Lana Loud's Best Muddiest Moments! | Compilation | The Loud House

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Bobby. Mud! [giggling] [buzzing] Mail call, people. Lana, Mud of the Month Club. Nice grab. Charles, Bone of the Month Club. Lisa, Bacteria of the Month Club. Who's the prettiest in the land? Not you after the mud monster gets you. [screaming] Come back here! [screaming] What happened to it's Saturday? The only thing I should be picking up is my axe. You'll thank us for this one day. [screaming] But probably not today. I've got mud in my mouth. Lucky. Hey, guys, how's rugged roommate life going? Lynn let me bring my mud. It's perfect for rugby practice. Score! Good stuff. I'm sorry I didn't get to sample your mud pies, Lana. It's okay. Made you one for the road. Don't forget to heat before serving. Thank you for everything. Oh, it was so wonderful meeting you all. - Bye. - Come back soon. Go for Operation: Pig Parade. Showtime, y'all. Shoo wee! We're so close to the other cars, I can smell them! [sniffing] Wait, that's not exhaust. That smells like... mud! Sweet, sweet mud. Not now, Lana. This is our chance. Gun it for that ramp! Right. Right. - Whoo hoo! - Yeah! Really get that mud up in your face. Don't be afraid to eat a little. Now, in addition to English, I speak Mandarin, Latin, Swedish and West Coast rap. So, this is the novel I'm working on, just in case Luan asks you about it. You should probably read the whole thing tonight. Okay, so let's see the walk. Almost. But you forgot part of it. [thudding] Ugh! [thudding] Ugh! First thing in the morning, I usually rush to the bathroom to beat the crowd. Oh, same here. There's some pushy blue hairs at the senior center. Then, before school, I'll sometimes stop for a Flippy, watermelon lime's my favorite. It's my favorite flavor of gelatin. [screaming] Hang on. I'll get us out of here. What do we do now? You guys push, I'll steer. [grunting] I'm walking in mud. There is nothing more disgusting. Come on, everyone, push. I stand corrected. Aw, lucky. You want it? You got it! [gasping] Mud fight! [screaming] You guys, cut it out. Ah! [crying] It's okay, Lori, we'll get Vanzilla out of the pond. No, it's not that, Leni. This whole weekend was a bust. I came home to reconnect with you guys, and nothing went right. You were all off doing your own thing. And then when we did spend time together, it was a disaster. I feel like I'm not even a part of this family anymore. What? That's nuts. Today was not a disaster. In fact, I would call it a normal, Loud family Sunday. Yeah, dude, what's more Loud than getting kicked out of places? Or rolling Vanzilla into a pond? [chuckles] And even though you're not with us every day, you're always going to be part of this family. Even in the afterlife. [chuckles] Thanks, you guys. I really needed to hear that. Group hug. No, no. I'm already dirty enough. [screaming] [laughing] Mud fight! [laughing] My favorite way to stay fit is mud wrestling. Wait, what? Take down, two points. Your turn, dad. [whimpering] I think we might need to take it down a notch. You'll find the ancient art of Tai Chi a more approachable way to exercise. This posture is called "Calming the waters of the heart." Wow. I'm really feeling it. Honey, are you feeling all this? Whoa! Man, I am centered. I am one with the universe. I am so- Did I mention that Tai Chi is both ancient and silent? [breathing] Remember to breathe. Keep your knees bent and really use those triceps. Oh, yeah. I'm feeling the burn. Rita Loud jumped on the cloud. All her kids were super proud. How many cheers did Rita get? One, two, three. You ready to Luna-cise, dudes? Just follow me. One, two, three, four. Head bang! Windmill! Air splits! [grunting] Ha ha! Great form, dad, but next time, wait for me to say "Guitar smash". So then Whitney was like, "I don't think highlights are right for you." And I was like, "Uh, I already bought the lemon juice." And so she goes- I don't know how you can jog and talk so much, sweetie. Oh! The ice cream truck! Dad, no! I got this. Take down, two points! In a couple more hours this mud will be perfect to play in. Hey guys, why can't a comedian tell a dirty laundry joke? Cause it always comes out clean. [laughing] I'm bloody love this song! Sing it like you mean it, Mick! I'm trying to write here. [cat screeching, baby crying] [giggling] No, I love you more, silly. It's our six week-iversary. You two are, like, gonna be together for, like, ever. Speaking of forever, Lori, my study indicates you haven't used the bathroom in quite some time. Ew. There is no way I'm being in your grody poop study. Mirror, mirror in my hand, who's the prettiest in the land? Not you once Mudzilla gets ahold of you. [roaring, screaming] [coughing] Hey, you washed off my mud. Ha ha, you got spray- Perfect. Hey, you washed off my makeup! Good news, guys, we're taking another family picture. But we already did one. Stay right here, and no more mud or makeup. - What? - Thank you for understanding. Mr. Snuggles. [gasping] [laughing] Eureka! My pre-K punchers. Man, this feels like Christmas. Yeah, but with way more stuff. Come on, guys, focus. You need to be getting rid of stuff, not eating it. [chuckles] Whoa! Come on. It's my first mud pie. Perfectly aged. Why do we have to get rid of all this great stuff? - Yeah. Let us keep it. - We love our old things. Oh, we're sorry, kiddos, but in a house with 13 people, there's just not enough room for it all. Did you even consider getting a storage bin? We all have to make sacrifices sometimes. Even your father donates ties from his prized collection every now and then. Huh? Hmm. Wait. What if we can prove to you that we still use all this stuff, then can we keep it? Fine, but if you can't, all of this has to go. Deal? [cheering] [shrieking] Oops. Big shine. Ah, there, no mud, no makeup, just sparkling faces that I could eat right now with some steak sauce. