Extreme Snow Days & Coldest Moments! 🥶 | The Loud House & Casagrandes

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What exactly are we doing? Playing corpsicle. It's my favorite snow game. How do you win? By getting hypothermia? Yes. W-w-why is it-- Why is it so cold in here? Oof! Whoa. I read a study that said sleeping in sub-zero temperatures stimulates brain function. Gotta be sharp for your test tomorrow. Ah! What's happening? A second study said it's best to sleep upside down, so all the blood goes to your head. - What if I have to pee? - Hold it. A third study set a full bladder can improve memory function. My research shows that exposure to extreme heat, followed by extreme cold will help rejuvenate your cells. Uh. What's this extreme cold you're talking about? Oh, forget this. You're weak, Bernie. Weak! I'm not so sure about this, Lis. Please, Pop-pop? It's necessary. [grunting] Hot diggity dog! - Okay, I'm good. - Na-ah! Thirty minutes. You get used to do it. Woo-hoo! Sledding! What do you think, Lis? I think my buttocks are cold. [grunting] And now bruised. Here's another snow day classic. Snow fort! Come on in. You've got to check out the built in cup holders. Hmm. Lacks cross beams, load-bearing walls, a solid foundation. All choices I made. Hardly up to code. It's collapsible, too. How about letting old Lans take the reins? Knock yourself out. My buttocks are cold and bruised, [shivering] Every part of my body is shivering, even my hair. A little skating will warm us up. I think Becky is the only one who likes this weather. [grunting] It's as cool as her heart. [shivering] It's gonna be like this for months. How are we supposed to skate? Maybe we can find somewhere inside to do it. Wait, what's that place at school where the sport's bros hang out? It's a dude's first name. The gym? That's a great idea, Nikki. Come on. You wimps! This is warm. I take showers colder than this. [grunting] Whoops. This must be the closet where they keep their snow. No, Lenny. We're snowed in. Aw, man. Are we gonna be stuck here all night? No! I just worked a twelve hour shift. I can't take another second in this greasy dungeon. Sorry, buddy. There's snow way out. Hey, guys, think we could turn off the AC? But we're trying to stay cool. You know who else wants to stay cool? This guy. Aw! Look, I'm your number one fan. [laughing] Good one, honey. Um. We kind of need that. Not anymore. Who wants air conditioning? Abuelo and I turned the old raspado machine into an AC unit. The air may smell permanently like raspberry ice, but it does the trick. Mm! [cheering] Ooh. You guys got AC? I'd love to cool off my bumbito. Sure, Vito. That'll be five dollars. Whoa-whoa! Phew. Watch your step, Bobby. There's a slippery spot here. Whoa! [gasping] There. And with that, our snowmen house of horrors is finally complete. [screaming] [grunting] Phew. [grunting] Bobby, are you okay? Oh... huh? [grunting] - That must be Dad. - What? My tongue is stuck. [screaming] Watch this, Lis. You're gonna love snow pranks. Frost butt! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! [laughing] Oh, man. Classic Luan. Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! As the famous Shackleton expedition has shown us, loosing a buttock to frostbite is no laughing matter. Yeesh. I'd really like to make a crack right now, but it's no time to be cheeky. [laughing] Get it? Unfortunately, yes. Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Welcome to Canada. Here's your complimentary snowsuit and tuque. You're going to want to put those on. Thanks, but I'm all set-- Ah! Don't worry. You're going to love it here. <i> ♪ Welcome to Canada ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's a treat This time of year ♪</i> <i> ♪ So go on, mount your moose For your commute ♪</i> <i> ♪ That's how we get Around round here ♪</i> <i> ♪ Try the ketchup chips Just costs a loonie ♪</i> <i> ♪ Don't resist. The chinook winds are ♪</i> <i> ♪ Very, very Extraordinary-nary ♪</i> <i> ♪ So if you love ♪</i> <i> ♪ Mounties, gravy Bags of milk ♪</i> <i> ♪ A minus 50 morning chill ♪</i> <i> ♪ We got it, boys So come and seize the day ♪</i> <i> ♪ Go and break the ice ♪</i> <i> ♪ And make a life north Of the USA ♪</i> <i> ♪ Welcome to Canada You're in Canada ♪</i> <i> ♪ The hottest day is ten below♪</i> <i> ♪ Your snot will freeze Don't blow your nose ♪</i> <i> ♪ In Canada You're in Canada ♪</i> <i> ♪ Come try the best Poutine around ♪</i> <i> ♪ Watch hockey pucks Grow from the ground ♪</i> <i> ♪ We've got them most Maple syrup per capita ♪</i> <i> ♪ Welcome to Canada ♪</i> <i> ♪ Skate up to Saskatchewan You'll never see the sun ♪</i> <i> ♪ The beavers and the lumberjak Both look the same to everyone</i> <i> ♪ I think we've got a baseball Team but no one really knows ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's impossible to tell under The twenty feet of snow ♪</i> <i> ♪ The 30 feet of snow ♪</i> <i> ♪ The 40 feet, the 50 feet Oh no, oh no, oh no ♪</i> <i> ♪ Welcome home ♪</i> <i> ♪ To Canada It's Canada! ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's C-A-N-A-D-A Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh ♪</i> [grunting] We should test Laluk. Can you please make it... snow? I knew he was a real! - No way! - Snow day! Huh? Seriously? The forecast said seventies, not seven. Now I have to change my outfit. Okay, we've had our fun. We'd better get that statue back to the gallery. Prima, prima. What's the rush? Show's not until tomorrow. We'll give it back. Let's just have a little fun first. I guess we can keep it a little longer. We did just get new water blasters. Jim Sparkledo here and I hope you have your snow gear ready, because we are having an unusually early winter. Com-- What's that? It's ninety degrees now? How is that possible? - All right! Woo-hoo! - Yeah! So what should we do first? Go sledding? - I'll grab Big Red II! - Uh-uh. There. Now we're good. My dads don't want us to get frostbite. Ah. Here. I've had a lot of practice with this. What if I have to pee? Not a problem. Just give me fifteen minute's notice. Dock time! Come on, guys. We have to jump in. Such a classic senior moment. Last one in is a boogie butt! Lori, don't! The lake is so cold. You'll freeze your butt off. Come on. All these senior moments are getting to be too much. Too much? I don't get it. I thought you guys were having a good time. I'm sorry, Lori. We really tried. but this stuff just isn't us. Yeah, I want to leave. This is my last polo. You coming, Lori? No, I'll get a ride from my mom later. You guys might be okay with giving up on the best senior year ever, but I am not. Well, you know where we'll be if you change your mind. [sighing] Seniors! [gasping] My g-g-g-g-gosh. Lake party making a splash. Best senior year ever. [biting] [screaming] Merry Christmas. Your sweater party is back on. Knit Christmas sweaters all night! Moth free! You guys are a real mothful. Now you can video chat with your son and hit the slopes at the same time, Vito. You guys thought of everything. Who needs a polar bear club when you can swim in this super cold water? Oh yeah, that's the stuff. [groaning] Yes, it's open. I've still got time. Attention, shoppers. The Royal Woods Mall is now closed. I'm sure your loved ones will understand how badly you messed up. Merry Christmas! [sighing] What do you mean you didn't get me anything? [crying] Well, I guess it's better than nothing. I can't believe Burpin' Burger is so crowded on Christmas Eve. Well, hey there, little pork cracklin'. Welcome to the Forgot To Do Your Christmas Shopping Club. Me and my sister, Merrill, said that we weren't going to do gifts this year. And wouldn't you know it, I hear through the grapevine she's crocheted me a car cover. [groaning] One Burpin' Burger gift card, please. Sorry. We're sold out. [groaning] [screaming] Bobby, cover me while I call Par for the code. All right, you