Every PlayStation Franchise Ranked From WORST To BEST

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video games we like to play them we like to think about them but mainly we like to argue about them here at triple jump though we don't just like to argue about things we like to win those arguments about things and that's why today we aren't just ranking every playstation franchise from worst to best we're ranking them with a mathematical precision that no human being could possibly disagree with you're welcome yes to determine the rankings we aren't going to rely on silly concepts such as how fun a game is how much we enjoyed playing it how well it was designed etc no we're ranking every PlayStation franchise from worst to best based solely on the average Metacritic scores for each game in each series but before we get to the rankings a few ground rules firstly we are defining a PlayStation franchise as a series developed by one of Sony's first or second party studios including third party studios would make this list much too long and far less specific to Sony consoles so don't look for Call of Duty or FIFA here so honorable mentions for Tekken Metal Gear Solid and GTA then as while all of them had trilogies that at the time only appeared on PlayStation they weren't actually exclusive and started life elsewhere sorry guys secondly we're defining franchises a series that has at least three games not counting spin-offs remasters collections or direct remakes and that means no The Last of Us okay the term spin-off is often open to interpretation as well but we'll simplify it this way if it's clearly an entry in the same overall storyline or gameplay experience we will count it if the characters are in go-karts we won't also we're not including licensed sports franchises because we don't want to play them oh and also because in almost every case a very similar game is released year after year with minor tweaks and improvements and that's boring and you don't want to come here to be bored do you and finally Metacritic does indeed have averages for almost every game covered on this list but in a few cases they didn't and we had to use averages from Game Rankings instead we did spot check a few games at both sites though and found that the average were nearly always within a point or two of each other so we think games rankings makes for a fair substitute let's rank up and then from triple jump and here is every PlayStation franchise ranked from worst to best number thirty White Knight Chronicles 63 point six six percent who will come to the defense of white knight chronicles not the critics that's for sure with only three games in the series white knight chronicles just barely meets the requirements for being on this list which makes its position at the very bottom quite appropriate the first game received an average of 64% on Metacritic which isn't great complaints were leveled at just about everything for an unengaging story too poorly thought out battle mechanics with the general theme that the experience felt quite empty and uninspired when a sequel was announced critics expected the issues to be ironed out but they were not leading to an even less impressive average of 60% the PSP prequel white knight chronicles origins actually fared the best with its comparatively kingly average of 67% this is the only series on this entire list without a single game managing to crack an average of 70% white knight chronicles doesn't offer anything that you can't find elsewhere in far better RPGs and we find it difficult to argue with the critical consensus on this one number 29 cool borders sixty-eight point two three percent do you like porting do you like borders who bored do you like borders even more when they're cool do you have no other games for your ps1 if you answered yes to all of those questions you might and I emphasize might like coal borders coal borders was one of those games that everybody played on the MIR grounds that it existed and that's also just about the nicest thing anyone can say about it it was fun enough but not particularly well made critics at the time complained of visual glitches broken physics unreliable mechanics and poor controls but it still earned an average of 74 percent likely due to the novelty of it being a snowboarding game which was a genuine rarity hopes were high that sequels would iron out the kinks and they did not the average scores only went downhill from there never reaching 74% again and bottoming out at an in Bera Singh 56% with the final game in the year 2000 many games aged poorly but cool borders was never that great to begin with it was a unique time waster when it debuted but it never improved beyond that which explains why it's chilling out near the bottom of this list number 28 buzz and buzz jr. seventeen point six nine percent buzz is a series of game show themed trivia titles hosted by the scariest looking quiz master in history don't look into his eyes or technically it's too serious we could have broken out the five of buzz junior games and treated them as their own series but let's be honest you don't want to hear about buzz twice these games required physical buzzers rather than your controllers because you already owned your controllers and companies prefer it when you pay for new things as you might expect the games in the buzz series differed mainly in terms of the questions they contained different titles featured different topics and there were even regional variations that would change questions to suit different audiences in different parts of