The SCP Iceberg Explained (COGNITOHAZARD)

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Hey I'm not sure if you take requests but there's this iceberg I've wanted a video done on that I think is interesting. Love the videos btw!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TjTheEpicOne 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

I saw that video yesterday. I loved it!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

The goat is on the goat subreddit holy shit

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bennyisonline 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

so well made omfg

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/i_am_a_rat_ 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody and welcome to the scp iceberg this is going to serve as both an introduction or at least i'm going to try my best if you're not familiar with scps but it also has a lot of the very in-depth lore stuff that even me myself considering to be like a huge scp fan didn't know a lot of this stuff going in there have been other scp iceberg videos however i haven't seen one over this particular one and this one's by far my favorite because instead of just talking about weird one-off scps it's like connections between characters and greater lore ideas and stuff like that also if you're just interested in the conspiracy iceberg videos i want to know where that's at i'm recording that immediately after this so hopefully it'll be up pretty soon we've got a lot to get into so without further ado let's go ahead and do that but as always thank you for watching i'm going to give a brief rundown of the scp foundation and the basics of how it worked that way if you're not familiar with it you'll know enough to at least get you familiar enough for this iceberg the scp foundation is a shadow organization that operates beyond the jurisdiction of any world government they have one mission objective and that is to secure anomalous entities contain them by any means possible and protect humanity from their consequences these anomalous entities can be anything from traditional giant monsters and boogeymen to three-dimensional rooms whose geometry doesn't make sense on to old world gods that possess the future of humanity buildings that go on forever and are controlled by one singular entity even down to simple thought concepts that can erode the mind and break down the human psyche the scp foundation specializes in containing all of these entities however above all else it must maintain its secrecy to the public the basic structure of the scp foundation works like this you have your researchers who are the standard characters of every story these are normally composed of doctors who have different level classification of what information they're allowed to know who carry out their experiments and containment protocol for these anomalous entities as you could imagine with several of these creatures especially the more physical ones there needs to be some kind of strong man force in order to contain them or go out and recapture them and that's where mobile task force come in there are several different kinds of mobile task force in the scp universe or mtf units as they're called each one of them have their own specialization when it comes to what they do in the foundation then all the way down at the bottom of the totem pole you have the d-class d-class are essentially human guinea pigs they are people that are thrown to some creatures in order to feed them or see what happens and others are used for very tricky or risky experiments or cleanup procedures and they're essentially treated like human meat for whatever creature said the foundation is dealing with that should be enough information to get you ready for the first here i will add that the reason i put a cognito hazard in this video is because several of these concepts while fictitious have to do with ideas of humanity and existence itself so if that's something that bothers you you may not want to be a part of this i've seen a lot of people get really messed up by especially some of these later iceberg ideas so just putting that out there now we start with the shallow waters at tier one or as i'm going to call it the d-class information most of this information is to get you familiar with the sap foundation itself as starting off with the 05 council the o5 is a committee of 13 people whose identities have never been made known they set above the foundation itself and anything that happens within the foundation goes through them however they are so secretive that researchers that are not above level 2 clearance are never even told that they exist several of the things that the o5 council does is very shady and their morality is questionable at best however it's implied that they have knowledge that no other researcher does therefore to question their actions doesn't really work considering how far ahead of the game they are it's even applied that several members of the committee are anomalous themselves such as committee member one codenamed the founder who supposedly has been around the since the founding of the scp foundation which depending on what tale you're using can be anywhere from the 1850s to king solomon so yeah probably not a normal dude d-class are inmates is the rather well-known topic that the d-class people or as i said earlier the human meat puppets are sourced globally from death row and lifelong sentences and tend to be people who are in there for more violent crimes such as murder and all that good stuff while there are theories that this information is a lie by the foundation to make people feel better uh it certainly works in most cases and makes you feel not as bad feeding you know serial killers to monsters instead of just regular joes groups of interest is in reference to the several groups of interests that exist throughout the scp lore as you've probably figured out more people than just the foundation know that there are creatures that go bump in the night and they have formed their own groups either to combat the foundation or work against it in some way these include the church of the broken god which is a group that is made up of people who want to put together the pieces of their broken god to initiate essentially a return of their savior the chaos insurgency which is a group of people who stepped away from the scp foundation some time ago and created an entity with the sole purpose of destroying the foundation and are we cool yet which is pretty much just a group of crazy weird artists who accidentally make or purposefully