The Most Disturbing Cult of All Time: The Ant Hill Kids

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This is crazy. I am from Ontario and it seems like this is so unknown and untold even around the area where this stuff occurred.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/emainem 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

This isn’t talked about in Ontario. My mom took a course in cult behaviour and was shocked to learn about this. She even said she didn’t hear about it in the news here, which is surprising especially since this came as she was taking the course. Anyone know why we don’t talk about this?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JudgeandJuri 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody welcome back to windigoon and today we are talking about the ant hill kids cult now i want to get this disclaimer out of the way one of the reasons that i wanted to do this video separately from the religion in cold iceberg is that there is a lot of heavy material in this i'm not going to show any pictures of it i'm not going to be unnecessarily crude but i am going to say exactly what happened to these people and i'm not going to pull any punches i want to bring light to this not only to emphasize the horrors that these people went through but also as a sort of cautionary tale for the atrocities that some people are capable of i also want to mention there's this cool podcast called colts who i listen to in preparation for this and not only this story but several other stories they go much more in depth with the psychology and the background of it whereas i'm mostly going to be talking about the events of what happened they talk about everything surrounding it as well their link will be in the description if you're interested in that also as you could imagine uh this is the perfect video to get demonetized so i am very proud to lead you into and to announce our first sponsor fame money women or guys if you're into that what do all of these things have in common that's right hairy men i mean look at this guy do you think he could have been like the fourth president of the united states without that sick mane or this guy i don't even know he is but he looks cool i'm sure he did something you know why i know he looks cool the hair and i know what you may be asking but windagoon all of my hair is falling out how can i be as amazing and powerful as these old people but don't worry friend i'm proud to introduce our first sponsor and the help to all of your problems keeps is your hair thinning and that bald spot becoming more of a reverse bowl cut welding keeps is just the product you need keeps isn't just some gas station peel that's supposed to restore 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can keep spraying you all of these things no but it will give you the hair and right now using the link below in the description at forward slash windagoon you can get 50 off your first order once again 50 off forward slash wendagoon thank you all for listening thank you keeps for being my first sponsor it really does mean the world and we are back to the video can you believe that i've got a sponsor now like thank you all for just putting me this far and it really does mean the most so without further ado we'll go ahead and get into it but as always thank you for watching to understand the anthill kids you have to understand their root problem and their leader rock thoreau rock was born may 16th of 1947 to a family in quebec canada everyone around him said that he was incredibly smart from a young age but for some reason dropped out in the 7th grade in hindsight a lot of people tend to believe it may simply be because either a lack of home care or a problem with authority or a combination of the two regardless of the reason as rogue grew up he became very obsessed with the old testament and specifically prophecies of doomsday shortly thereafter he became a devout seventh-day adventist and i want to make this note as i mentioned in the iceberg just because this crazy wacko cult person identified as part of this religion that is not indicative of the religion itself as a matter of fact there are several values of seventh-day adventists such as no drinking that he turned on its head when he decided that social drinking was acceptable also he was kicked out of the church he attended for trying to assume too much power which is a very treacherous foreshadowing of what was to come later around the 1970s he started doing this thing which he would have been in his mid-20s around the time he would approach common people at bars or restaurants or even a church and begin to talk to them about his faith and his belief everyone around rogue said he was an incredibly charismatic man not only that but he was known to tell little subtle lies such as about his past to give himself a sadder backstory or miraculous things god has done for him in his life in order to seem more approachable and interesting to average people and this is something else i kind of want to point out throughout this story is the way that cult leaders operate see a lot of people have this sort of idea in their heads and i think a lot of it's due to hollywood that whenever a cult starts it's automatically lesser-minded people talking to someone who's a really good public speaker but in like 90 percent of cases that's not what happens normally the manipulation takes a really long time or at least a lot of reason to give into it so imagine there's someone you know who you've become really good friends with and after years of talking and getting to know that person they begin to want to help you to understand why they