the world despite the minimal changes between games though the average scores differ massively ranging from 61 percent all the way to 80 percent buzz seems like the kind of series that could easily resurface especially with the rise of downloadable titles but another trivia company called a buzz time filed a lawsuit in 2008 alleging that Sony had infringed with its similarly named series the issue was ultimately settled in Sony's favor but it's possible that they just don't want to get stung again number 27 Arc the Lad 70 1.45% if you grew up in Japan Arc the Lad might be a bit more meaningful to you than it is to Western gamers as the series was already several games deep before it ever made it to english-speaking territories in fact the first game which Japanese gamers got in 1995 didn't officially come to the west until 2002 unfortunately this game never really found its audience over here and that's okay actually Arc the Lad is good but it's far from great the series never quite had a handle on what it wanted to be with this story being rewritten and combat mechanics being completely redefined several times in the span of just a few games RPGs do often evolve their battle systems over time as they should but with Arc the Lad it felt more like the series was trying everything in the hopes that eventually something would work these gambits were largely unsuccessful resulting in a series that once hit an 81% average with its second game and sinking to a 59 percent average with its last technically the series is still alive as Japan received a mobile entry in 2018 it reckons previous games and introduces another new battle system never change Arthur lad number 26 Spyro the Dragon seventy two point three three percent are you disappointed to see Spyro solo on this list us two and just wait until you see some of the absolute crap that's above him in all honesty we were quite surprised Spyro was one of the defining mascots for the ps1 and fans still adore him as we can clearly see from the success of the reignited trilogy the problem is that well there's more to Spyro than a trilogy had the series stopped after the third game Spyro would rocket all the way up to the number three spot but it continued never managing to find a way forward for the series Spyro 3 year of the dragon holds an impressive 91 percent average on Metacritic but the highest any other game got after that was 76% the series hit its critical lowest with Spyro shadow legacy which ended up with a humiliating 50 percent and to add insult to injury we considered The Legend of Spyro games to be a spin-off series and had we included them the poor purple dragons average would have sunk even lower I suppose you are you could say his later games were really dragging him down dragon number 25 twisted metal seventy-three point seven six percent twisted metal might be one of the classic playstation franchises but it didn't manage to win over critics in a meaningful way the deliberately ridiculous vehicular combat series did find an enthusiastic fan base though in fact a whopping seven games in the series sold well enough that they were re-released under the PlayStation greatest hits banner so why the disparity between critical reception and fan reception it's difficult to say really with the average scores being all over the place and not indicating any kind of clear trend twisted metal one and four ended up below a 70 percent average in twisted metal 3 didn't even hit 50% twisted metal black earned the series its highest rating ever with an impressive 91% but it's two follow-ups were right back in the 70s the series largely succeeded at what it tried to do though which is throw players into a demolition derby and let them kick seven shades of motor oil out of each other there have been a number of canceled attempts to resurrect the series and if it does return we'll welcome it back with open arms as in open armaments it's a good pun like the critics who just don't get it number 24 siren seventy four point six two percent siren is the only series on this entire list that saw a better score with every game whereas every other series experienced a critical stumble at some point siren only improved in its reception however it also saw only three titles before falling into obscurity but why well probably because an improvement with every game still left it with an overall average beneath it 75 percent suggesting that it wasn't likely to achieve greatness anytime soon that's understandable but unfortunate this survival horror trilogy never hit the heights of Resident Evil or Silent Hill but it had a lot of interesting ideas of its own that future games could have improved on the main gimmick of the series is sight jacking which is not what it sounds like and allows you to see and hear events from the perspectives of different characters and even monsters giving you a better understanding of what's happening around you and more deeply immersing you in the spooky atmosphere of the games it's a great idea that may be deserved a little more time in the other survival horror fans who missed out on sirens should absolutely try down all three games but they should also be prepared to face the most terrible horror of all the horror of unfulfilled potential yeah I know number 23 SingStar seventy four point six six percent do you enjoy singing along to your favorite songs of course you do do you enjoy looking like an idiot while doing so well if you do his sing starred I suppose of course that's a bit harsh sing star is clearly designed with friends and family in mind