make anomalous things just to mess with the foundation undercover agents and private military funding so as you can imagine another step forward the foundation itself is implanted across world governments whether that be the u.n private governments or even local police population this goes so much so that one of the aforementioned mtf teams i was speaking of is known as the dam feds and their entire purpose is to insert themselves around federal governments around the world in order to figure out anomalous properties or blockade normal world governments from having access to them classification by ease of containment is actually something that people who are very familiar with the scp foundation have trouble with sometimes there are three basic classifications for how scps work these are the levels of safe euclid and ketter a lot of people want to associate that with the damage that these things can cause but that's not at all what it means classifications are based on how hard it is to contain whatever entity we're referring to for example the locked box method is the best definition of it if you can take one of these anomalous entities and put it in a box and nothing will happen it doesn't matter if if you take it out of the box the whole world ends if you can leave it there and nothing will change then it's safe if it requires regular maintenance or if you're not exactly sure what will happen if you leave it in a box but it will probably be okay if the box is strong enough that would be euclid or if it requires constant maintenance it's constantly trying to break out of the box something else is constantly trying to get into the box and it requires around-the-clock care it would be ketter there are other like fringe ones and some of them i'm even going to talk about in a minute but those are the three basics also i just realized this video serves as a really good introduction because i really want to make scp content in the future so i'll just send people here for any of that so if you're from the future hi fictional creative writing project duh what is interesting about it though is how big this project is members from around the world with literally thousands of riders have come together on this one collective narrative to create new creatures and flesh out the world while it may be confusing sometimes it's created the largest collaborated writing project ever made so good job everyone so remember how a second ago i said there was only three and there's some extra other ones well this is one of those extra other ones thomiel would be the classification if the entity itself is the box what that means is sometimes certain scps are used to contain other scps for example if you had a room that if you were to go open the door on the other side of the room you'd start where you began and the room forever loops on itself that would be a really good place to store some big beast monster that you don't want to get out therefore the room itself would be considered thaumiel since it's the box you're using to contain something else multiple cannons is one of the problems that you're going to run into whenever you have a writing project this big basically as you could imagine there are several things that don't make sense if it's all one canon for example a certain doctor can die in this story and then be a main character one that comes after so it's kind of up to reader interpretation if they want to believe everything and just say oh well because reality got altered blah blah blah this can change or just do what i do and pick the ones you like multiple universes is very similar there are listed extra universes in the scp foundation for example scp-5000 is from a universe in which the scp foundation became evil and killed everyone on earth but this also makes a good explanation if you want to believe that everything's real and simply say well it's part of universe b or c or whatever have you so scps are numbered in this concept like i just said there is an scp-5000 and every number in between is a specific scp itself so one of the first questions you may ask yourself is what's scp number one and that's a good question the identity of scp-1 has never been revealed however there have been several 01 proposals as they're called according to the generally accepted canon whatever scp-01 is is so powerful that there have been several fake scps made in order to keep someone from figuring out what the truth is you're going to see later but there's a lot of dis info in the entire foundation combat this several of the main doctors within the scp foundation have created their own narrative of what scp-01 is and you as the reader can decide whichever one's your favorite that might as well be the real one that leads us into the factory factory is dr bright's proposal for the scp-01 while the story is mostly told in a narrative it talks about that the founder of the scp foundation in the early 1800s along with several other people discovered that there was a factory that was producing these anomalies by using some form of matter it was creating the supernatural objects that are seen later in the canon as different scps themselves a lot of people like this one not only because it explains the origins of several scps but it explains where the first member or the founder as i mentioned earlier of the o5 council came from that he was simply someone at this factory who was able to understand the supernatural because of his experiences the gate guardian is another o1 proposal and my personal favorite the gate guardian is supposedly the angel that stands at guard at the garden of eden according to the story for it solomon way way back went on a journey to find the garden of eden and came across the angel itself the angel told solomon one word prepare to which solomon then decided to figure out the supernatural occurrences of the world and started the original scp foundation i really like this one not only because it makes the foundation seem that much more ancient but also because there's different entities in the scp world such as kane and abel who are both immortal who have a great fear for this thing and it makes sense that if their father was adam who was kicked out by the gate guardian why they would be so afraid of it not only that but imagining the organization as this ancient sort of secret society that's existed forever makes a lot more of the stories around the foundation make sense that is it for tier one i hope you like the appetizer because now we're diving straight down into tier two or as i'm calling it the mobile task force first up we