have it so great on its own this is nothing wrong it can be god it can be a relationship or something similar but the difference with cult leaders is that one way or the other it usually comes back on themselves so if you're about to lose your job or unhappy with your situation in life and then one of your year-long friends tells you that he's starting a commune in the mountains where you don't have to worry about any of it it may sound like a good idea and that's exactly what he did rock invited people into his commune in the region known as saint marie quebec in which he told people they could live a life free of sin and worry however the first sign of something being amiss would come whenever rogue said that in february of 1979 god would return not only that but that he would destroy the earth and they had to find a place to hold up so in 1978 the entire commune took a hike through the mountains to a region known as saint hugo's or hogues of that i i'm sorry i'm not french to which the group at the time consisted of himself four men nine women and four kids once they got to the mountaintop rock laid back and made everyone else get to work building a commune consisting of cabins common housing and things similar and from watching all of them work and him doing nothing roque decided to call the group the anthill kids as he attributed them all to little children working in an ant hill for himself the queen this is also the first step to his real in-game manipulation as what he was doing was getting all of the members consistently tired and at his beck and call so in other words people got to the point where it was a daily occurrence to just do whatever rogue says and don't really question it because you don't have the energy to but then eventually february of 1979 came and god didn't when members of the cold asked why hasn't god come if you said he is rogue said that god's time is not our time and even got into an argument over the differences between the israeli and the roman calendar saying that it was a miscalculation on his part for not understanding god but the god was still coming soon he used this as an excuse to say that he just needed more prep time and not only that but that he needed more followers for whenever god does arrive using this as an excuse he then married or married the nine women in the cult to which he fathered twenty children with however an event quickly came that ruined their little mountaintop love shack utopia roke also proclaimed time and time again that he was a healer or that god spoke through him as a means of taking ailments away from people this mostly just resulted in him doing some like weird surgeries such as bloodletting or random exploratory surgeries and things of the like however and we're starting on the intense stuff now this changed one day when two-year-old samuel gilgar had trouble going to the bathroom or more specifically urinating rogue proclaiming that he knew exactly what he was doing proceeded to take a scalpel and cut open samuels yeah to which samuel as you can imagine a two-year-old would would not stop crying as punishment for this rook then ordered a man by the name of guy veer to punish samuel now all of this information i'm talking about has been described by members of the cult who have survived and what their tellings of it have been in recent years so there isn't exactly a single diagnosis we can pinpoint however it was general consensus that this man guy veer was very mentally handicapped furthermore family members of god before he left for the cult have added on saying that yes he was mentally deficient and while we may not know specifically given the time that all of this occurred it was generally understood that guy had trouble understanding things and was not the person who one would ask to discipline a child and during his punishment of the child for crying guy veer killed the two-year-old samuel in an attempt to hide the body rock ordered that they burned the body of two-year-old samuel which it didn't really work so they then buried it near the commune as punishment for this rope then castrated guy veer guy veer then died of his injuries to which he told the entire cult to tell the police that he was killed by a horse see at the time these people are still interacting with the town around them so whenever guy goes missing that would be suspicious so the cult then goes to the local police department says the guy was killed with being trampled by horses which did make sense to the police at least because there were horses on the property and samuel was killed to which they tried to cremate the body obviously the police were hesitant of this especially since everyone else in the cult seemed very quiet except for their leader rogue however as psychiatrists would go on to state later rope was able to charm the pants off of everyone he talked to so much so that one psychiatrist who interviewed him at this time said that rock is a completely safe man and in a later case said that rook was capable of housing the children that were under his care furthermore after all of this came out after all of what i'm about to talk about was said and done this same psychiatrist believed rogue so much that they still profess that he was a good person and was not responsible for his actions it really goes to show what attributes a master manipulator can have so while the police wanted to charge him with something rook was able to talk them out of a real investigation and the charges were dropped however during this time in which they were awaiting trial or awaiting to see what charges they could press rock as well several of his followers were in jail during this time which