DC superhero girls team power why the hell not this is in the weird line of Nintendo published games where you ask why I think Nintendo just kind of wanted a little more variety in their lineup just make sure that there's enough quality games that you know everybody can enjoy you know that definitely uh appeal to different markets uh you know all that kind of stuff and uh I guess uh they decided like they were like hey let's let's publish DC superhero girls team power from what I've played it's more quality than you may expect I don't think it's gonna blow anybody away at all but it's an actual game which more than you can ask for with a lot of license games these days for what it is I think it's pretty okay I only play for like an hour and a half I swear to God if you go like only an hour and a half really Skye Destroy All Humans uh this is a port of the uh remake of the game that was designed for PS4 and Xbox One and uh yeah you can tell it runs it's fine uh but it's just not enjoyable on switch the straw humans is a fun game like it's one of those where it was never going to win any awards but it was just kind of like hey you sit down you just have a good time it's just a fun little game but I've had this problem with another THQ Nordic game uh which I'll talk about eventually uh but it's something where I probably would have preferred if they just just ported like the PS2 or Xbox versions I know that's probably unrealistic because like you know if they could do that they would probably do that instead of remaking from the ground up they probably remitted from the ground UPS because licensing I I don't know or they just wanted to remake it then it stood a chance in the modern Market I don't know but uh yeah I know it's probably unrealistic to want uh to to ask for like the original version unedited blah blah blah blah but uh I just feel like I'm just like I I would have preferred like just a version that like it's it's not trying to be graphically intense just give me the original version on switch so then it actually runs well and it looks fine for what it is instead I just get a version that just it just feels like it's struggling and it just feels this sounds weird to say it feels claustrophobic to play on switch because you know like it's really struggling I don't know why Clash for full because the word that feels right there but it just does Diablo 3 Eternal collection it almost felt like every year uh Nintendo would have like a brand new big game that you weren't expecting coming to the Nintendo switch like in that fall like in uh 2017 I was doom and they also announced uh uh Wolfenstein 2 and then in 2018 uh they announced uh civilization six and uh they also announced Diablo 3 and then in 2019 they announced OverWatch uh so I guess I was kind of like a little tradition they had going on there and uh Diablo 3 just uh was kind of like yeah okay I mean they really they were really pushing this I believe it got like a Nintendo switch custom console like there's a special Diablo 3 edition of the Nintendo switch uh they they had a Luke Goblin Diablo 3 amiibo there is a Ganondorf armor set in this version which it says on the box there was so much garbage about Diablo 3 on switch like Nintendo was really really pushing it as like this is a big deal yeah I guess it's a big deal but it's also like oh I don't know it obviously did good enough because uh Blizzard or Activision Blizzard uh specifically saw it's just like ah well you know I guess we should put OverWatch on the system I guess we should put the blizzard arcade collection on the system those are the only other blister games I can think about that came to switch but I digress but yeah I just I never really saw many people really consider this to be a big deal um you know it was just kind of like oh that's cool and Diablo 3 is coming I mean they had like a full skit they filmed with Reggie about Diablo 3 coming to the coming to the switch so it felt like this was supposed to be like oh my God but it just ended up being like Oh yeah cool another good third-party game coming to switch like okay here we have two games that basically serve the same purpose in fact I could probably get rid of this one uh but the Disney classic Games Collection I thought this was badass I mean license games are games that you just don't expect to be able to play on Modern systems ever again but Disney has actually been pretty damn good about re-releasing a lot of their games you're just working with companies to re-release a lot of their old games they even did it with like the Star Wars games I mean they they're heavily doing with the Star Wars games like it felt like every Nintendo Direct would announce a brand new slate of like old Star Wars games that were being re-released and they had like the Disney Afternoon collection and this kind of feels like an extension of that where this is uh specifically Aladdin and the Lion King uh most of the versions of them this version didn't include like the SNES version of Aladdin uh which was made by Capcom but they re-released it uh with uh all the games they did all versions of Aladdin including the SNES version uh which I believe you could get in the original release with like a paid downloadable content update but they also just released a physical copy that included everything including uh The Jungle Book uh so like they they even included even more games outside of just the SNES version of Latin which is really cool they actually went back and you know fully finish this game even though this version wasn't like incomplete or anything I'm sure they just thought it's just like yeah we're not going to be able to get the SNES version of Aladdin but yeah we'll work that out which is really cool Disney Magical World 2 uh an interesting Port of a 3DS game yeah this one was stupid I didn't like this one it was boring I think they ported it because they saw the popularity of Animal Crossing on switch so they were like oh my god well magic the Disney Magic World Series is kind of like Animal Crossing it is very much for younger children uh it's just not fun it was it's very boring to me it's very hand-holdy uh it's it's very much just about like oh my God Goofy's my neighbor he's just done doing it for me you know like I I have I have the mental capacity to think about that on my own I don't need a video game to do it for Me Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze uh this right here is probably one of my favorite games of all time the level design in this is unheard of it is one of the greatest Platformers ever designed it's so good it looks amazing it sounds amazing every little detail in this game feels just lovingly crafted and just like little to Perfection it is incredible and I feel like a lot of people don't get into it because they say it's too difficult I disagree and I'm not trying to be like I'm big dick Scott over here I don't think Donkey Kong's difficult no I don't think it's difficult I do think many games that you probably think are easy to be difficult so take that as you will I don't find Tropical Freeze to be too difficult a lot of people consider it to be too difficult and I feel like it's because a lot of these people just want to blaze through it they want to rush through and I also want to play it as if it's like a Mario game like a new Super Mario Brothers game and you can't do that you need to spend some time with Tropical Freeze and learn how the game physics feel I'm not saying that it takes time to like it or anything or it takes time to get into it I'm saying that you need to just look at the game on its own and just play it and just forget any other game like exists like a new Super Mario Brothers because I feel like that definitely makes the game harder when you kind of look at it from like a 2d Mario perspective you need to look at it from its own perspective from the Donkey Kong perspective you know Donkey Kong has a different weight compared to other platformer Heroes uh it it has a slightly different level design and you start to realize like oh I don't have to go for this or I have to go for that I have to keep an eye out for this I have to keep an eye out for that like secrets are hidden differently compared to New Super Mario Brothers games and the level designs are just different and I feel like that's the problem with a lot of people not liking this game of course people just might not like it and that's fine but uh from what I've seen it just feels like a lot of people just kind of going it expecting like something else uh when I I feel like you just really have to give it a shot and give it its own give it give it a go in its own little world and I I will admit the first time I played it I was like that was a good game but uh as you get older and as you experience it more and more it ages beautifully you you start to appreciate it with age it's amazing now the Nintendo switch version um I looks and runs a little better like resolution's better and uh the loading times are better um you know it's better in that regard uh Donkey Kong has a new snout they they redesigned his snout in this version that is one point for the Nintendo switch version but the biggest addition is they added uh Funky Kong as a playable character in his own mode which is funky mode which uh you can also play as Donkey Kong in which funky mode is literally just easy mode and Funky Kong is only playable in that mode because he is very overpowered he would not work in the base game because he is an easy mode character he has a lot of abilities at the other Kongs don't uh so he's a cool addition but uh yeah all this game really adds is easy mode and uh it retailed for sixty dollars which was ten dollars more than it initially retailed for in the Wii U it was brand new on the Wii U for 50 and then it got discounted to 20 and then they put it out on switch for 60. yeah that's a little gross uh but uh it is it is hard when I I can already just say like Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is always going to be worth 60 dollars like it is a 60 experience till the day I die after that yeah sure 20. so go ahead like shoot me but it always kind of stung because you know like it it was never 60 before it it went on the switch and the switch version barely added anything so and that's kind of that was just kind of the big problem with this release Dragon Quest Builders uh anybody else find it very interesting how uh Nintendo whatever Nintendo puts out Dragon Quest games they use the original Japanese art where as I'm PS4 when Square Enix put out the game uh they they use this more Americanized like 3D art I think it just shows Nintendo has a lot of respect for the Dragon Quest Series in Japan and uh they they don't care if like oh yeah yeah let's use the 2dr because Nintendo publishes most of the Dragon Quest games uh on switch which is strange I I feel like Square Enix would put those games out on switch regardless oh whatever Dragon Quest Builders is pretty much like Dragon Quest meets Minecraft but it's it's more complicated than that it's better than that uh I haven't played this one a lot but from what I have experienced it is a very jolly little game I do enjoy it it is something that I would like to get into more but I feel like uh I would probably rather get into like Dragon Quest Builders too because I feel like that one that version's a little more refined Dragon Quest 11s again as you can see like uh on the Nintendo switch version they use like the fully 2D art whereas like the PS4 version uses like this big 3D uh art which is interesting uh yeah this game is lovely uh all the Dragon Quest games are just lovely they just feel very very cozy and just very very happy it's just like a nice happy little like I'm going on an adventure and all that like it's just it just feels nice it's like an RPG that I think anybody can kind of look at and be like even though it's not my thing you can't hate Dragon Quest I I think that's just kind of my main takeaway from the series Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim this was kind of the big deal on the switch this was like this was Nintendo's way of showing hey we got third parties now we have the game everybody else has and this was always a pretty good version of Skyrim I wasn't the best uh it was in this weird Middle Ground between like the original 360 version and the special edition it wasn't either it was its own thing which is why it is not labeled as anything but it's just Skyrim but yeah never really got into Skyrim that much but I I do know uh from playing this one a bit uh yeah it is it is a good running version It's a solid version of one of the most popular games of all time I think it'd be cool to see other Elder Scrolls games like Morrowind uh Oblivion and other Fallout games because the only Fallout game on switch is a fallout shelter and uh the only other Elder Scrolls game is Elder Scrolls blades that's like instead of getting like Call of Duty we got like what what is it like Modern Combat it's like you might as well just do one of the Fire Emblem games on one go as I'm recording this Fire Emblem engage is about to release I will own that I'll try it I'll give it a go I it comes out while I'm while I'm on a bit of a vacation while I'm taking a break so you know I'll give him a fair Shake uh but yeah uh Fire Emblem three houses Fire Emblem Warriors which came out before three houses and uh October of 2017 a week before Mario Odyssey which was stupid I don't know what the hell they were thinking with that one but uh and then we got uh Fire Emblem Warriors Three hopes in June of 2020 which uh yeah that game just kind of came and went and it like like it just like my God but I will say uh this is probably the game that I played the most out of all of these uh just because Warriors games are really easy to just like if you just play it for a little bit and you just kind of kind of you know just get a hold of them like it's just really like you can just kind of zone out and just playing for like three hours and then you're just like oh okay like I didn't really retain much from that like no no scenario in this game really really made me go like wow this is special I'm not gonna be an idiot and go this was my favorite Fire Emblem game I'm gonna be an even bigger idiot and say it's my favorite firearm game after saying I'm not gonna do that but I am down to give like three three houses and actual like actual try uh instead of just like play for an hour and be like this isn't for me and moving on uh it's very obvious to me like I've been shown that like even if I say it isn't for me I can play a game a year later in in a different mindset and get really really into it I'm putting this off for now it's just not my thing right now but maybe someday Fire Emblem Warriors isn't very good not even Fire Emblem fans really like this one this one uh Fire Emblem fans I don't know what they think but I think they think it's okay I thought it was another Warriors game that's all I got from that yeah the Warriors games there's a lot of them there there's a lot of them on the switch there's a lot of them that are are using like pre-existing franchises like Zelda and Persona and uh yeah they're okay but like I I just want to see like a franchise that I don't really expect to get a Warriors game to get a Warriors game I would love to see like ape Escape you might think I'm joking like I'm just like I'm just tired of the same thing with them like I'm just like fire a little more yours three hopes to me who doesn't care about Fire Emblem three houses right now where it's just like that's kind of the reason why you play three hopes there was nothing to that game it was just like I'm just Mindless playing it and just running through it just beating the stages not even like considering what I just played it's good for what it is but it's also like yeah these these games are completely mindless to me uh so yeah I would like to see a franchise that uh doesn't automatically have a humanoid character with sword in it and uh see what they can do with a warrior style I think that would be a little more interesting kind of bring some uh bring some zazz to to the warriors uh Warriors crossover games Fitness Boxing too I don't have Fitness Boxing one physically I believe Fitness Boxing one physically is a little hard to find right now uh Fitness Boxing too I have a sealed I have this digitally um and uh yeah it's it's Fitness Boxing these games are better than you may think they do work up quite a bit of a sweat and uh they they I mean they do what they do you know it's pretty much a rhythm game where you punch to the punch to the song You Know It works pretty well Nintendo did publish this I believe this was around the time that Nintendo wanted to uh give casual users like games that they thought they would enjoy that that kind of invoked the essence of like the Wii series of games without bringing back the Wii series of games you know stuff like your Fitness boxings and your ring fit adventures and your Clubhouse games and then they just completely gave up and just released Nintendo switch sports game builder garage uh yeah this was a bit of a disappointment wasn't it this is good this is good for what it is it's similar to Colors uh live where like this is good when it's like the only thing that you really have but I feel like Nintendo has done games like this