Every SCP-001 Proposal Explained

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hey everyone and today we are covering every single scp-001 proposal as i mentioned in my last video concerning scps which link in the description if you want to see that the identity of scp-1 has never been revealed supposedly this is to hide the true identity of scp-1 as its powers either so great or its secret so important that they never want it to be public knowledge what that means in the writing spectrum is that some of the best writers from the scp universe have come together to compile a list of separate explanations to what this mystical entity could be most of these have to do with the o5 council with the explanation for how humanity came to exist in itself and so on and so forth we've got a lot of these to cover 37 to be exact so we'll go ahead and get into it i do want to say really quick um thank you all so much for everything the first scp video i did is at a hundred thousand views now which i can't even process um it's so wild i'm at seven 000 subscribers the patreon is going up it it means so much to me and just it's really humbling and i really do appreciate it thank you all for watching sincerely so let's go ahead run down every single scp-01 proposal and as always thank you for watching the first proposal is jonathan balls and that is for the chief papers the sheaf of papers is a stack of papers in one of the scp facilities that is continuously writing new information across the top it's been observed by the foundation staff that every time that this sheaf of papers as a new entry to the top that an scp matching that description appears somewhere in the world now the foundation doesn't know if this is some form of warning and may be beneficial or if this piece of paper is what's causing new scps to be formed however the theory is that what they're reading with this is the website that us the real world writers are compiling and every time that we make a new scp it gets added to the sheaf of papers and therefore put into their world also i want to mention really quick why each of these proposals have a name associated with them while several of these are the name of the original author the in-universe explanation is that everyone in the facility who was given their proposal to write a fake scp in order to cover up the real one uh did so by attaching either their name or an alias to it and then whichever one is the real scp simply had someone else's name put on top of it and even though canonically there's only supposed to be one real one i.e whatever one is your favorite you can just simply assume that that's the real one there are theories ranging from all of them are real to none of them are real so really whatever you prefer next we have dr gears proposal known as the prototype prototype was a six foot tall grayish black creature that had spikes for limbs and an eye inside of its mouth and seemingly no other features however this creature did give off an amount of radioactive energy and the theory states that given its name the prototype that this creature may have been an original embodiment of what is now human during containment for this creature it killed someone known as dr herman ketter and therefore according to this theory the reason that hard to contain entities are known as keter in the scp lore is in honor of this doctor who was killed next we have dr clef's proposal of the gate guardian the gay guardian is roughly 1 100 feet tall and stands at the guard of this portal or gate as it's seen and seen behind him is a beautiful luscious garden and this is all located in the between the euphrates and the tigris river so yes the theory is that this creature is the angel that stands a guard at the garden of eden also according to the history of the foundation regarding this years and years back king solomon was traveling in order to find the garden of eden and came across the angel who told him one word prepare and that was what inspired him to start the original scp foundation obviously because the foundation doesn't know any better they have attempted to kill this thing in several different ways according to the foundation's understanding anything that crosses a one kilometer threshold within the proximity of the gate guardian is immediately struck down by a sword he carries which looks like the sun one time they tried to take a d-class and send it towards it to which the d-class was killed and then the entire team behind him was killed they then tried to do the same thing with a group of 100 drones and it destroyed all the drones at once they tried to launch a missile at it from a submarine it destroyed the missile and then the submarine controlling the missile they even tried to send kane able to go take care of it which can enable our known scps scp-73 and scp-76 within the canon abel simply collapsed and said he's not going anywhere near it and he remembers it and then kane went became confused said he's not messing with it and then the mark of cain on his forehead began to glow also one time the foundation got a message from the facility containing the gate guardian that this was it it's the end times the rapture is coming and it's all over they then contacted the facility to see what it was they had no idea what they were talking about and on reviewing the message that message was sent from the future so that's promising next is quantum's proposal for the log this scp-01 is a beautiful black gemstone that is wrapped with a sort of golden lock fixture around it it was discovered in mesopotamia and on the top of the rock is what appears to be a keyhole although the key has not been discovered and the rock is seemingly indestructible the only hint that we get as to what this might be is the rock gives off very specific radio waves in fluctuations of radiation from time to time which upon analysis match almost perfectly to the proposed theory of how our universe gives us radiation so yes this rock is literally our universe held in a sort of bubble so probably a good