was just shy of a year the followers that were not in jail set up a house just outside of the jail so that they could come and speak to rogue and the other members every day as soon as rogue got out of jail he convinced all of the members to leave to which they did to an area known as burnt river ontario in 1984. at the time there were 40 members which is counting his 20 children also different signs of the cult began to shine through at this time for example all of them except for rope of course had to wear matching tunics as a way to show their unity or whatever it was really just another way to further dehumanize the group of people see this stair step effect kept happening whenever they first joined the cult broke told them that they were not allowed to talk to their friends or family as that will maintain a worldly connection to which they cannot separate themselves to god now the signs such as the tunics are getting more evident however if you're a member of the cult it seems like a natural progression while at burnt river ontario the cult made their money by selling local goods and foods to the people of burnt river this included things like maple syrup preserves smoked fish all sold under the moniker of the anthill kids it was at this point that rock really doubled down on the authoritarian thing to which he began drinking violently and set up rules such as members could not have sex with each other and even not communicate to each other without rogue's permission this meant that all communication and all form of open thought had to be funneled through him it even got to the point where he started hosting things which he called gladiator tournaments in which members of the cult had to get into a dirt rink and fight each other until he called forfeit which left people with several broken bones and noses before we get into the really hard stuff that he did i kind of want to bring up a concept that i think is important to understand why things like this can happen for those that don't know there is something called the frog in the water concept if you've never seen it before which i wouldn't blame you whenever you go to cook a frog you don't have to kill it you don't shoot it or stab it or anything like that that you would a traditional meat animal what you do is you take a pot of water and drop a frog into it the frog will get comfortable in the water and set there and all you have to do is periodically make the fire a little bit hotter as long as you don't jump up too much at once the frog will continue to set there in the hot bath you can do this again and again and eventually get it to the point that the frog boils to death without jumping out because you were slow enough and it didn't realize there was a change whereas if you take a frog and try to throw it in a pot of boiling water all at once it'll immediately jump out and this same concept is exactly what happens to a lot of people in these situations see it starts out as i want a separation from this life i want to do something better for me or god or my friends or whatever so this guy's gonna help me do that good i should go with him oh he wants me to not be attached to worldly pleasures well that makes sense i'll get rid of all of my stuff and my connections oh he's wrong about his predictions of god coming back well like he said god's time is different than our time i guess that makes sense oh he led an event in which a mentally handicapped man killed a child and then he killed the mentally handicapped man well that makes sense because he's a healer and then the child didn't understand that so the child needed to be taught so then the mentally ill man tried to teach the child to which the mentally ill man then needed to be taught and it all makes sense because he knows what he's doing because he talks to god and i want to emphasize that because a lot of people just kind of point at these situations and think wow how could anyone be so dumb but in actuality it's just the frog in the water and even though it keeps getting hotter and even though these people who are very logically thinking if they would have seen this situation from a mile out would identify that it's wrong because they've been setting in it and because the water's just been getting a little bit hotter bit by bit it's harder to recognize that they're boiling to death so speaking of we're going to get into some of the more extreme things that happened after this as you can imagine various members of the cult decided that they wanted to leave at this point it wasn't irregular for a rope to be to subjects at first with a belt but then a hammer and then the blunt side of an axe and yeah if someone decided that they wanted to leave the standard procedure was to tie them to the ceiling pluck all of their hairs out of their body before rock would defecate on them in one instance he had a member prove their worth to the cult by breaking their own legs with a sledgehammer and he also did things to people such as making them sit on lit stoves shoot each other in the shoulder and even cut off the toes of other members to prove their own loyalty also there was an imaginable amount of sexual abuse mixed in with this as well this also didn't just stop as the adults as the children had their own realm of hell to go through as whenever a child was acting up it was not uncommon for them to be nailed to a tree and had rocks thrown at them by the other children another thing that you've got to realize is that this happened over the course of several years and something that's often seen in abuse situations of all types is something known as the honeymoon phase see like i mentioned that charisma that rook