much better in the past specifically with something like Wario or DIY where that made game development uh very enjoyable to learn and there was also an action actual gain to it you could also do a lot of other things like make comics and music and all that you could upload your games and different creators would make different games and and you could play them like I think Sakurai made a game in Warrior DIY just a lot of cool stuff uh that made like DIY like a much bigger experience game builder garage always just kind of felt like Nintendo just had some leftovers and they they just put it out because this is obviously built off of uh Nintendo labo Nintendo labo had uh some game development software in it where you could code uh certain things either games or things to use your Nintendo labo creations with and game builder garage really feels like that and not a lot more I think it's more expansive and they do have more character to this one there there's more stuff to do there's more things you can involve in your games you can upload your games online but like you can't browse games you have to find an ID and put it in which feels really dumb like like you have to find an ID somewhere else either somebody has to give you their ID specifically of their game or you have to go on message boards and find them which I don't know if Nintendo thought this was supposed to be like a way to keep kids safe so that you can't browse random games on game build a garage this makes kids less say less safe they're they're going to be browsing Reddit I know there's just no real like game here uh it's pretty much just for people who want to develop games or you know not not even develop games more so just learn how to develop games like like a real first step and that's all this really is it's pretty much just it's a first step to figuring out how coding works how game develop development works all of that and for what for that it does a fine job but I do feel like a game like Warrior DIY on the DS did a better job at that this is a little more technical so I I guess this is a little closer to how actual game development is uh compared to WarioWare but I feel like there could be a very good medium where you know it's more technical but it has kind of the fun energy of warrior DIY and uh this this just is very very sterile it does its job um it's fine for what it is it was only 30 bucks so it's hard to complain and uh it's very very specific audience but I feel like Nintendo could have made it for a much broader audience by tweaking a couple things and adding a couple things however uh this was always kind of a lower priority thing for them so I can't really blame them there Ghostbusters the video game remastered this was interesting to see uh similar to like the Disney classic Games Collection uh it's really cool to see kind of license games like this uh get re-released and Ghostbusters the video game on 360 and PS3 was outstanding it was pretty much a full-blown Ghostbusters 3 until we got a Ghostbusters Three and a Ghostbusters 3. yeah since this was a 360 and PS3 game it was pretty easy for them to put this out on Nintendo switch uh it would have been really cool if they included the Wii version of the game because the Wii version uh was was similar but different very different I had a cartoony art style which was weird because uh you know they were just like hey we can't even try to Port this to the Wii so let's just let's just do something silly go vacation I haven't played this one I haven't even played the original Wii version so this is this is a remaster of a Wii game Go Vacation that was originally uh published by Bandai Namco and a Nintendo published this version at least here in North America uh very strange again this kind of feels like it's in line with uh the games that Nintendo would would publish uh to just kind of get everybody off their backs about making a return to the Wii Series so they were just like Amco can we can we take your Pomona remember people saying this is a pretty good game um it was uh it's actually a sequel to the Wii Ski series we ski and we ski and snowboard uh and uh we'll follow was Go Vacation which covered a variety of different activities uh once again have not played this uh this version have not even played the original but it's something that I'm definitely definitely interested in giving a try I assume it's not going to be anything outstanding uh I haven't heard some people don't even really like the the switch version in comparison to the original Wii one but uh yeah I'm definitely interested in trying this one out but this is again uh kind of that same weird era of Nintendo switch games Grand Theft Auto the trilogy The Definitive Edition uh yeah I picked this up this is very interesting because apparently Nintendo co-published this this physical release which is interesting and uh yeah this is one of the first Grand Theft Auto games on Nintendo platforms in a very long time I believe it is the first since Chinatown Wars on the Des and it's the original trilogy uh games I've never been on Nintendo platforms it's a big moment or it could have been yeah these games turned out to be pretty rough um I remember trying to play San Andreas on the switch and it worked but man like the frame rate was just so inconsistent and it was very glitchy it just felt really really rough when driving where I just felt like when I was driving the framer would be cut in half or it would just stutter every now and then and I'm just like these are PS2 games it's kind of a similar deal to like the Destroy All Humans remake I was talking about where I would just much rather take the original games I don't need them with any of these doodads and even then these new versions are very much obviously based on the mobile ports so it's just really really disappointing and honestly pathetic that like these versions were in the state that they were in um especially like the a PS4 or Xbox One PS5 Xbox series X versions because like yeah the switch version doesn't have any excuse those versions don't have a damn excuse either so yeah the physical release isn't even that great considering you need a nine gigabyte download for it so it's it's one of those switch games that that require a download which is not very fun but still uh very cool to get like a physical Grand Theft Auto game on the switch uh even if it's in the state that it's in still pretty cool apparently Nintendo co-published it which is even cooler because it's just like yeah Nintendo published a Grand Theft Auto game that's kind of spooky the great Ace Attorney Chronicles a fantastic Ace Attorney game there's not much else I can really say about it all these attorney games are quite good uh you can't really go wrong with any of them and these are a very very unique uh duology here uh just because uh you know it takes place in 19th century Japan which is very very cool and it definitely sets them apart from the rest of the Phoenix Wright games and also these were originally 3DS games that were only ever in Japan for the longest time and they finally brought him over uh with the switch and uh also on the PS4 I believe it also came out on MPC uh so uh yeah that's that's weird to see that's weird to see Phoenix Friday's attorney on uh on on the PS4 it's just it's just like what he's doing there the Hyrule Warriors games Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition and age of Calamity uh man age of Calamity was really really uh a blast to play for me when it came out uh that was just like the game I decided to just really focus on uh and uh yeah it took me you know like good dozen Plus hours or so I forget how long uh to get through it uh and uh yeah I should have probably spent that time playing a less repetitive hack and slash game but I'm I'm pretty happy with it I I really did enjoy age of Calamity uh my main problem with age of Calamity is the story uh not not any specific note in the story outside of the fact that time travel is involved uh and I don't really care I'll spoil the settlement I'm not gonna spoil crazy thing here it's more so just they introduce time travel and pretty much make this like an alternate timeline kind of deal where it's like this isn't even really what happened like like before breath of the wild which is the entire damn point of why I wanted to play this game I wanted to see what happened I wanted to see people die and instead it has a generic everybody's happy ending I'm just like man that was just unfortunate I'm sorry that was just really unfortunate it really did uh kind of sour the game for me it didn't start the entire game for me more so just soured that element of the game for me the gameplay was really fun though it did take the Warriors formula and kind of added that breath of the wild twist to it uh specifically with the Rune abilities uh that was really cool and all the extra playable characters that was that was super fun to see uh but overall I would say you know uh Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition is is the ultimate game here I mean it includes so much stuff all the DLC all the Hyrule Warriors Legends content uh from the 3DS even a couple little new things here and there like the breath of the wild outfits like there is genuinely so much stuff in this one and it also plays differently from the Wii U version because it allows you to swap characters on the fly or the Wii U version you you couldn't do that you had to select your character before entering the level and that was it this version I was side of having all the extra content also has you know better resolution Rock Solid frame rate all of that like this is this is like one of the best Wii U to Nintendo switch ports this is a much more original game that feels much more like like like Nintendo developed it uh you know this feels like a Nintendo develop game this feels like a you know could call it Tecmo made a Zelda game which is what it was uh this uh definitely has a lot more input from Nintendo and uh I think it's uh I think it's a solid time uh also my copy has a little oh my God my copy has a bit of a a bit of a puncture in it what happened here yeah you ever just noticed that one of your games has like a crack in it you don't know what it's from and they say I have nothing to about Immortals Phoenix Rising uh I only play this one for a second uh just to give it a try and uh it was it was okay uh you know it's just it was a little too much of like a uh breath of the wild cologne for me to really take it that seriously I know that sounds kind of weird but it it was so breath of the wild that it was just something where I'm like why wouldn't I just play breath of the wild that's good it's a good quality game but it's more so like I I think I kind of give it that that slack because it's made by Ubisoft and I'm like oh your guys you guys are trying it's a good game don't get me wrong uh but it's it's very much a breath of the wild clone uh though it's not like a complete clone it does some original stuff but it's very it's very obviously inspired by the game it'll do too another one of the uh early on Nicholas uh Indie releases here it'll do two plus and uh yeah it includes a big old big old guide a big old map all that stuff uh very cool to get switch games that uh include stuff uh just because like ever open up a switch game and it has something in this slot and you're kind of you kind of freak out a little bit like I was not expecting that Katamari Damacy re-roll uh this was initially exclusive like switch and PC which was interesting considering like this was a PS2 exclusive back in the day but this feels very a home on a Nintendo platform the Katamari series is just dumb fun it's not even dumb it's just fun it's just it's just something that just makes you feel happy and it just overly satisfying being able to roll up everything and just see all this stuff just appear it's just something where you can see the initial pitch for the game and just you can see how why anybody would throw money at it it's just like yes that is inherently satisfying to do yes let's make this game obviously and yeah the HD remake is is good it's good Game it works great it runs great looks great and all that there's not much else to say about it I believe this came out around the same time as Super Smash Brothers ultimate which was dumb but I think it did well enough because Bandai Namco uh has been investing in a lot of their more Niche games kind of doing remakes of them and and I believe this also came to other platforms eventually too so uh that that's good that it probably hopefully did good enough uh for that kind of stuff to happen Killer Queen black this is like an a big arcade game well I mean like it's it's big at least nowadays in terms of our kids uh you know it's a modern arcade game and uh yeah I never played this one much the problem is I don't think I'm gonna be able to soon because I believe the online multiplayer servers are going down I I don't think it was because like of any other reason other than like something out of the developers control I forget specifically but I do know the multiplayer servers are going down unfortunately and uh yeah you know like you you can play uh locally but uh it is just something where it's just uh like uh yeah that that's a big chunk of the the purpose of this game that's just going away that's that's unfortunate but this was highlighted by Nintendo and uh one of their E3 Nintendo directs I believe their E3 2018 Nintendo Direct and I haven't played this one a ton but I do know it is a very popular uh multiplayer arcade game and I'm definitely interested in giving it a try unfortunately I cannot do that outside of Ohio now all right now we have Kirby star allies man so it's not a bad game at all um star allies is just designed in a way that isn't very fun it's very basic it is a very overly simple Kirby game and Kirby's supposed to be simple but this succeeded uh Kirby planet robobot on the 3DS one of the best Kirby games of all time uh Kirby Triple Deluxe on the 3DS Kirby's Return to Dreamland and this one is so much more basic than all of those games not only in terms of like level design but modes uh features all of that uh it just it was so damn basic like none of the levels really stood out I like all of the levels just felt very plain it wasn't interesting it was an incredibly standard Kirby game it was pretty much a standard of it as a Kirby game as you can make and I feel like that was a little intentional because they wanted to make it simplistic because the entire point is you can get all these allies and they can be controlled by your friends so it's a co-op Kirby game it's supposed to be a co-op Kirby game and it succeeds at that it's a solid Co-op experience but I don't really see why the level design themes needed to be so boring like I'm just trying to think back to like oh what did the games levels even look like what was even going on in them and most of the time it was nothing it was just a green field it was like base that was it lava that was it I could be playing a robobot had like a casino they had a bustling City they had all this stuff they had the whole robot theme that just kind of made it so then okay we're working on a mechanized theme which made them think outside the box in terms of how to incorporate it more and more in ways that they you wouldn't initially think of star allies has like such a just generic Kirby theme and when you go for just generic Kirby theme you think it's like oh man they can do whatever they want no they're not they're just gonna do basic stuff where if you pick a theme and you just roll with it like it just makes it a much better experience in my opinion so yeah in my opinion the main problem with star allies comes down to the level design the level design is just boring it's just a boring game they did update this game significantly throughout uh the year it came out in and a lot of people say like oh it made the game better and I'm like yes and no uh they did add a lot of substantial content to the game like an extra mode I believe it was called guest star mode where you can go through uh you know an Abridged version of the game with uh all these different Ally characters including new ones they would add consistently which would be like special characters based on uh Mainline Kirby games so you'd get like King DVD Meta Knight and then you get stuff like Adeline from Kirby 64. you get magalor from Return to Dreamland you get the Squeak Squad and stuff like that like it would always be like a very specific like bam this was the main guy from a Mainline Kirby game playable in Star allies and that was really cool but it didn't change the fact that like the core level design was so boring and a lack of characters and fan service wasn't star allies big flaw so it just didn't really matter to me at the end of the day now it's a completely different story with the other Kirby game here Kirby and the Forgotten land I always find it interesting when uh Nintendo decides to name their games either Kirby blank or Kirby and the blank like this could have very easily been called Kirby forgotten land and Kirby star allies could have easily been called Kirby and the star allies I just want to see what their what their MO is with that yeah Kirby's big jump to 3D in his first big Mainline 3D Adventure what an outstanding game I played the first