Why The Flashbacks In THE LAST OF US Are So Terrifying

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okay so the Last of Us TV show takes us somewhere that we never really saw in the game in that we woke up playing as Sarah on the night of the outbreak and after her death we picked up his gel 20 years later however a TV show can take us into noon interesting places because it's not as focused on making sure the players engaged typically in a game you tend to keep things centered around one character so that the player feels like they're experiencing things through them and they very much imprint on that one person it's why so many games had silent protagonists back in the day and it's a technique that tends to work when you're playing a video game what about TV shows can do things differently not not like that Halo not like that anyway TV shows can do things differently and that's where the last of us has taken the opportunity to show us flashbacks to years before the outbreak days prior and then right after the world just collapsed throughout this video I'm going to be discussing the three key scenes in The Last of Us that take us back to the past and really make this show infinitely more terrifying if you enjoy the video please hit the a thumbs up button make sure you subscribe for Last of Us breakdowns every week until we've milked the entire thing dry anyway without the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into the breakdown okay so the first two scenes are very much act as bookends of each other in the first we have a scientist theorizing how cordyceps could lead to the end of the world and the second one deals with a scientists realizing that the end is now upon us it's very much set of the threat of the infected and how we will lose as a species because of it however the third one cements that there's more facets to it and instead it shows that Humanity will also have a hand in this too we are our own worst enemies and the fact this third flashback was included is very important to letting us know who the true enemy is in all of this I know it's cliche to be like humanity is the Real Enemy but there's a reason that this cliche is there in the first place and it's not because we're good at having several conversations things are often done out of fear and we'll discuss why the soldiers could have killed those people later on and the fear that drove them to it however we have to discuss the first scene first and we pick up in 1968 decades before the cordyceps outbreak here we catch something a little close to home as we initially see the topic of conversation being an influenza pandemic we've just lived through a big one and like the scientist says we always find a way out of it eventually John Hannah seems common collected throughout this and though it's a struggle we've seen ourselves that there is light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to things like this how about when the subject changes to fungi the mood drops and there's a far more Bleak Outlook than the optimistic view he's just shared rattling off a chilling monologue he hammers home the idea that there's absolutely no cure and in all eventualities that we lose this is very much the case in what follows as well we watch the outbreak happen from Sarah's point of view and killing her off shows just how Bleak the entire thing is now I must admit every time a TV show a movie kills off a kid I'm like you know what I respect that and it's for a good reason too Hollywood is heavily sanitized a lot of the time and it must take a lot of back and forth with the studio to be like them kids Sarah's death very much cements this idea that it's a lose-lose situation and there's not going to be some big happy outcome to this it's a necessary move to take to show us that the scientist was indeed right and when soldiers are out here shooting innocent fathers and daughters then you know Humanity has lost its way a bit now this is immediately followed up by a scene with another child's death and though it was necessary to kill him you see exactly why the scientist was so Doom and Gloom Joel's emotionless face says it all as they dump their body on the fire and it sums up just How Far We've Fallen episode 2 has us going to a burata when I drop my episode 2 breakdown I did get some comments saying that Abu actually means misses but they should have put that in the subtitles mate how was I supposed to know I'm a YouTuber I'm a [ __ ] I don't know anyway we see her being brought in by the military to inspect a corpse infected by the cordyceps it's very by the book and though she's alarmed initially by being brought in the situation seems to calm down once the military man reassures her in the car after discovering the cordyceps in the subject's mouth though things change and fear washes over her in the back room she instructs him to bomb the city and it Hammer's home just how dire the situation is knowing it could get out she'd rather destroy the entirety of Jakarta in the hopes of at least quarantining it and we know that several cities adopted this strategy too however as we learn here it also got into the food supply and this is how it managed to spread so fast I always wondered how the infected managed to get on board airplanes and bring them crashing down but if it was in those delicious delicious in-flight meals then you can see how it will cause a problem Mrs Ratner realizes how dire the situation is and being someone who studied the fungus all her life she sees that there's nowhere to save the rest of the world Beyond destroying her own she wishes to be with her family for the final few hours she potentially has and this is when we realize how Bleak things are she's very much accepted how inevitable the downfall of humanity is and is almost acting as if she's on her deathbed and wanting to say her goodbyes it's a beautifully settled performance that further shows how far Humanity has its back against the wall and in desperate times we will do Despicable things when wandering along the road on the way to Lincoln we see as Jill and Ellie come across bodies that have been murdered by soldiers similar to Joel and Sarah we see a parent and child with a Target and on the opposite side of this we get a flashback in which we watch the paired boarding a military truck in order to evacuate the town they think they're being led to safety and as for paranoid is Belle was he was in fact right hashtag bill was right now why did the humans execute the survivors well we don't know exactly why but the reason was likely down a fear Joel theorizes that they reached the quarantine Zone and that there probably wasn't enough rooms other soldiers then killed them now I think the fear here is twofold with them potentially having several reasons that made them do what they did the first is that they were going to be turned away and thus they'd end up roaming the Wilderness and likely getting infected this would lead to there being more people to fight and like Mrs Ratner said it's safe for the murder than risk the infection spreading now the second reason I think is that the soldiers worry that these people could form their own group and that they would overthrow them as we experience the last of us we come across several factions like that who ended up storming Federer and then replacing them the soldiers themselves were murdered and squatting a group of people could lead to several deaths on their side again it's this idea of fear and knowing what humanity is capable of that pushes them to do it we themselves that others could kill them they strike first and this paranoia thing is also very much at the heart of why Humanity collapsed the cordyceps are very much the Catalyst that will cause us to fight amongst ourselves because the lack of resources will push us into that position as the scientist theorizes in episode 1 we lose and it's because of a number of factors not only does the world come to a halt because of them but the survivors Left Behind will do whatever they can to stay alive and get what they want that's very much the message at the heart of The Last of Us and though I don't want to get into spoilers coming down the line that theme plays off down the road there are those Among Us who would rather Doom everyone else and give up what they have and in many ways it's what's at the heart of the show that's why the series is so terrifying because you know though it's it's not gonna happen well I hope not there is a chance that it could or a situation like this that will pit us against ourselves as I said we are our own worst enemies and facing off against each other we'll bring the whole thing crashing down and that wraps up the video and obviously I'd love to hear your thoughts on those scenes what you took from them and if you agree or disagree with me comment below and let me know and just to let you know we're running a competition right now and giving away wakanda forever the three subscribers on the 15th of February all you have to do to be on the chance of winning is like the video make sure you subscribe with notifications on and drop a comment below with your thoughts on the video we pick the comments at random at the end of the month and the winners of the last one are on screen right now so that to you then message me on Twitter at heavy spoilers if you want something else to watch then make sure you check out our breakdown of episode 3 which will be linked on screen right now got tons of Easter eggs in it lots of things to talk about and definitely head over there right after this by the way thanks for sticking through the video I've been poor let's see in the next one take care peace [Music]
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 416,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Ending Explained, The Last Of Us Breakdown, The Last Of Us Explained, Joel, Ellie, HBO, TLOU, Last Of Us, Ending Explained, Joel Explained, Episode Breakdown, Clickers, The Last Of Us Characters, episode 3 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 3, The Last Of Us episode 3 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 3 explained, trailer breakdown, Joel And Ellie, The last of us part 3, the last of us 3, the last of us trailer, cordyceps, the last of us infection
Id: t2lv3AnldU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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