it's the kind of series that lets players have a little bit of silly fun without taking it very seriously at least we hope that's the case nobody nobody placing star seriously right at the very least we can confirm that critics didn't take SingStar seriously the average score for each game ranges from 65% to 82% which is a hell of a spread but even the positive reviews featured the predictable complaints there weren't enough songs in each game releases were split across volumes to increase sales at the expense of content certain songs were only available in specific regions you get the make sure if the idea of listening to your father warble his way through it's raining men sounds like a fun night Ian you'd probably rate sings star a bit higher on your personal list but for everyone else sing star was a mediocre series of music games that we don't think needs every unique tour number 22 pixel junk 75% the scores for pixel junk represent an even wider range than we saw with sing star this time the series peaked at a respectable 87 percent for pixel junk shooter and marked its low point with 62% for pixel junk races from the names of those games alone you can probably tell that the pixel junk series hops genres constantly this keeps the games fresh but one can't help but wonder if the regular scores in the 60s and 70s range don't prove that the pixel junk team need to take a bit longer finding its groove before moving on to different ideas having said that it's genuinely nice to see a series willing to take risks and reinvent itself pixel junk games have a large amount of charm and a few of the game's pixel junk shooter and pixel junk monsters are held in decent regard the first series of pixel junk games consisted of eight titles and the second series consisted of one and just in case you're wondering the 10th title was a VR spin-off does that mean pixel junk is dead necessarily but it is suspiciously quiet and it wasn't all that healthy to begin with so don't get your hopes up number 21 Medhi evil seventy five point one seven percent with the upcoming remaster of medieval scheduled to release around Halloween this very year you might think it's the right time to revisit the series and while you could certainly do worse the remaining twenty entries on this list proves that you can also do a lot better the first two games in the series received an 80% in 79 percent average respectively which we think is a bit high to be honest they were good games but forgettable apart from their comedy horror aesthetic even the positive reviews see fit to mention that the controls aren't great the design is sloppy and the camera is an active hindrance at the time of medieval resurrection the third and final entry in the series the novelty had worn off with a critical average of 66 percent that was essentially the last nail in the coffin for the adventures of sir Daniel Fortescue but we'll see what happens after the remaster there's the ghost of a good game here after all and when it comes to video game series even disappointing ones sometimes they come back number 20 SOCOM 76.2% have you ever wanted a game that would make you feel like Navy SEAL Richard Marcinko the Rogue Warrior himself if so well there's Rogue Warrior so you should probably play that anyway SOCOM US Navy SEALs exists a series that is sometimes not bad its ranking on this list may not be very high but it's unabbreviated title translates to Special Operations Command United States Navy sea air and land that gives it the longest name on this list which is you know kind of an achievement in itself socome is a series of third-person shooters in which players must complete various high-risk missions to keep the world safe for democracy or whatever passes for democracy these days am i right haha it wouldn't be totally correct to refer to SOCOM as realistic but the protagonists are far more vulnerable to gunfire than those in many other games this was a refreshing acknowledgment that even when you're a soldier getting shot sort of hurts there hasn't been a new entry in the series since 2011 but for what it was in its time it was a decent enough take on Bri world combat number 19 echo chrome seventy-seven point six six percent a puzzle platformer based on the impossible concept seen in the work of artist MC Escher it sounds pretty cool right well it actually was whether or not the trilogy of games lived up to its potential is certainly a matter for debate but echo chrome made clever use of the video game medium and gave us just a small taste of what it might be like to walk around some of Asia's and mind-bending scenarios the series didn't review poorly the first two games averaged to 79 percent and the third 75 percent but like many puzzle games it may have been limited by its own concept once players have solved enough iterations of the same few puzzle ideas there's little reason to come back for more and as such Ecco chrome was probably smart to disappear into the shadows after only three entries but we would eventually like to see another or perhaps a remastered collection and hey here's a hot and fresh science fact for you Ecco chrome 2 holds the world record for longest composition ever recorded for a video game the track is called prime number 4 507 it's just over 1 hour and 15 minutes long and it's quite lovely actually be sure to check it out if you ever show up 1 hour and 15 minutes early to your dentist or something number 18 crash bandicoot 77.7 4 percent he fed a bit better than his purple dragon friend but crash bandicoot's relatively low ranking is due