bit of this when this initially launched in March of 2022 and I enjoyed it um and I'm just now finishing it up because I just I haven't had a chance to go through it for the longest time my God this game is remarkable it is fantastic it is a wonderful 3D platformer uh it doesn't feel like Kirby's first 3D platformer it feels like Kirby's been in 3D this entire damn time this feels like this feels so natural it's crazy to me and it's so cool to me that they don't make the gimmick of this game the fact that oh Kirby's in 3D for the first time you know he's been in 3D before but this is his first Mainline Adventure Kirby's in 3D for the first time no like they add enough stuff where if this was a 2d game it would have been if this was a 2d game it would be a huge step up from Kirby star allies but it has the fact that it's a 3D game on top of that that just is icing on the cake 3D adds so much value to the Kirby series it is so good here it works so well uh the level design is fantastic there's so much room for secrets to discover I love the collectibles in the game pretty much just the hidden waddle tees and also how when you complete the level uh you see the whole list of things revealed as to like how you get a 100 completion so then you have incentive to go back and also if you just get everything in one go it's so satisfying because you did everything without even knowing what the hell you were supposed to do in just the Hub World an evolving copy abilities and all of that the mini games you could do it's a phenomenal game this is like a huge step up for Kirby one of the best Kirby games in my opinion and I I cannot wait to see where the series goes uh from here uh absolutely wonderful all right moving on we're up to these Zelda games the first one obviously being The Legend of Zelda breath of the Wild on Nintendo's switch launch title uh what do you want me to say it's a good game all right all right next up is the Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening uh I love this game this is one of my favorite games on the switch uh which you know it's a Game Boy game whatever but uh I I feel like you know obviously definitive version they made a lot of very necessary changes uh not as many as I would have hoped uh there's still some of that Classic Game Boy funk in the game uh where you know you kind of Wonder it's like all right why didn't you change that you changed all of this you fixed all of this why didn't you fix this but uh overall just the visuals are outstanding I think they look beautiful though I I do agree with with some people's sentiment that uh they they feel a little misguided it feels like a really cool art style but it feels like it doesn't go all the way maybe uh where like yeah it looks like a toy it looks like a little diorama but like then then why why not go all the way because it looks like that but it it isn't that you know or something like Yoshi's crafted world everything is is made out of cardboard and you can see string holding things uh from the ceiling and all that uh why this doesn't do that and it just kind of goes for this halfway thing of like okay it looks like a standard video game but it has a slight toy aesthetic I can understand why it might not be for everybody but I think it looks beautiful though I I feel like they could have gone in a different direction since uh it looks like that because they want it to look like like that that that's the dream portion spoiler links oh wait it's it's in the title Link's Awakening he needs to wake up it's a it's a goddamn dream uh and I feel like the visuals don't really convey like dream like that much it's just it's just a cool art style it looks very nice overall I I just feel like it's such a nice game with such a a wonderfully simple Story one with with characters that are memorable scenarios that are memorable areas that are just so memorable it does a lot with such a pretty confined map uh I love it I love this game I hope they do more 2D Zelda remix I hope they do a brand new 2D Zelda game of course we do have Cadence of Hyrule which could kind of count as one um but I I hope we get the Oracle games even Minish Cap even though Minish Cap you know ages pretty well overall I would just like to see a lot of the 2D Zelda games get kind of a kind of an upgrade like like this one did and then the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD uh this is also a good game uh it is one of the more polarizing Zelda games and uh by proxy this remaster is definitely one of the more polarizing Zelda remasters mainly because it doesn't do as much as something like Wind Waker HD Twilight Princess HD or Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D but I think most skyward Swords issues were kind of under the hood and this game kind of helped with them with very minor tweaks there's there's a lot of minor tweaks throughout Skyward Sword HD that just kind of make the the whole thing a little better which made it before release feel like a pretty not substantial release not substantial remaster but in the end I feel like a lot of what they did discover sword HD was definitely for the better and did end up uh making it a the definitive version of the game though so yeah those are those are myself the games uh right now uh breath of the wild is is one of my favorite games of all time so you know if you if you wanted a little more than just it's good there you go but as also like what what else do you want me to say about it it's amazing it's it's brilliant it is I love this game and uh yeah the the switch version was how I played the Wii U version I have I I do have and I have I've dabbled in it's a little weird it's the same game but it just it acts a little weird it has to load whenever you you hit the men the home menu and you go back a little spinning wheel pops up it's weird Lego City Undercover this was a strange one uh it came out around April of 2017. uh one of the first major like Wii U ports to the uh Nintendo switch uh which this wasn't only a Wii U port to the Nintendo switch this was ported everywhere uh this was a Wii U game originally a Wii U exclusive uh published and funded by Nintendo that uh I guess the exclusivity kind of ran up around 2017 so uh Warner Brothers WB Games uh published it on Nintendo switch uh PS4 Xbox One uh which is cool because you know this is this is a good game though uh this version did not really fix the biggest flaw with Lego City Undercover which was the load times they are horrible in this game some of the worst load times I have ever experienced in any game are in Lego City Undercover the Wii U version is terrible this version is still really leading bad but at the very least I think there's like visuals on the loading screens and the Wii U version there's just this damn police badge that spins around that's all you get at least this one you have something to read while it's loading yeah cool to have this on other platforms and also uh it actually gets multiplayer in in the newer versions which is cool that was something lacking in the Wii U game and multiplayer is such kind of a big part of the Lego games people really love multiplayer in there so that was kind of a lame part of the Wii U one that is uh rectified in this one so nice next up live alive uh I I I thought it made sense more as like live alive because like uh live alive um it makes sense in the sense that you are living a life live alive alive are just words yeah I always thought this game looked really damn cool uh when it was announced in uh the February 2021 Nintendo Direct I was like damn this looks this looks amazing uh just how elaborate it seemed did not seem like this was a super famicom game but it was this was a super famicom game never left Japan until the Nintendo switch release and uh yeah I'm very glad it did I've only played like probably three hours of this game I've played about three scenarios uh the entire gimmick of this game is that you have uh like nine or so different story lines with different characters different scenarios different settings all of that it's pretty much about living a life you know it's like you get like nine different playable characters and they all have their own little scenarios whatever and there's so much Variety in this game because of that you pretty much get like nine different mini games all in one uh and I feel like that it makes this a very digestible game it's really easy to play and and some stories are only like an hour long and you can just plow right through them and then you're done and then you can move on to another one that might be an hour and a half long and plow right through them and you're done and that makes it a very digestible easy to pick up and just plow right through RPG because it really makes you feel like uh you're making progress even if it's a small chunk of the game uh it's not like a super long RPG by any means but uh it's a very it's a very easy one to get into I do have to question though and and I'm I'm probably definitely wrong do not take me seriously here the story lines from what I remember uh meant nothing to me I played the present day story and I played the wild west and I just remember like the wild west being cool because it was the wild west but uh there was nothing to really explore there was no real setting to explore other than a very small town with like six six buildings I mean you don't really do anything you pretty much play through the storyline which is about like 30 to 45 minutes of just clicking through dialogue boxes you don't really do much until you start doing stuff you have to prepare for like a big gang showing up and uh you pretty much just run around for like 10 minutes preparing for the big gang to show up which is just kind of like going through each of the houses and just finding supplies and then the big gang shows up and you beat them in a big RPG fight uh and that lasts about like five to ten minutes uh and then it's over and I really remember what the point of the story was like I remember the story it was like oh you're you're you're one guy and there's a guy that doesn't really like you that's just like ah there's your mom part of the Town son and then you know you're fighting with him pretty much but you have to work together to beat the bad guys and you do and then you ride off into the sunset and I'm just kind of questioning like okay so that was a story but like was it though in the present day the present day thing was kind of cool from like a gimmicky perspective of like oh man it's like a fighting game as an RPG that's kind of cute uh but there's like there's no story there I found it to have like some cool mechanics there but the problem is uh and this could probably change at the end maybe at the end everything comes together I heard something along the lines of at the end everything comes together but uh pretty much during during the present day portion you learn your opponent's moves but it's kind of selective I I from what I remember I might be forgetting and misremembering something here but uh from what I remember it's kind of along the lines of like they have to perform that move on you so so you it's a kind of a risk versus reward you risk dying but you your reward is like you could win that move and then you could perform that move you could perform that move in the other fights because you have to fight like a certain amount of characters because it's like Street Fighter there's like multiple characters from around the world um that you're fighting against so that's pretty cool but the problem is uh that portion of the story is over in like 40 minutes and then you're moving on to like a different character uh that does not know those fighting moves so uh there wasn't really a story in the present day portion and uh the gameplay while the gimmick was kind of cool uh well hope you liked it for those 40 minutes I'm not criticizing the game really here that's just my thoughts so far after uh playing a couple hours and also not playing the game for a couple months so uh I'm not even sure if what I was saying was like totally true about the game please let me know uh because you know I would love to know maybe by the time you see me talking about this I would have already beaten the game and I know what I said was a bunch of garbage and we have Luigi's Mansion three uh like what a what a star of a game what what an absolute just like wow so I haven't finished this one either I've played about I I'd say like nearly half of it and uh wow it is it is a very excellent game uh it looks fantastic I wish it was a little darker though it is something where I think the lighting is always a little off the lighting looks good but the darkness was always kind of a an aspect of the original Luigi's Mansion that just was not really carried over into the sequels you genuinely had to use that flashlight in Luigi's Mansion and the Darkness kind of made the entire atmosphere a lot more spooky Luigi's image was never scary but it always kind of had this childlike menacing atmosphere to it which I thought was important it made it so then like yeah it's not scary but you always it had this weird little unnerving feeling to it which I think is important for a kind of a child children's Halloweeny kind of game or a Halloweeny kind of thing for everybody where nobody's scared but you get this Sensation from it and the sequels just don't really do that uh Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and Luigi's Mansion 3 are more so played for laughs and they're just kind of about putting up Halloween decorations and that's about it but that's okay because three is a fantastic game I think it's really really well designed it has some fantastic puzzles uh a great location great variety of locations within one location I think it's fantastic moving on to the second shelf uh we have the Mario plus Rabbids games we have Mario plus Rabbids Kingdom battle and uh Sparks of Hope which I have not opened yet I definitely want to try this out though I do want to play more of Kingdom battle before I play Sparks of hope I don't have to beat Kingdom battle I just kind of want to play a little bit more so these games I recently read a report that Ubisoft was uh underwhelmed or said that uh Sparks of Hope underperformed while Mario plus rabbit's Kingdom battle sold over 10 million units apparently uh I remember the developer said uh Kingdom battle had over 10 million players which is shocking I think it's mainly because uh Kingdom battle kept on going on sale for like 10 bucks digitally so I think a lot of people were like yeah screw it that doesn't mean it's not a good game this is a very well made game a very very surprisingly good game right here for when I played and also from what I've heard though I do think Sparks of hope I just don't remember anybody really talking about this I remember a lot of people getting excited for it I remember a lot of people talking about it when it came out after it released any of that it just didn't really feel like there was much to discuss I I feel like there's reasons for a lot of those things none of them have to do with the quality of the game because I've heard this game is phenomenal it's a better game than kingdom battle in every way uh however I think the time it came out wasn't very great I think Mario plus Rabbids as a concept probably works better as a one-off not saying it shouldn't have gotten a sequel rather it just works better as a one-off when you do a sequel you know it's something where it's like that that kind of a strange gimmick is no longer as like alluring so it's just kind of like oh this is a this is a thing again okay and also I feel like Kingdom battle just came out at the perfect time uh it was launch year of the switch people were willing to take a chance on something and they took a chance on that and uh Sparks of hope I think did well but Ubisoft just had two pipe expectations for it um but yeah I feel like the series works better as a one-off uh not saying if if a third one gets announced I'm not gonna be like I'm not gonna be upset I'll be like I'll be like oh that's cool but I'm just not gonna be very excited uh then again I haven't really played Kingdom battle so I don't really have that that real like passion for the series but I'm definitely like I'm I'm definitely looking to play uh both of these very soon all right we have Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 what a stupid ass box art they're just standing there it's just like it's just default-ass poses this looks like the the working boxer this looks like the Box are in progress like I was shocked when this was on store shelves I thought this was like because like I've seen all these other like temp box arts and they look like this huh this is this is just the official one yeah I'll hand it to them like they tried something a little new with this one they have the whole retro style story mode where you get to play uh Olympic events but in within like the 2D Sprites so like Super Mario Brothers original NES Sprites and Sonic the Hedgehog original Sega Genesis Sprites and all that that's cute um but it's it's just another Mario and Sonic game at the end of the day it's pretty high quality like like these games are always decent enough quality they always pass the bar the problem is they're mini game collections that are disguised as like oh my God you have a bunch of