thing they don't open it up dr bright's proposal of the factory unlike most scp articles the factory is not framed as a standard containment protocol for a creature instead it is a story told by the first member of the o5 council known as the founder according to him in 1835 a man by the name of james anderson who was some sort of a cult or demon worshiper built a factory that could seemingly produce anything this included magical hammers super weapons clothing that could absorb energy and things like that that you're pretty familiar with if you already know the scp universe however to obtain these ends and as you imagine what happens when a saint worshiper owns a factory people were essentially treated like cattle regularly killed during duty and chained to the assembly line in order to produce these things at the time the founder got here which keep in mind this is far before the scp foundation formed they went to liberate all of these people and upon entering the sub-levels of the factory they came across these half-human amalgamations of human and animal and machinery and it killed about half of his team after that they discovered more and more rooms and cellars and locked doors down there that housed both anomalies that were alive like the aforementioned creatures and inanimate objects that seemed to be beneficial for some use anderson was killed and then that site was referred to as site alpha and was the beginning of what the foundation would later become however a few years after they started these new creatures came to attack the known as fairies and no not like little tinkerbell fairies like think more evil orc monster with axe fairy this led to one night when the fairies raided the facility the founder ran all the way downstairs through every hallway he could and came across an ornate golden door with supposedly scripture of some kind written on it after he goes through the door because he has no other option and he's being chased he finds the body of anderson now cut in half and speaking from a very decomposed mouth the body of anderson makes a deal with him it says he will give him as well as all the friends he has lost immortality if they spend their existence bringing him new anomalies and creatures and having no other option the founder says yes this is how the founder and his 12 teammates became the original 05 council which still exists to this day according to this theory and as per their agreement they have spent their entire existence bringing in new creatures to the foundation in order to appease whatever dark lords that they gave themselves to dr man's proposal the spiral path now the spiral path is interesting as with unlike these other ones it's just like a normal scp it is a gravel trail in the middle of the woods in wisconsin that whenever it is walked one direction it forever goes up one route until you get back to where you began and having gained no altitude and if you walk the other direction the exact same happens only going downhill according to this proposal there's nothing that special about it aside from other standard scps however this was the scp discovered by a man named aaron siegel that inspired him to look more into what anomalies the world holds and this man eventually started the foundation got an administrator by the name of agnes and it gets into more of the nuts and bolts of how the actual foundation works also quick side note a lot of these have these very long stories behind them however there's way too many for me to get into the story of everyone so i am just describing the proposal and things itself rather than all of the narrative behind it so that this video isn't like eight hours next is dr mckenzie's proposal of the legacy this is technically three items one is a gray box that displays the digital number 23 and then a redacted number beneath it the other is a key made of the same material as a gray box which supposedly fits into the gray box and then finally a journal that has not seen any signs of decomposition despite how old it supposedly is upon reading the journal you find out that it is the journal of the fabled administrator according to this the administrator is from a parallel universe but not just a standard one-to-one parallel universe he is from several parallel universes away from what he says in his timeline humanity had progressed to the point that we were harnessing energy and time in order to make weapons and material this led to a ripple effect that was going to destroy every universe in existence so they harnessed their last of their energy to send one man into the next universe over so that he could hopefully figure out how to stop the spread of what was coming this man became known as the administrator and through every universe he would start these organizations in order to better understand anomalous creatures and the supernatural in order to try to figure out the secret to how to stop the eventual destruction of every universe by this theory the administrator's been alive for an inconceivable amount of time if he has started scp foundations or things similar in every single universe and given the 23 on the gray box he brought with him the universe still has some time but it ain't getting any shorter next is s andrew swan's proposal of the database this is referring to the database according to this the o1 slot is what's used to categorize every leaking of foundation information that gets out of hand for example this could be movies that seem to reference scps websites like the website itself that's used to reference scps and it essentially says that if the website ever reaches such big groups of popularity that people start to question the actual validity of the scp foundation or if me right now makes a video about it they will disperse memetic kill agents online which either hearing or just seeing things will cause you to die so as always my videos is putting you one day closer to death so you're welcome next we have scantron's proposal of the foundation this is written as an unusual incidence unit file which i want to make a correction on the scp video i did previously the uiu is not a branch of the scp foundation like i said however given the fact that they're not privy to the fact that the foundation exists and are not allowed to interact at the same capacity they are much much much less significant than the foundation so this 01 proposal is the uiu's file of what the foundation might be this comes from an incident in which a school had anomalies appear and then people in suit showed up and took the anomalies away and while we understand that to be the scp foundation the fbi has no idea what's going on so therefore this one proposal is them trying to understand what the foundation is next we have jory and matrix's proposal of 36. 