to the same tragedy the series kept going after part 3 Crash Bandicoot warped earned itself an incredible and much deserved 91 percent average on Metacritic but the next game in the series wrath of cortex ended up with 66% and that is a massive drop it's not really one that the series has ever recovered from either had Crash Bandicoot come to an end after its debut trilogy it would have ended up in the number 6 spot on our list which would not have been too shabby instead it's ranked down here between two things many gamers may have never heard of crash isn't a lost cause however the insane trilogy and Crash Team Racing nitro fueled have proven that there's still a market for the orange monstrosity so long as his games you know good it remains to be seen whether this resurgence of interests leads to some new titles but we certainly hope it does after all that's crashes only shot at moving up the list and we think he deserves an opportunity to do just that number 17 MotorStorm 78.6% motorstorm might not have been the best playstation racer we'll care to that mum don't worry but it may have been the most cathartic there was certainly something satisfying about slinging vehicles around a track and smashing them violently to bits in the series had a total of five releases each with its own tweaks and locations and the quality stayed more or less consistent average scores for the games range from 72 percent to 84 percent which really isn't much of a spread it was far from a deep experience but it was one that brought a lot of really nice touches for instance both the vehicles and the tracks were destructible making every race feel different and forcing drivers to react on-the-fly to whatever happens to the track ahead of them there was also online multiplayer which went a long way towards keeping the series exciting and replayable MotorStorm was no masterpiece but as with an actual car wreck it was impossible to look away number 16 ape escape 78 point seven five percent Oh ape escape where have you gone the first game earned an impressive 90 percent average in fact a few of the series ranked higher on this list never had a single game review that well it was quite the stellar start and at first glance there's no reason ape escape should have ever run out of steam a humorous series about capturing and well escaped apes with a huge variety of environments items and obstacles is the sort of formula you can tweak forever as long as the releases stayed fun and to be honest they did stay quite fun ape escape 2 ended up with a respectable 82 percent an ape escape 3 slipped to 77 which is disappointing but by no means terrible what's likely the problem is that the series oversaturated its own markets there were only four games in the main series but they were a whopping 10 spin-off titles why that's more than twice as many and that's bound to have led to fatigue we aren't counting spin-off scores so they aren't the reason for its placement here but they might well explain why APUs cape lost its Cape appeal appeal sorry number 15 Killzone 78.8 3% first-person shooters are a dime a dozen knowledge that business model would be unsustainable and while it doesn't take much to make a competent shooter it takes a heck of a lot to make one that stands out Killzone didn't really even favorable reviews' of the highest ranking games often saw fit to mention that the series couldn't exactly be accused of being ambitious the series had a decent but unremarkable debut with a 70% average but then Killzone 2 hit a home run with a truly impressive 91% the other games ranged from 73 up to 84% essentially making the first two numbered games outliers the futuristic series takes place in a time of constant war cycling through different protagonists and antagonists between games often because they'd fall in battle there's probably a compelling story in there that could have been told but the series focused more on satisfying gunplay and multiplayer mapped by no means is a bad thing to offer in a gameplay focused series but the fact that Killzone offered little else is likely what kept it from climbing any higher on this list number 14 resistance seventy nine point four percent if you aren't already a fan of first person shooters resistance probably won't win you over it does have some fun weaponry and multiplayer but it's definitely closer to very good than great it's most appealing attribute is its basic concept which sees the world settling into peace after world war 1 which actually wouldn't be a numbered war at all this prevents world war 2 and the rise of the Third Reich also America manages to avoid slipping into the great depression so wins all-around right not quite because aliens ok yes we're simplifying the concept in fact to get the full experience of the series alternate timeline you'll have to not only play the games but read two novels and a stretch of comics it all runs much deeper and darker than we can get to here but yes in summary because no Nazis aliens fittingly for a series about alternate history there is a timeline in which resistance is much higher on this list if the visa entry resistance boning Skies didn't exist the average score for the series would increase significantly to eighty four point seven five percent rocketing it to the number eight spot number thirteen Syphon Filter eighty point two four percent for a time Syphon Filter was a PlayStation staple with six releases spread across the ps1 ps2 and PSP the third person shooter / spy adventure series is certainly a bit clunky in hindsight but for its time it was