Why Anakin Skywalker HATED The Jedi Temple Growing Up

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Anakin Skywalker went through a lot of character development between when we see him as just a boy in episode 1 and the teenager we see him as in episode 2 we don't see much of the development but in part of the book I'm going to read today Obi-Wan and Anakin just show how much Anakin really struggled with life at the Jedi Temple he was different than others and we get to see that today it's really interesting even shows Anakin never gave up one of his greatest passions even while at the temple so I'm excited to bring this to you today please do leave a like helps a lot subscribe and yeah I've got daily fanfiction daily lore videos today we're going to learn about Anakin's struggle to live in the Jedi Temple Obi-Wan moved quickly along the path that ran beside the lake in the temple a fresh Breeze moved across his skin and whispered through the branches overhead even after all these years he had to remind himself that the breeze was caused by hidden cooling fans the dappled shadow on the forest floor created by a series of Illumination Banks that mimicked the rise and decline of the sun on corusant his footsteps slowed as he heard the calls and laughter of the Jedi students at the beach although he had received a message that said he and Anakin were to report to Yoda he wanted a few seconds of delay Anakin had so few opportunities for play he hated to interrupt him they'd been heading back from an intense physical workout when Obi-Wan had spied the students from Anakin's year heading to the lake he had seen the longing in Anakin's eyes as the students Di into the cool water go ahead Obi-Wan had told him take some time off Anakin had looked at him uncertainly but Obi-Wan shed him off it puzzled and worried Obi-Wan how much time his Padawan spent alone Anakin had told him that he'd had good friends on Tatooine especially a human boy named kitster he'd been at at the temple for 3 years now but he hadn't made one close friend although he was well-liked and certainly got along well with the other kids Obi-Wan had tried to talk to him about it but the boy would just shut down his eyes would turn opaque and the corners of his mouth would straighten into a thin line he would seem very far away Obi-Wan did not know how to reach him at such times but they were infrequent and passed as quickly as a rain shower when they would meet Anakin had been a warm-hearted 9-year-old boy with an open Nature now he was 12 and a half and the years had changed Anakin he'd grown to be a boy who hid his heart Obi-Wan had tried to show Anakin that friends he would make at the temple would be his for Life Obi-Wan's friends from his classes Garen reef and bant were now roaming the Galaxy he didn't see them very often but that deep tie was still there and he wanted the same for Anakin Quon had been dead now for 3 and 1/2 years sometimes it seemed like an age but most of the time it seemed like it happened yesterday especially when he needed his master's advice he would always think of Of Quon as his master Quon had been torn from him too soon and Obi-Wan still felt his presence at his shoulder he even knew what Quon would say right now you cannot make friends for your pwan Obi-Wan you can only show him through your own actions how important connections are to you Qui-Gon had done that Obi-Wan was still running into beings throughout the Galaxy who came up to him and spoke reverently or glowingly or humorously of their deep friendship with Quon Obi-Wan hadn't realized how much connections his master had forged with the most unlikely sorts smiling Obi-Wan paused behind a screen of trees he couldn't resist a moment to see if Anakin was enjoying himself with the others he scanned the happy splashing group with the smile still on his face but it slowly faded as he realized that Anakin was not there with a sigh Obi-Wan turned away he hurried to the nearest turbo lift he knew where Anakin was the boy would sometimes Retreat to his own quarters OB one exited at Anakin's floor and click quickly made his way to the boy's quarters as he reached them the lower half of a protocol Droid rotated out the door on its own it was followed a moment later by a battered astrom Droid which tattered and then smashed into the wall Obi-Wan paused as expected a split second later Anakin raced out the door crashing right into Obi-Wan by the sons I thought I had it this time Anakin cried rebounding off obiwan and crouching by the Droid I thought you wanted to swim Obi-Wan said that shuddered look came over Anakin's face I had work to do he muttered Obi-Wan crouched by him this isn't work Anakin it's a hobby and if you are using it to keep distance between you and your fellow students it's not a helpful one Anakin looked up his Bright Eyes Keen again but I'm making things Master look I've almost got this Astromech ready for service mechanical ability is a valuable skill Obi-Wan said that's not what I meant and you know it they don't want me Anakin said flatly he walked over and slung the legs of the protocol Droid under one arm I'm not like them Obi-Wan could not argue Anakin was unique there was no question about it he was an exceptional student much more in tune with the force than others his age he had come late to the temple it wasn't that other students disliked him they just didn't know what to make