The Full Story of DARTH REVAN Explained | Complete History

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there is no emotion [Music] there is peace there is no ignorance there is knowledge [Music] there is no passion there is serenity [Music] there is no chaos there is harmony there is no death there is a force [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] revan's story is legend across the galaxy his choices and actions would even influence future events thousands of years later to begin this tale we start in the years following 3994 bby this is when reverend was born he was a human male who showed great potential in the use of the force as usual with jedi recruitment revan was taken from a very young age to be trained as a jedi we don't know who revan's parents were and it's likely he doesn't remember them either revan became a prodigy within the jedi order he flourished under the training of many jedi masters rather than just one seeking out new knowledge and learning the secrets of the force was something he was naturally motivated to do eventually he would catch the eye of even the jedi council with notoriety even jedi such as creo were quite fond of revan and what his future might hold while training as a padawan revan became friends with another like-minded student his name was malik they quickly bonded as friends and would go on to be known as an inseparable pair in the time reverend and malik spend becoming jedi knights a dark force was plotting something sinister in the year of 3965 bby when revan was 29 years old the mandalorian wars made its way into conflict with the republic the war that had reached them was something the jedi council refused to be a part of they were unwilling to join and defend the republic at the time this caused a rift between many of the jedi as so many wanted to join the fight but the council would see such an act to be the start of your path down the dark side they foresaw many innocents would die however revan had other ideas he disagreed with the council's decision so he and malik together recruited many jedi from the order and joined the republic war meetra surik also known as the exile later also joined reverend's jedi army after malek approached her and informed her of the rally the republic had welcomed the jedi with open arms to help defend the galaxy revan had proved himself to the republic military time and time again by winning battle after battle he was quickly becoming famous as the jedi hero revan who would never lose a battle the jedi who answered the call when the council would not in the year of 3960 revan and his companions built and used a super weapon named the mass shadow generator they did this to force the mandalorians into submission and bring an end to the war revan split his forces with mitra in a plan to beat them into a trap they had set on malachor 5 mass shadow generator a super weapon with the capability of creating a massive gravity vortex at the core of the planet mitra led mandalorian forces into the trap and gave the commander to activate the super weapon the chaos and destruction at the behest of the mass shadow generator completely shattered the planet would also be the event that gave birth to darth nihilus at the same time it forced the mandalorians into a corner as they just lost the majority of their ships and army while the super weapon took out the army revan and his half of the fleets assaulted mandalore's personal flagship after the devastating blow of the super weapon mandalore the ultimate the current reigning leader of the mandalorian people challenged revan to one versus one combat in an effort to win and end the war mandalore the ultimate had fought valiantly but he was no match for the jedi hero revan revan defeated mandalore but he didn't stop there after defeating mandalore the ultimate revan claims his mask so no other mandalorian may claim the title mandalore this was a time before the dark saber existed mandalore's mask was the sacred icon of the clans whoever wore the mask would be destined to rule over all mandalorian clans to stop another rising and waging war again revan takes the mask and later hides it before mandalore dies revan asks him why he decided to attack the republic it's over mandela you lay dying i understand that now give me hunches why did you attack the republic thousands thousands of innocents are dead it wasn't supposed to end like this hey promised me victory only now do i see how i was betrayed what are you talking about they tricked me you were never meant to win this war they used me used my people to test the republic's strength [Music] revan had discovered from mandalore that a red-skinned being had approached him and asked for his ear this red-skinned being who he would later find out to be a sith wanted help searching for an ancient temple that was said to hold someone of stature from the past the person buried within was none other than the exiled son of an ancient sith lord lord dramath named after his father lord dramath the former ruler of medrias the sith emperor darth vitiate who was unknown to revan and the greater part of the galaxy this emperor had been in hiding for a thousand years ever since the great hyperspace war an agent of the emperor was sent to contact mandalore and instigate a war with the republic when mandalore helped this agent find the temple of lord dramath they gave mandalore information from a vision which said they would win a war against the republic mandalore oblivious at the time had fallen victim to the powerful force persuasion of the emperor mandalore was now to be used as a furious weapon against the republic to test the republic's strength the emperor wanted to know if he could return and conquer the galaxy this was part one of a very very long plan revan and malik were able to somehow discover nafina and leave coordinates to its location back at the temple on rekiad starred within a holocron after investigating nafina the homeworld of the sith emperor they both eventually discovered drummond cars and the undenying presence of the sith the