Every Nightmare In the Loud House Family! | Compilation | The Loud House

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Welcome to Lily's dream. Testing, testing. Bedroom team, do you read me? Over. Roger that. Bedroom hears you loud and clear. Let's keep an eye out for any signs of Trashy or Tentacle. Where are we? Hey, check this out! My old pigskin! Huh. We must be in our basement. Huh? [screaming] [snoring] Ah, yes. The basement. That would make sense. It's where every nightmare starts. [roaring] [Lily crying] It sounds like Trashy found Lily! Hurry! [overlapping chatter] So, I said to the prime minister, "Two breads are better than one.? [laughing] Your comedy is so mature, just like you. To Lincoln. He puts the grown-up in grown-up table. To Lincoln. [kissing] What- What are we doing here? Paying our respects to the recently departed. He was a troubled soul. Slipped on nacho cheese, a beef jerky stick wedged in his ear drum. He was found in a pool of his own Flippee syrup. Alone. Phillip Phillipini? [gasping] It's me. No one came to my funeral? I knew I could count on Skeets. Scoots. Wait. There's no reception with free chow? Pssh. I'm outta here. I messed up so bad. I was such a greedy chump, I lost everything, and I wound up all alone. It can't end like this. Flip can change. Just give me a ch- [screaming] Am I still living? Ow. [gasping] Creepy girl's gone. It's over. Flip, buddy, it's not too late. You got yourself another shot to make good. - I can set my atomic clock- - Same as always. You pull this every time. Every day since kindergarten. Well, nothing to see here. Yeah, it's not like he's gonna do anything we haven't seen a million times. Hey, you guys want to grab some chow? Yes, please. Anything would be more interesting than this. Face it, pal. You're boring. Hey, guys, wait up! [screaming] Phew. [dinging] Lisa, why are you doing this? Flips the only guy who will hire four year olds with no experience. No, I mean, why are you doing any of this? Come home. Lynn needs you. Why don't you get Ms. Smarty Pants to help her? [dinging] Speak of the devil. Regular or unleaded? Oh, I don't need gas. I just won the Nobel Prize for inventing a car that runs on apple juice. Of course you did. Fill her up, please. And then we'll all get in Leni's juice-mobile, go home and forget all this nonsense. Can't. I'm off to Harvard. Au revoir, adios, auf Wiedersehen, and aloha! A-HA! "Aloha" means "Hello"!" It also means "Goodbye"!" Dang it. I used to know that. Hey, Chatty Cathy, BACK TO WORK! [ringing] Hello? Charles. [barking] She's what? [barking] All right, I'm on my way. Look who it is, Miss Soon-to-heal. WHAT DO YOU WANT? AAAAAHHH! I mean, you're looking better! Oh, nice try, Lincoln, but I am out of here! I can't stay where I'm... CONSTANTLY REMINDED OF MY FORMER SELF! My beautiful, beautiful self. But... But... [grunting] I'll send for this. Lola, wait. Careful, Lincoln. You could get seriously injured. Lana, what are you doing in there? I saw what happened to Lola. Life is a fragile thing. I don't want to take any risks. But you're the queen of risks. Was the queen of risks. From now on, I'll stay in here where it's safe. You know, what I'm talking about. Huh, Geo? Lana, you can't be serious. Lana? <i> ♪ Things have gotten drastic ♪</i> <i> ♪ Now My sister lives in plastic ♪</i> <i> ♪ Where did it all go wrong? ♪</i> Luna? Check it, bro. I uploaded a song I wrote about our family going down the Highway to- HELLO! I just got 50 more hits! [thudding] [gasping] Mick Swagger?! Your singing is amazing! You gotta join my tour! Luna is IN! Don't you leave, too! THE FAMILY'S FALLING APART! SORRY, DUDE! Time to take out the trash. Lynn, wait, you've got to be careful. If you're taken out in the nightmare, you're taken out in the real world. Come on. You keep adding rules, and that's kind of a biggie. Get your night lights ready. [growling] [growling] Lily, fear not. We're here to cure your nightmares. Yay! Don't worry, Lily. I'll keep you company. You guys have this under control, right? Trash really isn't my thing. [groaning] This is dry clean only! Ahh! Now that's how you take out the trash. One down, one to go. Yay! 23, 24, 25? Man, that's a lot of sisters. I can't even imagine what that would be like. Hey, Lincoln! Hold it! Hey. Morning, ladies. Why are you dressed like a hoodlum from the wrong side of the forest? Yeah, what's the sitch? There is no sitch. Warren, come in. It's Danny. <i> I thought of some topics for you to discuss</i> <i> with the new girl.