NEVER Go To The Unknown Regions - Star Wars Lore Video Compilation

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greetings students of the force and welcome to the channel today we put together a few of the unknown regions videos that we've produced here explaining some of the various dark entities and Powerful force-wielding foes that lie beyond the known Galaxy as well as why traveling to the unknown regions was so treacherous and nearly impossible hopefully you guys are liking these longer compilation videos as you can put it on in the background and cook or work or whatever have you as always my friends I hope you guys enjoy and remember be weary of the unknown the Star Wars Galaxy is home to some of the most Fantastical and fascinating things many planets and star systems each hold their own Mysteries to be explored and while most of the Galaxy is mapped out on Star Charts there remains one facet of the Galaxy that never seems to have been explored this of course is the unknown regions nearly half of the Star Wars Galaxies unexplored leaving the other half to remain nearly Untouched by the galactic Republic and uncolonized by most other species this is due to the constantly changing hyperspace routes which stunt many attempts at exploration however opening and closing hyperlanes happened to be the least of one's worries when attempting to access unknown space so stick with us today curious spacefarers of the Galaxy as we lead you through the top 5 most dangerous things in the unknown regions and hopefully by the end of this video you too will understand the terror that lies Beyond known space starting at number five we have what is known as the Summa verminath many of you might recognize the gargantuan creature as the Beast Within the ma in Solo a Star Wars story Han Solo has been able to escape the Beast with many tentacles by Faking It Out by launching the Millennium Falcon's Escape pods into the maw although this was a beast that had inhabited the male storm in the surrounded Kessel Run their species originated from the unknown regions for those of you that don't know they were massive creatures with many eyes and electrified tentacles that often fed on space-faring ships due to their large size and appetite their Beastie Boys Oak nearly dwarfs that of an asteroid worm seen in a New Hope with one specimen reaching the size of the first death star with the one in Solo a Star Wars story being considered relatively small for the species because of the fact that it targeted large ships made it incredibly dangerous and one of the most dangerous creatures that one could encounter in the unknown regions as if one stumbled upon it so unluckily it meant nearly certain death at number 4 we have a dark side cult known as the Sorcerers of Rand the Sorcerers of Rand also known as the randites were a religious sect of beings which inhabited a place called The Nile Retreat the randites are something not often touched upon in Star Wars Legends despite them possibly becoming a very large threat to the wider galaxy in the future though we get a clue as to who they are from mother thousands chapter in the book of the Sith in the book she says this the most enigmatic of a new competitors are the Sorcerers of Rand that claim kinship with the dark which they view as the embodiment of Decay and death a true sorcerer is said to be able to use a psychic blast to eradicate an object or living being of the force entirely the randites did not believe in the force light or dark but actually subscribed to a power that they believed to be higher than the force a power which they called the dark this was their Creed only Power is real and only real power is the power to destroy existence is fleeting destruction is eternal for the randites destruction was the will of the universe they called this the way of the dark the way of the dark was the Cornerstone of the randites they saw destruction as a permanent change in the structure of the universe through this destruction a void was created an absence of Life the void was the foundation of Truth they reveled in the pit of cosmic chaos and they were able to access a wide variety of mysterious power much like the night sisters of dathomir however it seemed that the sorcerers might have been far more powerful as stated by mother thousand she said that she had heard that they could use their power to utterly eradicate anything in their path by using psychic energy the psionic powers go beyond this as well with them being able to use a power which they called Dark sight darksight was an ability to create the future by looking at all the possible outcomes and choosing the one that suited their best use though the outcome was not guaranteed part of his success was determined by the user's alignment with the dark we learned about this when Luke Skywalker had to defend the new Republic from a Prophet by the name of Lord shadowspot who had studied under the Sorcerers of Rand and number three we have what is known as the star weirds I am not making that up picture this you and your crew were flying through hyperspace on your way to exploration a few Jedi are among you just for safety suddenly from Beyond your ship you see a figure floating there in hyperspace it is a tall and gaunt impossibly bony figure its long skeletal arms so prominent with it holding its hands at its side tipped with three long sharp talons on each of the hands its hair and clothes float up around it as it flies there upon seeing you its dark sockets suddenly light up as it lets out a shriek that you can hear in your very mind fear grips your heart as your blood runs cold your hands white-knuckled the controls of the ship but it's too late these