an innovative and immersive console experience the series mainly focuses on special agent Gabriel Logan as he and his team attempt to seize control of a dangerous biological weapon from a group of fanatical terrorists though it went through many free rights and iterations in fact at one point it was about a group of scientists forced to either build a time machine or be executed what fun that would have been part of the reason for the game going through so many different concepts during development is the fact that developer eidetic had only one game prior to this under their belt and that game was bubsy 3d an act of fanatical videogame terrorism in and of itself eidetic was understandably worried about their future and wanted to redeem themselves which they did the first Syphon Filter hit a 90 percent average on metacritic three other games in the six-game series broke 80 percent and it's always nice to see impressive work come from humble beginnings and very few beginnings are humbler then bubsy 3d good lord avert your eyes number 12 a tie between loco Roco and Patapon 80 point three three percent loco Roco and Patapon both ended up with the exact same average score on Metacritic the only time that's happened on this list for that reason we decided we'd lump them together if that's okay with you both series are famously abstract in their concepts loco Roco is a bright bizarre platformer puzzler and Patapon is perhaps the only god game rhythm series in history they both have their appreciative fan bases and as you can see from their respectable place on this list the critics were taken by their quirky charms as well loco loco and Patapon both do sometimes come up in conversations about franchises that fans would like to see returned but so far there hasn't been any news of future titles and that's not entirely surprising games with concepts that aren't exactly easy to articulate to newcomers tend to be the ones that fall off the map for a while but who knows perhaps in a few years we'll find ourselves struggling to describe these games all over again number 11 infamous 82.6 six percent infamous is perhaps best known as prototype but with electric powers now don't worry we're not taking sides although I am personally an infamous guy and we also refer to prototype as infamous but with fleshy biomass powers the series follows the stories of everyday superheroes who can choose to use their powers for good or for naughtiness the first two games which happen to be the best received ones focused on Cole MacGrath and the series moved on to Delsin Rowe for its third all three games average scores between 80 and 85 percent we went back and forth over whether or not to consider infamous first light a spin-off for a proper title ultimately deciding not to as it's just a new character in exactly the same map that second Sun took place in first light featured another protagonist fetch Walker and a number of critics lauded her as the best one this series has had however the rest of the game proved divisive and not including it in our averages works in the series favor as first light score of 73 percent would have brought it down a couple of spots on the list with the simplicity of the infamous template giver nobody with a silly name superpowers and have them rampage through an American city we'd be shocked if we don't see this series return with that we move on to the top 10 Sony franchises of all time number 10 Sly Cooper 83% for a few glorious years like Cooper seemed like he could become an enduring gaming icon the visual style of the series is absolutely phenomenal in its classical approach to thieving and overall roguery gives its universe a clear and unique identity but after its last outing in 2013 and without any real reason slide just sort of disappeared this is a genuine loss a Sly Cooper had real potential it had a fantastic cast of characters clever writing and a smart mix of stealth and platforming ok the stuff maybe wasn't as defining an aspect of the games as it should have been but that's all the more reason the series could have used a little more time to grow ultimately yes there is no shortage of cartoony platformers but rarely do they have anywhere near the style wit or personality of Sly Cooper it's one franchise we hope will sneak back into our at some point number nine Warhawk / Starhawk eighty-three point one percent Warhawk and/or Starhawk is are confusing the first game Warhawk was released in 1995 for the ps1 it has no relationship with a completely different game called Warhawk that was released in 1986 got that good the second game in the series is also called war hawk released in 2007 for the ps3 this one is often referred to as a remake of the 1995 game in the fact that it uses the same name would make sense in that regard but it was actually developed as the sequel then late in development to the single-player campaign was cancelled and it became multiplayer only a complete reversal from the single-player only 1995 game that this game ostensibly remade and /or followed up on our week are we following along everyone then the third game released in 2012 changed the name to star hawk though it has no relationship with a completely different game called star hawk released in 1979 also star hawk is often referred to as a spiritual successor to war hawk or possibly war hawk but not war hawk though it was initially intended to be a sequel for the single-player campaign restored before it became something that may or may not have anything to do with the other games at all anyway we hear they're pretty