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom. Nail inspection. Lola, come on out. Mm-hmm. Good job as always, sweetie. Go tell Lana it's her turn, please. Of course, Mommy. Sorry. Gotta make it believable. Sup, mom? Ready for my bath. - Lola. - I mean, do I gotta? I like all this mud and filth and grime. Bath. Wow. Lana, you're sparkling. You know it. I mean, uh, don't get used to it. I got plans to hang out with, uh, some worms later. This plan was genius. Lols. I'd say it's nothing, but we both know modesty doesn't suit me. I was thinking, why stop now? We could switch places whenever we want. [gasping] We'd never have to do the things we don't like ever again. Hey. Mrs. Fishman, didn't we talk about you staying off your feet until the babies are born? You should be relaxing in your new kelp bed. Oh, I almost forgot, gotta update my sign. Let's change this to Fishman's pond, population- Wait, how many little ones are you having again? Well, let's just round it up to 100. So that makes 102. Royal Woods is a great place for big families. You guys are gonna be really happy here. Hey, what's your problem, pal?! Beat it, kid. This land got sold to the Mustard Warehouse. They're building a new store here. I got orders to fill in this pond today. You can't do that. This is the Fishman's home. Look, if they get a problem, they can call a lawyer. They can't use the phone. [laughing] Oh, come on, kid, no one cares about a couple of fish. Put them in a tank or something. If I move the parents, I'd have to move their eggs and they could die. What can I tell you, kid? There's plenty of other fish in the sea. [chuckles] Now move. Wait, buddy, your shoe's untied. Huh? Oh, yeah. Hops, bolt removal. Loop around and through, Mr. Bunny rabbit, pull and through. Oh, for crying into your pub cheese soup. I'll deal with this tomorrow. Good job, Hops. That'll buy us a little time to figure out a plan. [belching] Hops, diesel breath. [buzzing] We'll take it from here. [laughing] [gasping] Speechless, huh? Well, I think that means we've found our cake. Ah! What do you have for toppings? Any worms or bugs we could sample? I'm sure we could find something in the pantry. Oh, those are just some exploding candles. Wait, be careful with those. [exploding, screaming] [gasping] Lana, muddy shoes. And pants and shirt and hat. No time to change. I've got a crisis on my hands. The Fishmans are getting kicked out of their home. Have they tried calling a lawyer? They're fish and they live in the pond at Tall Timbers Park. But now some jerks want to pave paradise and- Put up a parking lot? No, a mustard warehouse. Well, the mustard warehouse probably will have a parking lot. I can't just stand by and watch this happen. Lynn, I think we might have a little activist on our hands. You know, we might be able to help, honey. Your mother and I were quite the activists in our day. We rallied for a ton of good causes. Equal pay for women, reduction in carbon emissions. The freedom to wear puka shell chokers in the workplace. You know, all the big stuff. Great. So what do I need to do? Well, I think your best bet would be to draw up a petition. Okay, cool. What's a petition? Well, you go door to door collecting as many signatures as you can. You'll also need phone numbers, home addresses and emails. You'll need the signatures of half of the people in town, which would be about mm, 10,000. 10,000? Is that even a real number? Okay, fine. And then the construction will stop? No, it'll just be delayed while they call a public hearing. Now, at the hearing, there has to be a majority of- [instruments playing] Boy, 10,000 signatures? This is gonna be a long day. Hops, we better pee before we go. [screaming] Monster! Cool. Where? [screaming, thudding] I'm never going in that bathroom again! You know, Hops, there's an easier way to save the Fishmans. [ribbiting] You're right. We should still pee anyway. Whoa. Wow. You did all this? I'm gonna smell like a farm animal for a week, but some things are worth it. Thank you, Lola, for the best trashiest party ever. You're welcome. Now let's blow out our candles. Happy birthday, Lons. Happy birthday, Lols. Got it. Wait wait, wait. One more for safety. I can't believe you managed to get the exploding candles too. Wait, what? Okay, guys, we got two days to whip Jazzie here into shape. Let's see what we're working with. Aw. Stella said he's one bad bunny, but there are no bad bunnies. Just misunderst- [screaming] Jazzie, come back! Hey. You keep that thing away from my prized petunias, Loud! I'm trying! Whoa, whoa. Sorry about that, Mr. Grouse. Sorry's not gonna bring back my petunias. See that Fishman's? You are now federally protected, which means no one can mess with your home. Fish babies? Aunt Lana and Uncle Hops are here to babysit. You guys enjoy yourselves. Thank you. Are you sure this is a good idea? Oh, Leni, come on. What's her name from the news said there hasn't been a swamp monster sighting - in days. - Okay, I guess. [screaming] [screaming, thudding]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 272,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon show, casagrandes full episode, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, lincoln loud, the loud house full episodes, loud house full episodes, casagrandes full epiosdes, lana loud, compilation, 15 min, ytao_lh
Id: JpLd1iLY8gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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