The Bible Theory Iceberg Explained

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I love my dad

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/Rdken13 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/BulletBillDudley 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/andrecinno 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

babe wake up dad uploaded

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/iz-re 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/FUCKITIMPOSTING 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

My boy windigoon killing it once again :)

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Corndagg 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh crap, wendigoon has a reddit account! Hi dude, thx for all the iceberg vids love ur content kthxbye

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MrSarmale 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why didnt I save my acid for this moment?

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/dannally 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wendigoon is the goat

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/nico_Damien 📅︎︎ May 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
so you guys know that i don't really like to talk about controversial topics that much you know i'm pretty much sort of a straight shooter just likes to keep everything you know say for youtube and stuff so today i figured we'd talk about something incredibly non-controversial uh the bible that is right everyone today we are doing the bible or bible theory iceberg this chart is credit of user e milos 260 or e m emilo if that whatever it is sorry there's a couple things i want to get clear before we get started for one this is looking at theories and a lot of the lesser known aspects of the bible itself this isn't going to be me sitting here talking to you about how salvation works or concepts of the bible work this isn't a sermon by any means this is just talking about sort of interesting or cool concepts in the bible that don't get mentioned a lot and the theories that surround them i'm going to be talking more about the bigger implications of some of these and what it means for the concept of the canon of scripture itself so basically we're going to be looking at the really weird stuff and i'm going to be talking about how it might work i just want to make it clear that i am a christian which once again i'm not going to be sitting here trying to convert you all by any means or whatever i'm just going to be talking about these concepts but i want people to know that i come to it with a place of reverence so if you believe in any of these things and i make a joke about it or whatever i want you know i'm just being light-hearted i think it's very interesting especially if you believe in the bible to look at some of the more far out there concepts that may not be that well known and to sort of analyze them and break them down and see what they really mean or if you have no belief in the bible even to hear about some of these concepts is not only educational but also cool so in other words i'm not doing this to make fun of anyone or preach at anybody this is just a fun look at some of the crazy things that are mentioned in the bible and i don't want anyone to come out of this video worrying about their faith but do you know what you do need to worry about that's right internet privacy but worry no more thanks to today's sponsor surf shark vpn surfshark is the do-it-all vpn that offer services that are too long to list for this ad serv shark not only protects your personal information while you're online but also allows you a further reach of access when you're online as well like for example take a show like attack on titan which i certainly wouldn't watch because i'm definitely not a weeb or anything but you know if someone wanted to watch that for whatever reason it's unavailable on netflix in the us but if you use surf shark and change your location to japan you've got the whole show at your fingertips i've been using surfshark as of late and i can tell you that there is a comfort in both knowing that you can do more and be safer while online 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godhead in the bible god is often referred to as the trinity or in other parts it is one god divided into three separate parts there's god the father god the son and god the holy spirit god the father is traditionally believed as the god or the one that reigns at the top of heaven and everything else works under him so whenever someone is referring to god even though the trinity is often described as one person but also three which we'll talk about in a bit they are referring to god the father god the spirit is often attributed as working amongst men if unseen and causing things like miracles and divine appointments and sort of god in the details in everyday life and god the son is the next topic on the iceberg jesus jesus which is also known as the son of god is not literally an offspring of god himself or at least not in the christian canon and is instead the part of god that was made human for a time on earth in order to be the sacrifice for sins so while we're still establishing god the father is in heaven or you could think as the soul the holy spirit works on heaven and earth and you could think of as a spirit and then the son of god or jesus was made flesh on earth and you could think as the body which is where common ideas of soul body and spirit come to mind the seven days of creation refers to in the first book of the bible genesis it describes that the entirety of the universe was created in seven days technically it's only six days of creation because it says on the seventh day god rested which is why sabbath is set aside as a day of rest and traditional bible tradition there's many who believe that the seven days of creation was quite literally seven days and those who believe it's more of a metaphor for seven years or seven thousand years or something like that the nativity is what is referred to as the place in which jesus was born on earth a lot of people know that mary was there with her husband joseph but a lot of the details around it get murky for example yes while there were shepherds there as most believe the three kings were not as a matter of fact no one even knows if there's three kings at all the wise men from the east as they're referred to in the bible brought three gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh however it's never said how many of the kings there actually were there could have been two there could have been two thousand and they didn't show up until about two years after jesus was born so they absolutely were not at the nativity the new testament is the part of the bible that deals with everything that happened from the birth of christ onwards so this is the life of jesus it's the crucifixion it's the resurrection and it's everything that the apostles did afterwards a lot of people have that general question of where the old testament and new testament start and end the old testament is from the beginning of creation up until the birth of jesus the new testament is the birth of jesus on mary the mother of jesus was found by god to be the most righteous woman on earth in the christian scripture she was also the only miraculous birth or in other words god performed a miracle and a baby simply appeared inside of her to which she then went to bethlehem to the nativity have jesus and the story goes on from there angels is a super broad topic that i'm not going to get into this early on the iceberg because we're going to be talking about them a lot in a second but i want to get it out of the way now the depiction of angels that originated in like renaissance france like you know the cute little chubby babies with like wings who look all precious and everything all right well in actuality there's like nine different classifications of angels and none of them look like that as a matter of fact most of them look like this because there's a reason that every time an angel talks to someone in a bible they have to start with be not afraid all right we're on to our first good one elohim so in the old testament it is said that there are seven sacred names of god because god as it is is sort of a fill-in word to describe a being that is worshiped or powerful and not a specific name to give you an idea of how sacred it was believed to be along