jedi had fought the sith to be extinct but that simply wasn't the case an ancient dark lord by the name of vitiate had kept the sith in hiding for a thousand years reverend and maluk dropped down on the planet and purged his mercenaries to the locals they spent much time gathering information on the sith empire and their emperor investigating drum and cars led revan to some insightful information on the emperor he had discovered the emperor was once known as tenebree and he ruled a world named nafina but most terrifying of all revan learned that tenebro had tricked legion of sith a thousand years ago into a powerful dark side ritual that allowed tenebret to consume the force energy of every living thing on the planets tenebree consumed a world this was 1 000 years ago there was no telling how powerful he might be now after seeing what the emperor was capable of reverend and malek knew they had to stop him eventually they were both able to uncover that the emperor was motivated to attack the republic which was very bad news considering the state that they are in after the mandalorian wars they both take action revan had made allies within the sith citadel who said they also wanted to defeat the emperor they were able to sneak revan and malek through the royal guard and into the emperor's throne room however they had been deceived the allies they thought they made were in fact loyal to the emperor the servants of the emperor had no choice in whether or not to appear they lacked the attribute to betray their own master now within the presence of the emperor the jedi revan and malik were outmatched you you monster you arranged chaos and war millions are dead you came all this way just to fail no we will resist you he is too strong my mind no no no [Music] revan and malik had their minds dominated by the emperor that had been corrupted and pushed into the dark side unable to resist the former jedi now dark lords were sent back to the republic as the vanguard of the emperor's invasion the sith emperor had given reverent information on old riccarton technology which led revan and maluk to the starforge which they would use to build an army against a republican jedi you may remember this from the knights of the old republic games where we see revan and maluk searching for the star maps this was immediately after their return from being corrupted by the emperor once revan contacted the emperor to let him know he had immobilized a republic's defenses the emperor would sweep in however the emperor had completely underestimated revan and malik they had adopted so much new power that they were able to twist and bend the emperor's instructions until they thought they were acting on their own free will because of this action they both had all of the memories of the emperor and the siphon drummond cars pushed so far down that they had forgotten all about them because of this revan never contacted the emperor to signal his arrival if that had been the case the republic would have been overwhelmed and likely defeated with all memory of the emperor and his plans gone away rev and malik still went to war with the republican jedi believing they were acting on their own accord this time was known as the jedi civil war but things were not as they seemed the dark lord revan was nerf fool despite breaking free of the mind control and losing memory of the emperor reverend knew that something had happened he knew that somehow somewhere some thing was manipulating this entire show embracing the dark side reverend swartz mastered the dark and used it against his enemies he had always had a craving for learning more he sacrificed his own beliefs and ideals to venture into the dark side and learn its secrets but this was the only way to win revan and malik together had retaken nissif homeworld of koriban and reestablished a sith academy with an influx of new students which would often be jedi veterans after mandalorian wars revan had also visited the ancient world known as lehon or ricarta prime this is where he left his sith holocron as to pass on his newfound knowledge of the dark side it was actually darth bane who three thousand years later discovered the sepholicron of revan and was inspired to create the rule of two check out our video covering that topic the revelation for nearly a thousand years the teachings of the dark side were fought to be gone and now in the jedi civil war its presence had returned in legion revan was using his newfound strength to conquer the republic and eventually defend the galaxy from a mysterious looming threat somewhere else you could say his intentions were right but the act itself was horror mid-manifest we don't know exactly when darth malak suffered his injury to the jaw or lack thereof but what we do know is that revan was the one to do it you see at this time in the galaxy the rule of two is not present however revan directly inspired this tradition with his newfound teachings in the dark side of the force revan began to perfect it even correct it or improve it revan would contemplate that the sif should have a single leader a being who embodied the dark side in its entirety and that each master should only have one student i assume happened with malik's injury is that darth revan had established this hierarchy within his nusif order meaning revan would claim himself to be the one true dark lord and would designate darth malak his former friend and confidant to be the apprentice naturally malik would have refuted this because of his ego and a battle would have ensued this is more than likely how the injury occurred and malik was put in his place of apprentice there is a great visual representation you can find on youtube darth revan was simply ahead of his time becoming a dark lord made him immensely more powerful and unlocked new abilities he had never before thought possible even discovering inscribing many sith rituals including the profoundly lethal far-off ritual but at last the force seeks balance and events start to change as the jedi civil war continues revan is betrayed by darth malak and then