sports in this game you know I have a bunch of sport themed mini-games pretty much that that's what it is at the end of the day they just don't have a lot of depth and uh it's cute for like an afternoon but after that it's kind of like Mario Golf super rush what a wet fart seriously like man this was uh this was a disappointment I love Mario Golf but like man super rush just did not do it for me and a lot of other people like the content just wasn't there uh it was more there than a lot of other Nintendo's uh switch releases where there's just they just don't put a lot of stuff in them but man all the golf courses were just too generic to the point where it's just like when they actually included like a Mario thing it felt like oh well at least they have this it's just like well no that's the bare minimum they should be putting in here like oh man there's a single Goomba in the course oh my god well what are you complaining about there's Mario stuff in the course like what are you talking about like the final course they added to the game was uh was was pretty much just uh Mario characters in the grass like like 2D art of Mario characters in the grass and that's kind of cool but that's kind of cool in the con in the context of like there was nothing else like that in this game so it's just like wow uh super rush had some okay ideas uh that just didn't really pan out uh I wouldn't say it's like a bad game it's just a a misdirected and handled one and there's a good game in there but it ended up being like a very mediocre game and I really hope Nintendo looks at like the the player reception to a lot of these Mario sports games and realize like oh we need to do something different with these not that we don't want them more so people are not very happy with these things do something like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which uh you know is one of the oldest Nintendo switch games it's also a switch game that won't can die it's pretty interesting so when Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came out uh yeah they they fixed the battle mode of the Wii U version and they just included all the DLC tracks from the Wii U version and just had it so then all 48 tracks in one on one game that's pretty cool new a couple new drivers uh the DLC drivers all that stuff and then like what like like five years later that's when they decided to introduce DLC uh yeah which which has been which has been a hoot it's been really fun to uh be along for the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC booster course pass uh ride it's it's a fun time it's a fun time to speculate what's coming soon it's a fun time to actually speculate and look at these courses and and see which ones look like dog and which ones don't yeah the DLC looks a little looks a little rough in some cases also though some of it looks pretty good uh but uh yeah it's it's a fun time it's fun to be playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe again uh this is definitely the best Mario Kart at this point no denying that I still like playing older Mario Karts uh you know because I'm I'm a little bored of Mario Kart 8 deluxe's physics not saying they're bad more so I've been playing this game since 2014. so I do like going back to Mario Kart Wii and trying that out and I do like going back to like Mario Kart Double Dash and playing that again just because uh not because I think they're better but more so it's just fun you know like like there's just different courses different physics different items all that stuff it's just it's just fun yeah there's a reason why this is like the most popular switch game and uh I wouldn't say it's like Justified holy because you know it's again from 2014 but I can totally see why like anybody like everybody has a reason to own this game it's more great Deluxe Mario Party Superstars easily one of the best Mario Party games in the past uh what like 10 plus years they did a good job with this one this one's a good Mario Party I'm very happy with this one uh lacking in content definitely I wish there was more it has just enough to get by I think like adding another board or two would have been very very welcome and that would have brought this game up to a point where I don't think you you could complain about the lack of content but I think most would be fairly happy with that it only has five boards which I think is a little unacceptable but they're all good that that's just the thing they're all good the mechanics are all good the mini games are all good it's a Mario Party game where I'm just like yeah this is all very good I I it's hard to complain about it outside of the lack of content so I very much like this one Mario Party Superstars I think it's a must-have for many switch owners if you want a good multiplayer game you can do much better than Mario Party Superstars you can't do much better than Mario Party Superstars as is Mario Striker's battle League uh wow this was a uh this was a huge disappointment huge disappointment Mario Strikers had one of the biggest fan bases or most vocal fan bases of any of the Mario sports games uh just because we hadn't seen a new Mario Striker since 2007. it was like we named new Marty Strikers where's Mario Strikers and then they finally give it to us and it is it it is nothing there is nothing to this game the gameplay is quite good it's fast it's it's fun uh there there is some strategy there you know it's good but everything around it there's just nothing there's nothing to this game and uh while there is strategy I just feel like there's not enough to really make it so then the lack of content is really Justified there's not a lot of content but man this game is different every time you play for me personally no it's not it's something where you need to include like some wacky ass items outside of like the couple that they have which aren't very wacky honestly uh you need to have more interesting stadiums with gimmicks and all that stuff I I just feel like too many of these Mario sports games are trying to be like balanced and competitively viable for some reason I don't know it's a Mario sports game I appreciate the sentiment but it's also like God damn I'm playing these games in clown shoes like it's these aren't supposed to be taking that seriously but I appreciate them going and wanting to make like these legitimately really balanced and strategic video game experiences um but they they they're doing that by trading content and trading more replay value for like oh well well we made sure the game is like very very very strategic and and uh well balanced but that also makes us then like Mario Strikers is kind of hard to pick up and play now you need to learn it like I feel like I haven't played this game in a while so I feel like I'm gonna when I pick this up again I'm gonna have to replay the tutorial again because I'm gonna forget everything like this game is not complicated but it's all it's it's it's more complicated than I think a lot of people like expected going into it uh but yeah the amount of content in the game the amount of characters was pathetic the amount of stadiums was pathetic and the stadiums themselves were pathetic there there wasn't anything to really differentiate them so every really only felt like you had one Stadium because the differentiating factors of each Stadium were only really visible in the cut scenes which which played when like when you scored a goal or when you're performing like a hyper strike or whatever like that was the only time when you saw like oh wow there are palm trees in the background I'm in a different Stadium that's it and the updates that they're adding to the game uh they they just kind of continue the issue or yes they're adding new characters that's great but it's also like they don't change enough the amount of characters was a problem yes but the characters themselves were flawed a big part of this game was like oh you can add gear to your character so like you can pretty much change a character's stats right there so then like oh a new character is added it's just kind of like a cosmetic thing at that point because like you could change Mario to be heavy you could change Mario to be light you know so it's at that point these new characters don't really have any special moves outside of their hyper strike which isn't that special it's just like oh a cute new cutscene I don't know the stadiums are all the damn same the gear isn't interesting and that's all there is to this game like that's all I can really discuss it's really pathetic and it's hard to talk about games like this because like the core gameplay is is solid but everything around it it's really hard to criticize games like this and I am shocked by like how much critics like rated this game fairly highly I don't get it I'm not saying it deserved like three out of tens or anything but I'm saying like I saw a lot of eight out of tens nine out of tens like like what what the hell was going on there yeah the fact that this was 60 bucks like my my God next up probably the best Mario Sports title on the switch which is Mario Tennis Aces yeah this one uh this one had very similar problems at launch uh continues to have similar problems but overall uh with the amount they added over time uh this one got the most post launch support got the most meaty post launch support uh the longest as well uh and uh yeah with what they added like it has a pretty good roster of characters now pretty good roster of stages pretty good modes uh everything's kind of been fleshed out a little bit they even added more of an opening cut scene to the game and all that like they they genuinely added to this game and uh the gameplay is good in Mario Tennis Aces it kind of continues that problem that I had where it's just like they they definitely favored a more strategic balance gameplay rather than wacky fun uh but you know what uh the gameplay is really good here it's like a damn fighting game which does make it a little inaccessible for a lot of casual players but I do feel like it's it's understandable enough to be to be really good so yeah well I'm not the biggest fan um I think this one gets a pass it's one of the better one of the better Mario sports games as of recent all right Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 the black order another one of the strange Nintendo published joints here especially considering the developer koe Tecmo or team ninja uh yeah that was weird I mean I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say no to it I mean good for you you're bringing back a weird PS2 era series making it a switch exclusive when it was like on everything back in the day it feels very bizarre it is very bizarre and it's not like the game is like this incredible thing where it's like oh man Nintendo's revived this wonderful amazing series nah it's just fine but it's like sometimes you want games like that you want kind of a game that's easy to understand kind of a little brain dead to play that's kind of a Marvel Ultimate Alliance it's a fun little like Co-op game you can play with four players and you can just kind of go through beat up a bunch of enemies and uh keep moving through and it's it's a good game for like everybody to just sit down and play it makes sense uh for Nintendo to bring it back it just kind of came out of left field next I got the Mega Man games I only have two right now it's Mega Man 11 and the Mega Man uh zero ZX Legacy Collection yeah Mega Man 11. I love Mega Man 11. I think they did a fantastic job Reviving the series uh it looks beautiful I think they chose the exact right art style they needed to and I love the new mechanics I love the double gear system I think it's really cool to be able to slow down time and also power yourself up uh it definitely just adds a cool layer to Mega Man I think they did a phenomenal job Reviving Mega Man for the modern era and uh they're they're doing a good job kind of just compiling his old releases too with the uh zero ZX Legacy Collection right here uh this is great this this is really really good it's a great collection of uh six games here uh the ZX Series and the zero series and uh it gives hope for pretty much every single Mega Man related release to get a modern re-release because they did it with the Original Classic series The X Series Battle Network like pretty much any Mega Man is on the table which is really cool I do own the classic Legacy Collection and uh X Legacy Collection uh digitally uh this one I just I just felt like owning because uh the the original Legacy Collection and X Legacy Collection action physically or one of those funky little digital only physical games where a portion of it you have to download all right moving on to Metroid dread uh one of my favorite switch games here uh definitely in the top 20 top 15 uh does it be Clubhouse games I don't know haven't thought that far but Metroid dread uh fantastic it's really hard to come up with like problems with the game uh it's very difficult it's a very difficult game and some people consider it to be a little too short it took me a while to get through this one I was playing it kind of on and off though so maybe that's why but uh yeah it took me a while and that final boss kicked my ass but what a masterfully designed game uh this was a treat to go through it really makes you respect the metroidvania design of just like damn like how do you how do you even begin to a design a Metroid game like this where like you have to design this huge sprawling map and you have to design it so then certain places aren't accessible until you get certain items well where do you put those items where do you put those places and you have to do that with like dozens upon dozens of items and places and enemies and all of that where you need to be able to access this after getting that but you need to have access to this so then you could also defeat this enemy which requires this ability of yours blah blah blah blah it is no wonder why these games take forever to come out and why Metroid went away for a little bit I I can't even begin to imagine that but hey I mean they did it beautifully here it's really hard to come up with any complaints yeah Metroid red love it uh here I have the mighty switch force Collection this is a limited run game but I I believe I got this at Best Buy because Best Buy in limited run had like a uh a partnership where uh they had some limited run games available at Best Buy which makes no sense I'm going to run games is all about like oh there's only a finite amount of things also where things are actively available at Best Buy yeah they might switch Force games are uh you know they're good they're good they're very short they're very quick to just blaze right through uh they made very a lot of sense is like just quick little 3DS eShop games uh when you kind of put them on a bigger level they start to make a little less sense but they're still they're still good puzzle Platformers uh this I kind of got on a whim I was just at Best Buy and I just thought why not so I picked it up meatopia 3DS game remastered for the switch not really labeled as much of a remaster more so just they kind of wanted to sell it as like as if it was just a brand new game on the switch I didn't really get into this one that much and a lot of people say like well you're not playing it right it's just I know no I wasn't playing it right I just didn't really feel like it like I just didn't really feel like committing the time to put into metopia and I will still maintain I do prefer Tomodachi life which is a part of kind of the same series I guess as meatopia miitopia is at least kind of a spiritual successor to Tomodachi life and I feel like Tomodachi life is just a lot easier to just have fun with just go and deck around with miitopia tries to turn it into more of a game but I feel like the game aspect of miitopia just isn't that great it's a very simple RPG and if you're not really willing to put the time into it and just make some really funny me's and all that it's not going to be a great time for you the problem is if I wanted to put in the time and make some really funny knees and use the insane Meme Maker within the game which is very elaborate incredible I still feel like I'd have more fun with Tomodachi life because like if I if I put the time into it I put them in Tomodachi life it's just gonna be a little more silly fun and I feel like me Topia is is not going to be as much silly fun it'll still be silly fun this won't be as fun as silly fun so I don't know I just didn't really do it for me but I totally get why a lot of people really like this game it just wasn't really my thing here I have Minecraft uh this was released uh after they kind of stopped doing the Minecraft console edition kind of thing where like Minecraft on Wii U Got Minecraft Wii U Edition and Minecraft on 3DS got Minecraft 3DS edition it was always kind of neat how uh the different consoles uh the different console holders each got like different like Minecraft art so like the Minecraft on Playstation had this specific art in Minecraft on Nintendo consoles at this specific are in Minecraft on Xbox consoles and this specific art I just thought that was kind of neat but uh they ended up kind of unifying it all and they all kind of got just you know Minecraft it's just just Minecraft which is cool I mean it's Minecraft I really