good number 8 jak and Daxter 83.4% Naughty Dog followed up Crash Bandicoot with an all-new series on the ps2 jak & daxter takes place in a deceptively rich world with an interesting backstory one that runs on a mix of ancient and advanced technology Jack's friend daxter is transformed into a wisecracking weasel author hybrid of course and the to have a cartoony adventure in the vein of super mario 64 with large levels filled with multiple goals hidden secrets and tons of pickups at least that's the first game the series grew progressively darker as the characters grew up and found themselves facing situations that were decidedly less lighthearted the evolving tone of the series means that even fans of jak and daxter might not like many jak & daxter games but it definitely showed off Naughty Dog's ability and willingness to explore larger ideas overall critics were on board with the experiment the first game did represent the high-water mark of the series with its 9 percent average but the next three still managed Everage is between 84 and 87 percent not too shabby jak and daxter did go out on a low note with the lost frontier though saddled with a 71 percent average but Naughty Dog has refused to rule out a return for this series so it may not be stuck with a disappointing conclusion forever number 7 Ratchet and Clank 80 4.75% insomniacs Ratchet and Clank games aren't held in quite as higher regard as spyro nowadays but in terms of overall critical reception it's leaps and bounds ahead this is mainly due to the fact that after the first three games Ratchet and Clank managed to retain a more or less reliable level of quality did you hear that Vivendi games and all activision insomniac made a conscious effort to evolve the series with each game to keep pace with changing trends in the industry and they largely succeeded in doing so were all fans satisfied with every outing of course not but they never got a game that averaged lower than 76 percent on Metacritic and that's something to be thankful for much of the appeal of the series comes from it's often bawdy sense of humor the games have titles like going commando quest for booty and up your arsenal after all as well as the ridiculousness of the characters and weapons we haven't gotten a new game since 2013 apart from a remake of the first game which we aren't counting here but we'd love to see a revitalized return for the duo in whatever form that might take number 6 everybody's golf or Hot Shots Golf if you're a serious builders 85 percent known as Hot Shots Golf in North America for most of the series everybody's golf surprised us with its high placement on this list not because it's a bad series far from it in fact we just didn't expect it to have such high scores across the board as a strict golf simulator everybody's Golf could be considered a failure but as a series that uses the concepts mechanics and physics of golf to create a unique and fun experience of its own it's a clear success the secret to everybody's golf success in this regard is consistency no game in the series has ever broken the 90% barrier but only three times in its history has it fallen below 80% even then its lowest averages are still impressive 75% for everybody's golf VR it also doesn't hurt that the series has featured characters from other franchises at various points including gex medieval and Professor Layton in fact that's a fair way that's a fair way that's a fair way to bring new fans to the series did you get it number 5 wipe out 86% wipe out has earned its impressive placement on this list and it's still not the highest rated racing series can you guess what I bet you can't guess what that is this beloved futuristic racer was strong right out of the gate with the first game netting a solid 90 percent average from critics the second game in the series did even better with 93 percent admittedly the series never hit those Heights again but only once did it fall under the 80 percent mark and even then it was by exactly one point throughout the life of the series critics almost universally lauded the incredible sense of speed cutting-edge graphics tight gameplay and pulsing techno soundtrack reactions were mixed two wipeouts difficulty but that's a category in which it is literally impossible to please everyone disregarding a collection in 2017 we haven't seen an entry in the wipeout Series since 2012 while graphics aren't everything we can't help but wonder how gorgeous a next-gen Wipeout could look and how impressive course designs could get on stronger Hardware with any luck we might just find out number 4 Gran Turismo 87.5 7% the gold standard of racing games Gran Turismo has been a PlayStation staple since 1997 it's consistently strong gameplay type controls satisfying sense of speed and variety of vehicles and locations have made it popular with both casual gamers and those who prefer realistic racing Sims it had a broad appeal right from the word go debuting with an astounding average of 96% that's the highest rated debut on this entire list and from there the scores remained impressive dipping under 81 percent only once with Gran Turismo sport for the ps4 and it's relatively disappointing 75 percent average there's almost certainly some gas left in the tank though gran turismo includes many licensed vehicles lovingly and meticulously constructed for the game with realistic handling an incredible attention to detail as long as the Venn diagram of car enthusiasts and gamers has any overlap at all the series will continue to have an audience and what's more online play