have the administrator now this is a character whose existence is debatable if they do exist then they are the highest authority above the foundation itself above the o5 council above the founder everyone they are mentioned in very few stories and by opposing forces to the scp foundation however the implications of it is that whatever the administrator is has either always existed or some form of deity this is because of things like supposedly them seeing all of time forever and the world around them being timeless and yada yada a lot of stuff they may or may not be real all right on to the first big one damarong damarang is german for twilight this concept is mentioned within scp-2718 and scp-3448 if you want to look into them yourself whatever this thing is it's established that the o5 council themselves are afraid of it i'll go ahead and say that 2718 is supposedly death itself and 3448 is a device that is used to communicate with people in the afterlife a short rundown of what happened is someone died and their body was placed in 3448 so they were able to communicate with the world behind them what we get next is a very intense log of someone traveling through the afterlife experiencing all kinds of demons from locusts swarming them to the sky falling apart to all these ritual sites and essentially a description of someone walking through hell throughout the entire document the phrase belief is key is repeated over and over and at the end of the story you figure out that the o5 council themselves took amnestics which is something that erases your memory in order to forget about this entire situation now this concept doesn't make a lot of sense until you start to put the pieces together one of the tags for this scp is it's a cognitohazard which means just knowing it exists is dangerous in itself when you combine that when the phrase belief is key this starts to make sense we find out through the logs that the person who died in 3448 had heard these stories of what hell was like and it's exactly what they experienced once they died however that's not because this is the one thing that happens it's because whatever you think happens to you in the afterlife is what comes to be so if you knew that this was how it worked and therefore there is no true afterlife then after you died there would be no afterlife this is why the o5 council all took amnestics that way whatever they think the afterlife could be it's better than nothingness that's why the phrase belief is key is repeated so much whatever you believe eternity to be is what will happen 231 is a bedtime story now with several of these there is this huge overarching lore that i can't go all the way into right now and i highly encourage you to check it out yourself however i'm going to do a very condensed version of a lot of them and this is one of those without explaining why there is an entity in the scp foundation known as the scarlet king supposedly it's the god of another universe who is trying to break through to ours in order to control it the foundation was made aware of this after seven women were brought together in a ritual in order to try to bring the scarlet king over and instead they were each given a child to birth and supposedly after the seventh child is born that will break way and allow for the scarlet king to pass into our universe at the time of this writing six of the seven women have already gave birth and then died immediately afterwards while it's not specifically known what each of those children were it's heavily implied that they may be scps himself so there's one girl left whatever is inside of her is a monster essentially and as soon as she gives birth an evil demon king's gonna come into our world and destroy it so the only way to prevent her from having this child and allowing the scarlet king to cross through is she must be according to an old legend be tortured forever to prevent the coming of the child and therefore the scarlet king can't cross over this is known as the montauk procedure and is necessary for the preservation of humanity now that's really dark right and it definitely is however there is an interesting twist on the story that came from the scp tale by faith alone according to this there is no torture procedure what actually happens is every night the researchers come into a room read her a bedtime story and then leave however they persist rumors that she is being tortured in such a way and it's horrible and gruesome and everyone who's a part of it can't stand themselves to create the belief that she is being tortured and because this is like a god entity that must be worshipped just because people believe that she is suffering that's enough to prolong his coming i really like this theory it's an interesting take and a good example of how the foundation will lie to other members of the foundation in order to both preserve what little morality they have left and simultaneously save the world three portlands is the same type of alternate dimension as 49.71 and can i just say i am so glad that it is worded the way that it is this is how like all the icebergs need to be because when it's three words and you've got to search the entire internet to figure out what it means it's so annoying like just just say it and it makes it so much better so thank you whoever made this three portlands is a pocket dimension that can be found through entrances of both portland maine portland oregon and whatever the portland in the uk is it acts as its own city-state of people who understand the supernatural and inside of three portlands it is its own autonomous zone 4971 is a shopping mall located somewhere in the u.s that upon entering it people walk into a forest that they can never escape supposedly this force goes on forever so this theory is saying that the three portland city-state is actually a forever existing infinite universe that these different portland residents have simply come across or you could go a bit further with it and say the people in 4971 if they would just keep getting through the force they find themselves in which is hard considering it's full of monsters and other creepy things would eventually find three portlands and a means of safety reality bending is thaumaturgy thoma i tried thoma that word is a way of saying sort of a slow burn magic in other words there are two main different kinds of magic in supernatural beliefs the idea of invoking something all at once and then slowly creating an energy the idea behind this is that several reality bending scps that we see are simply the result of a slow more slow burn or long built