in corporate gold banshees have already boarded your ship in the back you hear lightsabers ignite and another shriek is let out and then suddenly you hear the lightsabers extinguish as the bodies of your Jedi compatriots fall to the floor and all goes quiet what I just described was a likely encounter with a star weird these creatures are believed to be manifestations of the dark side which often encounter broken down ships in empty space and can even manifest into hyperspace upon being spotted star weirds become enraged and release a loud piercing telepathic shriek that affects creatures within 20 meters due to the cause telepathic nature it could be heard even in the vacuum of space after issuing the shriek the powerful creature would set upon its foe shredding them with their sharp Talent claws a star weird would only choose one Target and focus in on that individual the creatures were noted for having a particular hatred for Force sensitives who they would mindlessly concentrate on killing even if they were other creatures that were present there these beings were capable of using the force and could use abilities such as life train and even Force lightning what is most frightening about these creatures is that they aren't confined to the unknown regions having made appearances in Wild space and even the outer rim number two we had the zonama sakat zonama sakat is one of the most curious occurrences in the entire Star Wars Galaxy as it is a phenomenon of a sentient force-wielding planet zonama was the name of the planet whereas sakat was the name of the living intelligence originally the planet was in the main part of the Galaxy and was inhabited by the and guys see colonists the planet was rumored to be home to one of the fastest ships which led Anakin and Obi-Wan to explore the planet at one point in time later on the planet would be attacked by the yujong vong although sakat repelled their attacks and ultimately defeated the force during an invasion of the Empire Saka unveiled its secret which was a hyperdrive that the langeshi had built into the planet itself sakat then activated it and escaped into the unknown regions later Luke Skywalker and his companions would seek out the planet to learn more about the yujong vong this was because zonan was a seed that was separated from the original home planet of the yujon vong which brings us neatly to our last stop the planet however is highly interesting because again it represents an intelligence as well as a living planet and was able to defeat one of the most powerful forces in the Star Wars Galaxy not only by being more powerful but by also outwitting them leading us again into our number one the number one most dangerous thing in the unknown regions of space is the yujon Von we have briefly covered the vong a few times before on the channel they are without a doubt one of the biggest threats to the entirety of the Star Wars Galaxy because they don't actually originate from the Star Wars Galaxy the vong come from another galaxy entirely and as such they don't adhere to the rules of the Star Wars Galaxy as we know it many vong warriors are resistant or outright immune to many Force Powers they don't use technology but rather use a strange technology consisting of living biots creatures that were born and bred for their specific tasks their Starships weapons gadgets and even their armor is made from strange organic material the yujangvon themselves despise technology and see it as an Abomination as such their ship's weapons are strong enough to penetrate and even eat away at most ships including their deflector Shields giving the vong an inherent advantage in Star Wars Legends the use invasion was so impactful that it nearly completely destroyed the entire New Republic as well as Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Academy notable pieces of Technology included their feared yamasks which were called War coordinators due to the fact that they served as biotech Battle Analysis computers and have the capacity to coordinate yujongguang forces to a frightening degree through their villops they had managed to create a communication system that rivaled the galactic hollinette different breeds of such organisms were also capable of producing living like Holograms which the yujang vong had mastered for centuries similar to navigation computers the Yu Zhang vong vessels possessed Navid brains that were required to plot hyperspace jobs on their ships were also weapons that could manipulate gravity to pull entire ships out of hyperspace Yu Zhang vong personal Weaponry included living Serpentine weapons called ampostat they were able to alter their form allowing their user to use them as a spear or a whip furthermore they were armor which was capable of protecting them from weapon fire as well as even lightsaber strikes there have been a small Outpost of yujong vong in the unknown regions and legends which the chiss's ancestry have made first contact with determining that they were in fact hostile with the yujong vong being the only creature that lies in the unknown regions of space besides the likes of abaloth which is a force entity that rivaled the entirety of the Star Wars Galaxy so friends what did you think of today's video and would you like to learn more about the unknown regions of space Also out of everything that we listed what did you find to be the most terrifying as always my friends if you enjoyed this video a like would help out the channel a great deal as always May the force be with you and I will hopefully see you soon hey what's up guys and welcome back to the channel a little while ago we did a video detailing the five most dangerous things that lie hidden