got into Minecraft but uh yeah if I ever need to play Minecraft I have it physically on my Nintendo switch the way I put that it's kind of like for emergencies only I should put Minecraft for Nintendo switch behind glass I got the monster hunter games here um I've tried all of these uh Monster Hunter just isn't really my thing um you know I've tried it and I'm willing to try it more but uh just never really got into it but Generations ultimate uh wow this is obviously a 3DS game upres uh but uh hey I mean like it's it's classic monster hunter Monster Hunter rise is a little more modernized Monster Hunter but still feels like classic monster hunter so still pretty good and then Monster Hunter stories too which is a uh you know a a more uh visually appealing Pokemon Style game but it isn't Pokemon so it it's one of those things where everybody kind of goes like Oh man play Monster Hunter stories too if you want a pokemon-like experience it's way better but it's just like it's still not Pokemon it's like the Mario Kart thing where it's just like oh yeah crash team racing uh has a lot more content than so-and-so Mario Kart game or whatever I don't know still Mario Kart so it's just like I'm gonna pick that I'm sorry but yeah those are the monster hunter games I own for switch uh these are all good games uh I just didn't get super into them because they just weren't my thing at the time but like I said who knows maybe maybe it will change my mind here we got Mortal Kombat 11. weird ass game right here yeah this launched day and day with the other version it was crazy and it took a while for the Nintendo switch version to really surface in terms of footage like like like nobody knew what this game looked like for the longest time and it took a very long time for uh WB Games to really show what the switch version looked like but yeah it's it's impressive it runs good like it works good uh it looks fairly decent uh there's only like a couple things in it that are like wow that looks like ass but overall like it holds up fairly well it's Mortal Kombat 11 but just on the Nintendo switch it requires a download for uh some of the content uh you can put the cartridge in and it'll work uh but you can't play a lot of it uh without that download but hey the switch does have a Mortal Kombat game that's really cool uh it surprised everybody I remember this got announced during like the game awards 2018 and it said oh yeah Nintendo switch in in the bottom corner it was like who uh Neo the world ends with you uh it's really unfortunate this game didn't do uh too awful well because people were begging for a world ends with you game for the longest time and uh it just felt like nobody played this game which is unfortunate because it was really good uh you know from what I played it was a good time and uh it looked good sounded good played well um I just don't have much to say because I'm not super into the world ends with you uh but yeah from what I played it was very quality uh it's just very unfortunate that it came out at a rough time or like people just didn't respond well to it I don't know it's new Pokemon Snap next uh yeah this is another very quality game it's very good I like new Pokemon Snap I'm just I've just never been the biggest Pokemon Snap guy uh mainly because like when I I tried playing Pokemon Snap and I just didn't really hook me but it it felt like another one of those games where people begged beg beg begged for a new Pokemon Snap game they finally give it to you and like it's sold okay like based on how many people wouldn't shut the hell up about a new Pokemon Snap game uh I would have expected better sales uh and it sold fine but it was just kind of like hmm new super Lucky's tale uh it was strange how super Lucky's tale was and XBox One exclusive published by Microsoft and Lucky's tale was was like an Oculus Rift game so super Lucky's tale was kind of like a non-vr version of Lucky's tale and the new super Lucky's tale was a revised version of a super Lucky's tale I don't actually know maybe Lucky's tale was just the original game and super Lucky's tale was a sequel uh maybe I I don't know but uh new super Lucky's deal it's okay it's a fine little generic platformer that was always the problem with the original Super Lucky's tale it was just kind of there like like it got kind of mediocre reviews and that was just because like it was there it was fine it just didn't really have a lot of character it just felt very generic it felt like oh man Xbox needs to publish a kid's game so they did and it was just like well uh that works but it's just not anything to write home about and while new Super Lucky still works better on the switch like because like oh it's it's a 3D platformer with cartoony visuals of course it's gonna feel like it's at home more on the switch uh it oddly feels also like like it's just like this this would have been the game that Microsoft needed more because new super Lucky's tale is better than super Lucky's tale and Xbox needs these kind of games more uh Nintendo is definitely not in any short supply for 3D Platformers uh but uh hey you know what I'll take another 3D platformer I'm a Nintendo fan you know I eat these for breakfast but yeah it's quality it's just you know like it's just kind of there too yeah it's it's pretty good for what it is you know oh new Super Mario Brothers you Deluxe you this isn't even a really good version of super new Super Mario Brothers uh it's it's probably worse overall like yeah you get a resolution bump it's in 1080P now instead of 720p it's new Super Mario Brothers why the hell does that matter yeah this one just has a lot of odd choices and oddly enough I removed some some content from the Wii U version they had some Wii U gamepad specific features and also stages built for that for the GamePad and uh yeah those are removed um so uh yeah I'd say it probably has less content than the Wii U version it's still called the Lux it has an extra character but uh that character is is overpowered and is pretty much forced upon you and four player multiplayer so that's really cool um it controls worse because they force the doubles jump spin thing on You by just double tapping the jump button and that's really annoying because it happens accidentally a lot and the only way you can disable it is via cheat code why like why I don't know I mean I mean it's good to have like a traditional 2D Mario game on the switch it's strange because I think a lot of people thought like with Super Mario Maker 2 why would we ever need a new Super Mario Brothers game on the switch and it's like no a lot of people just don't want to make their own Mario courses a lot of people don't want to find Mario courses online it's it's obviously really cool but it's also like a lot of people just want a basic new Super Mario Brothers game that's what that's just what some people want I don't blame them because these are always like comfort food guilt guilt guilty pleasure kind of games uh they're well designed and all that but you know it's just like there's just nothing to really write write about like there's nothing to talk about here I don't even think New Super Mario Brothers you to begin with was that great that was like one of my least favorite new Super Mario Brothers games I think it would have been really cool to get like a new Super Mario All-Stars where you they combined like all the games but I think Nintendo understood that like hey pretty much all the new Super Mario Bros games are the same so like it doesn't matter we can make a new Super Mario All-Stars it's gonna sell the exact same as new Super Mario Bros U Deluxe so let's just do the easier option we got Nino Cooney uh Wrath of the White Witch this is a phenomenal game right here uh absolutely gorgeous another pokemon-like game uh with Gorgeous visuals a Studio Ghibli style animation specifically they specifically worked on this game so uh you know that's really cool and uh it's just it's a very high quality RPG very good it was originally a PS3 exclusive for the longest time so it was it was really great to see this uh not only get you know like an upgrade in terms of like I think it came out for PS4 and PC but also on the Nintendo switch because I think this game works really well in on a Nintendo platform Nickelodeon All-Star brawl this was definitely kind of a missed opportunity uh I I think the development team is very talented they were able to make a very good game out of probably what was a nothing budget it very much felt like Nickelodeon and the publisher game Mill uh based on what they've done prior with like Nickelodeon cart Racers it's very very obvious to me that uh they just wanted to pump out just like really just no budget licensed games they didn't really care and the development team was actually very talented and they made the most out of it they made a legitimately pretty good Smash Brothers clone and uh I think that's really commendable but they didn't have enough budget for like voice acting they didn't have enough of a budget for like you know better than like fine visuals yeah it was just something where it could have been incredible and it was just surprisingly pretty decent uh but they added voice acting later down the line they had a DLC paid DLC some free update DLC too that was really cool uh they definitely did a lot of cool stuff with this game there's no denying that uh I'm just more so interested in like hey like a sequel potentially let's see what they can do hopefully they can do a lot of really cool stuff here we have near automata uh the end of your ha Edition uh this is another sealed one because I just recently bought it definitely want to try it out on switch because I heard this is another miracle Port this is one of those that's just like wow like this runs amazing on the platform this is unfortunately another one though where I feel like it it took a little too long to come to switch I feel like if it was like a couple years ago maybe in 2019 even 2020 this would have been like oh my God instead it came out in Fall of 2022 alongside Persona 5 Royal which was another one that's kind of like man if these two came out like a couple years ago man this would have been crazy but instead it's something where it's like wow this is really cool that this came out and I'm definitely interested to see how this runs on switch but it's also like the switch is kind of nearing that time where it's like oh man this power level is starting to kind of bug me so it's like even if a game is super impressive on the system it's still like this is still the same system I've been playing since like 2017 so it's like it's just not as exciting that's kind of the main thing it's just not exciting anymore but it is really cool and I am definitely interested in popping this one in and giving it a go on the switch and what follows near automata Nintendo switch Sports so this one always got kind of a mixed reception um this one also came with a leg strap this is kind of the not for resale copy that doesn't come with leg strap I came with leg strap for no goddamn reason like why why do you need that for soccer now you don't I think Nintendo just has kind of a history of having the the Wii Sports Series be like a bundle with something oh we played it really well as a bundle uh we fit did really well as a bundle uh Wii Sports Resort did really well as a bundle let's bundle something in with Nintendo switch Sports and I guess it kind of works because switch Sports has sold pretty well but yeah um switch Sports is fine it's not amazing I think it is very much a bit underwhelming uh especially considering like you know it's released in 2022 and uh it launched with uh six Sports and one of the sports that launched a Post Release was golf which launched with every Wii sports game prior and uh there were no new courses in golf it's like what took so long but I think the joy-con controls worked very well um I I think I think it definitely controlled well enough to be like man yeah this this feels good this feels like a good Wii Sports Experience because control means a lot in these games and uh the original Wii sports did a lot with a little you know like that original Wii remote was not capable of of a lie and I think the original Wii Sports made the most out of it and uh Wii Sports Resort uh had better control to uh to work with and same with Wii Sports Club and I think Nintendo switch Sports controls very well I like how it controls but a lot of its identity is like half old Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort games and the other half of like new games are just kind of like half of these are just tennis and the soccer game doesn't really feel like a Wii sports game it doesn't it feels like like something you'd find like a Deca Sports Package it's still really fun but it's also like it just doesn't feel like something my mom could play you know but overall I think it's okay I think it's pretty good it's another game that really relies heavily on online multiplayer which is strange because Wii Sports was historically a game that uh did not have online multiplayer and now Nintendo switch Sports heavily overly relies on it so I don't know it's weird how things evolve here we have no man's Sky there's another one I haven't played yet but I'm definitely interested in uh another game that you know wish it would have come out uh sooner uh because like by the time it did I just feel like a little it's the excitement has kind of kind of gone a little bit but uh yeah I think this came out around the same time as near um but uh definitely definitely interested in popping this one and giving it a try no more Heroes three uh as a decent No More Heroes game performance issues aside uh it's weird how it performs so badly considering how it was originally like a Nintendo switch exclusive you know it eventually came to PS4 and 5 and all that but it's also like man like why did it run so bad when it's just like you made this a Nintendo switch exclusive wouldn't you have designed this specifically for the Nintendo switch I don't get that sometimes I mean like I don't understand how development works so like I don't know but uh very strange but uh yeah it's a good normal Heroes game uh the problem is like for how long we've waited it it just kind of felt like you know like a good normal Heroes game was kind of not enough for it I guess for a lot of critics it was just kind of like all right like this will satiate fans but on the Wii this stood out a lot more as like wow you gotta Play No More Heroes it's such a wacky crazy game to have on the Wii now on the Nintendo switch uh the game doesn't Stand Out nearly as much but for no more Heroes fans it did the job it was it was a good new normal Heroes game octopath traveler uh yeah cool um what to say it has a nice little art style but I I feel like the HD 2D art style does get a little over saturated it is something where I'm kind of like okay after like four games with this art style um it looks cool but it's also like I feel like it just makes these games blend in way too much you can continue using this style but also like maybe try something new with this style too like I feel like that's definitely possible I feel like the style has room to have a lot of variety in it the outer worlds this was an interesting switch Port uh one that a lot of people criticized originally but I do feel like was good enough I never ran into problems but I do feel like the problems uh kind of occurred later down the line as you played the game just more problems occurred but uh I thought it was good enough we have two Pac-Man games I played both of these but uh I got both of these physical releases on sale so I just haven't opened them because I bought these games digitally but uh Pac-Man Museum plus a pretty cool release here a lot of cool games included uh it felt a little budget it felt a little like uh like cobbled together in some ways but uh they had some cool uh releases in here that you don't see a lot of or they were part of the Original Pac-Man Museum that came out for Xbox Live arcade and PSN but later got delisted so it's cool that uh you know they were able to bring this back and then some with uh even more games uh Pac-Man Battle Royale is one where I was like ah yeah that's really cool to see because that was an arcade only game where it's four player Pac-Man and you know you can eat each other uh which is which is which is cool but they have a lot of very uh cool obscure games in here they have the mobile game Pac-Man 256 which you know that made its first appearance on on the switch that way which uh you know that that's more than a mobile game that's a cool game right there that was a cool endless Runner kind of thing by the crossy road developers of all people and yeah it has a cool like Overworld arcade thing uh and like it's not amazing it's not like wow oh my God what makes this game is the fact that you uh you're Pac-Man and a 25 square foot arcade but it is kind of cool like a lot of a lot of retro game compilations these days don't have that cute little extra touch anymore and uh Namco used to do that with the Namco Museum games uh so I I think it's really cool that they did that even if it was very minimal and and in a very small area to uh to you know like run around in his Pac-Man it's still really cool but we also got Pac-Man World repack which is a great remake