together energy tooth fairy is scp-478 and is an entity that resembles a small butterfly that flies into your mouth while you're sleeping and feels your mouth and lungs and stomach and all internal organs with teeth so that's comforting it's a good explanation of how several scps are adaptations of modern folklore here comes one i didn't know about until starting research for this and that's scp-000 now there shouldn't be a zero zero zero and that's exactly right the tail starts off with a security protocol in which a doctor known as dr rosen is complaining that there is continuous error messages given from the zero zero zero entry which is empty like it's supposed to be however if you scroll down on the log and highlight the entire white area you find hidden text of someone trapped in an alternate dimension according to them they continuously walk through this fog and as they do they see these different monsters and creatures passing them continuously only interaction they have that is in any way meaningful is a shadowy figure comes up to them and simply says the word foundation in response to this the person telling the story begins screaming as loud as they can and as they do they begin to see reverberations across the sky they continuously scream over and over to see if something will happen although nothing does supposedly this screaming is causing the error messages that we are seeing on the zero zero zero screen this ties into an interesting theory and that is that of pattern screamers which the next topic on the iceberg is pattern screamers pattern screamers are supposedly whatever existed in our universe before modern life existed and something caused them all to be done away with although no one knows what pattern screamers are understood to be beings of pure energy that exist within the gaps of reality itself what that means is they are both everywhere and nowhere at once and whenever they scream that's what causes anomalous things to happen or reverberations in the world and other spooky scary science wobbly stuff so go back to the last topic zero zero zero and supposedly what we're seeing is what every pattern screamer themselves sees and instead of being these evil entities that want to destroy humanity they're simply people lost who can't find a way out or people whatever existed before we did moving on zero zero one is innocuous this is a theory that has propped up as i said there have been several o1 proposals if i am right 30 of them however this theory says that all of those are wrong and zero zero one is simply whatever the first scp discovered is and it might as well be a spoon that doesn't let you eat food or something boring like that that would mean that every one proposal we've seen is simply a distraction in order to point people's attention somewhere else now we got a couple more of those weird object classes i talked about first of which being explained explained is exactly what it says that since this thing has come about it has been explained in some regard which makes sense if the foundation is very old for example one of the explained objects were these weird rocks that glowed green in the dark and caused physical damage to people around them and we've since figured out that that's just radiation therefore that is an explained scp and is knocked off the list apollyon is another very rare class that you will almost never see going back to the whole box metaphor uh apollyon is often the description that there is no box or we have no understanding of how a box could exist to contain this or the description that i like if you throw it in a box and then you're on fire and everything around you is on fire and the world is dead it's a polygon like i said this is very rarely seen for example in scp-4005 which is essentially a giant god that exists in an alternate dimension and supposedly at any time it once could just destroy everything that would be a polygon it's also seen in the scp-01 proposal when day breaks which is when the sun decides to melt everything at once obviously can't be contained and that is also considered apollyon dr isabel helga antagia parvati wondertainment v is the modern heir to the wondertainment corporation wondertainment is a company you're going to see a lot if you get into scps essentially as far as anyone knows it is a toy making company that either accidentally or because they think it's funny keep creating anomalous creatures that's everything from people who speak in cryptic words to little toy robots that have actual nuclear missiles in them dr isabel whose name is there is the current heir of the wondertainment company now really the only time she's mentioned is an five scp-5555 adds a whole lot of lore for how the whole universe works to make it simple i guess uh the idea of the administrator the person who sits above the foundation is playing a universal game of chess against other different people in the scp world one of them being dr isabelle the current head of entertainment supposedly they play this game over and over and this follows one of those weird canons you can believe that everything we're seeing is simply a game of these gods going back and forth with each other and that the wondertainment corporations one of the big players and the administrators using the scp is toys and blah blah blah whatever while that gets into a lot of the whole extended lore of the scp universe uh dr one wondertainment herself can be seen as simply the current doctor wondertainment library of alexandria is in reference to scp-4001 also known as alexandria eternal supposedly after the original library of alexandria was destroyed in one of those ancient wars a new library of alexandria was made which had the sole purpose of creating these books supposedly forever every book inside of alexandria eternal is the entire story of someone's life library itself is constantly writing in these books and whenever someone dies shuts it and places it on the shelf and the library is forever expanding allowing for more people to be created from foundation testing where they both tried to kill people who were alive and create new people by writing different things in the books they discovered that this library is not only a record of what's happened to everyone on earth but that it's also the causation of everyone that's happened on earth the theory is also one of the reasons i like the gate guardian 01 proposal so much because if we think of the scp foundation going that far back in history then the original library of alexandria whenever it was burned caused a lot of people to die according to