with the other six names whenever the authors of the old testament were writing it they would stop go get a new writing device write it and then throw that device away so that it could never write another word what's very interesting about the word elohim though is that it is both plural and singular depending on the usage now several times especially in the old testament this is in reference to the trinity which is the thing i mentioned in the beginning about there technically being three people that make up the one god however that is until you're in exodus chapter 20 which is the ten commandments that god gave to moses in exodus chapter 20 it's specifically worded that will have no other eloheems before elohim so this implies that there are some form of lesser gods i'm going to leave it there for now because that topic is going to come back up but keep that in mind jhvh which is also sometimes seen as yhwh is the reference of the tetragrammaton what on earth did i just say right well the tetragrammaton is translated to greek as four letters meaning something there is a passage in scripture whenever god is talking to moses through the burning bush which is a story you may be familiar with moses asks the burning bush who will i tell them sent me after god tells him to go and talk to the people of egypt to which god replies i am that i am now that's the english translation in the original hebrew text he says i am j h v h or at least those are the letters most closely related to hebrew i can't speak hebrew i'm sorry this is believed to be the quite literal name of god jehovah is often used as the closest pronunciation to this original four letters that we can get and with the other spelling i mentioned why hwh is where yahweh comes from both old testament names referring to god however it's believed that this original tetragrammaton or the i am as it's mentioned is god's name itself and it is considered by traditional beliefs such as judaism that it is so sacred it is never to be spoken out loud i don't even know how to pronounce it since ancient hebrew has changed so much from modern hebrew there are even theories persisting that the specific letters used have been changed over time so that people will not say it without reverence the twelve apostles were the twelve closest followers of christ during his ministry on earth so according to the canon of christianity after jesus was born on earth he then lived on earth for 33 years telling everyone of what he was going to do before his death during this time he had 12 very close followers who believed in his teachings and stuck near him several of the popular ones like paul peter james thomas john and all of them are well known what's normally not that well known is that there are technically 14 or 15 depending on what source you go with so for example judas was one of the original 12 apostles although he committed suicide after he betrayed christ which again sorry but we'll get to and said after his death matthias became a member of the now 11 apostles and then not long after that paul became a member although he didn't stay with him and he went to be a missionary to a larger group of people so that's 14 and some sources outside the bible say there was another one that joined to them although it can't be verified so it's like 12 in the beginning and then not 12. the old testament which as i mentioned earlier is the beginning of creation until before the birth of jesus is very interesting to study because the way that things work at least in the canon of christianity are not the same as they were then see according to the beliefs of christianity in the new testament or the age that we live now we are under faith and grace and all of that whereas in the old testament it was the age of law and things were much more rigid but not only were they more rigid they were much more physical in other words spirits and magic and sorcery was a very common occurrence because the supernatural was much more evident which is also the explanation for if the bible's to be believed why it went from demons and miracles happening all the time to not happening all the time so now the trinity which i briefly mentioned earlier about the three members of the godhead so the trinity is an often debated point because honestly it's hard for people to understand the concept of one person that's also three people because in the new testament whenever it talks about jesus being on earth we see that he is definitely acting as someone apart from god as a matter of fact there are several times where jesus refers to god as his father and prays in order to try to talk to him and figure out what to do so that brings up the question if jesus was brought onto earth in the new testament where was he during the old testament there is a belief that the trinity did not exist until the new testament to which god essentially broke himself into three pieces in order to carry out the sacrifice of men aka jesus but even in the old testament there's references to the multiple godhead like i said earlier the word elohim is both plural and singular but when in the old testament god said that he was going to create humans and he was going to make them in his image the specific wording is let us make man in our image which again that is god referring to himself in the plural tense because of reasons like this god is often considered as the three in one john the baptist is a new testament figure that is considered the forerunner of christ as a matter of fact john the baptist is the cousin of jesus who went out to people telling them that his cousin jesus was going to come to be the sacrifice for sins specifically john the baptist is the one who coined the phrase lamb of god when referring to jesus not only that but he got his name as he was the first to begin baptism another not so fun fun fact is the means by which john the baptist died so he had jon beheaded and then his head placed on a silver platter to put in his throne room which is where the phrase head on a silver platter comes from mary magdalene is an interesting character she was one of the followers of jesus during his time on earth however her exact details are not precisely known while she didn't follow jesus and the apostles everywhere it seems that she did support him there's scripture referring to her helping them outside of their capable means it's also shown in the bible that jesus was very fond of mary and it's also believed by the majority that she is the one who washed jesus's feet with her own hair but to just give evidence to how much beliefs on her very there are some beliefs that say that she used to be a adult worker and that she changed her life after meeting jesus which isn't backed in the scripture but i digress and according to certain gnostic beliefs it is believed that she could have been the wife of jesus whereas other beliefs like christianity believe that jesus never had a wife so like i said interpretations get messy judas destiny is an interesting one to talk about so in the old testament it is said that while jesus is on earth that he will be betrayed and killed and that will be the sacrifice for men judas also known as judas iscariot is the one who betrayed jesus in the new testament specifically he was one of the 12 apostles and he sold out jesus to the roman soldiers who were looking to kill him this concept leads to a lot of debate on free will itself the idea being if it was prophesied that someone would betray jesus then did judas even have a choice in the matter in the gospels of the new testament which is the account of what jesus did on earth it specifically says that the devil entered into judas not only that but as soon as the devil entered into judas jesus realized it looked across the table at the last supper to judas and says what thou doest does quickly to which judas then stood up walked out of the room and went to go tell the soldiers where jesus was so because jesus also told them that if they truly believed in god and christ the devil would not come over them then that means judas was never a true believer but again that goes back to the question of prophecy the way a lot of people look at it is perhaps rather than deciding what happens in the future god gave the older prophets of the old testament a realization of what was to come while some even believe that perhaps judas knew that by betraying christ he was carrying out the prophecy so in a real reverse psychology way he had to betray god in order to follow