of The Original Pac-Man World very good the Pac-Man World Series has has basically been forgotten outside of like the kids who played it back then and a lot of kids played it like a lot of people have a lot of memories of those old Pac-Man World Games and uh they always just kind of got shafted they always kind of got like they never they never got mentioned but it's really cool that they actually went in and they remade the original from the ground up and it plays great now it's a good game it's it's nothing special but uh it definitely is like a really solid 3D platformer that that's played kind of from a 2d perspective mostly uh but yeah it's a solid little game next up Paper Mario the origami King yeah this one is tricky um it's it's better and not at the same time as the last Paper Mario game Color Splash it's a step in the right direction and then another step back uh the the writing is very good in this game it's very much like it's it doesn't take itself seriously but it knows when to it knows when to kind of like stop and and have a little moment for the character because like there's a couple moments in this game where it's like oh man like this character has to go through kind of a tough time or has to realize something or or is crying or anything and and Paper Mario Color Splash never really had a moment like that it only really had moments that were like and like it worked for that game it wasn't a problem with that game but I like how this game does something different uh from that game specifically and and gets quiet sometimes and actually like talks about more serious things um not that it gets like super serious more so like hey every now and then a character has like a quiet moment or it has to think about something or it has to think about something serious I don't know I think that's kind of cool uh the gameplay uh is is kind of a mess in this game uh it was initially kind of cool and good like it was like oh man it's an actual like RPG again but uh that ring formation thing it's kind of a cute little puzzle thing until you have to do it for like the 50th time then it's like this giant waste of time and yeah I got about like 15 hours into this game and uh I I kind of stopped playing uh I I got to like the desert area and I got pretty far into that it just kind of lost my interest honestly uh it's not a bad game but it's just it's a misguided one I oddly could look past color splash's issues more even though its issues were a lot more bad or origami King has less issues but its issues are more kind of like uh they make the game more boring where I never really felt as bored with uh with color splash I don't know it's hard to explain but yeah it it's okay the Persona 5 Games Persona 5 Strikers which uh weirdly came first which this is the sequel to Persona 5 which is a warrior style game um but you know hey it follows follows up the story of Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal which uh is cool that we got the Royal version of Persona 5 rather than the vanilla version yeah really crazy to get Persona 5 after so much time but like I've been saying I feel like it came out a little too late but hey I have not played this one just yet uh definitely interested to do so I played a little bit of Persona 5 but uh definitely interested to uh actually really really really dive into it um on the Nintendo switch at least you know try for a couple hours Pikmin 3 Deluxe um it's better and worse than the Wii U version it's hard it's hard to really say like oh man this is definitive uh it adds stuff and the stuff is kind of cool uh it's not that substantial though but some things are like a co-op throughout the entire campaign that is pretty substantial but the extra little story bits that they that they detailed like like there's like a prologue and I I think there's like an extra thing at the end too uh that stuff isn't really that substantial uh there's the piccolopedia from Pikmin 2. that's pretty cool that that's included but like man the controls they work but man nothing will beat the Wii Remote and nunchuck on Pikmin dude uh using the joy-con with the gyroscope does the job but uh it it desyncs too much and uh that just doesn't happen with the Wii Remote and nunchuck I could always just play with standard uh thumbsticks that works for Pikmin that works perfectly fine but uh once you go Wii remote you can't go back all right so next up we have all the Pokemon releases that I have so I don't really have much to say about these because never been a Pokemon guy I don't think I'm ever going to be because every game I try it's just I'm not getting into it I do feel like Pokemon is hard to get into when you have not grown up with it I'm not saying that you can't get into Pokemon if you're an adult uh I think most people that are fans of Pokemon are adults but uh it is something where I I think when you have that child like like excitement about Pokemon when you're a kid it kind of you know you you have that interest as you grow up and like when I never had that interest as a kid and when I look at it now it's just hard for me to get into I I look at it I'm like this looks fun like I love all the Pokemon designs I like the world I like a lot of the stuff about it but like just playing the game it's just it doesn't hook me it does not hook me unfortunately uh but I'll tell you like which ones I like out of these ones uh let's go Pikachu and Evie everything about this game is pretty nice and wonderful uh the problem is the catching mechanic uh or you know catching the Pokemon is the fact that you have to have to use damn mulch controls and throw the ball and uh you can't you can't disable it especially when you're on TV when you're playing in handheld you can you don't have to do that uh which makes it bizarre to me that they force you to use one joy-con when you are playing on the TV and you have to use motion control I never understood that I don't understand why they never patch that out that is absolutely stupid I'm sorry it is stupid that was this this game requires you to play in the way that it requires you to if it was an option that's kind of cool like oh you can play with one one hand that's kind of cool but no it's required and it's stupid next up was Pokemon Shield definitely you know like I think it's probably like it's a fine Pokemon game at the end of the day like it it works it does its job it's just not very impressive that's just that's just kind of the thing then that's basically it anyway Pokemon Legends Arceus definitely a very impressive uh new take on the Pokemon series uh it's wild that we got this in like 2022 and then another Pokemon game in 2022 um made by Game Freak both but uh yeah this was a really cool new take on Pokemon and uh I'd love to see them do more stuff like this uh you know continue this this series continue the style of Pokemon game because this is really cool to see this is a really cool take on Pokemon still didn't really grab me but it was something that I respected a hell of a lot for them doing um and uh yeah it's great to see them actually trying to push Pokemon forward and try new things with it and speaking which Pokemon Scarlet I saw my friends play this one I have not played this one yet this game has a hell of a lot of issues a hell of a lot of performance issues it is pretty unacceptable in the state that I was in however when you look past the glitches and the performance issues uh I see a really cool new Evolution for Pokemon one where they are really actually trying to push the series forward exactly the criticism directed at Pokemon Shield which does show me that they do listen and they do want to push forward and they do want to make Pokemon like the thing that I think everybody wants Pokemon to be which everybody has kind of their dream as to what Pokemon should be and I think Pokemon scarlet and violet show that game freak is listening and they're not just satisfied with the status quo of Pokemon uh the problem is like the whole Pokemon company which does involve game freaks though they're they're not you know they're not off scot-free here once Pokemon to to fit to a certain schedule to adhere to a certain schedule and just constantly pump out uh and that that kind of LED Scarlett to be released in the state that it was which was a fairly unacceptable it was playable but uh you know this was something that us Nintendo fans prided ourselves on not getting buggy releases and we can't say that anymore because Pokemon Scarlet came out and a bunch of Nintendo fans picked it up and happily gobbled it up even though everybody was like man this game is rough you know like it's just that's that's that's that's how it really felt a good game riddled with like a bunch of problems uh on the technical side it is something that probably could be patched probably could be fixed and then it will probably become like yeah one of the best Pokemon games in recent memory uh but again I haven't played this yet that's just based off of how I've perceived everything and then we have the remake Pokemon shining Pro this game is horrible uh probably not horrible in the grand scheme of things just like this is Bare Bones ain't it this is this is rough I I feel like this game is is very unappealing to look at uh they don't they don't really do enough to really warrant this being a remake it's just not not great uh in my opinion it did not wow me at all and then we have pokken tournament DX ah very interesting how this one it was kind of the definitive version of pokken tournament uh you have more characters than ever before in the in the base game and then they also had exclusive DLC later down the line they had DLC they was only on the Nintendo switch version which is really cool because this was an arcade game that later went to Wii U Wii U version never got any of the extra characters that came to the arcade version but Nintendo switch got all those characters and then Summit got some exclusive characters also the Wii U version never had like split screen multiplayer and this one adds that so that's that's a huge thing for a multiplayer fighting game uh so yeah uh not a big poking tournament guy uh but uh I respect it uh from what I played it's very high quality it's good for what it is but uh just never never appeal to me that much here we have uh the Pollo Poyo Tetris series Pollo Tetris and Pollo Tetris too I love these games these are incredible these are some of my favorite puzzle games of all time they are completely like swappable you can you can pick one or the other I don't care there's not a lot of differences between the two boy pull your Tetris 2 is kind of just a new version of it um there's some new stuff in it but it it's not very like necessary I think thing pull your polio Tetris employee Tetris 2 are both equally good but yeah it is a fantastic collaboration between the two puzzle series it makes me respect polio Pollo and made me understand Pollo Pollo uh and uh it's a great Tetris game on its own it's a great polio polio game on its own but combined it's incredible and and this was a Nintendo switch like launch era game it came out around April of 2017 uh but this this is a game that's that's way older this came out originally like in like 2013 in Japan I have the Wii U version uh it was a Japan only game for the longest time and it finally came out over here in 2017. then pull you pull you Tetris 2 came out in 2020 and uh yeah I love these games these are some of my favorite puzzle games here we have Rabbids Party of Legend this is a very interesting release this was a China exclusive rabbits game uh and it finally came out on uh on Nintendo switch here in North America very quietly they didn't make a big thing about this it just kind of happened and this is after like Rabbids games just kind of went extinct for a while there like the only Rabbids games we got were the Mario plus rabbits games um and uh yeah I don't uh I have not played this one at all yet it's in it's in the shrink wrap I definitely want to try it out because I want to see if it's any good kind of thing like when it's a China exclusive game it's something where uh from what I've experienced with China exclusive games they kind of take like content from from previous games in that series and just kind of put it in that one and just kind of make it like a best of collection because uh you know like when you're making like a China exclusive game it's it's pretty much because like China can't have like video games outside outside of that so like who cares like Call of Duty online had a bunch of just stuff from like other Call of Duty games in Call of Duty online uh so I'm wondering if this one is the same thing uh this is like the first rabbits party game in a while so uh just interested to see what this one's all about Ring fit Adventure uh very cool uh Fitness game by Nintendo uh and it's sold like incredibly well it's really cool to see I really like seeing Nintendo's wackier ideas do well especially when they're kind of like new IPS uh you know like this even if it is a casual game even if it is a fitness game I feel like it's cool to embrace that stuff and be like happy for these other elements of gaming because they don't take away from like the hardcore segment just because ring fit Adventure does well doesn't mean you're not going to get another God of War you know so it's just like just you know embrace the fact that like hey this is helping people a lot of people love these kind of games and I want to play more of this I think ringfoot Adventure is really really cool and it's a really great idea for a fitness game to kind of make that more of like an RPG because it kind of keeps you incentivized to do better and keep coming back you know leveling up in RPGs is addicting it's fun so why not you know add Fitness to that I think it's brilliant here we have the Shinigami tensei series here we have a shimigami tensei 5 uh shimigami tensei 3 Nocturne HD remaster and uh Saints Row the Third the full package these are good games it's not my thing so like I don't have much else to say like I've played them and uh they're good uh shimmy Got Me tensei 3 is a bit of a cheap remaster though but it's cool to get the game on Modern platforms regardless so whatever uh you know it'll take what you can get you know like something where I'm like yeah you know I wish it would have put a little more effort into this HD remaster but whatever jumping I'm in Tennessee five very high quality uh very good uh Saints Row the Third uh it's it's Saints Row it's cool to get those games on switch because Saints Row has always kind of been like GTA if you don't have GTA it's it's kind of like GTA with the wackiness lever like turned to the Max and uh that that either made it better to some people or Worse to some people I'd say worse to most people because you know GTA is as popular as it is for you know a reason um also because it's GTA but uh Saints Row was was fun you know like uh it's good to get kind of an open world dick around game like that on on the switch so you know I ain't complaining uh Saints Row 4 also came out on switch I forget if I downloaded that digitally I think it was really cheap on the eShop one day so I think I might have that one uh I played the most Saints Row 4. uh Saints Row 4 and that's when stuff gets really silly but it's all in good fun it's it's a fun little time so you know I'd recommend if you want kind of a GTA experience on switch uh Sid Meier Civilization six uh I really like the civilization series but I just I don't really like playing them on consoles I I really think you need a keyboard and mouse for this kind of game it just works a million sounds better Skylanders imaginators I think this one's pretty hard to find these days just because it was it was a launch game and uh I feel like not a lot of people got it because it's like uh that this was during like Skylanders when when it was like time to wrap things up it was like man these ain't doing too hot but we'll try putting it out with Nintendo's new console and that'll be it this one's very unique in the sense that it doesn't come with a portal uh it actually does what I think a lot of us were expecting Skylanders to do on Wii U and it just uses the NFC point on your controller so uh hey that's kind of convenient but it also doesn't work as well it's a lot clunkier on the switch it's something where the portal was always kind of nice because you could just set it there you just swap figures very quickly on the switch you have to go into a bunch of menus and you have to kind of like wait for it to scan and sometimes it doesn't scan properly and yeah I gotta wait and okay there it goes all right put the figure down it doesn't work as well um the switch version is cool that it does that I like that it's kind of unique in that sense but yeah it's it's a little too clunky for me to be like oh yeah yeah it's great they added that feature I would have liked it as like an option but I think it would have been nice if they allowed you to use your portal I'm not sure maybe they do I'm not sure but I'm fairly sure you're not allowed to use your portal uh on the Nintendo switch version or have snipperclips plus cut it out together uh this is sealed because I own this game digitally and I also own the DLC uh as well digitally uh but yeah this is snipperclips plus the the DLC um so uh yeah it's all in one