this theory and also brings up the idea that the original library of alexandria could have been one of the first scp sites o5 are immortal i've kind of alluded to earlier just that the oh five man wow all five are immortal i kind of alluded to earlier just the idea that the o5 council themselves are all immortal and have been here seemingly forever which is proven by some of the logs and stories that they're mentioned in other theories go further and say that if we are in a cyclic time loop that is occurring over and over then the o5 council may be the only survivors who are aware of the loop itself which would explain why they tell the foundation a lot but not everything 399 is 239 is a really cool one that i'm going to explain as quick as i can scp-239 was originally a bunker that was found a kilometer underground that no one in the foundation could remember why they built it and the only thing found down there was the body of a man named james talaran upon recovering the phone of james talaran he had written down everything that happened to him and it basically went like this james talleran was a research scientist who discovered an entity that was labeled as scp-3999 however for the researchers that are reading his phone it doesn't make any sense because at the time there is no 39999 according to james talaran it was an entity that could not be described it neither existed in our plane of existence it had no physical form and the only thing he knew about it is that it was this evil being that just wanted to torture him at first it started out kind of medial with changing things around his room to making people around him hate him but it progressively got worse to the point that the scp-399 deleted all records of itself and all records that james talaran was a member of the foundation obviously this takes a lot of power for an extra dimensional being to do all of this uh but its only interest seemed to be torturing james it then began to get more malicious by having members of the foundation murder his family and tried to kill him and it eventually got to the point where james spent millions of years yes millions being constantly experiencing death and then being revived by this thing over and over however during this time james realized that this wasn't actually happening and it was all a simulation 399 had created in his head therefore the only way to stop it was to kill himself which during a moment of opportunity james did which leads to where the story opens up of these men finding a bunker they can't remember going down and finding the body of james scp-239 is known as the child witch 239 is an eight-year-old girl who has supposedly infinite power by infinite i mean according to the log anything she has the will to do will happen to combat this the people in the foundation told her she was a witch meaning she thinks she can only perform a few spells that are given to her in a book such as make oil into water and you can gently float off the bed and blah blah because if she figures out she can do anything there's no telling what she'll do however after an incident in which she used her powers to kill a lot of people dr clef came forward and decided to kill her through a manipulation tactic after dr clef killed her she quite literally melted into the bed this whole theory is wrapping around on itself that after this little girl was killed she was able to escape her body and become a being outside of our realm of existence and then became the 39999 that was torturing dr talaran this is a cool way of combining the scp universe and especially because beings this powerful are rarely seen it makes sense that one of them is just an out of body form of the other all right that was just here too y'all like that we are now on to tier 3 which i've labeled the o5 council speaking of dr cliff cleff's goat daughter yes i said that right there are several odd doctors that exist throughout the foundation and one of the most peculiar ones is that of dr clef according to what we know about him dr cleff used to be in a sort of mtf unit that was on the ground hunting down scps an event came in which dr clef killed something known as the goddess but did not kill the goddess's daughter known as the offspring the goddess itself was a forest god that appeared as a beautiful woman with horns and cloven feet some many years ago dr clef was lost in the woods ran into this goddess and they kissed leading to the creation of the offspring yes this deity's child is dr cleff's daughter which explains the reason that dr clef was so hesitant to kill the offspring after he had just killed the goddess he then took the offspring to a catholic convent and left it with a group of nuns because at the time it was seemingly just a normal girl according to this whole legend years later that child grew up to become scp-166 also known as the teenage succubus well what does scp-166 do well it is a young girl who is at the time of the stories telling 16 years old i believe who's been raised profoundly catholic her entire life however because of her goddess nature there's one catch any man who looks at 166 immediately becomes completely overtaken with the desire to kiss her so much so that the reason they found out about this is because the first time she ever interacted with a man who was a guy who broke into the convent some years ago he killed four nuns in order to get to her before one of the nuns killed him scp-166 exists as a normal scp in the foundation there are certain rules for her like she can't touch clothing or else she gets burnt she doesn't require food and all that good stuff but what i really like about this theory is it's again another way of tying in members of the universe to pre-existing scps also this makes sense because dr clef is the only doctor that can look at her and not be overcome with that desire because if he did gross chief of papers is the database is referencing another a1 proposal one of the 01 proposals is literally a stack of papers that on the top of it there is this invisible power that is writing new scp entries it's unknown if this stack of papers is causing the creature to come into existence or if it's just trying to warn people about what's to happen um the foundation's very afraid of it because if it's the former then they can't stop it and it keeps making more this theory says that what they're seeing is the writers online creating new scps and they're powerless to stop as we keep writing more of them into their universe gathering of a hundred spirits is the novel that gave inspiration to scp-3117 3117 is highly tied to the