him either way shortly after jesus was arrested judas felt guilty for what he had done and tried to return the money that he had took as a bribe from the roman soldiers and then hung himself on a tree in a field in jerusalem and on that positive note we are now on to tier 2. the flood is the event that takes place in genesis that essentially works as a reset for the whole world at the time it says that every single thought of man was evil but the only righteous was noah and his family to which noah built an ark and was saved from the flood itself the flood also answers several questions not only about history but how things are described to having worked in the old testament without spending a ton of time on it according to the bible whenever god created the earth he put a firmament or ring of water around the earth this not only would oxygenate the atmosphere but would also protect people from things like uv rays this would be the explanation of why characters like adam and methuselah in the old testament live to be over 900 years old so whenever the flood came the firmament simply collapsed in on the earth which is also why there was enough water to cover everything and speaking of old testament characters adam named the animals in genesis the first person to ever be created adam while he was alone on earth simply spent his time naming every animal now it's not sure if this means he gave all of them their name like cow dog whatever or if he individually picked a name for every animal but according to traditional hebrew text these names that adam gave to the animals stuck into the generations that followed and that's how things got their first name oh boy so now we're on to one of the juicy ones first enog so enoch is briefly mentioned in the bible as the great grandfather of noah enoch stands out as he is one of the two people in the entire bible who never died instead of dying him and elijah were simply brought up into heaven but asides from a single verse where it says that in the old testament and one part of the new testament where it mentions him nothing else really is known about enoch however there are three extra books of the bible known as first second and third enoch now these are actually believed to be compilations that were centered around the idea of enoch rather than actually written by enoch himself the general idea behind it is that they are not inspired or in other words it's believed that god had a perfect plan with putting the bible together the way that it currently is so these writings were not part of that plan but despite being canon the book of enoch is actually mentioned later in the bible near the end of the bible in the new testament in the book of jude they reference verses from the book of enoch which again is not in the bible first enoch is interesting as it is mostly written as a story about something called nephilim which well we will talk about in just a second leviathan is a creature that is mentioned several times in the old testament in books like isaiah jobe and amos and is described as being a giant serpent that exists beneath the waters how giant you ask one certain judaism beliefs it is said to be about 300 miles long so that should give you a good idea now in the book of revelations which revelations itself is a prophecy of what happens at the end of times but that's a whole other animal to get into it talks about leviathan returning and being killed by an angel known as michael however in that book of revelations it talks about leviathan as being the vessel of satan so let's connect some dots here we have the leviathan and satan as the same thing at the end of the bible in the middle of the bible we have the leviathan being described as a great serpent and then if you're familiar with the beginning of the bible in the garden of eden it says that satan came to eve as a serpent and got her to commit the first sin leading many to believe that perhaps leviathan this giant potentially 300 mile long serpent is the serpent that caused the first sin and therefore the downfall of humanity which i think it's really wild to think about like what if instead of like a little garden snake that everyone thinks of this thing was like just huge leviathan is also adapted into several different cultures it's believed to be the basis for the idea of dragons from eastern culture and principles of orborus or the infinite loop of a cycle of the snake eating itself so if the idea of the first sin that was ever done which caused the downfall of humanity that was potentially created by a 300 mile long super snake isn't cool to you i don't know what you're doing on this channel the transfiguration happened during the life of jesus at one point during the life of jesus he took three of the disciples peter james and john to a mountain that was later called the mount of transfiguration for obvious reasons to which as the disciples watched a light shone down from heaven as jesus was joined by moses and elijah which fulfills a prophecy at the end of the old testament that whenever the true savior comes moses and elijah would be there with him and as the disciples were watching a voice from heaven said with a booming voice this is my son in whom i am well pleased which goes back to the whole god the father and god the son thing according to christian tradition this is seen as an important moment in the life of jesus as it is quite literally a direct show if anyone had any doubts of this not being the son of god that god said this this this my boy right here now i gotta talk about angels starting with cherubs so cherub which plural form cherubim are often the ones depicted as like the little baby angels for some reason i want to emphasize they look like this cherubim are one of the most commonly mentioned angels in the bible for example it is a cherubim who is said to guard the gate at the garden of eden there's to transport the throne of god itself and they are the ones whose image is made on top of the ark of the covenant as ezekiel describes them they have four wings and four faces that constantly change out and they move like lightning flashing in and out of places so you know it totally makes sense why someone looked at this thing and was like yeah that we can make that like a cute baby for like stupid artwork that'd be cool not that like renaissance artwork stupid i don't mean that but like it really grinds my gears that all of the holy like fear and frankly coolness that angels have was put away because some people were like yeah but but that looks scary i don't i don't want scary angel i want little baby angel that that's what makes me feel safe from the devil satan is the prince of this world is a interpretation or sort of something to be extracted from mentions of satan in the bible satan is specifically described as the prince of the heir this is mentioned in ephesians which in the same verses it talks about spiritual wickedness in high places and the evil that exists on earth not only that but whenever satan tempted jesus for 40 days which is a thing that happened jesus referred to satan as the earthly ruler this basically all goes back to the idea that sin and evil exist on earth and those who don't repent are allowing themselves to be open to attack essentially from satan so therefore according to the christian idea this is a way of saying that satan has power over those who are not given to god oh boy the nephilim so in genesis chapter 6 so nephilim as they're mentioned in the original text are in reference to a species or group of things that came to exist whenever the quote-unquote sons of god mingled with the daughters of men we'll talk about theory in a second some believe this to mean that maybe the sons of god is quite literal and it's saying angels mingled with humans and created offspring whereas some are saying that children who were holy and followed god mingled with those who did not follow god either way their product or offspring were known as nephilim nephilim were feared people throughout the bible and as a matter of fact several of the enemies of the children of god who've seen throughout the old testament are these nephilim here's the fun part nephilim is the original hebrew word the word in english is giants that's right the nephilim are the original old testament giants or again according to the canon of scripture giants themselves are these inner bred children essentially between potentially angels and man actually you know what just so i don't sound dumb