had never went away and i'd imagine that his followers believe in god didn't go away either so essentially this figure who was in their life who said that he was a mouthpiece for god who was extremely nice caring and charismatic to them 99 of the time just had his weak moments or at least that's how they saw it as we see it and as i'm reading here he would get belligerently drunk and then horrifically abuse members of his own people but to the people living it this is just a kind and nice man who has his bad moments and that's normally how cult leaders trick people into continued subjugation however in 1987 one of the women recognized that while she may deserve what's happening to her or while it may be for the greater good she doesn't want this to happen to others so one night during a blizzard she left her two-month-old child out in the cold to freeze to death in order to escape the horrors of rogue someone came across the body of this two-month-old child to which the police then investigated and began an actual investigation see the issue was roque had registered the anthill kids as an official church so it's not like the police could come in there with warrants guns blazing and just pull everyone out of the houses because of religious laws in canada however what they could do was investigate the welfare of the children so due to the investigation in 1987 all children were removed leading the cult as just roke two men and eight women after the kids left roke got much worse whereas normally he would do a bad thing apologize for it be good for a while and then do a bad thing again there was a lot less good and a lot less apologies in the meantime one of the first things he did after the colt left was castrate a male follower by wrapping a rubber band around his genitals to which it eventually became infected and fell off he also began doing things such as burning their genitalia with soldering irons and other completely unimaginable torture methods and claimed that all this was because either they're not trying hard enough or god told them to however the final culmination this came in september of 1988 with solange bollyard i know i talked about some brutal stuff before i'll be talking about some really brutal stuff now so one last time to say it viewer discretion advised solange earlier that day had complained of a sore stomach to which roque said that he could help her to which he laid her on a kitchen table took off her shirt punched her in the stomach and then put a plastic tube in her lower intestine to which he then induced an enema using oil and molasses keep in mind through this entire thing he says he knows exactly what he's doing as he's a gifted healer he then cut open her abdomen pulled out a piece of her intestine and with his bare hands broke off a piece and just tucked the rest of it back in before stitching her up he also had members of the cult take a plastic tube insert it down her throat and began breathing into it as a way to inflate her digestive tract somehow solange lived through the night although she died in agony the next day this did not stop rope though as he then said it was his job to resurrect her and using a very butchered and horrific version of the garden of eden he decided he was to do so with the seed of man so he cut open her abdomen took out her uterus drilled a hole into her skull and then had him as well as the rest of the men in the cult commit acts of necrophilia obviously this didn't resurrect her however he pulled out one of her ribs and then wore it as a necklace saying it was as eve came from the rib of adam and blah blah her body was then buried a short distance away from the commune itself keep in mind at this point everyone is experiencing extreme versions of stockholm syndrome that includes one member by the name of gabriela lavalier who had experienced her own abuse when after complaining about toothache she had eight of her teeth pulled as well as the aforementioned solderizing and having a hypodermic needle broken off and being left in her back after everything that happened her and after seeing what have happened to solange she decided to get out of there in july of 1989 she attempted to make her escape however she was caught by rogue who then took her inside pinned her arm to the wall with a hunting knife and then amputated her arm using a chainsaw finally the nightmare ended in august 16th when gabriella managed to make an actual escape on her second attempt she went hitchhiking to a hospital just north of toronto in which even then she was apprehensive to report what had happened saying that her arm had been broken in several places and rock took care of her by amputating it eventually the truth began to come out especially when police who ever since the children were taken away from the cult began to suspect something nefarious was going on came to gabriela and began to ask her about what really happened when finally in august of 1989 rook was arrested for three counts of aggravated assault and one count of unlawful bodily harm he pled guilty to these and received 12 years in prison however as soon as rogue was taken away from the anthill kids at this point they all immediately began to turn on him or at least most did this led to one of the members showing the authorities the body of solangi bullyard to which led to roque having a second murder sentence stacked on top of his current sentence which gave him life in jail with the possibility of parole in the year 2000 however he was never granted parole as we'll find out shortly also how i mentioned that most of the cult turned their back on him well while in jail he was still able to father four more children