within the unknown regions of space wild space has been a topic that has been touched on very little in Star Wars Canon and even in Legends many things that lie within the unknown space remain a complete mystery the unknown regions takes up near the half of the Star Wars Galaxy which begs the question why hasn't it been explored in the first place well in today's video we hope to analyze the star charts run some numbers in our nav computer and open some data cards in order to exactly answer why the unknown regions are exactly that so unknown and hopefully by the end of this video we'll have a better idea exactly why all those that travel to the unknown regions of space never seem to return as well as why the unknown regions are so dangerous not because of the creatures that lie within the unknown regions but because they're so dangerous to travel in the first place so with introductions out of the way let us begin as you very well know the main method of travel between systems is known as hyperspace in the Star Wars Galaxy the entirety of the Star Wars Galaxy is connected by these things known as hyperspace lanes for those of you that may not know or may need a refresh or hyperspace despite being called colloqually nicknamed Lightspeed or hyperspeed isn't simply the ships going very very fast if this were the case then ships would be constantly colliding with planets moons nebulas and asteroids all of the time hyperspace itself is basically another dimension within space that ships can enter using hyper drives hyper lanes are essentially interdimensional tubes that ships can travel through this is essentially how hyperspace lanes are pioneered and how travel happens in the Star Wars Universe the Galaxy is connected and mapped by these hyperspace Lanes like one big nervous system well traveled and commonly known hyperlanes are the most consistent and always stay open however in places like the Deep core and in the unknown regions these hyperspace Lanes have not been well charted and are frequently subject to rapidly opening and closing as well as simply shifting course at any given moment this unpredictability makes hyperspace exploration into the unknown regions extremely dangerous there are many theories as to why the unknown regions are so difficult and I impossible to explore however there is a firm reason and not exactly a theory but more a proper explanation this reason comes in the form of an anomaly known as the tangle the Western barrier also known as the hyperspace tangle or the tangle was a chain of hyperspace anomalies that bisected to the Galaxy West of the deep core and prevented exploration of the unknown regions for a millennia the tangle formed in the middle of the circumferential hyperspace barrier that enveloped the Galaxy in a shell of hyperspace turbulence in English the entire Star Wars Galaxy is enveloped in a barrier that prevents entry or exit from it and this is the reason why no one who has ever tried to leave the galaxy has ever come back the species known as the yujong long had found a very specific weak point in the hyperspace barrier and somehow entered the Galaxy that we know through there it was believed by the pre-republic scientists that the barrier was put in place by the ones of mortis in order to defend the Galaxy against extragalactic threats despite this barrier it seems that the borders of it are somewhat permeable and that it can actually be manipulated as we know that there are actually some planets in the unknown regions that can and have been consistently reached most prominently the planet of ilum which force sensitive Navigators can usually find very easily as well as the planet of kamino and not to mention corellian traders who had been in touch with the chiss for many years the barrier was created by the celestials to protect against threats such as the yujon vong the rakatan Empire and most notably The Entity known as manga Mangal everyone strap in as we are about to dive into something quite horrifying and the reason for the galactic barrier is about to make a lot of sense if you want the more common answer though it's because the the hyperspace lanes are constantly in flux and constantly changing as well as they're incredibly difficult to map out with the ship itself not being destroyed now though let's talk about the Munga Mangal this creature was an amorphous Grace line that is believed to be extra dimensional in origin the Slime can move quickly and shapeshift to look like simple creatures it could split its body and travel separately in worm-like Stakes or even grow wings in order to fly what makes the Mongol Mangal so deadly though is what it could do to living organism the Slime would attack its victims and enter the body whether through the nose mouth or even pores if necessary after which it would proceed to Feast on the organism from the inside first digesting their brain and then the rest of its organs leaving the victim a brittle husk from here it can completely dominate their body and use it to move around with enough dexterity and precision to even pilot a ship if necessary when the body that was currently hosting it rots to the point of uselessness it will find another host to inhabit bringing towards their new victim's face out of the services of the previous one the more biological mass that consumed the Mongol Mangal would grow in size all the while its intention to spread itself across the Galaxy until it completely dominates every plant animal and being as it is worth mentioning that every separated part of the Munga Mangal shares one single hive mind and spreads very very quickly and easily at a long forgotten point in the past it had taken over and rendered lifeless