i'm going to read it and don't worry this isn't going to become a bible sermon i just want you to hear it directly as it said okay so this is genesis 6 verse 4. there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men and they beared children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown remember first enoch that i mentioned earlier how it's not canon of scripture but it is still believed and read by many well basically the whole first part of the book of enoch is the story of where these giants came from the book of first enoch tells a whole story of this group of angels known as the watchers who began to fall in love with the daughters of men or women essentially from afar to the point that they fell from grace in order to come and mingle with the people on earth not only that but these watchers who fell to earth began to teach humans how to do things like witchcraft and magic and other things that would explain why in the old testament these supernatural elements come from now again first enoch is not in the canon of scripture so that is not widely believed by any means but that does not mean that some do not believe it i should also mention just as a counterpoint adam had a righteous child and a non-righteous child the bad one being cain and the good one being seth so several believe that this possibly means that instead of son of god and daughters of men it is saying the sons of seth and the daughters of cain intermingled and that's where nephilim came from either way i don't care because it's giants directly mentioned by name and i love it god's throne is believed to be in the highest or deepest part of heaven it's only mentioned a few times throughout the bible the only time it was directly seen on earth was by ezekiel who is the same one who has the testimonies of how several of the angels behaved whereas people like the prophet isaiah directly viewed god setting on the throne this is described as being quite literally a throne with something called seraphim which looked like this surrounding him and going out from him as messengers to perform tasks other than that not too much is known it said that there is a seat for christ at the right hand of god which again points towards the trinity being more separate beings than always one person and that constantly surrounding god is this choir of angels who are singing in unspeakable tongues praise and holiness everyone who viewed the throne including paul who described it as quite literally words that cannot be said all maintained that the glory that they saw was completely unspeakable which i mean yeah it's got to be a lot for like anyone to directly view god and all the angels at the same time like that that's got to be a lot whoops kind of jumped the gun on this one and talked about it earlier but uh the trinity in the old testament like i said the fact that elohim is used as both plural and singular and the fact that god said make man in our image um yeah whoops accidentally got to that too early moving on behemoth or behemoth as it's often called is a sort of controversial passage that's mentioned in the book of job so the book of jobs in the old testament right so before the life of christ and before sort of modern times now in other places in the bible behemoth is used as an adjective like they speak of the behemoth acting men and stuff like that however job specifically mentions a creature he refers to as behemoth which he gives details like having bones of iron and mighty jaws and a tail-like cedar and while there's no conclusive definition of what this is a lot of people point towards things like the tail of cedar meaning that this was a dinosaur especially since the reason job's describing it is how great and mighty and huge it is this would mean that dinosaurs had to live after the great flood and either been hunted out or died out at some point after i should also mention that the second most popular theory about it is that it's a hippo what anyway like that's such a crazy jump it's either like a stegosaurus or a big water horse we are now on to tier three mammon specifically comes from a phrase that jesus said in the gospels which again is the testament of jesus's life on earth while talking to the apostles jesus says one cannot serve god and mammon now in most interpretations mammon is believed to be exactly what mammon is in hebrew which translates to wealth or greed however some believe mammon to be a quite literal figure or entity that jesus is telling them not to serve so much so that this was used as evidence in something during the middle ages that was known as the seven princes of hell which i won't spend too much time on that but essentially the idea is that there are seven princes or sort of rulers who exist in hell and each one of them personifies a different sin and that's where the seven deadly sins come from which mammon would of course be greed also if you're curious lucifer himself would be pride divine snakes is in reference to several sort of holy snakes that are used throughout the bible or used in miracles for example moses throws his staff on the ground in the old testament and it turns into a snake before moses picks it back up and it turns into a rod which also brings in more questions when you think about it like when he threw down the staff did that create a new snake and then we picked it back up to the snake like die or has the staff always been a snake or where do these where is god getting all these snakes furthermore serpents specifically hold a sort of crucial place in a lot of biblical stories not only the serpent i mentioned earlier and tried to sort of maybe imply that it could have been leviathan or during the time that the children of god were being attacked by fiery serpents and moses put a serpent on a staff or the multiple references to the devil himself being a serpent in the bible there's a lot of snake imagery and some believe the form of a snake to be the actual form of the devil acts of peter like first enoch which i mentioned earlier is one of the non-canonical parts of scripture or in other words it's about tales around scripture that isn't actually in the bible one of the reasons it's not and hasn't been accepted because similar to first enoch the credibility of it is questionable acts of peter is believed to have been written by lucius chirainus shurinus however it's pronounced who was a companion of john one of the apostles however he himself was not an apostle so he wasn't directly inspired by god and yada yada what's interesting and that a lot of people don't know things that are said in the acts of peter are not said in the bible although people think they are for example peter's death is never mentioned in the bible however here in the acts of peter it talks about how peter was crucified upside down along with several miracles that the apostles performed after jesus left it's very interesting because despite not being in the bible a lot of people use information from it without knowing it's not part of the bible like i guarantee you and i'm saying this as a christian you could go up to like 60 70 percent of christians who know the bible and say how did peter die and they're like oh he was crucified upside down it's like okay where does it say that uh um it's it's in there somewhere all right so the watchers are interesting they are mentioned in the actual bible in the story of daniel whenever daniel is talking to the king nebuchadnezzar and they communicate to each other that they saw watchers come down from heaven in order to speak to the king so watcher in this form is being used to describe angels of some sort keep in mind the book of enoch which i talked about earlier talks at great length about these watchers and says they're the ones that came down from earth or at least some of them came down to earth when they fell from grace and created the giants on earth so many believe that perhaps watchers are the classification of angels that demons originate from because as it's mentioned in the bible whenever lucifer fell from heaven a third of the angels fell with him and they became the demons or as they're called devils on earth so this is another one that's open for a lot of debate are the watchers their own classification of angel is it just referring to the angels that went bad who knows the son of man in the fire with shadrach meshach and abednego okay so story time in the old testament remember this is before christ which is going to be imported in a second the king