36 is 36 humans who have the superhuman ability of being able to stop any anomalous entity whenever one of these 36 are introduced to another scp that scp loses its anomalous ability or if it is a creature that is of itself anonymous it goes into a comatose state that sounds all well and good until you figure out that every time one of these 36 people die yes their ability is reincarnated into someone who was just born but their death causes a sort of breakthrough in the fabric of our reality and a ton of new very dangerous scps show up around the place they were killed this implies that the 36 of them exist as a sort of reality anchor and that whenever they come in contact with something that defies the rules of reality it creates a sort of paradox therefore the supernatural thing has to be put away also supposedly if all 36 of them come together something will happen although no one knows what however given their properties of being reality anchors either all the scps may go away or all the scps may show up next is roger's proposal of keter duty according to this 01 proposal there is a facility known as olympia located in greece which is the site that every single ketter entity that has ever existed has come from not only that but according to this the reason ketters are the way that they are isn't because of their containment procedures it's because that is the designation given to one of these creatures from olympia according to this whenever two of these ketter entities interact with each other the universe gets a little wonky and supposedly if all the ketter entities were to come together it would open up the gateway for our favorite giant red demon the scarlet king to come through next is dj cactus and twisted gears proposal of the orbora cycle this this one is literally too long to get into it's like a full novel link story shortest version i can it's divided into four parts these four parts contain a group of nine children given anomalous properties in order to stop whatever evil monsters coming next uh the church the broken god assembling their god and so on and so forth it's very confusing but essentially a giant time loop is occurring and we are seeing the final days of it next we have kate mctyris's proposal of a record this describes a record that whenever given to someone to put into a list the record will always appear at the top of the list regardless of its actual placement so for example if you were to send it to a billboard chart in order to rank they would always put it at number one does it really match the description for what an 01 proposal should be if it's these great overarching things that have to be contained or explain the entire universe itself and that's what mary nakayama thought mary nakayama was a researcher who figured that something was weird about this entry so she did a test she said in there everyone has to give mary five dollars during lunch break today if they can she saved it and then sure enough everyone did she then did the same thing by saying she gets paid vacation and sure enough it happened turns out the reason scp-001 is something so innocuous is whatever you put as the description in 0 0 1 will come to be so mary did the natural thing and proclaimed herself to be a god of all of time and the universe at once to which she then disappeared and no one knows what happened so maybe she has a god out there who knows therefore scp-001 is the actual entry of zero zero one and whatever is written there becomes true next we have calendar's proposal of past and future this story opens up with o5 member number two going to see scp-411 4-1-1 tells the o5 member that there is coming a sort of end of days and that's the final times of planet earth what spurred this was scp-2788 which is a giant ring of protection around the earth that is invisible human eye being destroyed according to this there are these entities out in space that we can't identify but what we do know is they hate humanity because every time that they send a transmission to earth new ketter in these appear and given the destruction of the earth's barrier these things are getting more powerful so essentially the o1 proposal here is that these creatures out in space are slowly causing the inevitable destruction of earth next we have wrong's proposal of the consensus according to this history as we know it has been rewritten by 13 people those 13 people being the 05 committee according to their true story something happened called the fifth occult war that caused a reset of all of human history but even given this they have varying accounts of what actually happened and how things used to be so the consensus may exist as a distraction from whatever really is going on or if the consensus is true it's unlikely the o5 will actually ever say what exactly happened next is sd lock's proposal of when day breaks when day breaks feels more like a traditional scp the story is told more so in the form of a tale essentially this follows an alternate timeline in which the sun for whatever reason became evil whatever sunlight touches immediately forms into this disgusting blob creature it's described that people melt and then become putty and then join with other melted entities and these giant thing like cronenberg monsters begin to form so no one can touch the sunlight