global occult coalition the global occult coalition kind of exists as the mere antithesis to the sep foundation basically 3117 works like this there are these recurring dreams that keep happening to people whenever they consume random bits of media this can be movies music whatever but unknown hidden throughout the world are these different triggers that whenever someone comes across them they begin having recurring dreams of it or a hundred spirits all gathering together this is building up towards something that is only referred to as the monster-shaped hole as it's said by people experiencing these dreams that imagine there is a hole that is slowly having pieces put together as people discover these secrets and eventually whenever you have a whole field it's no longer a hole and just a thing it's an interesting concept that laid throughout the entire world are these invisible trip mines and that once all of them have been set up whatever this thing gives will come into fruition o35 in the gesture is interesting those familiar with the scp foundation will know of scp-35 it is a white mass that displays the sort of quintessential image of greek comedy and will periodically switch over to tragedy the mask will possess those nearby to put it on and once it is on the mask will communicate through their now lifeless body that's beginning to fastly decompose the mask is a genius has supposedly been around for the majority of recorded history and tells stories and has infinite knowledge seemingly and can convince people to go insane and in one case even caused a researcher to fall into a fit of tears and later kill themselves after just about five minutes of speaking the jester is a character mentioned in scp tales that is housed at the same site that scp-35 is the gesture is a person who was born with very odd genetic deformities basically green skin and big yellow eyes sort of like a frog person who was a circus sideshow act who eventually was captured by the foundation since this is pretty much just someone with a genetic abnormality they're allowed much more freedom around the site and even hosts comedy nights once a week this is sort of a more light-hearted jovial scp but what's interesting is a connection to 35 c35 can literally manipulate brain waves to do whatever he wants so it doesn't make sense why he doesn't just convince everyone in the room to free him or let him out unless he likes the gesture according to this theory the reason 35 hasn't destroyed the entirety of site 19 and whatever else it wants to is because it enjoys having the gesture around or in other words enjoys the comedy that it was created for this also adds the implication that if the gesture were to die a lot of bad things would happen but we won't think about that it's all happy good right now artistic middle finger is in reference to one storyline in which the entirety of the scp foundation is destroyed and it's up for all the scp's enemies to come together and eventually defeat i believe it's the scarlet king one of the groups i mentioned earlier are we cool yet which is a group of like hippie retro artists at the end of the story build a giant middle finger and point it towards uh god containment breach is a tale containment breach is the thing that made the scp foundation a lot more famous than it previously was it's a video game that was covered in let's players and streams that chronicled this entire breakout of the site 19 facility generally this is accepted to be canon and that this actually happened and a lot of people died however the idea that it's a tale is saying that this is entirely a cautionary story that is told to members of the foundation because if you ever let this happen a lot of people are going to die monthly termination feeds factory earlier when i was talking about d-class i said that they were all inmates who were sourced together in order to be cannon fodder for whatever the foundation needs well supposedly after a month of serving the foundation all of these d-classes are just killed according to this theory the factory which i mentioned in the beginning as an one proposal is actually using these d-class as the matter in order to create new sap entities why the foundation would be doing this is up to you maybe some of the things it creates are beneficial to the foundation however this is a theory to explain what happens to all these d-class chess players for the legalization of marijuana is actually a joke i'm pretty sure because there is an organization in the scp foundation called gamers against weed which is a group of people who keep stealing like anomalous items from the foundation because they think it's funny so this chess players for the legalization of marijuana is just a joke on that pan gloss is an old world god that is mentioned in the scp universe as being the birth of essentially everything good supposedly pangos witnessed the first death and because of it wanted to bring positivity to the world there are several notes that are found throughout scp stories in which the scp foundation is encouraged to keep going and pressing on and other jokes that are sort of making jovial gestures to completely evil things that are happening saying that pangloss is trying to make the best of a bad situation and that he is acting throughout several scp stories even if we ever know it the feaster bunny while there's no specific scp for it from my information someone from the scp wiki uh was creating the feaster bunny as an scp and then made it a skin in the video game smite uh so basically it's like an almost scp article got made into a smite skin and it got me thinking that for as many people are involved in this the scp foundation is very rarely mentioned outside of its little bubble and is basically one of the internet's best kept secrets secret laboratory is canon is like the antithesis of the containment breach is the tail a secret laboratory is an indie video game made about the scp foundation and it's saying well if containment breaches canon then this other video game could also be canon so yeah memetic formatting is in reference to the fact that several of these scp logs themselves are formatted in such a way to either keep you from knowing what's going on or in some cases kill you for looking at it as i mentioned earlier the foundation does several things to keep even their employees unprivy to whatever's going on so some of the actual formats of these pages are organized in such a way to confuse you or make you lose interest mr ly talks about 55. mr lie or scp-2284 is a person created by dr wondertainment which i