i just mentioned nebuchadnezzar was not a very nice dude at all and decided to throw three men shadrach meshach and abednego who were followers of god into a furnace to kill them after he threw them into the fire they didn't die and then after looking into the oven instead of just being shadow wrecked meshech and a bendigo he said that he could see four people in there with him and the fourth is as the son of god now if you're following along this creates a few issues for one this is before the new testament or as it's understood when jesus came to earth jesus is understood to be the son of god so this specific phrasing the fourth looks to be the son of god implies that jesus was able to be present before the new testament which again it makes things a little wonky two how on earth did they know what he looked like he specifically says it looks as the son of god and then third to add another layer of confusion to this whole thing nebuchadnezzar immediately pulls the three of them out of the fire and starts to ask for forgiveness because you know watching them not die in the fire was pretty good proof that maybe they know what they're talking about he tells them how great it is that god sent his angel to save them okay so now it is the son of god and also angel and i'm not trying to get personal with this everything that i've said to this point has been me objectively looking at it but when it comes to translational stuff like this it's all subjective so i have to be a little personal in my personal interpretation as we talked about earlier with the potential of giants being quite literally sons of angels and it refers to the angels as sons of god then whenever nebuchadnezzar here was saying it looks to be a son of god and then immediately says god sent an angel i think he was meaning angel because at this time before the actual son of god aka jesus existed sons of god was used to refer to the angels so yeah that's my best guess at it the beloved apostle is interesting so during the life of christ if you'll remember i said that there were 12 apostles there is one apostle that keeps being referred to as the beloved apostle or the apostle that jesus loved what's interesting is it's never directly said which apostle this is now jesus loved all of the apostles but it's shown that he shared a very special kindred spirit with this one specific one for example at the last supper it says that the beloved apostle was laying on jesus's shoulder and listening to him speak and whenever jesus was dying on his cross it says that he was looking down at his mother and the beloved apostle to which he told his mother this is your son now and he told the beloved apostle this is your mother now take care of each other so again while jesus loved all the apostles it seems that he had a very special bro ship with this one in particular however at the very end of the book of john which is again one of the gospels that talks about jesus's life in the last two verses it says jesus spoke to his beloved apostle which is the apostle currently writing this scripture implying at the end of john it is revealed that john himself is the beloved apostle that's the most common and it makes a lot of sense in the whole canon of the gospel for example it makes sense that john would be with jesus through his entire walk so then jesus would entrust him to take care of his mother however there are some more theories for example lazarus who is famous as being one of the people that jesus raised from the dead it's referred to that jesus loved both him and his sister and after lazarus dies lazarus's sister comes to jesus and said he who thou lovest is dead there are some that also say it may have been james as well as one theory that says the beloved apostle was purposely never named because at the time they were being hunted down by the roman soldiers and since this one was never seen with jesus by any eyewitnesses they kept his name secret however like i said and i don't get into opinions again john saying it was him is a pretty surefire sign that it was like probably him come on guys acts of john is the same thing as acts of peter as a matter of fact it is believed to be written by the same guy who wrote acts of peter it is tales of john's life and the other disciples that is not part of the scriptural canon a lot of the acts of john is more of a personal introspection into the disciples themselves and even jesus for example it talks about how jesus enjoyed singing which is neat as well as describing more miracles that the apostles performed naked boy fleeing from gethsemane is a really random and weird one so in the book of mark which again one of the gospels that talks about the life of jesus for two verses out of nowhere it says while jesus was being arrested by roman soldiers so this was immediately after judas betrayed and told the soldiers where jesus was that a boy who was naked and nothing except a linen robe that he was wearing around them began to follow the parade of soldiers that had jesus arrested to which the romans tried to chase him off they ripped the linen off of him and he ran into the night naked and that's the only mention of it just it never gives him a name it just says the young boy he literally shows up out of nowhere he leaves literally into the night and that that's it that that's all we got now while it wasn't a hundred percent uncommon for people to be naked except for one robe that they wear around them uh the wording's interesting so the specific wording as it's originally written is a linen cloth and the way it's written in hebrew is never said anywhere else throughout the bible except when it's talking about burial clothing all right so here's the theory people go with and bear with me for a second so several times throughout the bible we see the holy spirit or the power of god being used to raise people from the dead like obviously we have examples in the old testament where like elijah put his staff on a young boy and he came back to life or whenever jesus told lazarus to arise and lazarus walked out of the tomb but we also see it happen in sort of incidental ways for example whenever the prophet elisha died he was buried and put into a cave to which then someone else was being buried in that cave and while they were being buried their body touched elisha's and it said the spirit essentially shocked him back and the man who was being buried came back to life so we see here again according to the bible the power of god directly creating miracles of bringing life back alright so again bear with me on this whenever the roman soldiers came to approach jesus they asked jesus who are you and jesus said i am if you'll remember back in tier 1 the original name of god which is to never be spoken is believed to mean i am which is why the english translation is i am that i am it said that in the garden whenever jesus replied with this i am there was a rumbling and a sort of shock wave that went out because again going off that theory i mentioned earlier he said the actual name of god which is powerful and not to be spoken and the garden of gethsemane is located immediately next to a graveyard so off of that is it possible that jesus said the true name of god which was so powerful that as it says it rippled through the men there and just like with elijah's body caused enough spirit to raise someone from the dead and that's why a naked boy was following jesus trying to see who it was that brought him back from his dead in nothing but a burial cloth i don't know because like i said the boys only mentioned for those two verses and never again and i know i'm reaching and i don't want to be sacrilicious but again we're talking about theory we're talking about concepts and i think it's really cool and a little too cool not to the apocalypse of abraham is very similar to the book of enoch in that it is a book written around the idea of an old testament character that's not part of the bible a lot of the apocalypse of abraham talks about abraham's early life and how he helped his father make false idols of lesser gods not only that but it says that whenever it comes time for abraham to learn what his destiny is as the follower of god that god shows him everything by everything i mean from creation through all of time to where he sees god himself and then he sees how time's going to end which is why the book's called the apocalypse of abraham because a lot of the focus on it is how the world ends and again while not a part of the