of him when did it happen Obi wondered again why did it happen was it the loss of Anakin's mother followed so closely by the death of Qui-Gon Obi-Wan could not replace those people in Anakin's heart nor did he wish to he had hoped that with Jedi training and their own relationship Anakin would come to find peace unfortunately he had not Yoda has requested our presence he told Anakin rolling the as Droid back into Anakin's quarters Anakin looked up excited a mission I don't think so Obi-Wan said carefully barely two weeks ago Yoda and Ma Wu had expressed doubts that Anakin was ready for a mission Anakin lacked discipline they said Obi-Wan disagreed it wasn't so much a lack of discipline that caused Anakin to break rules and send his droids scurrying over the temple corridors it was partially boredom he thought no matter what he threw at Anakin the boy mastered it he needed more challenges where Yoda and Wu saw a lack of discipline Obi-Wan saw an emotional restlessness that could not be cured by hard study or physical trials straighten your tunic he admonished and washed the grease off your hands Anakin scurried to comply running to the sink in the corner his quarters were cramped with tools and Droid Parts pieces of a probe Droid were scattered over his sleep couch a pair of legs for a bipedal Droid sat in the corner obone knew that Anakin had found these things by sneaking out of the temple and dealing in a thriving Black Market of corusant he preferred to turn a blind eye so far Yoda and mace Wu did as well but it did not help Anakin's reputation with the council Anakin cleaned up and hurried to keep step with Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan could tell that he was bursting with questions but uncharacteristically Anakin did not ask them obiwan could not have answered them even if he had Yoda awaited them in a meditation room the place he favored now for conferences Obi-Wan knew that Yoda had often met Qui-Gon at his favorite bench in the room of a thousand fountains Yoda never sat there now it was the only visible sign that Yoda was still in deep mourning for his friend a request the council has for you both Yoda announced without preliminaries Anakin could not contain his excitement a mission Yoda blinked his gray blue eyes and did not answer he studied Anakin for a moment Obi-Wan was often charms by Anakin's enthusiasm but it seemed to worry Yoda a mission it is not Yoda said but but a voyage you must take request we do that you travel to a Starship called the bioc cruiser a permanent home for a group of people gathered from many worlds in the Galaxy those on the ship have come from damaged worlds planets that have become toxic or ravaged by disease torn apart by criminal gangs or Civil War land on other worlds they do not roam the Galaxy they do you mean they live on board of a ship Anakin's gaze grew wider lucky how do they manage it Obi-Wan asked what about food and supplies grow their own food they do Yoda answered self-sustaining they are but stop they must for fuel and for occasional supplies meet them you will at the next docking Point complaints the Senate has received from the families of those aboard Yoda drew his robes around him fear they do that their loved ones have been coerced or brainwashed who leads this group Obi-Wan asked uni is the name he goes by Yoda answered no Tech stock information can we find about him agreed uni has to a Jedi inspection to calm the worries of the Senate danger for you we do not anticipate only a few days should this require Obi-Wan nodded and kept his skepticism to himself he had heard these words before and had been soon plunged into danger and disarray so we are to travel far away to a ship where people might be held hostage Obi-Wan said it sounds like a mission to me Anakin interrupted request only Yoda corrected telling them that he would provide further details of the rendevu soon Yoda dismissed them Anakin was silent after they left as soon as they rounded the corner he turned to Obi-Wan a delighted grin on his face my first mission request Obi-Wan said sternly but he saw Anakin smiling shake his head and silently mouth the word Mission with a smile and that's where our story ends today it's actually really interesting one of my favorite pieces of L I think I've covered here Anakin in the temple at about 13 13 14 years old has never gone on a mission before and is impatient doesn't play with friends builds droids in droids in his quarters doesn't feel like he fits in it's really interesting just to see what his young life was like and his enthusiasm still sticking around when Yoda calls him in and orders him a mission as we'll call it and one of my you know favorite parts of this was Obi-Wan noting that Yoda was concerned about Anakin's enthusiasm I think that's interesting it kind of shows that the Jedi eliminate that from a lot of kids at an early age but for Anakin Yoda found concern in it I don't know there always a weird relationship between him and the Jedi and of course he killed them all so that's about it for me today thank you for watching let me know what you thought and of course I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Star Wars Galaxy EXTRA
Views: 5,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, anakin skywalker, jedi temple
Id: P0EfiNvvCOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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