captured by a jedi strike team we know the ins and outs of this story from the original curtail game but we'll summarize here reverend was captured by a strike team led by the jedi bastor shan who was a prodigy in battle meditation once he was brought before the jedi council on dantooine the council together performed a ritual that would force revan to once again lose more memories except this time he was meant to forget everything he knew about being a sith a jedi and the rest of revan's identity they had reforged his mind to believe he was a republic soldier who had been summoned to duty you don't understand i did this to protect you don't try to justify killing innocent people [Laughter] no one is innocent especially the jedi you would bring about your own destruction enough of this together now we can overwhelm him do not make the mistake of assuming this will be easy the jedi council had used a powerful ritual to turn revan against the enemy they had intended to bring revan back to their side by somehow reintroducing him to the light side under a new identity they lead revan along to training once again to becoming a jedi revan had no knowledge of what had happened he was simply a new man who seemed to be gifted in the force revan and bastila went on to discover that they had formed a farce bond with one another which was intriguing to the jedi but at the time held no real relevance to revan other than leaving him asking more questions eventually the pair would fall for one another and engage in a relationship however the truth must eventually be set free after tasking reven and bastila with finding the star maps that new reverend would have dreams about truth was revealed by darth malak in a confrontation malik told revan what had really happened and who he really was after learning who he really was revan would go on to redeem his past actions by finding the starforge and confronting his old friend darth malak malik was defeated at the hands of revan and the galaxy would believe itself to be at peace peace is a lie there is only passion through passion i gain strength through strength i gain power through power i gain victory through victory my chains are broken the force shall free me after freeing the galaxy of the new sith order and establishing republic control once again reverend and his companions were celebrated as heroes bastila and revan also married mission veyer and big z the wookie had a small cargo business up and running on coruscant over time reverend once again began to sense a disturbance a danger he would have terrible nightmares that showed him a storm-covered planet this was the memory of drummond cars returning to him though he didn't know what it meant just yet motivated to find out the truth of his past to unravel the mystery of everything that had occurred over the past few years revan spoke to bastila in an attempt to convince her to go with him to find this world he had been dreaming about however bastila revealed she was pregnant so they had decided it was best she stayed behind bastila didn't want revan to go at first but she knew it had to be done revan knew he was going to need help since now bastila couldn't go with him he refused to ask mission and big c as they went legit with their own business the others such as julie and johanni had gone back to the order to help her rebuild revan was able to reach out to candorous order the mandalorian who he found in a bar on coruscant tandorus admitted he'd been sitting around waiting for the next big adventure so he was on board straight away with helping revan had asked kanderas if he could find him some information if he could find out any information as to why mandalore the ultimate started a war while kanderas made progress with his contacts in the clans revan had decided to do some research on where his old friend mitra was mitra surik also known as the exile was a jedi who rebelled against the council's wishes and joined revan to fight in the mandalorian wars when reverend and malik had disappeared after the war mitra returned to the council for judgement she was then exiled and stripped of her lightsaber revan discovered all of this from within the jedi archives although he was a galactic hero just a few years ago now the jedi still detested revan's teachings riven had become attuned to the light and the dark side of the force now he had seen beyond the arrogant teachings of the order alone revan actually attempted to offer his own wisdom to the new jedi council who shunned his offer and forced him to agree not to teach anyone his methods because of this revan had to be careful who he bumped into it could be someone unfriendly towards his past while studying the archives revan bumped into the jedi archivist aetrus who used to be a friend of mitra zurich until she rebelled against the council's wishes idris and revan had an intense conversation about mitra and the fact that she had cut herself off from the force revan didn't know the aftermath of what happened with the mass shadow generator so to discover his friend had been exiled and pushed out of the order made reverend angry he felt responsible all of this would mean that mitra could not join him in his journey to find the world from his dreams when kanderas returned word to revan he told him some of the clans were headed up to a planet called wreckiad in search of mandalore's mask revan was convinced he could find some answers there after all it was him who hid mandalore's mask in the first place so reverend went undercover as a companion to kandarus as they joined his clan clan order on the hunt for mandalore's mask revan was able to deduce that wreckiad wasn't the planet from his dreams wreckid was covered in mountains and snur with heavy blizzards around the globe revan did however have a vision or more accurately a memory it's got to be around here somewhere have you found it yet no but i can sense its presence you must be close i found it over here revan remembered he had been here before with malak he saw two parallel mountains standing side by side he asked t3m4 to do