EVERY Stage Of The Cordyceps Infection In THE LAST OF US Explained

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episode 5 of The Last of Us has recently been released and it's safe to say that it was the most infected filled episode that we've seen since the first one in the season you could even argue more so due to the sheer amount of different stages of the cordyceps infection that we got to see during the battle that occurred in the final third with there being different stages shown to us and Them All seeming to come with different abilities I thought I'd break down and explain the different stages that we've seen so far and all that there is to know about them along with looking at what could potentially come in the future so let's get into it here are the different stages of the quadriceps infection in The Last of Us episode 5. just to let you know this video will contain spoilers The cordyceps infection is a fungal disease that has caused the world that we know it so no longer exists and is the reason that it fell apart within the last of us with it originating and spreading through the use of products such as flour and Grains now in episode 5 20 years later the main way for it to spread is through being in infected by another individual when they bite a non-infected human if the infected person survives and isn't taken out by another individual then they evolve as time goes on and the infection gets a stronger hold on the former person the first of these stages causes the person to become a runner Runners are the weakest stage of the infection and an individual is deemed to be one between a few hours and a couple of days after being infected this is one of the only stages where the infected individual still has the use of their Vision something that the victim eventually goes on to lose as the infection takes a stronger grasp on the person however their eyesight is slightly weaker to that of a normal human So within the first episode of the show we mainly saw Runners being present when the infection broke out a runner's sole purpose is to spread the infection and cause more people to become infected this is done through the use of biting the non-infected people they tend to stick together when attacking due to them usually attacking in a group resulting in large groups of infected people turning into Runners at the same time they are able to run at a slightly faster speed but not to the point where it's enhanced and this is the weakest stage there isn't much difference to a normal human in terms of visual appearance and people are able to fend them off if they're a relatively skilled Fighter the hair is said to start to get thinner at this stage and tendrils can be seen growing out of their mouth as we saw with Mrs Adler's mother in the first episode like most early stages of the infection they're able to be defeated by most traditional weapons and damage to the Head the second stage of the infection are the stalkers with this only being the second stage of the infection the original human that was there before being bitten is still somewhat recognizable however the fungus is something that by this point has started growing and would now become visible on their head and face this is what eventually goes on to cause the infected to go blind this stage is usually Apparent from a couple of weeks to a month after originally being bitten and it's known to last for around a year if the infected purse person isn't harmed by anybody or anything else with the vision of the person still intact they're able to see the victims that they want to infect so they still pose a great threat through that sense and are a group that you need to be on the lookout for at this stage with the fungus being something that starts to take over their Vision the ability to use echolocation is something that they start to utilize but don't solely rely on one main difference between the stalkers and the runners which is the first stage is that the stalkers start to resemble the third stage slightly more they communicate and move around with the use of the clicking noises that they make with their throat and they're known to be extremely aggressive and act with great force they are also seem to have the tendrils inside of their mouth as well the next stage of the infected are called clickers this third stage of the cordyceps infection is where the infected individual stops resembling its human form almost entirely as it's only left with the lower third of its face just a mouth teeth and their chin an infected person tends to reach this stage age around a year after having the fungus grow within it this stage can last several years by this point the infected person has lost the ability to see and is only able to navigate by the use of hearing and echolocation hence the reason for its name it spends most of its time making a croaking clicking noise to which it's able to locate people and visualize the room in its own way it loses its ability to see due to the fungal growth that has grown outside of its head and has taken over the top two-thirds of it we saw clickers in episode 2 of the show and also in the most recent episode episode 5 just like the little girl this stage of the infection is where the superhuman abilities start to come into play they are able to move relatively fast and have a form of enhanced strength that it's able to use to its Advantage when looking to locate and kill people the main way that a clicker attacks is by waving its arms around in a fast-moving fashion and not stopping until its disarmed its attacker and killed them in a horrific way normal weapons will take out a clicker how however the brain is the most Optimum Target in order to stop a clicker the final stage of the infection that we've seen on the screen so far is the bloater bloaters are utterly petrifying and they possess the ability to withstand the usual weapons that are used to take out the infected this is due to the fungus that by this point has now covered the entirety of the infected person's body this version of the infected can take years to develop on somebody as we heard in episode 5 the infected were driven underground 15 years prior to the present day so these bloaters that we saw could have been down there developing all of this time going through the stages bloaters are not quick or agile like the previous versions that I've mentioned but what they lack in Speed and Agility they make up for inch strength and power they are known to brutally kill an individual if it gets its hands on them as we saw in episode 5 when it ripped off their jaw something that's iconic with this stage of the infected like the clickers they're completely blamed due to the fungus taking over the entirety of their body so this means that they use echolocation in order to navigate their surroundings and locate people however the sound that they emit is of a much deeper and lower pitch adding to the larger stronger statute appearance that they have due to the fungal growth taking over the entirety of their body they've built a somewhat durability to traditional weapons meaning that it's a lot harder to take one of them out fire is the bloater's main weakness and by utilizing the fire it renders the bloater more vulnerable to the weaker more traditional weapons so they're definitely a more complicated stage of the infection to be up against outside of this there is another stage of the infection that we're yet to see on the screen and if we do I imagine we'll most likely see it in season 2 of the show and this is the Rat King the Rat King is the strongest stage of the infection and is known to be more powerful than a bloater which prior to the Rat King was the most dangerous of them all it's essentially made up of the different stages of the infection that have been morphed together due to the fungus that comes with the chords intercepts this stage of the infection was introduced in the last of us too so due to that I feel we'll most likely see it later on in the show rather than in the early stages when we're still learning about the infection and the different threats that it can pose the infected have had a fair bit of screen time so far but I would still like to see them get a lot more so I'm looking forward to witnessing just how they're going to continue to wreak havoc on Joel Ellie and the rest of civilization so there you have it the different stages of the cordyceps infection in The Last of Us episode 5. if you want to see more videos such as endings explained theories and predictions and character breakdowns then click on the I button or alternatively you can head over to my channel where you'll find them all if you'd like to give me a show or movie that you'd like me to review then head over to my Twitter at brainpilot underscore and sweet me watch show one movie you'd like me to review next and finally if you'd like to see what I rate the latest movies that don't quite make the cutsy getting a dedicated video then head over to my letterbox party file it's where I rate the latest releases in real time which level of infected would you be most afraid of leave a comment down below and don't forget to subscribe I'll see you next time
Channel: BrainPilot
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Keywords: The Last Of Us, Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Episode 5, Last Of Us HBO, The Last Of Us Episode 5 Explained, The Last Of Us Episode 5 Review, The Last Of Us Episode 5 Reaction, The Last Of Us Cordyceps, The Last Of Us Infected, The Last Of Us Bloater, The Last Of Us Infection Explained, Last Of Us Episode 5 Reaction, Last Of Us Episode 5 Review, The Last Of Us Different Types Of Infected, The Last Of Us HBO, The Last Of Us Show, The Last Of Us TV Show, TLOU, TLOU Infected
Id: vjfjt7Jq_u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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