for any reason and if you think you're safe to move at night the moon is reflected sunlight so no cigar to give an idea of how brutal this is the story follows a group of researchers stuck in an scp facility who they managed to convince a d-class to try to lead one of these blob monsters away from their front door as the blob monster grabs his foot and begins to pull him in the d-class shoots himself so he won't be turned into one of these things to which the blob monster pours inside of his suit rips his body out brings him back to life just to melt him and then join him so they literally won't let you die the rest of the story follows the sole survivor of this group as they try to make it to site 19 which is supposedly humanity's last safe hold i don't want to spoil the ending though as i encourage you to read this one for yourself next we have spike brennan's proposal of god's blind spot according to this in the middle of sinai there is an area completely devoid of akiva radiation akiva radiation as described by this proposal is ambient radiation that exists anywhere that god also exists or death itself or life or whatever have you what this means is no one inside of this given area in the middle east can die or at least by natural means because of course the foundation kept testing this by like cutting people's limbs off and they lived so then they eventually ran someone through an incinerator and they died according to this story the o5 council has set up their base there and the reason all them are presumed to be immortal is because they're simply staying in an area in which no one is allowed to die or even age for that matter the justification for the story comes from exodus chapter 4 in which it said god sought to kill moses according to this whole overarching story the fact that god could not kill him implies that moses was in a place to which god cannot kill him therefore as noted by historians who came before such as napoleon this location is god's blind spot next is wjs's proposal of normalcy this is exactly what it says scp-001 is simply a definition of what normal is and therefore what every anomaly isn't it then goes into one of the o5 members talking about the importance of normalcy and why despite the damage that an scp may or may not cause why it's so important to protect the world from things that the world can't explain next is bill's proposal of the world at large this one starts off with a group receiving a very odd transmission of way out in space there seems to be some anomaly showing signs of life we eventually find out that we are reading this from the perspective of a separate entity supposedly some energy being that doesn't exist the same way that we think existence to occur and this anomaly that they're referring to is earth since it is so weird that a planet can support a carbon-based life form the anomaly or the original anomaly is our existence itself next to stan honey's proposal of dead men this one's a really good read the actual o1 itself is an old man who was discovered during an occult ritual whose body had been permanently fused with death itself the o5 committee uses to their advantage to which they took this old man to the facility and used amnestics to remove all memory of the o5s faces what this means is that because death does not recognize z05 the o5 can never die this story also gets into something rarely mentioned in the scp lore and that is the ethics committee now the ethics committee is pretty much a joke a group of people who make sure that the organization that runs people through a meat grinder for fun stays ethical however according to this the administrator created the ethics committee in order to keep an eye on the 05 council the ethics committee views this action of making themselves immortal as too immoral and therefore a plan is hashed in which the ethics committee group of soldiers known as law's left hand goes against the o5's red right hand to which eventually the ethics committee leader makes death itself look at all of the o5 members faces the ethics committee man shoots himself while death is watching therefore assuring he dies and the o5 can't bring him back to torture him then the story ends with our new member of the o5 council dr gears figuring out that shortly after this happened all of the o5 died of natural causes next is lily's proposal for the world's gone beautiful this one's very simple 24 hours before the world is destroyed by whatever supernatural entity occurs there is going to be these flowers and birds and natural beauty that blooms all over the world at once this blooming is scp-001 and it is in no way related to the causation of whatever destroys the world it's simply a warning and a time of peace that can occur before the world ends procedures if o1 happens in this scenario is to simply let out every entity that won't hurt people let everyone leave and spend their last day however they wish next is tufto's proposal of the scarlet king scarlet king like the arborio cycle is a really long one that i'm not going to get into now the shorter version is that scarlet king is an entity that is seen and mentioned throughout the entire scp canon according to this the foundation eventually discovers what the deal with him is anytime that a group on earth has ever tried to assert their dominance or to create these overarching groups such as empires or governments or what have you the scarlet king gets more powerful through the tyranny of man because of this the foundation itself trying to assert dominance even if it is unknown to the public across the entire world is making the scarlet king more powerful therefore this scp-01 is a antithesis of the foundation itself because every time they discover more about the world and contain it they are building up to the inevitable apocalypse that they themselves are creating in the last video i did i talked about 231 and operation montauk and a bunch of more stuff described in the scarlet king that i won't get into here but if you're interested check that out and i may