THE LAST OF US Explained | Every Clue On How The Infection Started And Real Life Zombie Inspiration

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2023 🗫︎ replies

The bread thing wasn't touched upon in the episode, right?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Frank3634 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2023 🗫︎ replies
okay so the Last of Us sent us around a deadly infection caused by a fungi known as the cordyceps these real world parasites can often be found in nature and what's most terrifying about the last of us is that there is basis and signs for something like this to happen episode 1 of the HBO show opens with a scientists theorizing the rise of them all the way back in the 60s and like he says there is no cure but where did the infection originate from and how did it spread so quickly well throughout this video that's what we're going to be breaking down and if you enjoy it please hit the thumbs up button and don't forget to subscribe for breakdowns like this every day either way huge thank you for clicking this now let's get into The Last of Us now when looking at where it all started I think the first place to go is of course the game the PlayStation classic doesn't give too much of a backstory of where it originated from but there are teasers that can be found in documents earlier when looking through newspapers we come across the Texas Herald which report on the infection on September 26 it said that admittance at hospitals was up 300 and this was all due to a mysterious infection the FDA also released a statement about contaminated crops and they said that massive records were expected this of course didn't happen but the statement did give us a clue about what was really going on it said the Food and Drug Administration investigation of crops potentially tated with mold continues across the country initial lists distributed a vendors Nationwide won against crops imported from South America but now the scope has extended to include Central America and also Mexico so there are Clues here that it's coming from countries with a hotter climate this was teased at in the initial science report at the start in 2003's listed as being being one of the hottest years on record although it's not in South America we do hear reports in episode 1 that there's something strange going on in Jakarta this Indonesian city is located in Asia and they might have changed this from South America for us to explore it in a later episode during filming of the show people from Jakarta posted that things were being filmed in the city so we could possibly see this coming down the line at some point and in easier actually houses the largest bread and Flower Factory in the world so this could be the reason the country was chosen to be the place it's housed anyway I think the show will likely follow the same route and there were several clues in the episode that this was attached to food products with flour in them firstly we saw Mrs Adler on her drive being fed it and she later became one of the main infected people that Sarah encountered Joel also said But I'm on Atkins what now this is a diet that's low carb and because of this he'd be avoiding foods like bread and so on I know it was said it's a joke yeah before you start but Atkins was brought up I think for a specific reason now this date was also his birthday but the pet never had a cake which would also contain the ingredients Tommy was guttered that they weren't having pancakes that morning and they had bacon and eggs instead of things like cereal now another big clue came when Sarah went to Mrs Adler I was thinking we'd make some cookies chocolate chip Frozen okay she was baking cookies which would include the ingredients but because they were raisin Sarah didn't end up eating them now this might not be the case but the episode constantly kept hammering home the idea that they were avoiding food all the time and those that ended up infected of course ended up eating it food being contaminated with cordyceps could explain how the virus managed to spread so quickly especially if it was located in foods that people regulate flour is in a lot of products and if it got into this then it could easily spread across the planet the game details that once the outbreak had happened that 60 of humanity had either become infected or died within a couple of months the cordyceps can of course be passed on through bites and in the game we have the spores as well this would massively push it across the planet and mean that the infection could spread really quickly now as for the real life inspiration there's actually a similar case that happened during the 50s in Pon sanes spreed a mass poisoning happened in which more than 250 people were infected by food this was an illness that saw bread being infected by ergot which is a fungus that grows on rye this parasite spread onto the bread and nuts into the food chain which is where it was picked up by the mass population at a bakery the fungus contaminate the food and this was then ate by the civilians that lived in the neighboring Villages it brought on illness and in some rare cases even Insanity it took months for it all to build up and there were Bakers who suspected that something was in the flower they named it cursed bread and those who ate it had fits of vomiting and also diarrhea more than 50 people were interned at an asylum and the way that the infected go crazy in the last of us could be inspired by this now there weren't any people going around becoming zombies and and biting people but there were some very very strange occurrences a man hallucinate that he was an airplane and he jumped from his second story window which ended up killing him as the sign is mentioned in episode 1 LSD is created using fungus so it's easy to see how this happened in addition to this an 11 year old boy attempted to strangle his own mother and lashed out in a violent rage brought on by the parasite later doctors named this the Nuit apocalypse which translates to apocalyptic night which I hope I pronounced right now it's so chilling to hear stories like this and you can see how real-life occurrences couldn't have been sparring what we see in the gaming show the main thing with the cordyceps is that they attach to your brain and the parasites begin to override the amount of functions this is why we see people twitching and lashing out at others the person is still in there which is why the in fact it can often be found crying but they don't have control over their desires anymore and will attack all those that they see who aren't infected now in the case of the yogurt poisoning the grains were inspected by the government's control board they enforce rules in which it was difficult to purchase products containing flour and the people were very much put on wartime shortages the factory was charged with involuntary manslaughter and an employee ended up being arrested it was found in an inquiry that the flower Mill in the area had been cutting Corners which if you're gonna start off a zombie apocalypse it always happens because of that now it turns out they've been mixing Ryan with a flower in order to be able to cut the amount of flour that they were using it also been using the leftover piles that tend to be on the ground and beside the machines sometimes they were sat there for weeks and these were proud to get infected with mites in ergot just all around unsanitary conditions and this led to this becoming a much bigger problem people would charge for it and all in all it became a pretty big story in the area if it's all connected to a food source I can definitely see this being something that's LinkedIn and it is possible this ties in with how the infections spread I don't know if you've seen goth meringue before but I'll play the clip in a bit that I think basically sums up episode one it's an episode where water gets infected with something that turns people into apes and you have a bit where some characters hilariously avoid drinking it by pure luck morning Dad morning thoughts and read good morning remember if you took like a glass of water no thanks I'll have a coffee thanks Sir George lover glass it's run out here have mine no closed captioning not available here you go cheers just something I thought of when going back and watching episode one and seeing people be like I'll not have the cookies I'll actually have the bacon and eggs hopefully hopefully they can get a shot which can help cure themselves not that kind of shot dear me and that's the video which I hope you learned something in I think the show will probably adapt this into the food stuff as it's in the game and they do seem to be sticking pretty closely this Source material let me know below what you think and if you have any other theories I'd absolutely love to hear them now we are in competition right now and giving away wakanda forever to three subscribers on the 15th of February and all you have to do to be when the chance of winning is like the video make sure you subscribe with notifications on and drop a comment below with your thoughts and theories we pick the comments at random at the end of the month and we pick the comments at random at the end of the month and the winners of the last one are on screen right now similar to you then message me on Twitter at heavy spoilers if you want something else to watch then make sure you check out our breakdown of the trailer for episode 2 which will be linked on screen right now lots of things going on in it lots of theories and yeah definitely head over there right after this by the way thanks for sticking through the video I've been poor I'll see you next time take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 726,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Ending Explained, The Last Of Us Breakdown, The Last Of Us Explained, Joel, Ellie, HBO, TLOU, Last Of Us, Ending Explained, Joel Explained, Episode Breakdown, Clickers, The Last Of Us Characters, episode 1 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 1, The Last Of Us episode 1 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 1 explained, trailer breakdown, Joel And Ellie, The last of us part 2, the last of us 2, all cutscenes, ending, joel death, abbie, the last of us trailer
Id: Z6kmswYpZ9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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