accepted bible which people believe the story is very interesting for example abraham travels with the agent yahoel which i hope i'm pronouncing that right and to which yahoel does battle with the demon azazel and this would also be one of the first mentions of christ specifically as god says that there will be a man to come and make a remediation for sins which looking at it on a timeline the idea that this could and again this isn't part of like true scripture so nothing definite or at least nothing definite in the christian context but the idea that christ could have been mentioned that far back is really something unknown miracles reverse to the last verse in the book of john this is said immediately after the part i talked about earlier where john says that he is the beloved to which he then continues actually you know what just like i did for the other one i'll just read it in the last verse of john it says and there are also many other things which jesus did the witch if they should be ridden every one i suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written in other words john is saying here that jesus did so much while on earth that the world could not contain the books of everything that happened this implies more miracles this implies more teachings this applies more doctrine which all implies that what we get out of the gospels or the four books that talk about the life of christ are just a fraction of everything christ did while on earth which also explains away a lot of the historical inaccuracies as some say of the bible for example in the bible it talks about a lot of locations that jesus visited and what he did but then some will point to a location in which jesus was seen and taught but it's not mentioned in the bible so people consider that an inaccuracy but as john just said the bible doesn't contain everything he did he did a whole lot more the witch of endor has caused a lot of debate as it seems to be a witch performing actual necromancy without giving the background the wicked king saul was trying to find a witch to speak to the dead prophet samuel so saul undercover of knight goes to this witch of endor as she's called and she is able to conjure up the spirit of samuel so this raises a lot of questions how could someone that is not a true follower of god perform a miracle such as bringing someone or at least their spirit back from the dead the common belief or at least the most common belief in christianity since this is only the one time it's mentioned is that because of saul's sin samuel was sent by god to challenge saul directly and it wasn't because the witch was powerful it was because samuel which he did was about to punish saul however some believe that necromancy is quite possible and here's a biblical example of it sam yazza which i don't have a lot to say because i wasn't able to find a lot of distinct information on is the leader of the watchers that is mentioned in first enoch now this gets into a whole lot bigger implications right if first enoch is not an actual part of the bible or an illegitimate part of the bible then how does it have all of this information how is there this hierarchy of angels were the watchers real etc etc remember how i said there were three books of enoch well while the third one's not really related the second one is quite odd so if you remember i said the character of enoch himself ascends to heaven without having to die while the book of second enoch talks about what he saw on his way through heaven specifically it describes in detail a tin layered heaven with each layer being a different place with god himself residing at the tenth layer now ideas of a ten-layered heaven are adopted in different biblical religions many of the sources coming from this in the second book of enoch but between his description of the tin layered heaven and the talk of celestial war shortly afterwards a lot of beliefs or the majority of beliefs don't agree with it because as mentioned with the acts and the apocalypse of abraham it isn't really something that can be verified and we are now on to tier 4. papayas account of judas's death is pretty gruesome so papayas is a sort of scholar who's believed to have been a companion of john i guess john just got along with everybody must have been a real cool guy according to history what papayas would do is he would talk to people who were closely associated or near jesus as he himself never was and figure out stories around scripture itself now his source can't be known again this was in year like 80. but according to what he wrote down judas did not simply find a tree and hang himself what instead happened and bear with me was he tried to hang himself to which the rope broke and he fell and essentially exploded and it says his bowels covered the field now on top of that papaya says that judas embodied every sense of ungodliness in other words he was incredibly gross and diseased and didn't take care of himself and all of that so as he so eloquently describes it he could not fit through the doorway which a chariot could fit now and again this is kind of like getting back to my personal opinions for a long time judas was a member of the 12 disciples so to some degree he had to at least look the part of being a follower of christ and i don't think a lot of people that weren't kings got by on being that rotund in these days because you gotta remember the disciples were walking with jesus like a marathon's worth of distance to get from one town to another so it's in my opinion that this particular account as well as his description of judas just comes from the fact that people at the time really didn't like judas because they saw him as the reason that christ died so i think a lot of their upsetness came out and calling him stinky and ugly and other not nice things different angel types so i've kind of briefly alluded to it earlier with cherubims and seraphims and all that but to be specific there are nine different types of angels not only are there nine different types of angels but they are in three different categories of description there are the angels who directly correspond with god and are in the upper tiers of heaven which are the seraphim the cherubim and the thrones well i've already mentioned the cherubims and the seraphims the thrones also known as ophilims look like this as ezekiel described them spinning wheels within wheels with eyes and they spoke with thunder and trumpets which i'm once again emphasizing be not afraid that essentially exists near god in the highest level of heaven on the second tier you have the angels that are still in heaven but are concerned with the acts of men which are the dominions the virtues and the powers and then finally you have the angels that directly interact with man which is the principalities or princes archangels and guardian angels guardian angels is an interesting one because they are mentioned in the bible but it's unsure if it means another kind of angel that is acting as a guardian or if that is specifically the form this angel is so eight maybe nine types of angels basically which i could go into all the other ones but there's only so much time this video and this video has already been going on pretty long so we'll head on may do a deeper dive into angelology one day gotta work myself up for it though kane's death is referring to kane the brother of abel who committed the first murder because of his sin of killing his brother and again committing the first murder it's said in genesis that cain is forced to walk the earth now it's said that cain was afraid of walking the earth because some group of people would find him and kill him so god gave him a mark that would protect him from death and that's the last that cain's ever mentioned there's no story of his death or what happened to him afterwards in the bible itself part of a legend that sort of cropped up through the middle ages is that of lamech now lamech is mentioned in the bible as the grandson or maybe great-grandson of kane and lamech confesses to having murdered someone much like his grandfather before him however the story that began to pop up around the middle ages is that lamech was out hunting and that the mark of cain was actually goat horns this was due to the association that was rising during the middle ages of goats being demonic according to that lamech was out hunting and then his son saw goat horns had lamech shoot at it and it turned out to be kane also in another non-part of the