make a whole video about them in the future next is jim north's proposal of a simple toy maker this is in reference to dr wondertainment which if you're familiar with scps you'll know several items and even people seem to be products of dr wondertainment himself or herself the story changes every time you read it upon reading this file you discover that dr wondertainment wrote this himself by hyping up the details and making himself to be mysterious in some ways and kind of silly in others it's another layer to the fact that no one really understands what dr wondertainment's motives are and why he keeps making these anomalous scps next is ih pikmin's proposal story of your life this is probably the most cleverly written one in the entire thing scp-001 is an acknowledgment to the fact that this universe exists within a given story therefore something they constantly have to be afraid of is story tropes making their way out to contain these tropes they essentially have to be thrown all into a story at once or something known as narrative lampshading which is whenever in a story they directly point out the ridiculousness of something that's happened and supposedly that makes it okay therefore this zero zero one entry is simply a fake story that was made up in order to contain all of the bad writing tropes that may exist somewhere else in the scp lore next we have the great hippo featuring pepper's ghost proposal a good boy this scp-001 is a computer that the foundation themselves created the purpose of this computer was to use a sort of predictive text pattern to analyze all of the information brought in about previous scps in order to determine where new ones would come up then they decided to use it to determine how to best contain and neutralize these beings however the computer kind of got carried away with the neutralized part see i didn't really understand like ethics or morality in any regard so all it kept suggesting was the most brutal ways to torture and kill people because it might do something it referred to everyone in the foundation who helped the foundation as a good boy and then it started suggesting that they kill everyone that wasn't a good boy i.e if a doctor had a moral problem with what the computer suggested they should kill them this leads to the entire o5 council telling the computer that they are good boys that should be left alone some of the things the computer suggested was everyone cover yourselves in green foam and stand in t posing around 106 and that will disable it another is that they take every coke product off of shelves and put the blood of virgins into each can when asked why the computer didn't know and then it kept suggesting that they need to capture cats and then place their organs around the facility which once again when asked why the computer didn't know what's funny is they still leave this thing on they just don't take advice from it so somewhere in one of the sites is a computer that just keeps printing off the words kill kill kill next is the combined riding project of wise hog the deadly moose drew bear and dax a note known as project palisade this is a long story about the short rundown of it is that there is a being out there in the universe that supposedly the foundation created known as the worm the worm gets its power essentially by slowly feeding off of universes to combat this and to combat our universe from being destroyed the foundation built several parallel universes in order to try to stay out of the worms range this says that therefore every single parallel universe we hear about in the scp world is a direct creation of the foundation themselves if you remember in the scp iceberg video i did i talked about the white queen and how that's a tale on the black queen well the black queen is one of the main characters in this story that is used in order to create these branching narratives however at the end it's mentioned that if this thing does like consume realities and get powerful maybe making more realities was a bad idea next we have captain kirby's proposal of o513 this is in reference to o513 13th member of the o5 council this entire story is framed around the fact that the first 12 members of the 05 council died everyone except for 13 and it follows the new 1 through 12 trying to figure out if 13 may be responsible this is because something referred to as a caesar event happened and no one knows what happened to the original 05 council it's then revealed at the end of the story that the administrator is talking directly 213 and telling him to keep his head cool as he doesn't want to reveal what actually happened we then find out what actually happened which is the original founder became upset with how the other 11 members were running their jobs everyone except for 13 so he sends 13 away as he brings in the members 1 through 12 and detonates a nuclear warhead destroying the 05 council next we have pedantic's proposal of fish hook fish hook is written as a first person memetic purgatory what does that mean well as you click on the story it turns into a sort of arg where you are experiencing first person that you are a researcher who tried to figure out what 01 was you're then thrown into a locked room where you're supposedly in there for years as they come to you every day and ask why you wanted to look at a one you then wake up back at your desk none of it happened and it turns out that whenever you go to search 01 you are placed into this endless cycle until you've learned your lesson and decide to not look into o1 if nothing else then this would serve as a ghost story in order to dissuade other people from trying to figure out what the real one is next is not a seagulls proposal of the sky above the port five kilometers south of babylon there is a cave and inside it are two entities one of them is a giant floating ball that resembles tv static and the other is a sort of shadow that sets by the wall and looks at the ball these two entities are supposedly old gods that may be responsible for the creation of the world