the planet of mugfallo eons later Mongol mungal had spread across to the planet even filling all of its former oceans and destroying all of its natural beauty to the point that all that remain visible of the former world were Barren continents and the remains of fossilized trees its body Ran So Far and deep across the planet that it ran in rivers across the continents and filled underground grottos as a testament to its depraved mind mungal mungal treated a Macabre decoration of a fleet of derelict ships forming a ring around the planet their Origins ranging from across Millennia and thousands upon thousands of years this was simply its decorations it used its mind-controlled zombies to Pilot the ships there over the course of its existence Moon gal Mangal State exclaimed to thousands upon thousands of Worlds moons and space stations all throughout the unknown regions and those from separate galaxies that had traveled there for those of you who have read the death Troopers novel it was found that the properties of Munga mungal shared heavy similarities to the virus found on Project Blackwing the Slime was in fact very intelligent and maybe even had a connection to the dark side as Munga Mangal delighted in torturing and consuming other beings creature actually seemed to thrive more on a being suffering than on the sustenance that their bodies provided to it using its possession abilities it would create torturous scenarios such as reuniting a grieving mother with the reanimated corpse of their young Link time and time again in order to create the most terrifying Visions possible in order to essentially make their prey more delicious it would persuade other beings by playing with their emotions persuading them into making deadly decisions such as opening a ship's airlock or deactivating perimeter fences anyone who spoke to it would find that it knew much of the ancient knowledge and could speak many ancient languages long forgotten the creature knew of events such as the dawn of the Jedi Order and told tales of the ones as well as the rakatan Empire hails from the very beginning of Star Wars lore in my humble opinion I would say that this being rivaled the threat level of abaloth herself and perhaps it is for the best of the unknown regions remained unexplored they also believed that it is a major gift and a major reason why the ones of mortis may have made the unknown region so unexplorable and so dangerous to begin with with the Munga mungal being among the greatest threats and ever in the Star Wars Mythos so friends what did you think of this video and do you hope to get more information about the unknown regions as Star Wars Canon continues to unfold and what are your thoughts on the deadliness of Munga mungal drop a comment Down Below on what type of video and what aspect of Star Wars lore you would like to see explored next throughout the Star Wars Mythos we are treated to truly Fantastical ideas and beings from across the Galaxy both equally wondrous and terrifying in nature we know of the benevolent and helpful Jedi force ghosts an ability discovered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn to transcend death and become one with the force itself through sorcery and Magic a select few Sith have also been able to find their own way around death as well as freeing their own evil spirits to continue their reign of terror one of these Sith Lords being freed and NAD whose tomb caused several great wars in the fall of XR Kun to the dark side but what if I told you that these Spirits weren't the only ghosts of Star Wars lore I'm sure you remember our video of the top 5 Sith powers and remember the Phantoms that Darth vactivist knew had to summon however today we are speaking of spirits that can only be found in the deepest reaches of space not a mere Smuggler's tale either a very real threat that any space fairer should be very cautious of Welcome curious Travelers of the Galaxy to today's video where we will be giving you an essential guide to surviving an encounter with the star weirds of all of the lovecraftian horrors in Star wars Star weirds post one of the most significant threats at least with abaloth we know that she is trapped and will only ever escape every other Millennia however we find no such Solace with the star weirds equating very similar to our world's Banshee folklore these malevolent Spirits haunt deep space and have been known to attack ships in or out of hyperspace Sailors who have survived have described the star weirds as humanoid impossibly tall and severely gaunt and skeletal they have wispy white hair that floats upward and ripped Rags of lows that drift behind them they have long arms that end up with three sharp black Talons as horrible as this is it only gets worse their faces have been described as having a wide mouth with Jagged rotting teeth and shiny eyes that which glow through the darkness of space itself though I highly recommend keeping your eyes to yourself for your own sake as According to some accounts if you look into the face of a star weird you might see your own face staring back at you but not in your normal State rather your own face decayed and rotten should these Sinister specters board your ship here's what you should expect firstly I don't recommend trying to shoot or hit them with anything their bodies are incorporeal no blunt force trauma will FaZe them at all or any physical attack for that matter you may not be able to hurt them physically but they can certainly hurt you with their long talents they can attack and scratch at their prey if you are frightened by this I regretfully inform you that there is still more terror to come burn earlier I compared them to our