a search of the planet looking specifically for a structure as revant described he believed they would find mandalore's mask in the location of division after some trouble unaware they both eventually make it to the two pillar-looking mountains where they discovered an ancient temple upon venturing into the temple the two of them discover a sarcophagus covered with a stern slab it was easy to tell from the surface and the scratches that this resting place had been opened multiple times already and reclosed revan opened the sarcophagus and found a holocron and the mask of mandalore inside after touching the mask revan immediately remembered everything about his last visit there this this is the temple mandalore told me about so mandalore was telling the truth this if still exist look around malik presence of the dark side here is unmistakable but what does this mean what should we do yes this is the proof we were looking for sith do still exist we have to stop them you make it sound so simple revan we must discover the truth of all this shouldn't we return to the temple on coruscant the council surely had no malik we do this alone i've got a bad feeling about this the memories and information were a lot to take in so it took him a moment to process it there was also additional clarifying details such as coordinates on the holocron that had been found alongside the mask shortly after revan and kanderas were confronted by some members of clan order who turned out to know who revan was all along after a bad nickname from kanderas vela who was also a candorous wife attacked both revan and candarus and attempted to take the mask from them the attempt was futile though as revan and kanderas combined were able to overwhelm the few clan members involved unfortunately the mandalorians lost their lives in the conflict but they were laid respectfully to rest within the tomb after the conflict revan explained to kanderos everything he remembered so far which was still just bits and pieces but now the context is coming together reverend now knew the location of nafima which was a place he and malik discovered so he knew this was a good lead to follow up on oh you're heading to anathema well i didn't have any other plans anyway no ganduras your people need you i saw how your clan reacted to you being here the new mandalore should be you i respect you what a compliment for some hardship jedi who killed the last one you need me revan won't turn my back on you after the all the usac we've been through together your people were tricked into a war they couldn't win they need you more than i do i need you to show them the way i am mandalore the preserver and i will bring honor and order back to our people reverend and the newly risen mandalore gur their separate wares reverend continues on to nafima so that he can finally get some larger questions answered he now knew that the sith still existed somewhere it was now more important than ever before to find out the truth of his past when revan arrived in the nathan system he learned that the planet naphma and even around its orbit was completely null of the force with all his effort he couldn't find the force in reach before he had enough time to figure out what any of that meant another ship in the system had locked on with heavy weapons and fired on the ebonhock the starship came crashing down on the surface of naphma and nurse planted into a small city amazingly revan was still alive and c3 m4 was still functioning however revan was unconscious in the pilot's seat t3 and iv had witnessed and recorded a large red-skinned male entered the ebonhock and carry reverend aware this was lord scourge who was accompanied by darth nirus to find out lord skurge's side of the story check out our explained video on him t3 m4 the incredible astromech droid was able to repair the ebenhawk and fly it back to republic spurs the next time we see the ship and the droid is in the beginning of knights of the old republic 2. if you're wondering why t3 m4 didn't reveal any of the things he knew to metra then this is simply because before t3 m4 left with revan back on coruscant bachelor had programmed t3 m4 to return to her and inform only her about revan if anything was to go wrong so t3 m4 was literally unable to say anything about revan until bastila hears it first t3 m4 also knew it was more important to help mitra defeat darth treya and her would-be nusif order so if anything t3 m4 is the real hero back to revan revan was captured and imprisoned by a member of the dark council darth nirus within her stronghold revan was being interrogated by lord scourge to discover why he had returned to them you see darth nirus knew that revan had been here before however the emperor had told the dark council that he killed darth revan this was because the emperor wanted to invade the republic without the dark council knowing despite all of the emperor's power his people and even chosen dark council members all opposed a direct war with the republic many of them believed it would be suicide to assault the jedi again considering what had happened to the ancient sith lord's past they also knew they had to keep their own existence a secret because darth naires discovered the emperor's true plans she and others decided to secretly oppose the emperor so now that revan was back and alive and also somehow free of the emperor's domination they have questions revan was able to maintain himself over many years being imprisoned he actually developed a kind of mutual relationship with lord skurge they would often engage in conversation about the force however revan would use these small talks to drop subtle hints of persuasion towards lord scourge as to convince him to somehow team up together and take on the emperor scourge was never naive and didn't fall for these tricks but when revan bluffed and said he'd seen a vision of his own escape and that scourge would help him do it this made him think eventually the exile known as mitra zurich came looking for reven after defeating darth trace and the others she was able to make contact