bible part of scripture known as the book of jubilees in research for this i began to figure out there are a bunch of books that did not make tryouts but in the book of jubilees it says that cain's house fell on top of him and he was crushed to death however like i said none of these are part of the main bible and there is a very common belief that cain is still alive to this day the idea being that whenever god said you are forced to walk the earth and this mark will protect you from death he quite literally meant you will walk the earth and not die the idea being that cain is forced to forever roam and somewhere out there now exists as possibly just a homeless vagabond or a man wandering through a town as the son of the first man and the man to commit the first murder i once again stated if you do not think this is cool i can't help you saint paul in third heaven is another one of those quickly mentioned things that causes so many questions in the book of corinthians whenever paul is talking about the visions of heaven that he had he specifically says i entered the third heaven now remember the whole thing about enoch seeing the 10 laird heaven is not part of the bible which means this is the only reference in the bible to there being like a multi-layered heaven now this also doesn't line up with what enoch said because according to paul this third heaven that he went to was a paradise and that jesus was there to be with which as i mentioned earlier jesus is supposed to be at the right hand of god's throne which according to enoch is on level 10. so what's that about if it's that i guess you could throw out enoch sure but also why did he say third heaven why did he have to do that because if he would have just said heaven everyone would be like oh that's sweet paradise jesus was there that's cool but because he said third heaven and that's also the part i was referring to earlier whenever paul said he quite literally saw unsayable things now the common interpretation is that this implies a sort of division for example there is the part of heaven that god and the godhead are in there's the part of heaven for the angels and then there's the part of heaven for the saints there could be evidence of some division between god the angels and man while in heaven but again no one's really sure st john helping mary is the part i was talking about earlier whenever i said that the beloved which we're referring to as john and mary were supposed to take care of each other the thing here is that jesus had a family which would also be his mother mary's family and mary was married to joseph so where are they at this time why does john need to take care of her since joseph is never mentioned after the early life of jesus many point this as the fact that joseph may be dead or at the very least and i don't want to make too many assumptions jesus's family since jesus is now being crucified and is essentially a war criminal may have abandoned them at some point regardless of the circumstance jesus saw it fit for john to take care of mary dead resurrected along with christ another one of those really quick mentioned things that just okay so it says that whenever jesus was resurrected from the grave to which he died was buried for three days and came back it says when all this happened and he came back that the dead in christ were risen and that they went and appeared back to the people of their town this is similar to the theory that i postulated when talking about the naked boy in the garden of gethsemane that the holiness or the power that emanates from jesus is enough to coincidentally cause life or the spirit to return into these bodies but what's interesting is supposedly all of these graves were open and people came back to life and they're never mentioned again no number of how many how widespread this was just that several graves were open and people came back and it's quite possible because at the time of the writing which was in the book of matthew again one of the gospels that matthew didn't know so he couldn't say or make up a number for how many came back and i guess since nothing said about him the common belief is that people just came back to life and then they just lived a normal life until they died again this is more so i was talking about earlier as i said of that sort of offshoot or residual power of god balaam's significance refers to the character in the old testament known as balaam balaam was a sort of prophet for hire who served false gods as a matter of fact he wasn't even one of the people of god and was instead their enemy the story of balaam goes that the king tried to have balaam come up with a prophecy that would damage the children of god but balaam wasn't able to come up with one and was instead just giving them blessings which made the king upset the reason for this is that god was essentially speaking through balaam the reason balaam holds significance is because he was not one of the children of god but he was a prophet it is said he was a prophet for other gods which what does that mean and just like the witch at endor it implies a supernatural power existing outside of god himself many attribute stories like this to demons or the wickedness that's referred to by jesus in the new testament as where these people derive their power whereas beliefs like gnosticism take this and use it as a background for the belief in a non-monotheistic interpretation of the bible simon magus was a sorcerer who tried to become one of the apostles he's briefly mentioned in the book of acts which talks about what the apostles did after jesus's resurrection as it says he was a sorcerer who saw that the apostles were performing miracles so he came to them with money to try to pay them to make him one of the apostles so that he could gain their powers to which the apostles explain we don't want your money and it's not what it's about we're here for jesus not magic tricks and in the canon of scripture that's that well remember the acts of peter which i mentioned earlier which is like the non-accepted story of like what the apostles did afterwards well it's got a lot more to say about him as it says that later simon challenged peter to essentially a magic duel in which simon began to fly around and was like ha ha your god can't stop me and then just peter like essentially zapped lightning at him from god and then everyone got mad at peter and that's why they crucified you can see why the acts of peter aren't accepted right quite literally the only mention ever of someone flying like okay again already hard to verify as actual proof of disciples even harder to verify when you start talking about a side character being the only person to ever fly the gospel of nicodemus is again another one of the non-canonical entries in the bible however this one is from the point of view of nicodemus who was a man who spoke to jesus in order to try to figure out what salvation means and what god means and similar to the acts of peter there are pieces of this that are believed by christian sex who don't even know that it comes from the gospel of nicodemus for example there are several denominations who believe that in the three days between christ's death and resurrection that christ went to hell but he didn't go there as a sinner he instead went in order to raise souls out of hell in some interpretations he went down there and brought up everyone who had ever died but was righteous because jesus wasn't dead yet and that's a whole other thing to get into while some say that he went to hell to save adam as adam who had committed the first sin had been cursed down there but now that there was a payment for adam's sin i.e jesus jesus went directly to hell to pull adam out also earlier whenever i was talking about mary and how it's not sure what happened to joseph or her family in this gospel of nicodemus it says that joseph was arrested for being the father of jesus who was essentially branded a terrorist or i mean now we call him terrorists they call them blasphemer now the government didn't like him basically there's also a really cool addition in the gospel of nicodemus called the acts of pilate which seems to be the letter that pilate the guy who sentenced jesus to death the letter that he wrote to the ruler of rome saying that they probably messed up killing this guy after everything we've said like when the guy was arrested he like brought people back from the dead by saying his name and then like after he came back from the dead