world's banshees reason being is that nothing traumatizes the sailors more than the star weird's haunting whale a whale that can be heard even from the vacuum of space these hyperspace Terrors will enter your mind and torment you to Insanity by telepathically screaming into your head is there any way to avoid them or get rid of them though well the answer isn't exactly simple nor straightforward first thing is first avoid deep space at all costs this is the easiest way to ensure your safety when concerning the star weirds secondly if you must go through deep space make sure of a couple of things one that you have thoroughly inspected your ship to make sure that everything is working in order and there is no chance that you will break down in the middle of space and two be sure that neither you nor any aboard Your Vessel is a Jedi or can touch the force this is very very important yes friends the star weirds will dine on anything they come across however they seem to specifically hunt for Force wielders Jedi or Sith alike it doesn't matter to them but they seem to just utterly despise the Jedi it is said that if a force user is present that the star weird will hyper focus on killing them even if there are a plentiful amount of other living beings present Perhaps it is the light side of the force that draws them so close as this seems to be the only thing that can actually harm them the only thing that threatens them Jedi using the Light Side can repel or kill the star weirds because as we said they are beings of the force specifically it is rumored that a star weird is constructed purely out of dark side energy it is essentially the living dark side as the dark side swirling in unknown space has presumably created this monstrosity many Jedi speculate that the star weirds are manifestations of the dark side or spirits of the Sith that never made it to the afterlife but no one can know for certain what we do know is that they can certainly use the dark side and themselves are Force sensitive manifesting Force power such as life drain Force grip and even in rare occurrences Force lightning the third and final tip that we have for you is if all else fails do not look at the star weird star weirds will manifest themselves to Sailors having to repair their ship in space or on ships and hyperspace but if you no one is near do not look at it even if they attempt to trick you with visions do not stop to help stranded ships in space for their fate is sealed when looked upon this is when they become enraged unleashing their horrible shriek and begin to attack it is important to remember the distinction between the star weirds and the space rates space wraiths are a force sensitive parasite species which use their telepathy to dominate and feed off of the mind of force sensitive space wraiths have no corporeal body to speak of as they exist in mere thought if their host is killed while the space wraith Is possessing them The Wraith itself will die as well star weirds on the other hand do not possess their prey and can only be destroyed with the force when they die they just disappear and leave no trace of themselves behind very little is known in regard to their history according to master welllet's codex files they can be found in Star Wars the Old Republic during the first war fought between the reconstructed Sith Empire and the galactic Republic the star weird Queen was a member of the species that attacked many members of the Jedi Council and even a Padawan named zirender this group fortunately was saved by Master wiolette after this happened master wiolette was captured by The Sith Empire it is not known what happened to the starboard Queen however but we do know that she was not kill and this is the only recorded event of the star weird Queen presenting herself to anybody but just for a moment I would like to talk about the implications of the existence of such a creature and a queen of the star weirds if the star weirds have a queen then they may operate on some sort of spiritual hierarchy the star weird Queen was regarded as a legendary being again with only one confirmed appearance of her other than this she exists purely in Legend but it is important to note that she did in fact side with the Sith purely against the Jedi in terms of power the star-weared Queen May lie somewhere between such as figures like Darth Sidious and maybe even the ones of mortis as a force-based entity a being potentially older than the ones of mortis older than abaloth she could possibly hold immense power immense power from a region unknown to even those that have traveled deep into unknown space it is clear that she is ancient it has existed presumably before any known event in Star Wars Mythos no other appearances of the queen have ever been recorded in history since that fateful day but anyway acolytes what did you think of today's story and do you think that it would be interesting to have a peek in on the spiritual Battle of the Jedi's Force ghosts and the star weirds or maybe even some Sith Spirits do you think that star weirds will ever make an appearance in Star Wars Canon if so comment below your thoughts and now my wary space fairs be warned and Beware of the dangers that lie out within deep space normally I would say May the force be with you but when concerning the star weirds that might spell your certain Doom
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 802,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars Unknown Regions, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Abeloth Star Wars, Ghosts Star Wars, Darth Vader, Palpatine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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