with bastille astola told mitra what reverend intended to do fined the world from his dreams but that was years ago and he hasn't returned they had a son now she named him nerva which is an anagram of revan when t3 m4 sees the droid tells her everything bachelor explains in that moment why t3 m4 is only just now saying something as we explained earlier t3 m4 shared basler and mitra the footage of lord scourge taking revan the droid also had the coordinates ready to go for naphma bastila had to stay behind once again her son was still very young sylmitra and t3 went to nathan in search of revan when they arrived mitra was led to drummond cars in likely a similar fashion to malik and revan before once on drummond cars mitra quickly conducted a plan and went in search of revan she was able to make contact with someone who could identify lord scourge in a hollow of it on there she was able to set up a meeting between them birth all of this was a testament to the exile skill she was quickly able to discover lord scourge and even meet with him although of course the meeting place was ambushed by lord skurge's men mitro was able to resist the pathetic attempts by the soldiers so now she was first affairs with the sith who had taken revan they both have a conversation around some of the things that we know with reverend and the emperor and they end up becoming fragile allies while lord scourge and the exile are figuring out their alliance lord scourge had taken drastic action by deciding to sabotage darth nirus and exposing her to the emperor himself mitra and scourge would use the oncoming battles at naris's stronghold as a distraction to rescue revan bakker his cell when the attack on narus's stronghold began revan was able to free himself of the drugs they used to keep him docile and was then able to convince the nearby guards to let him out of his cell he had promised the guards that he would get them out the building alive by the time reverend was out of his cell mitra and lord scarge had arrived to free him after a fast and joyful reunion reverend finally learned skurge's name as he never knew this entire time he even laughed and said no wonder he never told him it was an awful name astella had given revan's old mask to mitra so that she could give it to revan she handed him the mask and when he held it all of his memories everything he lost deep within his mind came rushing back in the sudden overdrive of information sent revan's mind into shock and he passed out on the floor at the same time darth nairus confronted them in the hallways she was almost able to defeat and kill lord skurge however revan had reawakened and stepped in the where darth niris was turned to ash by revan's deadly counter-attack all three of them revan mitra and scourge escape the stronghold while the emperor's guard finishes off their assaults the next day sked was able to find out that the emperor had put the planet in lockdown and martial law was in effect a curfew was also in place the emperor had used the betrayal of nairs and others as an excuse to finally dissolve his dark council the emperor killed each seat holder regardless of their innocence in the matter revan confirmed that his memories had returned but he was still piecing them together properly he knew about the emperor's origins and how he consumed all life on his homeworld he knew that he and malik came here before and was lord into a trap set by the emperor they thought they had an inside contact one of the royal guards but they were being betrayed and manipulated after explaining everything that had happened they all decided that defeating the emperor was necessary the next morning they head to the sift citadel and with the help of lord scourge they're able to make it through the guard and all the way to the emperor's throne room doors it was there that they were stopped by a royal guard captain who demanded that only lord scourge may enter the room and not the two others with him being revan and mitra unfortunately this captain was the same guard who had betrayed revan before so when she saw his red and grey mask she recognized him immediately and declared that they were assassins they had to fight their way into the throne room while skurge and mitra fought off the guards revan used the force to blast the throne room doors open and rush in after the emperor the other two would backpedal into the room and close the doors even t3m4 was helping by sealing the door with a substance they use on starship hull repairs revan charges the emperor and is met with a furious dark side energy blast he endures and continues his charge revan was able to knock the emperor back more than once but it wouldn't prove to be worth much the emperor was able to overwhelm river with forced lightning and engulf him with sparks revan's flesh was burning and his mask was melting into his face a droid t3m4 charged the emperor as to save reverend by hitting him with his droid flamethrower attachment although it caught the emperor off guard it didn't really do any harm the emperor reacted by completely obliterating t3 m4 you can actually find his remains in the swertar game when you also confront the emperor while revan layered on the throne room floor the emperor walked up to him and picked up his own weapon he then activated it and went in for the final blur however mitra was able to intercept the blurred and send it flying out of the emperor's hand using a serbia for her this caught the emperor off guard as well and made him step back to re-evaluate the new enemy revan was able to get back on his feet scarge and mitra were done with the guards and joined revan against the emperor this time i won't let you win i'm surprised see you alive it won't be the last surprise for you today beautiful jedi you can't stand against me together we [Music] before they could attack together lord scourge had experienced a powerful vision that showed him a true hero that would defeat the emperor for good scarge knew he had to betray revan so that he could actually see the emperor is defeated a jedi would defeat the