with women of the cult who came to visit him during conjucal visits this really shows the effect or at least long-term trauma that this abuser had on his victims and also if there's any question in your mind of maybe rock believed his own hype as i kind of had going into this while in jail he got in trouble for trying to sell his drawings and poems that he had ridden while in jail on a website called which prides itself on selling memorabilia of serial killers so yeah i don't really think he cared finally all this ended when on february 26th of 2011 the 63 year old roque thoreau was killed by matthew mcdonald while in prison matthew had been roxal mate and had gotten really tired of rope talking about the actions that he committed while a cult leader to which matthew took a shiv stav rope to death in the neck went to a guard station dropped the shiv off and said i'm quoting that piece of [ __ ] is down on the range here's the knife i've sliced him up this added a life sentence onto the life sentence that matthew was already earning and as far as i'm concerned that should have counted as community service hours the anthill kids has to be one of the most disturbing cult stories i've ever read because at least with other stories such as jonestown yes while the leader was malicious and evil and led it there were still people underneath him that further pushed his mantra onto others and made it seem like there was more people who believed whatever he was spewing and even with jonestown there were several members who it was proven after the suicides were trying to fight back or at least get away whereas here it seems as if rock maintained total control over them it shows what happens if one malicious person is given the years and attention needed in order to start a following and while thankfully the majority of the members of the anthill kids survived afterwards there's no way to cope with the pain and trauma of what they saw and my thoughts and prayers are still with the members of the cult who are alive today who had to bear these unimaginable [ __ ] but i want to highlight something in it that i think is important that a lot of people overstep when they read stories like this and that's gabriella think about the position gabriella had to be in she not only had children with this man but she was surrounded by his teachings at all times and literally lived for several years beneath his thumb to which she then decided to break the cycle and escape and she was horrifically punished for it but then she tried to escape again one month later the willpower that she had to have to not only break that cycle of abuse but after experiencing an extreme punishment for doing so do the same thing again and not only that but her getting out and telling the police could have saved some if not all of their lives the reason this story didn't end like jonestown with everyone dead is quite possibly because gabriella tried again and while yes it is a horrific and evil tale and it's interesting as i always say to look down the rabbit hole and see how bad it is i want to also emphasize these pieces of light in the darkness because the world will always be an evil place as long as there's people like rogue thoreau but it will also always be a good place as long as there's people like gabriella and on that hopefully not so downer of an ending thank you all for watching this channel has gone places that i can't even imagine or really comprehend i like i did a sponsor read at the beginning of this and that's hard for me to even take in our process and i'm blessed i'm blessed beyond all measure and it's all thanks to you all i'm at like 180 000 subscribers right now and i remember whenever i did the childhood trauma video i talked about how ten thousand seem like an impossible number to me and ten thousand still seems like an impossible number to me and here i am now and i i can't believe it just thank you all so much for that so thank you to everyone who watched thank you to all my viewers thank you so much to all of my subscribers it really does mean the most um thank you to all of my patrons and a massive thank you to my top tier patrons you can see their names as they're scrolling through here your boy the real cody uh j-bops i'm just doing some off of memory oh there's honey and there's uh knights of the round table and all that so hi guys i'll start randomly just shooting out names because i appreciate you all i really can't thank you all enough for giving me this opportunity giving me this platform because it's always been like a pipe dream of mine to get to where i'm at now and now i'm here and it's all thanks to you all so i i sincerely mean it from the bottom of my heart thank you there are some very interesting projects on the way i believe the next video will be the conclusion of tier 7 of the conspiracy theory iceberg so stay tuned for that if you're interested but above all else just thank you for watching i'm glad you were a part of this and i will see you all in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 4,217,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, review, horror, scary, spooky, creepy, funny, comedy.humor, laugh, lol, meme, memes, meme compilation, compilation, top ten, top 10, tier list, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, secret, movie, film, coen brothers, anton chigur, josh brolin, countdown, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, shopify, car insurance, cheap car insurance, mortgage, home insurance, cheap home insurance, cheap insurance, childhood trauma
Id: jzdC1zxXgpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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