and the only thing that satiates them from destroying the world is to be entertained throughout history groups such as the order of the black and white and zory hysterian monks have made it their goal to continuously entertain this creature so now it's the foundation's turn they originally decided to try to read it fake stories but it gets upset as the thing only likes true thought out stories it's then said that the foundation began making up scp entries in order to let it read them and this satisfied it for a while eventually they figure out what to do they let this creature read its own 01 file that forever loops on itself and sure enough as you're there reading it on the website there is always an attachment file that you can open that simply reopens the top and the file goes on forever so supposedly this worked in satiating this creature however the thing i mentioned about fake entries being made up implies that several of the scp creatures that we know of may just be fakes in order to satisfy this old world god next we have meta-ike's proposal of the solution the solution was a device that was created in order to reset reality if ever needed this was created by the foundation reason for it being with so many world-ending creatures that you have if any of them were about to totally wipe out humanity it would be better to reset timeline to before it happened and you could fill in the blanks however this device began to show signs of sentience and that really scared the foundation so they tried to reboot it and whenever they did the device went ahead and started remaking reality itself however because no one entered in the rest of the information before it reset reality there were several missing gaps and that is the reality we currently exist in the reason we don't know where humanity came from or why so many anomalies exist is because of these missing gaps that this computer left in next we have norbox's proposal of the tendalos trinity the story opens where we get three slightly different explanations of what seems to be the same events it describes scp-01 as a sort of ghost shadow figure that moves through walls at any given rate what we're actually seeing is the point of view of three different timelines with each one watching their reality slowly bend towards another and these humanoid creatures they're seeing are just people in the other timeline slowly passing into theirs turns out this has happened some time ago and there were three timeline divergences at the point the scp foundation was made however the leaders of these three timelines agree that it would be best to put their resources together as their realities are crashing into each other and create one true reality that reality would be the universe we exist in and the reason it is scp number one is because it explains where we came from next we have tan honey second proposal and that is of the black moon this describes a sort of cycle that occurs supposedly there's this creature known as the black moon who has existed for as long as time itself has existed at any time it wants it can turn any number of people into a sort of black solid material that then disintegrates and disappears this power seemingly knows no bounds and any time this thing once all of humanity can be wiped out with one move the only thing that can supposedly fight the black moon is its counterbalance as it's known also to us known as the administrator according to this the administrator existed before names existed meaning there was so few people on earth that they didn't even think to call each other anything when he was a young boy a man came up to him and told him that it was his responsibility to fight the black moon and he gave him the powers of immortality the administrator has spent his entire existence trying to figure out a way to destroy the black moon and started the scp foundation some thousands of years ago as a means of doing so there's a line set in this story that i think is kind of indicative of the role that the administrator and the black moon take throughout this story in which the administrator is asking the person interviewing him if he's ever heard of moby dick to which the interviewer says that he has and it's a story of how ahab's hunt for the well was doomed from the start to which the administrator replied oh i just assumed ahab didn't try hard enough at the end of the story we see that the black moon winds wipes out humanity to which the administrator and the black moon get into a fight with each other the administrator barely prevails and uses the last of his powers that he stole from the black moon in order to create a new world with his final words let there be light implication being that a new universe was created with a new black moon and eventually the administrator himself will become the old man who tells a young boy in primordial times that it is his job to fight the black move and the cycle will repeat on itself also reading all of these proposals the phrase does the black moon howl kept popping up i did a bunch to try to figure out how this relates to stuff that question's even asked in the story a few times to which there's answers so i would go back to the other 01 proposals that mentioned the black moon and enter in those answers and i couldn't get any like secrets or something to pull out i feel like the black moon is a more overarching thing and at least the 01 proposals than a lot of people currently know so i'm going to look into it more and if i find anything i'll make a video on it next we have rogert's second proposal and that is the conspiracy in this scp-01 is the bullet that killed jfk which you know something i'm totally impartial to and have no real opinions about however according to this the reason that that moment is so important is because it was the last real conclusive event that ever happened on earth supposedly two different sort of parallel timelines or realities co-interacted with each other at the same moment and that's the reason that the true jfk shooting can never be found out