two, it on like Abuela's flan. Oh hey, I can talk again. [grunting] I bit my tongue. Hey, Par, it's Ronnie Anne. Merry Christmas. Oh. You're skiing? Right now? Oh, okay, okay. I just need a quick favor. [grunting] Okay. The code is 7-2-6-9... Highs? Or fries? [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] Oh, five! Got it. Thanks, Par. Enjoy the slopes. Bobby, I got the code. You're in that snowman, aren't you? [shivering] This water is colder than a liquid nitrogen freeze chamber in winter. Why are we out here pray tell? Leonard Loud's crew catches its own chow. Why, back in my seafaring days, we ate nothing but fresh fish. Hey, pal, we got these new fangled things called grocery stores now. You know, you buy things? Aw, why buy fish when you can catch it? Whoa! Your turn, and I want everyone to do it the right way: by hand. Woo-hoo-hoo! Look what I caught! [squealing] Ooh, cold. Aw, dang. All out of wood. Gotcha! [screaming] [music playing] My Mercado! Don't worry. We moved the Mercado to a nice cozy nook with AC. You better wear this. Good luck. Ay, ¡qué frío! Chicos y chicas, I give you, the one and only Rosa! Lalo, lime me. [yelling] Hey, Hector. Looks like the tacos are such a hit, you have no more Mercado. At least it's not raining. [thunder rumbling] Is that all you got? [screaming] [gasping] Lincoln, I know this probably sounds lame to a tough guy like you, but I'm hungry and wet. and cold, and I kind of wish I were with my dads at the B&B eating welcome scones. Raspados! Get your ice cold raspados! Ooh! Order up! Here you go. [squawking] Now that's refreshing. [screaming] Sergio! [groaning] You're contaminating the merch. I don't care if it's bird-flavored. It's hot. I'll take three. - Yeah. - Me too. You guys, we got a line forming. On it. Cranking this baby to the max. Uh, that's not good. [gasping] [screaming] Oh my! [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] Shut it down, Bobby! I'm sorry! The toggle won't toggle! Uh, I guess Abuelo hadn't fixed it yet. [groaning] So much for our AC unit. That's okay. We just have to think of another way to raise the money. I knew we should have sprung for the moose with a bigger caboose. Are we there yet? Let me check the GPS. I think it's frozen. J-j-just to give it a good whack. Sweet. Now we don't have a map, Um, guys? That might be the least of our problems. [moaning] A yeti. Stand back, everyone. I'm highly trained in cryptic combat. [grunting] Lincoln! You came for us! Yeah. I was worried. You guys should have been here hours ago. - What happened? - Don't ask. Liam, you got any more of that butter? I'm freezing my stash off. No! [coughing] Huh? Snow? I must be dreaming. Wake up, Carl. Ow! You woke me up. - Snow? - We're not dreaming. Something's wrong. [gasping] What's with the snow in the apartment? Were you playing with Laluk all night? - I haven't touched him. - Me neither. You think Laluk's mad because we messed around with the weather? [gasping] I think that's ancient deity for "yes". Dad's going to be so mad. Forget Dad. We angered the gods. Why did you make us keep him, Ronnie Anne? Me? This was your idea. We have to get him back to the gallery now. What is your secret, Lola Loud? Lola, come back! Don't you want me to put more of that pink crud on your toenails? [gasping] Busted! I said no sweets before dinner, Mr. Sprinkles. Brr, it's cold in here. [screaming] Youch! [moaning] Where the heck did this cactus come from? Well, another Christmas has come and gone. But this year I got the best present ever. A new friend. I think from now on, things are going to be pretty different around here. Ha-ha! Yeah! [screaming] Loud! Maybe not that different.
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 811,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, ytao_lh, ytao_casa, compilation the, fun
Id: T8rPgGyG2c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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