Lincoln's Plan for the Perfect Halloween! 🎃 | "Tricked!" Full Scene | The Loud House

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Excellent fake blood, Lisa. Add some molasses for better consistency. Hey, Luce, check out our pumpkins. We do ya think? [screaming] Hmm. More blood here. Few more gashes on this one. Knock out a tooth. Add some ooze to those scabs. Dampen the head wound. Halloween's kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you. Totes. I'm so glad Mom finally let you do your haunted corn maze. As am I. I've been waiting my whole life to do this, not to mention my past lives. Fantastic sign work, Luan. Just the right mixture of corn and gore. Ah, shucks, it's just something I cobbled together from a kernel of an idea. [laughing] Oh, yes, a triple. [groaning] I expect more support from my pump-kin. [laughing] Get it? Sigh. Thanks for all your hard work, guys. This is going to be the best Halloween ever. I'm so excited. Trust me, she's excited. [Clyde]<i> Jack-o-Lincoln! Do you copy?</i> Speaking of the best Halloween ever, Clyde and I have some pretty big plans, too. I copy, McBride of Frankenstein. Meet you at the rendezvous point in 15. Over. [Lynn Sr] AAAAAH! I hate Halloween! Oh. Dad must have found the severed limbs I stored in his closet. [chirping] Did anyone follow you? Not a chance, I took evasive maneuvers. For years, there have been rumors of a neighborhood, where people hand out full sized candy bars, instead of tiny bite sized ones. Clyde and I were determined to find this mythological place, so we did some research. By studying satellite photos, analyzing median income levels, and tracking candy buyers throughout Southeastern Michigan. We found it! Huntington Manor. Now we just one more obstacle: getting in. Wait a minute! What have we here? Cheers, Wyatt. We're off to visit the homeland. Have a great trip, Master Alistair. You too, Master Nigel. Ta. See you in a fortnight. I think we may have found our ticket in, Master Nigel. Cheers to that, Master Alistair. [growling] Watch where you're going, doofuses! Ugh! Blood! I think I'm gonna barf! [groaning] Aw, don't barf! That'll make me barf! [groaning] Sorry, guys! I get nosebleeds when I'm scared. Listen, we need some advice. What's the best place to trick-or-treat around here? Yeah, where's the good candy? Uh... Definitely not this neighborhood! No full-size candy bars here. You should try Franklin Avenue, over in Royal Woods. It's great for candy, plus there's an awesome haunted corn maze. Franklin Avenue, eh? We'll check that out. Aw yeah, I can't wait! [laughing] [sighing] Send them to your street? Nice save, buddy. You, too. We worked hard to find this neighborhood. Why should we share it? Exactly. Dr. Lopez says I need to look out for me more. She's worth every penny you're paying her. [squealing] Seven minutes till sunset! Siblings, assemble! It's almost time for the annual ritual of deception versus confection; street name, trick or treating! Four score and seven pieces of candy ago. Give me your tired, your poor, your delicious treats yearning to be in my tummy. Hmm... patriotic, but unlikely to generate maximum candy collection. Oh, yeah? We're also a mermaid and a pirate. And salt and pepper shakers. This way we can hit each house three times. That means three times the candy. Yes, I am familiar with basic multiplication. Your strategy is cute, but mine is far superior. Going as a kangaroo. [scoffs] I doubt it. Kangaroo plus baby roo. [cooing] [gasping] Precisely. That aw factor will increase my candy revenue exponentially. And the best part is, she only has one tooth, so I don't have to share. Snap out of it, Lana. Lincoln! Clyde! Get your butts out here! I thought you guys were going as Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack. Uh, we are. We're Ace and Jack undercover, trying to crack the cause of the missing crumpets. Boy, you guys really don't want candy, do you? Yeah, you're right. We probably won't get much this year. [chuckles] Alright, let's get some candy. Has anyone seen Dad? [whimpering] [groaning] [Lynn Sr] I don't know why everything's scary. [whimpering] Let's go, Father! Chop chop! These candy bags won't fill themselves. Though, I am working on a prototype which will do exactly that. Uh, sorry, kids. I can't go. I think I have the flu. Or the plague. Or a Charley Horse. Ugh. We go through this every year! [screaming] I don't wanna! I don't wanna! Your Dad's doing better this year. Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Hey, where are you two going? Nowhere. We, uh, just decided to go through the neighborhood counterclockwise this year. Seems like an odd, pointless choice. Much like your costumes. Have fun, boys. AH! Spider web! It's a loose thread on your shirt. Well, I guess I can't trick-or-treat if my shirt's falling apart, right? Nice try. [yelping]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 249,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, the loud house, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, tricked loud house, tricked full episode, halloween, lincoln loud, trick or treat, ytao_lh
Id: vTp3piAxBfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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