physically I think snipperclips doesn't get enough love I love snipper Clips I think the idea is phenomenal I think it's designed amazingly I I love the concept it is great visually it looks great the sound the sound design is awesome I love the music it's so quirky and fun and I love the voices the characters make I love how uh they oddly look like they're enjoying it when they're getting cut up oh weird I like that yeah this game has like a lot of cool content where you can play like multiplayer modes you can play with four players you can you can play a little basketball games with each other it's a really really cool a little indie game uh that's published by Nintendo you know they partnered with the nindy studio sfb games and uh I think it's great I would love to see Nintendo do more stuff like this and they have done stuff like this they did stuff like good job on the switch they did uh the stretchers but uh those aren't nearly as good as snipper Clips I I would love to see more stuff along the lines of snipper Clips there you have all the uh Sonic games I own physically on switch I have Sonic Colors ultimate very disappointing remaster but it's still Sonic Colors at the end of the day it does the job it's a fine game I've never been the biggest fan of Sonic Colors I think it's okay uh especially nowadays like like playing it I'm just like man this is the game that everybody said was like oh man Sonic's back Sonic Generations now that's the one I would have loved to see remastered for modern platforms even Sonic Unleashed Sonic Unleash would have been amazing Sonic Colors has way too many like 2D segments it's way too short uh it doesn't control as well as other ones it's like 90 2D and like 10 3D and and Sonic and 2D in this game controls like ass but it's still a fun game it's it's okay um Sonic Frontiers uh I have not played the switch version of this it's still sealed uh I'm definitely interested in trying it out I've seen people uh play it it looks like it runs okay it it runs about as well as you would expect on switch in fact it probably runs a little better than that it's still not ideal but uh I really like Sonic Frontiers I think Sonic Frontiers is good I I was about to say really good I don't know if I'd go that far but I think it's a good game I think uh I think it's fun and that's that's all I can really ask for from like a Sonic game is it fun I think Sonic Frontier is just fun and uh that's good and I'm interested in trying out the switch version and I also have a Sonic Mania plus um I bought the switch version for uh Scott the woz episode because I needed to show it um but uh I I bought this originally on PS4 and I have Sonic Mania on switch digitally but I had to buy Sonic Mini Plus on the Nintendo switch for for a video so uh yeah I own this but Sonic Mania Sonic Mania is amazing it's one of the best Sonic games of all time so uh absolutely incredible I'm very happy to own this physically on switch why not I own it physically on PS4 and I own a digitally on both platforms as well so yeah yay me uh Space Invaders forever this was a Black Friday get I I don't know what's going on with this one I think uh yeah it's a collection of Space Invaders games it was a Black Friday get and I was just like heck yeah Space Invaders why not as Space Invaders gigamax Space Invaders extreme and arcanoid versus Space Invaders uh it's very interesting you know like it's been a while since I bought a game just based on a new game based on the cover alone or just uh just just buying on a whim on Amazon uh I'm not even like a big Space Invaders guy but it's just like it was cheap and I was just like yeah sure why not I find it very misleading when games are called this but it's not like an original game it's a collection of games but you know hey it's it's whatever Space Invaders extreme I know uh Space Invaders extreme uh I I it it was pretty good uh that was pretty good uh Space Invaders gigamax uh that might be a new game I'm not sure it says it was it was uh for the 40th anniversary of Space Invaders which might have been these today I don't know I don't think so Space Invaders from the 70s that's probably it's probably an older game I don't know arcanoid versus Space Invaders the first time playable on a consoles that's another old game but I'm very interested in trying this one out um not very interested I'll just I'll play it when I'm like yeah sure why not Space Invaders Space Invaders we have Splatoon two and three um yeah I I uh I never gave Splatoon 2 a fair Shake I I recently played a bit more of it and uh it's way more impressive than I ever gave a credit for mainly because I played a little bit of Splatoon one and Splatoon 2 back to back and uh yeah Splatoon 2 was a bigger step up than I gave it credit for at the time though it still is kind of like I don't know at the time I played Splatoon one and it was something where I was like this is really good I love Splatoon now Splatoon 2 came out very quickly after two years after and I wasn't in the mood to play more Splatoon at the time I got my fill with Splatoon one so I played a bit of Splatoon 2 and I dropped it fairly quickly I was like yeah it's more Splatoon good for it yeah that's my history with Splatoon too but I played more of it recently and I'm like yeah that was pretty good and a Splatoon 3 came out and I tried it and it's good the Splatoon games are just so similar for me um and I know there are differences I can tell there are differences and I can appreciate the differences but uh yeah it's just hard for me to really like like talk much about Splatoon 3 other and be like yeah like it's good it does enough new things though it is still pretty much the same thing as before um but I like that it's presented in kind of a new unique way so that's pretty cool and I like that Splatoon 3 launches with a decent amount of content right off the bat instead of kind of drip feeding it like Splatoon one and two did I'm just kind of like yeah these are really good games that's all I can really say here we go it's been a while but SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom rehire this is the game I was talking about when I was talking about the straw humans this was my childhood game I loved this game back in the day but uh yeah it was uh the switch version is not good it it runs at a very poor frame rate uh it doesn't it it looks very blurry a lot of popping and all that I mean it'll work uh but but they also swap buttons around where it's just like jump is on the wrong button attack is on the wrong button and it doesn't feel good it's really it's really bad it doesn't feel good at all it's not intuitive I kind of would have preferred if they just ported the original starlink battle for Atlas uh the Nintendo switch version I can imagine is the only version of this game that even sold a copy mainly because this one came with a Star Fox collaboration but uh this was ubisoft's toys to life experiment which is interesting because Ubisoft was one of the first companies that seemed interested in doing like a toys to life competitor to Skylanders because in 2012 a leaked trailer showed off like uh Rayman Legends uh and and they talked about NFC support in that trailer and uh never happened but uh it took only about like well like six years or something and they finally did a toys to life game it was right when everybody stopped doing toys to life games um but uh this one doesn't require the toys which kind of makes the toys life aspect even more worthless but uh yeah starlink is is is okay the mechanics are really good but the gameplay uh the the level design I guess I guess uh it's just kind of boring it gets repetitive after a while but uh controlling your ship is fun uh so so that's that's good I don't know I just would have preferred if Ubisoft made a Star Fox game we have the street fighter 30th Anniversary Collection very good collection here has a bunch of Street Fighter games even the original which is really cool uh yeah this is great um of course like a lot of fighting game purists would probably I think they've they've denounced this collection in some ways I've seen some people say like man this is trash but uh for a casual person uh this does the job this this is pretty good I'm also not sure I might have been misremembering something thing I don't know maybe maybe the fighting game Community absolutely loves it I'm not sure that's just off the top of my head we have officially entered uh all the Mario games all the Super Mario games if you will uh Super Mario 3D All-Stars the limited release uh that everybody bought up they were like oh I need to have it it's going to be rare it sold 10 million copies yeah this one is kind of hard to like complain about but it is also easy to it's something where it's like ah yeah like they didn't do as much in this game as I wanted them to they didn't include a lot of bonus features uh the menus and all this stuff and all the extra features like there just isn't enough but it's also three of the greatest games of all time and they're in the best official like way they've they've ever been presented yeah man I think it's awesome to get a lot of these games like all these games portable for the first time I mean Mario 64 was on the DS but it's also like hey portable for the first time and it's like it's a it's original capacity that's incredible um Mario Sunshine works really well they even added gamecubus support GameCube controller support later on the layer down the line which is fantastic Super Mario Galaxy it's insane to play that portably however the pointer controls are a in that uh portably I don't know what they were doing with that how you have to use the touch screen to use the weirm old pointer I'm happy with this release I think it's good enough but they could have done a lot more but they also could have made this a lot worse the games run good uh they look good so it's kind of something where I'm like I got what I wanted out of this I wanted more but I got the bare minimum of what I wanted which was to play these games on my switch and they did that so okay now Super Mario 3D World Plus Bowser's Fury uh this may be the best value of a Nintendo switch game just in terms of like okay so you get Mario 3D World in its definitive State this is like the best this game you could have possibly been like upgraded and it plays the best here it looks great it sounds great it's just everything plays well it's faster now uh they they added a lot of quality of life improvements online multiplayer like what they don't even make a big deal about this they never made a big deal about the fact that this game has online multiplayer now it's insane I always liked Mario 3D World but my relationship with it has always kind of gone up and down now I I can officially say like yeah I love this game uh mainly because back on the Wii U it felt like it was the 3D Mario and they were like you know screw that other style of 3D Mario like the sandbox style this is how 3D Mario should be uh that wasn't the case it was just they wanted to do something a little different and then they went back to sandbox 3D Mario so instead this doesn't feel like a replacement for for something it just wasn't uh it is just a different style of 3D Mario and it does that job expertly I love this game but in addition you get Bowser's Fury which is like one of the coolest like takes on 3D Mario ever and it's like really good and even though it's short it's really replayable and it's really fun to 100 like yeah this is this is one of the best switch games right here this is fantastic Super Mario maker 2. uh yeah uh this is better than Wii U version but also worse it's kind of like a Pikmin 3 Deluxe situation you know building levels on this version is pretty bad I don't like building levels in Super Mario Maker 2. it doesn't but they give you more options now but they got rid of the fun 8-bit costumes from Mario maker on Wii U and I'm like that was like one of the best parts but the amount of features in this game I I can't really complain about uh I I could go on about how this game kind of disappointed me but I don't know overall like yeah it is still a really good game it's still a great value I just wish it did some things differently or it just did more I don't know Super Mario Odyssey uh similar to breath of the Wild I don't really know how much there is to say about this um I I think my opinion has gone a little bit down I still love this game I still think it's absolutely amazing however I don't want to replay it I have urges to replay it but I'm always kind of like when I replay it I'm gonna go through the same beats I always do with this game all the missions are pretty are pretty unsubstantial uh you know they're very small so it just kind of feels like you're doing a bunch of little busy work missions but that's not I mean it's just a different style you know like I'm not saying like I I ever found them to be that way I'm just saying why it's harder for me to Warrant replaying this game also because like I'm kind of just in the mood for just another game in the style of Mario Odyssey I just won a Mario Odyssey too so I'm just kind of like I could replay Mario Odyssey or I could just wait for like Mario Odyssey too because that's what I'm really in the mood for I don't know I love Mario Odyssey I think it's absolutely outstanding it is fantastic I just want to replay it but I I feel like it's just not real that replayable it's it's in a weird place and we have Super Mario Party uh yeah at the monkey ball games uh Super Monkey Ball banana Blitz HD Super Monkey Ball banana Mania banana Blitz HD is just okay it's fine uh but uh banana Mania is genuinely a fantastic effort I just fall short in a couple ways I think it doesn't control as well as I wanted it to and uh there's just a couple things here and there that I'm just kind of like man I wish these were a little different but overall it's a fantastic effort I would recommend bananamania to most people uh I think it's a great little game Super Bomberman R uh yeah this is a game that came out at launch and I think it did that well because it was a launch title and that was it maybe some people were Bomberman fans but I think a lot of people just bought this because it was like wow I kind of recognize that face uh and I want a new Nintendo switch game that isn't one two switch well you have super bomb ran r a very mediocre game to be fair they did a lot of cool stuff with this like they added a ton of free content to it later down the line and it became like a decent a decent Bomberman game but it was just obvious that it was like it was a pretty like low budget effort it has some cool stuff to it like I love the visual design of like the cutscenes like what you see on the box are that's what the cutscenes look like in the game uh the actual in-game thing looks like uh Bomberman x0 with cartoon Bomberman fit in there and I don't know how to feel about that it's just all the Bomberman stages are very dark and grimy and they just don't look very fun uh even when they're not dark they're just they just look grimy they're not they're not visually appealing it feels very cheap um but it's still a Bomberman and bomberman's fun so that's all you can really ask for Super Smash Brothers ultimate yeah good I don't have much to say like I'm just like you know it's smash Sushi Striker the way of sushi don't you see I'm not going to talk about Smash Brothers because I'm just going to say the same thing everybody else is going to say it's amazing it's Perfection uh Sushi Striker nobody has anything to say about I kind of like this game I think it gets a bad rep uh I think it's pretty addicting and fun uh however uh you should not buy it you should just play the demo because the demo has pretty much the exact same thing you're gonna be doing throughout the entire game if you buy it the game is just really repetitive uh it's just the same thing over and over and over again it has this whole story mode but it doesn't warrant one it's something where the story mode is so damn long but it does not warrant it like 60 of the battles that you do in story mode are against the same looking enemies it's the same thing over and over and over again but the puzzle matching little tile gameplay is really addicting it's really satisfying I love it I think it's really really fun and uh it's something where like I sunk a good couple hours into this game I think it's a good time and if you you find it for cheap I'd recommend it but otherwise like just play the demo see if that really fits your fits your style see if it's your thing I think it's a it's a lot of fun um but I do think uh you can just keep replaying the demo and you're gonna get kind of the same experience by just playing the game Tactics Ogre reborn uh I have nothing to say about this game I bought it on Black Friday I'll play it soon uh yeah it's it's cool that they're bringing back games like this Square Enix has been uh pretty good about bringing back their games uh the quality of their re-releases can be debatable but at least they're doing it Tetris 99 uh I have the physical version sealed here because I love this game so much uh one of my favorite switch games I love Tetris 99 I think it's incredible uh well not incredible in the sense of like oh my God it's more so it's really fun it's really addicting I I love that they keep adding new themes