mentioned earlier whose ability is he can only speak in lies and anyone who hears him believes it to be the objective truth so he could look you in the eye tell you the sky is green and you would immediately be like oh that's weird why is the sky green that applies to everything using this ability mr lye was able to get very deep into the scp foundation past a lot of people and even change his own documents to say that he always tells the truth scp-55 is the unknowable entity basically scp-55 is placed in an scp-55 containment chamber in the foundation and absolutely no one knows what's inside of it people who built the containment can't remember why people who walk in to look at it will take notes about what they saw walk out forget what they saw and then all they would have went down would be scribbles and whatever this scp is has the ability to make no one know anything about it the closest they ever got was using a d-class to walk in the room and communicate what it's not the d-class while looking at it did say that it is not a sphere so progress so this theory creates a sort of paradox if a creature that only speaks in lies were to tell you a lie about something that cannot be identified and you were to believe that lie to be the truth then you would know something about the thing that cannot be known even if it's false and that would create a paradox on itself yeah in the real big brain time now uiu behind mk ultra is in reference to the unusual incidence unit which is a group of the scp foundation who operates in the real world as a means of dispelling crowds or other different groups of people who have witnessed supernatural occurrences and this is saying that mk-ultra was a thing that happened when as an scp of some sort interacted with the populist thought and that this part of the foundation simply came together to make people forget the araboro cycle is way too big to try to describe to give the most basic of definitions it describes the global occult coalition or chaos insurgency i can't remember which one going through and killing every member of the 05 committee at the end there is a battle that is had between two big powers throughout the story and supposedly at the end the entire cycle repeats itself going back to the beginning of the foundation so cycle d implies that we are in the fourth turn of this cycle this goes a step forward and says that the o5 committee are the only 13 people aware of this cycle and the only ones who try to prevent it from happening hence why they all die and then everything repeats at the end 407 is yadlebaugh's voice yadlboth is a deity in sarkicism and gnosticism while also having very close ties to the whole cthulhu mythos it is the idea of a creature that originally created life itself and was responsible for the first flora and fauna adaptations on earth in the scp universe it is the opposite of the scarlet king so much so that supposedly whenever someone dies they either are snatched up by the scarlet king or taken by yadleboth so what's 407 scp-407 is a song in an unidentifiable language that is played through a tape recorder and whenever someone hears it or is in proximity of it they become these humanoid plant hybrids who all of a sudden have their cells molecularly changed to match that of trees and flowers and so forth supposedly the reason this recording can't be identified is because it's shadowboss voice and that the unbridled voice of the creator of life causes people to become different forms of life sword of the believer relates to the orboro cycle which i talked about earlier at the end the two main characters face off with the sword of the believer and the spear of the non-believer the spear of the non-believer is a spear that was used to stab jesus's side on the cross and the sword of the believer is lucifer's sword that he had when he was cast out of heaven so at the end of this fight you have the item that was used by someone that believes in god but defied him lucifer and the spear of someone who did not believe in god and tried to kill him the spear coming together in this final clash that resets the cycle of time so yeah the white queen is an adaptation of the character in scp lore known as the black queen dr gears is another one of the weird researchers who's mentioned several times throughout the series according to the multiverse uh things carry out slightly differently across universes however there's normal consistencies that are commonly seen one of them being that dr gears has a daughter that he leaves that daughter to join the foundation then that daughter comes to hunt him down to either make him be your father to get revenge or to destroy the foundation itself this daughter is known as the black queen the white queen is a play on this and supposedly in one universe there exists a version of dr gear's daughter who is aware of the multiverse and that this is a completely senseless loop that keeps happening across timelines and decides to manipulate that in order to destroy the foundation itself in some stories or in other theories destroy all the others and blah blah it gets really confusing and like all these back and forth timelines but essentially a version of dr gear's daughter who has the power to manipulate multiverses daleport is in a temporal loop is in reference to the scp known as daleport daleport is an adaptation of the long craftiest story at the mountain of madness and supposedly in the city of deleport a disaster that occurred that opened up a rift to the supernatural reading the logs of it as a researcher is going through and interacting with the city of delport the idea is that it is a time loop that is continuously happening on itself which explains some of the anomalies that occur throughout the story i'm actually going to link the dale port video by volgun in the description because i think it's really interesting one so if you're into that then i encourage you to check that out hidden text is what i mentioned earlier that several of these scp entries have actual hidden text in them that you either have to edit the page in some way to find or highlight blank space a lot of the time as with damaron which i mentioned earlier this is because the information given is a cognito hazard and in several cases hidden texts exist in order to protect you the reader unicorn hair and phoenix feathers has to do with like scp-4714 which is another doctor one entertainment product and it is a small baby unicorn toy that has real unicorn hair and whenever little girls brush it they have the ability to make a wish which as you can imagine doesn't always