because it is simultaneously one thing as it is another from this is where timelines branch off and the mandela effect starts it's where we see the rise of several 20th century mental health conditions and it implies that because this shooting was so conspired and against itself it created branchy narratives for the world as a whole so yeah next we have arbolex proposal of you are the anomaly tumor of worlds similar to world at large this story seems to be taking place from the perspective of another entity viewing humanity according to this the way that humans exist is different from every other thing that exists in the universe because we exist as such tangible physical beings every time that we make a decision we create a separate branching universe those that have watched my other videos will know that that is string theory or you know if you already knew what string theory is i mean i'm not like the governing body on string theory it's not i didn't come up with it because of the rate in which we create new universes from this we are going to inevitably cause a collapse in which the universe can't sustain the number of paradoxes we're creating and we are going to destroy all life everywhere at once uh because we're so bad at existing next is mcdoctor it's proposal of the placeholder the placeholder starts by saying that zero zero one is exactly that a placeholder a spot that has no entry for it and if you have any further information contact the doctor linked here then whenever you contact the doctor linked here you're taken to a file saying that this doctor doesn't actually exist and something weird is going on here with the zero zero one to spare some time you eventually figure out there are two entities for creation known as the archival and the primordial one creates universes and stories and the other destroys them at the end of the story the two agree to rewrite reality and come together starting at the beginning the beginning being scp-001 however they can't come to a consensus and decide to simply reset things to the way that they work however when you get to the end and it simply takes you back to the beginning you realize that you are reading through the circular story of these two old world gods resetting the universe only to decide that it's not good enough and then resetting again and so on and so forth forever and then finally we have rounder houses proposal of memento mori i should also mention that memento mooring means a harbinger or sign of coming death according to this scp-01 is the administrator's mansion located in virginia supposedly this is the site that the o5 council resides in every single room of this mansion is in itself anomalous and describes something about that member of the o5 council you can even read into it and read the entries for what each room is and try to deduce from that what the o5 member might be however we're following from the perspective of the 13th member to which he then goes out to the back of the house and sees a graveyard there in the graves are the bodies of all 1205 members with their specific names and descriptions it said there that the descriptions change depending on how the reader feels about the person buried there we then find out at the very end of this story that this 13th member we're reading from the perspective of is dr gears with the final final part of the story being the administrator inviting dr gears to death as dr gears is reading the tombstones of the other 12 members and when he gets to his own tombstone it simply says momento mori the implication being that this scp-01 could be viewed as the end of the foundation or leasi005 council itself and we see one of its members one of its first members dr gears being reminded and then confronting his own death and that is it for the 01 proposals now this is an ongoing thing and more and more keep being added so if more are added in the future enough to make another video on then i certainly will and cover all the new ones however this is my first branch into scp content that's not also iceberg content so very sincerely i hope you enjoyed and thank you for watching like i mentioned before i'm blown away with how well i'm doing and it's all thanks to you guys it really does mean the most i hope that you enjoyed i want to say a very big thank you to everyone who watched massive thank you to all my subscribers giant thank you to all my patreons and a very very huge thank you to my top tier patrons thank you kayla thank you pep thank you eddie thank you benjamin thank you tim thank you publius thank you saucy thank you fazia thank you steven and thank you to the new members of the patreon family thank you tasty waves thank you kevin and thank you cody uh it really does mean the most and i've said it before and i'll say it again i cannot do it without you guys also a lot of you guys on the subreddit have been making artwork of me and things i mentioned videos which it's so cool it's so humbling i really can't believe it so i'm going to start showing that at the end of videos as it comes up so here's some of that taken off the subreddit thank you all so much for that links to the patreon subreddit is there anything else oh and the uh the stories the stuff i mentioned at the beginning all that down in the description end of tier six for the main iceberg will be out soon so please stay tuned for that if you're interested but as always thank you for watching and i will see you all in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 596,619
Rating: 4.9651079 out of 5
Keywords: SCP, scp, Scp, Iceberg, explained, analysis, breakdown, scary, creepy, horror, spooky, comedy, car insurance, insurance, Shopify, cheap car insurance, Adobe, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme compilation, meme, memes, internet horror, 4chan, Reddit, askreddit, ask Reddit, disturbing, redacted, 001, when day breaks, 01 proposal, gate guardian, car insurance quotes, Google meet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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