even more dead people got up it's like at some point you just gotta take the l and we are down to the final tier with tier v jesus changed his body after crucifixion this is in reference to something that isn't really thought about so whenever jesus died he was you know deteriorated and not doing well however he came back and as it said perfect body not only that but he was able to perform supernatural tasks such as appearing and disappearing to people and walking through walls as he did with the apostles not only that but after he comes back there's no reference of him eating drinking or sleeping this asks a lot of questions about what happens to us after we die or at least in the christian context as it's believed we're given a new body perhaps it means a new perfect body that looks like us but isn't cursed with things like you know dying christ's family is in reference to the physical family that christ had while on earth so we know about his parents mary and joseph but he also had three brothers and several sisters what's interesting and may not be expected is that it's mentioned several times that his family didn't really understand him while mary knew he was special as he was conceived miraculously it says she loved her children the same despite this there are several times when jesus was young and remember jesus according to biblical canon was a perfect person in which his family kept trying to make him stop doing whatever he was doing they would be confused why so many crowds would gather around and during one of jesus's first speakings they were trying to find him saying that he's going to get himself in trouble it's so interesting to think that assuming you believe like in this or believe in the potential of it that the family of the savior of humanity still didn't really get what he was doing biblical stories in other religions refers to the concept of a origin point with a lot of these stories like for example the flood which i talked about earlier nearly every mythology or religion or belief system has a form of the flood in it this points back to perhaps there was a flood or a flood similar event or at the very least a story of it that was adapted to every other culture the same can be said about the tower of babel about the plagues about the dispersion of men about angels demons gods all these concepts that are seen across all these different cultures even leviathan that i talked about earlier seem to have some sense of commonality which makes you wonder one god lord but many lesser gods so this is the thing that i've kind of been alluded to so if examples like thou shalt have no other gods before me or the idea of balaam serving pagan gods then what exactly could these lesser gods be there are several different theories around this some of them quite literally saying maybe yes there are lesser gods to some degree whereas others say perhaps these other gods that are being served are the devil and his minions whereas i'm going to interject my own theory because i think it's the coolest and that's the concept of the god of the gaps so the god of the gaps is sort of a theory in this philosophical practice that there are these gods that exist in the gaps of human understanding for example 200 years ago we had no idea what lightning was if someone told you that it was god pointing his finger from heaven to shoot at people with electricity that would make about as much sense as anything so because we didn't yet understand how lightning works to us that might as well been a god or in other words since it was a gap in our understanding we attributed it as a supernatural thing okay 500 years ago that was the same situation with the sun and the moon and the stars so these lesser gods or things of worship could just be those god of the gaps there were people who worshiped the sun there were people at the time who worshipped lightning there were people who worshiped rain and all these other phenomena that going off the canon of scripture would just be natural occurrences created by god so to worship them would be to worship a lesser god that was my philosophy of the day and that was the best i can do i hope it wasn't awful jesus defeated other gods during the ascension so after jesus ascended into heaven or more specifically as he was ascended into heaven this is a theory that he literally had to fight his way there this is going back to the idea of there being lesser gods which i should mention i didn't want to take away from everything i just said all of that was my theory there are several people who believe that there are lesser gods and i'm not saying my belief system is any more legitimate than theirs but this concept is that as he was ascending and there was that still window of time that he was on earth that the evil demons fought him or that satan himself fought him on the way into heaven but there's no backing for this in scripture it became an oral tradition that was passed down that god had to slay demons in other words in order to rise to the right hand of the throne and then finally animal souls judging humans so remember how earlier i talked that around the throne of god there was the seraphim or the several winged angels while also mentioned to be around god were oxen and birds and beasts and several different animals so the idea behind it is since god is sitting on the throne and from the throne he judges if someone is saved or not again this is all according to the canon of christianity then maybe these things around the throne are part of it and on top of that maybe animals being a true neutral or a middle ground when it comes to judgment exist as the mediators to judge humanity or in other words animals are neither good nor evil they are simply instinctual and natural so they work as the perfect litmus test of sorts for people being judged so according to this belief be nice to animals you'll literally go to hell for it and that is it of the bible theory iceberg um thank you all so much for watching if you still are i know this is like a really long video um i've i've been up quite literally like all night uh like researching and then recording and then i'm gonna have to get up and edit oh i say have to i love doing this this is so fun to me i get to get up and edit i should say but if you are still watching thank you so much this is something that i thought would be interesting i just enjoy topics like this i think that they're fun not only as a christian myself but just to like communicate how crazy some of these ideas are to you all um i i think they're well and i don't mean crit i'm tired i don't mean to be saying that i don't mean crazy in like a derogatory way i mean it's crazy to think about it's crazy to imagine some of these concepts and how wide stretching there are or what the implications of them could be and i think they're really fun so i wanted to get that across to you guys i hope that you enjoyed it i hope this wasn't too boring uh thank you for watching if you still are it means the most um thank you so much to all my subscribers we are to the moon and i can't get over it uh you got it's it's amazing that i went from like half a year ago like a thousand and now i'm at like 280 something um you all have been fantastic just thank you uh and thank you especially to all of my patrons and my top tier patrons that you can see here i can't i talk about all the time but i can't imagine like supporting me monetarily it just blows my mind and it means the most so thank you all for that it really does mean a lot i've got more content coming out on the way like i've talked about it summer so i can invest in it so hopefully you enjoy whatever comes next i hope that this has been worth your time and once again thank you for everything there will be another video uh let's say like start of next week hopefully we'll see um i've got to do some moving around this weekend so after that we should be good to go but thank you all so much for watching uh it really does mean the most i hope that you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 4,237,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, scary, spooky, horror, creepy, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, redacted, shopify, mortgage, insurance, car insurance, cheap insurance, cheap car insurance, childhood, trauma
Id: kwvguW8xBx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 12sec (4152 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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