turn out well however the implication that there is real unicorn hair and real phoenix feathers seen in the foundation implies that way long ago in history there was actual supernatural beings that existed among everyone else however i mean with all the supernatural stuff seen in the universe duh i'd be surprised if there weren't unicorns 4chan links is an interesting thing that happens with some of the log entries see if the scp foundation really does exist in our world and is secretive then it makes sense that whenever something about them gets leaked it's a big deal to the foundation something that commonly happens in these logs is someone on 4chan will find information while one's being ridden and then in real time the author of the page will edit it to mention the fact that information was leaked to 4chan and it's sort of a cool way to make a real world arg out of the foundation itself o513 refers to the 13th member of the o5 committee now the reason that it's so special is because o513 doesn't exist or at least doesn't exist all the time in several stories it's mentioned that there's 12 members of the committee and sometimes there's 13. the idea behind it is that 13 is not actually a creature or entity instead it is something that is summoned to either make decisions for the foundation or it exists outside of our plane of existence and drops in from time to time to help the committee however according to some theories it could be the scarlet king it could be some other ethereal being acting outside of the foundation or even something like the white queen i mentioned earlier no one's for sure sidewide narrative deterioration uh is in tune with the fact that as more writers get in on this project it becomes harder and harder to really understand what the true narrative is however the explanation for that in universe is that if we are nearing the end of a time loop or if the cycle itself is beginning to break apart then it makes sense that reality is not making sense in a lot of directions it's a really cool in-universe way of explaining why things are the way that they are and with that we are down to the final tier known as tier four i also want to bring in another theory that was not mentioned on the iceberg for this so i have label tier for the ethics committee in the scp foundation there is an ethics committee which is normally the butt of a lot of jokes because one of the things the foundation does in their free time is feed people to giant monsters however the theory is that the ethics community is actually a facade for a true body that is acting within the scp foundation either against or unknowingly to the o5 council and are the real ones calling the shots first we have multiple narratives again as you've probably figured out this point narratives are very hard to point out however multiple narratives do make sense in universe if everyone has their own motives and can also be reality vendors maybe a lot of what we're experiencing is itself the work of these greater deities or powerful entities creating their own narratives the way they want it to play out and these lead to the inevitable multiple apocalypses there are several scps that can theoretically in the world and as we've seen in several multiple universes in the scp foundation there are several that do in the world perhaps the entire thing the way that it's playing out is just a group of people maybe the o5 or the ethics committee trying to figure out how to avoid as many apocalypses as possible or maybe there's no point and maybe everything that's happening within the foundation is heading it towards an inevitable end all scp-001 entries are real stating that everything from the gate guardian to the factory to the fact that they are experiencing in their universe us creating more scps is all true and the foundation itself may be powerless to stop it all the foundation is real it's stating that the scp foundation is its own shadow organization that exists within our real world or another theory you are not if the concepts that i've talked about at length before of i think therefore i am and our understanding of how the universe works to such a degree that just because we think ourselves conscious we are not however if we are to think ourselves and if i think therefore i am and if just thinking is enough to justify my own existence then how is thinking about something else any different if i am not real and if the way that my thought process works that i am creating my own entity and universe that i interact in then by reading these stories i am doing the same for it to justify my own existence by my own thoughts is to justify the existence of my thoughts themselves the craziest thing the scp foundation has even thought of this several theories and logs go at tandem stating that perhaps it is all the imagination of a different person and perhaps nothing that we know can be known for sure and in that case as always what can we know well that was fun now that you're all done with existential doom and dread and we have covered that thank you for watching i really want to get into scp content which is one of the main reasons i wanted to do this because it's a good segue into that and as i talk about the more obscure and strange scps that exist i want to use this as sort of a fallback and above all else whoever you are thank you for watching thank you to all my subscribers you all are the best thank you very much to all my patrons and a very very huge thank you to my top tier patrons thank you kayla thank you pef thank you eddie thank you benjamin thank you tim thank you publius thank you saucy thank you fazia and thank you stephen all of your all support really does mean the most um i literally couldn't be doing this without you guys like watching how good the star wars iceberg is doing just something i wanted to do for fun and people are watching it and more people are subscribing and it's it's so insane to experience and it's all thanks to you and it really does mean the most thank you as i mentioned earlier the next conspiracy iceberg is coming out really really soon once again thank you for watching and i will see you all in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 4,120,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SCP, scp, Scp, Iceberg, explained, analysis, breakdown, scary, creepy, horror, spooky, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, 4chan, reddit, ask reddit, Disturbing, 96, 106, 173, 49, Redacted, 682
Id: -eBu96ET6-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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