to it uh and yeah I I absolutely love it I think it's like like one of my favorite switch games you just pop on play a little bit pop out it's great uh tiny Barbarian DX this is another Nicholas release I know nothing about this game to be honest I just I bought it like back in 2017 because it was like I saw it on the store shelf and it was cheap and it was another cool like indie game released by by this company um but yeah this also doesn't shut properly because they have this bag in there and they have an instruction manual so like when you shut it it doesn't it doesn't like close technically all the way it's kind of bulging which is which is funny a Tokyo Mirage session sharp fe uh yeah this is a good quality RPG from the Wii U that's all I can really say about it I found the Wii U version cool because on the Wii U gamepad you would get text messages on your phone so it would be like your phone I don't get that in this version so I don't care Tony Hawks bro skater one plus two this is actually a really good version of this game it looks very good it's shocking to me how good it looks that's all there is to say it's a quality version of Tony Hawk Travis strikes again no more Heroes so this is what we got before No More Heroes three yeah it's just kind of weird it's like a top-down Hack and Slash and it's okay but it's not what anybody wanted from No More Heroes and it's really repetitive and it just kind of feels like it's just like what what's the point of this triangle strategy also have not played this one yet just kind of fell in the backlog I guess uh not my normal type of game but I'm interested in trying it out and it's something that I'm definitely gonna play very very soon Ultra Street Fighter 2. this one's just funny uh this one came out in 2017 around the time uh you know this which was new and uh this was this was capcom's big release a new version of Street Fighter 2 from like 1991. yeah this was like forty dollars and it was pretty much just like a slightly tweaked version uh like Street Fighter 2 HD Remix on Xbox Live arcade from like 2007 uh and they added two new characters Evil Ryu and violent Ken guys that's cheating that doesn't count it's pretty much like a new version of Street Fighter 2 so like they tweak some balancing they added these extra Nothing characters uh which does make it a new version technically and they also added like a a garbage little mode where you do hadoukens in first person with your joy-con is nothing I mean like it's it's a fine version of Street Fighter 2. it's apparently the final version of Street Fighter 2 because it's called Ultra Ultra Street Fighter 2 the final Challengers but this was obviously just Capcom testing the water of the Nintendo switch or Capcom and Nintendo made a deal to put out like this this version they were like okay well this will be easy to put together and you can say you have a new version of Street Fighter 2 which is interesting we haven't made a new version of Street Fighter 2 in years that's history right there it was like forty dollars or fifty maybe I don't remember it was over it's overpriced this was overpriced it's overpriced now because I think it got delisted from the eShop so it the physical version is kind of expensive this isn't worth it just get the street fighter 30th Anniversary Collection especially considering that collection was announced like a year after this one came out so that was like wow this is this is garbage valkyria Chronicles four uh it's very interesting how Sega really uh actually kind of supported the valkyria chronicle series quite a bit in recent years with Valkyrie Revolution which apparently wasn't good I have not played that one I don't know much about that one I just know that one is not very good but we also have like valkyria Chronicles remastered uh it's pretty pretty wild how much they were actually kind of supporting that series uh in recent years but yeah we got the fourth one on Nintendo switch why are you aware get it together I own this digitally because I just couldn't wait uh I had to buy it digitally it was mainly just because I was bored that night I love war you wear this one is good but uh it just doesn't have a lot of staying power I feel like it's very very like one and done you're just like all right I'm gonna play through it and now I'm done I'm finished and that's it you know like uh it just it doesn't have a lot of staying power for me personally uh it's good that's a good idea I think it's I think it's a really cool idea I think it's a good game but uh it it doesn't have enough content to justify its price uh it doesn't have enough content to really justify replaying it a lot it doesn't have enough content to really justify it as a fun multiplayer party game to pop in all the time it's fine but like I just wish there was a little more and that's something I kind of wish about a lot of warrior games I I kind of finished them just kind of going like oh that's it I love what I play but like man I just wish there was always a little bit more to him you know The Witcher 3 wild Hunt uh yeah this is uh I kind of got this to uh just because I wanted to see how the hell this was gonna work and it works pretty well uh it it's something it's interesting uh to me how much people kind of like rate certain switch ports of games where this one was like lauded as like oh my God this is incredible but you watch this like you watch footage of this and it is like it is dirty sometimes it is like grimy budland like other switch ports get like absolutely just like dog piled but I feel like they're at kind of a comparable quality to this but I feel like Witcher 3 kind of gets a pass because of it's Witcher 3 it's so massive um but you know this this runs stable enough it just looks a little grimy sometimes that's kind of a wonderful 101 remastered I don't like this version I I think this version is is worse than the Wii U game um it's wonderful in a one it's it's a it's a pretty good game uh it has its fan base um but I I would much rather play it on Wii U to be honest the world ends with you final remix once again this is this is a good game it has a fan base I would much rather play on the DS this version is not not as good mainly because playing on the TV is a nightmare using a joy-con to play this game it doesn't work very well touch screen it works okay I have the whole Xenoblade series here Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Universe Chronicles 2. to torna and three I have nothing to say about these games other than I give them a try that's why I own them and that's it I haven't played three yet I'll definitely try that I also haven't tried torna but uh yeah I'm definitely willing to give this game these games more of a shot sometime but yeah they just never really grabbed me ukulele in the impossible Lair uh this is a fantastic game uh in contrast to the original ukulele which was uh it was okay I I think the general consensus was like man that was that was underwhelming uh it definitely has some people that are like you know what that was pretty good it has a lot of people though that are like I did not like that whatsoever I didn't get far enough into it to really know where I stand except I didn't get far enough into it because I was kind of bored and I wasn't having fun so I'd probably stand in the I don't really care about this game Zone but ukulele in the impossible Lair uh this is uh in contrast to a 3D platformer collect-a-thon like the original ukulele this is a 2d platformer in the vein of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and it's incredible because of it I feel like this Indie team uh was always very very talented you know this is this is a team comprising of X rare developers so of course they're very talented but uh you know it doesn't matter you can have the most talented people of all time working on your game but they might not have the correct budget or the amount of time they really need or the amount of people that they need to make a game as good as they as they want to and I feel like the original ukulele was uh you know kind of fell into that camp whereas ukulele in the impossible Lair is like this perfect game for like the size of team that they have and their expertise I think they absolutely nailed it it is a fantastic Donkey Kong Country like game uh Tropical Freeze is still better but I'm not gonna complain about more games like Tropical Freeze and then Yoshi's crafted world I don't really like this game I mean it's fine okay so it followed up Yoshi's woolly World on Wii U which is a fantastic game I love Yoshi's woolly world it is like the first Yoshi game since Yoshi's Island that's like genuinely really damn good and uh they just kind of threw that all out the window with Yoshi's crafted world it's interesting they decided to go in a completely different direction which uh you know I commend them for and uh it has some unique ideas but it just it it doesn't have enough to it it gets very boring and very monotonous very quickly uh the music is not great its ideas while conceptually really cool and really good uh it feels like it doesn't really follow through with a lot of them there's this whole thing about playing the flip side of a level like that that was originally uh advertised in the initial uh reveal trailer is like one of this game's defining features and it's barely there and and it doesn't really do anything interesting like there's nothing really interesting they do with it it's just a very forgettable nothing game which is surprising you know this is this is a beautiful game it looks great it plays fine but like I don't know it's just very forgettable and uh you know coming from good feel who who made you know woolly World Kirby's Epic Yarn Wario Land shake It uh it's disappointing and that is my Nintendo switch collection in North America I have a couple extras uh not only uh Imports but a couple stragglers uh from North America the first one is uh actually the copy of Super Bomberman r that I got at launch with my Nintendo switch and that's because uh the copy that I showed was a reprint uh that had a more traditional spine with the standard Nintendo switch-esque text and uh this one that launched with the Nintendo switch had a really lame it's centered logo on the spine and also a weird little Konami logo down there everything about this just annoyed me I mean like I could live with it but I I knew there was a better option available I saw it at Best Buy for like 20 bucks and I thought yeah sure I'll upgrade I'll upgrade my copy of super modern man R but I I wanted to keep this just just to remind me hey when things get bad they could be worse and then after this I I have my imports right here uh the the first one that I have is Dr kawashima's Brain Training for Nintendo switch I have not played this one yet but I was very interested in picking this up mainly because uh it doesn't seem like we'll get this over here in North America this is of course Brain Age over here and I feel like we won't get this because apparently uh the United States does not like brain training games they they have effectively banned them uh because they don't really because I'm sure like a lot of people thought playing brain age was going to make them smarter it doesn't it can make you sharper it can it can make you like ah you know doing math problems every day is probably you know good for your brain but it's also like yeah like it doesn't make you smarter oops I feel like there are bigger issues we need to focus on however uh they did that now I don't really see how Brain Age like that title and and whatnot really have a problem being here and how that possibly uh goes against what the United States won I I don't see how the name brain age is is really bad uh and it's and it's trying to tell people that oh this will make you smarter but a game like Big Brain Academy is perfectly fine I don't know uh but uh maybe maybe it has nothing to do with that maybe maybe it's just because uh they just don't think this game works in North America I don't know it's a little strange but uh yeah uh it only released in Europe and Japan so I imported this the Nintendo switch is region free so no worries I just haven't played it yet uh mainly because it's just brain age on the switch brain age is cool I I always enjoy a good brain age session but uh you know it's it's not really necessary to uh to to to play um but I definitely want to give it a try at some point but interestingly enough it comes with a stylus for the Nintendo switch which is really cool and yeah uh that's brain training for Nintendo switch happy to have that and I'm really interested in giving it a try at some point in terms of other games these were bought by mistake uh like I said the Nintendo switch is region free so this doesn't really matter uh but I'm picky I I like to ensure that like oh like the game going in my collection is ntsc because I'm in ntsc uh so uh when I bought on Amazon go vacation on switch and I got the European version I was mad I kept it just because you know I paid money for it so you know why not uh especially for like what I do uh sometimes you know I might need to show a copy of a game from Europe um so it's it's not like I totally wasted money I just kind of wasted money so it's just like let's say I'm making a video where I want to show like oh yeah this is what a game looks like from Europe I I have a pal copy of go vacation right here and uh you know it'll still double as a copy of go vacation so I have two copies to go vacation go me but uh this game I actually never got an ntsc copy of uh it's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX uh mainly because I just I never found it used necessary to get a get an ndsc copy because I don't like this stupid ass game I feel like the only people that really got anything out of this were people who grew up with the original uh I I just I cannot get behind Pokemon Mystery Dungeon it is it is not great for me I don't find it to be entertaining at all uh so yeah I'll eventually try to get an ntsc copy and maybe I'll give him more of a go um but uh I tried the demo I've played the original a couple times I played other Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games they don't impress me and then we have my Nintendo label games now I own all the Nintendo labo uh games uh I just haven't gotten them out of the packaging yet so uh you know here's toy con one which is the variety pack well the variety kit uh Toy con 2 is the robot kit and toy Con 3 is uh the vehicle kit and then toycon 4 here is the VR kit uh and uh I have toy con two and three uh somewhere in my closet I just haven't opened them yet mainly because uh you know I've kind of kind of fell out of the Nintendo labo kick for a while now and I got the vehicle and robot kit on clearance they were super cheap the vehicle kit I found for like less than 20 bucks at Target one day it was it was on clearance so why not robot kit was a similar story um and yeah I pretty much got those because I feel like someday it's gonna be kind of hard to find maybe actually I don't really think that I'm just kind of like hey just in case uh it's kind of like a Guitar Hero Rock Band I think like I I don't really want to buy those instruments used I want to buy them brand new because I don't want anybody's grimy little little germs all over my drum pad so I bought this brand new in box Guitar Hero World Tour uh set and I got it in and it was all taped up and I opened it up and there was hair all over the drum set so either way I got a Guitar Hero drum set used oops uh and then what caps off my Nintendo switch collection at the very end is uh this this is the Smash Brothers ultimate steel book this was included in uh I guess the collector's edition it was more so like a controller bundle it might be the labeled the special edition or something like that but yeah I I had to get that I was super happy to get that smash ultimate box I came with that cool Smash Brothers ultimate Pro Controller and a steel book and uh the steelbook is pretty neat uh the problem is it's just it's it's very Bland I mean a steelbook is cool like like I can't get around the fact that a steelbook is cool but yeah I mean like compared to the actual box with the Beautiful artwork on the cover and you open it up on the inside and the inside of the Smash Brothers ultimate box contains like this this giant mural of all of the characters and it says ready to fight and it's so cool is that like like what I really want this in comparison which is just a black steel book with a fiery smash logo and on the inside is just a screenshot it's a screenshot of Battlefield uh it has like some shiny parts to it but that's it and I'm like okay that's cool as an addition to like oh man this was a collectible but man sometimes I wish like uh games that include a steelbook uh this is the reason that I I wish that when they include a steelbook they also include like a standard copy of the game all right and with that that is my entire Nintendo switch game collection as of right now I need a lozenge
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 232,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZaD_T7ZvZA8
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Length: 210min 27sec (12627 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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