Why Palpatine Believed Destroying Alderaan Destroyed the EMPIRE - Star Wars Explained

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what was the reaction to the rest of the Galaxy when alderon was destroyed and why did Darth cidus and the Empire as a whole deem this as a massive mistake a first misstep that potentially led to the destruction of the entire Empire why was this the first moment that spelled Doom for cidus Greetings again curious acolytes of the force and welcome back to the archives in zerob BBY the Galaxy would be rocked to their core when the Empire unveiled the Death Star and proceeded to fire it upon a friendly inner Rim World under the orders of of grand moth Tarkin the Empire's newest Super Weapon made Galactic history in order to inspire fear and Terror on all those who would oppose Imperial rule according to the Tarkin Doctrine which was a letter sent by Tarkin to Emperor Palpatine at some point in the year 5 BBY Tarkin stated his agreement with the rule by fear method with him proposing an idea of how to best accomplish this in the galaxy to subjugate them forever in the letter Tarkin theorized that a large display of force rather than just force itself would be a more efficient method of keeping the average Galactic citizen in line especially during the wake of the Rebel insurgencies popping up from around the Stars even though Palpatine had already been in the process of constructing the Death Star and was planning to use it for that purpose he was impressed by tarkin's insight and placed him in command of the entire project Palpatine believed that Tarkin had the vision and understanding to properly wield such a weapon unfortunately for them though the intended effect massively backfired we don't get to see this on screen most of the time but in the comics and novels we learned that the Galaxy's reaction was much different than Palpatine and Tarkin had expected long had the Death Star been a secret over the course of two decades and even longer Palpatine had been constructing this technological Terror right under the noses of the Senate he was able to get more Headway done with the Republic transitioning into the Empire to construct his monster machine however he still had to work around the Imperial Senate as far as funding and resources to allocate the building of the Death Star despite the fact that he was the EMP Emperor Palpatine couldn't just do anything he wanted at least not yet the Rebellion came extremely close on multiple occasions to discovering the super weapon though while they did know the Empire had something up their sleeve progress was painstakingly slow when trying to acquire any sort of information or evidence of the Death Star until the year zobby when the project was officially completed it was during this period where Palpatine also masterfully disintegrated the entire Senate putting the entire government government into his own hands now the Galaxy was his to control and his alone each planet system were now ruled by Governors or moths who almost all reported directly to Palpatine his grip on the Galaxy was tighter than ever and he was about to squeeze one time to many the emperor got away with the destruction of scarif and Jedi moments where they only destroyed single cities and not entire worlds but when the Death Star fired upon a planet and utterly obliterated it in an instant this was not just any planet you it was alderon alderon was a peaceful world that was a hub of Arts politics and entertainment it was one of the beacons of the Galaxy a planet full of beauty and life one which didn't even have a formal military and above all of this it was a core world that was located in the inner Rim making it important to Imperial location even Darth Vader had reservations about firing on the world as he had suggestion to Tarkin that he needed to check with Palpatine first but Tarkin was set in his ways and believed that this was the best course of action the Empire Justified this atrocity by stating that alderon was a world full of Rebel insurgencies that needed to be quell but the citizens were not having any of it no longer did The Empire seem as though they were just trying to protect the Galaxy with a strong hand and now seemed that the empire was against their own people while the destruction of alderon did Scare several systems into submission to the Empire The Empire wasn't so lucky with the vast majority of planets something that they had not expected the opposite it in fact happened on corusant riots broke out in the streets as Citizens turned on officer many of those living on the Senate Planet had family on alderon others simply refused to stand by and let the horrific event go unpunished the streets of corusant were in chaos in violence was quickly escalating the emperor was forced to dispatch a battalion of Stormtroopers who went in and open fire on the citizens within the crowd frightened the citizens dispersed and the emperor enforced martial law on the city planet and he said citizen caught out in the streets was immediately arrested or killed and the Stormtroopers went door Todo arresting any Rebel sympathizers trying to recruit any alarians that were on corusant but what made this so important is spies were not needed for alarians to find the Rebellion the Death Star only emboldened the average citizen to join the rebellion and the destruction of the world caused the ranks of the Rebel Alliance to grow astronomically it was during the events of the battle of Yavin that mon calamari would pledge themselves to the alliance Alliance turning their large transport Cruisers into battle ready Capital ships these kinds of additions caused the alliance to grow exponentially in both military and political influence now more than ever word was getting around that the empire was out of control and that the people needed to change it the only issue was the Death Star itself indeed the Galaxy was ready to revolt but not everyone was willing to join the alliance Planet dignitaries were terrified at the prospects of a world destroying weapon the Empire now had a gun that they could point to any world they wished and nothing could be done to stop them the rebels needed a big win and of course that win would come at the Battle of Yavin this one event would literally become the center point of every calendar as the timeline would be abbreviated to BBY before the Battle of Yavin Luke Skywalker would give into the force and strike true vanquishing the Death Star blowing the emperor's super weapon right out of space 20 years of careful Planning by Palpatine went down the drain and Darth Vader suffered one of his first military defeats the Rebellion had done the impossible and damaged the empire in a big way if alderon had not in fact been destroyed the Rebel Alliance would have likely never defeated the Empire and a new Republic likely would have never been established it was alderon that inadvertently saved the Galaxy from the rule of the Sith the destruction of alderon and then the destruction of the Deathstar proved two things it first proved what the empire was willing to do to its own citizens in order to secure power but then it also proved that the empire was not indestructible and could in fact be defeated in a big way the biggest way in fact the use of the Death Star and then it being crippled by a single X-Wing Fighter was enough to turn the Galaxy against the empire in a way that they would always remember the statement sent waves across the Galaxy people were rejoicing all around the alliance had proven that the empire was not Invincible they were fallible and cracks were being shown citizens systems and even business businesses signed up to droves to join the Rebel Alliance and that my friends was the entire Galaxy's reaction to the destruction of alderon and being held at gunpoint tell us had you wondered before what the average citizen thought about the Death Star in the events of A New Hope what are your thoughts on The Wider Galaxy not deciding to bow to the Empire but instead rebelling openly against it after the destruction of alderon why do you think Palpatine assumed that this could never happen as always my friends thank you so much for watching and continuing to support the channel May the force be with you and I'll hopefully see you in another video [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 98,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A New Hope, Darth Vader, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Sith, Dark Side, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Sidious, Death Star
Id: lk7XLEarf0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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