</i> New girl? Like this. Butter lettuce. Is it butter, or is it lettuce? Discuss! Danny, I'll call you back. Look, you guys, I've thought about it and I really don't belong here. I think I should go back to the kiddie table. You can't go back. You can never go back, bro. [gasping] You're one of us now, a grown-up. Better start working on those taxes, Lincoln. [screaming] [grunting] Where do you think you're going? [gobbling] [screaming] Please, I have to get back to the kiddie table! I'm not a grown-up yet! I'm still a kid! One of us. One of us. One of us. [Lincoln screaming] [screaming] [gasping] Remember what I said about staying here forever? Yeah, that's not happening. Ooh, I still have five minutes to get back. Where is it? Whoa! Check out this sweet watch. Hey, that's mine. Finders, keepers, loser. No! I need that! [chuckles] Keep away with Uncle Lincoln's watch! Oops. You guys, this is serious! PILE ON DAD! [screaming] UNCLE UNCLE UNCLE! Phew. Just in time. Hey, Stinkin', I almost forgot something. [laughing] [sighing] [screaming] My room! Bun-Bun! It worked! Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare? AAAHH! It didn't work! You want some water? Want some water? Wait. Why are they being nice to me? Aw. Want us to stay until you fall asleep, Linka? Linka? I'M IN THE WRONG DIMENSION! [screaming] Oh, thank goodness. It was all just a nightmare. What is happening to my family?! - Knock knock. - Who's there? This is not a joke, Lincoln. Do you know what's going on in the world? Here, take Mr. Coconuts. He just reminds me of all the trees being cut down in the rainforest. Wait, Luan. What brought this on? Well, ever since Luna left, I've had no one to try my jokes out on. So I've been watching a lot of cable news. And what I've seen is horrific. So I've decided to become... an activist. Don't be ridiculous. You're a comedian. See, funny, right? Ahh! What the heck was that? They're just Lana's pets. I liberated them, and now I'm off to heal ticking time bomb we call Earth. Wait, Luan. You can't be serious. Ahh! [chattering] Get back here, Izzy. Izzy, come to Uncle Lincoln. <i> And now for tonight's top stories.</i> <i> Former rising star Luna Loud was kicked off</i> <i> the Mick Swagger tour for destroying a hotel room.</i> <i> All I wanted was a bleeding pillow mint!</i> Luna? <i> In a related story,</i> <i> former comedian turned activist, Luan Loud,</i> <i> has chained herself to a giant redwood.</i> <i> Hey, hey, ho, ho!</i> <i> Keep your hands off, let it grow!</i> Luan? <i> I'm being told we have breaking news.</i> Please don't be one of my sisters. Tucker, I'm here at Flip's Food and Fuel where two unknown bandits have just made off with a carload of beef jerky and a cotton candy machine. They're not unknown, they're my sisters. Their betrayal hurts more than this brain freeze. I'm getting word that the bandits are currently leading police on a slow speed chase. [sirens blaring] Where did it all go wrong?! One has to wonder. Where did it all go wrong for these girls? And why is a four year old working at a gas station? Interview over. Wait. Don't forget to come down to Flip's Food and Fuel, home of the Flippee. Now the interview's over. I was watching that. Ah! Lucy. At least you're still normal. [hissing] Ah! Not normal! I was bitten by Lana's liberated vampire bat. Greatest day ever. Nine sisters lost, but there's still one I can save. Lily? [laughing] Lily! [laughing] Oh, no, Lisa's chemicals. What have I done? Mmmm... yum yum! DON'T EAT ME, LILY! [screaming] So that's the worst thing that could happen. [snoring] Hey, everybody, it's me, unpredictable Lincoln. Watch what I do next. - Boring, dude. - Yawn. Wait, what about this? We've seen it! What about this? You did that last week! [growling] Fine, is this predictable?! Yawn, again! Come on. HOW ABOUT THIS?! [screaming] Boring! Hey, where'd you go? [whimpering] This monster's too powerful. We need to abort mission. It's too dangerous to stay here. If we leave, Lily's nightmares will be even worse. Eh, peek-a-boo, chiefs! [screaming] Press your return buttons! Now! Wait. Why is Lisa still sleeping? <i> Sorry, siblings. I already put one sister's life in danger.</i> I can't risk any of yours. I must finish this alone. For Lily. Lisa! Lily, I'm sorry! I failed you! Blegh. Bad Flip! Leave Lisa alone! A ca-Lynn-mari sword?! [yelling] [farting] Lisa! Lily, that was incredible! From now on, I promise; no more monster experiments. Lily not afraid anymore! [giggling] [chuckles] Then, my mission here is complete. Bye-bye, Lisa! [kissing] Sweet dreams, Lily. [yawning] [gasping] Huh? Lily has good dream about you. Pshaw. Tell me all about it, Lily.
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 648,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, nightmare, dream, bad dream, funny dream, baby lily, compilation, 30 min, compilation the, ytao_lh
Id: 9wU6DJzdm5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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