Every Time Joel & Sarah Avoided The Cordyceps Infection In The Last Of Us

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within the first two episodes of The Last of Us we've jumped between different countries continents time periods and sets of characters within the second episode of the show we saw the origin of the cordyceps infection and how it originally broke out from Jakarta Indonesia and ended up being spread around the globe and being in the United States where we were following Joel and Sarah with this Revelation it showed us that there were multiple opportunities in the first episode of the show where Joel and Sarah would have become infected and turned into the very thing that they were fighting against and running away from and Joel most certainly wouldn't have been alive 20 years later if the smallest of decisions were changed so with that let's take a look at and break down all of the times that they came close to being infected so let's get into it here is every time Joel and Sarah avoided the cordices infection in the last of us just to let you know this video will contain spoilers in the first episode more specifically the first 15 minutes we saw that Joel and Sarah narrowly avoided being victims of the cordyceps infection within episode 2 we saw that the origin of the infection was in Jakarta and that it broke out in a flowering grain Factory within there it was the perfect substrate which meant that it was the perfect place and contained conditions where the organisms were able to live grow and get their nourishments in order to thrive with the fungi being present within the flowering grains and it being shipped around the globe this then meant that many of the products that contained it were contaminated and there was no way of tracing them or pulling them off the shelves meaning many people were becoming infected through no fault of their own and without being bitten it was within the products that they were consuming this is why we saw such importance being placed on the forgetful nature of Joel in the first episode and how it actually turned out to be the very thing that saved his life and Sarah's in that moment let's take a look at all of the occasions Joel forgot the pancake mix the first occasion where we saw the family avoid becoming infected was in the morning of Joel's birthday when he awoke he came downstairs to his daughter Sarah making him breakfast she wanted to cook him pancakes with a pancake mix that she thought that they had in their cupboard and that she thought that Joel board however he forgot to do so this then meant that they weren't able to have pancakes on the morning of Joel's birthday and they had eggs Instead at the time we didn't know that it was an extremely important moment but in the grand scheme of things if they had pancake mix and used it that morning they would have become infected this is due to one of the main ingredients in a standard pancake mix being flour and with the flour potentially being shipped from the west side of Jakarta where the outbreak occurred they may have only had a few hours remaining in their human form if it was consumed but they were able to live on thanks to there being no pancake mix in their cupboard Joel and Sarah declined biscuits from the atlas shortly after the both of them consumed their breakfast we saw Joel Tommy and Sarah all go outside to their truck where they were going to drop Sarah at school and also go off to work on this occasion we were introduced to Mr Danny Adler and Nana who was his mother-in-law at the moment when we first met him he was giving her biscuits we saw that on this occasion he offered both Joel and Sarah some biscuits as well as he had many left on his plate after feeding his mother-in-law however we saw that both Joel and Sarah declined the offer this was the second occasion where they could have become infected with cordices later on in the episode we saw that Nano became infected and she changed drastically ultimately transforming and going on to bite her daughter and son-in-law this could have been the result of what was in the biscuits or maybe something she'd consumed before but regardless with there being flour in the makeup of a home-baked biscuit the infection could have entered Sarah's system through that Avenue if she accepted so turning down a sweet tree turned out to be a lifesaver for both Joel and Sarah Connie made raisin cookie instead of chocolate chip after Sarah had her father's watch mended once she finished school we saw that as promised in the morning where she declined the biscuits that Mr rather offered her she arrived at the other's house in the afternoon to spend some time with his wife Connie Adler as that was something that she often did but hadn't done in a while at this moment we saw that Connie mentioned that they were going to be baking some cookies to enjoy Sarah looked excited at the prospect of being able to make some cookies and then eat them so much so that she asked if they were going to be chocolate chip cookies but Connie responded by saying raisin implying that there was going to be no chocolate chips in them whatsoever this at the time didn't seem like much but it was actually a main reason as to why Sarah didn't get infected because they had raisins in and didn't contain chocolate chips they didn't appeal to her whatsoever so she didn't end up eating any at that moment ultimately saving her life we saw that Connie offered them to her before she left but we didn't see if she ended up taking any I would imagine that Sarah didn't as if she did I feel we could have seen her eating them when she was waiting for her father Joel to return home from work but she didn't Joel forgot to bring back a cake the final time in the first 15 minutes that we saw both Joel and Sarah narrowly escaping being infected with the cordyceps infection was just before Joel received a phone call to go and bail his brother out from jail and just after he got in from work as Joel mentioned in the morning he said to Sarah that he was going to bring back a cake after he'd finished work when he returned at nine o'clock however he didn't return at that time instead he returned at 10 o'clock and he returned empty-handed with no cake in hand just like all of the other occasions in the first section of the episode we didn't know that this was a moment where it could have changed the trajectory of the characters moving forward you need flour to bake a cake and with the original aim being to bring back a cake for the both of them to eat that evening in celebration of his birthday by Joel not having one he indirectly saved the both of their lives again showing that even on the cusp of when the infection was taking hold of the population in their town they still just about managed to avoid it I suppose you could also argue that within the first episode they avoided a few runners in Nana and then the random person that was chasing after them just before Sarah was harmed but they didn't really tie into the indirect actions and luck that was on their side leading to the Revelation that we witnessed in episode 2 and tying into the origin of the outbreak the second episode really showed us how lucky both Joel and Ali were in order to not get infected when there were multiple occasions where they could have become some of the first people to have cordices in their area the thought that went into that opening scene knowing that we as the viewers wouldn't be able to appreciate it properly until the second episode of the show was incredible writing and highlighted how the small details do really matter when it comes to creating a show where the fate of the World Civilization as we know it and the fight for existence is all at stake Joel and Sarah's story could have been completely different if the mundane task of remembering a birthday cake or Sarah's Sweet Tooth kicked in and she fancied eating a raisin cookie just because so those small but extremely consequential decisions having a large Focus sent matter of importance was a great inclusion in the show all of the opening scenes have been extremely haunting scary harrowing and Bleak so far I hope we get something similar as we embark on episode 3 of the show I guess we'll just have to wait and see so there you have it every time Joel and Sarah avoided the cordyceps infection in the last of us if you want to see more videos such as endings explained theories and predictions and character breakdowns then click on the I button or alternatively you can head over to my channel where you'll find them all if you'd like to give me a show or movie that you'd like me to review then head over to my Twitter at brainpilot underscore and tweet me watch show or movie you'd like me to review next and finally if you'd like to see what I read the latest movies that don't quite make the cut to getting a dedicated video then head over to my letterboxed profile it's where I rate the latest releases in real time which opening scene did you find more haunting episode 1 or episode 2 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Channel: BrainPilot
Views: 869,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Episode 2, The Last Of Us HBO, The Last Of Us Show, Last Of Us HBO, The Last Of Us Episode 2 Review, Last Of Us Episode 2 Review, The Last Of Us Episode 2 Reaction, The Last Of Us Jakarta, Last Of Us Jakarta, The Last Of Us Cordyceps, The Last Of Us Joel, The Last Of Us Sarah, How Sarah And Joel Avoided Cordyceps, The Last Of Us Infection Explained, Last Of Us Cordyceps Explained, The Last Of Us TV Show, Last Of Us Episode 2 Reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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