has become an increasingly important aspect of the series and finding the right mix of realism and fun could make the next title a must-have for many new fans Gran Turismo is one of Sony's most recognizable and long-running series and we reckon there's plenty of mileage in it yet number three LittleBigPlanet eighty-eight percent during his first few years on the market the PlayStation 3 which had launched at a ridiculously high price to lukewarm critical reception desperately needed a killer app for many that app came in the form of 2008 LittleBigPlanet the cuddly family-friendly platformer won over gamers and critics alike and it holds a remarkable 95 percent average on Metacritic only one other game on this list Gran Turismo 3 managed to reach that score and only to managed to surpass it the gorgeous visuals great soundtrack and soothing tones of narrator Stephen Fry came together to create an irresistible platformer but it's real appeal was its incredibly versatile editor which allowed players to create their own levels characters and objects LittleBigPlanet was such a triumph that sack boy or sack girl became a sort of de facto mascot for the ps3 and the series helped usher the console into a more successful era we haven't seen a proper release for the ps4 yes LittleBigPlanet 3 was designed with the ps3 in mind and ended up releasing on both systems and with a new console generation on the horizon we probably won't but here's hoping we meet Sackboy again on the PS 5 number 2 Uncharted 88 point 83% many of you watching no doubt expected Uncharted to take the number one spot but don't be too upset that it didn't it missed out by just one point one eight points Uncharted has been a critical and commercial darling since its debut on the ps3 with this gorgeous graphics exciting set pieces and absolutely fact cast it is certain itself immediately as one of gaming's all-time great franchises half of its six titles scored above 90% and it's the first game on this list to have no titles fall below 80% the lowest rated game in the series is unsurprisingly golden Abyss the lone Vita entry and the second lowest is the Lost legacy with 84% which frankly feels at least a couple of points too low I thought it was fantastic the series peaked according to Metacritic with Uncharted - among thieves the game hit a remarkable average of 96% tying it with Gran Turismo for the highest rated game on this entire list Nathan Drake in his globe-trotting chums have absolutely owned their status as the second best Sony franchise of all time but there's still one legendary series that just managed to squeak past them and still the tops but don't make out don't look at him he'll o number one God of War 90% and here we are the absolute best Sony franchise it's seductive brutality mythological inspirations and instantly iconic hero well kind of hero made the first game of hit in 2005 and it hasn't really lost momentum since from a critical standpoint the low point of the series was God of War ascension but even that holds a lofty 80 percent average in fact that's the highest lowest score of any series on this list if that makes sense Ghost of Sparta is the second lowest rated game with 86 percent and everything else in the series is comfortably in the 90s in fact the first game in the series was so immediately beloved that it ended up with a 94 percent average that remains the highest scoring game in the series until 2018 s masterpiece of a reinvention which was fittingly enough also called God of War and which also earned believe it or not an identical score of 94% what's more the inevitable sequel has every chance of scoring even higher the series has clearly found a second wind and it did so before it ever ran out of breath to begin with of all the series on this list God of War likely has the most exciting future ahead and will gladly take every bloody gory gritty step of the Gods Lange journey right along with it and there you have it every Sony franchise mathematically and therefore indisputably ranked from worst to best what would your personal top five look like do you agree with the overall rankings is there a single good reason we haven't seen ape escape since 2005 let us know your thoughts in the comments also if you have suggestions for every ex ranked from worse to best videos let us know we look forward to being correct about as many topics as possible and we know that in the interest of time we had to set some pretty strict rules here so if you would like to see us rank every PlayStation exclusive game from worst to best I'm not saying we'll do it but we'll think about it you can follow myself and triple jump on Twitter here and while you're at it why not support the things you enjoy by having a look at our patreon finally don't forget to like the video share it with your friends and subscribe to the channel I'm Ben from triple jump and thanks for watching
Channel: TripleJump
Views: 470,810
Rating: 4.8200927 out of 5
Keywords: playstation, best playstation franchises, playstation franchises ranked, playstation ranked, playstation ranked from worst to best, playstation games, god of war ranked, uncharted ranked, little big planet ranked, gran turismo ranked, wipeout, god of war, uncharted, little big planet, gran turismo, everybody's golf, ratchet and clank, jak and daxter, warhawk, starhawk, sly cooper ost, infamous second son review, locoroco ps4, triplejump ranked, patapon, syphon filter, resistance
Id: CIR6Jki0Khk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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