emperor but that jedi wasn't reverend scarge betrayed them and stabbed dimitra in the back she fell to the floor and died before she hit the ground reverend turned in shock of course but the emperor once again engulfed him with false lightning scourge spent some time convincing the emperor he did this to protect him and that revan was forcing him into this the emperor told skurge to execute revan as to prove his claims scarge knew he must comply so he knelt down and ripped off revan's mask to see the scarred and deformed tissue underneath he then swung his blade but the emperor stopped him from following through the emperor says he has other plans for revan revan was then imprisoned in a high security facility known as the maelstrom prison the emperor spent the next 300 years draining revan of his power and knowledge mitra surek became a fascist that would watch over revan from afar she was never able to commune with him as the dark side powers around his prison prevented her from getting inside so she spent 300 years sending her earned life force and energy so that he may find the will to live on and the strength to fight the two of them were truly the best of friends but it was more than that it went beyond simple relationships between friends they had fought together defended the galaxy together and she loved him this would not be the end to revan's story after being imprisoned for over 300 years revan is finally freed by a republic strike team and the hero of typhon once freed revan was finally able to commune with mitra he went on to reactivate the starforge and intended to use it to amass a new army that could oppose the emperor after all he was still the greatest threat in the galaxy despite that in this point of time the emperor was being silenced revan also found and repaired hk 47 who was appointed a role within the starforge also known as the foundry however an imperial strike team was sent to intercept revan on the staffordge and bring an end to his plans the strike team is successful in defeating revan but something unusual happens as revan is defeated his dark side refuses to die and is able to somehow survive revan would secretly be under the care of the revanites who were a secret cult of followers dedicated to revan after spending some time recuperating reverend reborn shares himself to the galaxy this dark sided version of revan is a shadow of the revan that existed many years ago this revan knows that the emperor is the true enemy and is willing to do horrible things to achieve his ultimate goal this revan reborn became such a threat with his newfound arsenal that the republican empire forged a temporary alliance to defeat the rebonites together at this point in time the emperor was rumored to be dead at the hands of the hero of typhon however revan knows this isn't totally true revan refuses to die until the emperor is also dead so he fueled the current revenaite war in hopes of summoning the emperor to fight revan is defeated by the mightiest in the galaxy even his light-sided force gerst worked against him his light-sided gerst aired the empire and republic to defeat him after all the death and destruction the emperor announced himself but did not appear to fight anyone he took his essence to ziost where he later once again consumed or corrupted all life on the planet and in the end they combined back to become whole however revan was meant to be dead so only his force cursed form remained and not his physical form over the next many years revan's gerst was in contact with lord scourge and secretly helping from behind the scenes to defeat the emperor once and for all eventually lord scourge brings the hero of typhon up to date with tenebree's last gruesome weapon in the past few years many things had happened the former sith emperor had revealed himself as valkorian the immortal ruler of zakul he had been raising an entirely different civilization and culture in wild space however valkarion was defeated by the hero of typhon and his essence was forced into the void the last gruesome weapon of tenoborough the sith emperor was his original body and the ritual scribed into his flesh reverend was able to look at his original body and lead lord skurge to it lord scourge then destroyed the body however in doing so the ritual was activated the powers that came seeping out would attempt to mind dominate anyone around however scared was able to resist the emperor's control and so was his companion however sateau shan and some of her students showed up and they fell victim to the ritual we would later find out that sateaushan intended to do this so that the strongest could gather and defeat the emperor once and for all so lord scourge gets to play a character and star wars the old republic and brings them to where this happened one final confrontation revan's force gerst reveals himself to the player and asks that we finish this once and for all scarge's companion kira karsa guides the group into a trance because the emperor is attempting to take over the bodies of sateal and her students so they used the force to enter their minds and fight the emperor finally in his most vulnerable state revan and many other heroes from many points in time across the galaxy are able to overpower the emperor with his original body and essence destroyed revan would finally know peace and at last become one with the force [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Star Wars Central
Views: 298,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darth revan story, history of revan, revan story, story of revan, revan explained, darth revan lore, revan lore, darth revan history, revan full story, star wars darth revan, darth revan full story, star wars revan story, jedi revan, who is darth revan, darth revan complete history, darth revan, revan star wars, darth revan explained, revan origin, darth revan complete history explained, history of darth revan, darth revan canon, revan history, revan, who killed revan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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